mirror of https://github.com/reality/dbot.git synced 2025-03-03 04:50:46 +01:00
2015-02-13 00:17:38 +00:00

318 lines
13 KiB

var _ = require('underscore')._,
uuid = require('node-uuid');
var commands = function(dbot) {
var commands = {
/*** Kick Management ***/
'~quiet': function(event) {
var server = event.server,
quieter = event.user,
minutes = event.input[1],
channel = (event.input[2] || event.channel.name).trim(),
quietee = event.input[3].trim(),
reason = event.input[4] || "N/A";
dbot.api.nickserv.getUserHost(server, quietee, function(host) {
// Add host record entry
if(host) {
this.hosts[server][quietee] = host;
if(!_.isUndefined(minutes)) {
minutes = parseFloat(minutes.trim());
var msTimeout = new Date(new Date().getTime() + (minutes * 60000));
var vStatus = dbot.instance.connections[server].channels[channel].nicks[quietee].voice;
dbot.api.timers.addTimeout(msTimeout, function() {
if(_.has(this.hosts[server], quietee)) {
if(_.include(this.config.quietBans, channel)) {
this.api.unban(server, this.hosts[server][quietee], channel);
this.api.voice(server, quietee, channel);
} else {
this.api.unquiet(server, this.hosts[server][quietee], channel);
dbot.api.users.resolveUser(server, dbot.config.name, function(err, user) {
dbot.api.report.notify('unquiet', server, user, channel,
dbot.t('unquiet_notify', {
'unquieter': dbot.config.name,
'quietee': quietee
event.reply(dbot.t('tquieted', {
'quietee': quietee,
'minutes': minutes
dbot.api.report.notify('quiet', server, event.rUser, channel,
dbot.t('tquiet_notify', {
'minutes': minutes,
'quieter': event.rUser.primaryNick,
'quietee': quietee,
'reason': reason
} else {
event.reply(dbot.t('quieted', { 'quietee': quietee }));
dbot.api.report.notify('quiet', server, event.rUser, channel,
dbot.t('quiet_notify', {
'quieter': quieter,
'quietee': quietee,
'reason': reason
this.api.devoice(server, quietee, channel);
if(_.include(this.config.quietBans, channel)) {
this.api.ban(server, this.hosts[server][quietee], channel);
} else {
this.api.quiet(server, host, channel);
if(reason.indexOf('#warn') !== -1) {
dbot.api.warning.warn(server, event.rUser, quietee,
'Quieted in ' + channel + ' for ' + reason, channel,
function() {});
} else {
event.reply(dbot.t('no_user', { 'user': quietee }));
'~unquiet': function(event) {
var server = event.server,
quieter = event.user,
channel = (event.input[1] || event.channel.name).trim(),
quietee = event.input[2].trim();
if(_.has(this.hosts[server], quietee)) {
if(_.include(this.config.quietBans, channel)) {
this.api.unban(server, this.hosts[server][quietee], channel);
} else {
this.api.unquiet(server, this.hosts[server][quietee], channel);
event.reply(dbot.t('unquieted', { 'quietee': quietee }));
dbot.api.report.notify('unquiet', server, event.rUser, channel,
dbot.t('unquiet_notify', {
'unquieter': quieter,
'quietee': quietee
'~ckick': function(event) {
var server = event.server,
kicker = event.user,
kickee = event.input[2],
channel = event.input[1],
reason = event.input[3];
if(_.isUndefined(channel)) {
channel = event.channel.name;
channel = channel.trim();
this.api.kick(server, kickee, channel, reason + ' (requested by ' + kicker + ')');
dbot.api.report.notify('kick', server, event.rUser, channel, dbot.t('ckicked', {
'kicker': kicker,
'kickee': kickee,
'reason': reason
// Kick and ban from all channels on the network.
'~nban': function(event) {
if(!event.input) return;
var server = event.server,
banner = event.user,
timeout = event.input[1],
banee = event.input[2],
reason = event.input[3],
adminChannel = dbot.config.servers[server].admin_channel,
channels = _.keys(dbot.instance.connections[server].channels),
network = event.server;
if(this.config.network_name[event.server]) {
network = this.config.network_name[event.server];
dbot.api.nickserv.getUserHost(event.server, banee, function(host) {
// Add host record entry
if(host) {
this.hosts[event.server][banee] = host;
// Create notify string
if(!_.isUndefined(timeout)) {
timeout = parseFloat(timeout.trim());
var msTimeout = new Date(new Date().getTime() + (timeout * 3600000));
if(!_.has(this.tempBans, event.server)) this.tempBans[event.server] = {};
this.tempBans[event.server][banee] = msTimeout;
this.internalAPI.addTempBan(event.server, banee, msTimeout);
var notifyString = dbot.t('tbanned', {
'network': network,
'banner': banner,
'banee': banee,
'hours': timeout,
'reason': reason
} else {
var notifyString = dbot.t('nbanned', {
'network': network,
'banner': banner,
'banee': banee,
'reason': reason
// Add qutoe category documenting ban
if(this.config.document_bans) {
var id = uuid.v4();
var banRecord = {
'id': id,
'time': new Date().getTime(),
'server': server,
'banee': banee,
'banner': banner,
'host': host,
'reason': reason
this.db.save('nbans', id, banRecord, function() {});
// Notify moderators, banee
if(!_.isUndefined(adminChannel)) {
channels = _.without(channels, adminChannel);
} else {
adminChannel = event.channel.name;
dbot.api.report.notify('ban', server, event.rUser, adminChannel, notifyString);
dbot.say(event.server, adminChannel, notifyString);
if(!_.isUndefined(timeout)) {
dbot.say(event.server, banee, dbot.t('tbanned_notify', {
'network': network,
'banner': banner,
'reason': reason,
'hours': timeout,
'admin_channel': adminChannel
} else {
dbot.say(event.server, banee, dbot.t('nbanned_notify', {
'network': network,
'banner': banner,
'reason': reason,
'hours': timeout,
'admin_channel': adminChannel
// err
dbot.say(event.server, 'NickServ', 'FREEZE ' + banee + ' ON ' + reason);
// Ban the user from all channels
var i = 0;
var banChannel = function(channels) {
if(i >= channels.length) return;
var channel = channels[i];
this.api.ban(server, host, channel);
this.api.kick(server, banee, channel, reason +
' (network-wide ban requested by ' + banner + ')');
setTimeout(function() {
i++; banChannel(channels);
}, 1000);
} else {
event.reply(dbot.t('no_user', { 'user': banee }));
'~nunban': function(event) {
var unbanee = event.params[1],
unbanner = event.rUser;
this.api.networkUnban(event.server, unbanee, unbanner, function(err) {
if(err) {
event.reply(dbot.t('nunban_error', { 'unbanee': unbanee }));
/*** Kick Stats ***/
// Give the number of times a given user has been kicked and has kicked
// other people.
'~kickcount': function(event) {
var username = event.params[1];
if(!_.has(dbot.db.kicks, username)) {
var kicks = '0';
} else {
var kicks = dbot.db.kicks[username];
if(!_.has(dbot.db.kickers, username)) {
var kicked = '0';
} else {
var kicked = dbot.db.kickers[username];
event.reply(dbot.t('user_kicks', {
'user': username,
'kicks': kicks,
'kicked': kicked
// Output a list of the people who have been kicked the most and those
// who have kicked other people the most.
'~kickstats': function(event) {
var orderedKickLeague = function(list, topWhat) {
var kickArr = _.chain(list)
.sortBy(function(kick) { return kick[1] })
var kickString = "Top " + topWhat + ": ";
for(var i=0;i<kickArr.length;i++) {
kickString += kickArr[i][0] + " (" + kickArr[i][1] + "), ";
return kickString.slice(0, -2);
event.reply(orderedKickLeague(dbot.db.kicks, 'Kicked'));
event.reply(orderedKickLeague(dbot.db.kickers, 'Kickers'));
_.each(commands, function(command) {
command.access = 'moderator';
commands['~kickcount'].access = 'regular';
commands['~kickstats'].access = 'regular';
commands['~quiet'].access = 'voice';
commands['~unquiet'].access = 'voice';
commands['~ckick'].regex = /^ckick (#[^ ]+ )?([^ ]+) ?(.*)?$/;
commands['~nban'].regex = /^nban ([\d\.^ ]+)?([^ ]+) (.+)$/;
commands['~quiet'].regex = /^quiet ([\d\.^ ]+)?(#[^ ]+ )?([^ ]+) ?(.*)?$/;
commands['~unquiet'].regex = /^unquiet (#[^ ]+ )?([^ ]+) ?$/;
return commands;
exports.fetch = function(dbot) {
return commands(dbot);