mirror of https://github.com/ergochat/ergo.git synced 2024-12-22 02:32:39 +01:00

clean up nil checks relevant to always-on join

This commit is contained in:
Shivaram Lingamneni 2020-02-20 03:02:39 -05:00
parent 282e7a4d57
commit 8031085c26
2 changed files with 8 additions and 46 deletions

View File

@ -724,6 +724,10 @@ func (channel *Channel) Join(client *Client, key string, isSajoin bool, rb *Resp
if rb == nil {
var modestr string
if givenMode != 0 {
modestr = fmt.Sprintf("+%v", givenMode)
@ -731,7 +735,7 @@ func (channel *Channel) Join(client *Client, key string, isSajoin bool, rb *Resp
for _, member := range channel.Members() {
for _, session := range member.Sessions() {
if rb != nil && session == rb.session {
if session == rb.session {
} else if client == session.client {
@ -748,13 +752,13 @@ func (channel *Channel) Join(client *Client, key string, isSajoin bool, rb *Resp
if rb != nil && rb.session.capabilities.Has(caps.ExtendedJoin) {
if rb.session.capabilities.Has(caps.ExtendedJoin) {
rb.AddFromClient(message.Time, message.Msgid, details.nickMask, details.accountName, nil, "JOIN", chname, details.accountName, details.realname)
} else {
rb.AddFromClient(message.Time, message.Msgid, details.nickMask, details.accountName, nil, "JOIN", chname)
if rb != nil && rb.session.client == client {
if rb.session.client == client {
// don't send topic and names for a SAJOIN of a different client
channel.SendTopic(client, rb, false)
channel.Names(client, rb)
@ -763,9 +767,7 @@ func (channel *Channel) Join(client *Client, key string, isSajoin bool, rb *Resp
// TODO #259 can be implemented as Flush(false) (i.e., nonblocking) while holding joinPartMutex
if rb != nil {
channel.autoReplayHistory(client, rb, message.Msgid)
channel.autoReplayHistory(client, rb, message.Msgid)
func (channel *Channel) autoReplayHistory(client *Client, rb *ResponseBuffer, skipMsgid string) {

View File

@ -58,10 +58,6 @@ func NewResponseBuffer(session *Session) *ResponseBuffer {
func (rb *ResponseBuffer) AddMessage(msg ircmsg.IrcMessage) {
if rb == nil {
if rb.finalized {
rb.target.server.logger.Error("internal", "message added to finalized ResponseBuffer, undefined behavior")
@ -84,20 +80,12 @@ func (rb *ResponseBuffer) setNestedBatchTag(msg *ircmsg.IrcMessage) {
// Add adds a standard new message to our queue.
func (rb *ResponseBuffer) Add(tags map[string]string, prefix string, command string, params ...string) {
if rb == nil {
rb.AddMessage(ircmsg.MakeMessage(tags, prefix, command, params...))
// Broadcast adds a standard new message to our queue, then sends an unlabeled copy
// to all other sessions.
func (rb *ResponseBuffer) Broadcast(tags map[string]string, prefix string, command string, params ...string) {
if rb == nil {
// can't reuse the IrcMessage object because of tag pollution :-\
rb.Add(tags, prefix, command, params...)
for _, session := range rb.session.client.Sessions() {
@ -109,10 +97,6 @@ func (rb *ResponseBuffer) Broadcast(tags map[string]string, prefix string, comma
// AddFromClient adds a new message from a specific client to our queue.
func (rb *ResponseBuffer) AddFromClient(time time.Time, msgid string, fromNickMask string, fromAccount string, tags map[string]string, command string, params ...string) {
if rb == nil {
msg := ircmsg.MakeMessage(nil, fromNickMask, command, params...)
if rb.session.capabilities.Has(caps.MessageTags) {
@ -134,10 +118,6 @@ func (rb *ResponseBuffer) AddFromClient(time time.Time, msgid string, fromNickMa
// AddSplitMessageFromClient adds a new split message from a specific client to our queue.
func (rb *ResponseBuffer) AddSplitMessageFromClient(fromNickMask string, fromAccount string, tags map[string]string, command string, target string, message utils.SplitMessage) {
if rb == nil {
if message.Is512() {
rb.AddFromClient(message.Time, message.Msgid, fromNickMask, fromAccount, tags, command, target, message.Message)
} else {
@ -185,10 +165,6 @@ func (rb *ResponseBuffer) sendBatchEnd(blocking bool) {
// Starts a nested batch (see the ResponseBuffer struct definition for a description of
// how this works)
func (rb *ResponseBuffer) StartNestedBatch(batchType string, params ...string) (batchID string) {
if rb == nil {
batchID = rb.session.generateBatchID()
msgParams := make([]string, len(params)+2)
msgParams[0] = "+" + batchID
@ -218,10 +194,6 @@ func (rb *ResponseBuffer) EndNestedBatch(batchID string) {
// Convenience to start a nested batch for history lines, at the highest level
// supported by the client (`history`, `chathistory`, or no batch, in descending order).
func (rb *ResponseBuffer) StartNestedHistoryBatch(params ...string) (batchID string) {
if rb == nil {
var batchType string
if rb.session.capabilities.Has(caps.EventPlayback) {
batchType = "history"
@ -238,10 +210,6 @@ func (rb *ResponseBuffer) StartNestedHistoryBatch(params ...string) (batchID str
// Afterwards, the buffer is in an undefined state and MUST NOT be used further.
// If `blocking` is true you MUST be sending to the client from its own goroutine.
func (rb *ResponseBuffer) Send(blocking bool) error {
if rb == nil {
return nil
return rb.flushInternal(true, blocking)
@ -250,10 +218,6 @@ func (rb *ResponseBuffer) Send(blocking bool) error {
// to ensure that the final `BATCH -` message is sent.
// If `blocking` is true you MUST be sending to the client from its own goroutine.
func (rb *ResponseBuffer) Flush(blocking bool) error {
if rb == nil {
return nil
return rb.flushInternal(false, blocking)
@ -328,9 +292,5 @@ func (rb *ResponseBuffer) flushInternal(final bool, blocking bool) error {
// Notice sends the client the given notice from the server.
func (rb *ResponseBuffer) Notice(text string) {
if rb == nil {
rb.Add(nil, rb.target.server.name, "NOTICE", rb.target.Nick(), text)