mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 14:00:45 +01:00
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,8 +1,15 @@
"name": "depressionbot",
"password": "fishes",
"name": "testressionbot",
"servers": {
"freenode": {
"server": "irc.freenode.net",
"port": 6667,
"nickserv": "nickserv",
"password": "lolturtles",
"channels": [
"admin": [ "batman" ],
"channels": [
@ -1,147 +1,135 @@
* Module Name: Admin
* Description: Set of commands which only one who is a DepressionBot
* administrator can run - as such, it has its own command execution listener.
var fs = require('fs');
var sys = require('sys')
var exec = require('child_process').exec;
var adminCommands = function(dbot) {
var dbot = dbot;
var admin = function(dbot) {
var commands = {
'join': function(data, params) {
dbot.say(data.channel, 'Joined ' + params[1]);
// Join a channel
'join': function(event) {
var channel = event.params[1];
dbot.instance.join(event, channel);
event.reply(dbot.t('join', {'channel': channel}));
'opme': function(data, params) {
dbot.instance.send('MODE ' + params[1] + ' +o ', data.user);
// Leave a channel
'part': function(event) {
var channel = event.params[1];
event.instance.part(event, channel);
event.reply(dbot.t('part', {'channel': channel}));
'part': function(data, params) {
// Op admin caller in given channel
'opme': function(event) {
event.channel = event.params[1];
dbot.instance.mode(event, '+o ' + event.user);
// Do a git pull and reload
'greload': function(data, params) {
var child;
child = exec("git pull", function (error, stdout, stderr) {
dbot.say(data.channel, dbot.t('gpull'));
commands.reload(data, params);
'greload': function(event) {
var child = exec("git pull", function (error, stdout, stderr) {
'reload': function(data, params) {
// Reload DB, translations and modules.
'reload': function(event) {
dbot.db = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('db.json', 'utf-8'));
dbot.strings = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('strings.json', 'utf-8'));
dbot.say(data.channel, dbot.t('reload'));
'say': function(data, params) {
if (params[1] === "@") {
var c = data.channel;
} else {
var c = params[1];
var m = params.slice(2).join(' ');
dbot.say(c, m);
// Say something in a channel (TODO probably doesn't work.)
'say': function(event) {
var channel = event.params[1];
if(event.params[1] === "@") {
var channel = event.channel;
var message = event.params.slice(2).join(' ');
dbot.say(event.server, channel, message);
'act': function(data, params) {
if (params[1] === "@") {
var c = data.channel;
} else {
var c = params[1];
var m = params.slice(2).join(' ');
dbot.act(c, m);
'load': function(data, params) {
// Load new module
'load': function(event) {
var moduleName = event.params[1];
dbot.say(data.channel, dbot.t('load_module', {'moduleName': params[1]}));
event.reply(dbot.t('load_module', {'moduleName': moduleName}));
'unload': function(data, params) {
if(dbot.moduleNames.include(params[1])) {
var cacheKey = require.resolve('../modules/' + params[1]);
// Unload a loaded module
'unload': function(event) {
var moduleName = event.params[1];
if(dbot.moduleNames.include(moduleName)) {
var cacheKey = require.resolve('../modules/' + moduleName);
delete require.cache[cacheKey];
var moduleIndex = dbot.moduleNames.indexOf(params[1]);
var moduleIndex = dbot.moduleNames.indexOf(moduleName);
dbot.moduleNames.splice(moduleIndex, 1);
dbot.say(data.channel, dbot.t('unload_module', {'moduleName': params[1]}));
event.reply(dbot.t('unload_module', {'moduleName': moduleName}));
} else {
dbot.say(data.channel, dbot.t('unload_error', {'moduleName': params[1]}));
event.reply(dbot.t('unload_error', {'moduleName': moduleName}));
'ban': function(data, params) {
if(dbot.db.bans.hasOwnProperty(params[2])) {
} else {
dbot.db.bans[params[2]] = [ params[1] ];
// Ban user from command or *
'ban': function(event) {
var username = event.params[1];
var command = event.params[2];
if(!dbot.db.bans.hasOwnProperty(command)) {
dbot.db.bans[command] = [ ];
dbot.say(data.channel, dbot.t('banned', {'user': params[1], 'command': params[2]}));
event.reply(dbot.t('banned', {'user': username, 'command': command}));
'unban': function(data, params) {
if(dbot.db.bans.hasOwnProperty(params[2]) && dbot.db.bans[params[2]].include(params[1])) {
dbot.db.bans[params[2]].splice(dbot.db.bans[params[2]].indexOf(params[1]), 1);
dbot.say(data.channel, dbot.t('unbanned', {'user': params[1], 'command': params[2]}));
// Unban a user from command or *
'unban': function(event) {
var username = event.params[1];
var command = event.params[2];
if(dbot.db.bans.hasOwnProperty(command) && dbot.db.bans[command].include(username)) {
dbot.db.bans[command].splice(dbot.db.bans[command].indexOf(username), 1);
event.reply(dbot.t('unbanned', {'user': username, 'command': command}));
} else {
dbot.say(data.channel, dbot.t('unban_error', {'user': params[1]}));
event.reply(dbot.t('unban_error', {'user': username}));
'modehate': function(data, params) {
dbot.say(data.channel, dbot.t('modehate', {'user': params[1]}));
'unmodehate': function(data, params) {
dbot.db.modehate.splice(dbot.db.modehate.indexOf(params[1]), 1);
dbot.say(data.channel, dbot.t('unmodehate', {'user': params[1]}));
'lock': function(data, params) {
dbot.say(data.channel, dbot.t('qlock', {'category': params[1]}));
// Lock quote category so quotes can't be removed
'lock': function(event) {
var category = event.params[1];
event.reply(dbot.t('qlock', {'category': category}));
return {
// These commands are implemented as their own listener so it can easily
// check whether the user is the admin, and so that the admin can't ban
// themselves and then not be able to rectify it...
'listener': function(data) {
if(data.channel == dbot.name) data.channel = data.user;
'name': 'admin',
'ignorable': false,
params = data.message.split(' ');
if(commands.hasOwnProperty(params[0]) && dbot.admin.include(data.user)) {
commands[params[0]](data, params);
* Run the appropriate admin command given the input (and user).
'listener': function(event) {
var commandName = event.params[0];
if(commands.hasOwnProperty(commandName) && dbot.admin.include(event.user)) {
'onLoad': function() {
return {
'~resetadmin': function(data, params) {
dbot.admin = dbot.config.admin;
'on': 'PRIVMSG',
'name': 'admin',
'ignorable': false
'on': 'PRIVMSG'
exports.fetch = function(dbot) {
return adminCommands(dbot);
return admin(dbot);
@ -1,41 +1,38 @@
* Module Name: AutoShorten
* Description: Automatically shorten link over a certain length and post the
* short link to the channel.
var http = require('http');
var autoshorten = function(dbot) {
var name = 'autoshorten';
var dbot = dbot;
return {
'listener': function(data) {
if((dbot.db.ignores.hasOwnProperty(data.user) &&
dbot.db.ignores[data.user].include(name)) == false) {
var urlRegex = /(\b(https?|ftp|file):\/\/[-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|])/ig;
var urlMatches = data.message.match(urlRegex);
'name': 'autoshorten',
'ignorable': true,
if(urlMatches !== null && urlMatches[0].length > 80) {
var url = urlMatches[0]; // Only doing one, screw you.
// TODO: Make this use a decent URL shortener. Mine is shit.
var options = {
'host': 'nc.no.de',
'port': 80,
'path': '/mkurl?url=' + escape(url)
'listener': function(event) {
var urlRegex = /(\b(https?|ftp|file):\/\/[-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|])/ig;
var urlMatches = event.message.match(urlRegex);
http.get(options, function(res) {
res.on('data', function (response) {
dbot.say(data.channel, dbot.t('shorten_link', {'user': data.user}) + JSON.parse(response).surl);
if(urlMatches !== null && urlMatches[0].length > 80) {
var url = urlMatches[0]; // Only doing one, screw you.
// TODO: Make this use a decent URL shortener. Mine is shit.
var options = {
'host': 'nc.no.de',
'port': 80,
'path': '/mkurl?url=' + escape(url)
http.get(options, function(res) {
res.on('data', function (response) {
event.reply(dbot.t('shorten_link', {'user': event.user}) + JSON.parse(response).surl);
'on': 'PRIVMSG',
'name': name,
'ignorable': true
'on': 'PRIVMSG'
@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
// Find which badwords are currently enacted in the current channel
var badwords = function(dbot) {
var name = 'badwords';
var dbot = dbot;
var badWordLock = false;
var commands = {
'~badwords': function(data, params) {
if(badWordLock == true) {
dbot.say('reality', 'Another badwords query is in action. Try again in a few seconds.');
} else {
data.channel = '#42';
badWordLock = true;
dbot.sessionData.badwords.waiting = true;
dbot.say('bots', 'badwords ' + data.channel + ' list');
dbot.sessionData.badwords = {};
badWordLock = false;
return {
'onLoad': function() {
if(!dbot.sessionData.hasOwnProperty('badwords')) {
dbot.sessionData.badwords = {};
return commands;
'listener': function(data) {
if(data.channel === 'bots') {
if(data.message.indexOf('bad words list is empty') != -1) {
dbot.sessionData.badwords.count = 0;
dbot.sessionData.badwords.finished = true;
} else {
var wordMatch = data.message.valMatch(/\w([1-10])\w(.*)/, 2);
dbot.say('reality', wordMatch[1]);
'on': 'PRIVMSG',
'name': name,
'ignorable': true
exports.fetch = function(dbot) {
return badwords(dbot);
@ -1,123 +1,83 @@
// Module which handles the command execution syntax for DBot. Not much is going
// to work without this.
* Module Name: Command
* Description: An essential module which maps PRIVMSG input to an appropriate
* command and then runs that command, given the user isn't banned from or
* ignoring that command.
var command = function(dbot) {
var dbot = dbot;
* Is user banned from using command?
var isBanned = function(user, command) {
var banned = false;
if(dbot.db.bans.hasOwnProperty(command)) {
if(dbot.db.bans[command].include(user) || dbot.db.bans['*'].include(user)) {
banned = true;
return banned;
* Is user ignoring command?
var isIgnoring = function(user, command) {
var module = dbot.commandMap[command];
var ignoring = false;
if(dbot.db.ignores.hasOwnProperty(user) && dbot.db.ignores[user].include(module)) {
ignoring = true;
return ignoring;
* Apply Regex to event message, store result. Return false if it doesn't
* apply.
var applyRegex = function(commandName, event) {
var applies = false;
if(dbot.commands[commandName].hasOwnProperty('regex')) {
var cRegex = dbot.commands[commandName].regex;
var q = event.message.valMatch(cRegex[0], cRegex[1]);
if(q) {
applies = true;
event.input = q;
} else {
applies = true;
return applies;
return {
'onLoad': function() {
return {
'~ignore': function(data, params) {
var ignorableModules = [];
for(var i=0;i<dbot.modules.length;i++) {
if(dbot.modules[i].ignorable != null && dbot.modules[i].ignorable == true) {
'name': 'command',
'ignorable': false,
if(params[1] == undefined) {
dbot.t('ignore_usage', {'user': data.user, 'modules': ignorableModules.join(', ')}));
} else {
if(dbot.moduleNames.include(params[1])) {
if(!dbot.db.ignores.hasOwnProperty(data.user)) {
dbot.db.ignores[data.user] = [];
* Run the appropriate command given the input.
'listener': function(event) {
var commandName = event.params[0];
if(!dbot.commands.hasOwnProperty(commandName)) {
commandName = '~';
if(dbot.db.ignores[data.user].include(params[1])) {
dbot.say(data.channel, dbot.t('already_ignoring', {'user': data.user}));
} else {
dbot.say(data.channel, dbot.t('ignored', {'user': data.user, 'module': params[1]}));
} else {
dbot.say(data.channel, dbot.t('invalid_ignore', {'user': data.user}));
'~unignore': function(data, params) {
var ignoredModules = [];
if(dbot.db.ignores.hasOwnProperty(data.user)) {
ignoredModules = dbot.db.ignores[data.user];
if(params[1] == undefined) {
dbot.t('unignore_usage', {'user': data.user, 'modules': ignoredModules.join(', ')}));
} else {
if(ignoredModules.include(params[1]) == false) {
dbot.say(data.channel, dbot.t('invalid_unignore', {'user': data.user}));
} else {
dbot.db.ignores[data.user].splice(dbot.db.ignores[data.user].indexOf(params[1]), 1);
dbot.say(data.channel, dbot.t('unignored', {'user': data.user, 'module': params[1]}));
'listener': function(data) {
var params = data.message.split(' ');
if(data.channel == dbot.name) data.channel = data.user;
if(dbot.commands.hasOwnProperty(params[0])) {
if((dbot.db.bans.hasOwnProperty(params[0]) &&
dbot.db.bans[params[0]].include(data.user)) || dbot.db.bans['*'].include(data.user)) {
dbot.say(data.channel, dbot.t('command_ban', {'user': data.user}));
} else {
var commandBelongsTo = dbot.commandMap[params[0]];
if(dbot.db.ignores.hasOwnProperty(data.user) &&
dbot.db.ignores[data.user].include(commandBelongsTo)) {
// do nothing
} else {
dbot.commands[params[0]](data, params);
if(isBanned(event.user, commandName)) {
event.reply(dbot.t('command_ban', {'user': event.user}));
} else {
var q = data.message.valMatch(/^~([\d\w\s-]*)/, 2);
if(q) {
if(dbot.db.bans['*'].include(data.user)) {
dbot.say(data.channel, dbot.t('command_ban', {'user': data.user}));
if(!isIgnoring(event.user, commandName)) {
if(applyRegex(commandName, event)) {
} else {
q[1] = q[1].trim();
key = dbot.cleanNick(q[1])
if(dbot.db.quoteArrs.hasOwnProperty(key) && dbot.moduleNames.include('quotes') &&
(dbot.db.ignores.hasOwnProperty(data.user) &&
dbot.db.ignores[data.user].include('quotes')) == false) {
var params = ['~q'];
key.split(' ').each((function(word) {
data.message = params.join(' ');
dbot.commands[params[0]](data, params);
} else {
// See if it's similar to anything
var winnerDistance = Infinity;
var winner = false;
for(var commandName in dbot.commands) {
var distance = String.prototype.distance(params[0], commandName);
if(distance < winnerDistance) {
winner = commandName;
winnerDistance = distance;
if(winnerDistance < 3) {
dbot.say(data.channel, dbot.t('command_typo', {'command': winner}));
if(commandName !== '~') {
'on': 'PRIVMSG',
'name': 'command',
'ignorable': false
'on': 'PRIVMSG'
@ -42,19 +42,19 @@ var normalizeDiceSpec = function (specString) {
var dice = function(dbot) {
var commands = {
'~roll': function (data, params) {
'~roll': function (event) {
var rolls = [];
if (params.length === 1) {
if (event.params.length === 1) {
for (var i = 1; i < params.length; i++) {
var diceSpec = parseDiceSpec(params[i]);
for (var i = 1; i < event.params.length; i++) {
var diceSpec = parseDiceSpec(event.params[i]);
if (diceSpec === false) {
rolls.push([params[i], false]);
rolls.push([event.params[i], false]);
} else {
rolls.push([normalizeDiceSpec(params[i]), [], diceSpec["modifier"]]);
rolls.push([normalizeDiceSpec(event.params[i]), [], diceSpec["modifier"]]);
for (var j = 0; j < diceSpec["count"] ; j++) {
rolls[rolls.length-1][1].push(Math.ceil(Math.random() * diceSpec["sides"]));
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ var dice = function(dbot) {
for (var i = 0; i < rolls.length; i++) {
if (rolls[i][1] === false) {
dbot.say(data.channel, rolls[i][0] + ": invalid dice spec");
event.reply(rolls[i][0] + ": invalid dice spec");
} else {
if (rolls[i][1].length > 1) {
var total = " (total " + rolls[i][1].sum();
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ var dice = function(dbot) {
} else {
var total = "";
dbot.say(data.channel, rolls[i][0] + ": " + rolls[i][1].join(" ") + total);
event.reply(rolls[i][0] + ": " + rolls[i][1].join(" ") + total);
@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
* Module Name: Drama
* Description: Experimental, you probably don't want it.
var brain = require('brain');
var drama = function(dbot) {
@ -25,70 +29,65 @@ var drama = function(dbot) {
var bayes = new brain.BayesianClassifier(options);
var commands = {
'~train': function(data, params) {
if(dbot.admin.include(data.user)) {
bayes.train(last[params[1]][params[2]], params[3]);
dbot.say(data.channel, 'Last thing ' + params[2] + ' said in ' +
params[1] + ' (' + last[params[1]][params[2]] + ') classified as \'' + params[3] + '\'');
'~train': function(event) {
if(dbot.admin.include(event.user)) {
bayes.train(last[event.params[1]][event.params[2]], event.params[3]);
event.reply('Last thing ' + event.params[2] + ' said in ' +
event.params[1] + ' (' + last[event.params[1]][event.params[2]] + ') classified as \'' + event.params[3] + '\'');
'~rtrain': function(data, params) {
if(dbot.admin.include(data.user)) {
var category = params[1];
params.splice(0, 2);
var msg = params.join(' ');
'~rtrain': function(event) {
if(dbot.admin.include(event.user)) {
var category = event.params[1];
event.params.splice(0, 2);
var msg = event.params.join(' ');
bayes.train(msg, category);
dbot.say(data.channel, '\'' + msg + '\' classified as \'' + category + '\'');
event.reply('\'' + msg + '\' classified as \'' + category + '\'');
'~classify': function(data, params) {
params.splice(0, 1);
var msg = params.join(' ');
'~classify': function(event) {
event.params.splice(0, 1);
var msg = event.params.join(' ');
bayes.classify(msg, function(category) {
dbot.say(data.channel, 'Classified as: ' + category + '!');
event.reply('Classified as: ' + category + '!');
return {
'onLoad': function() {
return commands;
'name': 'drama',
'ignorable': false,
'commands': commands,
'listener': function(data) {
var category = bayes.classify(data.message, function(category) {
if(category !== 'normal') {
if(category === 'beinganasshole') {
if(dbot.db.drama.beinganasshole.hasOwnProperty(data.user)) {
if(dbot.db.drama.beinganasshole.hasOwnProperty(event.user)) {
} else {
dbot.db.drama.beinganasshole[data.user] = 1;
dbot.db.drama.beinganasshole[event.user] = 1;
} else if(category === 'sd') {
if(dbot.db.drama.sd.hasOwnProperty(data.user)) {
if(dbot.db.drama.sd.hasOwnProperty(event.user)) {
} else {
dbot.db.drama.sd[data.user] = 1;
dbot.db.drama.sd[event.user] = 1;
if(last.hasOwnProperty(data.channel)) {
last[data.channel][data.user] = data.message;
if(last.hasOwnProperty(event.channel)) {
last[event.channel][event.user] = data.message;
} else {
last[data.channel] = { };
last[data.channel][data.user] = data.message;
last[event.channel] = { };
last[event.channel][event.user] = data.message;
'on': 'PRIVMSG',
'name': 'drama',
'ignorable': false
'on': 'PRIVMSG'
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
* Module Name: Ignore
* Description: Handles commands in which users can choose to ignore listeners
* and commands from certain modules. It also populates the JSBot instance with
* this information, since that actually performs the ignorance.
var ignore = function(dbot) {
var commands = {
'~ignore': function(event) {
var ignorableModules = [];
for(var i=0;i<dbot.modules.length;i++) {
if(dbot.modules[i].ignorable != null && dbot.modules[i].ignorable == true) {
var module = event.params[1];
if(module === undefined) {
event.reply(dbot.t('ignore_usage', {'user': event.user, 'modules': ignorableModules.join(', ')}));
} else {
if(ignorableModules.include(module)) {
if(dbot.db.ignores.hasOwnProperty(event.user) && dbot.db.ignores[event.user].include(module)) {
event.reply(dbot.t('already_ignoring', {'user': event.user}));
} else {
if(dbot.db.ignores.hasOwnProperty(module)) {
} else {
dbot.db.ignores[event.user] = [module];
dbot.instance.ignoreTag(event.user, module);
event.reply(dbot.t('ignored', {'user': event.user, 'module': module}));
} else {
event.reply(dbot.t('invalid_ignore', {'user': event.user}));
'~unignore': function(event) {
var ignoredModules = [];
if(dbot.db.ignores.hasOwnProperty(event.user)) {
ignoredModules = dbot.db.ignores[event.user];
var module = event.params[1];
if(module === undefined) {
event.reply(dbot.t('unignore_usage', {'user': event.user, 'modules': ignoredModules.join(', ')}));
} else {
if(ignoredModules.include(module) == false) {
event.reply(dbot.t('invalid_unignore', {'user': event.user}));
} else {
dbot.db.ignores[event.user].splice(dbot.db.ignores[event.user].indexOf(module), 1);
dbot.instance.removeIgnore(event.user, module)
event.reply(dbot.t('unignored', {'user': event.user, 'module': module}));
return {
'name': 'ignore',
'ignorable': false,
'commands': commands,
'onLoad': function() {
for(var user in dbot.db.ignores) {
if(dbot.db.ignores.hasOwnProperty(user)) {
for(var i=0;i<dbot.db.ignores[user].length;i++) {
dbot.instance.ignoreTag(user, dbot.db.ignores[user][i]);
exports.fetch = function(dbot) {
return ignore(dbot);
@ -1,37 +1,40 @@
* Module Name: JS
* Description: Allows users to run sandboxed JS code, printing the result in
* the channel. Also allows admins to run un-sandboxed Javascript code with
* access to the DepressionBot instance memory.
var vm = require('vm');
var sbox = require('sandbox');
var js = function(dbot) {
var dbot = dbot;
var s = new sbox();
var commands = {
'~js': function(data, params) {
var q = data.message.valMatch(/^~js (.*)/, 2);
s.run(q[1], function(output) {
dbot.say(data.channel, output.result);
// Run JS code sandboxed, return result to channel.
'~js': function(event) {
s.run(event.input[1], function(output) {
'~ajs': function(data, params) {
var q = data.message.valMatch(/^~ajs (.*)/, 2);
if(dbot.admin.include(data.user) ) {
var ret = eval(q[1]);
if(ret != undefined) {
dbot.say(data.channel, ret);
// Run JS code un-sandboxed, with access to DBot memory (admin-only).
'~ajs': function(event) {
if(dbot.admin.include(event.user) ) {
var ret = eval(event.input[1]);
if(ret !== undefined) {
commands['~js'].regex = [/^~js (.*)/, 2];
commands['~ajs'].regex = [/^~ajs (.*)/, 2];
return {
'onLoad': function() {
return commands;
'name': 'js',
'ignorable': true
'ignorable': true,
'commands': commands
@ -4,25 +4,27 @@ var kick = function(dbot) {
var commands = {
// Give the number of times a given user has been kicked and has kicked
// other people.
'~kickcount': function(data, params) {
if(!dbot.db.kicks.hasOwnProperty(params[1])) {
'~kickcount': function(event) {
var username = event.params[1];
if(!dbot.db.kicks.hasOwnProperty(username)) {
var kicks = '0';
} else {
var kicks = dbot.db.kicks[params[1]];
var kicks = dbot.db.kicks[username];
if(!dbot.db.kickers.hasOwnProperty(params[1])) {
if(!dbot.db.kickers.hasOwnProperty(username)) {
var kicked = '0';
} else {
var kicked = dbot.db.kickers[params[1]];
var kicked = dbot.db.kickers[username];
dbot.say(data.channel, dbot.t('user_kicks', {'user': params[1], 'kicks': kicks, 'kicked': kicked}));
event.reply(dbot.t('user_kicks', {'user': username, 'kicks': kicks, 'kicked': kicked}));
// Output a list of the people who have been kicked the most and those
// who have kicked other people the most.
'~kickstats': function(data, params) {
'~kickstats': function(event) {
var orderedKickLeague = function(list, topWhat) {
var kickArr = [];
for(var kickUser in list) {
@ -42,57 +44,39 @@ var kick = function(dbot) {
return kickString.slice(0, -2);
dbot.say(data.channel, orderedKickLeague(dbot.db.kicks, 'Kicked'));
dbot.say(data.channel, orderedKickLeague(dbot.db.kickers, 'Kickers'));
event.reply(orderedKickLeague(dbot.db.kicks, 'Kicked'));
event.reply(orderedKickLeague(dbot.db.kickers, 'Kickers'));
return {
// Counts kicks
'listener': function(data) {
if(data.kickee == dbot.name) {
dbot.say(data.channel, dbot.t('kicked_dbot', {'botname': dbot.name}));
'name': 'kick',
'ignorable': false,
'commands': commands,
'listener': function(event) {
if(event.kickee == dbot.name) {
dbot.instance.join(event, event.channel);
event.reply(dbot.t('kicked_dbot', {'botname': dbot.name}));
dbot.db.kicks[dbot.name] += 1;
} else {
if(dbot.db.modehate.include(data.user)) {
dbot.instance.send('KICK ' + data.channel + ' ' + data.user + ' :gtfo (MODEHATE)');
if(!dbot.db.kicks.hasOwnProperty(data.user)) {
dbot.db.kicks[data.user] = 1;
} else {
dbot.db.kicks[data.user] += 1;
if(!dbot.db.kicks.hasOwnProperty(data.kickee)) {
dbot.db.kicks[data.kickee] = 1;
if(!dbot.db.kicks.hasOwnProperty(event.kickee)) {
dbot.db.kicks[event.kickee] = 1;
} else {
dbot.db.kicks[data.kickee] += 1;
dbot.db.kicks[event.kickee] += 1;
if(!dbot.db.kickers.hasOwnProperty(data.user)) {
dbot.db.kickers[data.user] = 1;
if(!dbot.db.kickers.hasOwnProperty(event.user)) {
dbot.db.kickers[event.user] = 1;
} else {
dbot.db.kickers[data.user] += 1;
dbot.db.kickers[event.user] += 1;
dbot.say(data.channel, data.kickee + '-- (' +
dbot.t('user_kicks', {'user': data.kickee, 'kicks': dbot.db.kicks[data.kickee],
'kicked': dbot.db.kickers[data.kickee]}) + ')');
event.reply(event.kickee + '-- (' + dbot.t('user_kicks',
{'user': event.kickee, 'kicks': dbot.db.kicks[event.kickee], 'kicked': dbot.db.kickers[event.kickee]}) + ')');
on: 'KICK',
'onLoad': function() {
return commands;
'name': 'kick',
'ignorable': false
on: 'KICK'
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
* Module Name: Link
* Description: Stores recent channel links, with commands to retrieve
* information about links.
var request = require('request');
var link = function(dbot) {
var urlRegex = /(\b(https?|ftp|file):\/\/[-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|])/ig;
var links = {};
var commands = {
'~title': function(event) {
var link = links[event.channel];
if(event.params[1] !== undefined) {
var urlMatches = event.params[1].match(urlRegex);
if(urlMatches !== null) {
link = urlMatches[0];
request(link, function (error, response, body) {
if(!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
body = body.replace(/(\r\n|\n\r|\n)/gm, " ");
var title = body.valMatch(/<title>(.*)<\/title>/, 2);
if(title) {
} else {
event.reply('no title found');
return {
'name': 'link',
'ignorable': true,
'commands': commands,
'listener': function(event) {
var urlMatches = event.message.match(urlRegex);
if(urlMatches !== null) {
links[event.channel] = urlMatches[0];
'on': 'PRIVMSG'
exports.fetch = function(dbot) {
return link(dbot);
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
var modehate = function(dbot) {
var dbot = dbot;
return {
'listener': function(data, params) {
if(data.raw[0].indexOf('-oooo') != -1) {
dbot.instance.send('KICK #42 ' + data.user + ' :gtfo - mass deop protection');
} else if(dbot.db.modehate.include(data.user) && data.raw[0].indexOf('-o') != -1) {
dbot.instance.send('KICK ' + data.channel + ' ' + data.user + ' :gtfo');
'on': 'MODE',
'name': 'modehate',
'ignorable': false
exports.fetch = function(dbot) {
return modehate(dbot);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
var poll = function(dbot) {
if(!dbot.db.hasOwnProperty('polls')) {
dbot.db.polls = {};
var polls = dbot.db.polls;
var commands = {
'~newpoll': function(event) {
var name = event.input[1];
var options = event.input[2].split(',');
var description = event.input[3];
if(name === undefined || name === 'help') {
} else {
if(polls.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
event.reply(dbot.t('poll_exists', {'name': name}));
} else {
polls[name] = {
'name': name,
'description': description,
'owner': event.user,
'votes': {},
'votees': {}
for(var i=0;i<options.length;i++) {
polls[name]['votes'][options[i]] = 0;
event.reply(dbot.t('poll_created', {'name': name, 'description': description}) +
' - http://nc.no.de:443/polls/' + name);
'~vote': function(event) {
var name = event.input[1];
var vote = event.input[2];
if(polls.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
if(polls[name].votes.hasOwnProperty(vote)) {
if(polls[name].votees.hasOwnProperty(event.user)) {
var oldVote = polls[name].votees[event.user];
polls[name].votees[event.user] = vote;
event.reply(dbot.t('changed_vote', {'vote': vote, 'poll': name,
'count': polls[name].votes[vote], 'user': event.user}));
} else {
polls[name].votees[event.user] = vote;
event.reply(dbot.t('voted', {'vote': vote, 'poll': name,
'count': polls[name].votes[vote], 'user': event.user}));
} else {
event.reply(dbot.t('invalid_vote', {'vote': vote}));
} else {
event.reply(dbot.t('poll_unexistent', {'name': name}));
'~pdesc': function(event) {
var name = event.input[1];
if(polls.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
event.reply(name + ': ' + polls[name].description + ' - http://nc.no.de:443/polls/' + name);
} else {
event.reply(dbot.t('poll_unexistent', {'name': name}));
commands['~newpoll'].regex = [/~newpoll ([^ ]+) \[options=([^ ]+)\] (.+)/, 4];
commands['~vote'].regex = [/~vote ([^ ]+) ([^ ]+)/, 3];
commands['~pdesc'].regex = [/~pdesc ([^ ]+)/, 2];
return {
'name': 'poll',
'ignorable': true,
'commands': commands
exports.fetch = function(dbot) {
return poll(dbot);
@ -3,25 +3,20 @@ var puns = function(dbot) {
var dbot = dbot;
return {
'listener': function(data) {
data.user = dbot.cleanNick(data.user);
'name': name,
'ignorable': true,
if((dbot.db.ignores.hasOwnProperty(data.user) &&
dbot.db.ignores[data.user].include(name)) == false) {
if(dbot.moduleNames.include('quotes') &&
dbot.db.quoteArrs.hasOwnProperty(data.user)) {
data.message = '~q ' + data.user.toLowerCase();
var params = data.message.split(' ');
dbot.commands[params[0]](data, params);
'listener': function(event) {
event.user = dbot.cleanNick(event.user);
if(dbot.moduleNames.include('quotes') &&
dbot.db.quoteArrs.hasOwnProperty(event.user)) {
event.message = '~q ' + event.user;
event.action = 'PRIVMSG';
event.params = event.message.split(' ');
'on': 'JOIN',
'name': name,
'ignorable': true
'on': 'JOIN'
@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ var quotes = function(dbot) {
var addStack = [];
var rmAllowed = true;
// Retrieve a random quote from a given category, interpolating any quote references (~~QUOTE CATEGORY~~) within it
// Retrieve a random quote from a given category, interpolating any quote
// references (~~QUOTE CATEGORY~~) within it
var interpolatedQuote = function(key, quoteTree) {
if(quoteTree !== undefined && quoteTree.indexOf(key) != -1) {
return '';
@ -28,39 +29,34 @@ var quotes = function(dbot) {
// Parse quote parameters
var paramRefs = quoteString.match(/~~\$([1-9])~~/g);
var thisParam;
while(paramRefs && (thisParam = paramRefs.shift()) !== undefined) {
thisParam = thisParam[1];
if(thisParam < params.length) {
quoteString = quoteString.replace("~~$" + thisParam + "~~", params[thisParam]);
return quoteString;
var commands = {
'~q': function(data, params) {
var q = data.message.valMatch(/^~q ([\d\w\s-]*)/, 2);
if(q) {
q[1] = q[1].trim();
key = q[1].toLowerCase();
if(quotes.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
dbot.say(data.channel, q[1] + ': ' + interpolatedQuote(key));
} else {
dbot.say(data.channel, dbot.t('category_not_found', {'category': q[1]}));
// Alternative syntax to ~q
'~': function(event) {
// Retrieve quote from a category in the database.
'~q': function(event) {
var key = event.input[1].trim().toLowerCase();
var altKey;
if(key.split(' ').length > 0) {
altKey = key.replace(/ /g, '_');
if(quotes.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
event.reply(key + ': ' + interpolatedQuote(key));
} else if(quotes.hasOwnProperty(altKey)) {
event.reply(altKey + ': ' + interpolatedQuote(altKey));
} else {
event.reply(dbot.t('category_not_found', {'category': key}));
// shows the biggest categories
'~qstats': function(data, params) {
// Shows a list of the biggest categories
'~qstats': function(event) {
var qSizes = [];
for(var cat in quotes) {
if(quotes[cat].length != 0) {
@ -77,76 +73,55 @@ var quotes = function(dbot) {
qString += qSizes[i][0] + " (" + qSizes[i][1] + "), ";
dbot.say(data.channel, qString.slice(0, -2));
event.reply(qString.slice(0, -2));
'~qsearch': function(data, params) {
if(params[2] === undefined) {
dbot.say(data.channel, dbot.t('syntax_error'));
} else {
key = params[1].toLowerCase();
if(!quotes.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
dbot.say(data.channel, dbot.t('empty_category'));
} else {
var matches = [];
quotes[key].each(function(quote) {
if(quote.indexOf(params[2]) != -1) {
if(matches.length == 0) {
dbot.say(data.channel, dbot.t('no_results'));
} else {
dbot.say(data.channel, params[1] + ' (' + params[2] + '): ' + matches.random() + ' [' + matches.length + ' results]');
// Search a given category for some text.
'~qsearch': function(event) {
var haystack = event.input[1].trim().toLowerCase();
var needle = event.input[2];
if(quotes.hasOwnProperty(haystack)) {
var matches = [];
quotes[haystack].each(function(quote) {
if(quote.indexOf(needle) != -1) {
if(matches.length == 0) {
} else {
event.reply(dbot.t('search_results', {'category': haystack, 'needle': needle,
'quote': matches.random(), 'matches': matches.length}));
} else {
'~rmlast': function(data, params) {
if(rmAllowed == true || dbot.admin.include(data.user)) {
var q = data.message.valMatch(/^~rmlast ([\d\w\s-]*)/, 2);
if(q) {
q[1] = q[1].trim()
key = q[1].toLowerCase();
if(quotes.hasOwnProperty(q[1])) {
if(!dbot.db.locks.include(q[1]) || dbot.admin.include(data.user)) {
var quote = quotes[key].pop();
if(quotes[key].length === 0) {
delete quotes[key];
rmAllowed = false;
dbot.say(data.channel, '\'' + quote + '\'' +
dbot.t('removed_from') + q[1]);
} else {
dbot.say(data.channel, dbot.t('locked_category', {'category': q[1]}));
'~rmlast': function(event) {
if(rmAllowed == true || dbot.admin.include(event.user)) {
var key = event.input[1].trim().toLowerCase();
if(quotes.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
if(!dbot.db.locks.include(key) || dbot.admin.include(event.user)) {
var quote = quotes[key].pop();
if(quotes[key].length === 0) {
delete quotes[key];
rmAllowed = false;
event.reply(dbot.t('removed_from', {'quote': quote, 'category': key}));
} else {
dbot.say(data.channel, dbot.t('no_quotes', {'category': q[1]}));
event.reply(dbot.t('locked_category', {'category': q[1]}));
} else {
var last = addStack.pop();
if(last) {
if(!dbot.db.locks.include(last)) {
rmAllowed = false;
dbot.say(data.channel, dbot.t('last_removed', {'category': last}));
} else {
dbot.say(data.channel, dbot.t('locked_category', {'category': last}));
} else {
dbot.say(data.channel, dbot.t('no_recent_adds'));
event.reply(dbot.t('no_quotes', {'category': q[1]}));
} else {
dbot.say(data.channel, dbot.t('rmlast_spam'));
'~rm': function(data, params) {
/*'~rm': function(data, params) {
if(rmAllowed == true || dbot.admin.include(data.user)) {
var q = data.message.valMatch(/^~rm ([\d\w\s-]*) (.+)$/, 3);
if(q) {
@ -175,82 +150,57 @@ var quotes = function(dbot) {
} else {
dbot.say(data.channel, dbot.t('rmlast_spam'));
'~qcount': function(data, params) {
var q = data.message.valMatch(/^~qcount ([\d\w\s-]*)/, 2);
if(q) {
q[1] = q[1].trim();
key = q[1].toLowerCase();
'~qcount': function(event) {
var input = event.message.valMatch(/^~qcount ([\d\w\s-]*)/, 2);
if(input) { // Give quote count for named category
var key = input[1].trim().toLowerCase();
if(quotes.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
dbot.say(data.channel, dbot.t('quote_count', {'category': q[1], 'count': quotes[key].length}));
event.reply(dbot.t('quote_count', {'category': key, 'count': quotes[key].length}));
} else {
dbot.say(data.channel, dbot.t('no_quotes', {'category': q[1]}));
event.reply(dbot.t('no_quotes', {'category': key}));
} else { // Give total quote count
var totalQuoteCount = 0;
for(var category in quotes) {
totalQuoteCount += category.length;
dbot.say(data.channel, dbot.t('total_quotes', {'count': totalQuoteCount}));
event.reply(dbot.t('total_quotes', {'count': totalQuoteCount}));
'~qadd': function(data, params) {
var q = data.message.valMatch(/^~qadd ([\d\w\s-]+?)[ ]?=[ ]?(.+)$/, 3);
if(q) {
key = q[1].toLowerCase();
if(!Object.isArray(quotes[key])) {
quotes[key] = [];
} else {
if (quotes[key].include(q[2])) {
dbot.say(data.channel, dbot.t('quote_exists'));
rmAllowed = true;
dbot.say(data.channel, dbot.t('quote_saved', {'category': q[1], 'count': quotes[key].length}));
'~qadd': function(event) {
var key = event.input[1].toLowerCase();
var text = event.input[2];
if(!Object.isArray(quotes[key])) {
quotes[key] = [];
if(quotes[key].include(text)) {
} else {
dbot.say(data.channel, dbot.t('syntax_error'));
rmAllowed = true;
event.reply(dbot.t('quote_saved', {'category': key, 'count': quotes[key].length}));
'~qset': function(data, params) {
var q = data.message.valMatch(/^~qset ([\d\w\s-]*)=(.+)$/, 3);
if(q) {
q[1] = q[1].trim();
key = q[1].toLowerCase();
if(!quotes.hasOwnProperty(key) || (quotes.hasOwnProperty(key) &&
quotes[key].length == 1)) {
quotes[key] = [q[2]];
dbot.say(data.channel, dbot.t('quote_saved', {'category': q[1], 'count': 1}));
} else {
dbot.say(data.channel, dbot.t('quote_replace'));
'~rq': function(data, params) {
'~rq': function(event) {
var rQuote = Object.keys(quotes).random();
dbot.say(data.channel, rQuote + ': ' + interpolatedQuote(rQuote));
'~d': function(data, params) {
dbot.say(data.channel, data.user + ': ' + interpolatedQuote(dbot.name));
event.reply(rQuote + ': ' + interpolatedQuote(rQuote));
'~link': function(data, params) {
if(params[1] === undefined || !quotes.hasOwnProperty(params[1].toLowerCase())) {
dbot.say(data.channel, dbot.t('syntax_error'));
'~link': function(event) {
var key = event.params[1].trim().toLowerCase();
if(quotes.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
event.reply(dbot.t('quote_link', {'category': key}) + ' - http://nc.no.de:443/quotes/' + key);
} else {
dbot.say(data.channel, dbot.t('quote_link', {'category': params[1]}) +
' - http://nc.no.de:443/quotes/' + params[1]);
'~qprune': function(data) {
'~qprune': function(event) {
var pruned = []
for(key in quotes) {
if(quotes.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
@ -261,22 +211,31 @@ var quotes = function(dbot) {
if(pruned.length > 0) {
dbot.say(data.channel, dbot.t('prune', {'categories': pruned.join(", ")}));
event.reply(dbot.t('prune', {'categories': pruned.join(", ")}));
} else {
dbot.say(data.channel, dbot.t('no_prune'));
commands['~'].regex = [/^~([\d\w\s-]*)/, 2];
commands['~q'].regex = [/^~q ([\d\w\s-]*)/, 2];
commands['~qsearch'].regex = [/^~qsearch ([\d\w\s-]+?)[ ]?=[ ]?(.+)$/, 3];
commands['~rmlast'].regex = [/^~rmlast ([\d\w\s-]*)/, 2];
commands['~qadd'].regex = [/^~qadd ([\d\w\s-]+?)[ ]?=[ ]?(.+)$/, 3];
return {
'name': 'quotes',
'ignorable': true,
'commands': commands,
'onLoad': function() {
dbot.timers.addTimer(1000 * 60 * 3, function() {
rmAllowed = true;
return commands;
// For automatic quote retrieval
/* For automatic quote retrieval
'listener': function(data, params) {
if((dbot.db.ignores.hasOwnProperty(data.user) &&
dbot.db.ignores[data.user].include(name)) == false) {
@ -304,11 +263,7 @@ var quotes = function(dbot) {
'on': 'PRIVMSG',
'name': name,
'ignorable': true
'on': 'PRIVMSG',*/
@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
var spelling = function(dbot) {
var name = 'spelling';
var dbot = dbot;
var last = {};
var correct = function (data, correction, candidate, output_callback) {
var rawCandidates = last[data.channel][candidate].split(' ').allGroupings();
var correct = function (event, correction, candidate, output_callback) {
var rawCandidates = last[event.channel][candidate].split(' ').allGroupings();
var candidates = [];
for(var i=0;i<rawCandidates.length;i++) {
candidates.push(rawCandidates[i].join(' '));
@ -22,14 +20,14 @@ var spelling = function(dbot) {
if(winnerDistance < Math.ceil(winner.length * 1.33)) {
if(winner !== correction) {
var fix = last[data.channel][candidate].replace(winner, correction);
var fix = last[event.channel][candidate].replace(winner, correction);
if (/^.ACTION/.test(fix)) {
fix = fix.replace(/^.ACTION/, '/me');
last[data.channel][candidate] = fix;
last[event.channel][candidate] = fix;
var output = {
'fix': fix,
'correcter': data.user,
'correcter': event.user,
'candidate': candidate
@ -38,35 +36,30 @@ var spelling = function(dbot) {
return {
'listener': function(data, params) {
if((dbot.db.ignores.hasOwnProperty(data.user) &&
dbot.db.ignores[data.user].include(name)) == false) {
var q = data.message.valMatch(/^(?:\*\*?([\d\w\s']*)|([\d\w\s']*)\*\*?)$/, 3);
var otherQ = data.message.valMatch(/^([\d\w\s]*): (?:\*\*?([\d\w\s']*)|([\d\w\s']*)\*\*?)$/, 4);
if(q) {
correct(data, q[1] || q[2], data.user, function (e) {
dbot.say(data.channel, dbot.t('spelling_self', e));
} else if(otherQ) {
correct(data, otherQ[2] || otherQ[3], otherQ[1], function (e) {
dbot.say(data.channel, dbot.t('spelling_other', e));
'name': 'spelling',
'ignorable': true,
'listener': function(event) {
var q = event.message.valMatch(/^(?:\*\*?([\d\w\s']*)|([\d\w\s']*)\*\*?)$/, 3);
var otherQ = event.message.valMatch(/^([\d\w\s]*): (?:\*\*?([\d\w\s']*)|([\d\w\s']*)\*\*?)$/, 4);
if(q) {
correct(event, q[1] || q[2], event.user, function (e) {
event.reply(dbot.t('spelling_self', e));
} else if(otherQ) {
correct(event, otherQ[2] || otherQ[3], otherQ[1], function (e) {
event.reply(dbot.t('spelling_other', e));
} else {
if(last.hasOwnProperty(event.channel)) {
last[event.channel][event.user] = event.message;
} else {
if(last.hasOwnProperty(data.channel)) {
last[data.channel][data.user] = data.message;
} else {
last[data.channel] = { };
last[data.channel][data.user] = data.message;
last[event.channel] = { };
last[event.channel][event.user] = event.message;
'on': 'PRIVMSG',
'name': name,
'ignorable': true
'on': 'PRIVMSG'
@ -1,9 +1,6 @@
var express = require('express');
// Web interface module using the express framework
var webInterface = function(dbot) {
var dbot = dbot;
var pub = 'public';
var app = express.createServer();
@ -12,8 +9,8 @@ var webInterface = function(dbot) {
app.set('view engine', 'jade');
app.get('/', function(req, res) {
//res.render('index', { });
res.render('index', { 'name': dbot.name });
// Lists the quote categories
@ -36,17 +33,39 @@ var webInterface = function(dbot) {
var rCategory = Object.keys(dbot.db.quoteArrs).random();
res.render('quotes', { 'name': dbot.name, 'quotes': dbot.db.quoteArrs[rCategory], locals: { 'url_regex': RegExp.prototype.url_regex() } });
// Lists all of the polls
app.get('/polls', function(req, res) {
res.render('polllist', { 'name': dbot.name, 'polllist': Object.keys(dbot.db.polls) });
// Shows the results of a poll
app.get('/polls/:key', function(req, res) {
var key = req.params.key.toLowerCase();
if(dbot.db.polls.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
// tally the votes
var totalVotes = 0;
for( var v in dbot.db.polls[key].votes ) {
var N = Number(dbot.db.polls[key].votes[v]);
if( !isNaN(N) ) {
totalVotes += N;
res.render('polls', { 'name': dbot.name, 'description': dbot.db.polls[key].description, 'votees': Object.keys(dbot.db.polls[key].votees), 'options': dbot.db.polls[key].votes, locals: { 'totalVotes': totalVotes, 'url_regex': RegExp.prototype.url_regex() } });
} else {
res.render('error', { 'name': dbot.name, 'message': 'No polls under that key.' });
return {
'name': 'web',
'ignorable': false,
'onDestroy': function() {
'name': 'web',
'ignorable': false
@ -1,23 +1,16 @@
var youAre = function(dbot) {
var name = 'youare';
return {
'listener': function(data) {
if((dbot.db.ignores.hasOwnProperty(data.user) &&
dbot.db.ignores[data.user].include(name)) == false) {
var key = data.message.valMatch(/(\bis\b|\bare\b)\s+([\w\s\d]*?)(\s+)?(,|\.|\band\b|$)/, 5);
'name': 'youare',
'ignorable': false,
if(key && key[2] != "" && Number.prototype.chanceIn(1, 100) && data.user != 'aisbot') {
dbot.say(data.channel, data.user + ': You\'re ' + key[2] + '.');
'listener': function(event) {
var key = event.message.valMatch(/(\bis\b|\bare\b)\s+([\w\s\d]*?)(\s+)?(,|\.|\band\b|$)/, 5);
if(key && key[2] != "" && Number.prototype.chanceIn(1, 100) && event.user != 'aisbot') {
event.reply(event.user + ': You\'re ' + key[2] + '.');
'on': 'PRIVMSG',
'name': name,
'ignorable': false
'on': 'PRIVMSG'
@ -21,11 +21,28 @@ body {
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font-size: 42px;
font-weight: bold;
@ -38,7 +55,8 @@ div#title a {
div#main {
padding: 25px 0px;
position: relative;
padding: 15px 5px;
margin: 0px;
font-size: 21px;
@ -59,6 +77,24 @@ a,a:active,a:visited {
text-decoration: none;
/* Index Page */
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padding: 0;
.module {
display: inline-block;
width: 45%;
padding: 15px 0;
margin: 0 2%;
background: #F5F5F5;
border-radius: 15px;
.module:hover {
background: #BBB;
ul#quotelist {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
@ -105,3 +141,34 @@ li.quote {
img {
max-width: 100%;
/* Polls */
#votelist {
margin: 10px 0;
padding: 0 40px;
li.option {
list-style: none;
text-align: left;
font-size: 1.2em;
li.option-votes {
list-style: none;
text-align: left;
margin-bottom: 10px;
.vote-percentage {
height: 20px;
background: #444;
.vote-track {
height: 20px;
width: 100%;
background: #EEE;
margin: 2px 0;
box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 3px #444;
@ -43,39 +43,56 @@ var DBot = function(timers) {
this.db.ignores = {};
// Load the strings file
// Load Strings file
this.strings = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('strings.json', 'utf-8'));
// Initialise run-time resources
this.sessionData = {};
this.timers = timers.create();
// Populate bot properties with config data
this.name = this.config.name || 'dbox';
this.admin = this.config.admin || [ 'reality' ];
this.password = this.config.password || 'lolturtles';
this.nickserv = this.config.nickserv || 'zippy';
this.server = this.config.server || 'elara.ivixor.net';
this.port = this.config.port || 6667;
this.webPort = this.config.webPort || 443;
this.moduleNames = this.config.modules || [ 'command', 'js', 'admin', 'kick', 'modehate', 'quotes', 'puns', 'spelling', 'web', 'youare', 'autoshorten' ];
this.moduleNames = this.config.modules || [ 'ignore', 'admin', 'command', 'dice', 'js', 'kick', 'puns', 'quotes', 'spelling', 'youare' ];
this.language = this.config.language || 'english';
this.sessionData = {};
this.webPort = this.config.webPort || 80;
this.timers = timers.create();
this.instance = jsbot.createJSBot(this.name, this.server, this.port, this, function() {
if(this.config.hasOwnProperty('channels')) {
this.config.channels.each(function(channel) {
// It's the user's responsibility to fill this data structure up properly in
// the config file. They can d-d-d-deal with it if they have problems.
this.servers = this.config.servers || {
'freenode': {
'server': 'irc.freenode.net',
'port': 6667,
'nickserv': 'nickserv',
'password': 'lolturtles',
'channels': [
}.bind(this), this.nickserv, this.password);
// Create JSBot and connect to each server
this.instance = jsbot.createJSBot(this.name);
for(var name in this.servers) {
if(this.servers.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
var server = this.servers[name];
this.instance.addConnection(name, server.server, server.port, this.admin, function(event) {
var server = this.servers[event.server];
for(var i=0;i<server.channels.length;i++) {
this.instance.join(event, server.channels[i]);
}.bind(this), server.nickserv, server.password);
// Load the modules and connect to the server
// Say something in a channel
DBot.prototype.say = function(channel, data) {
this.instance.say(channel, data);
DBot.prototype.say = function(server, channel, message) {
this.instance.say(server, channel, message);
// Format given stored string in config language
@ -88,9 +105,9 @@ DBot.prototype.t = function(string, formatData) {
return this.strings[string][lang].format(formatData);
DBot.prototype.act = function(channel, data) {
/*DBot.prototype.act = function(channel, data) {
this.instance.send('PRIVMSG', channel, ':\001ACTION ' + data + '\001');
// Save the database file
DBot.prototype.save = function() {
@ -137,11 +154,15 @@ DBot.prototype.reloadModules = function() {
if(module.listener) {
this.instance.addListener(module.on, module.listener);
this.instance.addListener(module.on, module.name, module.listener);
if(module.onLoad) {
var newCommands = module.onLoad();
if(module.commands) {
var newCommands = module.commands;
for(key in newCommands) {
if(newCommands.hasOwnProperty(key) && Object.prototype.isFunction(newCommands[key])) {
this.commands[key] = newCommands[key];
@ -152,7 +173,7 @@ DBot.prototype.reloadModules = function() {
} catch(err) {
console.log(this.strings[this.language].module_load_error.format({'moduleName': name}));
console.log(this.t('module_load_error', {'moduleName': name}));
@ -186,5 +186,35 @@
"kicked_dbot": {
"english": "Thou shalt not kick {botname}",
"spanish": "No expulsás {botname}"
"search_results": {
"english": "{category} ({needle}): '{quote}' [{matches} results]"
"join": {
"english": "Joined {channel}"
"part": {
"english": "Left {channel}"
"newpoll_usage": {
"english": "Usage: ~newpoll name [options=opt1,opt2,opt3] description"
"poll_exists": {
"english": "Poll '{name}' already exists."
"poll_created": {
"english": "Poll '{name}' created ({description}). Cast thy votations!"
"changed_vote": {
"english": "{user} changed their vote in {poll} to '{vote}' ({count})"
"voted": {
"english": "{user} voted for '{vote}' in {poll} ({count})"
"invalid_vote": {
"english": "Invalid vote: {vote}"
"poll_unexistent": {
"english": "Poll '{name}' doesn't exist."
@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
a(href: '/quotes') Quotes
a.module(href='/quotes') Quotes
a.module(href='/polls') Polls
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
a(href='/') « Home
input(type="text", name="search", id="search-text", oninput="search(this.value)")
-each poll in polllist
li.quotes #{poll}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
a(href='/polls/') « Poll list
h2 #{description}
p Voters (#{locals.totalVotes}):
-each voter in votees
| #{voter}
-var hasYouTubeVids=false
-each votes,option in options
-var percentage = votes/locals.totalVotes*100
-else if(option.match(/youtube.com\/watch/))
-hasYouTubeVids = true
li.option #{option}
.vote-percentage(style="width: #{percentage}%")
-if(votes == 1)
|#{votes} vote
|#{votes} votes
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
a(href='/') « Home
input(type="text", name="search", id="search-text", oninput="search(this.value)")
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
a(href='/quotes/') « Quote list
-var hasYouTubeVids=false
-each quote in quotes
Reference in New Issue
Block a user