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2011-08-24 16:15:42 +01:00
/*** Array ***/
Array.prototype.each = function(fun) {
for(var i=0;i<this.length;i++) {
Array.prototype.collect = function(fun) {
var collect = [];
for(var i=0;i<this.length;i++) {
2011-08-24 16:15:42 +01:00
return collect;
2011-08-24 02:20:13 +01:00
Array.prototype.include = function(value) {
for(var i=0;i<this.length;i++) {
if(this[i] == value) {
2011-08-24 16:15:42 +01:00
return true;
2011-08-24 02:20:13 +01:00
2011-08-24 16:15:42 +01:00
return false;
2011-08-24 02:20:13 +01:00
2012-03-07 03:22:25 +00:00
Array.prototype.sum = function() {
var sum = 0;
for(var i=0;i<this.length;i++) {
sum += (parseFloat(this[i]) || 0);
return sum;
2012-06-19 14:44:50 +01:00
Array.prototype.uniq = function() {
var hash = {}
var result = [];
this.each(function(item) {
hash[item] = true;
return result;
/*** String ***/
String.prototype.valMatch = function(regex, expLength) {
var key = this.match(regex);
if(key !== null && key.length == expLength) {
return key;
} else {
return false;
String.prototype.endsWith = function(needle) {
2011-08-26 12:45:49 +01:00
return needle === this.slice(this.length - needle.length);
String.prototype.startsWith = function(needle) {
2011-08-26 12:45:49 +01:00
return needle === this.slice(0, needle.length);
String.prototype.format = function() { // format takes either multiple indexed arguments, or a single object, whose keys/values will be used
var targetStr = this;
var replacements = [].splice.call(arguments, 0);
if ((replacements.length === 1) && (typeof(replacements[0]) === 'object')) { // if we were passed a single object rather than multiple args
replacements = replacements[0]; // use the object as source of replacements
for (key in replacements) {
if (replacements.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
var replacePattern = new RegExp("\\{"+key+"\\}", "g");
targetStr = targetStr.replace(replacePattern, replacements[key]);
return targetStr;
/*** Integer ***/
Number.prototype.chanceIn = function(x, y) {
var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * (y + 1)) / x;
2011-08-26 12:45:49 +01:00
return num == 1;
/*** Regex ***/
RegExp.prototype.url_regex = function() {
var reg = new RegExp(
"^" +
// protocol identifier
"(?:(?:https?|ftp)://)" +
// user:pass authentication
"(?:\\S+(?::\\S*)?@)?" +
"(?:" +
// IP address exclusion
// private & local networks
"(?!10(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){3})" +
"(?!127(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){3})" +
"(?!169\\.254(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){2})" +
"(?!192\\.168(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){2})" +
"(?!172\\.(?:1[6-9]|2\\d|3[0-1])(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){2})" +
// IP address dotted notation octets
// excludes loopback network
// excludes reserved space >=
// excludes network & broacast addresses
// (first & last IP address of each class)
"(?:[1-9]\\d?|1\\d\\d|2[01]\\d|22[0-3])" +
"(?:\\.(?:1?\\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){2}" +
"(?:\\.(?:[1-9]\\d?|1\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-4]))" +
"|" +
// host name
"(?:(?:[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]+-?)*[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]+)" +
// domain name
"(?:\\.(?:[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]+-?)*[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]+)*" +
// TLD identifier
"(?:\\.(?:[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff]{2,}))" +
")" +
// port number
"(?::\\d{2,5})?" +
// resource path
"(?:/[^\\s]*)?" +
"$", "i"
return reg;
2012-12-23 15:01:07 +00:00
Number.prototype.numberFormat = function(dec_places){
//TODO Possibly abstract this to some sort of localisation module in future?
var dec_point = '.';
var sep = ',';
var parts = this.toFixed(dec_places).toString().split(dec_point);
parts[0] = parts[0].replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, sep);
return parts.join(dec_point);
2012-12-29 18:42:32 +00:00
// http://simonwillison.net/2006/Jan/20/escape/#p-6
String.prototype.escape = function() {
return this.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, "\\$&");