mirror of https://github.com/reality/dbot.git synced 2025-03-06 22:40:51 +01:00

254 lines
6.5 KiB
Raw Normal View History

"dbotspeaks": {
"en": "{name} speaks {lang}",
"de": "{name} spricht {lang} ({langen})",
"fr": "{name} parle {lang} ({langen})",
"it": "{name} parla {lang} ({langen})",
"cy": "{name} yn siarad {lang} ({langen})",
2013-06-01 17:01:24 +00:00
"nl": "{name} spreekt {lang} ({langen})"
"thanks": {
2013-04-21 20:44:41 +00:00
"en": "With thanks to:",
"fr": "Merci à:",
2013-06-01 16:16:24 +00:00
"cy": "Gyda diolch i:",
"de": "Dankeschön geht an:"
"credits": {
2013-04-21 20:44:41 +00:00
"en": "Authors",
"fr": "Développeurs",
2013-06-01 16:16:24 +00:00
"cy": "Datblygwyr",
"de": "Urheber"
"pagetitle": {
"en": "{botname} web interface",
"fr": "{botname} interface réseau",
"de": "{botname} Web-Interface",
"it": "{botname} interfaccia web",
"cy": "{botname} rhyngwyneb gwe"
"en": {
"en": "English",
"fr": "anglais",
"de": "Englisch",
"it": "inglese",
"cy": "saesneg",
"nl": "Engels"
"fr": {
"en": "French",
"fr": "français",
"de": "Französisch",
"it": "francese",
"cy": "Ffrangeg",
"nl": "Frans"
"de": {
"en": "German",
"fr": "allemande",
"de": "Deutsch",
"it": "tedesco",
"cy": "Almaeneg",
"nl": "Duits"
"it": {
"en": "Italian",
"fr": "italien",
"de": "Italiener",
"it": "italiano",
"cy": "Eidaleg",
"nl": "Italiaans"
"cy": {
"en": "Welsh",
"fr": "gallois",
"de": "Walisisch",
"it": "gallese",
"cy": "cymraeg",
"nl": "Welsh"
"na'vi": {
"en": "Na'vi",
"fr": "na'vi",
"de": "Na'vi",
"it": "Na'vi",
"nl": "Na'vi",
"na'vi": "Na'vi"
"es": {
"en": "Spanish",
"fr": "espagnole",
"de": "Spanisch",
"it": "spagnolo",
"cy": "Sbaeneg",
"nl": "Spaans",
"es": "Español"
"nl": {
"en": "Dutch",
"cy": "Iseldireg",
"nl": "Nederlands"
"revnum": {
"en": "{name} is at revision {rev}",
"fr": "{name} est à révision {rev}",
"de": "{name} ist in der Revision {rev}",
"it": "{name} il numero di revisione {rev}",
"cy": "{name} ar diwygiad {rev}",
"nl": "{name} is bij revisie {rev}"
"loadedmodules": {
"en": "loaded modules",
"fr": "modules chargés",
"it": "moduli caricati",
"cy": "modiwlau sy'n lwytho",
2013-06-01 16:16:24 +00:00
"nl": "geladen modules",
"de": "Module geladen"
"configoptions": {
"en": "Configuration",
"fr": "Configuration",
"de": "Konfiguration",
"it": "Configuazione",
"cy": "Cyfluniad",
"nl": "Configuratie"
"debugmode-true": {
"en": "Debug mode active",
"fr": "debug actif",
2013-06-01 16:16:24 +00:00
"de": "Debug-Modus aktiviert",
"it": "debug attivo",
"cy": "Modd dadfygio gweithredol",
"nl": "Debug actief"
"debugmode-false": {
"en": "Debug off",
"fr": "debug éteint",
2013-06-01 16:16:24 +00:00
"de": "Debug-Modus ausgeschaltet",
"it": "debug spento",
"cy": "Modd dadfygio wedi'i ddiffodd",
"nl": "Debug uitgeschakeld"
"milestones": {
2013-04-23 17:28:26 +00:00
"en": "Milestones",
"fr": "étapes",
2013-06-01 16:16:24 +00:00
"cy": "Cerrig milltir",
"de": "Zwischenziel"
"milestoneprog": {
"en": "Progress",
"fr": "Progression",
"de": "Fortschritt",
"it": "sviluppo",
"cy": "Cynnydd",
"nl": "Voortgang"
"openmilestone": {
"en": "Open",
"fr": "Ouvert",
"de": "Offen",
"it": "Aperto",
"cy": "Agor",
"nl": "Open"
"closedmilestone": {
"en": "Closed",
"fr": "Fermé",
"de": "Gesperrt",
"it": "Chiuso",
"cy": "Ar Gau",
"nl": "Gesloten"
"milestonename": {
"en": "Name",
"fr": "Nom",
"de": "Name",
"it": "Nome",
"cy": "Enw",
"nl": "Naam"
"development": {
"en": "Development",
"fr": "Développement",
"de": "Entwicklung",
"it": "Sviluppo",
"cy": "Datblygu",
"nl": "Ontwikkeling"
"dent-account": {
"en": "Submitting dents to @{username}",
"cy": "Cyflwyno 'dents' i'w @{username}"
"dent-push": {
"en": "Pushing quotes to identi.ca",
"cy": "Gwthio dyfyniadau i identi.ca"
"quote-rmlimit": {
"en": "Quote removal throttle set to {limit}",
"cy": "Trothwy ar dileu dyfyniadau gosod i {limit}"
"report-notifyvoice": {
"en": "Voiced users are being notified of reports",
"cy": "Defnyddwyr leisiwyd yn cael eu hysbysu o adroddiadau"
"web-port": {
"en": "Web is listening on {port}",
"cy": "We yn gwrando ar {port}"
"propaganda": {
"en": "Contribute to the code on Github!",
"cy": "Cyfrannu at ay cod ar Github!"
"branch": {
"en": "{branch}"
"git": {
2013-04-21 20:44:41 +00:00
"en": "version control",
"de": "Versionsverwaltung",
"es": "Control de versiones",
"fr": "Festion de versions",
"it": "Controllo versione",
"cy": "Rheoli fersiwn",
2013-04-21 20:44:41 +00:00
"nl": "Versiebeheersysteem"
"langhead-current": {
2013-04-21 20:44:41 +00:00
"en": "Current",
"fr": "Courant",
2013-06-01 16:16:24 +00:00
"cy": "Ar hyn o bryd",
"de": "Jetzige"
"langhead-translations": {
2013-04-21 20:44:41 +00:00
"en": "Completion",
"fr": "Achèvement",
"cy": "Cwblhad"
"translations": {
2013-04-21 20:44:41 +00:00
"en": "Translations",
"fr": "Traductions",
2013-06-01 16:16:24 +00:00
"cy": "Cyfieithiadau",
"de": "Übersetzungen"
"langhead-progress": {
2013-04-21 20:44:41 +00:00
"en": "Translation Progress",
"fr": "Avancement de la Traduction",
2013-06-01 16:16:24 +00:00
"cy": "Cynnydd Cyfieithu",
"de": "Übersetzungsfortschritt"
"langhead-native": {
2013-04-21 20:44:41 +00:00
"en": "Native",
"fr": "Natale",
"cy": "Brodorol"
"outstanding-pullreq": {
"en": "There are outstanding pull requests",
"cy": "Mae disgwyl ceisiadau tynnu"
"oaosidl": {
"en": "The Official Aberystwyth Open Source International Development League"
2013-04-21 20:28:51 +00:00
"link-autotitle": {
"en": "Automatically titling links in channels",
"cy": "Teitlo awtomatig cysylltiadau mewn sianelau"