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utils.py - PyLink utilities module.
This module contains various utility functions related to IRC and/or the PyLink
import string
import re
import importlib
import os
import collections
from .log import log
from . import world, conf
# This is just so protocols and plugins are importable.
from pylinkirc import protocols, plugins
class NotAuthorizedError(Exception):
Exception raised by checkAuthenticated() when a user fails authentication
class IncrementalUIDGenerator():
Incremental UID Generator module, adapted from InspIRCd source:
def __init__(self, sid):
if not (hasattr(self, 'allowedchars') and hasattr(self, 'length')):
raise RuntimeError("Allowed characters list not defined. Subclass "
"%s by defining self.allowedchars and self.length "
"and then calling super().__init__()." % self.__class__.__name__)
self.uidchars = [self.allowedchars[0]]*self.length
self.sid = str(sid)
def increment(self, pos=None):
Increments the UID generator to the next available UID.
# Position starts at 1 less than the UID length.
if pos is None:
pos = self.length - 1
# If we're at the last character in the list of allowed ones, reset
# and increment the next level above.
if self.uidchars[pos] == self.allowedchars[-1]:
self.uidchars[pos] = self.allowedchars[0]
# Find what position in the allowed characters list we're currently
# on, and add one.
idx = self.allowedchars.find(self.uidchars[pos])
self.uidchars[pos] = self.allowedchars[idx+1]
def next_uid(self):
Returns the next unused UID for the server.
uid = self.sid + ''.join(self.uidchars)
return uid
class PUIDGenerator():
Pseudo UID Generator module, using a prefix and a simple counter.
def __init__(self, prefix):
self.prefix = prefix
self.counter = 0
def next_uid(self, prefix=''):
Generates the next PUID.
uid = '%s@%s' % (prefix or self.prefix, self.counter)
self.counter += 1
return uid
next_sid = next_uid
def add_cmd(func, name=None, **kwargs):
"""Binds an IRC command function to the given command name."""
world.services['pylink'].add_cmd(func, name=name, **kwargs)
return func
def add_hook(func, command):
"""Binds a hook function to the given command name."""
command = command.upper()
return func
_nickregex = r'^[A-Za-z\|\\_\[\]\{\}\^\`][A-Z0-9a-z\-\|\\_\[\]\{\}\^\`]*$'
def isNick(s, nicklen=None):
"""Returns whether the string given is a valid nick."""
if nicklen and len(s) > nicklen:
return False
return bool(re.match(_nickregex, s))
def isChannel(s):
"""Returns whether the string given is a valid channel name."""
return str(s).startswith('#')
def _isASCII(s):
"""Returns whether the string given is valid ASCII."""
chars = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + string.punctuation
return all(char in chars for char in s)
def isServerName(s):
"""Returns whether the string given is a valid IRC server name."""
return _isASCII(s) and '.' in s and not s.startswith('.')
hostmaskRe = re.compile(r'^\S+!\S+@\S+$')
def isHostmask(text):
"""Returns whether the given text is a valid hostmask."""
# Band-aid patch here to prevent bad bans set by Janus forwarding people into invalid channels.
return hostmaskRe.match(text) and '#' not in text
def parseModes(irc, target, args):
"""Parses a modestring list into a list of (mode, argument) tuples.
['+mitl-o', '3', 'person'] => [('+m', None), ('+i', None), ('+t', None), ('+l', '3'), ('-o', 'person')]
This method is deprecated. Use irc.parseModes() instead.
log.warning("(%s) utils.parseModes is deprecated. Use irc.parseModes() instead!", irc.name)
return irc.parseModes(target, args)
def applyModes(irc, target, changedmodes):
"""Takes a list of parsed IRC modes, and applies them on the given target.
The target can be either a channel or a user; this is handled automatically.
This method is deprecated. Use irc.applyModes() instead.
log.warning("(%s) utils.applyModes is deprecated. Use irc.applyModes() instead!", irc.name)
return irc.applyModes(target, changedmodes)
def loadModuleFromFolder(name, folder):
Imports and returns a module, if existing, from a specific folder.
fullpath = os.path.join(folder, '%s.py' % name)
m = importlib.machinery.SourceFileLoader(name, fullpath).load_module()
return m
def loadPlugin(name):
Imports and returns the requested plugin.
return importlib.import_module('pylinkirc.plugins.' + name)
def getProtocolModule(name):
Imports and returns the protocol module requested.
return importlib.import_module('pylinkirc.protocols.' + name)
def getDatabaseName(dbname):
Returns a database filename with the given base DB name appropriate for the
current PyLink instance.
This returns '<dbname>.db' if the running config name is PyLink's default
(pylink.yml), and '<dbname>-<config name>.db' for anything else. For example,
if this is called from an instance running as './pylink testing.yml', it
would return '<dbname>-testing.db'."""
if conf.confname != 'pylink':
dbname += '-%s' % conf.confname
dbname += '.db'
return dbname
def splitHostmask(mask):
Returns a nick!user@host hostmask split into three fields: nick, user, and host.
nick, identhost = mask.split('!', 1)
ident, host = identhost.split('@', 1)
return [nick, ident, host]
class ServiceBot():
PyLink IRC Service class.
def __init__(self, name, default_help=True, default_list=True,
nick=None, ident=None, manipulatable=False, extra_channels=None,
# Service name
self.name = name
# Nick/ident to take. Defaults to the same as the service name if not given.
self.nick = nick
self.ident = ident
# Tracks whether the bot should be manipulatable by the 'bots' plugin and other commands.
self.manipulatable = manipulatable
# We make the command definitions a dict of lists of functions. Multiple
# plugins are actually allowed to bind to one function name; this just causes
# them to be called in the order that they are bound.
self.commands = collections.defaultdict(list)
# This tracks the UIDs of the service bot on different networks, as they are
# spawned.
self.uids = {}
# Track what channels other than those defined in the config
# that the bot should join by default.
self.extra_channels = extra_channels or collections.defaultdict(set)
# Service description, used in the default help command if one is given.
self.desc = desc
# List of command names to "feature"
self.featured_cmds = set()
if default_help:
if default_list:
self.add_cmd(self.listcommands, 'list')
def spawn(self, irc=None):
Spawns instances of this service on all connected networks.
# Spawn the new service by calling the PYLINK_NEW_SERVICE hook,
# which is handled by coreplugin.
if irc is None:
for irc in world.networkobjects.values():
irc.callHooks([None, 'PYLINK_NEW_SERVICE', {'name': self.name}])
raise NotImplementedError("Network specific plugins not supported yet.")
def reply(self, irc, text, notice=False, private=False):
"""Replies to a message as the service in question."""
servuid = self.uids.get(irc.name)
if not servuid:
log.warning("(%s) Possible desync? UID for service %s doesn't exist!", irc.name, self.name)
irc.reply(text, notice=notice, source=servuid, private=private)
def call_cmd(self, irc, source, text, called_in=None):
Calls a PyLink bot command. source is the caller's UID, and text is the
full, unparsed text of the message.
irc.called_in = called_in or source
irc.called_by = source
cmd_args = text.strip().split(' ')
cmd = cmd_args[0].lower()
cmd_args = cmd_args[1:]
if cmd not in self.commands:
if not cmd.startswith('\x01'):
# Ignore invalid command errors from CTCPs.
self.reply(irc, 'Error: Unknown command %r.' % cmd)
log.info('(%s/%s) Received unknown command %r from %s', irc.name, self.name, cmd, irc.getHostmask(source))
log.info('(%s/%s) Calling command %r for %s', irc.name, self.name, cmd, irc.getHostmask(source))
for func in self.commands[cmd]:
func(irc, source, cmd_args)
except NotAuthorizedError as e:
self.reply(irc, 'Error: %s' % e)
except Exception as e:
log.exception('Unhandled exception caught in command %r', cmd)
self.reply(irc, 'Uncaught exception in command %r: %s: %s' % (cmd, type(e).__name__, str(e)))
def add_cmd(self, func, name=None, featured=False):
"""Binds an IRC command function to the given command name."""
if name is None:
name = func.__name__
name = name.lower()
# Mark as a featured command if requested to do so.
if featured:
return func
def _show_command_help(self, irc, command, private=False, shortform=False):
Shows help for the given command.
def _reply(text):
reply() wrapper to handle the private argument.
self.reply(irc, text, private=private)
if command not in self.commands:
_reply('Error: Unknown command %r.' % command)
funcs = self.commands[command]
if len(funcs) > 1:
_reply('The following \x02%s\x02 plugins bind to the \x02%s\x02 command: %s'
% (len(funcs), command, ', '.join([func.__module__ for func in funcs])))
for func in funcs:
doc = func.__doc__
mod = func.__module__
if doc:
lines = doc.splitlines()
# Bold the first line, which usually just tells you what
# arguments the command takes.
lines[0] = '\x02%s %s\x02' % (command, lines[0])
if shortform: # Short form is just the command name + args.
for line in lines:
# Otherwise, just output the rest of the docstring to IRC.
_reply("Error: Command %r doesn't offer any help." % command)
def help(self, irc, source, args):
Gives help for <command>, if it is available."""
command = args[0].lower()
except IndexError:
# No argument given: show service description (if present), 'list' output, and a list
# of featured commands.
if self.desc:
self.reply(irc, self.desc)
self.reply(irc, " ") # Extra newline to unclutter the output text
self.listcommands(irc, source, args)
self._show_command_help(irc, command)
def listcommands(self, irc, source, args):
"""takes no arguments.
Returns a list of available commands this service has to offer."""
# Don't show CTCP handlers in the public command list.
cmds = sorted([cmd for cmd in self.commands.keys() if '\x01' not in cmd])
if cmds:
self.reply(irc, 'Available commands include: %s' % ', '.join(cmds))
self.reply(irc, 'To see help on a specific command, type \x02help <command>\x02.')
self.reply(irc, 'This service doesn\'t provide any public commands.')
# If there are featured commands, list them by showing the help for each.
# These definitions are sent in private to prevent flooding in channels.
if self.featured_cmds:
self.reply(irc, " ", private=True)
self.reply(irc, 'Featured commands include:', private=True)
for cmd in sorted(self.featured_cmds):
if self.commands.get(cmd):
# Only show featured commands that are both defined and loaded.
# TODO: perhaps plugin unload should remove unused featured command
# definitions automatically?
self._show_command_help(irc, cmd, private=True, shortform=True)
self.reply(irc, 'End of command listing.', private=True)
def registerService(name, *args, **kwargs):
"""Registers a service bot."""
name = name.lower()
if name in world.services:
raise ValueError("Service name %s is already bound!" % name)
world.services[name] = sbot = ServiceBot(name, *args, **kwargs)
return sbot
def unregisterService(name):
"""Unregisters an existing service bot."""
assert name in world.services, "Unknown service %s" % name
name = name.lower()
sbot = world.services[name]
for ircnet, uid in sbot.uids.items():
ircobj = world.networkobjects[ircnet]
# Special case for the main PyLink client. If we're unregistering that,
# clear the irc.pseudoclient entry.
if name == 'pylink':
ircobj.pseudoclient = None
ircobj.proto.quit(uid, "Service unloaded.")
del world.services[name]