mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 04:50:55 +01:00
Refactor nickserv.go to better support NS HELP and translations
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,51 +5,124 @@ package irc
import (
// TODO: "email" is an oversimplification here; it's actually any callback, e.g.,
// person@example.com, mailto:person@example.com, tel:16505551234.
const nickservHelp = `NickServ lets you register and log into a user account.
const nickservHelp = `NickServ lets you register and login to an account.
To register an account:
/NS REGISTER username email [password]
Leave out [password] if you're registering using your client certificate fingerprint.
The server may or may not allow you to register anonymously (by sending * as your
email address).
To see in-depth help for a specific NickServ command, try:
$b/NS HELP <command>$b
To verify an account (if you were sent a verification code):
/NS VERIFY username code
Here are the commands you can use:
To unregister an account:
/NS UNREGISTER [username]
Leave out [username] if you're unregistering the user you're currently logged in as.
type nsCommand struct {
capabs []string // oper capabs the given user has to have to access this command
handler func(server *Server, client *Client, command, params string, rb *ResponseBuffer)
help string
helpShort string
nickReservation bool // nick reservation must be enabled to use this command
oper bool // true if the user has to be an oper to use this command
To login to an account:
/NS IDENTIFY [username password]
Leave out [username password] to use your client certificate fingerprint. Otherwise,
the given username and password will be used.
var (
nickservCommands = map[string]*nsCommand{
"drop": {
handler: nsDropHandler,
help: `Syntax: $bDROP [nickname]$b
To see account information:
/NS INFO [username]
Leave out [username] to see your own account information.
DROP de-links the given (or your current) nickname from your user account.`,
helpShort: `$bDROP$b de-links your current (or the given) nickname from your user account.`,
nickReservation: true,
"ghost": {
handler: nsGhostHandler,
help: `Syntax: $bGHOST <nickname>$b
To associate your current nick with the account you're logged into:
GHOST disconnects the given user from the network if they're logged in with the
same user account, letting you reclaim your nickname.`,
helpShort: `$bGHOST$b reclaims your nickname.`,
"group": {
handler: nsGroupHandler,
help: `Syntax: $bGROUP$b
To disassociate a nick with the account you're logged into:
/NS DROP [nickname]
Leave out [nickname] to drop your association with your current nickname.`
GROUP links your current nickname with your logged-in account, preventing other
users from changing to it (or forcing them to rename).`,
helpShort: `$bGROUP$b links your current nickname to your user account.`,
nickReservation: true,
"help": {
help: `Syntax: $bHELP [command]$b
// extractParam extracts a parameter from the given string, returning the param and the rest of the string.
func extractParam(line string) (string, string) {
rawParams := strings.SplitN(strings.TrimSpace(line), " ", 2)
param0 := rawParams[0]
var param1 string
if 1 < len(rawParams) {
param1 = strings.TrimSpace(rawParams[1])
HELP returns information on the given command.`,
helpShort: `$bHELP$b shows in-depth information about commands.`,
"identify": {
handler: nsIdentifyHandler,
help: `Syntax: $bIDENTIFY <username> [password]$b
IDENTIFY lets you login to the given username using either password auth, or
certfp (your client certificate) if a password is not given.`,
helpShort: `$bIDENTIFY$b lets you login to your account.`,
"info": {
handler: nsInfoHandler,
help: `Syntax: $bINFO [username]$b
INFO gives you information about the given (or your own) user account.`,
helpShort: `$bINFO$b gives you information on a user account.`,
"register": {
handler: nsRegisterHandler,
help: `Syntax: $bREGISTER <username> <email> [password]$b
REGISTER lets you register a user account. If the server allows anonymous
registration, you can send an asterisk (*) as the email address.
If the password is left out, your account will be registered to your TLS client
certificate (and you will need to use that certificate to login in future).`,
helpShort: `$bREGISTER$b lets you register a user account.`,
"sadrop": {
handler: nsDropHandler,
help: `Syntax: $bSADROP <nickname>$b
SADROP foribly de-links the given nickname from the attached user account.`,
helpShort: `$bSADROP$b forcibly de-links the given nickname from its user account.`,
nickReservation: true,
capabs: []string{"unregister"},
"unregister": {
handler: nsUnregisterHandler,
help: `Syntax: $bUNREGISTER [username]$b
UNREGISTER lets you delete your user account (or the given one, if you're an
IRC operator with the correct permissions).`,
helpShort: `$bUNREGISTER$b lets you delete your user account.`,
"verify": {
handler: nsVerifyHandler,
help: `Syntax: $bVERIFY <username> <code>$b
VERIFY lets you complete an account registration, if the server requires email
or other verification.`,
helpShort: `$bVERIFY$b lets you complete account registration.`,
return param0, param1
// send a notice from the NickServ "nick"
func nsNotice(rb *ResponseBuffer, text string) {
rb.Add(nil, "NickServ", "NOTICE", rb.target.Nick(), text)
// nickservNoticeHandler handles NOTICEs that NickServ receives.
@ -57,109 +130,217 @@ func (server *Server) nickservNoticeHandler(client *Client, message string, rb *
// do nothing
// send a notice from the NickServ "nick"
func nsNotice(rb *ResponseBuffer, text string) {
rb.Add(nil, "NickServ", "NOTICE", rb.target.Nick(), text)
// nickservPrivmsgHandler handles PRIVMSGs that NickServ receives.
func (server *Server) nickservPrivmsgHandler(client *Client, message string, rb *ResponseBuffer) {
command, params := extractParam(message)
command = strings.ToLower(command)
commandName, params := utils.ExtractParam(message)
commandName = strings.ToLower(commandName)
if command == "help" {
for _, line := range strings.Split(nickservHelp, "\n") {
nsNotice(rb, line)
} else if command == "register" {
// get params
username, afterUsername := extractParam(params)
email, passphrase := extractParam(afterUsername)
server.nickservRegisterHandler(client, username, email, passphrase, rb)
} else if command == "verify" {
username, code := extractParam(params)
server.nickservVerifyHandler(client, username, code, rb)
} else if command == "identify" {
username, passphrase := extractParam(params)
server.nickservIdentifyHandler(client, username, passphrase, rb)
} else if command == "unregister" {
username, _ := extractParam(params)
server.nickservUnregisterHandler(client, username, rb)
} else if command == "ghost" {
nick, _ := extractParam(params)
server.nickservGhostHandler(client, nick, rb)
} else if command == "info" {
nick, _ := extractParam(params)
server.nickservInfoHandler(client, nick, rb)
} else if command == "group" {
server.nickservGroupHandler(client, rb)
} else if command == "drop" {
nick, _ := extractParam(params)
server.nickservDropHandler(client, nick, false, rb)
} else if command == "sadrop" {
nick, _ := extractParam(params)
server.nickservDropHandler(client, nick, true, rb)
} else {
nsNotice(rb, client.t("Command not recognised. To see the available commands, run /NS HELP"))
commandInfo := nickservCommands[commandName]
if commandInfo == nil {
nsNotice(rb, client.t("Unknown command. To see available commands, run /NS HELP"))
func (server *Server) nickservUnregisterHandler(client *Client, username string, rb *ResponseBuffer) {
if !server.AccountConfig().Registration.Enabled {
if commandInfo.oper && !client.HasMode(modes.Operator) {
nsNotice(rb, client.t("Command restricted"))
if 0 < len(commandInfo.capabs) && !client.HasRoleCapabs(commandInfo.capabs...) {
nsNotice(rb, client.t("Command restricted"))
if commandInfo.nickReservation && !server.AccountConfig().Registration.Enabled {
nsNotice(rb, client.t("Account registration has been disabled"))
if username == "" {
username = client.Account()
// custom help handling here to prevent recursive init loop
if commandName == "help" {
nsHelpHandler(server, client, commandName, params, rb)
if username == "" {
if commandInfo.handler == nil {
nsNotice(rb, client.t("Command error. Please report this to the developers"))
commandInfo.handler(server, client, commandName, params, rb)
func nsDropHandler(server *Server, client *Client, command, params string, rb *ResponseBuffer) {
sadrop := command == "sadrop"
nick, _ := utils.ExtractParam(params)
err := server.accounts.SetNickReserved(client, nick, sadrop, false)
if err == nil {
nsNotice(rb, fmt.Sprintf(client.t("Successfully ungrouped nick %s with your account"), nick))
} else if err == errAccountNotLoggedIn {
nsNotice(rb, client.t("You're not logged into an account"))
} else if err == errAccountCantDropPrimaryNick {
nsNotice(rb, client.t("You can't ungroup your primary nickname (try unregistering your account instead)"))
} else if err == errNicknameReserved {
nsNotice(rb, client.t("That nickname is already reserved by someone else"))
} else {
nsNotice(rb, client.t("Could not ungroup nick"))
func nsGhostHandler(server *Server, client *Client, command, params string, rb *ResponseBuffer) {
nick, _ := utils.ExtractParam(params)
account := client.Account()
if account == "" || server.accounts.NickToAccount(nick) != account {
nsNotice(rb, client.t("You don't own that nick"))
ghost := server.clients.Get(nick)
if ghost == nil {
nsNotice(rb, client.t("No such nick"))
} else if ghost == client {
nsNotice(rb, client.t("You can't GHOST yourself (try /QUIT instead)"))
ghost.Quit(fmt.Sprintf(ghost.t("GHOSTed by %s"), client.Nick()))
func nsGroupHandler(server *Server, client *Client, command, params string, rb *ResponseBuffer) {
account := client.Account()
if account == "" {
nsNotice(rb, client.t("You're not logged into an account"))
cfname, err := CasefoldName(username)
if err != nil {
nsNotice(rb, client.t("Invalid username"))
if !(cfname == client.Account() || client.HasRoleCapabs("unregister")) {
nsNotice(rb, client.t("Insufficient oper privs"))
if cfname == client.Account() {
err = server.accounts.Unregister(cfname)
if err == errAccountDoesNotExist {
nsNotice(rb, client.t(err.Error()))
} else if err != nil {
nsNotice(rb, client.t("Error while unregistering account"))
nick := client.NickCasefolded()
err := server.accounts.SetNickReserved(client, nick, false, true)
if err == nil {
nsNotice(rb, fmt.Sprintf(client.t("Successfully grouped nick %s with your account"), nick))
} else if err == errAccountTooManyNicks {
nsNotice(rb, client.t("You have too many nicks reserved already (you can remove some with /NS DROP)"))
} else if err == errNicknameReserved {
nsNotice(rb, client.t("That nickname is already reserved by someone else"))
} else {
nsNotice(rb, fmt.Sprintf(client.t("Successfully unregistered account %s"), cfname))
nsNotice(rb, client.t("Error reserving nickname"))
func (server *Server) nickservVerifyHandler(client *Client, username string, code string, rb *ResponseBuffer) {
err := server.accounts.Verify(client, username, code)
func nsHelpHandler(server *Server, client *Client, command, params string, rb *ResponseBuffer) {
nsNotice(rb, ircfmt.Unescape(client.t("*** $bNickServ HELP$b ***")))
var errorMessage string
if err == errAccountVerificationInvalidCode || err == errAccountAlreadyVerified {
errorMessage = err.Error()
} else if err != nil {
errorMessage = errAccountVerificationFailed.Error()
if params == "" {
// show general help
var shownHelpLines sort.StringSlice
for _, commandInfo := range nickservCommands {
// skip commands user can't access
if commandInfo.oper && !client.HasMode(modes.Operator) {
if 0 < len(commandInfo.capabs) && !client.HasRoleCapabs(commandInfo.capabs...) {
if commandInfo.nickReservation && !server.AccountConfig().Registration.Enabled {
shownHelpLines = append(shownHelpLines, " "+client.t(commandInfo.helpShort))
// sort help lines
// assemble help text
assembledHelpLines := strings.Join(shownHelpLines, "\n")
fullHelp := ircfmt.Unescape(fmt.Sprintf(client.t(nickservHelp), assembledHelpLines))
// push out help text
for _, line := range strings.Split(fullHelp, "\n") {
nsNotice(rb, line)
} else {
commandInfo := nickservCommands[strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(params))]
if commandInfo == nil {
nsNotice(rb, client.t("Unknown command. To see available commands, run /NS HELP"))
} else {
for _, line := range strings.Split(ircfmt.Unescape(client.t(commandInfo.help)), "\n") {
nsNotice(rb, line)
if errorMessage != "" {
nsNotice(rb, client.t(errorMessage))
nsNotice(rb, ircfmt.Unescape(client.t("*** $bEnd of NickServ HELP$b ***")))
func nsIdentifyHandler(server *Server, client *Client, command, params string, rb *ResponseBuffer) {
// fail out if we need to
if !server.AccountConfig().AuthenticationEnabled {
nsNotice(rb, client.t("Login has been disabled"))
sendSuccessfulRegResponse(client, rb, true)
loginSuccessful := false
username, passphrase := utils.ExtractParam(params)
// try passphrase
if username != "" && passphrase != "" {
err := server.accounts.AuthenticateByPassphrase(client, username, passphrase)
loginSuccessful = (err == nil)
// try certfp
if !loginSuccessful && client.certfp != "" {
err := server.accounts.AuthenticateByCertFP(client)
loginSuccessful = (err == nil)
if loginSuccessful {
sendSuccessfulSaslAuth(client, rb, true)
} else {
nsNotice(rb, client.t("Could not login with your TLS certificate or supplied username/password"))
func (server *Server) nickservRegisterHandler(client *Client, username, email, passphrase string, rb *ResponseBuffer) {
func nsInfoHandler(server *Server, client *Client, command, params string, rb *ResponseBuffer) {
nick, _ := utils.ExtractParam(params)
if nick == "" {
nick = client.Nick()
accountName := nick
if server.AccountConfig().NickReservation.Enabled {
accountName = server.accounts.NickToAccount(nick)
if accountName == "" {
nsNotice(rb, client.t("That nickname is not registered"))
account, err := server.accounts.LoadAccount(accountName)
if err != nil || !account.Verified {
nsNotice(rb, client.t("Account does not exist"))
nsNotice(rb, fmt.Sprintf(client.t("Account: %s"), account.Name))
registeredAt := account.RegisteredAt.Format("Jan 02, 2006 15:04:05Z")
nsNotice(rb, fmt.Sprintf(client.t("Registered at: %s"), registeredAt))
// TODO nicer formatting for this
for _, nick := range account.AdditionalNicks {
nsNotice(rb, fmt.Sprintf(client.t("Additional grouped nick: %s"), nick))
func nsRegisterHandler(server *Server, client *Client, command, params string, rb *ResponseBuffer) {
// get params
username, afterUsername := utils.ExtractParam(params)
email, passphrase := utils.ExtractParam(afterUsername)
if !server.AccountConfig().Registration.Enabled {
nsNotice(rb, client.t("Account registration has been disabled"))
@ -236,130 +417,61 @@ func (server *Server) nickservRegisterHandler(client *Client, username, email, p
func (server *Server) nickservIdentifyHandler(client *Client, username, passphrase string, rb *ResponseBuffer) {
// fail out if we need to
if !server.AccountConfig().AuthenticationEnabled {
nsNotice(rb, client.t("Login has been disabled"))
func nsUnregisterHandler(server *Server, client *Client, command, params string, rb *ResponseBuffer) {
username, _ := utils.ExtractParam(params)
if !server.AccountConfig().Registration.Enabled {
nsNotice(rb, client.t("Account registration has been disabled"))
loginSuccessful := false
// try passphrase
if username != "" && passphrase != "" {
err := server.accounts.AuthenticateByPassphrase(client, username, passphrase)
loginSuccessful = (err == nil)
if username == "" {
username = client.Account()
// try certfp
if !loginSuccessful && client.certfp != "" {
err := server.accounts.AuthenticateByCertFP(client)
loginSuccessful = (err == nil)
if loginSuccessful {
sendSuccessfulSaslAuth(client, rb, true)
} else {
nsNotice(rb, client.t("Could not login with your TLS certificate or supplied username/password"))
func (server *Server) nickservGhostHandler(client *Client, nick string, rb *ResponseBuffer) {
if !server.AccountConfig().NickReservation.Enabled {
nsNotice(rb, client.t("Nickname reservation is disabled"))
account := client.Account()
if account == "" || server.accounts.NickToAccount(nick) != account {
nsNotice(rb, client.t("You don't own that nick"))
ghost := server.clients.Get(nick)
if ghost == nil {
nsNotice(rb, client.t("No such nick"))
} else if ghost == client {
nsNotice(rb, client.t("You can't GHOST yourself (try /QUIT instead)"))
ghost.Quit(fmt.Sprintf(ghost.t("GHOSTed by %s"), client.Nick()))
func (server *Server) nickservGroupHandler(client *Client, rb *ResponseBuffer) {
if !server.AccountConfig().NickReservation.Enabled {
nsNotice(rb, client.t("Nickname reservation is disabled"))
account := client.Account()
if account == "" {
if username == "" {
nsNotice(rb, client.t("You're not logged into an account"))
cfname, err := CasefoldName(username)
if err != nil {
nsNotice(rb, client.t("Invalid username"))
if !(cfname == client.Account() || client.HasRoleCapabs("unregister")) {
nsNotice(rb, client.t("Insufficient oper privs"))
nick := client.NickCasefolded()
err := server.accounts.SetNickReserved(client, nick, false, true)
if err == nil {
nsNotice(rb, fmt.Sprintf(client.t("Successfully grouped nick %s with your account"), nick))
} else if err == errAccountTooManyNicks {
nsNotice(rb, client.t("You have too many nicks reserved already (you can remove some with /NS DROP)"))
} else if err == errNicknameReserved {
nsNotice(rb, client.t("That nickname is already reserved by someone else"))
if cfname == client.Account() {
err = server.accounts.Unregister(cfname)
if err == errAccountDoesNotExist {
nsNotice(rb, client.t(err.Error()))
} else if err != nil {
nsNotice(rb, client.t("Error while unregistering account"))
} else {
nsNotice(rb, client.t("Error reserving nickname"))
nsNotice(rb, fmt.Sprintf(client.t("Successfully unregistered account %s"), cfname))
func (server *Server) nickservInfoHandler(client *Client, nick string, rb *ResponseBuffer) {
if nick == "" {
nick = client.Nick()
func nsVerifyHandler(server *Server, client *Client, command, params string, rb *ResponseBuffer) {
username, code := utils.ExtractParam(params)
err := server.accounts.Verify(client, username, code)
var errorMessage string
if err == errAccountVerificationInvalidCode || err == errAccountAlreadyVerified {
errorMessage = err.Error()
} else if err != nil {
errorMessage = errAccountVerificationFailed.Error()
accountName := nick
if server.AccountConfig().NickReservation.Enabled {
accountName = server.accounts.NickToAccount(nick)
if accountName == "" {
nsNotice(rb, client.t("That nickname is not registered"))
if errorMessage != "" {
nsNotice(rb, client.t(errorMessage))
account, err := server.accounts.LoadAccount(accountName)
if err != nil || !account.Verified {
nsNotice(rb, client.t("Account does not exist"))
nsNotice(rb, fmt.Sprintf(client.t("Account: %s"), account.Name))
registeredAt := account.RegisteredAt.Format("Jan 02, 2006 15:04:05Z")
nsNotice(rb, fmt.Sprintf(client.t("Registered at: %s"), registeredAt))
// TODO nicer formatting for this
for _, nick := range account.AdditionalNicks {
nsNotice(rb, fmt.Sprintf(client.t("Additional grouped nick: %s"), nick))
func (server *Server) nickservDropHandler(client *Client, nick string, sadrop bool, rb *ResponseBuffer) {
if sadrop {
if !client.HasRoleCapabs("unregister") {
nsNotice(rb, client.t("Insufficient oper privs"))
err := server.accounts.SetNickReserved(client, nick, sadrop, false)
if err == nil {
nsNotice(rb, fmt.Sprintf(client.t("Successfully ungrouped nick %s with your account"), nick))
} else if err == errAccountNotLoggedIn {
nsNotice(rb, fmt.Sprintf(client.t("You're not logged into an account")))
} else if err == errAccountCantDropPrimaryNick {
nsNotice(rb, fmt.Sprintf(client.t("You can't ungroup your primary nickname (try unregistering your account instead)")))
} else if err == errNicknameReserved {
nsNotice(rb, fmt.Sprintf(client.t("That nickname is already reserved by someone else")))
} else {
nsNotice(rb, client.t("Error ungrouping nick"))
sendSuccessfulRegResponse(client, rb, true)
@ -175,6 +175,14 @@ func NewServer(config *Config, logger *logger.Manager) (*Server, error) {
return nil, err
// confirm help entries for NickServ exist.
// this forces people to write help entries for every single NS command.
for commandName, commandInfo := range nickservCommands {
if commandInfo.help == "" || commandInfo.helpShort == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Help entry does not exist for NickServ command %s", commandName)
// Attempt to clean up when receiving these signals.
signal.Notify(server.signals, ServerExitSignals...)
signal.Notify(server.rehashSignal, syscall.SIGHUP)
@ -3,6 +3,19 @@
package utils
import "strings"
// ExtractParam extracts a parameter from the given string, returning the param and the rest of the string.
func ExtractParam(line string) (string, string) {
rawParams := strings.SplitN(strings.TrimSpace(line), " ", 2)
param0 := rawParams[0]
var param1 string
if 1 < len(rawParams) {
param1 = strings.TrimSpace(rawParams[1])
return param0, param1
// ArgsToStrings takes the arguments and splits them into a series of strings,
// each argument separated by delim and each string bounded by maxLength.
func ArgsToStrings(maxLength int, arguments []string, delim string) []string {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user