    "now_listening": {
        "en": "{user} is listening to {track} by {artist}",
        "de": "{user} hört {track} von {artist}"
    "last_listened": {
        "en": "{user} last listened to {track} by {artist}",
        "de": "{user} hörte zuletzt {track} von {artist}"
    "no_listen": {
        "en": "{user} doesn't seem to have listened to anything recently :'(",
        "de": "{user} scheint in letzter Zeit nichts gehört zu haben :'("
    "taste_compat": {
        "en": "{user1} and {user2} are {score}% musically compatible!",
        "de": "{user1} und {user2} sind {score}% musikalisch kompatibel!"
    "common_artists": {
        "en": "Artists {user1} and {user2} have in common: {common}",
        "de": "Künstler, die {user1} und {user2} gemeinsam haben: {common}"
    "lfm_suggestion": {
        "en": "{user}: Try listening to {name} by {artist}",
        "de": "{user}: Versuche mal, {name} von {artist} anzuhören"
    "lfm_profile": {
        "en": "{user} has scrobbled {plays} tracks since {date} - {link}"
    "lfm_scrobbliest": {
        "en": "Users with the most played tracks: "