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add changelog and documentation updates

This commit is contained in:
Shivaram Lingamneni 2020-07-13 23:43:19 -04:00
parent a99c893f9b
commit 5741f3e15c
3 changed files with 78 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,77 @@
# Changelog
All notable changes to Oragono will be documented in this file.
## [2.2.0-rc1] - 2020-07-19
We're pleased to be publishing the release candidate for 2.2.0 (the official release should follow in a week or so).
This release contains several notable enhancements, as well as bug fixes:
* Support for tracking seen/missed messages across multiple devices (#843)
* WHOX support contributed by @jesopo (#938)
* Authentication of users via external scripts (#1107)
Many thanks to [@clukawski](https://github.com/clukawski) and [@jesopo](https://github.com/jesopo) for contributing patches, to [@ajaspers](https://github.com/ajaspers), [@bogdomania](https://github.com/bogdomania), [@csmith](https://github.com/csmith), [@daurnimator](https://github.com/daurnimator), [@emersonveenstra](https://github.com/emersonveenstra), [@eskimo](https://github.com/eskimo), Geo-, [@happyhater](https://github.com/happyhater), [@jesopo](https://github.com/jesopo), [@jwheare](https://github.com/jwheare), [@k4bek4be](https://github.com/k4bek4be), [@KoraggKnightWolf](https://github.com/KoraggKnightWolf), [@LukeHoersten](https://github.com/LukeHoersten), [@mogad0n](https://github.com/mogad0n), r3m, and [@RyanSquared](https://github.com/RyanSquared) for reporting issues and helping test, and to our translators for contributing translations.
This release includes changes to the config file format, including one breaking change: `timeout` is no longer an acceptable value of `accounts.nick-reservation.method`. (If you were using it, we suggest `strict` as a replacement.) All other changes to the config file format are backwards compatible and do not require updating before restart.
This release includes a database change. If you have `datastore.autoupgrade` set to `true` in your configuration, it will be automatically applied when you restart Oragono. Otherwise, you can update the database manually by running `oragono upgradedb` (see the manual for complete instructions).
### Removed
* Timeout-based nickname enforcement has been removed. We recommend `strict` as the default enforcement method. Users who configured `timeout` for their account will be upgraded to `strict`. With `accounts.login-via-pass-command` enabled, clients lacking support for SASL can authenticate via the `PASS` (server password command) by sending `account_name:account_password` as the server password. (#1027)
* Native support for LDAP has been removed. LDAP is now supported via the external [oragono-ldap](https://github.com/oragono/oragono-ldap) plugin; see its repository page for details. (#1142, #1107)
### Config changes
* Added `server.enforce-utf8`, controlling whether the server enforces that messages be valid UTF-8; a value of `true` for this is now the recommended default (#1151)
* Added `history.tagmsg-storage` for configuring which TAGMSG are stored in history; if this is not configured, TAGMSG will not be stored (#1172)
* All TLS certificate fingerprints in the config file are now named `certfp` instead of `fingerprint` (the old name of `fingerprint` is still accepted) (#1050, thanks [@RyanSquared](https://github.com/RyanSquared)!)
* Added `accounts.auth-script` section for configuring external authentication scripts (#1107, thanks [@daurnimator](https://github.com/daurnimator)!)
* Removed `accounts.ldap` section for configuring LDAP; LDAP is now available via the auth-script plugin interface (#1142)
* Added `defcon` operator capability, allowing use of the new `/DEFCON` command (#328)
* Default `awaylen`, `kicklen`, and `topiclen` limits now reflect the 512-character line limit (#1112, thanks [@k4bek4be](https://github.com/k4bek4be)!)
* Added `extjwt` section for configuring the EXTJWT extension (#948, #1136)
* `login-via-pass-command: true` is now a recommended default (#1186)
### Added
* Added support for [WHOX](https://github.com/ircv3/ircv3-specifications/issues/81), contributed by [@jesopo](https://github.com/jesopo) (thanks!)
* Added support for tracking missed messages across multiple devices; see the "history" section of the manual for details (#843, thanks [@jwheare](https://github.com/jwheare) and [@wrmsr](https://github.com/wrmsr)!)
* Added `/NICKSERV SUSPEND` and `/NICKSERV UNSUSPEND` commands, allowing operators to suspend access to an abusive user account (#1135)
* Added support for external authentication systems, via subprocess ("auth-script") invocation (#1107, thanks [@daurnimator](https://github.com/daurnimator)!)
* Added the `/DEFCON` command, allowing operators to respond to spam or DoS attacks by disabling features at runtime without a rehash. (This feature requires that the operator have a newly defined capability, named `defcon`; this can be added to the appropriate oper blocks in the config file.) (#328, thanks [@bogdomania](https://github.com/bogdomania)!)
* Added support for the [EXTJWT](https://github.com/ircv3/ircv3-specifications/pull/341) draft extension, allowing Oragono to be integrated with other systems like Jitsi (#948, #1136)
* Services (NickServ, ChanServ, etc.) now respond to CTCP VERSION messages (#1055, thanks [@jesopo](https://github.com/jesopo)!)
* Added `BOT` ISUPPORT token, plus a `B` flag for bots in `352 RPL_WHOREPLY` (#1117)
* Added support for the `+T` no-CTCP user mode (#1007, thanks [@clukawski](https://github.com/clukawski)!)
* Added support for persisting the realname of always-on clients (#1065, thanks [@clukawski](https://github.com/clukawski)!)
* Added a warning on incorrect arguments to `/NICKSERV REGISTER` (#1179, thanks [@LukeHoersten](https://github.com/LukeHoersten)!)
### Fixed
* Fixed channels with only invisible users not being displayed in `/LIST` output (#1161, thanks [@bogdomania](https://github.com/bogdomania)!)
* Fixed `INVITE` not overriding a `+b` ban (#1168)
* Fixed incorrect `CHGHOST` lines during authentication with `/NICKSERV IDENTIFY` under some circumstances (#1108, thanks Geo-!)
* Fixed incorrect `CHGHOST` lines sent to users during connection registration (#1125, thanks [@jesopo](https://github.com/jesopo)!)
* Fixed a race condition where nicknames of signed-out users could remain in the channel names list (#1166, thanks [@eskimo](https://github.com/eskimo)!)
* Fixed the last line of the MOTD being truncated in the absence of a terminating `\n` (#1167, thanks [@eskimo](https://github.com/eskimo)!)
* Fixed incorrect source of some nickserv messages (#1185)
* Fixed idle time being updated on non-PRIVMSG commands (thanks r3m and [@happyhater](https://github.com/happyhater)!)
* Fixed `/NICKSERV UNREGISTER` and `/NICKSERV ERASE` not deleting stored user modes (#1157)
### Security
* Connections to an STS-only listener no longer reveal the exact server version or server creation time (#802, thanks [@csmith](https://github.com/csmith)!)
### Changed
* `/DLINE` now operates on individual client connections (#1135)
* When using the multiclient feature, each client now has its own independent `MONITOR` list (#1053, thanks [@ajaspers](https://github.com/ajaspers)!)
* `MONITOR L` now lists the nicknames in the form they were originally sent with `MONITOR +`, without casefolding (#1083)
* We now send the traditional `445 ERR_SUMMONDISABLED` and `446 ERR_USERSDISABLED` in response to the `SUMMON` and `USERS` commands (#1078, thanks [@KoraggKnightWolf](https://github.com/KoraggKnightWolf)!)
* RPL_ISUPPORT parameters with no values are now sent without an `=` (#1067, @1069, #1091, thanks [@KoraggKnightWolf](https://github.com/KoraggKnightWolf) and [@jesopo](https;//github.com/jesopo)!)
* TAGMSG storage is now controlled via the `history.tagmsg-storage` config block (#1172)
* `/NICKSERV CERT ADD` with no argument now adds the user's current TLS certificate fingerprint, when applicable (#1059, thanks [@emersonveenstra](https://github.com/emersonveenstra)!)
### Internal
* The config file containing recommended defaults is now named `default.yaml`, instead of `oragono.yaml` (#1130, thanks [@k4bek4be](https://github.com/k4bek4be)!)
* The output of the `/INFO` command now includes the full git hash, when applicable (#1105)
## [2.1.0] - 2020-06-01
We're pleased to announce Oragono 2.1.0, a new stable release.

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@ -8,9 +8,6 @@ The `latest` tag tracks the `stable` branch of Oragono, which contains
the latest stable release. The `dev` tag tracks the master branch, which
may by unstable and is not recommended for production.
You can see other tags [on Docker Hub](https://hub.docker.com/r/oragono/oragono/tags)
if you wish to run a specific version of Oragono.
## Quick start
The Oragono docker image is designed to work out of the box - it comes with a
@ -104,6 +101,6 @@ If you wish to manually build the docker image, you need to do so from
the root of the Oragono repository (not the `distrib/docker` directory):
docker build -f distrib/docker/Dockerfile .
docker build .

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@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ In addition to its unique features (integrated services and bouncer, comprehensi
We believe Oragono should scale comfortably to 10,000 clients and 2,000 clients per channel, making it suitable for small to medium-sized teams and communities. Oragono does not currently support server-to-server linking (federation), meaning that all clients must connect to the same instance. However, since Oragono is implemented in Go, it is reasonably effective at distributing work across multiple cores on a single server; in other words, it should "scale up" rather than "scaling out". (Federation is [planned](https://github.com/oragono/oragono/issues/26) but is not scheduled for development in the near term.)
Even though it runs as a single instance, Oragono can be deployed for high availability (i.e., with no single point of failure) using Kubernetes. This technique uses a k8s [LoadBalancer](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/access-application-cluster/create-external-load-balancer/) to receive external traffic and a [Volume](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/volumes/) to store the embedded database file.
Even though it runs as a single instance, Oragono can be deployed for high availability (i.e., with no single point of failure) using Kubernetes. This technique uses a k8s [LoadBalancer](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/access-application-cluster/create-external-load-balancer/) to receive external traffic and a [Volume](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/volumes/) to store the embedded database file. See [Hashbang's implementation](https://github.com/hashbang/gitops/tree/master/ircd) for a "worked example".
If you're interested in deploying Oragono at scale or for high availability, or want performance tuning advice, come find us on [`#oragono` on freenode](ircs://irc.freenode.net:6697/#oragono), we're very interested in what our software can do!
@ -348,7 +348,11 @@ Unfortunately, client support for history playback is still patchy. In descendin
1. The [IRCv3 chathistory specification](https://github.com/ircv3/ircv3-specifications/pull/393/) offers the most fine-grained control over history replay. It is supported by [Kiwi IRC](https://github.com/kiwiirc/kiwiirc), and hopefully other clients soon.
1. We emulate the [ZNC playback module](https://wiki.znc.in/Playback) for clients that support it. You may need to enable support for it explicitly in your client (see the "ZNC" section below).
1. If you are not using the multiclient functionality, but your client is set to be always-on (see the previous section for details), Oragono will remember the last time your client signed out. You can then set your account to replay only messages you missed with `/msg NickServ set autoreplay-missed on`. Unfortunately, this feature will only work reliably if you are *not* using the multiclient functionality described in the above section --- you must be connecting with at most one client at a time.
1. If you set your client to always-on (see the previous section for details), you can set a "device ID" for each device you use. Oragono will then remember the last time your device was present on the server, and each time you sign on, it will attempt to replay exactly those messages you missed. There are a few ways to set your device ID when connecting:
- You can add it to your SASL username with an `@`, e.g., if your SASL username is `alice` you can send `alice@phone`
- You can add it in a similar way to your IRC protocol username ("ident"), e.g., `alice@phone`
- If login to user accounts via the `PASS` command is enabled on the server, you can provide it there, e.g., by sending `alice@phone:hunter2` as the server password
1. If you only have one device, you can set your client to be always-on and furthermore `/msg NickServ set autoreplay-missed true`. This will replay missed messages, with the caveat that you must be connecting with at most one client at a time.
1. You can manually request history using `/history #channel 1h` (the parameter is either a message count or a time duration). (Depending on your client, you may need to use `/QUOTE history` instead.)
1. You can autoreplay a fixed number of lines (e.g., 25) each time you join a channel using `/msg NickServ set autoreplay-lines 25`.