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r"""Usage: prog
$ prog
$ prog --xxx
r"""Usage: prog [options]
Options: -a All.
$ prog
{"-a": false}
$ prog -a
{"-a": true}
$ prog -x
r"""Usage: prog [options]
Options: --all All.
$ prog
{"--all": false}
$ prog --all
{"--all": true}
$ prog --xxx
r"""Usage: prog [options]
Options: -v, --verbose Verbose.
$ prog --verbose
{"--verbose": true}
$ prog --ver
{"--verbose": true}
$ prog -v
{"--verbose": true}
r"""Usage: prog [options]
Options: -p PATH
$ prog -p home/
{"-p": "home/"}
$ prog -phome/
{"-p": "home/"}
$ prog -p
r"""Usage: prog [options]
Options: --path <path>
$ prog --path home/
{"--path": "home/"}
$ prog --path=home/
{"--path": "home/"}
$ prog --pa home/
{"--path": "home/"}
$ prog --pa=home/
{"--path": "home/"}
$ prog --path
r"""Usage: prog [options]
Options: -p PATH, --path=<path> Path to files.
$ prog -proot
{"--path": "root"}
r"""Usage: prog [options]
Options: -p --path PATH Path to files.
$ prog -p root
{"--path": "root"}
$ prog --path root
{"--path": "root"}
r"""Usage: prog [options]
-p PATH Path to files [default: ./]
$ prog
{"-p": "./"}
$ prog -phome
{"-p": "home"}
r"""UsAgE: prog [options]
OpTiOnS: --path=<files> Path to files
[dEfAuLt: /root]
$ prog
{"--path": "/root"}
$ prog --path=home
{"--path": "home"}
r"""usage: prog [options]
-a Add
-r Remote
-m <msg> Message
$ prog -a -r -m Hello
{"-a": true,
"-r": true,
"-m": "Hello"}
$ prog -armyourass
{"-a": true,
"-r": true,
"-m": "yourass"}
$ prog -a -r
{"-a": true,
"-r": true,
"-m": null}
r"""Usage: prog [options]
Options: --version
$ prog --version
{"--version": true,
"--verbose": false}
$ prog --verbose
{"--version": false,
"--verbose": true}
$ prog --ver
$ prog --verb
{"--version": false,
"--verbose": true}
r"""usage: prog [-a -r -m <msg>]
-a Add
-r Remote
-m <msg> Message
$ prog -armyourass
{"-a": true,
"-r": true,
"-m": "yourass"}
r"""usage: prog [-armmsg]
options: -a Add
-r Remote
-m <msg> Message
$ prog -a -r -m Hello
{"-a": true,
"-r": true,
"-m": "Hello"}
r"""usage: prog -a -b
$ prog -a -b
{"-a": true, "-b": true}
$ prog -b -a
{"-a": true, "-b": true}
$ prog -a
$ prog
r"""usage: prog (-a -b)
options: -a
$ prog -a -b
{"-a": true, "-b": true}
$ prog -b -a
{"-a": true, "-b": true}
$ prog -a
$ prog
r"""usage: prog [-a] -b
options: -a
$ prog -a -b
{"-a": true, "-b": true}
$ prog -b -a
{"-a": true, "-b": true}
$ prog -a
$ prog -b
{"-a": false, "-b": true}
$ prog
r"""usage: prog [(-a -b)]
options: -a
$ prog -a -b
{"-a": true, "-b": true}
$ prog -b -a
{"-a": true, "-b": true}
$ prog -a
$ prog -b
$ prog
{"-a": false, "-b": false}
r"""usage: prog (-a|-b)
options: -a
$ prog -a -b
$ prog
$ prog -a
{"-a": true, "-b": false}
$ prog -b
{"-a": false, "-b": true}
r"""usage: prog [ -a | -b ]
options: -a
$ prog -a -b
$ prog
{"-a": false, "-b": false}
$ prog -a
{"-a": true, "-b": false}
$ prog -b
{"-a": false, "-b": true}
r"""usage: prog <arg>"""
$ prog 10
{"<arg>": "10"}
$ prog 10 20
$ prog
r"""usage: prog [<arg>]"""
$ prog 10
{"<arg>": "10"}
$ prog 10 20
$ prog
{"<arg>": null}
r"""usage: prog <kind> <name> <type>"""
$ prog 10 20 40
{"<kind>": "10", "<name>": "20", "<type>": "40"}
$ prog 10 20
$ prog
r"""usage: prog <kind> [<name> <type>]"""
$ prog 10 20 40
{"<kind>": "10", "<name>": "20", "<type>": "40"}
$ prog 10 20
{"<kind>": "10", "<name>": "20", "<type>": null}
$ prog
r"""usage: prog [<kind> | <name> <type>]"""
$ prog 10 20 40
$ prog 20 40
{"<kind>": null, "<name>": "20", "<type>": "40"}
$ prog
{"<kind>": null, "<name>": null, "<type>": null}
r"""usage: prog (<kind> --all | <name>)
$ prog 10 --all
{"<kind>": "10", "--all": true, "<name>": null}
$ prog 10
{"<kind>": null, "--all": false, "<name>": "10"}
$ prog
r"""usage: prog [<name> <name>]"""
$ prog 10 20
{"<name>": ["10", "20"]}
$ prog 10
{"<name>": ["10"]}
$ prog
{"<name>": []}
r"""usage: prog [(<name> <name>)]"""
$ prog 10 20
{"<name>": ["10", "20"]}
$ prog 10
$ prog
{"<name>": []}
r"""usage: prog NAME..."""
$ prog 10 20
{"NAME": ["10", "20"]}
$ prog 10
{"NAME": ["10"]}
$ prog
r"""usage: prog [NAME]..."""
$ prog 10 20
{"NAME": ["10", "20"]}
$ prog 10
{"NAME": ["10"]}
$ prog
{"NAME": []}
r"""usage: prog [NAME...]"""
$ prog 10 20
{"NAME": ["10", "20"]}
$ prog 10
{"NAME": ["10"]}
$ prog
{"NAME": []}
r"""usage: prog [NAME [NAME ...]]"""
$ prog 10 20
{"NAME": ["10", "20"]}
$ prog 10
{"NAME": ["10"]}
$ prog
{"NAME": []}
r"""usage: prog (NAME | --foo NAME)
options: --foo
$ prog 10
{"NAME": "10", "--foo": false}
$ prog --foo 10
{"NAME": "10", "--foo": true}
$ prog --foo=10
r"""usage: prog (NAME | --foo) [--bar | NAME]
options: --foo
options: --bar
$ prog 10
{"NAME": ["10"], "--foo": false, "--bar": false}
$ prog 10 20
{"NAME": ["10", "20"], "--foo": false, "--bar": false}
$ prog --foo --bar
{"NAME": [], "--foo": true, "--bar": true}
r"""Naval Fate.
prog ship new <name>...
prog ship [<name>] move <x> <y> [--speed=<kn>]
prog ship shoot <x> <y>
prog mine (set|remove) <x> <y> [--moored|--drifting]
prog -h | --help
prog --version
-h --help Show this screen.
--version Show version.
--speed=<kn> Speed in knots [default: 10].
--moored Mored (anchored) mine.
--drifting Drifting mine.
$ prog ship Guardian move 150 300 --speed=20
{"--drifting": false,
"--help": false,
"--moored": false,
"--speed": "20",
"--version": false,
"<name>": ["Guardian"],
"<x>": "150",
"<y>": "300",
"mine": false,
"move": true,
"new": false,
"remove": false,
"set": false,
"ship": true,
"shoot": false}
r"""usage: prog --hello"""
$ prog --hello
{"--hello": true}
r"""usage: prog [--hello=<world>]"""
$ prog
{"--hello": null}
$ prog --hello wrld
{"--hello": "wrld"}
r"""usage: prog [-o]"""
$ prog
{"-o": false}
$ prog -o
{"-o": true}
r"""usage: prog [-opr]"""
$ prog -op
{"-o": true, "-p": true, "-r": false}
r"""usage: prog --aabb | --aa"""
$ prog --aa
{"--aabb": false, "--aa": true}
$ prog --a
"user-error" # not a unique prefix
# Counting number of flags
r"""Usage: prog -v"""
$ prog -v
{"-v": true}
r"""Usage: prog [-v -v]"""
$ prog
{"-v": 0}
$ prog -v
{"-v": 1}
$ prog -vv
{"-v": 2}
r"""Usage: prog -v ..."""
$ prog
$ prog -v
{"-v": 1}
$ prog -vv
{"-v": 2}
$ prog -vvvvvv
{"-v": 6}
r"""Usage: prog [-v | -vv | -vvv]
This one is probably most readable user-friednly variant.
$ prog
{"-v": 0}
$ prog -v
{"-v": 1}
$ prog -vv
{"-v": 2}
$ prog -vvvv
r"""usage: prog [--ver --ver]"""
$ prog --ver --ver
{"--ver": 2}
# Counting commands
r"""usage: prog [go]"""
$ prog go
{"go": true}
r"""usage: prog [go go]"""
$ prog
{"go": 0}
$ prog go
{"go": 1}
$ prog go go
{"go": 2}
$ prog go go go
r"""usage: prog go..."""
$ prog go go go go go
{"go": 5}
# [options] does not include options from usage-pattern
r"""usage: prog [options] [-a]
options: -a
$ prog -a
{"-a": true, "-b": false}
$ prog -aa
# Test [options] shourtcut
r"""Usage: prog [options] A
-q Be quiet
-v Be verbose.
$ prog arg
{"A": "arg", "-v": false, "-q": false}
$ prog -v arg
{"A": "arg", "-v": true, "-q": false}
$ prog -q arg
{"A": "arg", "-v": false, "-q": true}
# Test single dash
r"""usage: prog [-]"""
$ prog -
{"-": true}
$ prog
{"-": false}
# If argument is repeated, its value should always be a list
r"""usage: prog [NAME [NAME ...]]"""
$ prog a b
{"NAME": ["a", "b"]}
$ prog
{"NAME": []}
# Option's argument defaults to null/None
r"""usage: prog [options]
-a Add
-m <msg> Message
$ prog -a
{"-m": null, "-a": true}
# Test options without description
r"""usage: prog --hello"""
$ prog --hello
{"--hello": true}
r"""usage: prog [--hello=<world>]"""
$ prog
{"--hello": null}
$ prog --hello wrld
{"--hello": "wrld"}
r"""usage: prog [-o]"""
$ prog
{"-o": false}
$ prog -o
{"-o": true}
r"""usage: prog [-opr]"""
$ prog -op
{"-o": true, "-p": true, "-r": false}
r"""usage: git [-v | --verbose]"""
$ prog -v
{"-v": true, "--verbose": false}
r"""usage: git remote [-v | --verbose]"""
$ prog remote -v
{"remote": true, "-v": true, "--verbose": false}
# Test empty usage pattern
r"""usage: prog"""
$ prog
r"""usage: prog
prog <a> <b>
$ prog 1 2
{"<a>": "1", "<b>": "2"}
$ prog
{"<a>": null, "<b>": null}
r"""usage: prog <a> <b>
$ prog
{"<a>": null, "<b>": null}
# Option's argument should not capture default value from usage pattern
r"""usage: prog [--file=<f>]"""
$ prog
{"--file": null}
r"""usage: prog [--file=<f>]
options: --file <a>
$ prog
{"--file": null}
r"""Usage: prog [-a <host:port>]
Options: -a, --address <host:port> TCP address [default: localhost:6283].
$ prog
{"--address": "localhost:6283"}
# If option with argument could be repeated,
# its arguments should be accumulated into a list
r"""usage: prog --long=<arg> ..."""
$ prog --long one
{"--long": ["one"]}
$ prog --long one --long two
{"--long": ["one", "two"]}
# Test multiple elements repeated at once
r"""usage: prog (go <direction> --speed=<km/h>)..."""
$ prog go left --speed=5 go right --speed=9
{"go": 2, "<direction>": ["left", "right"], "--speed": ["5", "9"]}
# Required options should work with option shortcut
r"""usage: prog [options] -a
options: -a
$ prog -a
{"-a": true}
# If option could be repeated its defaults should be split into a list
r"""usage: prog [-o <o>]...
options: -o <o> [default: x]
$ prog -o this -o that
{"-o": ["this", "that"]}
$ prog
{"-o": ["x"]}
r"""usage: prog [-o <o>]...
options: -o <o> [default: x y]
$ prog -o this
{"-o": ["this"]}
$ prog
{"-o": ["x", "y"]}
# Test stacked option's argument
r"""usage: prog -pPATH
options: -p PATH
$ prog -pHOME
{"-p": "HOME"}
# Issue 56: Repeated mutually exclusive args give nested lists sometimes
r"""Usage: foo (--xx=x|--yy=y)..."""
$ prog --xx=1 --yy=2
{"--xx": ["1"], "--yy": ["2"]}
# POSIXly correct tokenization
r"""usage: prog [<input file>]"""
$ prog f.txt
{"<input file>": "f.txt"}
r"""usage: prog [--input=<file name>]..."""
$ prog --input a.txt --input=b.txt
{"--input": ["a.txt", "b.txt"]}
# Issue 85: `[options]` shourtcut with multiple subcommands
r"""usage: prog good [options]
prog fail [options]
options: --loglevel=N
$ prog fail --loglevel 5
{"--loglevel": "5", "fail": true, "good": false}
# Usage-section syntax
r"""usage:prog --foo"""
$ prog --foo
{"--foo": true}
r"""PROGRAM USAGE: prog --foo"""
$ prog --foo
{"--foo": true}
r"""Usage: prog --foo
prog --bar
$ prog --foo
{"--foo": true, "--bar": false}
prog --foo
prog --bar
$ prog --foo
{"--foo": true, "--bar": false}
prog --foo
prog --bar
$ prog --foo
{"--foo": true, "--bar": false}
# Options-section syntax
r"""Usage: prog [options]
global options: --foo
local options: --baz
other options:
$ prog --baz --egg
{"--foo": false, "--baz": true, "--bar": false, "--egg": true, "--spam": false}