mirror of
synced 2025-02-27 19:00:42 +01:00
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/reality/dbot
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,474 +1,512 @@
var _ = require('underscore')._,
uuid = require('node-uuid');
uuid = require('node-uuid');
var commands = function(dbot) {
var commands = {
/*** Kick Management ***/
'~quiet': function(event) {
var server = event.server,
quieter = event.rUser,
duration = event.input[1],
channel = (event.input[2] || event.channel.name).trim(),
quietee = event.input[3].trim(),
reason = event.input[4] || "N/A";
var commands = function (dbot) {
var commands = {
/*** Kick Management ***/
'~quiet': function (event) {
var server = event.server,
quieter = event.rUser,
duration = event.input[1],
channel = (event.input[2] || event.channel.name).trim(),
quietee = event.input[3].trim(),
reason = event.input[4] || "N/A";
this.api.quietUser(server, quieter, duration, channel, quietee, reason, function(response) {
this.api.quietUser(server, quieter, duration, channel, quietee, reason, function (response) {
'~timeout': function (event) {
var server = event.server,
quieter = event.rUser,
duration = this.config.timeoutTime,
channel = event.channel.name,
quietee = event.input[1],
reason = event.input[2] || "N/A";
reason += ' #timeout';
dbot.api.users.resolveUser(server, quietee, function (err, user) {
if (!err && user) {
if (!_.has(this.recentTimeouts, user.id)) {
this.recentTimeouts[user.id] = 0;
this.recentTimeouts[user.id] += 1;
setTimeout(function () {
this.recentTimeouts[user.id] -= 1;
if (this.recentTimeouts[user.id] == 0) {
delete this.recentTimeouts[user.id];
.bind(this), 3600000);
if (this.recentTimeouts[user.id] == 3) {
duration = null;
reason += ' #permatimeout';
dbot.say(event.server, dbot.config.servers[event.server].admin_channel, quietee + ' has been given three timeouts in the last hour, and so has been quieted indefinitely in ' + channel + '. Please review.');
this.api.quietUser(server, quieter, duration, channel, quietee, reason, function (response) {
'~timeout': function(event) {
var server = event.server,
quieter = event.rUser,
duration = this.config.timeoutTime,
channel = event.channel.name,
quietee = event.input[1],
reason = event.input[2] || "N/A";
'~unquiet': function (event) {
var server = event.server,
quieter = event.user,
channel = (event.input[1] || event.channel.name).trim(),
quietee = event.input[2].trim();
reason += ' #timeout';
if (_.has(this.hosts[server], quietee)) {
if (_.include(this.config.quietBans, channel)) {
this.api.unban(server, this.hosts[server][quietee], channel);
} else {
this.api.unquiet(server, this.hosts[server][quietee], channel);
event.reply(dbot.t('unquieted', {
'quietee': quietee
dbot.api.report.notify('unquiet', server, event.rUser, channel,
dbot.t('unquiet_notify', {
'unquieter': quieter,
'quietee': quietee
}), false, quietee);
dbot.api.users.resolveUser(server, quietee, function(err, user) {
if(!err && user) {
if(!_.has(this.recentTimeouts, user.id)) {
this.recentTimeouts[user.id] = 0;
'~ckick': function (event) {
var server = event.server,
kicker = event.user,
kickee = event.input[2],
channel = event.input[1],
reason = event.input[3];
if (_.isUndefined(channel)) {
channel = event.channel.name;
channel = channel.trim();
this.api.kick(server, kickee, channel, reason + ' (requested by ' + kicker + ')');
dbot.api.report.notify('kick', server, event.rUser, channel, dbot.t('ckicked', {
'kicker': kicker,
'kickee': kickee,
'reason': reason
}), false, kickee);
// Kick and ban from all channels on the network.
'~nban': function (event) {
if (!event.input)
var server = event.server,
banner = event.user,
timeout = event.input[1],
banee = event.input[2],
reason = event.input[3],
adminChannel = dbot.config.servers[server].admin_channel,
channels = _.keys(dbot.instance.connections[server].channels),
network = event.server;
if (this.config.network_name[event.server]) {
network = this.config.network_name[event.server];
dbot.api.nickserv.getUserHost(event.server, banee, function (host) {
// Add host record entry
if (host) {
var didKill = false;
if ((reason.match('#line') || reason.match('#specialk') || reason.match('#kline')) && _.include(dbot.access.moderator(), event.rUser.primaryNick)) {
didKill = true;
var t = ' !P ';
if (timeout) {
t = ' !T ' + (timeout * 60);
dbot.say(event.server, 'operserv', 'akill add ' + banee + t + banee + ' banned by ' + banner + ': ' + reason);
// Do not ban if user was killed - redundant
if(!didKill) {
// Ban from current channel first
this.api.ban(server, host, event.channel);
this.api.kick(server, banee, event.channel, reason +
' (network-wide ban)');
channels = _.without(channels, event.channel);
if (!_.isUndefined(adminChannel)) {
channels = _.without(channels, adminChannel);
} else {
adminChannel = event.channel.name;
// Ban the user from all channels
var i = 0;
var banChannel = function (channels) {
if (i >= channels.length)
var channel = channels[i];
this.api.ban(server, host, channel);
this.api.kick(server, banee, channel, reason +
' (network-wide ban)');
this.hosts[event.server][banee] = host;
// Create notify string
if (!_.isUndefined(timeout)) {
timeout = timeout.trim();
var msTimeout = new Date(new Date().getTime() + (parseFloat(timeout) * 3600000));
if (_.has(dbot.modules, 'remind')) {
msTimeout = dbot.api.remind.parseTime(timeout);
if (!msTimeout) {
return event.reply('Invalid time. Remember you must give e.g. 5m now.');
this.recentTimeouts[user.id] += 1;
setTimeout(function() {
this.recentTimeouts[user.id] -= 1;
if(this.recentTimeouts[user.id] == 0) {
delete this.recentTimeouts[user.id];
}.bind(this), 3600000);
if(this.recentTimeouts[user.id] == 3) {
duration = null;
reason += ' #permatimeout';
dbot.say(event.server, dbot.config.servers[event.server].admin_channel, quietee + ' has been given three timeouts in the last hour, and so has been quieted indefinitely in '+channel+'. Please review.');
this.api.quietUser(server, quieter, duration, channel, quietee, reason, function(response) {
timeout = timeout.replace(/([\d]+)d/, '$1 days').replace(/([\d]+)h/, '$1 hours ').replace(/([\d]+)m/, '$1 minutes ').replace(/([\d]+)s/, '$1 seconds').trim();
} else {
timeout += ' hours';
'~unquiet': function(event) {
var server = event.server,
quieter = event.user,
channel = (event.input[1] || event.channel.name).trim(),
quietee = event.input[2].trim();
if(_.has(this.hosts[server], quietee)) {
if(_.include(this.config.quietBans, channel)) {
this.api.unban(server, this.hosts[server][quietee], channel);
} else {
this.api.unquiet(server, this.hosts[server][quietee], channel);
event.reply(dbot.t('unquieted', { 'quietee': quietee }));
dbot.api.report.notify('unquiet', server, event.rUser, channel,
dbot.t('unquiet_notify', {
'unquieter': quieter,
'quietee': quietee
}), false, quietee);
// Do not schedule unbans if the user was killed as no ban was put in place
if(!didKill) {
if (!_.has(this.tempBans, event.server))
this.tempBans[event.server] = {};
this.tempBans[event.server][banee] = msTimeout;
this.internalAPI.addTempBan(event.server, banee, msTimeout);
'~ckick': function(event) {
var server = event.server,
kicker = event.user,
kickee = event.input[2],
channel = event.input[1],
reason = event.input[3];
if(_.isUndefined(channel)) {
channel = event.channel.name;
channel = channel.trim();
this.api.kick(server, kickee, channel, reason + ' (requested by ' + kicker + ')');
dbot.api.report.notify('kick', server, event.rUser, channel, dbot.t('ckicked', {
'kicker': kicker,
'kickee': kickee,
var notifyString = dbot.t('tbanned', {
'network': network,
'banner': banner,
'banee': banee,
'hours': timeout,
'host': host,
'reason': reason
}), false, kickee);
} else {
var notifyString = dbot.t('nbanned', {
'network': network,
'banner': banner,
'banee': banee,
'host': host,
'reason': reason
// Kick and ban from all channels on the network.
'~nban': function(event) {
if(!event.input) return;
var server = event.server,
banner = event.user,
timeout = event.input[1],
banee = event.input[2],
reason = event.input[3],
adminChannel = dbot.config.servers[server].admin_channel,
channels = _.keys(dbot.instance.connections[server].channels),
network = event.server;
if(this.config.network_name[event.server]) {
network = this.config.network_name[event.server];
dbot.api.nickserv.getUserHost(event.server, banee, function(host) {
// Add host record entry
if(host) {
if((reason.match('#line') || reason.match('#specialk') || reason.match('#kline')) && _.include(dbot.access.moderator(), event.rUser.primaryNick)) {
var t = ' !P ';
if(timeout) {
t = ' !T ' + (timeout * 60);
dbot.say(event.server, 'operserv', 'akill add '+banee + t + banee + ' banned by ' + banner + ': ' + reason);
// Ban from current channel first
this.api.ban(server, host, event.channel);
this.api.kick(server, banee, event.channel, reason +
' (network-wide ban)');
channels = _.without(channels, event.channel);
if(!_.isUndefined(adminChannel)) {
channels = _.without(channels, adminChannel);
} else {
adminChannel = event.channel.name;
// Ban the user from all channels
var i = 0;
var banChannel = function(channels) {
if(i >= channels.length) return;
var channel = channels[i];
this.api.ban(server, host, channel);
this.api.kick(server, banee, channel, reason +
' (network-wide ban)');
i++; banChannel(channels);
this.hosts[event.server][banee] = host;
// Create notify string
if(!_.isUndefined(timeout)) {
timeout = timeout.trim();
var msTimeout = new Date(new Date().getTime() + (parseFloat(timeout) * 3600000));
if(_.has(dbot.modules, 'remind')) {
msTimeout = dbot.api.remind.parseTime(timeout);
if(!msTimeout) {
return event.reply('Invalid time. Remember you must give e.g. 5m now.');
timeout = timeout.replace(/([\d]+)d/, '$1 days').replace(/([\d]+)h/, '$1 hours ').replace(/([\d]+)m/, '$1 minutes ').replace(/([\d]+)s/, '$1 seconds').trim();
} else {
timeout += ' hours';
if(!_.has(this.tempBans, event.server)) this.tempBans[event.server] = {};
this.tempBans[event.server][banee] = msTimeout;
this.internalAPI.addTempBan(event.server, banee, msTimeout);
var notifyString = dbot.t('tbanned', {
'network': network,
'banner': banner,
'banee': banee,
'hours': timeout,
'host': host,
'reason': reason
} else {
var notifyString = dbot.t('nbanned', {
'network': network,
'banner': banner,
'banee': banee,
'host': host,
'reason': reason
// Add db entry documenting ban
if(this.config.document_bans) {
var id = uuid.v4();
var banRecord = {
'id': id,
'time': new Date().getTime(),
'server': server,
'banee': banee,
'banner': banner,
'host': host,
'reason': reason
this.db.save('nbans', id, banRecord, function() {});
// Notify moderators, banee
if(!_.isUndefined(adminChannel)) {
channels = _.without(channels, adminChannel);
} else {
adminChannel = event.channel.name;
dbot.api.report.notify('ban', server, event.rUser, adminChannel, notifyString, false, banee);
dbot.say(event.server, adminChannel, notifyString);
if(!_.isUndefined(timeout)) {
dbot.say(event.server, banee, dbot.t('tbanned_notify', {
'network': network,
'banner': banner,
'reason': reason,
'hours': timeout,
'admin_channel': adminChannel
} else {
dbot.say(event.server, banee, dbot.t('nbanned_notify', {
'network': network,
'banner': banner,
'reason': reason,
'hours': timeout,
'admin_channel': adminChannel
// err
dbot.say(event.server, 'NickServ', 'FREEZE ' + banee + ' ON ' + reason);
} else {
event.reply(dbot.t('no_user', { 'user': banee }));
'~nunban': function(event) {
var unbanee = event.params[1],
host = event.params[2] || undefined,
unbanner = event.rUser;
this.api.networkUnban(event.server, unbanee, unbanner, host, function(err) {
if(err) {
event.reply(dbot.t('nunban_error', { 'unbanee': unbanee }));
/*** Kick Stats ***/
// Give the number of times a given user has been kicked and has kicked
// other people.
'~kickcount': function(event) {
var username = event.params[1];
if(!_.has(dbot.db.kicks, username)) {
var kicks = '0';
} else {
var kicks = dbot.db.kicks[username];
if(!_.has(dbot.db.kickers, username)) {
var kicked = '0';
} else {
var kicked = dbot.db.kickers[username];
event.reply(dbot.t('user_kicks', {
'user': username,
'kicks': kicks,
'kicked': kicked
// Output a list of the people who have been kicked the most and those
// who have kicked other people the most.
'~kickstats': function(event) {
var orderedKickLeague = function(list, topWhat) {
var kickArr = _.chain(list)
.sortBy(function(kick) { return kick[1] })
var kickString = "Top " + topWhat + ": ";
for(var i=0;i<kickArr.length;i++) {
kickString += kickArr[i][0] + " (" + kickArr[i][1] + "), ";
return kickString.slice(0, -2);
// Add db entry documenting ban
if (this.config.document_bans) {
var id = uuid.v4();
var banRecord = {
'id': id,
'time': new Date().getTime(),
'server': server,
'banee': banee,
'banner': banner,
'host': host,
'reason': reason
this.db.save('nbans', id, banRecord, function () {});
event.reply(orderedKickLeague(dbot.db.kicks, 'Kicked'));
event.reply(orderedKickLeague(dbot.db.kickers, 'Kickers'));
'~votequiet': function(event) {
var target = event.input[1],
reason = event.input[2];
// Notify moderators, banee
if (!_.isUndefined(adminChannel)) {
channels = _.without(channels, adminChannel);
} else {
adminChannel = event.channel.name;
if(_.has(event.channel.nicks, target)) {
dbot.api.users.resolveUser(event.server, target, function(err, user) {
if(!err && user) {
if(_.include(dbot.access.power_user(), user.primaryNick) || target == dbot.config.name) {
return event.reply('User is immune to votequiet.');
if(!_.has(this.voteQuiets, user.id)) {
this.voteQuiets[user.id] = { 'user': user.id, 'reason': reason, 'channel': event.channel, 'yes': [event.rUser.primaryNick], 'no': [] };
event.reply(event.user + ' has started a vote to quiet ' + target + ' for "' + reason + '." Type either "~voteyes ' + target + '" or "~voteno ' + target + '" in the next 90 seconds.');
dbot.api.report.notify('ban', server, event.rUser, adminChannel, notifyString, false, banee);
dbot.say(event.server, adminChannel, notifyString);
this.voteQuiets[user.id].timer = setTimeout(function() {
var vq = this.voteQuiets[user.id];
vq.spent = true;
if(vq.yes.length >= 3 && vq.no.length < 2) {
event.reply('Attempt to quiet ' + target + ' succeeded. Count: Yes (' + vq.yes.length + '). No (' + vq.no.length + ').');
if (!_.isUndefined(timeout)) {
dbot.say(event.server, banee, dbot.t('tbanned_notify', {
'network': network,
'banner': banner,
'reason': reason,
'hours': timeout,
'admin_channel': adminChannel
} else {
dbot.say(event.server, banee, dbot.t('nbanned_notify', {
'network': network,
'banner': banner,
'reason': reason,
'hours': timeout,
'admin_channel': adminChannel
this.api.quietUser(event.server, event.rUser, '10m', event.channel, target, reason + '[votequiet]', function(response) {
} else {
event.reply('Attempt to quiet ' + target + ' failed. Count: Yes (' + vq.yes.length + '). No (' + vq.no.length + ').');
// err
dbot.say(event.server, 'NickServ', 'FREEZE ' + banee + ' ON ' + reason);
} else {
event.reply(dbot.t('no_user', {
'user': banee
var nString = 'A votequiet was attempted on ' + target + ' in ' + event.channel + '. It was initiated by ' + event.rUser.primaryNick + '. ' +
vq.yes.join(', ') + ' voted yes (' + vq.yes.length + '). ';
if(vq.no.length > 0) {
nString += vq.no.join(', ') + ' voted no (' + vq.no.length + ').'
'~nunban': function (event) {
var unbanee = event.params[1],
host = event.params[2] || undefined,
unbanner = event.rUser;
dbot.api.report.notify('votequiet', event.server, event.rUser, event.channel, nString, false, target);
this.api.networkUnban(event.server, unbanee, unbanner, host, function (err) {
if (err) {
event.reply(dbot.t('nunban_error', {
'unbanee': unbanee
setTimeout(function() {
delete this.voteQuiets[user.id];
}.bind(this), 600000);
}.bind(this), 90000);
} else {
if(this.voteQuiets[user.id].spent) {
event.reply('A votequiet attempt has already been made on this user in the last 10 minutes.');
/*** Kick Stats ***/
// Give the number of times a given user has been kicked and has kicked
// other people.
'~kickcount': function (event) {
var username = event.params[1];
if (!_.has(dbot.db.kicks, username)) {
var kicks = '0';
} else {
var kicks = dbot.db.kicks[username];
if (!_.has(dbot.db.kickers, username)) {
var kicked = '0';
} else {
var kicked = dbot.db.kickers[username];
event.reply(dbot.t('user_kicks', {
'user': username,
'kicks': kicks,
'kicked': kicked
// Output a list of the people who have been kicked the most and those
// who have kicked other people the most.
'~kickstats': function (event) {
var orderedKickLeague = function (list, topWhat) {
var kickArr = _.chain(list)
.sortBy(function (kick) {
return kick[1]
var kickString = "Top " + topWhat + ": ";
for (var i = 0; i < kickArr.length; i++) {
kickString += kickArr[i][0] + " (" + kickArr[i][1] + "), ";
return kickString.slice(0, -2);
event.reply(orderedKickLeague(dbot.db.kicks, 'Kicked'));
event.reply(orderedKickLeague(dbot.db.kickers, 'Kickers'));
'~votequiet': function (event) {
var target = event.input[1],
reason = event.input[2];
if (_.has(event.channel.nicks, target)) {
dbot.api.users.resolveUser(event.server, target, function (err, user) {
if (!err && user) {
if (_.include(dbot.access.power_user(), user.primaryNick) || target == dbot.config.name) {
return event.reply('User is immune to votequiet.');
if (!_.has(this.voteQuiets, user.id)) {
this.voteQuiets[user.id] = {
'user': user.id,
'reason': reason,
'channel': event.channel,
'yes': [event.rUser.primaryNick],
'no': []
event.reply(event.user + ' has started a vote to quiet ' + target + ' for "' + reason + '." Type either "~voteyes ' + target + '" or "~voteno ' + target + '" in the next 90 seconds.');
this.voteQuiets[user.id].timer = setTimeout(function () {
var vq = this.voteQuiets[user.id];
vq.spent = true;
if (vq.yes.length >= 3 && vq.no.length < 2) {
event.reply('Attempt to quiet ' + target + ' succeeded. Count: Yes (' + vq.yes.length + '). No (' + vq.no.length + ').');
this.api.quietUser(event.server, event.rUser, '10m', event.channel, target, reason + '[votequiet]', function (response) {
} else {
var vq = this.voteQuiets[user.id]
if(!_.include(vq.yes, event.rUser.primaryNick)) {
event.reply('There is already a votequiet attempt active for this user, adding yes vote to existing poll.');
event.reply('Voted yes on votequiet for ' + target + '. New count: Yes (' + vq.yes.length + '). No (' + vq.no.length + ').');
if(vq.yes.length == 4) {
event.reply('Attempt to quiet ' + target + ' succeeded. Count: Yes (' + vq.yes.length + '). No (' + vq.no.length + ').');
this.api.quietUser(event.server, event.rUser, '10m', event.channel, target, reason + '[votequiet]', function(response) {
vq.spent = true;
setTimeout(function() {
delete this.voteQuiets[user.id];
}.bind(this), 600000);
} else {
event.reply('There is already a votequiet attempt active for this user, and you already voted yes!');
event.reply('Attempt to quiet ' + target + ' failed. Count: Yes (' + vq.yes.length + '). No (' + vq.no.length + ').');
var nString = 'A votequiet was attempted on ' + target + ' in ' + event.channel + '. It was initiated by ' + event.rUser.primaryNick + '. ' +
vq.yes.join(', ') + ' voted yes (' + vq.yes.length + '). ';
if (vq.no.length > 0) {
nString += vq.no.join(', ') + ' voted no (' + vq.no.length + ').'
dbot.api.report.notify('votequiet', event.server, event.rUser, event.channel, nString, false, target);
setTimeout(function () {
delete this.voteQuiets[user.id];
.bind(this), 600000);
.bind(this), 90000);
} else {
if (this.voteQuiets[user.id].spent) {
event.reply('A votequiet attempt has already been made on this user in the last 10 minutes.');
} else {
event.reply('Target does not seem to be in the channel.');
var vq = this.voteQuiets[user.id]
if (!_.include(vq.yes, event.rUser.primaryNick)) {
event.reply('There is already a votequiet attempt active for this user, adding yes vote to existing poll.');
event.reply('Voted yes on votequiet for ' + target + '. New count: Yes (' + vq.yes.length + '). No (' + vq.no.length + ').');
if (vq.yes.length == 4) {
event.reply('Attempt to quiet ' + target + ' succeeded. Count: Yes (' + vq.yes.length + '). No (' + vq.no.length + ').');
this.api.quietUser(event.server, event.rUser, '10m', event.channel, target, reason + '[votequiet]', function (response) {
vq.spent = true;
setTimeout(function () {
delete this.voteQuiets[user.id];
.bind(this), 600000);
} else {
event.reply('There is already a votequiet attempt active for this user, and you already voted yes!');
} else {
event.reply('Target does not seem to be in the channel.');
'~voteyes': function(event) {
var target = event.params[1];
dbot.api.users.resolveUser(event.server, target, function(err, user) {
if(!err && user) {
if(user.id == event.rUser.id) {
return event.reply('You cannot vote on your own silencing. Be good.');
if(_.has(this.voteQuiets, user.id) && !this.voteQuiets[user.id].spent) {
var vq = this.voteQuiets[user.id];
if(event.channel != vq.channel) {
return event.reply('Vote must be in ' + vq.channel);
if(!_.include(vq.yes, event.rUser.primaryNick) && !_.include(vq.no, event.rUser.primaryNick)) {
event.reply('Voted yes on votequiet for ' + target + '. New count: Yes (' + vq.yes.length + '). No (' + vq.no.length + ').');
if(vq.yes.length == 4) {
event.reply('Attempt to quiet ' + target + ' succeeded. Count: Yes (' + vq.yes.length + '). No (' + vq.no.length + ').');
this.api.quietUser(event.server, event.rUser, '10m', event.channel, target, vq.reason + '[votequiet]', function(response) {
vq.spent = true;
setTimeout(function() {
delete this.voteQuiets[user.id];
}.bind(this), 600000);
} else {
event.reply('You have already voted.');
} else {
event.reply('There is no active votequiet for this user. You can start one by typing "~votequiet ' + target + ' [reason].');
} else {
event.reply('No idea who that is m8');
'~voteno': function(event) {
var target = event.params[1];
dbot.api.users.resolveUser(event.server, target, function(err, user) {
if(!err && user) {
if(user.id == event.rUser.id) {
return event.reply('You cannot vote on your own silencing. Be good.');
if(_.has(this.voteQuiets, user.id) && !this.voteQuiets[user.id].spent) {
var vq = this.voteQuiets[user.id];
if(event.channel != vq.channel) {
return event.reply('Vote must be in ' + vq.channel);
if(!_.include(vq.yes, event.rUser.primaryNick) && !_.include(vq.no, event.rUser.primaryNick)) {
event.reply('Voted no on votequiet for ' + target + '. New count: Yes (' + vq.yes.length + '). No (' + vq.no.length + ').');
} else {
event.reply('You have already voted.');
} else {
event.reply('There is no active votequiet for this user. You can start one by typing "~votequiet ' + target + ' [reason].');
} else {
event.reply('No idea who that is m8');
} else {
event.reply('Target does not seem to be in the channel.');
_.each(commands, function(command) {
command.access = 'moderator';
'~voteyes': function (event) {
var target = event.params[1];
commands['~kickcount'].access = 'regular';
commands['~kickstats'].access = 'regular';
commands['~votequiet'].access = 'regular';
commands['~voteyes'].access = 'regular';
commands['~voteno'].access = 'regular';
commands['~quiet'].access = 'voice';
commands['~timeout'].access = 'voice';
commands['~unquiet'].access = 'voice';
commands['~nban'].access = 'power_user';
commands['~nunban'].access = 'power_user';
dbot.api.users.resolveUser(event.server, target, function (err, user) {
if (!err && user) {
if (user.id == event.rUser.id) {
return event.reply('You cannot vote on your own silencing. Be good.');
if (_.has(this.voteQuiets, user.id) && !this.voteQuiets[user.id].spent) {
var vq = this.voteQuiets[user.id];
if (event.channel != vq.channel) {
return event.reply('Vote must be in ' + vq.channel);
if (!_.include(vq.yes, event.rUser.primaryNick) && !_.include(vq.no, event.rUser.primaryNick)) {
event.reply('Voted yes on votequiet for ' + target + '. New count: Yes (' + vq.yes.length + '). No (' + vq.no.length + ').');
commands['~ckick'].regex = /^ckick (#[^ ]+ )?([^ ]+) ?(.*)?$/;
commands['~nban'].regex = /^nban (\d[\d\.dhmsy]+)? ?([^ ]+) (.+)$/;
commands['~quiet'].regex = /^quiet (\d[\d\.hmsy]+)? ?(#[^ ]+ )?([^ ]+) ?(.*)?$/;
commands['~timeout'].regex = /^timeout ([^ ]+) ?(.*)?$/;
commands['~unquiet'].regex = /^unquiet (#[^ ]+ )?([^ ]+) ?$/;
commands['~votequiet'].regex = [/^votequiet ([^ ]+) (.+)$/, 3];
if (vq.yes.length == 4) {
event.reply('Attempt to quiet ' + target + ' succeeded. Count: Yes (' + vq.yes.length + '). No (' + vq.no.length + ').');
this.api.quietUser(event.server, event.rUser, '10m', event.channel, target, vq.reason + '[votequiet]', function (response) {
vq.spent = true;
setTimeout(function () {
delete this.voteQuiets[user.id];
.bind(this), 600000);
} else {
event.reply('You have already voted.');
} else {
event.reply('There is no active votequiet for this user. You can start one by typing "~votequiet ' + target + ' [reason].');
} else {
event.reply('No idea who that is m8');
return commands;
'~voteno': function (event) {
var target = event.params[1];
dbot.api.users.resolveUser(event.server, target, function (err, user) {
if (!err && user) {
if (user.id == event.rUser.id) {
return event.reply('You cannot vote on your own silencing. Be good.');
if (_.has(this.voteQuiets, user.id) && !this.voteQuiets[user.id].spent) {
var vq = this.voteQuiets[user.id];
if (event.channel != vq.channel) {
return event.reply('Vote must be in ' + vq.channel);
if (!_.include(vq.yes, event.rUser.primaryNick) && !_.include(vq.no, event.rUser.primaryNick)) {
event.reply('Voted no on votequiet for ' + target + '. New count: Yes (' + vq.yes.length + '). No (' + vq.no.length + ').');
} else {
event.reply('You have already voted.');
} else {
event.reply('There is no active votequiet for this user. You can start one by typing "~votequiet ' + target + ' [reason].');
} else {
event.reply('No idea who that is m8');
_.each(commands, function (command) {
command.access = 'moderator';
commands['~kickcount'].access = 'regular';
commands['~kickstats'].access = 'regular';
commands['~votequiet'].access = 'regular';
commands['~voteyes'].access = 'regular';
commands['~voteno'].access = 'regular';
commands['~quiet'].access = 'voice';
commands['~timeout'].access = 'voice';
commands['~unquiet'].access = 'voice';
commands['~nban'].access = 'power_user';
commands['~nunban'].access = 'power_user';
commands['~ckick'].regex = /^ckick (#[^ ]+ )?([^ ]+) ?(.*)?$/;
commands['~nban'].regex = /^nban (\d[\d\.dhmsy]+)? ?([^ ]+) (.+)$/;
commands['~quiet'].regex = /^quiet (\d[\d\.hmsy]+)? ?(#[^ ]+ )?([^ ]+) ?(.*)?$/;
commands['~timeout'].regex = /^timeout ([^ ]+) ?(.*)?$/;
commands['~unquiet'].regex = /^unquiet (#[^ ]+ )?([^ ]+) ?$/;
commands['~votequiet'].regex = [/^votequiet ([^ ]+) (.+)$/, 3];
return commands;
exports.fetch = function(dbot) {
return commands(dbot);
exports.fetch = function (dbot) {
return commands(dbot);
@ -1,252 +1,270 @@
var _ = require('underscore')._;
var kick = function(dbot) {
if(!_.has(dbot.db, 'recentTimeouts')) {
dbot.db.recentTimeouts = {};
this.recentTimeouts = dbot.db.recentTimeouts;
var kick = function (dbot) {
if (!_.has(dbot.db, 'recentTimeouts')) {
dbot.db.recentTimeouts = {};
this.recentTimeouts = dbot.db.recentTimeouts;
this.api = {
'ban': function(server, host, channel) {
dbot.instance.connections[server].send('MODE ' + channel + ' +b *!*@' + host);
this.api = {
'ban': function (server, host, channel) {
dbot.instance.connections[server].send('MODE ' + channel + ' +b *!*@' + host);
'quiet': function(server, host, channel) {
dbot.instance.connections[server].send('MODE ' + channel + ' +q *!*@' + host);
'quiet': function (server, host, channel) {
dbot.instance.connections[server].send('MODE ' + channel + ' +q *!*@' + host);
'unquiet': function(server, host, channel) {
dbot.instance.connections[server].send('MODE ' + channel + ' -q *!*@' + host);
'unquiet': function (server, host, channel) {
dbot.instance.connections[server].send('MODE ' + channel + ' -q *!*@' + host);
'devoice': function(server, nick, channel) {
dbot.instance.connections[server].send('MODE ' + channel + ' -v ' +nick);
'devoice': function (server, nick, channel) {
dbot.instance.connections[server].send('MODE ' + channel + ' -v ' + nick);
'voice': function(server, nick, channel) {
dbot.instance.connections[server].send('MODE ' + channel + ' +v ' +nick);
'voice': function (server, nick, channel) {
dbot.instance.connections[server].send('MODE ' + channel + ' +v ' + nick);
'kick': function(server, user, channel, msg) {
dbot.instance.connections[server].send('KICK ' + channel + ' ' + user + ' :' + msg);
'kick': function (server, user, channel, msg) {
dbot.instance.connections[server].send('KICK ' + channel + ' ' + user + ' :' + msg);
'kill': function(server, user, reason) {
dbot.instance.connections[server].send('kill ' + user + ' ' + reason);
'kill': function (server, user, reason) {
dbot.instance.connections[server].send('kill ' + user + ' ' + reason);
'unban': function(server, host, channel) {
// TODO: Wrest control from chanserv
//dbot.say(server, this.config.chanserv, 'unban ' + channel + ' *!*@' + host);
dbot.instance.connections[server].send('MODE ' + channel + ' -b *!*@' + host);
'unban': function (server, host, channel) {
// TODO: Wrest control from chanserv
//dbot.say(server, this.config.chanserv, 'unban ' + channel + ' *!*@' + host);
dbot.instance.connections[server].send('MODE ' + channel + ' -b *!*@' + host);
'quietUser': function(server, quieter, duration, channel, quietee, reason, callback) {
dbot.api.nickserv.getUserHost(server, quietee, function(host) {
// Add host record entry
if(host) {
this.hosts[server][quietee] = host;
'quietUser': function (server, quieter, duration, channel, quietee, reason, callback) {
dbot.api.nickserv.getUserHost(server, quietee, function (host) {
// Add host record entry
if (host) {
this.hosts[server][quietee] = host;
if(!_.isUndefined(duration) && !_.isNull(duration)) {
duration = duration.trim();
var msTimeout = new Date(new Date().getTime() + (parseFloat(duration) * 60000));
if(_.has(dbot.modules, 'remind')) {
msTimeout = dbot.api.remind.parseTime(duration);
if(!msTimeout) {
return callback('Invalid time. Remember you must give e.g. 5m now.');
duration = duration.replace(/([\d]+)d/, '$1 years').replace(/([\d]+)d/, '$1 days').replace(/([\d]+)h/, '$1 hours ').replace(/([\d]+)m/, '$1 minutes ').replace(/([\d]+)s/, '$1 seconds').trim();
} else {
duration += ' minutes';
if (!_.isUndefined(duration) && !_.isNull(duration)) {
duration = duration.trim();
var msTimeout = new Date(new Date().getTime() + (parseFloat(duration) * 60000));
if (_.has(dbot.modules, 'remind')) {
msTimeout = dbot.api.remind.parseTime(duration);
if (!msTimeout) {
return callback('Invalid time. Remember you must give e.g. 5m now.');
duration = duration.replace(/([\d]+)d/, '$1 years').replace(/([\d]+)d/, '$1 days').replace(/([\d]+)h/, '$1 hours ').replace(/([\d]+)m/, '$1 minutes ').replace(/([\d]+)s/, '$1 seconds').trim();
} else {
duration += ' minutes';
var vStatus = dbot.instance.connections[server].channels[channel].nicks[quietee].voice;
dbot.api.timers.addTimeout(msTimeout, function() {
if(_.has(this.hosts[server], quietee)) {
if(_.include(this.config.quietBans, channel)) {
this.api.unban(server, this.hosts[server][quietee], channel);
this.api.voice(server, quietee, channel);
} else {
this.api.unquiet(server, this.hosts[server][quietee], channel);
dbot.api.users.resolveUser(server, dbot.config.name, function(err, user) {
dbot.api.report.notify('unquiet', server, user, channel,
dbot.t('unquiet_notify', {
'unquieter': dbot.config.name,
'quietee': quietee
}), false, quietee);
callback(dbot.t('tquieted', {
'quietee': quietee,
'minutes': duration
dbot.api.report.notify('quiet', server, quieter.primaryNick, channel,
dbot.t('tquiet_notify', {
'minutes': duration,
'quieter': quieter.primaryNick,
'quietee': quietee,
'reason': reason
}), false, quietee
} else {
callback(dbot.t('quieted', { 'quietee': quietee }));
dbot.api.report.notify('quiet', server, quieter.primaryNick, channel,
dbot.t('quiet_notify', {
'quieter': quieter.primaryNick,
'quietee': quietee,
'reason': reason
}), false, quietee);
this.api.devoice(server, quietee, channel);
if(_.include(this.config.quietBans, channel)) {
this.api.ban(server, this.hosts[server][quietee], channel);
} else {
this.api.quiet(server, host, channel);
if(reason.indexOf('#warn') !== -1) {
dbot.api.warning.warn(server, quieter, quietee,
'Quieted in ' + channel + ' for ' + reason, channel,
function() {});
var vStatus = dbot.instance.connections[server].channels[channel].nicks[quietee].voice;
dbot.api.timers.addTimeout(msTimeout, function () {
if (_.has(this.hosts[server], quietee)) {
if (_.include(this.config.quietBans, channel)) {
this.api.unban(server, this.hosts[server][quietee], channel);
this.api.voice(server, quietee, channel);
} else {
event.reply(dbot.t('no_user', { 'user': quietee }));
'networkUnban': function(server, unbanee, unbanner, manualHost, callback) {
var channels = dbot.config.servers[server].channels,
network = this.config.network_name[server] || server,
adminChannel = dbot.config.servers[server].admin_channel;
if(!_.isUndefined(manualHost)) {
this.hosts[server][unbanee] = manualHost;
if(_.has(this.hosts, server) && _.has(this.hosts[server], unbanee) && _.isString(this.hosts[server][unbanee])) {
var host = this.hosts[server][unbanee];
// Notify Staff
if(_.isUndefined(adminChannel)) {
adminChannel = event.channel.name;
this.api.unquiet(server, this.hosts[server][quietee], channel);
var notifyString = dbot.t('nunbanned', {
'network': network,
'unbanee': unbanee,
'host': host,
'unbanner': unbanner.currentNick
dbot.api.users.resolveUser(server, dbot.config.name, function (err, user) {
dbot.api.report.notify('unquiet', server, user, channel,
dbot.t('unquiet_notify', {
'unquieter': dbot.config.name,
'quietee': quietee
}), false, quietee);
dbot.api.report.notify('unban', server, unbanner, adminChannel, notifyString, false, unbanee);
dbot.say(server, adminChannel, notifyString);
// Notify Unbanee
dbot.say(server, unbanee, dbot.t('nunban_notify', {
'network': network,
'unbanee': unbanee,
'unbanner': unbanner.currentNick
// Unban
var i = 0;
var unbanChannel = function(channels) {
if(i >= channels.length) return;
var channel = channels[i];
this.api.unban(server, host, channel);
setTimeout(function() {
i++; unbanChannel(channels);
}, 1000);
dbot.say(server, 'NickServ', 'FREEZE ' + unbanee + ' OFF');
callback(null); // Success
} else {
// Attempt to look up the host on-the-fly
dbot.api.nickserv.getUserHost(server, unbanee, unbanner, function(host) {
if(host) {
if(!_.has(this.hosts, server)) this.hosts[server] = {};
this.hosts[server][unbanee] = host;
this.api.networkUnban(server, unbanee, unbanner);
} else {
callback(true); // No host could be found
callback(dbot.t('tquieted', {
'quietee': quietee,
'minutes': duration
dbot.api.report.notify('quiet', server, quieter.primaryNick, channel,
dbot.t('tquiet_notify', {
'minutes': duration,
'quieter': quieter.primaryNick,
'quietee': quietee,
'reason': reason
}), false, quietee);
} else {
callback(dbot.t('quieted', {
'quietee': quietee
dbot.api.report.notify('quiet', server, quieter.primaryNick, channel,
dbot.t('quiet_notify', {
'quieter': quieter.primaryNick,
'quietee': quietee,
'reason': reason
}), false, quietee);
this.internalAPI = {
'addTempBan': function(server, banee, timeout) {
dbot.api.users.resolveUser(server, dbot.config.name, function(err, bot) {
dbot.api.timers.addTimeout(timeout, function() {
this.api.networkUnban(server, banee, bot, undefined, function(err) {});
delete this.tempBans[server][banee];
this.listener = function(event) {
if(event.kickee == dbot.config.name) {
dbot.instance.join(event, event.channel.name);
event.reply(dbot.t('kicked_dbot', { 'botname': dbot.config.name }));
dbot.db.kicks[dbot.config.name] += 1;
this.api.devoice(server, quietee, channel);
if (_.include(this.config.quietBans, channel)) {
this.api.ban(server, this.hosts[server][quietee], channel);
} else {
this.api.quiet(server, host, channel);
if (reason.indexOf('#warn') !== -1) {
dbot.api.warning.warn(server, quieter, quietee,
'Quieted in ' + channel + ' for ' + reason, channel,
function () {});
} else {
if(!_.has(dbot.db.kicks, event.kickee)) {
dbot.db.kicks[event.kickee] = 1;
} else {
dbot.db.kicks[event.kickee] += 1;
if(!_.has(dbot.db.kickers, event.user)) {
dbot.db.kickers[event.user] = 1;
} else {
dbot.db.kickers[event.user] += 1;
if(!this.config.countSilently) {
event.reply(event.kickee + '-- (' + dbot.t('user_kicks', {
'user': event.kickee,
'kicks': dbot.db.kicks[event.kickee],
'kicked': dbot.db.kickers[event.kickee]
}) + ')');
event.reply(dbot.t('no_user', {
'user': quietee
this.on = 'KICK';
this.onLoad = function() {
if(!_.has(dbot.db, 'hosts')) {
dbot.db.hosts = {};
_.each(dbot.config.servers, function(v, k) {
dbot.db.hosts[k] = {};
}, this);
if(!_.has(dbot.db, 'tempBans')) dbot.db.tempBans = {};
this.hosts = dbot.db.hosts;
this.tempBans = dbot.db.tempBans;
this.voteQuiets = {};
_.each(this.tempBans, function(bans, server) {
_.each(bans, function(timeout, nick) {
timeout = new Date(timeout);
this.internalAPI.addTempBan(server, nick, timeout);
}, this);
}, this);
'networkUnban': function (server, unbanee, unbanner, manualHost, callback) {
var channels = dbot.config.servers[server].channels,
network = this.config.network_name[server] || server,
adminChannel = dbot.config.servers[server].admin_channel;
if(_.has(dbot.modules, 'web')) {
dbot.api.web.addIndexLink('/bans', 'Ban List');
if (!_.isUndefined(manualHost)) {
this.hosts[server][unbanee] = manualHost;
if (_.has(this.hosts, server) && _.has(this.hosts[server], unbanee) && _.isString(this.hosts[server][unbanee])) {
var host = this.hosts[server][unbanee];
// Notify Staff
if (_.isUndefined(adminChannel)) {
adminChannel = event.channel.name;
var notifyString = dbot.t('nunbanned', {
'network': network,
'unbanee': unbanee,
'host': host,
'unbanner': unbanner.currentNick
dbot.api.report.notify('unban', server, unbanner, adminChannel, notifyString, false, unbanee);
dbot.say(server, adminChannel, notifyString);
// Notify Unbanee
dbot.say(server, unbanee, dbot.t('nunban_notify', {
'network': network,
'unbanee': unbanee,
'unbanner': unbanner.currentNick
// Unban
var i = 0;
var unbanChannel = function (channels) {
if (i >= channels.length)
var channel = channels[i];
this.api.unban(server, host, channel);
setTimeout(function () {
}, 1000);
dbot.say(server, 'NickServ', 'FREEZE ' + unbanee + ' OFF');
callback(null); // Success
} else {
// Attempt to look up the host on-the-fly
dbot.api.nickserv.getUserHost(server, unbanee, unbanner, function (host) {
if (host) {
if (!_.has(this.hosts, server))
this.hosts[server] = {};
this.hosts[server][unbanee] = host;
this.api.networkUnban(server, unbanee, unbanner);
} else {
callback(true); // No host could be found
this.internalAPI = {
'addTempBan': function (server, banee, timeout) {
dbot.api.users.resolveUser(server, dbot.config.name, function (err, bot) {
dbot.api.timers.addTimeout(timeout, function () {
this.api.networkUnban(server, banee, bot, undefined, function (err) {});
delete this.tempBans[server][banee];
this.listener = function (event) {
if (event.kickee == dbot.config.name) {
dbot.instance.join(event, event.channel.name);
event.reply(dbot.t('kicked_dbot', {
'botname': dbot.config.name
dbot.db.kicks[dbot.config.name] += 1;
} else {
if (!_.has(dbot.db.kicks, event.kickee)) {
dbot.db.kicks[event.kickee] = 1;
} else {
dbot.db.kicks[event.kickee] += 1;
if (!_.has(dbot.db.kickers, event.user)) {
dbot.db.kickers[event.user] = 1;
} else {
dbot.db.kickers[event.user] += 1;
if (!this.config.countSilently) {
event.reply(event.kickee + '-- (' + dbot.t('user_kicks', {
'user': event.kickee,
'kicks': dbot.db.kicks[event.kickee],
'kicked': dbot.db.kickers[event.kickee]
}) + ')');
this.on = 'KICK';
this.onLoad = function () {
if (!_.has(dbot.db, 'hosts')) {
dbot.db.hosts = {};
_.each(dbot.config.servers, function (v, k) {
dbot.db.hosts[k] = {};
}, this);
if (!_.has(dbot.db, 'tempBans'))
dbot.db.tempBans = {};
this.hosts = dbot.db.hosts;
this.tempBans = dbot.db.tempBans;
this.voteQuiets = {};
_.each(this.tempBans, function (bans, server) {
_.each(bans, function (timeout, nick) {
timeout = new Date(timeout);
this.internalAPI.addTempBan(server, nick, timeout);
}, this);
}, this);
if (_.has(dbot.modules, 'web')) {
dbot.api.web.addIndexLink('/bans', 'Ban List');
exports.fetch = function(dbot) {
return new kick(dbot);
exports.fetch = function (dbot) {
return new kick(dbot);
@ -1,42 +1,46 @@
var _ = require('underscore')._;
var pages = function(dbot) {
return {
'/bans': function(req, res) {
res.render('servers', {
'servers': _.keys(dbot.config.servers)
var pages = function (dbot) {
return {
'/bans': function (req, res) {
res.render('servers', {
'servers': _.keys(dbot.config.servers)
'/underbans': function(req, res) {
this.db.search('nbans', { 'server': server }, function(ban) {
if(ban.reason.match('#underban')) {
}, function() {
res.render('bans', {
'server': server,
'bans': bans
'/bans/:server': function(req, res) {
var server = req.params.server,
bans = [];
this.db.search('nbans', { 'server': server }, function(ban) {
}, function() {
res.render('bans', {
'server': server,
'bans': bans
'/underbans': function (req, res) {
this.db.search('nbans', {
'server': server
}, function (ban) {
if (ban.reason.match('#underban')) {
}, function () {
res.render('bans', {
'server': server,
'bans': bans
'/bans/:server': function (req, res) {
var server = req.params.server,
bans = [];
this.db.search('nbans', {
'server': server
}, function (ban) {
}, function () {
res.render('bans', {
'server': server,
'bans': bans
exports.fetch = function(dbot) {
return pages(dbot);
exports.fetch = function (dbot) {
return pages(dbot);
@ -6,5 +6,6 @@
"________ ______"
"cliconn_channel": "#dnsbl",
"cliconn_patterns": []
"cliconn_patterns": [],
"exempt_channels": []
@ -11,26 +11,37 @@ var kill_namespam = function(dbot) {
dbot.customConfig.modules.kill_namespam = this.config;
this.matchedKill = {};
this.listener = function(event) {
if(event.action == 'PRIVMSG') {
// Here we listen for atropos
if(event.channel == this.config.cliconn_channel) {
if(event.message.match('▶')) {
var matchedPattern = _.find(this.config.cliconn_patterns,
function(p) { try { return event.message.match(p); } catch(e) {}; }); // ok.jpg
function(p) { try { return event.message.match(p); } catch(e) {}; }); // ok.jpg
if(matchedPattern) {
var ip = event.message.split(' ')[1]
// Alternatively you can just do dbot.api.kick.kill(event.server, event.user, message);
dbot.say(event.server, 'operserv', 'akill add *@'+ ip +' !P Naughty Nelly Auto-kill v6.2. Matched pattern: /'+ matchedPattern +'/');
var msg = dbot.t('clikill_act', {
'ip': ip,
'pattern': matchedPattern
dbot.api.report.notify('autokill', event.server, event.rUser,
dbot.config.servers[event.server].admin_channel, msg, ip, ip);
var nick = event.message.split(' ')[2];
dbot.api.nickserv.getUserHost(event.server, nick, function(host) {
var userIsAuthenticated = host && host.startsWith('tripsit/');
if (userIsAuthenticated) {
event.reply(dbot.t('clikill_spared', {
'user': nick,
'pattern': matchedPattern
} else {
if(!this.matchedKill[host]) {
// Defer killing this connection until after they join a non-exempted channel
this.matchedKill[host] = {
ip: event.message.split(' ')[1],
server: event.server,
matchedPattern: matchedPattern,
rUser: event.rUser
}, true);
@ -65,7 +76,7 @@ var kill_namespam = function(dbot) {
if(naughty) {
switch(this.config.action) {
case 'kickban':
case 'kickban':
dbot.api.kick.ban(event.server, event.host, event.channel);
dbot.api.kick.kick(event.server, event.user, message);
@ -76,8 +87,31 @@ var kill_namespam = function(dbot) {
dbot.api.report.notify('spam', event.server, event.user, event.channel, message, event.host, event.user);
} else if (event.action == 'JOIN') {
if(this.matchedKill[event.host]) {
if(this.config.exempt_channels.indexOf(event.channel) == -1) {
var kill = this.matchedKill[event.host];
delete this.matchedKill[event.host];
// Alternatively you can just do dbot.api.kick.kill(event.server, event.user, message);
dbot.say(event.server, 'operserv', 'akill add *@'+ kill.ip +' !P Naughty Nelly Auto-kill v6.2. Matched pattern: /'+ kill.matchedPattern +'/');
var msg = dbot.t('clikill_act', {
'ip': kill.ip,
'pattern': kill.matchedPattern
dbot.api.report.notify('autokill', kill.server, kill.rUser,
dbot.config.servers[kill.server].admin_channel, msg, kill.ip, kill.ip);
} else if (event.action == 'QUIT') {
if(this.matchedKill[event.host]) {
delete this.matchedKill[event.host];
this.on = 'PRIVMSG';
this.on = ['PRIVMSG', 'JOIN', 'QUIT'];
this.commands = {
'~add_spamkill': function(event) {
@ -7,5 +7,8 @@
"clikill_act": {
"en": "Added K-Line for {ip}, due to matching pattern: /{pattern}/"
"clikill_spared": {
"en": "{user} spared from clikill matched pattern: /{pattern}/"
@ -9,15 +9,15 @@ var request = require('request'),
var link = function(dbot) {
this.urlRegex = /(\b(https?|ftp|file):\/\/[-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|])/ig;
this.links = {};
this.links = {};
this.handlers = [];
this.api = {
'addHandler': function(name, regex, handler) {
'name': name,
'regex': regex,
'callback': handler
'name': name,
'regex': regex,
'callback': handler
@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ var link = function(dbot) {
'udLookup': function(query, callback) {
var reqUrl = 'http://api.urbandictionary.com/v0/define?term=' +
var reqUrl = 'http://api.urbandictionary.com/v0/define?term=' +
request(reqUrl, function(error, response, body) {
try {
@ -62,14 +62,14 @@ var link = function(dbot) {
'parseLink': function(link, callback) {
var handler = false;
for(var i=0;i<this.handlers.length;i++) {
var matches = this.handlers[i].regex.exec(link);
var matches = this.handlers[i].regex.exec(link);
if(matches) {
handler = this.handlers[i];
if(handler) {
this.handlers[i].callback(matches, this.handlers[i].name, function(parsed) {
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ var link = function(dbot) {
var commands = {
'~title': function(event) {
var link = this.links[event.channel.name];
@ -95,9 +95,10 @@ var link = function(dbot) {
event.reply(dbot.t('link', { 'link': title} ));
'~xkcd': function(event) {
var comicId = event.params[1] || "";
//var comicId = event.params[1] || "";
var comicId = event.params.slice(1).join(' ');
if(comicId == "*") {
request("http://xkcd.com/info.0.json", function(error, response, body){
@ -108,27 +109,86 @@ var link = function(dbot) {
} catch(err) { };
} else {
if(comicId !== "") {
comicId = comicId + "/";
var link = "http://xkcd.com/"+comicId+"info.0.json";
request(link, function(error, response, body) {
try {
if (response.statusCode == "200") {
data = JSON.parse(body);
event.reply(dbot.t("xkcd", data));
} else {
} catch(err) { };
} else {
if (isNaN(parseInt(comicId))) {
url: 'http://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/api.php',
qs: {
action: 'query',
format: 'json',
generator: 'search',
gsrwhat: 'text',
gsrsearch: comicId,
prop: 'info|categories',
gsrlimit: 50
json: true
}, function(err, res, body) {
if(!body) {
var pages = _.values(body.query.pages);
// page titles must be of the format "####: $$$$$$"
pages = _.filter(pages, p => p.title.indexOf(':') > 0);
if (pages.length > 0) {
// See if any of these matches are exact title matches
var match = false;
_.each(pages, function(p) {
var title = p.title.slice(p.title.indexOf(':')+2).trim();
if(title.toLowerCase() == comicId.toLowerCase()) {
match = p;
if (match) {
// We got a match! Get the ID and let's get tf out of here.
comicId = match.title.slice(0, match.title.indexOf(':'));
} else {
comicId = pages[0].title.slice(0, pages[0].title.indexOf(':'));
var link = "http://xkcd.com/"+comicId+"/info.0.json";
request(link, function(error, response, body) {
try {
if (response.statusCode == "200") {
data = JSON.parse(body);
event.reply(dbot.t("xkcd", data));
} else {
} catch(err) { };
} else {
} else {
if(comicId !== "") {
comicId = comicId + "/";
var link = "http://xkcd.com/"+comicId+"info.0.json";
request(link, function(error, response, body) {
try {
if (response.statusCode == "200") {
data = JSON.parse(body);
event.reply(dbot.t("xkcd", data));
} else {
} catch(err) { };
'~ud': function(event) {
var query = event.input[1];
@ -151,7 +211,7 @@ var link = function(dbot) {
console.log('DEBUG: got a link');
if(this.config.autoTitle == true) {
this.api.parseLink(urlMatches[0], function(result) {
@ -26,18 +26,22 @@ var nickserv = function(dbot) {
}.bind(this), 6000);
'getUserHost': function(server, nick, callback) {
'getUserHost': function(server, nick, callback, skipFallback) {
if(!_.has(this.userStack, server)) this.userStack[server] = {};
this.userStack[server][nick] = callback;
dbot.instance.connections[server].send('USERHOST ' + nick);
setTimeout(function() {
if(_.has(this.userStack[server], nick)) {
dbot.instance.connections[server].send('WHOWAS ' + nick + ' 1');
setTimeout(function() {
if(_.has(this.userStack[server], nick)) {
}.bind(this), 2000);
if (skipFallback) {
} else {
dbot.instance.connections[server].send('WHOWAS ' + nick + ' 1');
setTimeout(function() {
if(_.has(this.userStack[server], nick)) {
}.bind(this), 2000);
}.bind(this), 4000);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"dependencies": [ ],
"ignorable": true,
"outputPrefix": "omdb",
"api_key": "insert api key here - get from http://www.omdbapi.com/apikey.aspx"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
* Module Name: omdb
* Description: Interacts with the Open Movie Database to provide movie summary
* and review information.
var rp = require('request-promise-native'),
_ = require('underscore')._;
var OMDB = function(dbot) {
this.apiRoot = 'http://www.omdbapi.com';
this.imdbLinkPrefix = 'https://www.imdb.com/title/';
this.internalAPI = {
formatLink: r => {
var aRating = parseFloat(r.imdbRating) * 10;
var cRating = parseFloat(r.Metascore);
if (isNaN(aRating)) {
aRating = " N/A";
} else {
var aColour = (aRating <= 5) ? '\u00033 ' : '\u00034 ';
aRating = aColour + String(aRating) + '%\u000f';
if (isNaN(cRating)) {
cRating = " N/A";
} else {
var cColour = (cRating <= 5) ? '\u00033 ' : '\u00034 ';
cRating = cColour + String(cRating) + '%\u000f';
var mString = dbot.t('omdb_film', {
'title': r.Title,
'year': r.Year,
'aRating': aRating,
'cRating': cRating
if (_.has(r, 'Director') && r.Director != "N/A") mString += ' [Director: ' + r.Director + ']';
if (_.has(r, 'Genre') && r.Genre != "N/A") mString += ' [Genre: ' + r.Genre + ']';
if (_.has(r, 'Plot') && r.Plot != "N/A") {
if (r.Plot.length > 140) r.Plot = r.Plot.substring(0, 140) + '...';
mString += ' [Plot: ' + r.Plot + ']';
mString += ' - ' + this.imdbLinkPrefix + r.imdbID;
return mString;
this.commands = {
'~movie': async event => {
try {
var r = await rp({
url: this.apiRoot,
qs: {
apikey: this.config.api_key,
t: event.input[1],
plot: 'short',
r: 'json'
json: true
if (r.Response === 'True') {
} else {
catch (e) {
this.commands['~movie'].regex = [/^movie (.+)$/, 2];
exports.fetch = dbot => new OMDB(dbot);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
"omdb_film": {
"en": "[{title} - Audience:{aRating} - Critic:{cRating} - {year}]",
"de": "[{title} - {aRating} - {year}]"
"omdb_noresults": {
"en": "No films found.",
"de": "Kein Film gefunden."
@ -113,6 +113,8 @@ var spotify = function(dbot) {
commands['~sp'] = commands['~spotify'].bind(this);
commands['~sp'].regex = [/^sp (.*)/, 2];
commands['~spotify'].regex = [/^spotify (.*)/, 2];
this.commands = commands;
@ -23,20 +23,21 @@ var youtube = function(dbot) {
'json': true
}, function(error, response, body) {
this.internalAPI = {
'formatLink': function(v) {
var time = v.contentDetails.duration.match(/^PT(\d+)?M?(\d+)S$/);
var time = v.contentDetails.duration.match(/^PT(?:(\d+)M)?(\d+)S$/);
if(time) {
if(time[1]) {
var seconds =((time[2]%60 < 10) ? "0"+time[2]%60 : time[2]%60),
minutes = time[1];
} else {
var seconds =((time[1]%60 < 10) ? "0"+time[1]%60 : time[1]%60),
var seconds =((time[2]%60 < 10) ? "0"+time[2]%60 : time[2]%60),
minutes = 0;
} else {
@ -61,18 +62,18 @@ var youtube = function(dbot) {
return res;
'formatPlaylistLink': function(v) {
var res = dbot.t('yt_playlist', {
'title': v.snippet.title,
'author': v.snippet.channelTitle,
'videos': v.contentDetails.itemCount
if (v.id) {
res += " - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=" + v.id;
return res;
@ -101,7 +102,7 @@ var youtube = function(dbot) {
}.bind(this), "video");
// search for a youtube playlist
'~ytpl': function(event) {
this.api.search(event.input[1], function(body) {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user