{ "english": { "syntax_error": "Invalid syntax. Initiate incineration.", "module_load_error": "Failed to load module: ", "category_not_found": "Nobody loves ", "large_categories": "Largest categories: ", "empty_category": "That category has no quotes in. Commence incineration.", "no_results": "No results found.", "locked_category": " is locked. Commence incineration.", "no_quotes": "No quotes exist under ", "last_removed": "Last quote removed from ", "no_recent_adds": "No quotes were added recently.", "rmlast_spam": "No spamming that shit. Try again in a few minutes...", "removed_from": " removed from ", "q_not_exist_under": " doesn't exist under user ", "total_quotes": "Total quote count: ", "quote_exists": "Quote already in DB. Initiate incineration.", "quote_saved": "Quote saved in ", "quote_replace": "No replacing arrays, you whore.", "prune": "Pruning empty quote categories: ", "no_prune": "No empty quote categories. Commence incineration.", "command_ban": " is banned from using this command. Commence incineration.", "correction": "Did you mean: ", "gpull": "Git pulled that shit.", "reload": "Reloaded that shit.", "load_module": "Loaded new module: ", "unload_module": "Turned off module: ", "unload_error": " isn't loaded. Idiot.", "unban_error": " wasn't banned from that command, fool.", "modehate": "Hating on ", "unmodehate": "No longer hating on ", "qlock": "Locked quote category: ", "spelling_self": " meant: ", "spelling_other_1": " thinks ", "spelling_other_2": " meant:" }, "spanish": { "syntax_error": "Sintaxis no válida. Iniciar la incineración.", "module_load_error": "No se pudó cargar el módulo: ", "category_not_found": "Nadie ama a ", "large_categories": "Los categorías más grandes: ", "empty_category": "Categoría vacía. Iniciar la incineración.", "no_results": "No hubo ningún resultado.", "locked_category": "", "no_quotes": "", "last_removed": "", "no_recent_adds": "", "rmlast_spam": "", "removed_from": "", "q_not_exist_under": "", "total_quotes": "", "quote_exists": "", "quote_saved": "", "quote_replace": "", "prune": "", "no_prune": "", "command_ban": "", "correction": "", "gpull": "", "reload": "", "load_module": "", "unload_module": "", "unload_error": "", "unban_error": ".", "modehate": "", "unmodehate": "", "qlock": "", "spelling_self": "", "spelling_other_1": "", "spelling_other_2": "" } }