mirror of https://github.com/jlu5/PyLink.git synced 2025-03-11 08:50:44 +01:00
James Lu c9ce4d1507 Irc: make sorting in joinModes() an option, and explicitly enable it in WHOIS output
This prevents mode lists from being sorted when they really shouldn't be, such as when relaying mode changes ("+qo nick nick" became +oq nick nick").

(cherry picked from commit 4b27ebbee4f06ba64bdd0c25489051ebe2a7ff8d)
2016-08-01 17:59:31 -07:00

149 lines
6.8 KiB

handlers.py - Implements miscellaneous IRC command handlers (WHOIS, services login, etc.)
from pylinkirc import utils, conf
from pylinkirc.log import log
def handle_whois(irc, source, command, args):
"""Handle WHOIS queries."""
target = args['target']
user = irc.users.get(target)
f = lambda num, source, text: irc.proto.numeric(irc.sid, num, source, text)
# Get the server that the target is on.
server = irc.getServer(target)
if user is None: # User doesn't exist
# <- :42X 401 7PYAAAAAB GL- :No such nick/channel
nick = target
f(401, source, "%s :No such nick/channel" % nick)
nick = user.nick
sourceisOper = ('o', None) in irc.users[source].modes
sourceisBot = (irc.umodes.get('bot'), None) in irc.users[source].modes
# Get the full network name.
netname = irc.serverdata.get('netname', irc.name)
# https://www.alien.net.au/irc/irc2numerics.html
# 311: sends nick!user@host information
f(311, source, "%s %s %s * :%s" % (nick, user.ident, user.host, user.realname))
# 319: RPL_WHOISCHANNELS; Show public channels of the target, respecting
# hidechans umodes for non-oper callers.
isHideChans = (irc.umodes.get('hidechans'), None) in user.modes
if (not isHideChans) or (isHideChans and sourceisOper):
public_chans = []
for chan in user.channels:
c = irc.channels[chan]
# Here, we'll want to hide secret/private channels from non-opers
# who are not in them.
if ((irc.cmodes.get('secret'), None) in c.modes or \
(irc.cmodes.get('private'), None) in c.modes) \
and not (sourceisOper or source in c.users):
# Show the highest prefix mode like a regular IRCd does, if there are any.
prefixes = c.getPrefixModes(target)
if prefixes:
highest = prefixes[-1]
# Fetch the prefix mode letter from the named mode.
modechar = irc.cmodes[highest]
# Fetch and prepend the prefix character (@, +, etc.), given the mode letter.
chan = irc.prefixmodes[modechar] + chan
if public_chans: # Only send the line if the person is in any visible channels...
f(319, source, '%s :%s' % (nick, ' '.join(public_chans)))
# 312: sends the server the target is on, and its server description.
f(312, source, "%s %s :%s" % (nick, irc.servers[server].name,
# 313: sends a string denoting the target's operator privilege if applicable.
if ('o', None) in user.modes:
# Check hideoper status. Require that either:
# 1) +H is not set
# 2) +H is set, but the caller is oper
# 3) +H is set, but whois_use_hideoper is disabled in config
isHideOper = (irc.umodes.get('hideoper'), None) in user.modes
if (not isHideOper) or (isHideOper and sourceisOper) or \
(isHideOper and not irc.botdata.get('whois_use_hideoper', True)):
# Let's be gramatically correct. (If the opertype starts with a vowel,
# write "an Operator" instead of "a Operator")
n = 'n' if user.opertype[0].lower() in 'aeiou' else ''
# I want to normalize the syntax: PERSON is an OPERTYPE on NETWORKNAME.
# This is the only syntax InspIRCd supports, but for others it doesn't
# really matter since we're handling the WHOIS requests by ourselves.
f(313, source, "%s :is a%s %s on %s" % (nick, n, user.opertype, netname))
# 379: RPL_WHOISMODES, used by UnrealIRCd and InspIRCd to show user modes.
# Only show this to opers!
if sourceisOper:
f(378, source, "%s :is connecting from %s@%s %s" % (nick, user.ident, user.realhost, user.ip))
f(379, source, '%s :is using modes %s' % (nick, irc.joinModes(user.modes, sort=True)))
# 301: used to show away information if present
away_text = user.away
log.debug('(%s) coremods.handlers.handle_whois: away_text for %s is %r', irc.name, target, away_text)
if away_text:
f(301, source, '%s :%s' % (nick, away_text))
if (irc.umodes.get('bot'), None) in user.modes:
# Show botmode info in WHOIS.
f(335, source, "%s :is a bot" % nick)
# Call custom WHOIS handlers via the PYLINK_CUSTOM_WHOIS hook, unless the
# caller is marked a bot and the whois_show_extensions_to_bots option is False
if (sourceisBot and conf.conf['bot'].get('whois_show_extensions_to_bots')) or (not sourceisBot):
irc.callHooks([source, 'PYLINK_CUSTOM_WHOIS', {'target': target, 'server': server}])
log.debug('(%s) coremods.handlers.handle_whois: skipping custom whois handlers because '
'caller %s is marked as a bot', irc.name, source)
# 318: End of WHOIS.
f(318, source, "%s :End of /WHOIS list" % nick)
utils.add_hook(handle_whois, 'WHOIS')
def handle_mode(irc, source, command, args):
"""Protect against forced deoper attempts."""
target = args['target']
modes = args['modes']
# If the sender is not a PyLink client, and the target IS a protected
# client, revert any forced deoper attempts.
if irc.isInternalClient(target) and not irc.isInternalClient(source):
if ('-o', None) in modes and (target == irc.pseudoclient.uid or not irc.isManipulatableClient(target)):
irc.proto.mode(irc.sid, target, {('+o', None)})
utils.add_hook(handle_mode, 'MODE')
def handle_operup(irc, source, command, args):
"""Logs successful oper-ups on networks."""
otype = args.get('text', 'IRC Operator')
log.debug("(%s) Successful oper-up (opertype %r) from %s", irc.name, otype, irc.getHostmask(source))
irc.users[source].opertype = otype
utils.add_hook(handle_operup, 'CLIENT_OPERED')
def handle_services_login(irc, source, command, args):
"""Sets services login status for users."""
irc.users[source].services_account = args['text']
except KeyError: # User doesn't exist
log.debug("(%s) Ignoring early account name setting for %s (UID hasn't been sent yet)", irc.name, source)
utils.add_hook(handle_services_login, 'CLIENT_SERVICES_LOGIN')
def handle_version(irc, source, command, args):
"""Handles requests for the PyLink server version."""
# 351 syntax is usually "<server version>. <server hostname> :<anything else you want to add>
fullversion = irc.version()
irc.proto.numeric(irc.sid, 351, source, fullversion)
utils.add_hook(handle_version, 'VERSION')