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synced 2025-02-15 04:50:55 +01:00
![James Lu](/assets/img/avatar_default.png)
1c0ea24acdd2d1fbba36073cf62907bf0e1a84c3 "relay_clientbot: normalize sender names to the senders' home networks" In the future we hope to remove nick restrictions in Clientbot entirely, and just use freeform nicks for virtual users.
267 lines
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267 lines
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# relay_clientbot.py: Clientbot extensions for Relay
import string
import time
from pylinkirc import utils, conf, world
from pylinkirc.log import log
# Clientbot default styles:
# These use template strings as documented @ https://docs.python.org/3/library/string.html#template-strings
default_styles = {'MESSAGE': '\x02[$netname]\x02 <$mode_prefix$colored_sender> $text',
'KICK': '\x02[$netname]\x02 - $colored_sender$sender_identhost has kicked $target_nick from $channel ($text)',
'PART': '\x02[$netname]\x02 - $colored_sender$sender_identhost has left $channel ($text)',
'JOIN': '\x02[$netname]\x02 - $colored_sender$sender_identhost has joined $channel',
'NICK': '\x02[$netname]\x02 - $colored_sender$sender_identhost is now known as $newnick',
'QUIT': '\x02[$netname]\x02 - $colored_sender$sender_identhost has quit ($text)',
'ACTION': '\x02[$netname]\x02 * $mode_prefix$colored_sender $text',
'NOTICE': '\x02[$netname]\x02 - Notice from $mode_prefix$colored_sender: $text',
'SQUIT': '\x02[$netname]\x02 - Netsplit lost users: $colored_nicks',
'SJOIN': '\x02[$netname]\x02 - Netjoin gained users: $colored_nicks',
'MODE': '\x02[$netname]\x02 - $colored_sender$sender_identhost sets mode $modes on $channel',
'PM': 'PM from $sender on $netname: $text',
'PNOTICE': '<$sender> $text',
def color_text(s):
Returns a colorized version of the given text based on a simple hash algorithm.
if not s:
return s
colors = ('03', '04', '05', '06', '07', '08', '09', '10', '11', '12', '13', '15')
hash_output = hash(s.encode())
num = hash_output % len(colors)
return "\x03%s%s\x03" % (colors[num], s)
def cb_relay_core(irc, source, command, args):
This function takes Clientbot events and formats them as text to the target channel / user.
real_command = command.split('_')[-1]
relay = world.plugins.get('relay')
private = False
if irc.pseudoclient and relay:
sourcename = irc.get_friendly_name(source)
except KeyError: # User has left due to /quit
sourcename = args['userdata'].nick
relay_conf = conf.conf.get('relay') or {}
# Be less floody on startup: don't relay non-PRIVMSGs for the first X seconds after connect.
startup_delay = relay_conf.get('clientbot_startup_delay', 20)
target = args.get('target')
if isinstance(target, str):
# Remove STATUSMSG prefixes (e.g. @#channel) before checking whether target is a channel
target = target.lstrip(''.join(irc.prefixmodes.values()))
# Special case for CTCPs.
if real_command == 'MESSAGE':
# CTCP action, format accordingly
if (not args.get('is_notice')) and args['text'].startswith('\x01ACTION ') and args['text'].endswith('\x01'):
args['text'] = args['text'][8:-1]
real_command = 'ACTION'
elif not irc.is_channel(target):
# Target is a user; handle this accordingly.
if relay_conf.get('allow_clientbot_pms'):
real_command = 'PNOTICE' if args.get('is_notice') else 'PM'
private = True
# Other CTCPs are ignored
elif args['text'].startswith('\x01'):
elif args.get('is_notice'): # Different syntax for notices
real_command = 'NOTICE'
elif (time.time() - irc.start_ts) < startup_delay:
log.debug('(%s) relay_cb_core: Not relaying %s because of startup delay of %s.', irc.name,
real_command, startup_delay)
# Try to fetch the format for the given command from the relay:clientbot_styles:$command
# key, falling back to one defined in default_styles above, and then nothing if not found
# there.
text_template = irc.get_service_option('relay', 'clientbot_styles', {}).get(
real_command, default_styles.get(real_command, ''))
text_template = string.Template(text_template)
if text_template:
if irc.get_service_bot(source):
# HACK: service bots are global and lack the relay state we look for.
# just pretend the message comes from the current network.
log.debug('(%s) relay_cb_core: Overriding network origin to local (source=%s)', irc.name, source)
sourcenet = irc.name
realsource = source
# Get the original client that the relay client source was meant for.
log.debug('(%s) relay_cb_core: Trying to find original sender (user) for %s', irc.name, source)
origuser = relay.get_orig_user(irc, source) or args['userdata'].remote
except (AttributeError, KeyError):
log.debug('(%s) relay_cb_core: Trying to find original sender (server) for %s. serverdata=%s', irc.name, source, args.get('serverdata'))
localsid = args.get('serverdata') or irc.servers[source]
origuser = (localsid.remote, world.networkobjects[localsid.remote].uplink)
except (AttributeError, KeyError):
log.debug('(%s) relay_cb_core: Original sender found as %s', irc.name, origuser)
sourcenet, realsource = origuser
try: # Try to get the full network name
netname = conf.conf['servers'][sourcenet]['netname']
except KeyError:
netname = sourcenet
# Figure out where the message is destined to.
stripped_target = target = args.get('channel') or args.get('target')
if isinstance(target, str):
# HACK: cheap fix to prevent @#channel messages from interpreted as non-channel specific
stripped_target = target.lstrip(''.join(irc.prefixmodes.values()))
if target is None or not (irc.is_channel(stripped_target) or private):
# Non-channel specific message (e.g. QUIT or NICK). If this isn't a PM, figure out
# all channels that the sender shares over the relay, and relay them to those
# channels.
userdata = args.get('userdata') or irc.users.get(source)
if not userdata:
# No user data given. This was probably some other global event such as SQUIT.
userdata = irc.pseudoclient
targets = [channel for channel in userdata.channels if relay.get_relay(irc, channel)]
# Pluralize the channel so that we can iterate over it.
targets = [target]
args['channel'] = stripped_target
log.debug('(%s) relay_cb_core: Relaying event %s to channels: %s', irc.name, real_command, targets)
identhost = ''
if source in irc.users:
identhost = irc.get_hostmask(source).split('!')[-1]
except KeyError: # User got removed due to quit
identhost = '%s@%s' % (args['userdata'].ident, args['userdata'].host)
# This is specifically spaced so that ident@host is only shown for users that have
# one, and not servers.
identhost = ' (%s)' % identhost
# $target_nick: Convert the target for kicks, etc. from a UID to a nick
if args.get("target") in irc.users:
args["target_nick"] = irc.get_friendly_name(args['target'])
# Join up modes from their list form
if args.get('modes'):
args['modes'] = irc.join_modes(args['modes'])
mode_prefix = ''
if 'channel' in args:
# Display the real (remote) channel name instead of the local one, if applicable.
args['local_channel'] = args['channel']
log.debug('(%s) relay_clientbot: coersing $channel from %s to %s', irc.name, args['local_channel'], args['channel'])
sourceirc = world.networkobjects.get(sourcenet)
log.debug('(%s) relay_clientbot: Checking prefix modes for %s on %s (relaying to %s)',
irc.name, realsource, sourcenet, args['channel'])
if sourceirc:
args['channel'] = remotechan = relay.get_remote_channel(irc, sourceirc, args['channel'])
if source in irc.users and remotechan in sourceirc.channels and \
realsource in sourceirc.channels[remotechan].users:
# Fetch the prefixmode prefixes (e.g. ~@%) for the sender, if available.
prefixmodes = sourceirc.channels[remotechan].get_prefix_modes(realsource)
log.debug('(%s) relay_clientbot: got prefix modes %s for %s on %s@%s',
irc.name, prefixmodes, realsource, remotechan, sourcenet)
if prefixmodes:
# Only pick the highest prefix.
mode_prefix = sourceirc.prefixmodes.get(
'netname': netname, 'sender': sourcename, 'sender_identhost': identhost,
'colored_sender': color_text(sourcename), 'colored_netname': color_text(netname),
'mode_prefix': mode_prefix
for target in targets:
cargs = args.copy() # Copy args list to manipulate them in a channel specific way
# $nicks / $colored_nicks: used when the event affects multiple users, such as SJOIN or SQUIT.
# For SJOIN, this is simply a list of nicks. For SQUIT, this is sent as a dict
# mapping channels to lists of nicks, as netsplits aren't channel specific but
# still have to be relayed as such.
nicklist = args.get('nicks')
if nicklist:
# Get channel-specific nick list if relevent.
if isinstance(nicklist, dict):
nicklist = nicklist.get(target, [])
# Ignore if no nicks are affected on the channel.
if not nicklist:
colored_nicks = [color_text(nick) for nick in nicklist]
# Join both the nicks and colored_nicks fields into a comma separated string.
cargs['nicks'] = ', '.join(nicklist)
cargs['colored_nicks'] = ', '.join(colored_nicks)
text = text_template.safe_substitute(cargs)
# PMs are always sent as notice - this prevents unknown command loops with bots.
irc.msg(target, text, loopback=False, notice=private)
utils.add_hook(cb_relay_core, 'CLIENTBOT_MESSAGE')
utils.add_hook(cb_relay_core, 'CLIENTBOT_KICK')
utils.add_hook(cb_relay_core, 'CLIENTBOT_PART')
utils.add_hook(cb_relay_core, 'CLIENTBOT_JOIN')
utils.add_hook(cb_relay_core, 'CLIENTBOT_QUIT')
utils.add_hook(cb_relay_core, 'CLIENTBOT_NICK')
utils.add_hook(cb_relay_core, 'CLIENTBOT_SJOIN')
utils.add_hook(cb_relay_core, 'CLIENTBOT_SQUIT')
utils.add_hook(cb_relay_core, 'RELAY_RAW_MODE')
def rpm(irc, source, args):
"""<target> <text>
Sends PMs to users over the relay, if Clientbot PMs are enabled.
target = args[0]
text = ' '.join(args[1:])
except IndexError:
irc.error('Not enough arguments. Needs 2: target nick and text.')
relay = world.plugins.get('relay')
if irc.has_cap('can-spawn-clients'):
irc.error('This command is only supported on Clientbot networks. Try /msg %s <text>' % target)
elif relay is None:
irc.error('PyLink Relay is not loaded.')
elif not text:
irc.error('No text given.')
elif not conf.conf.get('relay').get('allow_clientbot_pms'):
irc.error('Private messages with users connected via Clientbot have been '
'administratively disabled.')
uid = irc.nick_to_uid(target)
if not uid:
irc.error('Unknown user %s.' % target)
elif not relay.is_relay_client(irc, uid):
irc.error('%s is not a relay user.' % target)
assert not irc.is_internal_client(source), "rpm is not allowed from PyLink bots"
# Send the message through relay by faking a hook for its handler.
relay.handle_messages(irc, source, 'RELAY_CLIENTBOT_PRIVMSG', {'target': uid, 'text': text})
irc.reply('Message sent.')