    "chanserv": {
        "+v": "Enables use of the voice/devoice commands.", 
        "+V": "Enables automatic voice.", 
        "+h": "Enables use of the halfop/dehalfop commands.", 
        "+H": "Enables automatic halfop.", 
        "+o": "Enables use of the op/deop commands.", 
        "+O": "Enables automatic op.", 
        "+a": "Enables use of the protect/deprotect commands.", 
        "+q": "Enables use of the owner/deowner commands.", 
        "+s": "Enables use of the set command.", 
        "+i": "Enables use of the invite and getkey commands.", 
        "+r": "Enables use of the kick, kickban, ban and unban commands.", 
        "+r": "Enables use of the ban and unban commands.", 
        "+r": "Enables use of the unban command.", 
        "+R": "Enables use of the recover and clear commands.", 
        "+f": "Enables modification of channel access lists.", 
        "+t": "Enables use of the topic and topicappend commands.", 
        "+A": "Enables viewing of channel access lists.", 
        "+S": "Marks the user as a successor.", 
        "+F": "Grants full founder access.", 
        "+b": "Enables automatic kickban."
    "chanmodes": {
        "+b": "channel ban",
        "+c": "colour filter",
        "+e": "ban exemption",
        "+f": "channel forwarding",
        "+F": "allow anybody to forward to this",
        "+g": "allow anybody to invite",
        "+i": "invite only",
        "+I": "invite exception (invex)",
        "+j": "join throttling",
        "+k": "key (channel password)",
        "+l": "channel member limit",
        "+L": "large ban list",
        "+m": "moderated",
        "+n": "no external messages",
        "+o": "channel operator",
        "+p": "paranoid channel",
        "+P": "permanent channel",
        "+q": "quiet",
        "+Q": "block forwarded users",
        "+r": "block unidentified",
        "+s": "secret channel",
        "+t": "topic limit",
        "+v": "voice",
        "+z": "reduced moderation"