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2013-01-12 23:53:13 +01:00
var _ = require('underscore')._;
2014-02-27 00:24:56 +01:00
var kick = function(dbot) {
2016-03-20 18:48:07 +01:00
if(!_.has(dbot.db, 'recentTimeouts')) {
dbot.db.recentTimeouts = {};
this.recentTimeouts = dbot.db.recentTimeouts;
this.api = {
2013-08-26 01:20:14 +02:00
'ban': function(server, host, channel) {
2013-08-28 14:25:33 +02:00
dbot.instance.connections[server].send('MODE ' + channel + ' +b *!*@' + host);
'quiet': function(server, host, channel) {
dbot.instance.connections[server].send('MODE ' + channel + ' +q *!*@' + host);
2013-04-14 17:41:40 +02:00
'unquiet': function(server, host, channel) {
dbot.instance.connections[server].send('MODE ' + channel + ' -q *!*@' + host);
2013-07-01 19:38:25 +02:00
2014-07-23 18:08:05 +02:00
'devoice': function(server, nick, channel) {
dbot.instance.connections[server].send('MODE ' + channel + ' -v ' +nick);
'voice': function(server, nick, channel) {
dbot.instance.connections[server].send('MODE ' + channel + ' +v ' +nick);
'kick': function(server, user, channel, msg) {
2013-02-05 20:26:29 +01:00
dbot.instance.connections[server].send('KICK ' + channel + ' ' + user + ' :' + msg);
2013-06-10 00:50:11 +02:00
'kill': function(server, user, reason) {
2018-02-16 14:44:47 +01:00
dbot.instance.connections[server].send('kill ' + user + ' ' + reason);
2013-06-10 00:50:11 +02:00
'unban': function(server, host, channel) {
// TODO: Wrest control from chanserv
2015-01-29 23:24:45 +01:00
//dbot.say(server, this.config.chanserv, 'unban ' + channel + ' *!*@' + host);
dbot.instance.connections[server].send('MODE ' + channel + ' -b *!*@' + host);
2016-02-16 18:32:29 +01:00
'quietUser': function(server, quieter, duration, channel, quietee, reason, callback) {
dbot.api.nickserv.getUserHost(server, quietee, function(host) {
// Add host record entry
if(host) {
this.hosts[server][quietee] = host;
if(!_.isUndefined(duration) && !_.isNull(duration)) {
duration = duration.trim();
var msTimeout = new Date(new Date().getTime() + (parseFloat(duration) * 60000));
if(_.has(dbot.modules, 'remind')) {
msTimeout = dbot.api.remind.parseTime(duration);
if(!msTimeout) {
return callback('Invalid time. Remember you must give e.g. 5m now.');
2016-04-11 23:51:45 +02:00
duration = duration.replace(/([\d]+)d/, '$1 years').replace(/([\d]+)d/, '$1 days').replace(/([\d]+)h/, '$1 hours ').replace(/([\d]+)m/, '$1 minutes ').replace(/([\d]+)s/, '$1 seconds').trim();
2016-02-16 18:32:29 +01:00
} else {
duration += ' minutes';
var vStatus = dbot.instance.connections[server].channels[channel].nicks[quietee].voice;
dbot.api.timers.addTimeout(msTimeout, function() {
if(_.has(this.hosts[server], quietee)) {
if(_.include(this.config.quietBans, channel)) {
this.api.unban(server, this.hosts[server][quietee], channel);
this.api.voice(server, quietee, channel);
} else {
this.api.unquiet(server, this.hosts[server][quietee], channel);
dbot.api.users.resolveUser(server, dbot.config.name, function(err, user) {
dbot.api.report.notify('unquiet', server, user, channel,
dbot.t('unquiet_notify', {
'unquieter': dbot.config.name,
'quietee': quietee
}), false, quietee);
callback(dbot.t('tquieted', {
'quietee': quietee,
'minutes': duration
2016-04-12 21:59:08 +02:00
dbot.api.report.notify('quiet', server, quieter.primaryNick, channel,
2016-02-16 18:32:29 +01:00
dbot.t('tquiet_notify', {
'minutes': duration,
'quieter': quieter.primaryNick,
'quietee': quietee,
'reason': reason
}), false, quietee
} else {
callback(dbot.t('quieted', { 'quietee': quietee }));
2016-04-12 21:59:08 +02:00
dbot.api.report.notify('quiet', server, quieter.primaryNick, channel,
2016-02-16 18:32:29 +01:00
dbot.t('quiet_notify', {
2016-04-12 21:59:08 +02:00
'quieter': quieter.primaryNick,
2016-02-16 18:32:29 +01:00
'quietee': quietee,
'reason': reason
}), false, quietee);
this.api.devoice(server, quietee, channel);
if(_.include(this.config.quietBans, channel)) {
this.api.ban(server, this.hosts[server][quietee], channel);
} else {
this.api.quiet(server, host, channel);
if(reason.indexOf('#warn') !== -1) {
dbot.api.warning.warn(server, quieter, quietee,
'Quieted in ' + channel + ' for ' + reason, channel,
function() {});
} else {
event.reply(dbot.t('no_user', { 'user': quietee }));
'networkUnban': function(server, unbanee, unbanner, manualHost, callback) {
var channels = dbot.config.servers[server].channels,
network = this.config.network_name[server] || server,
adminChannel = dbot.config.servers[server].admin_channel;
if(!_.isUndefined(manualHost)) {
this.hosts[server][unbanee] = manualHost;
if(_.has(this.hosts, server) && _.has(this.hosts[server], unbanee) && _.isString(this.hosts[server][unbanee])) {
var host = this.hosts[server][unbanee];
// Notify Staff
if(_.isUndefined(adminChannel)) {
adminChannel = event.channel.name;
var notifyString = dbot.t('nunbanned', {
'network': network,
'unbanee': unbanee,
'host': host,
2013-09-08 01:02:04 +02:00
'unbanner': unbanner.currentNick
dbot.api.report.notify('unban', server, unbanner, adminChannel, notifyString, false, unbanee);
dbot.say(server, adminChannel, notifyString);
// Notify Unbanee
dbot.say(server, unbanee, dbot.t('nunban_notify', {
'network': network,
'unbanee': unbanee,
2013-09-08 01:02:04 +02:00
'unbanner': unbanner.currentNick
// Unban
var i = 0;
var unbanChannel = function(channels) {
if(i >= channels.length) return;
var channel = channels[i];
this.api.unban(server, host, channel);
setTimeout(function() {
i++; unbanChannel(channels);
}, 1000);
2014-02-07 21:45:14 +01:00
dbot.say(server, 'NickServ', 'FREEZE ' + unbanee + ' OFF');
callback(null); // Success
} else {
// Attempt to look up the host on-the-fly
2013-09-08 01:02:04 +02:00
dbot.api.nickserv.getUserHost(server, unbanee, unbanner, function(host) {
if(host) {
if(!_.has(this.hosts, server)) this.hosts[server] = {};
this.hosts[server][unbanee] = host;
this.api.networkUnban(server, unbanee, unbanner);
} else {
callback(true); // No host could be found
2013-07-06 20:00:34 +02:00
this.internalAPI = {
'addTempBan': function(server, banee, timeout) {
dbot.api.users.resolveUser(server, dbot.config.name, function(err, bot) {
dbot.api.timers.addTimeout(timeout, function() {
2018-02-28 18:39:21 +01:00
this.api.networkUnban(server, banee, bot, undefined, function(err) {});
delete this.tempBans[server][banee];
2015-07-23 01:21:56 +02:00
2013-01-15 00:00:16 +01:00
this.listener = function(event) {
if(event.kickee == dbot.config.name) {
2014-01-11 00:49:33 +01:00
dbot.instance.join(event, event.channel.name);
2013-01-15 00:00:16 +01:00
event.reply(dbot.t('kicked_dbot', { 'botname': dbot.config.name }));
dbot.db.kicks[dbot.config.name] += 1;
} else {
if(!_.has(dbot.db.kicks, event.kickee)) {
dbot.db.kicks[event.kickee] = 1;
} else {
2013-01-15 00:00:16 +01:00
dbot.db.kicks[event.kickee] += 1;
2013-01-15 00:00:16 +01:00
if(!_.has(dbot.db.kickers, event.user)) {
dbot.db.kickers[event.user] = 1;
} else {
dbot.db.kickers[event.user] += 1;
2013-01-15 00:00:16 +01:00
if(!this.config.countSilently) {
event.reply(event.kickee + '-- (' + dbot.t('user_kicks', {
'user': event.kickee,
'kicks': dbot.db.kicks[event.kickee],
'kicked': dbot.db.kickers[event.kickee]
}) + ')');
2013-01-15 00:00:16 +01:00
2013-01-15 00:00:16 +01:00
this.on = 'KICK';
2013-06-10 19:10:57 +02:00
this.onLoad = function() {
2015-04-05 23:51:06 +02:00
if(!_.has(dbot.db, 'hosts')) {
dbot.db.hosts = {};
_.each(dbot.config.servers, function(v, k) {
dbot.db.hosts[k] = {};
}, this);
if(!_.has(dbot.db, 'tempBans')) dbot.db.tempBans = {};
this.hosts = dbot.db.hosts;
this.tempBans = dbot.db.tempBans;
2016-02-16 18:32:29 +01:00
this.voteQuiets = {};
2015-04-05 23:51:06 +02:00
2013-06-10 19:10:57 +02:00
_.each(this.tempBans, function(bans, server) {
_.each(bans, function(timeout, nick) {
timeout = new Date(timeout);
2013-06-10 19:10:57 +02:00
this.internalAPI.addTempBan(server, nick, timeout);
}, this);
}, this);
if(_.has(dbot.modules, 'web')) {
dbot.api.web.addIndexLink('/bans', 'Ban List');
2013-06-10 19:10:57 +02:00
exports.fetch = function(dbot) {
2013-01-15 00:00:16 +01:00
return new kick(dbot);