mirror of https://github.com/ergochat/ergo.git synced 2025-03-10 08:20:43 +01:00

Merge pull request #506 from oragono/l10n_master

New Crowdin translations
This commit is contained in:
Shivaram Lingamneni 2019-05-21 00:32:56 -04:00 committed by GitHub
commit 9a27806b4f
No known key found for this signature in database
3 changed files with 32 additions and 31 deletions

View File

@ -15,26 +15,26 @@
"DEBUG <option>\n\nPrints debug information about the IRCd. <option> can be one of:\n\n* GCSTATS: Garbage control statistics.\n* NUMGOROUTINE: Number of goroutines in use.\n* STARTCPUPROFILE: Starts the CPU profiler.\n* STOPCPUPROFILE: Stops the CPU profiler.\n* PROFILEHEAP: Writes out the CPU profiler info.": "",
"DLINE [ANDKILL] [MYSELF] [duration] <ip>/<net> [ON <server>] [reason [| oper reason]]\nDLINE LIST\n\nBans an IP address or network from connecting to the server. If the duration is\ngiven then only for that long. The reason is shown to the user themselves, but\neveryone else will see a standard message. The oper reason is shown to\noperators getting info about the DLINEs that exist.\n\nBans are saved across subsequent launches of the server.\n\n\"ANDKILL\" means that all matching clients are also removed from the server.\n\n\"MYSELF\" is required when the DLINE matches the address the person applying it is connected\nfrom. If \"MYSELF\" is not given, trying to DLINE yourself will result in an error.\n\n[duration] can be of the following forms:\n\t1y 12mo 31d 10h 8m 13s\n\n<net> is specified in typical CIDR notation. For example:\n\t127.0.0.1/8\n\t8.8.8.8/24\n\nON <server> specifies that the ban is to be set on that specific server.\n\n[reason] and [oper reason], if they exist, are separated by a vertical bar (|).\n\nIf \"DLINE LIST\" is sent, the server sends back a list of our current DLINEs.": "",
"HELP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "",
"HELPOP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "",
"HELPOP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "HELPOP <argument>\n\nAfișează o explicație pentru <argument>, sau \"index\" pentru o listă cu tematica de ajutor disponibilă.",
"HISTORY <target> [limit]\n\nReplay message history. <target> can be a channel name, \"me\" to replay direct\nmessage history, or a nickname to replay another client's direct message\nhistory (they must be logged into the same account as you). At most [limit]\nmessages will be replayed.": "HISTORY <țintă> [limită]\n\nRedă istoricul mesajelor. <țintă> poate fi un nume de canal, \"me\" pentru a reda\nistoricul direct al mesajelor, sau un pseudonim, pentru a reda istoricul direct de mesaje\nal unui alt client (ce trebuie să fie autentificat la același cont ca și tine). Mesajele vor\nfi redate în cadrul [limită].",
"HOSTSERV <command> [params]\n\nHostServ lets you manage your vhost (a string displayed in place of your\nreal hostname).": "HOSTSERV <comandă> [parametri]\n\nServiciul HostServ îți permite administrarea de gazde virtuale (un șir de caractere, afișat\nîn locul gazdei inițiale, setate de IRCd).",
"HS <command> [params]\n\nHostServ lets you manage your vhost (a string displayed in place of your\nreal hostname).": "HS <comandă> [parametri]\n\nServiciul HostServ îți permite administrarea de gazde virtuale (un șir de caractere, afișat\nîn locul gazdei inițiale, setate de IRCd).",
"INFO\n\nSends information about the server, developers, etc.": "",
"INVITE <nickname> <channel>\n\nInvites the given user to the given channel, so long as you have the\nappropriate channel privs.": "",
"ISON <nickname>{ <nickname>}\n\nReturns whether the given nicks exist on the network.": "",
"INFO\n\nSends information about the server, developers, etc.": "INFO\n\nAfișează informații despre server, dezvoltatori etc.",
"INVITE <nickname> <channel>\n\nInvites the given user to the given channel, so long as you have the\nappropriate channel privs.": "INVITE <pseudonim> <canal>\n\nInvită utilizatorul pe canalul precizat, doar dacă ai privilegiile necesare.",
"ISON <nickname>{ <nickname>}\n\nReturns whether the given nicks exist on the network.": "ISON <pseudonim>{ <pseudonim>}\n\nAfișează starea utilizatorilor, dacă sunt conectați la rețea.",
"JOIN <channel>{,<channel>} [<key>{,<key>}]\n\nJoins the given channels with the matching keys.": "",
"KICK <channel> <user> [reason]\n\nRemoves the user from the given channel, so long as you have the appropriate\nchannel privs.": "",
"KILL <nickname> [reason]\n\nRemoves the given user from the network, showing them the reason if it is\nsupplied.": "",
"KLINE [ANDKILL] [MYSELF] [duration] <mask> [ON <server>] [reason [| oper reason]]\nKLINE LIST\n\nBans a mask from connecting to the server. If the duration is given then only for that\nlong. The reason is shown to the user themselves, but everyone else will see a standard\nmessage. The oper reason is shown to operators getting info about the KLINEs that exist.\n\nBans are saved across subsequent launches of the server.\n\n\"ANDKILL\" means that all matching clients are also removed from the server.\n\n\"MYSELF\" is required when the KLINE matches the address the person applying it is connected\nfrom. If \"MYSELF\" is not given, trying to KLINE yourself will result in an error.\n\n[duration] can be of the following forms:\n\t1y 12mo 31d 10h 8m 13s\n\n<mask> is specified in typical IRC format. For example:\n\tdan\n\tdan!5*@127.*\n\nON <server> specifies that the ban is to be set on that specific server.\n\n[reason] and [oper reason], if they exist, are separated by a vertical bar (|).\n\nIf \"KLINE LIST\" is sent, the server sends back a list of our current KLINEs.": "",
"LANGUAGE <code>{ <code>}\n\nSets your preferred languages to the given ones.": "",
"LANGUAGE <code>{ <code>}\n\nSets your preferred languages to the given ones.": "LANGUAGE <cod>{ <cod>}\n\nSetează preferințele lingvistice la cele precizate.",
"LIST [<channel>{,<channel>}] [<elistcond>{,<elistcond>}]\n\nShows information on the given channels (or if none are given, then on all\nchannels). <elistcond>s modify how the channels are selected.": "",
"LUSERS [<mask> [<server>]]\n\nShows statistics about the size of the network. If <mask> is given, only\nreturns stats for servers matching the given mask. If <server> is given, the\ncommand is processed by that server.": "",
"MODE <target> [<modestring> [<mode arguments>...]]\n\nSets and removes modes from the given target. For more specific information on\nmode characters, see the help for \"modes\".": "",
"MONITOR <subcmd>\n\nAllows the monitoring of nicknames, for alerts when they are online and\noffline. The subcommands are:\n\n MONITOR + target{,target}\nAdds the given names to your list of monitored nicknames.\n\n MONITOR - target{,target}\nRemoves the given names from your list of monitored nicknames.\n\n MONITOR C\nClears your list of monitored nicknames.\n\n MONITOR L\nLists all the nicknames you are currently monitoring.\n\n MONITOR S\nLists whether each nick in your MONITOR list is online or offline.": "",
"MOTD [server]\n\nReturns the message of the day for this, or the given, server.": "",
"MOTD [server]\n\nReturns the message of the day for this, or the given, server.": "MOTD [server]\n\nDacă este folosită fără argument, afișează mesajul zilei pentru serverul curent.\nFolosită cu argument, afișează mesajul zilei pentru serverul precizat.",
"NAMES [<channel>{,<channel>}]\n\nViews the clients joined to a channel and their channel membership prefixes. To\nview the channel membership prefixes supported by this server, see the help for\n\"PREFIX\".": "",
"NICK <newnick>\n\nSets your nickname to the new given one.": "",
"NICKSERV <subcommand> [params]\n\nNickServ controls accounts and user registrations.": "",
"NICK <newnick>\n\nSets your nickname to the new given one.": "NICK <pseudonim nou>\n\nÎți modifică pseudonimul actual, în cel precizat, dacă nu este utilizat de către altcineva.",
"NICKSERV <subcommand> [params]\n\nNickServ controls accounts and user registrations.": "NICKSERV <subcomandă> [parametri]\n\nNickServ administrează conturile și înregistrările utilizatorilor.",
"NOTICE <target>{,<target>} <text to be sent>\n\nSends the text to the given targets as a NOTICE.": "",
"NPC <target> <sourcenick> <text to be sent>\n\t\t\nThe NPC command is used to send a message to the target as the source.\n\nRequires the roleplay mode (+E) to be set on the target.": "",
"NPCA <target> <sourcenick> <text to be sent>\n\t\t\nThe NPC command is used to send an action to the target as the source.\n\nRequires the roleplay mode (+E) to be set on the target.": "",
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"RPL_ISUPPORT PREFIX\n\nOragono supports the following channel membership prefixes:\n\n +q (~) | Founder channel mode.\n +a (&) | Admin channel mode.\n +o (@) | Operator channel mode.\n +h (%) | Halfop channel mode.\n +v (+) | Voice channel mode.": "",
"SAJOIN [nick] #channel{,#channel}\n\nForcibly joins a user to a channel, ignoring restrictions like bans, user limits\nand channel keys. If [nick] is omitted, it defaults to the operator.": "SAJOIN [pseudonim] #canal{,#canal}\n\nPermite alăturarea unui utilizator, în mod forțat, pe un canal, ignorând anumite restricții,\nprecum ban, limitări de utilizatori, sau chei de canal. Dacă [pseudonim] este omis,\ncomanda va funcționa, implicit, pentru operator.",
"SAMODE <target> [<modestring> [<mode arguments>...]]\n\nForcibly sets and removes modes from the given target -- only available to\nopers. For more specific information on mode characters, see the help for\n\"cmode\" and \"umode\".": "",
"SANICK <currentnick> <newnick>\n\nGives the given user a new nickname.": "",
"SCENE <target> <text to be sent>\n\nThe SCENE command is used to send a scene notification to the given target.": "",
"SANICK <currentnick> <newnick>\n\nGives the given user a new nickname.": "SANICK <pseudonim_actual> <pseudonim_nou>\n\nModifică pseudonimul pentru un utilizator.",
"SCENE <target> <text to be sent>\n\nThe SCENE command is used to send a scene notification to the given target.": "SCENE <țintă> <text de expediat>\n\nComanda SCENE este utilizată pentru a expedia o notificare scenică unei ținte precizate.",
"SETNAME <realname>\n\nThe SETNAME command updates the realname to be the newly-given one.": "SETNAME <nume real>\n\nComanda SETNAME actualizează numele real la cel furnizat recent.",
"TIME [server]\n\nShows the time of the current, or the given, server.": "",
"TOPIC <channel> [topic]\n\nIf [topic] is given, sets the topic in the channel to that. If [topic] is not\ngiven, views the current topic on the channel.": "",
"TIME [server]\n\nShows the time of the current, or the given, server.": "TIME [server]\n\nAfișează ora serverului la care te-ai conectat, dacă este folosită fără argumente,\nsau ora serverului precizat ca și argument.",
"TOPIC <channel> [topic]\n\nIf [topic] is given, sets the topic in the channel to that. If [topic] is not\ngiven, views the current topic on the channel.": "TOPIC <canal> [temă de discuție]\n\nDacă este furnizat argumentul [temă de discuție], setează topica pentru canal.\nDacă argumentul [temă de discuție] este omis, afișează topica existentă pe\ncanal.",
"UNDLINE <ip>/<net>\n\nRemoves an existing ban on an IP address or a network.\n\n<net> is specified in typical CIDR notation. For example:\n\t127.0.0.1/8\n\t8.8.8.8/24": "",
"UNKLINE <mask>\n\nRemoves an existing ban on a mask.\n\nFor example:\n\tdan\n\tdan!5*@127.*": "",
"USER <username> 0 * <realname>\n\nUsed in connection registration, sets your username and realname to the given\nvalues (though your username may also be looked up with Ident).": "",

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"$bWarning: unregistering this channel will remove all stored channel attributes.$b": "$bAvertisment: ștergerea acestui canal, va conduce la anularea tuturor atributelor salvate.$b",
"%[1]d. User %[2]s requests vhost: %[3]s": "%[1]d. Utilizatorul %[2]s a solicitat gazda virtuală: %[3]s",
"%[1]s [account: %[2]s] joined the channel": "%[1]s [cont: %[2]s] a intrat pe canal",
"%[1]s changed nick to %[2]s": "",
"%[1]s changed nick to %[2]s": "%[1]s și-a schimbat pseudonimul în %[2]s",
"%[1]s kicked %[2]s (%[3]s)": "%[2]s a primit kick de la %[1]s (%[3]s)",
"%[1]s left the channel (%[2]s)": "%[1]s a ieșit de pe canal (%[2]s)",
"%[1]s quit (%[2]s)": "%[1]s a ieșit de pe server (%[2]s)",
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
"Account does not exist": "Contul nu există",
"Account name is not valid": "Numele contului este invalid",
"Account registration is disabled": "Înregistrarea de conturi este dezactivată",
"Account verification successful": "",
"Account verification successful": "Contul a fost verificat cu succes",
"Account: %s": "Cont: %s",
"Actual user@host, Actual IP": "Utilizator@gazdă actual, IP actual",
"Added D-Line for %s": "Am adăugat D-Line pentru %s",
@ -39,11 +39,11 @@
"Bad or unauthorized PROXY command": "Comandă PROXY defectuoasă sau neautorizată",
"Bad password": "Parolă greșită",
"Ban - %[1]s - added by %[2]s - %[3]s": "Ban - %[1]s - adăugat de %[2]s - %[3]s",
"CTCP messages are disabled over Tor": "",
"CTCP messages are disabled over Tor": "Mesajele CTCP sunt dezactivate prin intermediul Tor",
"Can't change modes for other users": "Nu pot schimba moduri pentru alți utilizatori",
"Can't view modes for other users": "Nu poți vizualiza modurile altor utilizatori",
"Cannot join channel (+%s)": "Nu poți intra pe canal (+%s)",
"Cannot rename channel": "",
"Cannot rename channel": "Canalul nu poate fi redenumit",
"Cannot resume a client with multiple attached sessions": "",
"Cannot resume connection": "Nu pot relua conexiunea",
"Cannot resume connection from Tor to non-Tor or vice versa": "",
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
"Cannot resume connection, old and new clients must have TLS": "Nu pot relua conexiunea, ambii clienți, vechi și nou, trebuie să aibă TLS",
"Cannot resume connection, token is not valid": "Nu se poate relua conexiunea, jetonul este invalid",
"Cannot send to channel": "Nu poți trimite pe canal",
"Cannot send verification code there": "",
"Cannot send verification code there": "Nu pot expedia codul de verificare la acea destinație",
"Channel %[1]s has %[2]d persistent modes set": "Canalul %[1]s are setate %[2]d fanioane persistente",
"Channel %s is now unregistered": "Canalul %s nu mai este înregistrat",
"Channel %s successfully registered": "Canalul %s a fost înregistrat cu succes",
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
"Channel is not registered": "Canalul nu este înregistrat",
"Channel list is full": "Lista canalelor este plină",
"Channel name is not valid": "Numele canalului este invalid",
"Channel renamed": "",
"Channel renamed": "Canalul a fost redenumit",
"Channel renamed: %s": "Canal redenumit: %s",
"Client reconnected": "Clientul s-a reconectat",
"Client reconnected (up to %d seconds of history lost)": "Clientul s-a reconectat (până la %d secunde de istoric, pierdute)",
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
"Could not successfully save new D-LINE: %s": "N-am putut salva noul D-LINE: %s",
"Could not successfully save new K-LINE: %s": "N-am putut salva noul K-LINE: %s",
"Could not ungroup nick": "Nu am putut degrupa pseudonimul",
"Created at: %s": "",
"Created at: %s": "Data creării: %s",
"Credential type is not supported": "Tipul acreditărilor nu este suportat",
"End of /HELPOP": "Sfârșit /HELPOP",
"End of /INFO": "Sfârșit /INFO",
@ -94,11 +94,11 @@
"Fake source must be a valid nickname": "Sursa falsă trebuie să fie un pseudonim valabil",
"First param must be a mask or channel": "Primul parametru trebuie să fie o mască sau un canal",
"GHOSTed by %s": "%s a folosit GHOST",
"HELPOP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "",
"HELPOP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "HELPOP <argument>\n\nAfișează o explicație pentru <argument>, sau \"index\" pentru o listă cu tematica de ajutor disponibilă.",
"Help not found": "Fișierul de ajutor nu a fost găsit",
"Hostname: %s": "",
"Hostname: %s": "Numele gazdei: %s",
"I have %[1]d clients and %[2]d servers": "Am conectați %[1]d clienți și %[2]d server(e)",
"IP address: %s": "",
"IP address: %s": "Adresa IP: %s",
"IRC Operators online": "Operatori IRC online",
"Input line too long": "",
"Insufficient oper privs": "Privilegii de operator insuficiente",
@ -112,15 +112,15 @@
"Invalid vhost": "Gazdă virtuală invalidă",
"It was rejected for reason: %s": "Motivul respingerii a fost următorul: %s",
"JOIN 0 is not allowed": "JOIN 0 nu este permis",
"Language %s is not supported by this server": "",
"Language %s is not supported by this server": "Limba %s nu este suportată de acest server",
"Language preferences have been set": "Preferințele lingvistice au fost setate",
"Last active: %s": "",
"Last active: %s": "Ultima activitate: %s",
"MOTD File is missing": "Fișierul MOTD lipsește",
"Malformed username": "Nume de utilizator deformat",
"Mask isn't valid": "Mască invalidă",
"Must register with current nickname instead of separate account name": "",
"Network service, for more info /msg %s HELP": "Este un serviciu de rețea, pentru informații suplimentare, folosește comanda /msg %s HELP",
"Nickname %[1]s has %[2]d attached session(s)": "",
"Nickname %[1]s has %[2]d attached session(s)": "Pseudonimul %[1]s are %[2]d sesiuni atașate",
"Nickname is already in use": "Pseudonimul este folosit deja",
"Nickname is reserved by a different account": "Pseudonimul este rezervat de un cont diferit",
"No DLINEs have been set!": "Niciun DLINE setat!",
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
"No topic is set": "Nu este setată nicio temă de discuție",
"Not enough parameters": "Parametri insuficienți",
"Only channel founders can change registered channels": "Doar fondatorii de canale pot schimba canalele înregistrate",
"Only the channel founder can do this": "",
"Only the channel founder can do this": "Doar fondatorul canalului are dreptul acesta",
"Oragono is released under the MIT license.": "Oragono este disponibil sub licența MIT.",
"Passphrase contains forbidden characters or is otherwise invalid": "Parola conține caractere nepermise sau este invalidă din alte cauze",
"Password changed": "Parolă schimbată",
@ -147,8 +147,8 @@
"Received malformed line": "Am primit linie deformată",
"Registered at: %s": "Înregistrat la: %s",
"Registered channel: %s": "Canal înregistrat: %s",
"Registering your account with email address %s": "",
"Registering your account with no email address": "",
"Registering your account with email address %s": "Îți înregistrez contul pentru adresa de poștă electronică %s",
"Registering your account with no email address": "Îți înregistrez contul fără adresă de poștă electronică asociată",
"Registration requires a valid e-mail address": "Pentru înregistrare, este necesară o adresă validă de e-mail",
"Rehashing": "Efectuez Rehash",
"Remote servers not yet supported": "Nu sunt suportate încă serverele la distanță",
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@
"SASL authentication failed: authcid and authzid should be the same": "Autentificare SASL eșuată: authcid și authzid ar trebui să fie similare",
"SASL message too long": "Mesaj SASL prea lung",
"Server notice masks": "Măști de anunț de server",
"Session %d (currently attached session):": "",
"Session %d (currently attached session):": "Sesiunea %d (sesiunea atașată în mod curent):",
"Session %d:": "Sesiune %d:",
"Some additional message history may have been lost": "Este posibil ca unele mesaje adiționale din istoric să fi fost pierdute",
"Successfully approved vhost request for %s": "Solicitarea de gazdă virtuală pentru %s a fost aprobată cu succes",
@ -222,8 +222,8 @@
"You have too many nicks reserved already (you can remove some with /NS DROP)": "Ai prea multe pseudonime rezervate (poți renunța la unele dintre ele cu comanda /NS DROP)",
"You may not reregister": "Nu te poți reînregistra",
"You must be an oper on the channel to register it": "Trebuie să fi operator pe canal, pentru a-l putea înregistra",
"You must be registered to join that channel": "",
"You must connect with a TLS client certificate to use certfp": "",
"You must be registered to join that channel": "Trebuie să te înregistrezi pentru a intra pe acel canal",
"You must connect with a TLS client certificate to use certfp": "Trebuie să te conectezi cu un certificat TLS de client pentru a putea folosi certfp",
"You must specify an account": "Este necesar să specifici un cont",
"You must wait an additional %v before making another request": "Trebuie să aștepți o durată suplimentară de %v pentru o nouă solicitare",
"You need to either supply a passphrase or be connected via TLS with a client cert": "Trebuie să furnizezi o parolă său să te conectezi via TLS, cu un certificat de client",

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
name: "Українська"
code: "uk"
contributors: "Example Person <example@example.com>"
incomplete: true