var fs = require('fs'); var timers = require('./timer'); var jsbot = require('./jsbot'); require('./snippets'); var modules = ['user', 'modehate', 'web', 'admin', 'puns', 'kick', 'karma', 'youare', 'quotes']; var DBot = function(dModules, timers) { this.admin = 'reality'; this.waitingForKarma = false; = 'depressionbot'; this.db = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('db.json', 'utf-8')); this.timers = timers.create(); this.instance = jsbot.createJSBot(, '', 6667, this, function() { this.instance.join('#realitest'); }.bind(this)); this.moduleNames = dModules; this.reloadModules(); this.instance.connect(); }; DBot.prototype.say = function(channel, data) { this.instance.say(channel, data); }; = function() { fs.writeFile('db.json', JSON.stringify(this.db, null, ' ')); }; DBot.prototype.reloadModules = function() { if(this.modules) { this.modules.each(function(module) { if(module.onDestroy) { module.onDestroy(); } }); } this.rawModules = []; this.modules = []; this.commands = {}; this.timers.clearTimers();; var path = require.resolve('./snippets'); require.cache[path] = undefined; require('./snippets'); this.moduleNames.each(function(name) { var cacheKey = require.resolve('./modules/' + name); require.cache[cacheKey] = undefined; // TODO: snippet to remove element properly try { this.rawModules.push(require('./modules/' + name)); } catch(err) { console.log('Failed to load module: ' + name); } }.bind(this)); this.instance.removeListeners(); this.modules = this.rawModules.collect(function(rawModule) { var module = rawModule.fetch(this); if(module.listener) { this.instance.addListener(module.on, module.listener); } if(module.onLoad) { var newCommands = module.onLoad(); for(key in newCommands) { if(newCommands.hasOwnProperty(key) && Object.prototype.isFunction(newCommands[key])) { this.commands[key] = newCommands[key]; } } } return module; }.bind(this)); this.instance.addListener('PRIVMSG', function(data) { params = data.message.split(' '); if( == = data.user; if(this.commands.hasOwnProperty(params[0])) { if((this.db.bans.hasOwnProperty(params[0]) && this.db.bans[params[0]].include(data.user)) || this.db.bans['*'].include(data.user)) this.say(, data.user + ' is banned from using this command. Commence incineration.'); else { this.commands[params[0]](data, params);; } } else { var q = data.message.valMatch(/^~([\d\w\s]*)/, 2); if(q) { key = q[1].trim().toLowerCase(); if(this.db.quoteArrs.hasOwnProperty(key)) { this.say(, key + ': ' + this.db.quoteArrs[key].random()); } else { this.say(, 'Nobody loves ' + key); } } } }.bind(this)); }; new DBot(modules, timers);