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// Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Jeremy Latt
2018-02-03 19:48:30 +10:00
// Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Edmund Huber
// Copyright (c) 2016-2018 Daniel Oaks <daniel@danieloaks.net>
// Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Shivaram Lingamneni <slingamn@cs.stanford.edu>
// released under the MIT license
package irc
import (
2020-05-04 22:29:10 -04:00
2021-05-25 00:34:38 -04:00
2021-05-25 00:34:38 -04:00
// helper function to parse ACC callbacks, e.g., mailto:person@example.com, tel:16505551234
2020-10-06 18:04:29 -04:00
func parseCallback(spec string, config *Config) (callbackNamespace string, callbackValue string, err error) {
// XXX if we don't require verification, ignore any callback that was passed here
// (to avoid confusion in the case where the ircd has no mail server configured)
if !config.Accounts.Registration.EmailVerification.Enabled {
2018-02-20 04:20:30 -05:00
callbackNamespace = "*"
2020-10-06 18:04:29 -04:00
callback := strings.ToLower(spec)
if colonIndex := strings.IndexByte(callback, ':'); colonIndex != -1 {
callbackNamespace, callbackValue = callback[:colonIndex], callback[colonIndex+1:]
2018-02-20 04:20:30 -05:00
} else {
// "If a callback namespace is not ... provided, the IRC server MUST use mailto""
2018-02-20 04:20:30 -05:00
callbackNamespace = "mailto"
callbackValue = callback
2020-10-06 18:04:29 -04:00
if config.Accounts.Registration.EmailVerification.Enabled {
if callbackNamespace != "mailto" {
err = errValidEmailRequired
} else if strings.IndexByte(callbackValue, '@') < 1 {
err = errValidEmailRequired
2018-02-20 04:20:30 -05:00
2020-10-06 18:04:29 -04:00
2018-02-20 04:20:30 -05:00
func registrationErrorToMessage(config *Config, client *Client, err error) (message string) {
if emailError := registrationCallbackErrorText(config, client, err); emailError != "" {
return emailError
2019-02-05 19:03:42 -05:00
switch err {
case errAccountAlreadyRegistered, errAccountAlreadyVerified, errAccountAlreadyUnregistered, errAccountAlreadyLoggedIn, errAccountCreation, errAccountMustHoldNick, errAccountBadPassphrase, errCertfpAlreadyExists, errFeatureDisabled, errAccountBadPassphrase, errNameReserved:
2019-02-05 19:03:42 -05:00
message = err.Error()
2020-03-27 17:52:37 -04:00
case errLimitExceeded:
message = `There have been too many registration attempts recently; try again later`
2020-10-07 09:04:47 -04:00
// default response: let's be risk-averse about displaying internal errors
// to the clients, especially for something as sensitive as accounts
message = `Could not register`
2019-02-05 19:03:42 -05:00
func announcePendingReg(client *Client, rb *ResponseBuffer, accountName string) {
client.server.snomasks.Send(sno.LocalAccounts, fmt.Sprintf(ircfmt.Unescape("Client $c[grey][$r%s$c[grey]] attempted to register account $c[grey][$r%s$c[grey]] from IP %s, pending verification"), client.Nick(), accountName, rb.session.IP().String()))
// helper function to dispatch messages when a client successfully registers
func sendSuccessfulRegResponse(service *ircService, client *Client, rb *ResponseBuffer) {
2019-12-19 09:27:54 -05:00
details := client.Details()
if service != nil {
service.Notice(rb, client.t("Account created"))
2018-02-20 04:20:30 -05:00
client.server.snomasks.Send(sno.LocalAccounts, fmt.Sprintf(ircfmt.Unescape("Client $c[grey][$r%s$c[grey]] registered account $c[grey][$r%s$c[grey]] from IP %s"), details.nickMask, details.accountName, rb.session.IP().String()))
sendSuccessfulAccountAuth(service, client, rb, false)
2018-02-20 04:20:30 -05:00
// sendSuccessfulAccountAuth means that an account auth attempt completed successfully, and is used to dispatch messages.
func sendSuccessfulAccountAuth(service *ircService, client *Client, rb *ResponseBuffer, forSASL bool) {
details := client.Details()
2018-02-20 04:20:30 -05:00
if service != nil {
service.Notice(rb, fmt.Sprintf(client.t("You're now logged in as %s"), details.accountName))
} else {
//TODO(dan): some servers send this numeric even for NickServ logins iirc? to confirm and maybe do too
rb.Add(nil, client.server.name, RPL_LOGGEDIN, details.nick, details.nickMask, details.accountName, fmt.Sprintf(client.t("You are now logged in as %s"), details.accountName))
if forSASL {
rb.Add(nil, client.server.name, RPL_SASLSUCCESS, details.nick, client.t("Authentication successful"))
2018-02-20 04:20:30 -05:00
if client.Registered() {
// dispatch account-notify
for friend := range client.FriendsMonitors(caps.AccountNotify) {
if friend != rb.session {
friend.Send(nil, details.nickMask, "ACCOUNT", details.accountName)
if rb.session.capabilities.Has(caps.AccountNotify) {
rb.Add(nil, details.nickMask, "ACCOUNT", details.accountName)
client.server.sendLoginSnomask(details.nickMask, details.accountName)
// #1479: for Tor clients, replace the hostname with the always-on cloak here
// (for normal clients, this would discard the IP-based cloak, but with Tor
// there's no such concern)
if rb.session.isTor {
config := client.server.Config()
if config.Server.Cloaks.EnabledForAlwaysOn {
cloakedHostname := config.Server.Cloaks.ComputeAccountCloak(details.accountName)
if client.registered {
client.sendChghost(details.nickMask, client.Hostname())
client.server.logger.Info("accounts", "client", details.nick, "logged into account", details.accountName)
2018-02-20 04:20:30 -05:00
func (server *Server) sendLoginSnomask(nickMask, accountName string) {
server.snomasks.Send(sno.LocalAccounts, fmt.Sprintf(ircfmt.Unescape("Client $c[grey][$r%s$c[grey]] logged into account $c[grey][$r%s$c[grey]]"), nickMask, accountName))
// ACCEPT <nicklist>
// nicklist is a comma-delimited list of nicknames; each may be prefixed with -
// to indicate that it should be removed from the list
func acceptHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
for _, tNick := range strings.Split(msg.Params[0], ",") {
add := true
if strings.HasPrefix(tNick, "-") {
add = false
tNick = strings.TrimPrefix(tNick, "-")
target := server.clients.Get(tNick)
if target == nil {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "FAIL", "ACCEPT", "INVALID_USER", utils.SafeErrorParam(tNick), client.t("No such user"))
if add {
server.accepts.Accept(client, target)
} else {
server.accepts.Unaccept(client, target)
// https://github.com/solanum-ircd/solanum/blob/main/doc/features/modeg.txt
// Charybdis/Solanum define various error numerics that could be sent here,
// but this doesn't seem important to me. One thing to note is that we are not
// imposing an upper bound on the size of the accept list, since in our
// implementation you can only ACCEPT clients who are actually present,
// and an attacker attempting to DoS has much easier resource exhaustion
// strategies available (for example, channel history buffers).
return false
const (
saslMaxResponseLength = 8192 // implementation-defined sanity check, long enough for bearer tokens
// AUTHENTICATE [<mechanism>|<data>|*]
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func authenticateHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
session := rb.session
2019-05-09 14:18:30 -04:00
config := server.Config()
details := client.Details()
2019-05-09 14:18:30 -04:00
2019-08-27 00:51:09 -04:00
if client.isSTSOnly {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_SASLFAIL, details.nick, client.t("SASL authentication failed"))
return false
if details.account != "" {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_SASLALREADY, details.nick, client.t("You're already logged into an account"))
return false
// sasl abort
2020-03-16 07:54:50 -04:00
if !config.Accounts.AuthenticationEnabled || len(msg.Params) == 1 && msg.Params[0] == "*" {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_SASLABORTED, details.nick, client.t("SASL authentication aborted"))
return false
// start new sasl session: parameter is the authentication mechanism
if session.sasl.mechanism == "" {
mechanism := strings.ToUpper(msg.Params[0])
_, mechanismIsEnabled := EnabledSaslMechanisms[mechanism]
// The spec says: "The AUTHENTICATE command MUST be used before registration
// is complete and with the sasl capability enabled." Enforcing this universally
// would simplify the implementation somewhat, but we've never enforced it before
// and I don't want to break working clients that use PLAIN or EXTERNAL
// and violate this MUST (e.g. by sending CAP END too early).
if client.registered && !(mechanism == "PLAIN" || mechanism == "EXTERNAL") {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_SASLFAIL, details.nick, client.t("SASL is only allowed before connection registration"))
return false
if mechanismIsEnabled {
session.sasl.mechanism = mechanism
2019-05-09 14:18:30 -04:00
if !config.Server.Compatibility.SendUnprefixedSasl {
// normal behavior
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "AUTHENTICATE", "+")
} else {
// gross hack: send a raw message to ensure no tags or prefix
rb.session.SendRawMessage(ircmsg.MakeMessage(nil, "", "AUTHENTICATE", "+"), true)
} else {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_SASLFAIL, details.nick, client.t("SASL authentication failed"))
return false
// continue existing sasl session: parameter is a message chunk
done, value, err := session.sasl.value.Add(msg.Params[0])
if err == nil {
if done {
// call actual handler
handler := EnabledSaslMechanisms[session.sasl.mechanism]
return handler(server, client, session, value, rb)
} else {
return false // wait for continuation line
// else: error handling
switch err {
case ircutils.ErrSASLTooLong:
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_SASLTOOLONG, details.nick, client.t("SASL message too long"))
case ircutils.ErrSASLLimitExceeded:
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_SASLFAIL, details.nick, client.t("SASL authentication failed: Passphrase too long"))
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_SASLFAIL, details.nick, client.t("SASL authentication failed: Invalid b64 encoding"))
return false
2021-07-30 12:20:13 -04:00
func authPlainHandler(server *Server, client *Client, session *Session, value []byte, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
defer session.sasl.Clear()
splitValue := bytes.Split(value, []byte{'\000'})
2019-12-24 12:46:31 -05:00
// PLAIN has separate "authorization ID" (which user you want to become)
// and "authentication ID" (whose password you want to use). the first is optional:
// [authzid] \x00 authcid \x00 password
var authzid, authcid string
2019-01-01 16:45:37 -05:00
if len(splitValue) == 3 {
2019-12-24 12:46:31 -05:00
authzid, authcid = string(splitValue[0]), string(splitValue[1])
2019-12-24 12:46:31 -05:00
if authzid != "" && authcid != authzid {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_SASLFAIL, client.Nick(), client.t("SASL authentication failed: authcid and authzid should be the same"))
return false
} else {
2019-12-24 12:46:31 -05:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_SASLFAIL, client.Nick(), client.t("SASL authentication failed: Invalid auth blob"))
2019-01-01 16:45:37 -05:00
return false
2020-06-12 15:51:48 -04:00
// see #843: strip the device ID for the benefit of clients that don't
// distinguish user/ident from account name
if strudelIndex := strings.IndexByte(authcid, '@'); strudelIndex != -1 {
2020-06-16 05:10:09 -04:00
var deviceID string
authcid, deviceID = authcid[:strudelIndex], authcid[strudelIndex+1:]
2020-06-16 04:57:49 -04:00
if !client.registered {
2020-06-16 05:10:09 -04:00
rb.session.deviceID = deviceID
2020-06-16 04:57:49 -04:00
2020-06-12 15:51:48 -04:00
password := string(splitValue[2])
2019-12-24 12:46:31 -05:00
err := server.accounts.AuthenticateByPassphrase(client, authcid, password)
if err != nil {
sendAuthErrorResponse(client, rb, err)
return false
} else if !fixupNickEqualsAccount(client, rb, server.Config(), "") {
2020-03-16 23:37:52 -04:00
return false
sendSuccessfulAccountAuth(nil, client, rb, true)
return false
func authIRCv3BearerHandler(server *Server, client *Client, session *Session, value []byte, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
defer session.sasl.Clear()
// <authzid> \x00 <type> \x00 <token>
splitValue := bytes.SplitN(value, []byte{'\000'}, 3)
if len(splitValue) != 3 {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_SASLFAIL, client.Nick(), client.t("SASL authentication failed: Invalid auth blob"))
return false
err := server.accounts.AuthenticateByBearerToken(client, string(splitValue[1]), string(splitValue[2]))
if err != nil {
sendAuthErrorResponse(client, rb, err)
return false
sendSuccessfulAccountAuth(nil, client, rb, true)
return false
func sendAuthErrorResponse(client *Client, rb *ResponseBuffer, err error) {
msg := authErrorToMessage(client.server, err)
rb.Add(nil, client.server.name, ERR_SASLFAIL, client.nick, fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", client.t("SASL authentication failed"), client.t(msg)))
if err == errAccountUnverified {
rb.Add(nil, client.server.name, "NOTE", "AUTHENTICATE", "VERIFICATION_REQUIRED", "*", client.t(err.Error()))
func authErrorToMessage(server *Server, err error) (msg string) {
2020-06-12 15:51:48 -04:00
if throttled, ok := err.(*ThrottleError); ok {
return throttled.Error()
switch err {
case errAccountDoesNotExist, errAccountUnverified, errAccountInvalidCredentials, errAuthzidAuthcidMismatch, errNickAccountMismatch, errAccountSuspended, oauth2.ErrInvalidToken:
return err.Error()
// don't expose arbitrary error messages to the user
server.logger.Error("internal", "sasl authentication failure", err.Error())
return "Unknown"
2021-07-30 12:20:13 -04:00
func authExternalHandler(server *Server, client *Client, session *Session, value []byte, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
defer session.sasl.Clear()
if rb.session.certfp == "" {
2018-02-06 00:21:08 +10:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_SASLFAIL, client.nick, client.t("SASL authentication failed, you are not connecting with a certificate"))
return false
2019-12-25 12:43:02 -05:00
// EXTERNAL doesn't carry an authentication ID (this is determined from the
// certificate), but does carry an optional authorization ID.
authzid := string(value)
var deviceID string
var err error
// see #843: strip the device ID for the benefit of clients that don't
// distinguish user/ident from account name
if strudelIndex := strings.IndexByte(authzid, '@'); strudelIndex != -1 {
authzid, deviceID = authzid[:strudelIndex], authzid[strudelIndex+1:]
2019-12-25 12:43:02 -05:00
if err == nil {
2020-09-23 02:23:35 -04:00
err = server.accounts.AuthenticateByCertificate(client, rb.session.certfp, rb.session.peerCerts, authzid)
if err != nil {
sendAuthErrorResponse(client, rb, err)
return false
} else if !fixupNickEqualsAccount(client, rb, server.Config(), "") {
2020-03-16 23:37:52 -04:00
return false
sendSuccessfulAccountAuth(nil, client, rb, true)
if !client.registered && deviceID != "" {
rb.session.deviceID = deviceID
return false
2021-07-30 12:20:13 -04:00
func authScramHandler(server *Server, client *Client, session *Session, value []byte, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
continueAuth := true
defer func() {
if !continueAuth {
// first message? if so, initialize the SCRAM conversation
if session.sasl.scramConv == nil {
if throttled, remainingTime := client.checkLoginThrottle(); throttled {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_SASLFAIL, client.Nick(),
fmt.Sprintf(client.t("Please wait at least %v and try again"), remainingTime.Round(time.Millisecond)))
continueAuth = false
return false
2021-07-30 12:20:13 -04:00
session.sasl.scramConv = server.accounts.NewScramConversation()
// wait for a final AUTHENTICATE + from the client to conclude authentication
if session.sasl.scramConv.Done() {
continueAuth = false
if session.sasl.scramConv.Valid() {
authcid := session.sasl.scramConv.Username()
if strudelIndex := strings.IndexByte(authcid, '@'); strudelIndex != -1 {
var deviceID string
authcid, deviceID = authcid[:strudelIndex], authcid[strudelIndex+1:]
if !client.registered {
rb.session.deviceID = deviceID
2021-07-30 12:20:13 -04:00
authzid := session.sasl.scramConv.AuthzID()
if authzid != "" && authzid != authcid {
2021-07-30 12:20:13 -04:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_SASLFAIL, client.nick, client.t("SASL authentication failed: authcid and authzid should be the same"))
return false
account, err := server.accounts.LoadAccount(authcid)
2021-07-30 12:20:13 -04:00
if err == nil {
server.accounts.Login(client, account)
// fixupNickEqualsAccount is not needed for unregistered clients
sendSuccessfulAccountAuth(nil, client, rb, true)
2021-07-30 12:20:13 -04:00
} else {
server.logger.Error("internal", "SCRAM succeeded but couldn't load account", authcid, err.Error())
2021-07-30 12:20:13 -04:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_SASLFAIL, client.nick, client.t("SASL authentication failed"))
} else {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_SASLFAIL, client.nick, client.t("SASL authentication failed"))
return false
response, err := session.sasl.scramConv.Step(string(value))
if err == nil {
sendSASLChallenge(server, rb, []byte(response))
2021-07-30 12:20:13 -04:00
} else {
continueAuth = false
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_SASLFAIL, client.Nick(), err.Error())
return false
return false
func authOauthBearerHandler(server *Server, client *Client, session *Session, value []byte, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
if !server.Config().Accounts.OAuth2.Enabled {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_SASLFAIL, client.Nick(), "SASL authentication failed: mechanism not enabled")
return false
if session.sasl.oauthConv == nil {
session.sasl.oauthConv = oauth2.NewOAuthBearerServer(
func(opts oauth2.OAuthBearerOptions) *oauth2.OAuthBearerError {
err := server.accounts.AuthenticateByOAuthBearer(client, opts)
switch err {
case nil:
return nil
case oauth2.ErrInvalidToken:
return &oauth2.OAuthBearerError{Status: "invalid_token", Schemes: "bearer"}
case errFeatureDisabled:
return &oauth2.OAuthBearerError{Status: "invalid_request", Schemes: "bearer"}
// this is probably a misconfiguration or infrastructure error so we should log it
server.logger.Error("internal", "failed to validate OAUTHBEARER token", err.Error())
// tell the client it was their fault even though it probably wasn't:
return &oauth2.OAuthBearerError{Status: "invalid_request", Schemes: "bearer"}
challenge, done, err := session.sasl.oauthConv.Next(value)
if done {
if err == nil {
sendSuccessfulAccountAuth(nil, client, rb, true)
} else {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_SASLFAIL, client.Nick(), ircutils.SanitizeText(err.Error(), 350))
} else {
// ignore `err`, we need to relay the challenge (which may contain a JSON-encoded error)
// to the client
sendSASLChallenge(server, rb, challenge)
return false
// helper to b64 a sasl response and chunk it into 400-byte lines
// as per https://ircv3.net/specs/extensions/sasl-3.1
func sendSASLChallenge(server *Server, rb *ResponseBuffer, challenge []byte) {
for _, chunk := range ircutils.EncodeSASLResponse(challenge) {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "AUTHENTICATE", chunk)
// AWAY [<message>]
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func awayHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
// #1996: `AWAY :` is treated the same as `AWAY`
2019-02-17 14:29:04 -05:00
var awayMessage string
if len(msg.Params) > 0 {
2019-02-17 14:29:04 -05:00
awayMessage = msg.Params[0]
2023-06-14 02:46:14 -04:00
awayMessage = ircmsg.TruncateUTF8Safe(awayMessage, server.Config().Limits.AwayLen)
wasAway, nowAway := rb.session.SetAway(awayMessage)
if nowAway != "" {
2018-02-06 00:21:08 +10:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, RPL_NOWAWAY, client.nick, client.t("You have been marked as being away"))
} else {
2018-02-06 00:21:08 +10:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, RPL_UNAWAY, client.nick, client.t("You are no longer marked as being away"))
if client.registered && wasAway != nowAway {
dispatchAwayNotify(client, nowAway)
} // else: we'll send it (if applicable) after reattach
2020-05-19 14:12:20 -04:00
return false
func dispatchAwayNotify(client *Client, awayMessage string) {
// dispatch away-notify
details := client.Details()
isBot := client.HasMode(modes.Bot)
for session := range client.FriendsMonitors(caps.AwayNotify) {
if awayMessage != "" {
session.sendFromClientInternal(false, time.Time{}, "", details.nickMask, details.accountName, isBot, nil, "AWAY", awayMessage)
} else {
session.sendFromClientInternal(false, time.Time{}, "", details.nickMask, details.accountName, isBot, nil, "AWAY")
2019-12-23 15:26:37 -05:00
// BATCH {+,-}reference-tag type [params...]
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func batchHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
2019-12-23 15:26:37 -05:00
tag := msg.Params[0]
fail := false
sendErrors := rb.session.batch.command != "NOTICE"
if len(tag) == 0 {
fail = true
} else if tag[0] == '+' {
2020-03-27 10:40:19 -04:00
if len(msg.Params) < 3 || msg.Params[1] != caps.MultilineBatchType {
2019-12-23 15:26:37 -05:00
fail = true
} else {
2020-03-27 10:40:19 -04:00
err := rb.session.StartMultilineBatch(tag[1:], msg.Params[2], rb.Label, msg.ClientOnlyTags())
fail = (err != nil)
if !fail {
// suppress ACK for the initial BATCH message (we'll apply the stored label later)
2019-12-23 15:26:37 -05:00
rb.Label = ""
} else if tag[0] == '-' {
2020-03-27 10:40:19 -04:00
batch, err := rb.session.EndMultilineBatch(tag[1:])
fail = (err != nil)
if !fail {
2019-12-23 15:26:37 -05:00
histType, err := msgCommandToHistType(batch.command)
if err != nil {
histType = history.Privmsg
2019-12-26 22:54:00 -05:00
batch.command = "PRIVMSG"
2019-12-23 15:26:37 -05:00
// XXX changing the label inside a handler is a bit dodgy, but it works here
// because there's no way we could have triggered a flush up to this point
2019-12-23 15:26:37 -05:00
rb.Label = batch.responseLabel
2019-12-26 22:54:00 -05:00
dispatchMessageToTarget(client, batch.tags, histType, batch.command, batch.target, batch.message, rb)
2019-12-23 15:26:37 -05:00
if fail {
2020-03-27 10:40:19 -04:00
2019-12-23 15:26:37 -05:00
if sendErrors {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "FAIL", "BATCH", "MULTILINE_INVALID", client.t("Invalid multiline batch"))
return false
// CAP <subcmd> [<caps>]
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func capHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
2019-05-24 13:31:43 -04:00
details := client.Details()
subCommand := strings.ToUpper(msg.Params[0])
toAdd := caps.NewSet()
toRemove := caps.NewSet()
var capString string
2019-08-27 00:51:09 -04:00
config := server.Config()
supportedCaps := config.Server.supportedCaps
if client.isSTSOnly {
supportedCaps = stsOnlyCaps
} else if rb.session.hideSTS {
supportedCaps = config.Server.supportedCapsWithoutSTS
2019-08-27 00:51:09 -04:00
badCaps := false
if len(msg.Params) > 1 {
capString = msg.Params[1]
strs := strings.Fields(capString)
for _, str := range strs {
remove := false
if str[0] == '-' {
str = str[1:]
remove = true
capab, err := caps.NameToCapability(str)
2019-08-27 00:51:09 -04:00
if err != nil || (!remove && !supportedCaps.Has(capab)) {
badCaps = true
} else if !remove {
} else {
2019-08-27 00:51:09 -04:00
sendCapLines := func(cset *caps.Set, values caps.Values) {
version := rb.session.capVersion
// we're working around two bugs:
// 1. WeeChat 1.4 won't accept the CAP reply unless it contains the server.name source
// 2. old versions of Kiwi and The Lounge can't parse multiline CAP LS 302 (#661),
// so try as hard as possible to get the response to fit on one line.
// :server.name CAP nickname LS * :<tokens>\r\n
// 1 [5 ] 1 [4 ] [2 ]
maxLen := (MaxLineLen - 2) - 1 - len(server.name) - 5 - len(details.nick) - 1 - len(subCommand) - 4
capLines := cset.Strings(version, values, maxLen)
2019-08-27 00:51:09 -04:00
for i, capStr := range capLines {
2019-09-08 06:22:34 -04:00
if version >= caps.Cap302 && i < len(capLines)-1 {
2019-08-27 00:51:09 -04:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "CAP", details.nick, subCommand, "*", capStr)
} else {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "CAP", details.nick, subCommand, capStr)
switch subCommand {
case "LS":
if !client.registered {
rb.session.capState = caps.NegotiatingState
if 1 < len(msg.Params) {
num, err := strconv.Atoi(msg.Params[1])
newVersion := caps.Version(num)
if err == nil && rb.session.capVersion < newVersion {
rb.session.capVersion = newVersion
2019-08-27 00:51:09 -04:00
sendCapLines(supportedCaps, config.Server.capValues)
case "LIST":
2019-08-27 00:51:09 -04:00
// values not sent on LIST
sendCapLines(&rb.session.capabilities, nil)
case "REQ":
if !client.registered {
rb.session.capState = caps.NegotiatingState
// make sure all capabilities actually exist
2019-05-24 13:31:43 -04:00
// #511, #521: oragono.io/nope is a fake cap to trap bad clients who blindly request
// every offered capability. during registration, requesting it produces a quit,
// otherwise just a CAP NAK
if badCaps || (toAdd.Has(caps.Nope) && client.registered) {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "CAP", details.nick, "NAK", capString)
return false
2019-05-24 13:31:43 -04:00
} else if toAdd.Has(caps.Nope) && !client.registered {
2019-05-29 05:50:33 -04:00
client.Quit(fmt.Sprintf(client.t("Requesting the %s client capability is forbidden"), caps.Nope.Name()), rb.session)
2019-05-24 13:31:43 -04:00
return true
2019-05-24 13:31:43 -04:00
2019-05-24 13:31:43 -04:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "CAP", details.nick, "ACK", capString)
case "END":
2019-02-05 00:19:03 -05:00
if !client.registered {
rb.session.capState = caps.NegotiatedState
2019-05-24 13:31:43 -04:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_INVALIDCAPCMD, details.nick, subCommand, client.t("Invalid CAP subcommand"))
return false
// CHATHISTORY <target> <preposition> <query> [<limit>]
// e.g., CHATHISTORY #ircv3 AFTER id=ytNBbt565yt4r3err3 10
// CHATHISTORY <target> BETWEEN <query> <query> <direction> [<limit>]
// e.g., CHATHISTORY #ircv3 BETWEEN timestamp=YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ timestamp=YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ + 100
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func chathistoryHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) (exiting bool) {
var items []history.Item
var target string
var channel *Channel
var sequence history.Sequence
var err error
2021-04-07 05:40:39 -04:00
var listTargets bool
var targets []history.TargetListing
defer func() {
2019-05-06 23:17:57 -04:00
// errors are sent either without a batch, or in a draft/labeled-response batch as usual
if err == utils.ErrInvalidParams {
2020-10-12 22:42:03 -04:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "FAIL", "CHATHISTORY", "INVALID_PARAMS", msg.Params[0], client.t("Invalid parameters"))
2021-04-07 05:40:39 -04:00
} else if !listTargets && sequence == nil {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "FAIL", "CHATHISTORY", "INVALID_TARGET", msg.Params[0], utils.SafeErrorParam(target), client.t("Messages could not be retrieved"))
} else if err != nil {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "FAIL", "CHATHISTORY", "MESSAGE_ERROR", msg.Params[0], client.t("Messages could not be retrieved"))
2020-10-12 22:42:03 -04:00
} else {
// successful responses are sent as a chathistory or history batch
2021-04-07 05:40:39 -04:00
if listTargets {
2023-06-01 04:43:13 -04:00
batchID := rb.StartNestedBatch(caps.ChathistoryTargetsBatchType)
defer rb.EndNestedBatch(batchID)
2021-04-07 05:40:39 -04:00
for _, target := range targets {
name := server.UnfoldName(target.CfName)
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "CHATHISTORY", "TARGETS", name,
} else if channel != nil {
channel.replayHistoryItems(rb, items, true)
2020-10-12 22:42:03 -04:00
} else {
client.replayPrivmsgHistory(rb, items, target, true)
2020-10-12 22:42:03 -04:00
config := server.Config()
maxChathistoryLimit := config.History.ChathistoryMax
if maxChathistoryLimit == 0 {
2020-02-24 21:45:21 -05:00
preposition := strings.ToLower(msg.Params[0])
target = msg.Params[1]
2021-04-07 05:40:39 -04:00
listTargets = (preposition == "targets")
parseQueryParam := func(param string) (msgid string, timestamp time.Time, err error) {
2020-02-24 21:45:21 -05:00
if param == "*" && (preposition == "before" || preposition == "between") {
// XXX compatibility with kiwi, which as of February 2020 is
// using BEFORE * as a synonym for LATEST *
err = utils.ErrInvalidParams
pieces := strings.SplitN(param, "=", 2)
if len(pieces) < 2 {
identifier, value := strings.ToLower(pieces[0]), pieces[1]
if identifier == "msgid" {
msgid, err = history.NormalizeMsgid(value), nil
} else if identifier == "timestamp" {
timestamp, err = time.Parse(IRCv3TimestampFormat, value)
parseHistoryLimit := func(paramIndex int) (limit int) {
if len(msg.Params) < (paramIndex + 1) {
return maxChathistoryLimit
limit, err := strconv.Atoi(msg.Params[paramIndex])
if err != nil || limit == 0 || limit > maxChathistoryLimit {
limit = maxChathistoryLimit
roundUp := func(endpoint time.Time) (result time.Time) {
return endpoint.Truncate(time.Millisecond).Add(time.Millisecond)
paramPos := 2
var start, end history.Selector
var limit int
switch preposition {
2021-04-07 05:40:39 -04:00
case "targets":
// use the same selector parsing as BETWEEN,
// except that we have no target so we have one fewer parameter
paramPos = 1
case "between":
start.Msgid, start.Time, err = parseQueryParam(msg.Params[paramPos])
if err != nil {
end.Msgid, end.Time, err = parseQueryParam(msg.Params[paramPos+1])
if err != nil {
// XXX preserve the ordering of the two parameters, since we might be going backwards,
// but round up the chronologically first one, whichever it is, to make it exclusive
if !start.Time.IsZero() && !end.Time.IsZero() {
if start.Time.Before(end.Time) {
start.Time = roundUp(start.Time)
} else {
end.Time = roundUp(end.Time)
limit = parseHistoryLimit(paramPos + 2)
case "before", "after", "around":
start.Msgid, start.Time, err = parseQueryParam(msg.Params[2])
if err != nil {
if preposition == "after" && !start.Time.IsZero() {
start.Time = roundUp(start.Time)
if preposition == "before" {
end = start
start = history.Selector{}
limit = parseHistoryLimit(3)
case "latest":
if msg.Params[2] != "*" {
end.Msgid, end.Time, err = parseQueryParam(msg.Params[2])
if err != nil {
if !end.Time.IsZero() {
end.Time = roundUp(end.Time)
start.Time = time.Now().UTC()
limit = parseHistoryLimit(3)
err = utils.ErrInvalidParams
2021-04-07 05:40:39 -04:00
if listTargets {
targets, err = client.listTargets(start, end, limit)
} else {
channel, sequence, err = server.GetHistorySequence(nil, client, target)
2021-04-07 05:40:39 -04:00
if err != nil || sequence == nil {
if preposition == "around" {
items, err = sequence.Around(start, limit)
} else {
items, err = sequence.Between(start, end, limit)
// DEBUG <subcmd>
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func debugHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
2018-02-11 23:48:58 -05:00
param := strings.ToUpper(msg.Params[0])
switch param {
case "GCSTATS":
stats := debug.GCStats{
Pause: make([]time.Duration, 10),
PauseQuantiles: make([]time.Duration, 5),
2018-02-06 00:21:08 +10:00
rb.Notice(fmt.Sprintf("last GC: %s", stats.LastGC.Format(time.RFC1123)))
rb.Notice(fmt.Sprintf("num GC: %d", stats.NumGC))
rb.Notice(fmt.Sprintf("pause total: %s", stats.PauseTotal))
rb.Notice(fmt.Sprintf("pause quantiles min%%: %s", stats.PauseQuantiles[0]))
rb.Notice(fmt.Sprintf("pause quantiles 25%%: %s", stats.PauseQuantiles[1]))
rb.Notice(fmt.Sprintf("pause quantiles 50%%: %s", stats.PauseQuantiles[2]))
rb.Notice(fmt.Sprintf("pause quantiles 75%%: %s", stats.PauseQuantiles[3]))
rb.Notice(fmt.Sprintf("pause quantiles max%%: %s", stats.PauseQuantiles[4]))
count := runtime.NumGoroutine()
2018-02-06 00:21:08 +10:00
rb.Notice(fmt.Sprintf("num goroutines: %d", count))
2021-05-25 00:34:38 -04:00
profFile := server.Config().getOutputPath("ergo.mprof")
file, err := os.Create(profFile)
if err != nil {
2018-02-06 00:21:08 +10:00
rb.Notice(fmt.Sprintf("error: %s", err))
defer file.Close()
pprof.Lookup("heap").WriteTo(file, 0)
2018-02-06 00:21:08 +10:00
rb.Notice(fmt.Sprintf("written to %s", profFile))
2021-05-25 00:34:38 -04:00
profFile := server.Config().getOutputPath("ergo.prof")
file, err := os.Create(profFile)
if err != nil {
2018-02-06 00:21:08 +10:00
rb.Notice(fmt.Sprintf("error: %s", err))
if err := pprof.StartCPUProfile(file); err != nil {
defer file.Close()
2018-02-06 00:21:08 +10:00
rb.Notice(fmt.Sprintf("error: %s", err))
2018-02-06 00:21:08 +10:00
rb.Notice(fmt.Sprintf("CPU profile writing to %s", profFile))
2018-02-06 00:21:08 +10:00
rb.Notice(fmt.Sprintf("CPU profiling stopped"))
2020-02-21 12:41:04 -05:00
code := utils.ConfirmationCode(server.name, server.ctime)
2020-02-21 12:41:04 -05:00
if len(msg.Params) == 1 || msg.Params[1] != code {
2020-05-08 02:47:08 -04:00
rb.Notice(fmt.Sprintf(client.t("To confirm, run this command: %s"), fmt.Sprintf("/DEBUG CRASHSERVER %s", code)))
2020-02-21 12:41:04 -05:00
return false
server.logger.Error("server", fmt.Sprintf("DEBUG CRASHSERVER executed by operator %s", client.Oper().Name))
2020-02-21 12:41:04 -05:00
go func() {
// intentional nil dereference on a new goroutine, bypassing recover-from-errors
var i, j *int
*i = *j
rb.Notice(client.t("Unrecognized DEBUG subcommand"))
return false
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func defconHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
2020-07-08 05:32:14 -04:00
if len(msg.Params) > 0 {
level, err := strconv.Atoi(msg.Params[0])
if err == nil && 1 <= level && level <= 5 {
server.snomasks.Send(sno.LocalAnnouncements, fmt.Sprintf("%s [%s] set DEFCON level to %d", client.Nick(), client.Oper().Name, level))
} else {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_UNKNOWNERROR, client.Nick(), msg.Command, client.t("Invalid DEFCON parameter"))
return false
rb.Notice(fmt.Sprintf(client.t("Current DEFCON level is %d"), server.Defcon()))
return false
2019-01-22 05:01:01 -05:00
// helper for parsing the reason args to DLINE and KLINE
func getReasonsFromParams(params []string, currentArg int) (reason, operReason string) {
reason = "No reason given"
operReason = ""
if len(params) > currentArg {
reasons := strings.SplitN(strings.Join(params[currentArg:], " "), "|", 2)
if len(reasons) == 1 {
reason = strings.TrimSpace(reasons[0])
} else if len(reasons) == 2 {
reason = strings.TrimSpace(reasons[0])
operReason = strings.TrimSpace(reasons[1])
func formatBanForListing(client *Client, key string, info IPBanInfo) string {
desc := info.Reason
if info.OperReason != "" && info.OperReason != info.Reason {
desc = fmt.Sprintf("%s | %s", info.Reason, info.OperReason)
desc = fmt.Sprintf("%s [%s] added on [%s]", desc, info.TimeLeft(), info.TimeCreated.UTC().Format(time.RFC1123))
2021-01-22 09:38:40 -05:00
banType := "Ban"
if info.RequireSASL {
banType = "SASL required"
return fmt.Sprintf(client.t("%[1]s - %[2]s - added by %[3]s - %[4]s"), banType, key, info.OperName, desc)
2019-01-22 05:01:01 -05:00
// DLINE [ANDKILL] [MYSELF] [duration] <ip>/<net> [ON <server>] [reason [| oper reason]]
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func dlineHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
// check oper permissions
2018-04-19 02:48:19 -04:00
oper := client.Oper()
if !oper.HasRoleCapab("ban") {
2018-02-06 00:21:08 +10:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_NOPRIVS, client.nick, msg.Command, client.t("Insufficient oper privs"))
return false
currentArg := 0
// if they say LIST, we just list the current dlines
if len(msg.Params) == currentArg+1 && strings.ToLower(msg.Params[currentArg]) == "list" {
bans := server.dlines.AllBans()
if len(bans) == 0 {
2018-02-06 00:21:08 +10:00
rb.Notice(client.t("No DLINEs have been set!"))
for key, info := range bans {
2019-01-22 05:01:01 -05:00
client.Notice(formatBanForListing(client, key, info))
return false
// when setting a ban, if they say "ANDKILL" we should also kill all users who match it
var andKill bool
if len(msg.Params) > currentArg+1 && strings.ToLower(msg.Params[currentArg]) == "andkill" {
andKill = true
// when setting a ban that covers the oper's current connection, we require them to say
// "DLINE MYSELF" so that we're sure they really mean it.
var dlineMyself bool
if len(msg.Params) > currentArg+1 && strings.ToLower(msg.Params[currentArg]) == "myself" {
dlineMyself = true
// duration
duration, err := custime.ParseDuration(msg.Params[currentArg])
2019-01-22 05:01:01 -05:00
if err != nil {
duration = 0
} else {
// get host
if len(msg.Params) < currentArg+1 {
2018-02-06 00:21:08 +10:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS, client.nick, msg.Command, client.t("Not enough parameters"))
return false
hostString := msg.Params[currentArg]
// check host
2019-01-22 05:01:01 -05:00
hostNet, err := utils.NormalizedNetFromString(hostString)
if err != nil {
2018-02-06 00:21:08 +10:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_UNKNOWNERROR, client.nick, msg.Command, client.t("Could not parse IP address or CIDR network"))
return false
if !dlineMyself && hostNet.Contains(rb.session.IP()) {
2019-01-22 05:01:01 -05:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_UNKNOWNERROR, client.nick, msg.Command, client.t("This ban matches you. To DLINE yourself, you must use the command: /DLINE MYSELF <arguments>"))
return false
// check remote
if len(msg.Params) > currentArg && msg.Params[currentArg] == "ON" {
2018-02-06 00:21:08 +10:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_UNKNOWNERROR, client.nick, msg.Command, client.t("Remote servers not yet supported"))
return false
// get comment(s)
2019-01-22 05:01:01 -05:00
reason, operReason := getReasonsFromParams(msg.Params, currentArg)
2018-04-19 02:48:19 -04:00
operName := oper.Name
if operName == "" {
operName = server.name
2021-01-22 09:38:40 -05:00
err = server.dlines.AddNetwork(flatip.FromNetIPNet(hostNet), duration, false, reason, operReason, operName)
if err != nil {
2018-02-06 00:21:08 +10:00
rb.Notice(fmt.Sprintf(client.t("Could not successfully save new D-LINE: %s"), err.Error()))
return false
var snoDescription string
2019-01-22 05:01:01 -05:00
hostString = utils.NetToNormalizedString(hostNet)
if duration != 0 {
2018-02-06 00:21:08 +10:00
rb.Notice(fmt.Sprintf(client.t("Added temporary (%[1]s) D-Line for %[2]s"), duration.String(), hostString))
snoDescription = fmt.Sprintf(ircfmt.Unescape("%s [%s]$r added temporary (%s) D-Line for %s"), client.nick, operName, duration.String(), hostString)
} else {
2018-02-06 00:21:08 +10:00
rb.Notice(fmt.Sprintf(client.t("Added D-Line for %s"), hostString))
snoDescription = fmt.Sprintf(ircfmt.Unescape("%s [%s]$r added D-Line for %s"), client.nick, operName, hostString)
server.snomasks.Send(sno.LocalXline, snoDescription)
var killClient bool
if andKill {
var sessionsToKill []*Session
var killedClientNicks []string
for _, mcl := range server.clients.AllClients() {
nickKilled := false
for _, session := range mcl.Sessions() {
if hostNet.Contains(session.IP()) {
sessionsToKill = append(sessionsToKill, session)
if !nickKilled {
killedClientNicks = append(killedClientNicks, mcl.Nick())
nickKilled = true
for _, session := range sessionsToKill {
mcl := session.client
mcl.Quit(fmt.Sprintf(mcl.t("You have been banned from this server (%s)"), reason), session)
if session == rb.session {
killClient = true
} else {
// if mcl == client, we kill them below
// send snomask
server.snomasks.Send(sno.LocalKills, fmt.Sprintf(ircfmt.Unescape("%s [%s] killed %d clients with a DLINE $c[grey][$r%s$c[grey]]"), client.nick, operName, len(killedClientNicks), strings.Join(killedClientNicks, ", ")))
return killClient
2020-04-15 18:14:17 +10:00
// EXTJWT <target> [service_name]
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func extjwtHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
2020-04-15 18:14:17 +10:00
accountName := client.AccountName()
if accountName == "*" {
accountName = ""
claims := jwt.MapClaims{
"iss": server.name,
"sub": client.Nick(),
"account": accountName,
"umodes": []string{},
if msg.Params[0] != "*" {
channel := server.channels.Get(msg.Params[0])
if channel == nil {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "FAIL", "EXTJWT", "NO_SUCH_CHANNEL", client.t("No such channel"))
return false
claims["channel"] = channel.Name()
claims["joined"] = 0
claims["cmodes"] = []string{}
if present, joinTimeSecs, cModes := channel.ClientStatus(client); present {
claims["joined"] = joinTimeSecs
2020-06-15 14:16:02 -04:00
var modeStrings []string
for _, cMode := range cModes {
modeStrings = append(modeStrings, string(cMode))
claims["cmodes"] = modeStrings
2020-04-15 18:14:17 +10:00
2020-06-15 14:16:02 -04:00
config := server.Config()
var serviceName string
var sConfig jwt.JwtServiceConfig
2020-04-15 18:14:17 +10:00
if 1 < len(msg.Params) {
2020-06-15 14:16:02 -04:00
serviceName = strings.ToLower(msg.Params[1])
sConfig = config.Extjwt.Services[serviceName]
} else {
serviceName = "*"
sConfig = config.Extjwt.Default
2020-04-15 18:14:17 +10:00
2020-06-15 14:16:02 -04:00
if !sConfig.Enabled() {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "FAIL", "EXTJWT", "NO_SUCH_SERVICE", client.t("No such service"))
return false
2020-04-15 18:14:17 +10:00
2020-06-15 14:16:02 -04:00
tokenString, err := sConfig.Sign(claims)
2020-04-15 18:14:17 +10:00
if err == nil {
2022-04-24 11:57:21 -04:00
maxTokenLength := maxLastArgLength
2020-04-15 18:14:17 +10:00
for maxTokenLength < len(tokenString) {
2020-06-15 14:16:02 -04:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "EXTJWT", msg.Params[0], serviceName, "*", tokenString[:maxTokenLength])
2020-04-15 18:14:17 +10:00
tokenString = tokenString[maxTokenLength:]
2020-06-15 14:16:02 -04:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "EXTJWT", msg.Params[0], serviceName, tokenString)
2020-04-15 18:14:17 +10:00
} else {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "FAIL", "EXTJWT", "UNKNOWN_ERROR", client.t("Could not generate EXTJWT token"))
return false
// HELP [<query>]
// HELPOP [<query>]
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func helpHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
if len(msg.Params) == 0 {
client.sendHelp("HELPOP", client.t(`HELPOP <argument>
2018-02-06 00:21:08 +10:00
Get an explanation of <argument>, or "index" for a list of help topics.`), rb)
return false
argument := strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(msg.Params[0]))
// handle index
if argument == "index" {
2019-02-19 02:54:57 -05:00
client.sendHelp("HELP", server.helpIndexManager.GetIndex(client.Languages(), client.HasMode(modes.Operator)), rb)
return false
helpHandler, exists := Help[argument]
2018-04-22 18:47:10 -04:00
if exists && (!helpHandler.oper || (helpHandler.oper && client.HasMode(modes.Operator))) {
if helpHandler.textGenerator != nil {
client.sendHelp(argument, helpHandler.textGenerator(client), rb)
} else {
client.sendHelp(argument, client.t(helpHandler.text), rb)
} else {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_HELPNOTFOUND, client.Nick(), strings.ToUpper(utils.SafeErrorParam(argument)), client.t("Help not found"))
return false
// HISTORY <target> [<limit>]
// e.g., HISTORY #ubuntu 10
// HISTORY alice 15
// HISTORY #darwin 1h
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func historyHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
2019-02-04 12:16:28 -05:00
config := server.Config()
2019-05-12 03:27:02 -04:00
if !config.History.Enabled {
rb.Notice(client.t("This command has been disabled by the server administrators"))
return false
2020-05-12 12:05:40 -04:00
items, channel, err := easySelectHistory(server, client, msg.Params)
2020-05-12 12:05:40 -04:00
if err == errNoSuchChannel {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL, client.Nick(), utils.SafeErrorParam(msg.Params[0]), client.t("No such channel"))
return false
} else if err != nil {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_UNKNOWNERROR, client.Nick(), msg.Command, client.t("Could not retrieve history"))
return false
2020-05-12 12:05:40 -04:00
if len(items) != 0 {
if channel != nil {
channel.replayHistoryItems(rb, items, true)
} else {
client.replayPrivmsgHistory(rb, items, "", true)
return false
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func infoHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
2020-06-01 13:17:26 -04:00
nick := client.Nick()
// we do the below so that the human-readable lines in info can be translated.
for _, line := range infoString1 {
2020-06-01 13:17:26 -04:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, RPL_INFO, nick, line)
2021-05-25 00:34:38 -04:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, RPL_INFO, nick, fmt.Sprintf(client.t("This is Ergo version %s."), SemVer))
2020-06-01 13:17:26 -04:00
if Commit != "" {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, RPL_INFO, nick, fmt.Sprintf(client.t("It was built from git hash %s."), Commit))
rb.Add(nil, server.name, RPL_INFO, nick, fmt.Sprintf(client.t("It was compiled using %s."), runtime.Version()))
rb.Add(nil, server.name, RPL_INFO, nick, fmt.Sprintf(client.t("This server has been running since %s."), server.ctime.Format(time.RFC1123)))
2020-06-01 13:17:26 -04:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, RPL_INFO, nick, "")
2021-05-25 00:34:38 -04:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, RPL_INFO, nick, client.t("Ergo is released under the MIT license."))
2020-06-01 13:17:26 -04:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, RPL_INFO, nick, "")
rb.Add(nil, server.name, RPL_INFO, nick, client.t("Core Developers:"))
for _, line := range infoString2 {
2020-06-01 13:17:26 -04:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, RPL_INFO, nick, line)
2020-06-01 13:17:26 -04:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, RPL_INFO, nick, client.t("Former Core Developers:"))
for _, line := range infoString3 {
2020-06-01 13:17:26 -04:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, RPL_INFO, nick, line)
2020-06-01 13:17:26 -04:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, RPL_INFO, nick, client.t("For a more complete list of contributors, see our changelog:"))
2021-05-25 00:34:38 -04:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, RPL_INFO, nick, " https://github.com/ergochat/ergo/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md")
2020-06-01 13:17:26 -04:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, RPL_INFO, nick, "")
// show translators for languages other than good ole' regular English
2019-02-19 02:54:57 -05:00
tlines := server.Languages().Translators()
if 0 < len(tlines) {
2020-06-01 13:17:26 -04:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, RPL_INFO, nick, client.t("Translators:"))
for _, line := range tlines {
2020-06-01 13:17:26 -04:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, RPL_INFO, nick, " "+strings.Replace(line, "\n", ", ", -1))
2020-06-01 13:17:26 -04:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, RPL_INFO, nick, "")
2020-06-01 13:17:26 -04:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, RPL_ENDOFINFO, nick, client.t("End of /INFO"))
return false
// INVITE <nickname> <channel>
2020-10-25 22:16:19 -04:00
// UNINVITE <nickname> <channel>
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func inviteHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
2020-10-25 22:16:19 -04:00
invite := msg.Command == "INVITE"
nickname := msg.Params[0]
channelName := msg.Params[1]
target := server.clients.Get(nickname)
if target == nil {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_NOSUCHNICK, client.Nick(), utils.SafeErrorParam(nickname), client.t("No such nick"))
return false
2019-12-05 07:41:09 -05:00
channel := server.channels.Get(channelName)
if channel == nil {
2020-03-18 06:13:57 -04:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL, client.Nick(), utils.SafeErrorParam(channelName), client.t("No such channel"))
return false
2020-10-25 22:16:19 -04:00
if invite {
channel.Invite(target, client, rb)
} else {
channel.Uninvite(target, client, rb)
return false
// ISON <nick>{ <nick>}
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func isonHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
var nicks = msg.Params
ison := make([]string, 0, len(msg.Params))
for _, nick := range nicks {
2019-05-14 21:00:00 -04:00
currentNick := server.getCurrentNick(nick)
if currentNick != "" {
ison = append(ison, currentNick)
rb.Add(nil, server.name, RPL_ISON, client.nick, strings.Join(ison, " "))
return false
// JOIN <channel>{,<channel>} [<key>{,<key>}]
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func joinHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
// #1417: allow `JOIN 0` with a confirmation code
if msg.Params[0] == "0" {
expectedCode := utils.ConfirmationCode("", rb.session.ctime)
if len(msg.Params) == 1 || msg.Params[1] != expectedCode {
rb.Notice(fmt.Sprintf(client.t("Warning: /JOIN 0 will remove you from all channels. To confirm, type: /JOIN 0 %s"), expectedCode))
} else {
for _, channel := range client.Channels() {
channel.Part(client, "", rb)
return false
// handle regular JOINs
channels := strings.Split(msg.Params[0], ",")
var keys []string
if len(msg.Params) > 1 {
keys = strings.Split(msg.Params[1], ",")
for i, name := range channels {
if name == "" {
continue // #679
var key string
if len(keys) > i {
key = keys[i]
err, forward := server.channels.Join(client, name, key, false, rb)
2019-12-17 13:21:26 -05:00
if err != nil {
if forward != "" {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_LINKCHANNEL, client.Nick(), utils.SafeErrorParam(name), forward, client.t("Forwarding to another channel"))
name = forward
err, _ = server.channels.Join(client, name, key, false, rb)
if err != nil {
sendJoinError(client, name, rb, err)
return false
2019-12-17 13:21:26 -05:00
func sendJoinError(client *Client, name string, rb *ResponseBuffer, err error) {
2020-06-30 19:24:56 -04:00
var code, errMsg, forbiddingMode string
2019-12-17 13:21:26 -05:00
switch err {
case errInsufficientPrivs:
2020-06-30 19:24:56 -04:00
code, errMsg = ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL, `Only server operators can create new channels`
2019-12-17 13:21:26 -05:00
case errConfusableIdentifier:
2020-06-30 19:24:56 -04:00
code, errMsg = ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL, `That channel name is too close to the name of another channel`
2019-12-17 13:21:26 -05:00
case errChannelPurged:
2020-06-30 19:24:56 -04:00
code, errMsg = ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL, err.Error()
case errTooManyChannels:
code, errMsg = ERR_TOOMANYCHANNELS, `You have joined too many channels`
case errLimitExceeded:
code, forbiddingMode = ERR_CHANNELISFULL, "l"
case errWrongChannelKey:
code, forbiddingMode = ERR_BADCHANNELKEY, "k"
case errInviteOnly:
code, forbiddingMode = ERR_INVITEONLYCHAN, "i"
case errBanned:
code, forbiddingMode = ERR_BANNEDFROMCHAN, "b"
case errRegisteredOnly:
code, errMsg = ERR_NEEDREGGEDNICK, `You must be registered to join that channel`
2019-12-17 13:21:26 -05:00
2020-06-30 19:24:56 -04:00
code, errMsg = ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL, `No such channel`
if forbiddingMode != "" {
errMsg = fmt.Sprintf(client.t("Cannot join channel (+%s)"), forbiddingMode)
} else {
errMsg = client.t(errMsg)
2019-12-17 13:21:26 -05:00
2020-06-30 19:24:56 -04:00
rb.Add(nil, client.server.name, code, client.Nick(), utils.SafeErrorParam(name), errMsg)
2019-12-17 13:21:26 -05:00
// SAJOIN [nick] #channel{,#channel}
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func sajoinHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
var target *Client
var channelString string
if strings.HasPrefix(msg.Params[0], "#") {
target = client
channelString = msg.Params[0]
} else {
if len(msg.Params) == 1 {
2019-12-17 13:21:26 -05:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS, client.Nick(), "SAJOIN", client.t("Not enough parameters"))
return false
} else {
target = server.clients.Get(msg.Params[0])
if target == nil {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_NOSUCHNICK, client.Nick(), utils.SafeErrorParam(msg.Params[0]), "No such nick")
return false
channelString = msg.Params[1]
message := fmt.Sprintf("Operator %s ran SAJOIN %s", client.Oper().Name, strings.Join(msg.Params, " "))
server.snomasks.Send(sno.LocalOpers, message)
server.logger.Info("opers", message)
channels := strings.Split(channelString, ",")
for _, chname := range channels {
err, _ := server.channels.Join(target, chname, "", true, rb)
2019-12-17 13:21:26 -05:00
if err != nil {
sendJoinError(client, chname, rb, err)
return false
// KICK <channel>{,<channel>} <user>{,<user>} [<comment>]
// RFC 2812 requires the number of channels to be either 1 or equal to
// the number of users.
// Addditionally, we support multiple channels and a single user.
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func kickHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
channels := strings.Split(msg.Params[0], ",")
users := strings.Split(msg.Params[1], ",")
if (len(channels) != len(users)) && (len(users) != 1) && (len(channels) != 1) {
2018-02-06 00:21:08 +10:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS, client.nick, "KICK", client.t("Not enough parameters"))
return false
type kickCmd struct {
channel string
nick string
var kicks []kickCmd
if len(users) == 1 {
kicks = make([]kickCmd, 0, len(channels))
// Single user, possibly multiple channels
user := users[0]
for _, channel := range channels {
if channel == "" {
continue // #679
kicks = append(kicks, kickCmd{channel, user})
} else {
// Multiple users, either a single channel or as many channels
// as users.
kicks = make([]kickCmd, 0, len(users))
channel := channels[0]
for index, user := range users {
if len(channels) > 1 {
channel = channels[index]
if channel == "" {
continue // #679
kicks = append(kicks, kickCmd{channel, user})
var comment string
if len(msg.Params) > 2 {
comment = msg.Params[2]
if comment == "" {
comment = client.Nick()
for _, kick := range kicks {
channel := server.channels.Get(kick.channel)
if channel == nil {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL, client.nick, utils.SafeErrorParam(kick.channel), client.t("No such channel"))
target := server.clients.Get(kick.nick)
if target == nil {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_NOSUCHNICK, client.nick, utils.SafeErrorParam(kick.nick), client.t("No such nick"))
channel.Kick(client, target, comment, rb, false)
return false
// KILL <nickname> <comment>
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func killHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
nickname := msg.Params[0]
var comment string
if len(msg.Params) > 1 {
comment = msg.Params[1]
target := server.clients.Get(nickname)
if target == nil {
rb.Add(nil, client.server.name, ERR_NOSUCHNICK, client.Nick(), utils.SafeErrorParam(nickname), client.t("No such nick"))
return false
} else if target.AlwaysOn() {
rb.Add(nil, client.server.name, ERR_UNKNOWNERROR, client.Nick(), "KILL", fmt.Sprintf(client.t("Client %s is always-on and cannot be fully removed by /KILL; consider /UBAN ADD instead"), target.Nick()))
quitMsg := "Killed"
if comment != "" {
quitMsg = fmt.Sprintf("Killed by %s: %s", client.Nick(), comment)
var snoLine string
if comment == "" {
snoLine = fmt.Sprintf(ircfmt.Unescape("%s was killed by %s"), target.Nick(), client.Nick())
} else {
snoLine = fmt.Sprintf(ircfmt.Unescape("%s was killed by %s $c[grey][$r%s$c[grey]]"), target.Nick(), client.Nick(), comment)
server.snomasks.Send(sno.LocalKills, snoLine)
target.Quit(quitMsg, nil)
2019-05-21 21:40:25 -04:00
return false
// KLINE [ANDKILL] [MYSELF] [duration] <mask> [ON <server>] [reason [| oper reason]]
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func klineHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
2019-07-14 16:17:37 -04:00
details := client.Details()
// check oper permissions
2018-04-19 02:48:19 -04:00
oper := client.Oper()
if !oper.HasRoleCapab("ban") {
2019-07-14 16:17:37 -04:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_NOPRIVS, details.nick, msg.Command, client.t("Insufficient oper privs"))
return false
currentArg := 0
// if they say LIST, we just list the current klines
if len(msg.Params) == currentArg+1 && strings.ToLower(msg.Params[currentArg]) == "list" {
bans := server.klines.AllBans()
if len(bans) == 0 {
client.Notice("No KLINEs have been set!")
for key, info := range bans {
2019-01-22 05:01:01 -05:00
client.Notice(formatBanForListing(client, key, info))
return false
// when setting a ban, if they say "ANDKILL" we should also kill all users who match it
var andKill bool
if len(msg.Params) > currentArg+1 && strings.ToLower(msg.Params[currentArg]) == "andkill" {
andKill = true
// when setting a ban that covers the oper's current connection, we require them to say
// "KLINE MYSELF" so that we're sure they really mean it.
var klineMyself bool
if len(msg.Params) > currentArg+1 && strings.ToLower(msg.Params[currentArg]) == "myself" {
klineMyself = true
// duration
duration, err := custime.ParseDuration(msg.Params[currentArg])
2019-01-22 05:01:01 -05:00
if err != nil {
duration = 0
} else {
// get mask
if len(msg.Params) < currentArg+1 {
2019-07-14 16:17:37 -04:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS, details.nick, msg.Command, client.t("Not enough parameters"))
return false
2019-07-14 16:17:37 -04:00
mask := msg.Params[currentArg]
// check mask
2019-07-14 16:17:37 -04:00
mask, err = CanonicalizeMaskWildcard(mask)
if err != nil {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_UNKNOWNERROR, details.nick, msg.Command, client.t("Erroneous nickname"))
return false
2020-05-13 03:41:00 -04:00
matcher, err := utils.CompileGlob(mask, false)
if err != nil {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_UNKNOWNERROR, details.nick, msg.Command, client.t("Erroneous nickname"))
return false
for _, clientMask := range client.AllNickmasks() {
2020-05-13 03:41:00 -04:00
if !klineMyself && matcher.MatchString(clientMask) {
2019-07-14 16:17:37 -04:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_UNKNOWNERROR, details.nick, msg.Command, client.t("This ban matches you. To KLINE yourself, you must use the command: /KLINE MYSELF <arguments>"))
return false
// check remote
if len(msg.Params) > currentArg && msg.Params[currentArg] == "ON" {
2019-07-14 16:17:37 -04:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_UNKNOWNERROR, details.nick, msg.Command, client.t("Remote servers not yet supported"))
return false
// get oper name
2018-04-19 02:48:19 -04:00
operName := oper.Name
if operName == "" {
operName = server.name
// get comment(s)
2019-01-22 05:01:01 -05:00
reason, operReason := getReasonsFromParams(msg.Params, currentArg)
2019-01-22 05:01:01 -05:00
err = server.klines.AddMask(mask, duration, reason, operReason, operName)
if err != nil {
2018-02-06 00:21:08 +10:00
rb.Notice(fmt.Sprintf(client.t("Could not successfully save new K-LINE: %s"), err.Error()))
return false
var snoDescription string
2019-01-22 05:01:01 -05:00
if duration != 0 {
2018-02-06 00:21:08 +10:00
rb.Notice(fmt.Sprintf(client.t("Added temporary (%[1]s) K-Line for %[2]s"), duration.String(), mask))
2019-07-14 16:17:37 -04:00
snoDescription = fmt.Sprintf(ircfmt.Unescape("%s [%s]$r added temporary (%s) K-Line for %s"), details.nick, operName, duration.String(), mask)
} else {
2018-02-06 00:21:08 +10:00
rb.Notice(fmt.Sprintf(client.t("Added K-Line for %s"), mask))
2019-07-14 16:17:37 -04:00
snoDescription = fmt.Sprintf(ircfmt.Unescape("%s [%s]$r added K-Line for %s"), details.nick, operName, mask)
server.snomasks.Send(sno.LocalXline, snoDescription)
var killClient bool
if andKill {
var clientsToKill []*Client
var killedClientNicks []string
for _, mcl := range server.clients.AllClients() {
for _, clientMask := range mcl.AllNickmasks() {
2020-05-13 03:41:00 -04:00
if matcher.MatchString(clientMask) {
clientsToKill = append(clientsToKill, mcl)
killedClientNicks = append(killedClientNicks, mcl.nick)
2020-11-10 11:17:17 -05:00
for _, mcl := range clientsToKill {
mcl.Quit(fmt.Sprintf(mcl.t("You have been banned from this server (%s)"), reason), nil)
if mcl == client {
killClient = true
} else {
// if mcl == client, we kill them below
2019-05-21 21:40:25 -04:00
// send snomask
2019-07-14 16:17:37 -04:00
server.snomasks.Send(sno.LocalKills, fmt.Sprintf(ircfmt.Unescape("%s [%s] killed %d clients with a KLINE $c[grey][$r%s$c[grey]]"), details.nick, operName, len(killedClientNicks), strings.Join(killedClientNicks, ", ")))
return killClient
// LANGUAGE <code>{ <code>}
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func languageHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
2019-02-19 02:54:57 -05:00
nick := client.Nick()
alreadyDoneLanguages := make(map[string]bool)
var appliedLanguages []string
2019-02-19 02:54:57 -05:00
lm := server.Languages()
supportedLanguagesCount := lm.Count()
if supportedLanguagesCount < len(msg.Params) {
2019-02-19 02:54:57 -05:00
rb.Add(nil, client.server.name, ERR_TOOMANYLANGUAGES, nick, strconv.Itoa(supportedLanguagesCount), client.t("You specified too many languages"))
return false
for _, value := range msg.Params {
value = strings.ToLower(value)
// strip ~ from the language if it has it
value = strings.TrimPrefix(value, "~")
// silently ignore empty languages or those with spaces in them
if len(value) == 0 || strings.Contains(value, " ") {
2019-02-19 02:54:57 -05:00
_, exists := lm.Languages[value]
if !exists {
2019-02-19 02:54:57 -05:00
rb.Add(nil, client.server.name, ERR_NOLANGUAGE, nick, fmt.Sprintf(client.t("Language %s is not supported by this server"), value))
return false
// if we've already applied the given language, skip it
_, exists = alreadyDoneLanguages[value]
if exists {
appliedLanguages = append(appliedLanguages, value)
2019-02-19 02:54:57 -05:00
var langsToSet []string
if !(len(appliedLanguages) == 1 && appliedLanguages[0] == "en") {
langsToSet = appliedLanguages
2019-02-19 02:54:57 -05:00
2019-02-19 02:54:57 -05:00
params := make([]string, len(appliedLanguages)+2)
params[0] = nick
copy(params[1:], appliedLanguages)
params[len(params)-1] = client.t("Language preferences have been set")
2018-02-06 00:21:08 +10:00
rb.Add(nil, client.server.name, RPL_YOURLANGUAGESARE, params...)
return false
// LIST [<channel>{,<channel>}] [<elistcond>{,<elistcond>}]
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func listHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
2020-04-26 02:19:10 -04:00
config := server.Config()
if time.Since(client.ctime) < config.Channels.ListDelay && client.Account() == "" && !client.HasMode(modes.Operator) {
2020-04-26 02:19:10 -04:00
remaining := time.Until(client.ctime.Add(config.Channels.ListDelay))
rb.Notice(fmt.Sprintf(client.t("This server requires that you wait %v after connecting before you can use /LIST. You have %v left."), config.Channels.ListDelay, remaining.Round(time.Millisecond)))
2020-04-26 03:08:44 -04:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, RPL_LISTEND, client.Nick(), client.t("End of LIST"))
2020-04-26 02:19:10 -04:00
return false
// get channels
var channels []string
for _, param := range msg.Params {
if 0 < len(param) && param[0] == '#' {
for _, channame := range strings.Split(param, ",") {
if 0 < len(channame) && channame[0] == '#' {
channels = append(channels, channame)
// get elist conditions
var matcher elistMatcher
for _, param := range msg.Params {
if len(param) < 1 {
if param[0] == '<' {
param = param[1:]
val, err := strconv.Atoi(param)
if err != nil {
matcher.MaxClientsActive = true
matcher.MaxClients = val - 1 // -1 because < means less than the given number
if param[0] == '>' {
param = param[1:]
val, err := strconv.Atoi(param)
if err != nil {
matcher.MinClientsActive = true
matcher.MinClients = val + 1 // +1 because > means more than the given number
2020-06-29 15:41:29 -04:00
nick := client.Nick()
rplList := func(channel *Channel) {
members, name, topic := channel.listData()
rb.Add(nil, client.server.name, RPL_LIST, nick, name, strconv.Itoa(members), topic)
2020-06-29 15:41:29 -04:00
clientIsOp := client.HasRoleCapabs("sajoin")
if len(channels) == 0 {
for _, channel := range server.channels.ListableChannels() {
if !clientIsOp && channel.flags.HasMode(modes.Secret) && !channel.hasClient(client) {
if matcher.Matches(channel) {
2020-06-29 15:41:29 -04:00
} else {
// limit regular users to only listing one channel
2018-04-22 18:47:10 -04:00
if !clientIsOp {
channels = channels[:1]
for _, chname := range channels {
channel := server.channels.Get(chname)
if channel == nil || (!clientIsOp && channel.flags.HasMode(modes.Secret) && !channel.hasClient(client)) {
if matcher.Matches(channel) {
2020-06-29 15:41:29 -04:00
2018-02-06 00:21:08 +10:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, RPL_LISTEND, client.nick, client.t("End of LIST"))
return false
// LUSERS [<mask> [<server>]]
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func lusersHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
2019-07-01 09:21:38 -04:00
server.Lusers(client, rb)
return false
// MODE <target> [<modestring> [<mode arguments>...]]
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func modeHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
2019-12-05 07:41:09 -05:00
if 0 < len(msg.Params[0]) && msg.Params[0][0] == '#' {
2018-02-06 00:21:08 +10:00
return cmodeHandler(server, client, msg, rb)
2018-02-06 00:21:08 +10:00
return umodeHandler(server, client, msg, rb)
// MODE <channel> [<modestring> [<mode arguments>...]]
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func cmodeHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
2019-12-05 07:41:09 -05:00
channel := server.channels.Get(msg.Params[0])
2019-12-05 07:41:09 -05:00
if channel == nil {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL, client.nick, utils.SafeErrorParam(msg.Params[0]), client.t("No such channel"))
return false
2019-10-13 06:07:30 -04:00
var changes modes.ModeChanges
if 1 < len(msg.Params) {
// parse out real mode changes
params := msg.Params[1:]
2019-10-13 06:07:30 -04:00
var unknown map[rune]bool
changes, unknown = modes.ParseChannelModeChanges(params...)
// alert for unknown mode changes
for char := range unknown {
2018-02-06 00:21:08 +10:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_UNKNOWNMODE, client.nick, string(char), client.t("is an unknown mode character to me"))
if len(unknown) == 1 && len(changes) == 0 {
return false
isSamode := msg.Command == "SAMODE"
if isSamode {
message := fmt.Sprintf("Operator %s ran SAMODE %s", client.Oper().Name, strings.Join(msg.Params, " "))
server.snomasks.Send(sno.LocalOpers, message)
server.logger.Info("opers", message)
2019-10-13 06:07:30 -04:00
// process mode changes, include list operations (an empty set of changes does a list)
applied := channel.ApplyChannelModeChanges(client, isSamode, changes, rb)
2020-04-22 22:51:19 -04:00
details := client.Details()
isBot := client.HasMode(modes.Bot)
announceCmodeChanges(channel, applied, details.nickMask, details.accountName, details.account, isBot, rb)
return false
func announceCmodeChanges(channel *Channel, applied modes.ModeChanges, source, accountName, account string, isBot bool, rb *ResponseBuffer) {
// send out changes
if len(applied) > 0 {
2020-04-22 22:51:19 -04:00
message := utils.MakeMessage("")
changeStrings := applied.Strings()
for _, changeString := range changeStrings {
message.Split = append(message.Split, utils.MessagePair{Message: changeString})
args := append([]string{channel.name}, changeStrings...)
rb.AddFromClient(message.Time, message.Msgid, source, accountName, isBot, nil, "MODE", args...)
for _, member := range channel.Members() {
for _, session := range member.Sessions() {
if session != rb.session {
session.sendFromClientInternal(false, message.Time, message.Msgid, source, accountName, isBot, nil, "MODE", args...)
2018-02-06 00:21:08 +10:00
2020-04-22 22:51:19 -04:00
Type: history.Mode,
Nick: source,
AccountName: accountName,
Message: message,
IsBot: isBot,
2020-05-12 12:05:40 -04:00
}, account)
// MODE <client> [<modestring> [<mode arguments>...]]
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func umodeHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
cDetails := client.Details()
2019-12-05 07:41:09 -05:00
target := server.clients.Get(msg.Params[0])
if target == nil {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_NOSUCHNICK, cDetails.nick, utils.SafeErrorParam(msg.Params[0]), client.t("No such nick"))
return false
targetNick := target.Nick()
hasPrivs := client == target || msg.Command == "SAMODE"
if !hasPrivs {
if len(msg.Params) > 1 {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_USERSDONTMATCH, cDetails.nick, client.t("Can't change modes for other users"))
} else {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_USERSDONTMATCH, cDetails.nick, client.t("Can't view modes for other users"))
return false
if msg.Command == "SAMODE" {
message := fmt.Sprintf("Operator %s ran SAMODE %s", client.Oper().Name, strings.Join(msg.Params, " "))
server.snomasks.Send(sno.LocalOpers, message)
server.logger.Info("opers", message)
// applied mode changes
applied := make(modes.ModeChanges, 0)
if 1 < len(msg.Params) {
// parse out real mode changes
params := msg.Params[1:]
changes, unknown := modes.ParseUserModeChanges(params...)
// alert for unknown mode changes
for char := range unknown {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_UNKNOWNMODE, cDetails.nick, string(char), client.t("is an unknown mode character to me"))
if len(unknown) == 1 && len(changes) == 0 {
return false
// apply mode changes
2020-03-17 13:19:27 -04:00
applied = ApplyUserModeChanges(target, changes, msg.Command == "SAMODE", nil)
if len(applied) > 0 {
args := append([]string{targetNick}, applied.Strings()...)
rb.Add(nil, cDetails.nickMask, "MODE", args...)
} else if hasPrivs {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, RPL_UMODEIS, targetNick, target.ModeString())
if target.HasMode(modes.Operator) {
masks := server.snomasks.String(target)
if 0 < len(masks) {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, RPL_SNOMASKIS, targetNick, masks, client.t("Server notice masks"))
return false
2019-05-14 21:00:00 -04:00
// get the correct capitalization of a nick (if it's online), otherwise return ""
func (server *Server) getCurrentNick(nick string) (result string) {
if service, isService := ErgoServices[strings.ToLower(nick)]; isService {
2019-05-14 21:00:00 -04:00
return service.Name
} else if iclient := server.clients.Get(nick); iclient != nil {
return iclient.Nick()
return ""
// MONITOR <subcmd> [params...]
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func monitorHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
handler, exists := monitorSubcommands[strings.ToLower(msg.Params[0])]
if !exists {
2018-02-06 00:21:08 +10:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_UNKNOWNERROR, client.Nick(), "MONITOR", msg.Params[0], client.t("Unknown subcommand"))
return false
2018-02-06 00:21:08 +10:00
return handler(server, client, msg, rb)
// MONITOR - <target>{,<target>}
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func monitorRemoveHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
if len(msg.Params) < 2 {
2018-02-06 00:21:08 +10:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS, client.Nick(), msg.Command, client.t("Not enough parameters"))
return false
targets := strings.Split(msg.Params[1], ",")
for _, target := range targets {
2020-06-21 23:51:31 -04:00
server.monitorManager.Remove(rb.session, target)
return false
// MONITOR + <target>{,<target>}
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func monitorAddHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
if len(msg.Params) < 2 {
2018-02-06 00:21:08 +10:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS, client.Nick(), msg.Command, client.t("Not enough parameters"))
return false
var online []string
var offline []string
2019-05-22 19:07:12 -04:00
limits := server.Config().Limits
targets := strings.Split(msg.Params[1], ",")
for _, target := range targets {
// check name length
if len(target) < 1 || len(targets) > limits.NickLen {
// add target
2020-06-21 23:51:31 -04:00
err := server.monitorManager.Add(rb.session, target, limits.MonitorEntries)
2018-02-03 22:03:36 +10:00
if err == errMonitorLimitExceeded {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_MONLISTFULL, client.Nick(), strconv.Itoa(limits.MonitorEntries), strings.Join(targets, ","))
} else if err != nil {
2019-05-14 21:00:00 -04:00
currentNick := server.getCurrentNick(target)
// add to online / offline lists
2019-05-14 21:00:00 -04:00
if currentNick != "" {
online = append(online, currentNick)
} else {
2019-05-14 21:00:00 -04:00
offline = append(offline, target)
if len(online) > 0 {
2018-02-06 00:21:08 +10:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, RPL_MONONLINE, client.Nick(), strings.Join(online, ","))
if len(offline) > 0 {
2018-02-06 00:21:08 +10:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, RPL_MONOFFLINE, client.Nick(), strings.Join(offline, ","))
return false
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func monitorClearHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
2020-06-21 23:51:31 -04:00
return false
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func monitorListHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
2019-02-17 14:29:04 -05:00
nick := client.Nick()
2020-06-21 23:51:31 -04:00
monitorList := server.monitorManager.List(rb.session)
var nickList []string
for _, cfnick := range monitorList {
replynick := cfnick
2019-05-14 21:00:00 -04:00
currentNick := server.getCurrentNick(cfnick)
// report the uncasefolded nick if it's available, i.e., the client is online
2019-05-14 21:00:00 -04:00
if currentNick != "" {
replynick = currentNick
nickList = append(nickList, replynick)
2020-12-30 00:41:34 -05:00
for _, line := range utils.BuildTokenLines(maxLastArgLength, nickList, ",") {
2019-02-17 14:29:04 -05:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, RPL_MONLIST, nick, line)
2019-02-17 14:29:04 -05:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, RPL_ENDOFMONLIST, nick, "End of MONITOR list")
return false
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func monitorStatusHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
var online []string
var offline []string
2020-06-21 23:51:31 -04:00
monitorList := server.monitorManager.List(rb.session)
for _, name := range monitorList {
2019-05-14 21:00:00 -04:00
currentNick := server.getCurrentNick(name)
if currentNick != "" {
online = append(online, currentNick)
} else {
2019-05-14 21:00:00 -04:00
offline = append(offline, name)
if len(online) > 0 {
2020-12-30 00:41:34 -05:00
for _, line := range utils.BuildTokenLines(maxLastArgLength, online, ",") {
2018-02-06 00:21:08 +10:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, RPL_MONONLINE, client.Nick(), line)
if len(offline) > 0 {
2020-12-30 00:41:34 -05:00
for _, line := range utils.BuildTokenLines(maxLastArgLength, offline, ",") {
2018-02-06 00:21:08 +10:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, RPL_MONOFFLINE, client.Nick(), line)
return false
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func motdHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
2018-02-06 00:21:08 +10:00
server.MOTD(client, rb)
return false
// NAMES [<channel>{,<channel>} [target]]
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func namesHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
2018-02-06 00:21:08 +10:00
var channels []string
if len(msg.Params) > 0 {
channels = strings.Split(msg.Params[0], ",")
2019-05-29 14:51:09 -04:00
// implement the modern behavior: https://modern.ircdocs.horse/#names-message
// "Servers MAY only return information about the first <channel> and silently ignore the others."
// "If no parameter is given for this command, servers SHOULD return one RPL_ENDOFNAMES numeric
// with the <channel> parameter set to an asterix character"
2018-02-06 00:21:08 +10:00
if len(channels) == 0 {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, RPL_ENDOFNAMES, client.Nick(), "*", client.t("End of NAMES list"))
2018-02-06 00:21:08 +10:00
return false
2019-05-29 14:51:09 -04:00
chname := channels[0]
success := false
channel := server.channels.Get(chname)
if channel != nil {
if !channel.flags.HasMode(modes.Secret) || channel.hasClient(client) || client.HasRoleCapabs("sajoin") {
2019-05-29 14:51:09 -04:00
channel.Names(client, rb)
success = true
2018-02-06 00:21:08 +10:00
2019-05-29 14:51:09 -04:00
if !success { // channel.Names() sends this numeric itself on success
rb.Add(nil, server.name, RPL_ENDOFNAMES, client.Nick(), chname, client.t("End of NAMES list"))
return false
// NICK <nickname>
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func nickHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
newNick := msg.Params[0]
2019-02-05 00:19:03 -05:00
if client.registered {
2020-10-19 10:52:38 -04:00
if client.account == "" && server.Config().Accounts.NickReservation.ForbidAnonNickChanges {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_UNKNOWNERROR, client.Nick(), client.t("You may not change your nickname"))
return false
performNickChange(server, client, client, nil, newNick, rb)
2018-02-26 21:44:03 -05:00
} else {
if newNick == "" {
// #1933: this would leave (*Client).preregNick at its zero value of "",
// which is the same condition as NICK not having been sent yet ---
// so we need to send an error immediately
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_NONICKNAMEGIVEN, "*", client.t("No nickname given"))
return false
client.preregNick = newNick
2018-02-26 21:44:03 -05:00
return false
// check whether a PRIVMSG or NOTICE is too long to be relayed without truncation
func validateLineLen(msgType history.ItemType, source, target, payload string) (ok bool) {
// :source PRIVMSG #target :payload\r\n
// 1: initial colon on prefix
// 1: space between prefix and command
// 1: space between command and target (first parameter)
// 1: space between target and payload (second parameter)
// 1: colon to send the payload as a trailing (we force trailing for PRIVMSG and NOTICE)
// 2: final \r\n
limit := MaxLineLen - 7
limit -= len(source)
switch msgType {
case history.Privmsg:
limit -= 7
case history.Notice:
limit -= 6
return true
limit -= len(target)
limit -= len(payload)
return limit >= 0
// check validateLineLen for an entire SplitMessage (which may consist of multiple lines)
func validateSplitMessageLen(msgType history.ItemType, source, target string, message utils.SplitMessage) (ok bool) {
if message.Is512() {
return validateLineLen(msgType, source, target, message.Message)
} else {
for _, messagePair := range message.Split {
if !validateLineLen(msgType, source, target, messagePair.Message) {
return false
return true
2019-12-23 15:26:37 -05:00
// helper to store a batched PRIVMSG in the session object
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func absorbBatchedMessage(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, batchTag string, histType history.ItemType, rb *ResponseBuffer) {
var failParams []string
2020-05-14 12:58:49 -04:00
defer func() {
if failParams != nil {
2020-05-14 12:58:49 -04:00
if histType != history.Notice {
params := make([]string, 1+len(failParams))
params[0] = "BATCH"
copy(params[1:], failParams)
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "FAIL", params...)
2020-05-14 12:58:49 -04:00
2020-03-27 10:40:19 -04:00
2020-05-14 12:58:49 -04:00
if batchTag != rb.session.batch.label {
failParams = []string{"MULTILINE_INVALID", client.t("Incorrect batch tag sent")}
2020-03-27 10:40:19 -04:00
2020-05-14 12:58:49 -04:00
} else if len(msg.Params) < 2 {
failParams = []string{"MULTILINE_INVALID", client.t("Invalid multiline batch")}
2019-12-23 15:26:37 -05:00
rb.session.batch.command = msg.Command
isConcat, _ := msg.GetTag(caps.MultilineConcatTag)
2020-05-14 12:58:49 -04:00
if isConcat && len(msg.Params[1]) == 0 {
failParams = []string{"MULTILINE_INVALID", client.t("Cannot send a blank line with the multiline concat tag")}
2020-05-14 12:58:49 -04:00
2020-05-14 22:16:34 -04:00
if !isConcat && len(rb.session.batch.message.Split) != 0 {
rb.session.batch.lenBytes++ // bill for the newline
2019-12-23 15:26:37 -05:00
rb.session.batch.message.Append(msg.Params[1], isConcat)
2020-05-14 22:16:34 -04:00
rb.session.batch.lenBytes += len(msg.Params[1])
2019-12-23 15:26:37 -05:00
config := server.Config()
2020-05-14 22:16:34 -04:00
if config.Limits.Multiline.MaxBytes < rb.session.batch.lenBytes {
failParams = []string{
fmt.Sprintf(client.t("Multiline batch byte limit %d exceeded"), config.Limits.Multiline.MaxBytes),
2019-12-23 15:26:37 -05:00
} else if config.Limits.Multiline.MaxLines != 0 && config.Limits.Multiline.MaxLines < rb.session.batch.message.LenLines() {
failParams = []string{
fmt.Sprintf(client.t("Multiline batch line limit %d exceeded"), config.Limits.Multiline.MaxLines),
2019-12-23 15:26:37 -05:00
// NOTICE <target>{,<target>} <message>
2019-03-19 03:35:49 -04:00
// PRIVMSG <target>{,<target>} <message>
// TAGMSG <target>{,<target>}
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func messageHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
2019-12-23 15:26:37 -05:00
histType, err := msgCommandToHistType(msg.Command)
2019-03-19 03:35:49 -04:00
if err != nil {
return false
2019-12-23 15:26:37 -05:00
if isBatched, batchTag := msg.GetTag("batch"); isBatched {
absorbBatchedMessage(server, client, msg, batchTag, histType, rb)
return false
clientOnlyTags := msg.ClientOnlyTags()
2019-03-19 03:35:49 -04:00
if histType == history.Tagmsg && len(clientOnlyTags) == 0 {
// nothing to do
return false
targets := strings.Split(msg.Params[0], ",")
2019-03-19 03:35:49 -04:00
var message string
if len(msg.Params) > 1 {
message = msg.Params[1]
2019-12-23 15:26:37 -05:00
if histType != history.Tagmsg && message == "" {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_NOTEXTTOSEND, client.Nick(), client.t("No text to send"))
2019-12-23 15:26:37 -05:00
return false
2019-03-19 03:35:49 -04:00
2020-06-29 04:32:39 -04:00
isCTCP := utils.IsRestrictedCTCPMessage(message)
if histType == history.Privmsg && !isCTCP {
if rb.session.isTor && isCTCP {
2019-12-23 15:26:37 -05:00
// note that error replies are never sent for NOTICE
2019-03-19 03:35:49 -04:00
if histType != history.Notice {
2019-12-23 15:26:37 -05:00
rb.Notice(client.t("CTCP messages are disabled over Tor"))
2019-03-19 03:35:49 -04:00
2019-02-25 21:50:43 -05:00
return false
for i, targetString := range targets {
// max of four targets per privmsg
2019-12-23 15:26:37 -05:00
if i == maxTargets {
2020-06-08 10:19:28 +10:00
2020-06-08 15:17:45 +10:00
config := server.Config()
2020-09-09 04:01:46 -04:00
if config.isRelaymsgIdentifier(targetString) {
if histType == history.Privmsg {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_NOSUCHNICK, client.Nick(), targetString, client.t("Relayed users cannot receive private messages"))
2020-06-08 10:19:28 +10:00
2020-09-09 04:01:46 -04:00
// TAGMSG/NOTICEs are intentionally silently dropped
2020-06-08 10:19:28 +10:00
2019-12-23 15:26:37 -05:00
// each target gets distinct msgids
2020-01-18 23:47:05 -05:00
splitMsg := utils.MakeMessage(message)
2019-12-26 22:54:00 -05:00
dispatchMessageToTarget(client, clientOnlyTags, histType, msg.Command, targetString, splitMsg, rb)
2019-12-23 15:26:37 -05:00
return false
2019-12-26 22:54:00 -05:00
func dispatchMessageToTarget(client *Client, tags map[string]string, histType history.ItemType, command, target string, message utils.SplitMessage, rb *ResponseBuffer) {
2019-12-23 15:26:37 -05:00
server := client.server
prefixes, target := modes.SplitChannelMembershipPrefixes(target)
lowestPrefix := modes.GetLowestChannelModePrefix(prefixes)
if len(target) == 0 {
} else if target[0] == '#' {
channel := server.channels.Get(target)
if channel == nil {
if histType != history.Notice {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL, client.Nick(), utils.SafeErrorParam(target), client.t("No such channel"))
2019-12-23 15:26:37 -05:00
channel.SendSplitMessage(command, lowestPrefix, tags, client, message, rb)
} else if target[0] == '$' && len(target) > 2 && client.Oper().HasRoleCapab("massmessage") {
details := client.Details()
matcher, err := utils.CompileGlob(target[2:], false)
if err != nil {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_UNKNOWNERROR, details.nick, command, client.t("Erroneous target"))
nickMaskString := details.nickMask
accountName := details.accountName
isBot := client.HasMode(modes.Bot)
for _, tClient := range server.clients.AllClients() {
2021-04-20 11:05:05 +00:00
if (target[1] == '$' && matcher.MatchString(tClient.server.name)) || // $$servername
(target[1] == '#' && matcher.MatchString(tClient.Hostname())) { // $#hostname
tnick := tClient.Nick()
for _, session := range tClient.Sessions() {
session.sendSplitMsgFromClientInternal(false, nickMaskString, accountName, isBot, nil, command, tnick, message)
2019-12-23 15:26:37 -05:00
} else {
lowercaseTarget := strings.ToLower(target)
service, isService := ErgoServices[lowercaseTarget]
_, isZNC := zncHandlers[lowercaseTarget]
2020-07-24 02:37:36 -04:00
if isService || isZNC {
2020-07-24 02:55:46 -04:00
details := client.Details()
rb.addEchoMessage(tags, details.nickMask, details.accountName, command, target, message)
2020-07-24 02:37:36 -04:00
if histType != history.Privmsg {
return // NOTICE and TAGMSG to services are ignored
if isService {
2019-12-23 15:26:37 -05:00
servicePrivmsgHandler(service, server, client, message.Message, rb)
} else if isZNC {
2019-12-23 15:26:37 -05:00
zncPrivmsgHandler(client, lowercaseTarget, message.Message, rb)
2019-12-23 15:26:37 -05:00
user := server.clients.Get(target)
if user == nil {
if histType != history.Notice {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_NOSUCHNICK, client.Nick(), target, "No such nick")
2019-12-23 15:26:37 -05:00
2020-06-08 14:43:58 -04:00
// Restrict CTCP message for target user with +T
if user.modes.HasMode(modes.UserNoCTCP) && message.IsRestrictedCTCPMessage() {
tDetails := user.Details()
tnick := tDetails.nick
2019-12-23 15:26:37 -05:00
details := client.Details()
2020-07-09 04:33:09 -04:00
if details.account == "" && server.Defcon() <= 3 {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_NEEDREGGEDNICK, client.Nick(), tnick, client.t("Direct messages from unregistered users are temporarily restricted"))
// restrict messages appropriately when +R is set
if details.account == "" && user.HasMode(modes.RegisteredOnly) && !server.accepts.MaySendTo(client, user) {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_NEEDREGGEDNICK, client.Nick(), tnick, client.t("You must be registered to send a direct message to this user"))
if client.HasMode(modes.RegisteredOnly) && tDetails.account == "" {
// #1688: auto-ACCEPT on DM
server.accepts.Accept(client, user)
if !client.server.Config().Server.Compatibility.allowTruncation {
if !validateSplitMessageLen(histType, client.NickMaskString(), tnick, message) {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_INPUTTOOLONG, client.Nick(), client.t("Line too long to be relayed without truncation"))
nickMaskString := details.nickMask
accountName := details.accountName
var deliverySessions []*Session
deliverySessions = append(deliverySessions, user.Sessions()...)
// all sessions of the sender, except the originating session, get a copy as well:
if client != user {
for _, session := range client.Sessions() {
if session != rb.session {
deliverySessions = append(deliverySessions, session)
2019-03-19 03:35:49 -04:00
2019-12-23 15:26:37 -05:00
isBot := client.HasMode(modes.Bot)
for _, session := range deliverySessions {
2020-01-25 20:44:15 -05:00
hasTagsCap := session.capabilities.Has(caps.MessageTags)
// don't send TAGMSG at all if they don't have the tags cap
2020-01-25 20:44:15 -05:00
if histType == history.Tagmsg && hasTagsCap {
session.sendFromClientInternal(false, message.Time, message.Msgid, nickMaskString, accountName, isBot, tags, command, tnick)
} else if histType != history.Tagmsg && !(session.isTor && message.IsRestrictedCTCPMessage()) {
2020-01-25 20:44:15 -05:00
tagsToSend := tags
if !hasTagsCap {
tagsToSend = nil
session.sendSplitMsgFromClientInternal(false, nickMaskString, accountName, isBot, tagsToSend, command, tnick, message)
2019-05-19 02:14:36 -04:00
// the originating session may get an echo message:
2020-07-24 02:55:46 -04:00
rb.addEchoMessage(tags, nickMaskString, accountName, command, tnick, message)
if histType == history.Privmsg {
2019-12-23 15:26:37 -05:00
//TODO(dan): possibly implement cooldown of away notifications to users
2020-07-17 01:55:13 -04:00
if away, awayMessage := user.Away(); away {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, RPL_AWAY, client.Nick(), tnick, awayMessage)
2019-12-23 15:26:37 -05:00
config := server.Config()
if !config.History.Enabled {
2019-12-23 15:26:37 -05:00
item := history.Item{
Type: histType,
Message: message,
Tags: tags,
2019-12-23 15:26:37 -05:00
client.addHistoryItem(user, item, &details, &tDetails, config)
2020-07-09 18:36:45 -04:00
func itemIsStorable(item *history.Item, config *Config) bool {
switch item.Type {
case history.Tagmsg:
if config.History.TagmsgStorage.Default {
for _, blacklistedTag := range config.History.TagmsgStorage.Blacklist {
if _, ok := item.Tags[blacklistedTag]; ok {
return false
return true
} else {
for _, whitelistedTag := range config.History.TagmsgStorage.Whitelist {
if _, ok := item.Tags[whitelistedTag]; ok {
return true
return false
case history.Privmsg, history.Notice:
// don't store CTCP other than ACTION
return !item.Message.IsRestrictedCTCPMessage()
return true
// NPC <target> <sourcenick> <message>
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func npcHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
target := msg.Params[0]
fakeSource := msg.Params[1]
2020-03-19 17:09:52 -04:00
message := msg.Params[2:]
2020-09-16 12:03:06 -04:00
sendRoleplayMessage(server, client, fakeSource, target, false, false, message, rb)
return false
// NPCA <target> <sourcenick> <message>
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func npcaHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
target := msg.Params[0]
fakeSource := msg.Params[1]
2020-03-19 17:09:52 -04:00
message := msg.Params[2:]
2020-09-16 12:03:06 -04:00
sendRoleplayMessage(server, client, fakeSource, target, false, true, message, rb)
return false
2019-12-18 15:44:06 -05:00
// OPER <name> [password]
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func operHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
if client.HasMode(modes.Operator) {
2019-03-19 03:35:49 -04:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_UNKNOWNERROR, client.Nick(), "OPER", client.t("You're already opered-up!"))
return false
// must pass at least one check, and all enabled checks
2020-04-22 22:11:44 -04:00
var checkPassed, checkFailed, passwordFailed bool
2018-04-19 02:48:19 -04:00
oper := server.GetOperator(msg.Params[0])
if oper != nil {
2020-06-21 15:46:08 -04:00
if oper.Certfp != "" {
if oper.Certfp == rb.session.certfp {
checkPassed = true
} else {
checkFailed = true
if !checkFailed && oper.Pass != nil {
2020-04-22 22:11:44 -04:00
if len(msg.Params) == 1 {
checkFailed = true
2020-04-22 22:11:44 -04:00
} else if bcrypt.CompareHashAndPassword(oper.Pass, []byte(msg.Params[1])) != nil {
checkFailed = true
passwordFailed = true
} else {
checkPassed = true
2019-12-18 15:44:06 -05:00
2018-04-19 02:48:19 -04:00
if !checkPassed || checkFailed {
2019-03-19 03:35:49 -04:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_PASSWDMISMATCH, client.Nick(), client.t("Password incorrect"))
2020-04-22 22:11:44 -04:00
// #951: only disconnect them if we actually tried to check a password for them
if passwordFailed {
client.Quit(client.t("Password incorrect"), rb.session)
return true
} else {
return false
2020-04-22 22:11:44 -04:00
if oper != nil {
applyOper(client, oper, rb)
return false
2020-02-21 06:10:35 -05:00
// adds or removes operator status
// XXX: to add oper, this calls into ApplyUserModeChanges, but to remove oper,
// ApplyUserModeChanges calls into this, because the commands are asymmetric
// (/OPER to add, /MODE self -o to remove)
func applyOper(client *Client, oper *Oper, rb *ResponseBuffer) {
details := client.Details()
2018-04-19 02:48:19 -04:00
2020-02-21 06:10:35 -05:00
newDetails := client.Details()
if details.nickMask != newDetails.nickMask {
client.sendChghost(details.nickMask, newDetails.hostname)
2020-02-21 06:10:35 -05:00
if oper != nil {
// set new modes: modes.Operator, plus anything specified in the config
modeChanges := make([]modes.ModeChange, len(oper.Modes)+1)
modeChanges[0] = modes.ModeChange{
Mode: modes.Operator,
Op: modes.Add,
copy(modeChanges[1:], oper.Modes)
2020-03-17 13:19:27 -04:00
applied := ApplyUserModeChanges(client, modeChanges, true, oper)
2020-02-21 06:10:35 -05:00
client.server.logger.Info("opers", details.nick, "opered up as", oper.Name)
2020-02-21 06:10:35 -05:00
client.server.snomasks.Send(sno.LocalOpers, fmt.Sprintf(ircfmt.Unescape("Client opered up $c[grey][$r%s$c[grey], $r%s$c[grey]]"), newDetails.nickMask, oper.Name))
2020-02-21 06:10:35 -05:00
rb.Broadcast(nil, client.server.name, RPL_YOUREOPER, details.nick, client.t("You are now an IRC operator"))
args := append([]string{details.nick}, applied.Strings()...)
rb.Broadcast(nil, client.server.name, "MODE", args...)
2020-02-21 06:10:35 -05:00
} else {
client.server.snomasks.Send(sno.LocalOpers, fmt.Sprintf(ircfmt.Unescape("Client deopered $c[grey][$r%s$c[grey]]"), newDetails.nickMask))
2018-03-22 11:04:21 -04:00
for _, session := range client.Sessions() {
// client may now be unthrottled by the fakelag system
2020-02-21 06:10:35 -05:00
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func deoperHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
if client.Oper() == nil {
rb.Notice(client.t("Insufficient oper privs"))
return false
2020-02-21 06:10:35 -05:00
// pretend they sent /MODE $nick -o
fakeModeMsg := ircmsg.MakeMessage(nil, "", "MODE", client.Nick(), "-o")
return umodeHandler(server, client, fakeModeMsg, rb)
// PART <channel>{,<channel>} [<reason>]
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func partHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
channels := strings.Split(msg.Params[0], ",")
var reason string
if len(msg.Params) > 1 {
reason = msg.Params[1]
for _, chname := range channels {
if chname == "" {
continue // #679
2018-02-06 00:21:08 +10:00
err := server.channels.Part(client, chname, reason, rb)
2018-02-03 22:03:36 +10:00
if err == errNoSuchChannel {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL, client.nick, utils.SafeErrorParam(chname), client.t("No such channel"))
return false
// PASS <password>
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func passHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
2019-02-05 00:19:03 -05:00
if client.registered {
2018-02-06 00:21:08 +10:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_ALREADYREGISTRED, client.nick, client.t("You may not reregister"))
return false
2020-06-12 15:51:48 -04:00
// only give them one try to run the PASS command (if a server password is set,
// then all code paths end with this variable being set):
2020-05-17 18:06:20 -04:00
if rb.session.passStatus != serverPassUnsent {
return false
password := msg.Params[0]
config := server.Config()
if config.Accounts.LoginViaPassCommand {
colonIndex := strings.IndexByte(password, ':')
if colonIndex != -1 && client.Account() == "" {
2020-06-12 15:51:48 -04:00
account, accountPass := password[:colonIndex], password[colonIndex+1:]
if strudelIndex := strings.IndexByte(account, '@'); strudelIndex != -1 {
account, rb.session.deviceID = account[:strudelIndex], account[strudelIndex+1:]
err := server.accounts.AuthenticateByPassphrase(client, account, accountPass)
if err == nil {
sendSuccessfulAccountAuth(nil, client, rb, true)
2020-06-12 15:51:48 -04:00
// login-via-pass-command entails that we do not need to check
// an actual server password (either no password or skip-server-password)
rb.session.passStatus = serverPassSuccessful
return false
2020-05-17 18:06:20 -04:00
2020-05-18 03:35:58 -04:00
// if login-via-PASS failed for any reason, proceed to try and interpret the
// provided password as the server password
2020-05-17 18:06:20 -04:00
serverPassword := config.Server.passwordBytes
// if no password exists, skip checking
if serverPassword == nil {
return false
// check the provided password
2020-05-17 18:06:20 -04:00
if bcrypt.CompareHashAndPassword(serverPassword, []byte(password)) == nil {
rb.session.passStatus = serverPassSuccessful
} else {
rb.session.passStatus = serverPassFailed
2019-05-22 20:25:57 -04:00
// if they failed the check, we'll bounce them later when they try to complete registration
2020-05-18 03:35:58 -04:00
// note in particular that with skip-server-password, you can give the wrong server
// password here, then successfully SASL and be admitted
return false
// PERSISTENCE <subcommand> [params...]
func persistenceHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
account := client.Account()
if account == "" {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "FAIL", "PERSISTENCE", "ACCOUNT_REQUIRED", client.t("You're not logged into an account"))
return false
switch strings.ToUpper(msg.Params[0]) {
case "GET":
2022-08-03 21:37:10 -04:00
reportPersistenceStatus(client, rb, false)
case "SET":
if len(msg.Params) == 1 {
goto fail
var desiredSetting PersistentStatus
switch strings.ToUpper(msg.Params[1]) {
case "DEFAULT":
desiredSetting = PersistentUnspecified
case "OFF":
desiredSetting = PersistentDisabled
case "ON":
desiredSetting = PersistentMandatory
goto fail
2022-08-03 21:37:10 -04:00
broadcast := false
_, err := server.accounts.ModifyAccountSettings(account,
func(input AccountSettings) (output AccountSettings, err error) {
output = input
output.AlwaysOn = desiredSetting
2022-08-03 21:37:10 -04:00
broadcast = output.AlwaysOn != input.AlwaysOn
if err != nil {
server.logger.Error("internal", "couldn't modify persistence setting", err.Error())
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "FAIL", "PERSISTENCE", "UNKNOWN_ERROR", client.t("An error occurred"))
return false
2022-08-03 21:37:10 -04:00
reportPersistenceStatus(client, rb, broadcast)
goto fail
return false
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "FAIL", "PERSISTENCE", "INVALID_PARAMS", client.t("Invalid parameters"))
return false
// REDACT <target> <targetmsgid> [:<reason>]
func redactHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
target := msg.Params[0]
targetmsgid := msg.Params[1]
//clientOnlyTags := msg.ClientOnlyTags()
var reason string
if len(msg.Params) > 2 {
reason = msg.Params[2]
var members []*Client // members of a channel, or both parties of a PM
var canDelete CanDelete
msgid := utils.GenerateSecretToken()
time := time.Now().UTC().Round(0)
details := client.Details()
isBot := client.HasMode(modes.Bot)
if target[0] == '#' {
channel := server.channels.Get(target)
if channel == nil {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL, client.Nick(), utils.SafeErrorParam(target), client.t("No such channel"))
return false
members = channel.Members()
canDelete = deletionPolicy(server, client, target)
} else {
targetClient := server.clients.Get(target)
if targetClient == nil {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_NOSUCHNICK, client.Nick(), target, "No such nick")
return false
members = []*Client{client, targetClient}
canDelete = canDeleteSelf
if canDelete == canDeleteNone {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "FAIL", "REDACT", "REDACT_FORBIDDEN", utils.SafeErrorParam(target), utils.SafeErrorParam(targetmsgid), client.t("You are not authorized to delete messages"))
return false
accountName := "*"
if canDelete == canDeleteSelf {
accountName = client.AccountName()
if accountName == "*" {
2024-01-07 00:38:10 -05:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "FAIL", "REDACT", "REDACT_FORBIDDEN", utils.SafeErrorParam(target), utils.SafeErrorParam(targetmsgid), client.t("You are not authorized to delete this message"))
return false
err := server.DeleteMessage(target, targetmsgid, accountName)
if err == errNoop {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "FAIL", "REDACT", "UNKNOWN_MSGID", utils.SafeErrorParam(target), utils.SafeErrorParam(targetmsgid), client.t("This message does not exist or is too old"))
return false
} else if err != nil {
isOper := client.HasRoleCapabs("history")
if isOper {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "FAIL", "REDACT", "REDACT_FORBIDDEN", utils.SafeErrorParam(target), utils.SafeErrorParam(targetmsgid), fmt.Sprintf(client.t("Error deleting message: %v"), err))
} else {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "FAIL", "REDACT", "REDACT_FORBIDDEN", utils.SafeErrorParam(target), utils.SafeErrorParam(targetmsgid), client.t("Could not delete message"))
return false
if target[0] != '#' {
// If this is a PM, we just removed the message from the buffer of the other party;
// now we have to remove it from the buffer of the client who sent the REDACT command
err := server.DeleteMessage(client.Nick(), targetmsgid, accountName)
if err != nil {
client.server.logger.Error("internal", fmt.Sprintf("Private message %s is not deletable by %s from their own buffer's even though we just deleted it from %s's. This is a bug, please report it in details.", targetmsgid, client.Nick(), target), client.Nick())
isOper := client.HasRoleCapabs("history")
if isOper {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "FAIL", "REDACT", "REDACT_FORBIDDEN", utils.SafeErrorParam(target), utils.SafeErrorParam(targetmsgid), fmt.Sprintf(client.t("Error deleting message: %v"), err))
} else {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "FAIL", "REDACT", "REDACT_FORBIDDEN", utils.SafeErrorParam(target), utils.SafeErrorParam(targetmsgid), client.t("Error deleting message"))
for _, member := range members {
for _, session := range member.Sessions() {
if session.capabilities.Has(caps.MessageRedaction) {
session.sendFromClientInternal(false, time, msgid, details.nickMask, details.accountName, isBot, nil, "REDACT", target, targetmsgid, reason)
} else {
// If we wanted to send a fallback to clients which do not support
// draft/message-redaction, we would do it from here.
return false
2022-08-03 21:37:10 -04:00
func reportPersistenceStatus(client *Client, rb *ResponseBuffer, broadcast bool) {
settings := client.AccountSettings()
serverSetting := client.server.Config().Accounts.Multiclient.AlwaysOn
effectiveSetting := persistenceEnabled(serverSetting, settings.AlwaysOn)
toString := func(setting PersistentStatus) string {
switch setting {
case PersistentUnspecified:
return "DEFAULT"
case PersistentDisabled:
return "OFF"
case PersistentMandatory:
return "ON"
return "*" // impossible
2022-08-03 21:37:10 -04:00
storedSettingStr := toString(settings.AlwaysOn)
effectiveSettingStr := "OFF"
if effectiveSetting {
effectiveSettingStr = "ON"
2022-08-03 21:37:10 -04:00
rb.Add(nil, client.server.name, "PERSISTENCE", "STATUS", storedSettingStr, effectiveSettingStr)
if broadcast {
for _, session := range client.Sessions() {
if session != rb.session && session.capabilities.Has(caps.Persistence) {
2022-08-03 21:37:10 -04:00
session.Send(nil, client.server.name, "PERSISTENCE", "STATUS", storedSettingStr, effectiveSettingStr)
// PING [params...]
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func pingHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "PONG", server.name, msg.Params[0])
return false
// PONG [params...]
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func pongHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
// client gets touched when they send this command, so we don't need to do anything
return false
// QUIT [<reason>]
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func quitHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
reason := "Quit"
if len(msg.Params) > 0 {
reason += ": " + msg.Params[0]
client.Quit(reason, rb.session)
return true
// REGISTER < account | * > < email | * > <password>
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func registerHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) (exiting bool) {
accountName := client.Nick()
if accountName == "*" {
accountName = client.preregNick
switch msg.Params[0] {
case "*", accountName:
// ok
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "FAIL", "REGISTER", "ACCOUNT_NAME_MUST_BE_NICK", utils.SafeErrorParam(msg.Params[0]), client.t("You may only register your nickname as your account name"))
// check that accountName is valid as a non-final parameter;
// this is necessary for us to be valid and it will prevent us from emitting invalid error lines
nickErrorParam := utils.SafeErrorParam(accountName)
if accountName == "*" || accountName != nickErrorParam {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "FAIL", "REGISTER", "INVALID_USERNAME", nickErrorParam, client.t("Username invalid or not given"))
2020-10-06 18:04:29 -04:00
config := server.Config()
if !config.Accounts.Registration.Enabled {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "FAIL", "REGISTER", "DISALLOWED", accountName, client.t("Account registration is disabled"))
2020-10-06 18:04:29 -04:00
if !client.registered && !config.Accounts.Registration.AllowBeforeConnect {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "FAIL", "REGISTER", "COMPLETE_CONNECTION_REQUIRED", accountName, client.t("You must complete the connection before registering your account"))
2020-10-06 18:04:29 -04:00
if client.registerCmdSent || client.Account() != "" {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "FAIL", "REGISTER", "ALREADY_REGISTERED", accountName, client.t("You have already registered or attempted to register"))
2020-10-06 18:04:29 -04:00
callbackNamespace, callbackValue, err := parseCallback(msg.Params[1], config)
2020-10-06 18:04:29 -04:00
if err != nil {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "FAIL", "REGISTER", "INVALID_EMAIL", accountName, client.t("A valid e-mail address is required"))
2020-10-06 18:04:29 -04:00
err = server.accounts.Register(client, accountName, callbackNamespace, callbackValue, msg.Params[2], rb.session.certfp)
2020-10-06 18:04:29 -04:00
switch err {
case nil:
if callbackNamespace == "*" {
2022-05-04 16:41:01 -04:00
err := server.accounts.Verify(client, accountName, "", true)
2020-10-06 18:04:29 -04:00
if err == nil {
if client.registered {
if !fixupNickEqualsAccount(client, rb, config, "") {
2020-10-06 18:04:29 -04:00
err = errNickAccountMismatch
if err == nil {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "REGISTER", "SUCCESS", accountName, client.t("Account successfully registered"))
sendSuccessfulRegResponse(nil, client, rb)
2020-10-06 18:04:29 -04:00
if err != nil {
server.logger.Error("internal", "accounts", "failed autoverification", accountName, err.Error())
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "FAIL", "REGISTER", "UNKNOWN_ERROR", client.t("An error occurred"))
} else {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "REGISTER", "VERIFICATION_REQUIRED", accountName, fmt.Sprintf(client.t("Account created, pending verification; verification code has been sent to %s"), callbackValue))
client.registerCmdSent = true
announcePendingReg(client, rb, accountName)
2020-10-06 18:04:29 -04:00
case errAccountAlreadyRegistered, errAccountAlreadyUnregistered, errAccountMustHoldNick:
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "FAIL", "REGISTER", "USERNAME_EXISTS", accountName, client.t("Username is already registered or otherwise unavailable"))
2020-10-06 18:04:29 -04:00
case errAccountBadPassphrase:
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "FAIL", "REGISTER", "INVALID_PASSWORD", accountName, client.t("Password was invalid"))
2020-10-06 18:04:29 -04:00
if emailError := registrationCallbackErrorText(config, client, err); emailError != "" {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "FAIL", "REGISTER", "UNACCEPTABLE_EMAIL", accountName, emailError)
} else {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "FAIL", "REGISTER", "UNKNOWN_ERROR", accountName, client.t("Could not register"))
2020-10-06 18:04:29 -04:00
// VERIFY <account> <code>
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func verifyHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) (exiting bool) {
2020-10-06 18:04:29 -04:00
config := server.Config()
if !config.Accounts.Registration.Enabled {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "FAIL", "VERIFY", "DISALLOWED", client.t("Account registration is disabled"))
if !client.registered && !config.Accounts.Registration.AllowBeforeConnect {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "FAIL", "VERIFY", "DISALLOWED", client.t("You must complete the connection before verifying your account"))
if client.Account() != "" {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "FAIL", "VERIFY", "ALREADY_REGISTERED", client.t("You have already registered or attempted to register"))
accountName, verificationCode := msg.Params[0], msg.Params[1]
2022-05-04 16:41:01 -04:00
err := server.accounts.Verify(client, accountName, verificationCode, false)
2020-10-06 18:04:29 -04:00
if err == nil && client.registered {
if !fixupNickEqualsAccount(client, rb, config, "") {
2020-10-06 18:04:29 -04:00
err = errNickAccountMismatch
switch err {
case nil:
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "VERIFY", "SUCCESS", accountName, client.t("Account successfully registered"))
sendSuccessfulRegResponse(nil, client, rb)
2020-10-06 18:04:29 -04:00
case errAccountVerificationInvalidCode:
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "FAIL", "VERIFY", "INVALID_CODE", client.t("Invalid verification code"))
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "FAIL", "VERIFY", "UNKNOWN_ERROR", client.t("Failed to verify account"))
if err != nil && !client.registered {
// XXX pre-registration clients are exempt from fakelag;
// slow the client down to stop them spamming verify attempts
2022-03-30 15:35:28 -04:00
// MARKREAD <target> [timestamp]
func markReadHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) (exiting bool) {
if len(msg.Params) == 0 {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "FAIL", "MARKREAD", "NEED_MORE_PARAMS", client.t("Missing parameters"))
target := msg.Params[0]
cftarget, err := CasefoldTarget(target)
if err != nil {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "FAIL", "MARKREAD", "INVALID_PARAMS", utils.SafeErrorParam(target), client.t("Invalid target"))
unfoldedTarget := server.UnfoldName(cftarget)
// "MARKREAD client get command": MARKREAD <target>
if len(msg.Params) == 1 {
rb.Add(nil, client.server.name, "MARKREAD", unfoldedTarget, client.GetReadMarker(cftarget))
// "MARKREAD client set command": MARKREAD <target> <timestamp>
2022-05-20 01:32:39 -04:00
readTimestamp := strings.TrimPrefix(msg.Params[1], "timestamp=")
2022-03-30 15:35:28 -04:00
readTime, err := time.Parse(IRCv3TimestampFormat, readTimestamp)
if err != nil {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "FAIL", "MARKREAD", "INVALID_PARAMS", utils.SafeErrorParam(readTimestamp), client.t("Invalid timestamp"))
result := client.SetReadMarker(cftarget, readTime)
2022-05-20 01:32:39 -04:00
readTimestamp = fmt.Sprintf("timestamp=%s", result.Format(IRCv3TimestampFormat))
2022-03-30 15:35:28 -04:00
// inform the originating session whether it was a success or a no-op:
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "MARKREAD", unfoldedTarget, readTimestamp)
if result.Equal(readTime) {
// successful update (i.e. it moved the stored timestamp forward):
// inform other sessions
for _, session := range client.Sessions() {
if session != rb.session && session.capabilities.Has(caps.ReadMarker) {
2022-03-30 15:35:28 -04:00
session.Send(nil, server.name, "MARKREAD", unfoldedTarget, readTimestamp)
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func rehashHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
nick := client.Nick()
server.logger.Info("server", "REHASH command used by", nick)
err := server.rehash()
if err == nil {
// we used to send RPL_REHASHING here but i don't think it really makes sense
// in the labeled-response world, since the intent is "rehash in progress" but
// it won't display until the rehash is actually complete
// TODO all operators should get a notice of some kind here
rb.Notice(client.t("Rehash complete"))
} else {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_UNKNOWNERROR, nick, "REHASH", ircutils.SanitizeText(err.Error(), 350))
return false
2020-06-08 10:19:28 +10:00
// RELAYMSG <channel> <spoofed nick> :<message>
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func relaymsgHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) (result bool) {
2020-06-08 15:17:45 +10:00
config := server.Config()
2020-09-09 04:01:46 -04:00
if !config.Server.Relaymsg.Enabled {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "FAIL", "RELAYMSG", "NOT_ENABLED", client.t("RELAYMSG has been disabled"))
2020-06-08 15:17:45 +10:00
return false
2020-06-08 10:19:28 +10:00
channel := server.channels.Get(msg.Params[0])
if channel == nil {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL, client.Nick(), utils.SafeErrorParam(msg.Params[0]), client.t("No such channel"))
return false
2020-10-01 09:42:08 -04:00
allowedToRelay := client.HasRoleCapabs("relaymsg") || (config.Server.Relaymsg.AvailableToChanops && channel.ClientIsAtLeast(client, modes.ChannelOperator))
2020-06-08 15:17:45 +10:00
if !allowedToRelay {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "FAIL", "RELAYMSG", "PRIVS_NEEDED", client.t("You cannot relay messages to this channel"))
2020-06-08 10:19:28 +10:00
return false
rawMessage := msg.Params[2]
if strings.TrimSpace(rawMessage) == "" {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "FAIL", "RELAYMSG", "BLANK_MSG", client.t("The message must not be blank"))
return false
message := utils.MakeMessage(rawMessage)
nick := msg.Params[1]
cfnick, err := CasefoldName(nick)
2020-06-08 10:19:28 +10:00
if err != nil {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "FAIL", "RELAYMSG", "INVALID_NICK", client.t("Invalid nickname"))
return false
2020-09-09 04:01:46 -04:00
if !config.isRelaymsgIdentifier(nick) {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "FAIL", "RELAYMSG", "INVALID_NICK", fmt.Sprintf(client.t("Relayed nicknames MUST contain a relaymsg separator from this set: %s"), config.Server.Relaymsg.Separators))
2020-06-08 10:19:28 +10:00
return false
if channel.relayNickMuted(cfnick) {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "FAIL", "RELAYMSG", "BANNED", fmt.Sprintf(client.t("%s is banned from relaying to the channel"), nick))
return false
2020-06-08 10:19:28 +10:00
details := client.Details()
// #1647: we need to publish a full NUH. send ~u (or the configured alternative)
// as the user/ident, and send the relayer's hostname as the hostname:
ident := config.Server.CoerceIdent
if ident == "" {
ident = "~u"
// #1661: if the bot has its own account, use the account cloak,
// otherwise fall back to the hostname (which may be IP-derived)
hostname := details.hostname
if details.accountName != "" {
hostname = config.Server.Cloaks.ComputeAccountCloak(details.accountName)
nuh := fmt.Sprintf("%s!%s@%s", nick, ident, hostname)
Type: history.Privmsg,
Message: message,
Nick: nuh,
}, "")
2020-06-08 10:19:28 +10:00
// 3 possibilities for tags:
// no tags, the relaymsg tag only, or the relaymsg tag together with all client-only tags
relayTag := map[string]string{
caps.RelaymsgTagName: details.nick,
2020-12-21 21:59:46 -05:00
clientOnlyTags := msg.ClientOnlyTags()
var fullTags map[string]string
if len(clientOnlyTags) == 0 {
fullTags = relayTag
} else {
fullTags = make(map[string]string, 1+len(clientOnlyTags))
fullTags[caps.RelaymsgTagName] = details.nick
for t, v := range clientOnlyTags {
fullTags[t] = v
2020-09-09 04:01:46 -04:00
// actually send the message
channelName := channel.Name()
2020-06-08 10:19:28 +10:00
for _, member := range channel.Members() {
for _, session := range member.Sessions() {
2020-06-08 15:25:59 +10:00
var tagsToUse map[string]string
if session.capabilities.Has(caps.MessageTags) {
tagsToUse = fullTags
} else if session.capabilities.Has(caps.Relaymsg) {
tagsToUse = relayTag
2020-06-08 10:19:28 +10:00
2020-09-09 04:01:46 -04:00
if session == rb.session {
rb.AddSplitMessageFromClient(nuh, "*", false, tagsToUse, "PRIVMSG", channelName, message)
2020-09-09 04:01:46 -04:00
} else {
session.sendSplitMsgFromClientInternal(false, nuh, "*", false, tagsToUse, "PRIVMSG", channelName, message)
2020-09-09 04:01:46 -04:00
2020-06-08 10:19:28 +10:00
return false
// RENAME <oldchan> <newchan> [<reason>]
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func renameHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
oldName, newName := msg.Params[0], msg.Params[1]
var reason string
if 2 < len(msg.Params) {
reason = msg.Params[2]
channel := server.channels.Get(oldName)
if channel == nil {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL, client.Nick(), utils.SafeErrorParam(oldName), client.t("No such channel"))
return false
oldName = channel.Name()
2020-03-19 17:09:52 -04:00
if !(channel.ClientIsAtLeast(client, modes.ChannelOperator) || client.HasRoleCapabs("chanreg")) {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_CHANOPRIVSNEEDED, client.Nick(), oldName, client.t("You're not a channel operator"))
return false
founder := channel.Founder()
if founder != "" && founder != client.Account() {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "FAIL", "RENAME", "CANNOT_RENAME", oldName, utils.SafeErrorParam(newName), client.t("Only channel founders can change registered channels"))
return false
2020-04-12 22:38:39 -04:00
config := server.Config()
status, _, _ := channel.historyStatus(config)
2020-04-12 22:38:39 -04:00
if status == HistoryPersistent {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "FAIL", "RENAME", "CANNOT_RENAME", oldName, utils.SafeErrorParam(newName), client.t("Channels with persistent history cannot be renamed"))
2020-04-12 22:38:39 -04:00
return false
// perform the channel rename
err := server.channels.Rename(oldName, newName)
if err == errInvalidChannelName {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL, client.Nick(), utils.SafeErrorParam(newName), client.t(err.Error()))
} else if err == errChannelNameInUse || err == errConfusableIdentifier {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "FAIL", "RENAME", "CHANNEL_NAME_IN_USE", oldName, utils.SafeErrorParam(newName), client.t(err.Error()))
} else if err != nil {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "FAIL", "RENAME", "CANNOT_RENAME", oldName, utils.SafeErrorParam(newName), client.t("Cannot rename channel"))
if err != nil {
return false
// send RENAME messages
2019-03-11 18:58:28 -04:00
clientPrefix := client.NickMaskString()
for _, mcl := range channel.Members() {
2019-05-22 16:10:56 -04:00
mDetails := mcl.Details()
for _, mSession := range mcl.Sessions() {
targetRb := rb
targetPrefix := clientPrefix
if mSession != rb.session {
targetRb = NewResponseBuffer(mSession)
2019-05-22 16:10:56 -04:00
targetPrefix = mDetails.nickMask
2020-09-09 11:46:05 -04:00
if mSession.capabilities.Has(caps.ChannelRename) {
if reason != "" {
targetRb.Add(nil, clientPrefix, "RENAME", oldName, newName, reason)
} else {
targetRb.Add(nil, clientPrefix, "RENAME", oldName, newName)
} else {
if reason != "" {
targetRb.Add(nil, targetPrefix, "PART", oldName, fmt.Sprintf(mcl.t("Channel renamed: %s"), reason))
} else {
targetRb.Add(nil, targetPrefix, "PART", oldName, mcl.t("Channel renamed"))
if mSession.capabilities.Has(caps.ExtendedJoin) {
2019-05-22 16:10:56 -04:00
targetRb.Add(nil, targetPrefix, "JOIN", newName, mDetails.accountName, mDetails.realname)
} else {
targetRb.Add(nil, targetPrefix, "JOIN", newName)
channel.SendTopic(mcl, targetRb, false)
2023-08-15 20:29:57 -04:00
if !targetRb.session.capabilities.Has(caps.NoImplicitNames) {
channel.Names(mcl, targetRb)
if mcl != client {
return false
// SANICK <oldnick> <nickname>
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func sanickHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
2020-09-23 02:30:34 -04:00
targetNick := msg.Params[0]
target := server.clients.Get(targetNick)
if target == nil {
2020-09-23 02:30:34 -04:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "FAIL", "SANICK", "NO_SUCH_NICKNAME", utils.SafeErrorParam(targetNick), client.t("No such nick"))
return false
performNickChange(server, client, target, nil, msg.Params[1], rb)
2018-02-26 21:44:03 -05:00
return false
// SCENE <target> <message>
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func sceneHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
target := msg.Params[0]
2020-03-19 17:09:52 -04:00
message := msg.Params[1:]
2020-09-16 12:03:06 -04:00
sendRoleplayMessage(server, client, "", target, true, false, message, rb)
return false
2019-02-13 23:22:16 +10:00
// SETNAME <realname>
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func setnameHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
2019-02-13 23:22:16 +10:00
realname := msg.Params[0]
2020-10-26 18:06:06 -04:00
if len(msg.Params) != 1 {
// workaround for clients that turn unknown commands into raw IRC lines,
// so you can do `/setname Jane Doe` in the client and get the expected result
realname = strings.Join(msg.Params, " ")
2020-07-06 04:08:04 -04:00
if realname == "" {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "FAIL", "SETNAME", "INVALID_REALNAME", client.t("Realname is not valid"))
return false
details := client.Details()
2019-02-13 23:22:16 +10:00
// alert friends
now := time.Now().UTC()
friends := client.FriendsMonitors(caps.SetName)
delete(friends, rb.session)
isBot := client.HasMode(modes.Bot)
for session := range friends {
session.sendFromClientInternal(false, now, "", details.nickMask, details.accountName, isBot, nil, "SETNAME", details.realname)
2019-02-13 23:22:16 +10:00
// respond to the user unconditionally, even if they don't have the cap
rb.AddFromClient(now, "", details.nickMask, details.accountName, isBot, nil, "SETNAME", details.realname)
2019-02-13 23:22:16 +10:00
return false
2020-06-02 09:57:51 -04:00
// SUMMON [parameters]
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func summonHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
2020-06-02 09:57:51 -04:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_SUMMONDISABLED, client.Nick(), client.t("SUMMON has been disabled"))
return false
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func timeHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, RPL_TIME, client.nick, server.name, time.Now().UTC().Format(time.RFC1123))
return false
// TOPIC <channel> [<topic>]
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func topicHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
2019-12-05 07:41:09 -05:00
channel := server.channels.Get(msg.Params[0])
if channel == nil {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL, client.nick, utils.SafeErrorParam(msg.Params[0]), client.t("No such channel"))
return false
if len(msg.Params) > 1 {
2018-02-06 00:21:08 +10:00
channel.SetTopic(client, msg.Params[1], rb)
} else {
2019-02-13 13:22:00 -05:00
channel.SendTopic(client, rb, true)
return false
// UNDLINE <ip>|<net>
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func unDLineHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
// check oper permissions
2018-04-19 02:48:19 -04:00
oper := client.Oper()
if !oper.HasRoleCapab("ban") {
2018-02-06 00:21:08 +10:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_NOPRIVS, client.nick, msg.Command, client.t("Insufficient oper privs"))
return false
// get host
hostString := msg.Params[0]
// check host
2021-01-19 08:49:45 -05:00
hostNet, err := flatip.ParseToNormalizedNet(hostString)
if err != nil {
2018-02-06 00:21:08 +10:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_UNKNOWNERROR, client.nick, msg.Command, client.t("Could not parse IP address or CIDR network"))
return false
2019-01-22 05:01:01 -05:00
err = server.dlines.RemoveNetwork(hostNet)
if err != nil {
2018-02-06 00:21:08 +10:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_UNKNOWNERROR, client.nick, msg.Command, fmt.Sprintf(client.t("Could not remove ban [%s]"), err.Error()))
return false
2021-01-19 08:49:45 -05:00
hostString = hostNet.String()
2018-02-06 00:21:08 +10:00
rb.Notice(fmt.Sprintf(client.t("Removed D-Line for %s"), hostString))
server.snomasks.Send(sno.LocalXline, fmt.Sprintf(ircfmt.Unescape("%s$r removed D-Line for %s"), client.nick, hostString))
return false
// UNKLINE <mask>
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func unKLineHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
2019-07-14 16:17:37 -04:00
details := client.Details()
// check oper permissions
2018-04-19 02:48:19 -04:00
oper := client.Oper()
if !oper.HasRoleCapab("ban") {
2019-07-14 16:17:37 -04:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_NOPRIVS, details.nick, msg.Command, client.t("Insufficient oper privs"))
return false
// get host
mask := msg.Params[0]
2019-07-14 16:17:37 -04:00
mask, err := CanonicalizeMaskWildcard(mask)
if err != nil {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_UNKNOWNERROR, details.nick, msg.Command, client.t("Erroneous nickname"))
return false
2019-07-14 16:17:37 -04:00
err = server.klines.RemoveMask(mask)
if err != nil {
2019-07-14 16:17:37 -04:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_UNKNOWNERROR, details.nick, msg.Command, fmt.Sprintf(client.t("Could not remove ban [%s]"), err.Error()))
return false
2018-02-06 00:21:08 +10:00
rb.Notice(fmt.Sprintf(client.t("Removed K-Line for %s"), mask))
2019-07-14 16:17:37 -04:00
server.snomasks.Send(sno.LocalXline, fmt.Sprintf(ircfmt.Unescape("%s$r removed K-Line for %s"), details.nick, mask))
return false
// USER <username> * 0 <realname>
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func userHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
2019-02-05 00:19:03 -05:00
if client.registered {
2019-03-19 03:35:49 -04:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_ALREADYREGISTRED, client.Nick(), client.t("You may not reregister"))
return false
2020-05-26 10:56:24 -04:00
username, realname := msg.Params[0], msg.Params[3]
if len(realname) == 0 {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS, client.Nick(), "USER", client.t("Not enough parameters"))
2020-05-26 10:56:24 -04:00
return false
config := server.Config()
if config.Limits.RealnameLen > 0 && len(realname) > config.Limits.RealnameLen {
realname = ircmsg.TruncateUTF8Safe(realname, config.Limits.RealnameLen)
2020-05-26 10:56:24 -04:00
2020-06-12 15:51:48 -04:00
// #843: we accept either: `USER user:pass@clientid` or `USER user@clientid`
if strudelIndex := strings.IndexByte(username, '@'); strudelIndex != -1 {
username, rb.session.deviceID = username[:strudelIndex], username[strudelIndex+1:]
if colonIndex := strings.IndexByte(username, ':'); colonIndex != -1 {
var password string
username, password = username[:colonIndex], username[colonIndex+1:]
err := server.accounts.AuthenticateByPassphrase(client, username, password)
if err == nil {
sendSuccessfulAccountAuth(nil, client, rb, true)
2020-06-12 15:51:48 -04:00
} else {
// this is wrong, but send something for debugging that will show up in a raw transcript
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_SASLFAIL, client.Nick(), client.t("SASL authentication failed"))
2020-05-26 10:56:24 -04:00
err := client.SetNames(username, realname, false)
if err == errInvalidUsername {
2019-02-06 08:45:09 +10:00
// if client's using a unicode nick or something weird, let's just set 'em up with a stock username instead.
// fixes clients that just use their nick as a username so they can still use the interesting nick
2020-05-26 10:56:24 -04:00
if client.preregNick == username {
client.SetNames("user", realname, false)
} else {
2019-03-19 03:35:49 -04:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_INVALIDUSERNAME, client.Nick(), client.t("Malformed username"))
return false
// does `target` have an operator status that is visible to `client`?
func operStatusVisible(client, target *Client, hasPrivs bool) bool {
targetOper := target.Oper()
if targetOper == nil {
return false
if client == target || hasPrivs {
return true
return !targetOper.Hidden
// USERHOST <nickname>{ <nickname>}
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func userhostHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
hasPrivs := client.HasMode(modes.Operator)
returnedClients := make(ClientSet)
2019-12-05 07:28:20 -05:00
var tl utils.TokenLineBuilder
2022-04-24 11:57:21 -04:00
tl.Initialize(maxLastArgLength, " ")
for i, nickname := range msg.Params {
if i >= 10 {
target := server.clients.Get(nickname)
if target == nil {
// to prevent returning multiple results for a single nick
if returnedClients.Has(target) {
var isOper, isAway string
if operStatusVisible(client, target, hasPrivs) {
isOper = "*"
2020-07-17 01:55:13 -04:00
if away, _ := target.Away(); away {
isAway = "-"
} else {
isAway = "+"
2019-12-05 07:28:20 -05:00
details := target.Details()
tl.Add(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s=%s%s@%s", details.nick, isOper, isAway, details.username, details.hostname))
lines := tl.Lines()
if lines == nil {
lines = []string{""}
nick := client.Nick()
for _, line := range lines {
rb.Add(nil, client.server.name, RPL_USERHOST, nick, line)
return false
2020-06-02 09:57:51 -04:00
// USERS [parameters]
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func usersHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
2020-06-02 09:57:51 -04:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_USERSDISABLED, client.Nick(), client.t("USERS has been disabled"))
return false
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func versionHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
2018-02-06 00:21:08 +10:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, RPL_VERSION, client.nick, Ver, server.name)
2019-07-01 09:21:38 -04:00
server.RplISupport(client, rb)
return false
// WEBIRC <password> <gateway> <hostname> <ip> [:flag1 flag2=x flag3]
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func webircHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
// only allow unregistered clients to use this command
2019-02-05 00:19:03 -05:00
if client.registered || client.proxiedIP != nil {
return false
// process flags
var secure bool
if 4 < len(msg.Params) {
for _, x := range strings.Split(msg.Params[4], " ") {
// split into key=value
var key string
if strings.Contains(x, "=") {
y := strings.SplitN(x, "=", 2)
key, _ = y[0], y[1]
} else {
key = x
lkey := strings.ToLower(key)
if lkey == "tls" || lkey == "secure" {
// only accept "tls" flag if the gateway's connection to us is secure as well
if client.HasMode(modes.TLS) || client.realIP.IsLoopback() {
secure = true
config := server.Config()
2019-02-05 00:19:03 -05:00
givenPassword := []byte(msg.Params[0])
for _, info := range config.Server.WebIRC {
2019-02-05 00:19:03 -05:00
if utils.IPInNets(client.realIP, info.allowedNets) {
// confirm password and/or fingerprint
if 0 < len(info.Password) && bcrypt.CompareHashAndPassword(info.Password, givenPassword) != nil {
2020-06-21 15:46:08 -04:00
if info.Certfp != "" && info.Certfp != rb.session.certfp {
2019-02-05 00:19:03 -05:00
candidateIP := msg.Params[3]
err, quitMsg := client.ApplyProxiedIP(rb.session, net.ParseIP(candidateIP), secure)
if err != nil {
client.Quit(quitMsg, rb.session)
return true
} else {
if info.AcceptHostname {
candidateHostname := msg.Params[2]
if candidateHostname != candidateIP {
if utils.IsHostname(candidateHostname) {
rb.session.rawHostname = candidateHostname
} else {
// log this at debug level since it may be spammy
server.logger.Debug("internal", "invalid hostname from WEBIRC", candidateHostname)
return false
client.Quit(client.t("WEBIRC command is not usable from your address or incorrect password given"), rb.session)
return true
type whoxFields uint32 // bitset to hold the WHOX field values, 'a' through 'z'
2020-07-11 16:45:02 +01:00
func (fields whoxFields) Add(field rune) (result whoxFields) {
index := int(field) - int('a')
if 0 <= index && index < 26 {
return fields | (1 << index)
} else {
return fields
2020-07-11 16:45:02 +01:00
func (fields whoxFields) Has(field rune) bool {
index := int(field) - int('a')
if 0 <= index && index < 26 {
return (fields & (1 << index)) != 0
2020-07-11 16:45:02 +01:00
} else {
return false
// rplWhoReply returns the WHO(X) reply between one user and another channel/user.
// who format:
// <channel> <user> <host> <server> <nick> <H|G>[*][~|&|@|%|+][B] :<hopcount> <real name>
// whox format:
// <type> <channel> <user> <ip> <host> <server> <nick> <H|G>[*][~|&|@|%|+][B] <hops> <idle> <account> <rank> :<real name>
func (client *Client) rplWhoReply(channel *Channel, target *Client, rb *ResponseBuffer, canSeeIPs, canSeeOpers, includeRFlag, isWhox bool, fields whoxFields, whoType string) {
2020-07-11 16:45:02 +01:00
params := []string{client.Nick()}
details := target.Details()
if fields.Has('t') {
params = append(params, whoType)
if fields.Has('c') {
fChannel := "*"
if channel != nil {
fChannel = channel.name
params = append(params, fChannel)
if fields.Has('u') {
params = append(params, details.username)
if fields.Has('i') {
fIP := ""
if canSeeIPs || client == target {
2020-07-11 16:45:02 +01:00
// you can only see a target's IP if they're you or you're an oper
ip, _ := target.getWhoisActually()
fIP = utils.IPStringToHostname(ip.String())
2020-07-11 16:45:02 +01:00
params = append(params, fIP)
if fields.Has('h') {
params = append(params, details.hostname)
if fields.Has('s') {
params = append(params, target.server.name)
if fields.Has('n') {
params = append(params, details.nick)
if fields.Has('f') { // "flags" (away + oper state + channel status prefix + bot)
var flags strings.Builder
2020-07-17 01:55:13 -04:00
if away, _ := target.Away(); away {
2020-07-11 16:45:02 +01:00
flags.WriteRune('G') // Gone
} else {
flags.WriteRune('H') // Here
if target.HasMode(modes.Operator) && operStatusVisible(client, target, canSeeOpers) {
2020-07-11 16:45:02 +01:00
if channel != nil {
flags.WriteString(channel.ClientPrefixes(target, rb.session.capabilities.Has(caps.MultiPrefix)))
2020-07-11 16:45:02 +01:00
if target.HasMode(modes.Bot) {
if includeRFlag && details.account != "" {
2020-07-11 16:45:02 +01:00
params = append(params, flags.String())
if fields.Has('d') { // server hops from us to target
params = append(params, "0")
if fields.Has('l') {
params = append(params, fmt.Sprintf("%d", target.IdleSeconds()))
if fields.Has('a') {
fAccount := "0"
if details.accountName != "*" {
// WHOX uses "0" to mean "no account"
fAccount = details.accountName
params = append(params, fAccount)
if fields.Has('o') {
// channel oplevel, not implemented
params = append(params, "*")
2020-07-11 16:45:02 +01:00
if fields.Has('r') {
params = append(params, details.realname)
numeric := RPL_WHOSPCRPL
if !isWhox {
numeric = RPL_WHOREPLY
// if this isn't WHOX, stick hops + realname at the end
params = append(params, "0 "+details.realname)
rb.Add(nil, client.server.name, numeric, params...)
func serviceWhoReply(client *Client, service *ircService, rb *ResponseBuffer, isWhox bool, fields whoxFields, whoType string) {
params := []string{client.Nick()}
if fields.Has('t') {
params = append(params, whoType)
if fields.Has('c') {
params = append(params, "*")
if fields.Has('u') {
params = append(params, service.Name)
if fields.Has('i') {
params = append(params, "")
if fields.Has('h') {
params = append(params, "localhost")
if fields.Has('s') {
params = append(params, client.server.name)
if fields.Has('n') {
params = append(params, service.Name)
if fields.Has('f') { // "flags" (away + oper state + channel status prefix + bot)
params = append(params, "H")
if fields.Has('d') { // server hops from us to target
params = append(params, "0")
if fields.Has('l') { // idle seconds
params = append(params, "0")
if fields.Has('a') { // account, services are considered not to have one
params = append(params, "0")
if fields.Has('o') { // channel oplevel, not implemented
params = append(params, "*")
if fields.Has('r') {
params = append(params, service.Realname(client))
numeric := RPL_WHOSPCRPL
if !isWhox {
numeric = RPL_WHOREPLY
// if this isn't WHOX, stick hops + realname at the end
params = append(params, "0 "+service.Realname(client))
rb.Add(nil, client.server.name, numeric, params...)
2020-07-11 16:45:02 +01:00
// WHO <mask> [<filter>%<fields>,<type>]
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func whoHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
origMask := utils.SafeErrorParam(msg.Params[0])
if origMask != msg.Params[0] {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_UNKNOWNERROR, client.Nick(), "WHO", client.t("First param must be a mask or channel"))
return false
// https://modern.ircdocs.horse/#who-message
// "1. A channel name, in which case the channel members are listed."
// "2. An exact nickname, in which case a single user is returned."
// "3. A mask pattern, in which case all visible users whose nickname matches are listed."
var isChannel bool
var isBareNick bool
mask := origMask
var err error
if origMask[0] == '#' {
mask, err = CasefoldChannel(origMask)
isChannel = true
} else if !strings.ContainsAny(origMask, protocolBreakingNameCharacters) {
isBareNick = true
2019-10-23 11:32:32 -04:00
} else {
mask, err = CanonicalizeMaskWildcard(origMask)
2019-10-23 11:32:32 -04:00
if err != nil {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_UNKNOWNERROR, client.Nick(), "WHO", client.t("Mask isn't valid"))
return false
// include the r flag only if nick and account are synonymous
config := server.Config()
includeRFlag := config.Accounts.NickReservation.Enabled &&
config.Accounts.NickReservation.Method == NickEnforcementStrict &&
!config.Accounts.NickReservation.AllowCustomEnforcement &&
2020-07-11 16:45:02 +01:00
sFields := "cuhsnf"
whoType := "0"
isWhox := false
if len(msg.Params) > 1 && strings.Contains(msg.Params[1], "%") {
isWhox = true
whoxData := msg.Params[1]
fieldStart := strings.Index(whoxData, "%")
sFields = whoxData[fieldStart+1:]
typeIndex := strings.Index(sFields, ",")
if typeIndex > -1 && typeIndex < (len(sFields)-1) { // make sure there's , and a value after it
whoType = sFields[typeIndex+1:]
sFields = strings.ToLower(sFields[:typeIndex])
var fields whoxFields
2020-07-11 16:45:02 +01:00
for _, field := range sFields {
fields = fields.Add(field)
2020-07-11 16:45:02 +01:00
// successfully parsed query, ensure we send the success response:
defer func() {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, RPL_ENDOFWHO, client.Nick(), origMask, client.t("End of WHO list"))
// XXX #1730: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc1459#section-4.5.1
// 'If the "o" parameter is passed only operators are returned according to
// the name mask supplied.'
// see discussion on #1730, we just return no results in this case.
if len(msg.Params) > 1 && msg.Params[1] == "o" {
return false
oper := client.Oper()
hasPrivs := oper.HasRoleCapab("sajoin")
canSeeIPs := oper.HasRoleCapab("ban")
if isChannel {
channel := server.channels.Get(mask)
2019-04-28 21:09:56 -04:00
if channel != nil {
isJoined := channel.hasClient(client)
if !channel.flags.HasMode(modes.Secret) || isJoined || hasPrivs {
2020-10-02 08:13:52 -04:00
var members []*Client
if hasPrivs {
2020-10-02 08:13:52 -04:00
members = channel.Members()
} else {
members = channel.auditoriumFriends(client)
for _, member := range members {
if !member.HasMode(modes.Invisible) || isJoined || hasPrivs {
client.rplWhoReply(channel, member, rb, canSeeIPs, oper != nil, includeRFlag, isWhox, fields, whoType)
2019-04-28 21:09:56 -04:00
} else if isBareNick {
if mclient := server.clients.Get(mask); mclient != nil {
client.rplWhoReply(nil, mclient, rb, canSeeIPs, oper != nil, includeRFlag, isWhox, fields, whoType)
} else if service, ok := ErgoServices[strings.ToLower(mask)]; ok {
serviceWhoReply(client, service, rb, isWhox, fields, whoType)
} else {
// Construct set of channels the client is in.
2020-08-04 01:10:22 -04:00
userChannels := make(ChannelSet)
for _, channel := range client.Channels() {
2022-03-30 00:44:51 -04:00
// Another client is a friend if they share at least one channel, or they are the same client.
isFriend := func(otherClient *Client) bool {
if client == otherClient {
return true
for _, channel := range otherClient.Channels() {
2020-10-02 08:13:52 -04:00
if channel.flags.HasMode(modes.Auditorium) {
return false // TODO this should respect +v etc.
2022-03-30 00:44:51 -04:00
if userChannels.Has(channel) {
return true
return false
for mclient := range server.clients.FindAll(mask) {
if hasPrivs || !mclient.HasMode(modes.Invisible) || isFriend(mclient) {
client.rplWhoReply(nil, mclient, rb, canSeeIPs, oper != nil, includeRFlag, isWhox, fields, whoType)
return false
// WHOIS [<target>] <mask>{,<mask>}
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func whoisHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
var masksString string
//var target string
if len(msg.Params) > 1 {
//target = msg.Params[0]
masksString = msg.Params[1]
} else {
masksString = msg.Params[0]
2018-12-30 06:45:23 -05:00
handleService := func(nick string) bool {
cfnick, _ := CasefoldName(nick)
service, ok := ErgoServices[cfnick]
hostname := "localhost"
config := server.Config()
if config.Server.OverrideServicesHostname != "" {
hostname = config.Server.OverrideServicesHostname
2018-12-30 06:45:23 -05:00
if !ok {
return false
clientNick := client.Nick()
rb.Add(nil, client.server.name, RPL_WHOISUSER, clientNick, service.Name, service.Name, hostname, "*", service.Realname(client))
2020-05-28 13:16:17 -04:00
// #1080:
rb.Add(nil, client.server.name, RPL_WHOISOPERATOR, clientNick, service.Name, client.t("is a network service"))
2018-12-30 06:45:23 -05:00
// hehe
if client.HasMode(modes.TLS) {
rb.Add(nil, client.server.name, RPL_WHOISSECURE, clientNick, service.Name, client.t("is using a secure connection"))
return true
hasPrivs := client.HasRoleCapabs("samode")
2020-10-09 08:03:26 -04:00
if hasPrivs {
2018-12-30 06:45:23 -05:00
for _, mask := range strings.Split(masksString, ",") {
matches := server.clients.FindAll(mask)
if len(matches) == 0 && !handleService(mask) {
rb.Add(nil, client.server.name, ERR_NOSUCHNICK, client.Nick(), utils.SafeErrorParam(mask), client.t("No such nick"))
for mclient := range matches {
2020-10-09 08:03:26 -04:00
client.getWhoisOf(mclient, hasPrivs, rb)
} else {
2018-12-30 06:45:23 -05:00
// only get the first request; also require a nick, not a mask
nick := strings.Split(masksString, ",")[0]
mclient := server.clients.Get(nick)
if mclient != nil {
2020-10-09 08:03:26 -04:00
client.getWhoisOf(mclient, hasPrivs, rb)
2018-12-30 06:45:23 -05:00
} else if !handleService(nick) {
rb.Add(nil, client.server.name, ERR_NOSUCHNICK, client.Nick(), utils.SafeErrorParam(masksString), client.t("No such nick"))
2018-12-30 06:45:23 -05:00
// fall through, ENDOFWHOIS is always sent
rb.Add(nil, server.name, RPL_ENDOFWHOIS, client.nick, utils.SafeErrorParam(masksString), client.t("End of /WHOIS list"))
return false
// WHOWAS <nickname> [<count> [<server>]]
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func whowasHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
nicknames := strings.Split(msg.Params[0], ",")
2018-05-04 00:24:54 -04:00
// 0 means "all the entries", as does a negative number
2019-12-05 07:52:58 -05:00
var count int
if len(msg.Params) > 1 {
2019-12-05 07:52:58 -05:00
count, _ = strconv.Atoi(msg.Params[1])
if count < 0 {
count = 0
2018-05-04 00:24:54 -04:00
cnick := client.Nick()
canSeeIP := client.Oper().HasRoleCapab("ban")
for _, nickname := range nicknames {
2019-12-05 07:52:58 -05:00
results := server.whoWas.Find(nickname, count)
if len(results) == 0 {
2019-12-05 07:52:58 -05:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_WASNOSUCHNICK, cnick, utils.SafeErrorParam(nickname), client.t("There was no such nickname"))
} else {
for _, whoWas := range results {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, RPL_WHOWASUSER, cnick, whoWas.nick, whoWas.username, whoWas.hostname, "*", whoWas.realname)
if canSeeIP {
rb.Add(nil, server.name, RPL_WHOWASIP, cnick, whoWas.nick, fmt.Sprintf(client.t("was connecting from %s"), utils.IPStringToHostname(whoWas.ip.String())))
2019-12-05 07:52:58 -05:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, RPL_ENDOFWHOWAS, cnick, utils.SafeErrorParam(nickname), client.t("End of WHOWAS"))
return false
2019-05-20 19:08:57 -04:00
// ZNC <module> [params]
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func zncHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
2020-07-20 04:28:17 -04:00
params := msg.Params[1:]
// #1205: compatibility with Palaver, which sends `ZNC *playback :play ...`
if len(params) == 1 && strings.IndexByte(params[0], ' ') != -1 {
params = strings.Fields(params[0])
zncModuleHandler(client, msg.Params[0], params, rb)
2019-05-20 19:08:57 -04:00
return false
2020-05-08 05:44:40 -04:00
// fake handler for unknown commands
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func unknownCommandHandler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
var message string
if strings.HasPrefix(msg.Command, "/") {
message = fmt.Sprintf(client.t("Unknown command; if you are using /QUOTE, the correct syntax is /QUOTE %[1]s, not /QUOTE %[2]s"),
strings.TrimPrefix(msg.Command, "/"), msg.Command)
} else {
message = client.t("Unknown command")
rb.Add(nil, server.name, ERR_UNKNOWNCOMMAND, client.Nick(), utils.SafeErrorParam(msg.Command), message)
2020-05-08 05:44:40 -04:00
return false
2020-06-22 14:54:43 -04:00
// fake handler for invalid utf8
2021-03-10 20:07:43 -05:00
func invalidUtf8Handler(server *Server, client *Client, msg ircmsg.Message, rb *ResponseBuffer) bool {
2020-06-22 18:53:54 -04:00
rb.Add(nil, server.name, "FAIL", utils.SafeErrorParam(msg.Command), "INVALID_UTF8", client.t("Message rejected for containing invalid UTF-8"))
2020-06-22 14:54:43 -04:00
return false