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synced 2025-03-10 00:10:48 +01:00
167 lines
7.5 KiB
167 lines
7.5 KiB
"category_not_found": {
"en": "Nobody loves {category}",
"es": "Nadie ama a {category}",
"na'vi": "{category} yawne ke lu kawturu.",
"cy": "Does neb yn caru {category}",
"nl": "Niemand houdt van {category}"
"large_categories": {
"en": "Largest categories: ",
"es": "Los categorías más grandes: ",
"na'vi": "U atsawl: ",
"cy": "Categoriau mwyaf: ",
"nl": "Grootste categoriën: "
"empty_category": {
"en": "That category has no quotes in. Commence incineration.",
"es": "Categoría vacía. Iniciar incineración.",
"na'vi": "Tsauru upxare lu. Nga skxawng lu.",
"cy": "Nid yw'r categori yna efo dyfyniadau. Cychwyn orfflosgiad",
"nl": "Die categorie heeft geen quotes. Bereid het verbrandingsritueel voor."
"no_results": {
"en": "No results found.",
"es": "No hubo ningún resultado.",
"na'vi": "Oel kea humit rìmun",
"cy": "Dim canlyniadau ar gael",
"nl": "Geen resultaten gevonden."
"locked_category": {
"en": "{category} is locked. Commence incineration.",
"es": "{category} está cerrada. Comenzar incineración.",
"na'vi": "{category} ke fkeytok set. Nga skxawng lu nafì'u",
"cy": "Mae {category} wedi cloi. Cychwyn orfflosgiad",
"nl": "{category} is op slot. Bereid het verbrandingsritueel voor."
"no_quotes": {
"en": "No quotes exist under {category}",
"es": "Ninguna cita existe en {category}",
"na'vi": "Kea upxare fkeytok {category}mì",
"cy": "Does dim dyfyniadau gan {category}",
"nl": "Er zijn geen quotes in {category}"
"last_removed": {
"en": "Last quote removed from {category}.",
"es": "Última cita quitado de {category}.",
"na'vi": "Oel 'upxareti aham 'aku {category}ta",
"cy": "Dyfyniad olaf wedi ei ddileu o {category}",
"nl": "De laatste quote is verwijderd uit {category}."
"no_recent_adds": {
"en": "No quotes were added recently.",
"es": "Ninguna cita fue añadido recientamente.",
"na'vi": "Kea upxareti samung nìfkrr",
"cy": "Nid oes unrhyw dyfyniadau wedi ei ychwwanegu'n ddiweddar",
"nl": "Er zijn recentelijk geen quotes toegevoegd."
"rmlast_spam": {
"en": "No spamming that shit. Try again in a few minutes...",
"es": "No me inundes de mierda. Intenta otra vez en unos minutos...",
"na'vi": "Nga Tsasngelit ke zene fpivere'. Sweylu nga fmivi ye'rìn...",
"cy": "Peidiwch a sbamio hwna. Triwch eto mewn ychydyg funudau...",
"nl": "Dat spammen kun je ook lekker laten. Probeer het zometeen nog eens..."
"removed_from": {
"en": "'{quote}' removed from {category}",
"es": "'{quote}' quitado de {category}",
"na'vi": "'{quote}'(it/ti) 'ìyaku {category}",
"cy": "'{quote}' wedi ei ddileu o {category}",
"nl": "{quote} verwijderd uit {category}"
"q_not_exist_under": {
"en": "'{quote}' doesn't exist under '{category}'.",
"es": "'{quote}' no existe en '{category}'.",
"na'vi": "'{quote}' ke fkeytok '{category}'ta.",
"cy": "Nid yw '{quote}' yn bodoli yn '{category}'",
"nl": "{quote} bestaat niet in '{category}'."
"total_quotes": {
"en": "Total quote count: {count}.",
"es": "Total de citas: {count}.",
"na'vi": "'upxareri holpxay: {count}.",
"cy": "Cyfanswm dyfyniadau: {count}.",
"nl": "Totaal aantal quotes: {count}."
"quote_exists": {
"en": "Quote already in DB. Initiate incineration.",
"es": "Cita ya existe. Iniciar incineración.",
"na'vi": "'Upxarel säomumit fìtsengit tok srekrr. Nga skxawng lu.",
"cy": "Dyfyniad yn y gronfa ddata yn barod. Cychwyn orfflosgiad",
"nl": "De quote bestaat al. Bereid het verbrandingsritueel voor."
"quote_saved": {
"en": "Quote saved in '{category}' ({count}).",
"es": "Cita guardada en '{category}' ({count}).",
"na'vi": "Oe zayerok '{category}'mì ({count}).",
"cy": "Dyfyniad wedi ei gadw yn '{category}' ({count}).",
"nl": "Quote opgeslagen in '{category}' ({count})."
"quote_replace": {
"en": "No replacing arrays, you whore.",
"es": "No sustituites arrays, hijo de puta.",
"na'vi": "Ngal fìsäomumit ke tsun rivawn. Nga muntxa sayi suteo hrh.",
"cy": "Peidiwch a newid rhestrau, y cachgi",
"nl": "Geen arrays vervangen, slet."
"quote_count": {
"en": "{category} has {count} quotes.",
"es": "{category} tiene {count} citas.",
"na'vi": "{count}a upxare {category}ur lu.",
"cy": "{count} dyfyniad yn {category}",
"nl": "{category} heeft {count} quotes."
"quote_link": {
"en": "Link to {category} - {url}",
"es": "Enlace a {category} - {url}",
"na'vi": "Fya'o {category}ne - {url}",
"cy": "Dolen i {category} - {url}",
"nl": "Link naar {category} - {url}"
"search_results": {
"en": "{category} ({needle}): '{quote}' [{matches} results]",
"es" : "{category} ({needle}): '{quote}' [{matches} resultados]",
"na'vi": "{category} ({needle}): '{quote}' [kum a{matches}]",
"cy": "{category} ({needle}): '{quote}' [{matches} canlyniad]",
"cy": "{category} ({needle}): '{quote}' [{matches} resultaten]"
"quote_cache_auto_remove": {
"en": "There are {count} quotes in the removal cache, which will be automatically cleared.",
"na'vi": "{count}a 'upxarel sngelit tok, Oel 'ayku sngelit lukenga.",
"nl": "Er staan {count} quotes klaar om verwijderd te worden, wat automatisch zal gebeuren."
"quote_cache_manual_remove": {
"en": "There are {count} quotes in the removal cache, which must be manually cleared.",
"na'vi": "{count}a 'upxarel sngelit tok slä oel ke 'ayku sngelit tafral nga zene 'aivku",
"nl": "Er staan {count} quotes klaar om verwijderd te worden, wat handmatig zal moeten gebeuren."
"quote_cache_cleared": {
"en": "{count} quotes cleared from the removal cache.",
"na'vi": "Oel 'aìmku {count}a 'upxareti ta sngel.",
"nl": "{count} quotes verwijderd uit de verwijderlijst."
"quote_cache_reinstated": {
"en": "{count} quotes reinstated from the removal cache.",
"na'vi": "{count}a 'upxare tolätxaw ta sngel.",
"nl": "{count} quotes hersteld van de verwijderlijst."
"rm_cache_limit": {
"en": "Attention: Too many quotes removed, rmCache must be cleared or reinstated manually with ~rmconfirm or ~rmdeny.",
"na'vi": "Oel zerok 'upxareti apxay set, sweylu txo nga 'aivku upxareti ìlä ~rmconfirm fu ~rmdeny.",
"nl": "Waarschuwing: Er zijn te veel quotes verwijderd. rmCache moet opgeschoond of herinstalleerd worden met ~rmconfirm of ~rmdeny"
"web_not_configured": {
"en": "Cannot link to category. Web module is either not loaded or misconfigured.",
"nl": "De categorie kan niet gelinkt worden. De web module is niet geladen of onjuist geconfigureerd."
"category_renamed": {
"en": "Category ~{oldName} renamed to ~{newName}."
"newcat_exists": {
"en": "Category ~{newcat} already exists. Delete that first or use ~qmerge."
"categories_merged": {
"en": "Category ~{from} and its quotes merged into ~{into}."