mirror of https://github.com/ergochat/ergo.git synced 2025-03-05 22:10:46 +01:00

New translations help.lang.json (Bosnian)

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Daniel Oaks 2020-10-29 13:23:35 +10:00
parent b2a92ac4c8
commit 5e2b7d109d

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@ -1,25 +1,14 @@
"= Help Topics =\n\nCommands:\n%[1]s\n\nRPL_ISUPPORT Tokens:\n%[2]s\n\nInformation:\n%[3]s": "= Pomoć po temama =\n\nNaredbe:\n%[1]s\n\nRPL_ISUPPORT žetoni (Token-i):\n%[2]s\n\nInformacije:\n%[3]s",
"== Channel Modes ==\n\nOragono supports the following channel modes:\n\n +b | Client masks that are banned from the channel (e.g. *!*@\n +e | Client masks that are exempted from bans.\n +I | Client masks that are exempted from the invite-only flag.\n +i | Invite-only mode, only invited clients can join the channel.\n +k | Key required when joining the channel.\n +l | Client join limit for the channel.\n +m | Moderated mode, only privileged clients can talk on the channel.\n +n | No-outside-messages mode, only users that are on the channel can send\n | messages to it.\n +R | Only registered users can join the channel.\n +s | Secret mode, channel won't show up in /LIST or whois replies.\n +t | Only channel opers can modify the topic.\n +E | Roleplaying commands are enabled in the channel.\n +C | Clients are blocked from sending CTCP messages in the channel.\n\n= Prefixes =\n\n +q (~) | Founder channel mode.\n +a (&) | Admin channel mode.\n +o (@) | Operator channel mode.\n +h (%) | Halfop channel mode.\n +v (+) | Voice channel mode.": "",
"== Server Notice Masks ==\n\nOragono supports the following server notice masks for operators:\n\n a | Local announcements.\n c | Local client connections.\n j | Local channel actions.\n k | Local kills.\n n | Local nick changes.\n o | Local oper actions.\n q | Local quits.\n t | Local /STATS usage.\n u | Local client account actions.\n x | Local X-lines (DLINE/KLINE/etc).\n v | Local vhost changes.\n\nTo set a snomask, do this with your nickname:\n\n /MODE <nick> +s <chars>\n\nFor instance, this would set the kill, oper, account and xline snomasks on dan:\n\n /MODE dan +s koux": "",
"== User Modes ==\n\nOragono supports the following user modes:\n\n +a | User is marked as being away. This mode is set with the /AWAY command.\n +i | User is marked as invisible (their channels are hidden from whois replies).\n +o | User is an IRC operator.\n +R | User only accepts messages from other registered users. \n +s | Server Notice Masks (see help with /HELPOP snomasks).\n +Z | User is connected via TLS.\n +B | User is a bot.\n +E | User can receive roleplaying commands.\n +T | User is blocked from sending CTCP messages.": "",
"@+client-only-tags TAGMSG <target>{,<target>}\n\nSends the given client-only tags to the given targets as a TAGMSG. See the IRCv3\nspecs for more info: http://ircv3.net/specs/core/message-tags-3.3.html": "@+oznake-specifične-samo-za-klijent TAGMSG <cilj>{,<cilj>}\n\nDaje zadane oznake specifične samo za klijente danim ciljevima kao TAGMSG. Za više informacija pogledajte IRCv3 specifikacije: http://ircv3.net/specs/core/message-tags-3.3.html",
"ACC LS\nACC REGISTER <accountname> [callback_namespace:]<callback> [cred_type] :<credential>\nACC VERIFY <accountname> <auth_code>\n\nUsed in account registration. See the relevant specs for more info:\nhttps://oragono.io/specs.html": "-> ACC LS\nACC REGISTER <accountname> [callback_namespace:]<callback> [cred_type] :<credential>\nACC VERIFY <accountname> <auth_code>\n\nKoristi se pri registraciji korisničkog računa. Za više informacija pogledajte relevantne specifikacije:\nhttps://oragono.io/specs.html",
"AMBIANCE <target> <text to be sent>\n\nThe AMBIANCE command is used to send a scene notification to the given target.": "AMBIANCE <cilj> <poruka koju se šalje>\n\nNaredba AMBIANCE se koristi za slanje obavijesti o sceni/ambijentu zadanom cilju.",
"AUTHENTICATE\n\nUsed during SASL authentication. See the IRCv3 specs for more info:\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/extensions/sasl-3.1.html": "AUTHENTICATE\n\nKoristi se tijekom SASL provjere autentičnosti. Za više informacija pogledajt IRCv3 specifikacije:\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/extensions/sasl-3.1.html",
"AWAY [message]\n\nIf [message] is sent, marks you away. If [message] is not sent, marks you no\nlonger away.": "AWAY [poruka]\n\nAko je [poruka] poslana, to Vas označava kao odsutne. Ako [poruka] nije poslana, označava da više niste odsutni.",
"BATCH {+,-}reference-tag type [params...]\n\nBATCH initiates an IRCv3 client-to-server batch. You should never need to\nissue this command manually.": "",
"BRB [message]\n\nDisconnects you from the server, while instructing the server to keep you\npresent for a short time window. During this window, you can either resume\nor reattach to your nickname. If [message] is sent, it is used as your away\nmessage (and as your quit message if you don't return in time).": "",
"CAP <subcommand> [:<capabilities>]\n\nUsed in capability negotiation. See the IRCv3 specs for more info:\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/core/capability-negotiation-3.1.html\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/core/capability-negotiation-3.2.html": "CAP <podnaredba> [:<sposobnosti>]\n\nKoristi se u pregovaranju o sposobnostima. Za više informacija pogledajte IRCv3 specifikacije:\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/core/capability-negotiation-3.1.html\nhttp://ircv3.net/specs/core/capability-negotiation-3.2.html",
"CHATHISTORY [params]\n\nCHATHISTORY is a history replay command associated with the IRCv3\nspecification draft/chathistory. See this document:\nhttps://github.com/ircv3/ircv3-specifications/pull/393": "",
"DEBUG <option>\n\nProvides various debugging commands for the IRCd. <option> can be one of:\n\n* GCSTATS: Garbage control statistics.\n* NUMGOROUTINE: Number of goroutines in use.\n* STARTCPUPROFILE: Starts the CPU profiler.\n* STOPCPUPROFILE: Stops the CPU profiler.\n* PROFILEHEAP: Writes a memory profile.\n* CRASHSERVER: Crashes the server (for use in failover testing)": "",
"DEFCON [level]\n\nThe DEFCON system can disable server features at runtime, to mitigate\nspam or other hostile activity. It has five levels, which are cumulative\n(i.e., level 3 includes all restrictions from level 4 and so on):\n\n5: Normal operation\n4: No new account or channel registrations\n3: All users are +R; no changes to vhosts\n2: No new unauthenticated connections; all channels are +R\n1: No new connections except from localhost or other trusted IPs": "",
"DEOPER\n\nDEOPER removes the IRCop privileges granted to you by a successful /OPER.": "",
"DLINE [ANDKILL] [MYSELF] [duration] <ip>/<net> [ON <server>] [reason [| oper reason]]\nDLINE LIST\n\nBans an IP address or network from connecting to the server. If the duration is\ngiven then only for that long. The reason is shown to the user themselves, but\neveryone else will see a standard message. The oper reason is shown to\noperators getting info about the DLINEs that exist.\n\nBans are saved across subsequent launches of the server.\n\n\"ANDKILL\" means that all matching clients are also removed from the server.\n\n\"MYSELF\" is required when the DLINE matches the address the person applying it is connected\nfrom. If \"MYSELF\" is not given, trying to DLINE yourself will result in an error.\n\n[duration] can be of the following forms:\n\t1y 12mo 31d 10h 8m 13s\n\n<net> is specified in typical CIDR notation. For example:\n\t127.0.0.1/8\n\t8.8.8.8/24\n\nON <server> specifies that the ban is to be set on that specific server.\n\n[reason] and [oper reason], if they exist, are separated by a vertical bar (|).\n\nIf \"DLINE LIST\" is sent, the server sends back a list of our current DLINEs.": "DLINE [ANDKILL] [MYSELF] [duration] <ip>/<net> [ON <poslužitelj>] [razlog [| oper razlog]]\nDLINE LIST\n\nZabranjuje IP adresi ili mreži (<net>) povezivanje s poslužiteljem (serverom). Ako je trajanje zadano onda zabrana vrijedi samo u tom periodu. Razlog je prikazan samom korisniku, ali svi će vidjeti standardnu poruku. Oper razlog se prikazuje operaterima koji dobivaju informacije o postojećim DLINE-ovima.\n\nZabrane se spremaju tijekom sljedećih pokretanja poslužitelja.\n\n\"ANDKILL\" znači da su svi odgovarajući klijenti također uklonjeni s poslužitelja.\n\n\"MYSELF\" je obavezno kada DLINE odgovara adresi \n na koju je osoba koja ga primjenjuje povezana. Ako \"MYSELF\" nije zadano, pokušaj da DLINE izvršite na samima sebi rezultirače greškom.\n\n[duration] trajanje može biti izraženo u slijedećim oblicima:\n 1y 12mo 31d 10h 8m 13s\n\n<net> je specificirano u uobičajenoj CIDR notaciji. Na primjer:\n\n\t8.8.8.8/24\n\nON <poslužitelj> nalaže da će zabrana (ban) biti postavljena za taj određeni poslužitelj (server).\n\n[reason] i [oper razlog], ako su navedeni, razdvojeni su vertikalnom crtom (|).\n\nAko je \"DLINE LIST\" poslan, server šalje nazad listu naših trenutačnih DLINE-a.",
"EXTJWT <target> [service_name]\n\nGet a JSON Web Token for target (either * or a channel name).": "",
"HELP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "HELP <argument>\n\nZatražite objašnjenje <argumenta> ili \"index\" popisa tema pomoći.",
"HELPOP <argument>\n\nGet an explanation of <argument>, or \"index\" for a list of help topics.": "HELPOP <argument>\n\nPogledaj objašnjenje <argumenta>, ili \"index\" za popis tema pomoći.",
"HISTORY <target> [limit]\n\nReplay message history. <target> can be a channel name, \"me\" to replay direct\nmessage history, or a nickname to replay another client's direct message\nhistory (they must be logged into the same account as you). [limit] can be\neither an integer (the maximum number of messages to replay), or a time\nduration like 10m or 1h (the time window within which to replay messages).": "",
"INFO\n\nSends information about the server, developers, etc.": "INFO\n\nDaje informacije o serveru, developerima, i slično.",
"INVITE <nickname> <channel>\n\nInvites the given user to the given channel, so long as you have the\nappropriate channel privs.": "INVITE <nadimak> <kanal>\n\nPoziva dotičnog korisnika na navedeni kanal, pod uvjetom da imate\nodgovarajuće ovlasti za taj kanal.",
"ISON <nickname>{ <nickname>}\n\nReturns whether the given nicks exist on the network.": "ISON <nadimak>{ <nadimak>}\n\nOdgovara da li zadani nadimak postoji na mreži.",
@ -38,7 +27,6 @@
"NOTICE <target>{,<target>} <text to be sent>\n\nSends the text to the given targets as a NOTICE.": "NOTICE <cilj>{,<cilj>} <tekst koji se šalje>\n\nŠalje tekst na zadane ciljeve kao OBAVIJEST.",
"NPC <target> <sourcenick> <text to be sent>\n\t\t\nThe NPC command is used to send a message to the target as the source.\n\nRequires the roleplay mode (+E) to be set on the target.": "NPC <cilj> <nadimakizvora> <tekst koji se šalje>\n\nNPC naredba se koristi kako biste cilju poslali poruku kao izvor.\n\nZahtjeva da (roleplay mode) režim za igranje uloga (+E) bude postavljen na cilju.",
"NPCA <target> <sourcenick> <text to be sent>\n\t\t\nThe NPC command is used to send an action to the target as the source.\n\nRequires the roleplay mode (+E) to be set on the target.": "NPCA <cilj> <nadimakizvora> <tekst koji se šalje>\n\nNPC naredba se koristi kako biste cilju poslali akciju kao izvor.\n\nZahtjeva da (roleplay mode) režim za igranje uloga (+E) bude postavljen na cilju.",
"OPER <name> [password]\n\nIf the correct details are given, gives you IRCop privs.": "",
"PART <channel>{,<channel>} [reason]\n\nLeaves the given channels and shows people the given reason.": "PART <kanal>{,<kanal>} [reason]\n\nNapušta navedeni kanal/e i prikazuje drugim korisnicima navedeni razlog.",
"PASS <password>\n\nWhen the server requires a connection password to join, used to send us the\npassword.": "PASS <lozinka>\n\nKoristi se za slanje lozinke kada poslužitelj (server) zahtijeva lozinku za povezivanje.",
"PING <args>...\n\nRequests a PONG. Used to check link connectivity.": "PING <argumenti>...\n\nPotražuje PONG. Koristi se za provjeru povezanosti.",
@ -55,18 +43,15 @@
"SANICK <currentnick> <newnick>\n\nGives the given user a new nickname.": "SANICK <trenutninadimak> <novinadimak>\n\nDaje zadanom korisniku novi nadimak.",
"SCENE <target> <text to be sent>\n\nThe SCENE command is used to send a scene notification to the given target.": "SCENE <cilj> <tekst koji se šalje>\n\nNaredba SCENE se koristi kako bi se datom cilju poslala notifikacija o \"sceni\".",
"SETNAME <realname>\n\nThe SETNAME command updates the realname to be the newly-given one.": "SETNAME <realname>\n\nSETNAME naredba ažurira pravoime, kako bi ono bilo novo-dano ime.",
"SUMMON [parameters]\n\nThe SUMMON command is not implemented.": "",
"TIME [server]\n\nShows the time of the current, or the given, server.": "TIME [server]\n\nPrikazuje vrijeme poslužitelja (servera) na kojem se nalazite ili zadanog poslužitelja.",
"TOPIC <channel> [topic]\n\nIf [topic] is given, sets the topic in the channel to that. If [topic] is not\ngiven, views the current topic on the channel.": "TOPIC <kanal> [topic]\n\nAko je [topic] unešen, postavlja temu (topic) kanala u zadanu vrijednost. Ako [topic] nije zadan, pregleda trenutnu temu kanala.",
"UNDLINE <ip>/<net>\n\nRemoves an existing ban on an IP address or a network.\n\n<net> is specified in typical CIDR notation. For example:\n\t127.0.0.1/8\n\t8.8.8.8/24": "UNDLINE <ip>/<net>\n\nUklanja potojeću zabranu za datu IP adresu ili mrežu.\n\n<net> je specificirana uobičajenom CIDR notacijom. Na primjer:\n27.0.0.1/8\n\t8.8.8.8/24",
"UNKLINE <mask>\n\nRemoves an existing ban on a mask.\n\nFor example:\n\tdan\n\tdan!5*@127.*": "UNKLINE <maska>\n\nUklanja potojeću zabranu za datu masku.\n\nNa primjer:\n dan\n dan!5*@127.*",
"USER <username> 0 * <realname>\n\nUsed in connection registration, sets your username and realname to the given\nvalues (though your username may also be looked up with Ident).": "USER <korisničkoime> 0 * <pravoime>\n\nUpotrijebava se pri registraciji konekcije, postavlja vaše korisničko ime i stvarno ime na zadane vrijednosti (iako vaše korisničko ime također može biti traženo pomoću Ident-a).",
"USERHOST <nickname>{ <nickname>}\n\t\t\nShows information about the given users. Takes up to 10 nicknames.": "USERHOST <nadimak>{ <nadimak>}\n\nPrikazuje informacije o danim korisnicima. Prihvata do 10 nadimaka.",
"USERS [parameters]\n\nThe USERS command is not implemented.": "",
"VERSION [server]\n\nViews the version of software and the RPL_ISUPPORT tokens for the given server.": "VERSION [poslužitelj]\n\nPrikazuje verziju softvera i RPL_ISUPPORT oznake za dati poslužitelj.",
"WEBIRC <password> <gateway> <hostname> <ip> [:<flags>]\n\nUsed by web<->IRC gateways and bouncers, the WEBIRC command allows gateways to\npass-through the real IP addresses of clients:\nircv3.net/specs/extensions/webirc.html\n\n<flags> is a list of space-separated strings indicating various details about\nthe connection from the client to the gateway, such as:\n\n- tls: this flag indicates that the client->gateway connection is secure": "WEBIRC <lozinka> <gateway> <hostname> <ip> [:<flags>]\n\nKoristi se od strane web<->IRC pristupnika (gateways) i bouncer-a, WEBIRC naredbba omogućava pristupnicima (gateways) da propuste stvarne IP adrese klijenata:\nircv3.net/specs/extensions/webirc.html\n\n<flags> je lista praznim prostorom odvojenih nizova koji upućuju na različite detalje o vezi sa klijenta prema pristupniku (gateway), kao npr.:\n\n-tls: ova oznaka (flag) indicira da je veza klijent->pristupnik sigurna",
"WHO <name> [o]\n\nReturns information for the given user.": "WHO <ime> [o]\n\nUzvraća informacijama o datom korisniku.",
"WHOIS <client>{,<client>}\n\nReturns information for the given user(s).": "WHOIS <korisnik>{,<korisnik>}\n\nUzvraća informacijama o datom korisnik-u/cima.",
"WHOWAS <nickname>\n\nReturns historical information on the last user with the given nickname.": "WHOWAS <nadimak>\n\nVraća podatke iz prošlosti o posljednjem korisniku s tim nadimkom.",
"ZNC <module> [params]\n\nUsed to emulate features of the ZNC bouncer. This command is not intended\nfor direct use by end users.": ""
"WHOWAS <nickname>\n\nReturns historical information on the last user with the given nickname.": "WHOWAS <nadimak>\n\nVraća podatke iz prošlosti o posljednjem korisniku s tim nadimkom."