// Module which handles the command execution syntax for DBot. Not much is going // to work without this. var command = function(dbot) { var dbot = dbot; var ignoreCommands = function (data, params) { if(data.channel == dbot.name) data.channel = data.user; var targetCommand = params[1]; var ignoreMins = parseFloat(params[2]); if(!dbot.sessionData.hasOwnProperty("ignoreCommands")) { dbot.sessionData.ignoreCommands = {}; } if(!dbot.sessionData.ignoreCommands.hasOwnProperty(targetCommand)) { dbot.sessionData.ignoreCommands[targetCommand] = []; } if(dbot.sessionData.ignoreCommands[targetCommand].include(data.channel)) { dbot.say(data.channel, "Already ignoring '" + targetCommand + "' in '" + data.channel + "'."); } else { dbot.sessionData.ignoreCommands[targetCommand].push(data.channel); dbot.timers.addOnceTimer(ignoreMins * 60 * 1000, function() { dbot.sessionData.ignoreCommands[targetCommand].splice(dbot.sessionData.ignoreCommands[targetCommand].indexOf(data.channel), 1); dbot.say(data.channel, "No longer ignoring '" + targetCommand + "' in '" + data.channel + "'."); }); dbot.say(data.channel, "Ignoring '" + targetCommand + "' in '" + data.channel + "' for the next " + ignoreMins + " minute" + (ignoreMins == 1 ? "" : "s") + "."); } }; return { 'onLoad': function() { return { '~ignore': ignoreCommands }; }, 'listener': function(data) { params = data.message.split(' '); if(data.channel == dbot.name) data.channel = data.user; var ignoringCommand = false; if(dbot.sessionData.hasOwnProperty("ignoreCommands")) { if(dbot.sessionData.ignoreCommands.hasOwnProperty(params[0])) { if(dbot.sessionData.ignoreCommands[params[0]].include(data.channel)) { ignoringCommand = true; } } } if(dbot.commands.hasOwnProperty(params[0]) && (!(ignoringCommand))) { if((dbot.db.bans.hasOwnProperty(params[0]) && dbot.db.bans[params[0]].include(data.user)) || dbot.db.bans['*'].include(data.user)) { dbot.say(data.channel, data.user + ' is banned from using this command. Commence incineration.'); } else { dbot.commands[params[0]](data, params); dbot.save(); } } else { var q = data.message.valMatch(/^~([\d\w\s-]*)/, 2); if(q) { if(dbot.db.bans['*'].include(data.user)) { dbot.say(data.channel, data.user + ' is banned from using this command. Commence incineration.'); } else { q[1] = q[1].trim(); key = dbot.cleanNick(q[1]) if(dbot.db.quoteArrs.hasOwnProperty(key)) { dbot.say(data.channel, q[1] + ': ' + dbot.interpolatedQuote(key)); } else { // See if it's similar to anything var winnerDistance = Infinity; var winner = false; for(var commandName in dbot.commands) { var distance = String.prototype.distance(params[0], commandName); if(distance < winnerDistance) { winner = commandName; winnerDistance = distance; } } if(winnerDistance < 3) { dbot.say(data.channel, 'Did you mean ' + winner + '? Learn to type, hippie!'); } } } } } }, 'on': 'PRIVMSG' }; }; exports.fetch = function(dbot) { return command(dbot); };