mirror of
synced 2025-02-10 11:34:15 +01:00
534 lines
24 KiB
534 lines
24 KiB
var _ = require('underscore')._,
moment = require('moment'),
async = require('async'),
fs = require('fs'),
exec = require('child_process').exec;
var commands = function(dbot) {
var commands = {
'~ncount': function(event) {
var chanCounts = {},
typeCounts = {},
total = 0,
offString = event.params[1] || null;
offset = moment().subtract(offString, 1).valueOf() || null,
nick = event.params[2] || event.user;
/*if(!offset || !offset.isValid()) {
event.reply('Invalid timescale. Try \'week\'');
dbot.api.users.resolveUser(event.server, nick, function(err, user) {
if(user) {
this.db.scan('notifies', function(notify) {
if(notify.user == user.id) {
if(!offString) {
if(!_.has(chanCounts, notify.channel)) chanCounts[notify.channel] = 0;
if(!_.has(typeCounts, notify.type)) typeCounts[notify.type] = 0;
} else {
if(notify.time > offset) {
if(!_.has(chanCounts, notify.channel)) chanCounts[notify.channel] = 0;
if(!_.has(typeCounts, notify.type)) typeCounts[notify.type] = 0;
}, function() {
var cCounts = _.chain(chanCounts)
.sortBy(function(p) { return p[1]; })
var cString = '';
for(var i=0;i<cCounts.length;i++) {
cString += cCounts[i][0] + " (" + cCounts[i][1] + "), ";
cString = cString.slice(0, -2);
var tCounts = _.chain(typeCounts)
.sortBy(function(p) { return p[1]; })
var tString = '';
for(var i=0;i<tCounts.length;i++) {
tString += tCounts[i][0] + " (" + tCounts[i][1] + "), ";
tString = tString.slice(0, -2);
if(offString) {
event.reply(dbot.t('timed_notifies', {
'user': user.primaryNick,
'count': total,
'offString': offString,
'cString': cString,
'tString': tString
} else {
event.reply(dbot.t('total_notifies', {
'user': user.primaryNick,
'count': total,
'cString': cString,
'tString': tString
} else {
event.reply('No idea who that is mate.');
'~batchstatus': function(event) {
var nicks = event.params,
aliases = [],
reportsFound = [];
nicks.splice(0, 1);
_.each(nicks, function(nick, i) {
nicks[i] = nick.replace(/,/g,'');
async.eachSeries(nicks, function(nick, next) {
dbot.api.users.resolveUser(event.server, nick, function(err, user) {
if(!err && user && !_.include(aliases, user.primaryNick)) {
dbot.api.users.getUserAliases(user.id, function(err, theseAliases) {
if(!err && theseAliases) {
aliases = _.union(aliases, theseAliases);
} else {
}, function() {
dbot.modules.report.db.search('notifies', {
'server': event.server
}, function(notify) {
if(_.include(aliases, notify.target)) {
if(notify.type == 'ban' || notify.type == 'quiet' || notify.type == 'warn' || notify.type == 'report') {
if(!_.include(reportsFound, notify.target)) {
}, function() {
if(reportsFound.length != 0) {
event.reply('Record found for: ' + reportsFound.join(', '));
} else {
event.reply('None of these users seem to have sustatuses');
'~notes': function(event) {
var tName = event.params[1],
server = event.server;
if(event.channel != '#moderators' && event.channel != '#teamtripsit' && event.channel != event.user) {
dbot.api.users.resolveUser(server, tName, function(err, target) {
if(target) {
var notes = {};
this.db.search('warnings', {
'server': server,
'warnee': target.id
}, function(warning) {
if(warning.reason.match('#note')) {
notes[warning.time] = warning;
}, function(err) {
if(_.size(notes) > 0) {
var nTimes = _.keys(notes).sort(function(a, b) {
return parseInt(a) - parseInt(b);
var n = 0;
_.each(nTimes, function(key) {
// just couldn't be bothered doing the warner lookup, waste of time
event.reply('[\u00036note ' + n + '\u000f][' + moment(parseInt(key)).format('DD/MM/YYYY') + ']['+notes[key].warner.split('.')[0]+'] ' + notes[key].reason);
} else {
event.reply('No notes found for ' + tName);
} else {
event.reply(event.params[1] + ' not found.');
'~sustatus': function(event) {
var user = event.input[1];
if(event.channel == '#tripsit.me') {
return event.reply('~_~ do that in #moderators ~_~');
function puts(error, stdout, stderr) {
var res = stdout.split('\n');
event.reply('Link: ' + res[res.length-3]);
dbot.api.users.resolveUser(event.server, user, function(err, user) {
if(user) {
dbot.api.users.getUserAliases(user.id, function(err, aliases) {
var ban = 0,
latest_ban = {'time':0},
latest_unban = {'time':0},
unban = 0,
quiet = 0,
warn = 0,
report = 0,
items = {};
if(!aliases) {
aliases = [];
dbot.modules.report.db.search('notifies', {
'server': event.server
}, function(notify) {
if(_.include(aliases, notify.target)) {
if(notify.type == 'ban') {
if(notify.time > latest_ban.time) {
latest_ban = notify;
} else if(notify.type == 'unban') {
if(notify.time > latest_unban.time) {
latest_unban = notify;
} else if(notify.type == 'quiet') {
} else if(notify.type == 'warn') {
} else if(notify.type == 'report') {
items[notify.time] = notify;
}, function() {
if(quiet != 0 || warn != 0 || report != 0 || ban != 0) {
var out = ''; // his is really stupid but i'm feeling lazy
var sumLine = user.primaryNick + ' has been warned ' + warn + ' times, quieted ' + quiet + ' times, and reported ' + report + ' times.';
out += sumLine + '\n\n';
var sTimes = _.keys(items).sort(function(a, b) {
return parseInt(a) - parseInt(b);
if(sTimes.length < 70) event.reply('[\u00036reports\u000f]');
out += '\n\n[reports]\n';
var n = 0;
_.each(sTimes, function(time) {
if(items[time].type == 'report') {
var rEntry = '[' + n + '][' + moment(parseInt(time)).format('DD/MM/YYYY') + '] ' + items[time].message;
if(sTimes.length < 70) event.reply(rEntry);
out += rEntry + '\n'
if(sTimes.length < 70) event.reply('[\u00037quiets\u000f]');
out += '\n\n[quiets]\n';
var n = 0;
_.each(sTimes, function(time) {
if(items[time].type == 'quiet') {
var qEntry = '[' + n + '][' + moment(parseInt(time)).format('DD/MM/YYYY') + '] ' + items[time].message;
if(sTimes.length < 70) event.reply(qEntry);
out += qEntry + '\n'
if(sTimes.length < 70) event.reply('[\u00035warns\u000f]');
out += '\n\n[warns]\n'
var n = 0;
_.each(sTimes, function(time) {
if(items[time].type == 'warn') {
var wEntry = '[' + n + '][' + moment(parseInt(time)).format('DD/MM/YYYY') + '] ' + items[time].message;
if(sTimes.length < 70) event.reply(wEntry);
out += wEntry + '\n'
if(sTimes.length < 70) event.reply('[\u00034bans\u000f]');
out += '\n\n[bans]\n'
var n = 0;
_.each(sTimes, function(time) {
if(items[time].type == 'ban' || items[time].type == 'unban') {
var bEntry = '[' + n + '][' + moment(parseInt(time)).format('DD/MM/YYYY') + '] ' + items[time].message;
if(sTimes.length < 70) event.reply(bEntry);
out += bEntry + '\n'
if(sTimes.length > 70) {
event.reply('There are too many to show without killing everyone :S (wait for the link xx)');
out += '\n\n'
if(latest_ban.time != 0) {
if(latest_unban.time == 0 || (latest_unban.time < latest_ban.time)) {
var bStatus = 'Current Ban Status: \u00034Banned\u000f since ' + moment(latest_ban.time).fromNow() + ' (' + moment(parseInt(latest_ban.time)).format('DD/MM/YYYY') + ')';
var bReason = 'Current Ban Reason: ' + latest_ban.message;
} else {
var a = moment(latest_ban.time);
var b = moment(latest_unban.time);
var bStatus = 'Current Ban Status: \u00037Unbanned\u000f since ' + moment(parseInt(latest_unban.time)).format('DD/MM/YYYY') + ' after being banned for ' + b.diff(a, 'days') + ' days';
var bReason = 'Most recent ban reason: ' + latest_ban.message;
out += bStatus + '\n' + bReason
} else {
var nevBan = 'Current Ban Status: \u00033Never banned (\u00037probably\u00033)\u000f'
out += nevBan
fs.writeFileSync('/tmp/'+sTimes.length+'.txt', out);
exec("/home/node/alsuti/bin/alsuti -p "+randomString(12, '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ')+" /tmp/"+sTimes.length+".txt", puts);
} else {
event.reply(user.primaryNick + ' has no record.');
} else {
event.reply('never heard of em');
'~ustatus': function(event) {
var user = event.input[1];
dbot.api.users.resolveUser(event.server, user, function(err, user) {
if(user) {
var ban = null,
quiet = 0
warn = 0;
// i'll fix it later
dbot.modules.report.db.search('notifies', {
'server': event.server
}, function(notify) {
if(notify.message.match('banned ' + user.primaryNick) || notify.message.match('issued a warning to ' + user.primaryNick) || notify.message.match('has quieted ' + user.primaryNick)) {
if(notify.type == 'ban') {
ban = notify.time;
} else if(notify.type == 'quiet') {
} else if(notify.type == 'warn') {
}, function() {
if(ban) {
event.reply(user.primaryNick + ' was banned on ' + new Date(ban).toUTCString());
if(quiet != 0 || warn != 0) {
event.reply(user.primaryNick + ' has been warned ' + warn + ' times, and quieted ' + quiet + ' times.');
} else if(!ban) {
event.reply(user.primaryNick + ' has no record.');
} else {
event.reply('never heard of em');
'~clearmissing': function(event) {
if(_.has(this.pending, event.rUser.id)) {
var count = this.pending[event.rUser.id].length;
delete this.pending[event.rUser.id];
event.reply(dbot.t('cleared_notifies', { 'count': count }));
} else {
'~report': function(event) {
var channelName = (event.input[1] || event.channel.toString()),
nick = event.input[2],
reason = event.input[3].trim();
channelName = channelName.trim();
if(channelName == event.user) {
channelName = dbot.config.servers[event.server].admin_channel;
if(reason.charAt(reason.length - 1) != '.') reason += '.';
dbot.api.users.resolveUser(event.server, nick, function(err, reportee) {
if(_.has(event.allChannels, channelName)) {
if(reportee) {
this.api.notify('report', event.server, event.rUser,
channelName, dbot.t('report', {
'reporter': event.rUser.primaryNick,
'reportee': nick,
'reason': reason
}), false, nick);
event.reply(dbot.t('reported', { 'reported': nick }));
} else {
event.reply(dbot.t('user_not_found', {
'reported': nick,
'channel': channelName
} else {
event.reply(dbot.t('not_in_channel', { 'channel': channelName }));
'~notify': function(event) {
var channelName = event.input[1],
message = event.input[2];
if(_.has(event.allChannels, channelName)) {
if(this.config.firstHost) {
var first = message.split(' ')[0];
dbot.api.users.resolveUser(event.server, first, function(err, user) {
if(user && _.include(this.config.host_lookup, channelName)) {
dbot.api.nickserv.getUserHost(event.server, first, function(host) {
message = message.replace(first, first + ' [' + host + ']');
this.api.notify('notify', event.server, event.rUser, channelName, message, host, first);
} else {
this.api.notify('notify', event.server, event.rUser, channelName, message);
} else {
this.api.notify('notify', event.server, event.rUser, channelName, message);
event.reply(dbot.t('notified', {
'user': event.user,
'channel': channelName
} else {
event.reply(dbot.t('not_in_channel', { 'channel': channelName }));
'~nunsub': function(event) {
var cName = event.input[1],
cId = event.input[1] + '.' + event.server;
if(_.has(dbot.instance.connections[event.server].channels, cName)) {
this.db.read('nunsubs', cId, function(err, nunsubs) {
if(!nunsubs) {
var nunsubs = {
'id': cId,
'users': []
if(!_.include(nunsubs.users, event.rUser.id)) {
this.db.save('nunsubs', cId, nunsubs, function() {
var reply = dbot.t('nunsubbed', { 'cName': cName })
if(_.has(this.config.chan_redirs, cName)) {
reply += dbot.t('n_also_found', { 'afaName' : this.config.chan_redirs[cName] });
} else {
event.reply(dbot.t('already_nunsubbed', { 'cName': cName }));
} else {
event.reply('Channel not known.');
'~ununsub': function(event) {
var cName = event.input[1],
cId = event.input[1] + '.' + event.server;
if(_.has(dbot.instance.connections[event.server].channels, cName)) {
this.db.read('nunsubs', cId, function(err, nunsubs) {
if(!_.isUndefined(nunsubs) && _.include(nunsubs.users, event.rUser.id)) {
nunsubs.users = _.without(nunsubs.users, event.rUser.id);
this.db.save('nunsubs', cId, nunsubs, function() {
event.reply(dbot.t('ununsubbed', { 'cName': cName }));
} else {
event.reply(dbot.t('not_nunsubbed', { 'cName': cName }));
} else {
event.reply('Channel not known.');
'~concerning': function(event) {
if(event.channel != '#tripsitters' && event.channel != '#moderators' && event.channel != '#teamtripsit') {
return event.reply('Probably a bad idea to run this in a public channel old son (run in #tripsitters, #moderators or #teamtripsit).');
var nick = event.params[1].trim();
this.api.concerning(event.server, nick, function(err, results) {
if(err) {
dbot.api.quotes.getQuote('deal with it', function(quote) {
var out = 'Couldn\'t find user\'s host, but that doesn\'t necessarily mean they don\'t exist. This is the lazy way of doing it for now... ';
if(quote) {
out += quote;
} else {
event.reply(nick + ' has sought help ' + results.length + ' times (under their nick and associated host):');
_.each(results, function(n) {
event.reply('[' + moment(parseInt(n.time)).format('DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss') + '][' + n.user.split('.')[0] + '] ' + n.message);
commands['~report'].regex = /^report (#[^ ]+ )?([^ ]+) (.*)$/;
commands['~notify'].regex = [/^notify ([^ ]+) (.+)$/, 3];
commands['~nunsub'].regex = [/^nunsub ([^ ]+)$/, 2];
commands['~ununsub'].regex = [/^ununsub ([^ ]+)$/, 2];
commands['~ustatus'].regex = [/^ustatus ([^ ]+)$/, 2];
commands['~sustatus'].regex = [/^sustatus ([^ ]+)$/, 2];
commands['~ustatus'].access = 'power_user';
commands['~sustatus'].access = 'power_user';
commands['~ncount'].access = 'power_user';
commands['~notes'].access = 'tripsitter';
return commands;
function randomString(length, chars) {
var result = '';
for (var i = length; i > 0; --i) result += chars[Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length)];
return result;
exports.fetch = function(dbot) {
return commands(dbot);