mirror of https://github.com/jlu5/PyLink.git synced 2025-03-30 12:27:06 +02:00
James Lu d60a48bb11 protocols: actually update away status in awayClient
"Oops, I forgot to do this."
2015-12-17 21:50:50 -08:00

286 lines
13 KiB

import sys
import os
curdir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
sys.path += [curdir, os.path.dirname(curdir)]
import utils
from log import log
from classes import *
class TS6BaseProtocol(Protocol):
def _send(self, source, msg):
"""Sends a TS6-style raw command from a source numeric to the self.irc connection given."""
self.irc.send(':%s %s' % (source, msg))
def parseTS6Args(self, args):
"""Similar to parseArgs(), but stripping leading colons from the first argument
of a line (usually the sender field)."""
args = self.parseArgs(args)
args[0] = args[0].split(':', 1)[1]
return args
def _getSid(self, sname):
"""Returns the SID of a server with the given name, if present."""
nick = sname.lower()
for k, v in self.irc.servers.items():
if v.name.lower() == nick:
return k
return sname # Fall back to given text instead of None
def numericServer(self, source, numeric, target, text):
"""Sends raw numerics from a server to a remote client, used for WHOIS
self._send(source, '%s %s %s' % (numeric, target, text))
def _sendKick(self, numeric, channel, target, reason=None):
"""Internal function to send kicks from a PyLink client/server."""
channel = utils.toLower(self.irc, channel)
if not reason:
reason = 'No reason given'
self._send(numeric, 'KICK %s %s :%s' % (channel, target, reason))
# We can pretend the target left by its own will; all we really care about
# is that the target gets removed from the channel userlist, and calling
# handle_part() does that just fine.
self.handle_part(target, 'KICK', [channel])
def kickClient(self, numeric, channel, target, reason=None):
"""Sends a kick from a PyLink client."""
if not utils.isInternalClient(self.irc, numeric):
raise LookupError('No such PyLink PseudoClient exists.')
self._sendKick(numeric, channel, target, reason=reason)
def kickServer(self, numeric, channel, target, reason=None):
"""Sends a kick from a PyLink server."""
if not utils.isInternalServer(self.irc, numeric):
raise LookupError('No such PyLink PseudoServer exists.')
self._sendKick(numeric, channel, target, reason=reason)
def nickClient(self, numeric, newnick):
"""Changes the nick of a PyLink client."""
if not utils.isInternalClient(self.irc, numeric):
raise LookupError('No such PyLink PseudoClient exists.')
self._send(numeric, 'NICK %s %s' % (newnick, int(time.time())))
self.irc.users[numeric].nick = newnick
def partClient(self, client, channel, reason=None):
"""Sends a part from a PyLink client."""
channel = utils.toLower(self.irc, channel)
if not utils.isInternalClient(self.irc, client):
log.error('(%s) Error trying to part client %r to %r (no such pseudoclient exists)', self.irc.name, client, channel)
raise LookupError('No such PyLink PseudoClient exists.')
msg = "PART %s" % channel
if reason:
msg += " :%s" % reason
self._send(client, msg)
self.handle_part(client, 'PART', [channel])
def quitClient(self, numeric, reason):
"""Quits a PyLink client."""
if utils.isInternalClient(self.irc, numeric):
self._send(numeric, "QUIT :%s" % reason)
raise LookupError("No such PyLink PseudoClient exists.")
def messageClient(self, numeric, target, text):
"""Sends a PRIVMSG from a PyLink client."""
if not utils.isInternalClient(self.irc, numeric):
raise LookupError('No such PyLink PseudoClient exists.')
self._send(numeric, 'PRIVMSG %s :%s' % (target, text))
def noticeClient(self, numeric, target, text):
"""Sends a NOTICE from a PyLink client."""
if not utils.isInternalClient(self.irc, numeric):
raise LookupError('No such PyLink PseudoClient exists.')
self._send(numeric, 'NOTICE %s :%s' % (target, text))
def topicClient(self, numeric, target, text):
"""Sends a TOPIC change from a PyLink client."""
if not utils.isInternalClient(self.irc, numeric):
raise LookupError('No such PyLink PseudoClient exists.')
self._send(numeric, 'TOPIC %s :%s' % (target, text))
self.irc.channels[target].topic = text
self.irc.channels[target].topicset = True
def spawnServer(self, name, sid=None, uplink=None, desc=None, endburst_delay=0):
Spawns a server off a PyLink server. desc (server description)
defaults to the one in the config. uplink defaults to the main PyLink
server, and sid (the server ID) is automatically generated if not
Note: TS6 doesn't use a specific ENDBURST command, so the endburst_delay
option will be ignored if given.
# -> :0AL SID test.server 1 0XY :some silly pseudoserver
uplink = uplink or self.irc.sid
name = name.lower()
desc = desc or self.irc.serverdata.get('serverdesc') or self.irc.botdata['serverdesc']
if sid is None: # No sid given; generate one!
sid = self.sidgen.next_sid()
assert len(sid) == 3, "Incorrect SID length"
if sid in self.irc.servers:
raise ValueError('A server with SID %r already exists!' % sid)
for server in self.irc.servers.values():
if name == server.name:
raise ValueError('A server named %r already exists!' % name)
if not utils.isInternalServer(self.irc, uplink):
raise ValueError('Server %r is not a PyLink internal PseudoServer!' % uplink)
if not utils.isServerName(name):
raise ValueError('Invalid server name %r' % name)
self._send(uplink, 'SID %s 1 %s :%s' % (name, sid, desc))
self.irc.servers[sid] = IrcServer(uplink, name, internal=True, desc=desc)
return sid
def squitServer(self, source, target, text='No reason given'):
"""SQUITs a PyLink server."""
# -> SQUIT 9PZ :blah, blah
log.debug('source=%s, target=%s', source, target)
self._send(source, 'SQUIT %s :%s' % (target, text))
self.handle_squit(source, 'SQUIT', [target, text])
def awayClient(self, source, text):
"""Sends an AWAY message from a PyLink client. <text> can be an empty string
to unset AWAY status."""
if text:
self._send(source, 'AWAY :%s' % text)
self._send(source, 'AWAY')
self.irc.users[source].away = text
def handle_privmsg(self, source, command, args):
"""Handles incoming PRIVMSG/NOTICE."""
# <- :70MAAAAAA PRIVMSG #dev :afasfsa
target = args[0]
# We use lowercase channels internally, but uppercase UIDs.
if utils.isChannel(target):
target = utils.toLower(self.irc, target)
return {'target': target, 'text': args[1]}
handle_notice = handle_privmsg
def handle_kill(self, source, command, args):
"""Handles incoming KILLs."""
killed = args[0]
# Depending on whether the self.ircd sends explicit QUIT messages for
# KILLed clients, the user may or may not have automatically been removed.
# If not, we have to assume that KILL = QUIT and remove them ourselves.
data = self.irc.users.get(killed)
if data:
return {'target': killed, 'text': args[1], 'userdata': data}
def handle_kick(self, source, command, args):
"""Handles incoming KICKs."""
# :70MAAAAAA KICK #endlessvoid 70MAAAAAA :some reason
channel = utils.toLower(self.irc, args[0])
kicked = args[1]
self.handle_part(kicked, 'KICK', [channel, args[2]])
return {'channel': channel, 'target': kicked, 'text': args[2]}
def handle_error(self, numeric, command, args):
"""Handles ERROR messages - these mean that our uplink has disconnected us!"""
raise ProtocolError('Received an ERROR, disconnecting!')
def handle_nick(self, numeric, command, args):
"""Handles incoming NICK changes."""
# <- :70MAAAAAA NICK GL-devel 1434744242
oldnick = self.irc.users[numeric].nick
newnick = self.irc.users[numeric].nick = args[0]
return {'newnick': newnick, 'oldnick': oldnick, 'ts': int(args[1])}
def handle_quit(self, numeric, command, args):
"""Handles incoming QUIT commands."""
# <- :1SRAAGB4T QUIT :Quit: quit message goes here
return {'text': args[0]}
def handle_save(self, numeric, command, args):
"""Handles incoming SAVE messages, used to handle nick collisions."""
# In this below example, the client Derp_ already exists,
# and trying to change someone's nick to it will cause a nick
# collision. On TS6 self.ircds, this will simply set the collided user's
# nick to its UID.
# <- :70MAAAAAA PRIVMSG 0AL000001 :nickclient PyLink Derp_
# -> :0AL000001 NICK Derp_ 1433728673
# <- :70M SAVE 0AL000001 1433728673
user = args[0]
oldnick = self.irc.users[user].nick
self.irc.users[user].nick = user
return {'target': user, 'ts': int(args[1]), 'oldnick': oldnick}
def handle_squit(self, numeric, command, args):
"""Handles incoming SQUITs (netsplits)."""
# :70M SQUIT 1ML :Server quit by GL!gl@0::1
log.debug('handle_squit args: %s', args)
split_server = args[0]
affected_users = []
log.debug('(%s) Splitting server %s (reason: %s)', self.irc.name, split_server, args[-1])
if split_server not in self.irc.servers:
log.warning("(%s) Tried to split a server (%s) that didn't exist!", self.irc.name, split_server)
# Prevent RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
old_servers = self.irc.servers.copy()
for sid, data in old_servers.items():
if data.uplink == split_server:
log.debug('Server %s also hosts server %s, removing those users too...', split_server, sid)
args = self.handle_squit(sid, 'SQUIT', [sid, "PyLink: Automatically splitting leaf servers of %s" % sid])
affected_users += args['users']
for user in self.irc.servers[split_server].users.copy():
log.debug('Removing client %s (%s)', user, self.irc.users[user].nick)
sname = self.irc.servers[split_server].name
del self.irc.servers[split_server]
log.debug('(%s) Netsplit affected users: %s', self.irc.name, affected_users)
return {'target': split_server, 'users': affected_users, 'name': sname}
def handle_topic(self, numeric, command, args):
"""Handles incoming TOPIC changes from clients. For topic bursts,
TB (TS6/charybdis) and FTOPIC (InspIRCd) are used instead."""
# <- :70MAAAAAA TOPIC #test :test
channel = utils.toLower(self.irc, args[0])
topic = args[1]
ts = int(time.time())
oldtopic = self.irc.channels[channel].topic
self.irc.channels[channel].topic = topic
self.irc.channels[channel].topicset = True
return {'channel': channel, 'setter': numeric, 'ts': ts, 'topic': topic,
'oldtopic': oldtopic}
def handle_part(self, source, command, args):
"""Handles incoming PART commands."""
channels = utils.toLower(self.irc, args[0]).split(',')
for channel in channels:
# We should only get PART commands for channels that exist, right??
except KeyError:
log.debug("(%s) handle_part: KeyError trying to remove %r from %r's channel list?", self.irc.name, channel, source)
reason = args[1]
except IndexError:
reason = ''
# Clear empty non-permanent channels.
if not (self.irc.channels[channel].users or ((self.irc.cmodes.get('permanent'), None) in self.irc.channels[channel].modes)):
del self.irc.channels[channel]
return {'channels': channels, 'text': reason}
def handle_away(self, numeric, command, args):
"""Handles incoming AWAY messages."""
# <- :6ELAAAAAB AWAY :Auto-away
self.irc.users[numeric].away = text = args[0]
except IndexError: # User is unsetting away status
self.irc.users[numeric].away = text = ''
return {'text': text}