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synced 2025-03-29 02:46:54 +01:00

This was actually several bugs in one: - The sys.exit() call in loadConf should be... toggleable - loadConf printed errors but forgot to re-raise the actual exception it caught - The error reply in the REHASH command was passing the wrong arguments to irc.reply(), which would cause an error within an error when it ran
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# commands.py: base PyLink commands
import sys
import os
from time import ctime
import utils
import conf
from log import log
import world
import classes
def status(irc, source, args):
"""takes no arguments.
Returns your current PyLink login status."""
identified = irc.users[source].identified
if identified:
irc.reply('You are identified as \x02%s\x02.' % identified)
irc.reply('You are not identified as anyone.')
irc.reply('Operator access: \x02%s\x02' % bool(utils.isOper(irc, source)))
def listcommands(irc, source, args):
"""takes no arguments.
Returns a list of available commands PyLink has to offer."""
cmds = list(world.commands.keys())
for idx, cmd in enumerate(cmds):
nfuncs = len(world.commands[cmd])
if nfuncs > 1:
cmds[idx] = '%s(x%s)' % (cmd, nfuncs)
irc.reply('Available commands include: %s' % ', '.join(cmds))
irc.reply('To see help on a specific command, type \x02help <command>\x02.')
utils.add_cmd(listcommands, 'list')
def help(irc, source, args):
Gives help for <command>, if it is available."""
command = args[0].lower()
except IndexError: # No argument given, just return 'list' output
listcommands(irc, source, args)
if command not in world.commands:
irc.msg(source, 'Error: Unknown command %r.' % command)
funcs = world.commands[command]
if len(funcs) > 1:
irc.reply('The following \x02%s\x02 plugins bind to the \x02%s\x02 command: %s'
% (len(funcs), command, ', '.join([func.__module__ for func in funcs])))
for func in funcs:
doc = func.__doc__
mod = func.__module__
if doc:
lines = doc.split('\n')
# Bold the first line, which usually just tells you what
# arguments the command takes.
lines[0] = '\x02%s %s\x02 (plugin: %r)' % (command, lines[0], mod)
for line in lines:
irc.msg(source, "Error: Command %r (from plugin %r) "
"doesn't offer any help." % (command, mod))
def showuser(irc, source, args):
Shows information about <user>."""
target = args[0]
except IndexError:
irc.reply("Error: Not enough arguments. Needs 1: nick.")
u = utils.nickToUid(irc, target) or target
# Only show private info if the person is calling 'showuser' on themselves,
# or is an oper.
verbose = utils.isOper(irc, source) or u == source
if u not in irc.users:
irc.reply('Error: Unknown user %r.' % target)
f = lambda s: irc.msg(source, s)
userobj = irc.users[u]
f('Information on user \x02%s\x02 (%s@%s): %s' % (userobj.nick, userobj.ident,
userobj.host, userobj.realname))
sid = utils.clientToServer(irc, u)
serverobj = irc.servers[sid]
ts = userobj.ts
f('\x02Home server\x02: %s (%s); \x02Signon time:\x02 %s (%s)' % \
(serverobj.name, sid, ctime(float(ts)), ts))
if verbose:
f('\x02Protocol UID\x02: %s; \x02PyLink identification\x02: %s' % \
(u, userobj.identified))
f('\x02User modes\x02: %s' % utils.joinModes(userobj.modes))
f('\x02Real host\x02: %s; \x02IP\x02: %s; \x02Away status\x02: %s' % \
(userobj.realhost, userobj.ip, userobj.away or '\x1D(not set)\x1D'))
f('\x02Channels\x02: %s' % (' '.join(userobj.channels).strip() or '\x1D(none)\x1D'))
def showchan(irc, source, args):
Shows information about <channel>."""
channel = utils.toLower(irc, args[0])
except IndexError:
irc.reply("Error: Not enough arguments. Needs 1: channel.")
if channel not in irc.channels:
irc.reply('Error: Unknown channel %r.' % channel)
f = lambda s: irc.msg(source, s)
c = irc.channels[channel]
# Only show verbose info if caller is oper or is in the target channel.
verbose = source in c.users or utils.isOper(irc, source)
secret = ('s', None) in c.modes
if secret and not verbose:
# Hide secret channels from normal users.
irc.msg(source, 'Error: Unknown channel %r.' % channel)
nicks = [irc.users[u].nick for u in c.users]
pmodes = ('owner', 'admin', 'op', 'halfop', 'voice')
f('Information on channel \x02%s\x02:' % channel)
f('\x02Channel topic\x02: %s' % c.topic)
f('\x02Channel creation time\x02: %s (%s)' % (ctime(c.ts), c.ts))
# Show only modes that aren't list-style modes.
modes = utils.joinModes([m for m in c.modes if m[0] not in irc.cmodes['*A']])
f('\x02Channel modes\x02: %s' % modes)
if verbose:
nicklist = []
# Iterate over the user list, sorted by nick.
for user, nick in sorted(zip(c.users, nicks),
key=lambda userpair: userpair[1].lower()):
prefixmodes = [irc.prefixmodes.get(irc.cmodes.get(pmode, ''), '')
for pmode in pmodes if user in c.prefixmodes[pmode+'s']]
nicklist.append(''.join(prefixmodes) + nick)
while nicklist[:20]: # 20 nicks per line to prevent message cutoff.
f('\x02User list\x02: %s' % ' '.join(nicklist[:20]))
nicklist = nicklist[20:]
def version(irc, source, args):
"""takes no arguments.
Returns the version of the currently running PyLink instance."""
irc.reply("PyLink version \x02%s\x02, released under the Mozilla Public License version 2.0." % world.version)
irc.reply("The source of this program is available at \x02%s\x02." % world.source)
def echo(irc, source, args):
Echoes the text given."""
irc.reply(' '.join(args))
def rehash(irc, source, args):
"""takes no arguments.
Reloads the configuration file for PyLink, (dis)connecting added/removed networks.
Plugins must be manually reloaded."""
utils.checkAuthenticated(irc, source, allowOper=False)
old_conf = conf.conf.copy()
fname = conf.fname
new_conf = conf.loadConf(fname, errors_fatal=False)
except Exception as e: # Something went wrong, abort.
log.exception("Error REHASH'ing config: ")
irc.reply("Error loading configuration file: %s: %s" % (type(e).__name__, e))
new_conf = conf.validateConf(new_conf)
conf.conf = new_conf
for network, ircobj in world.networkobjects.copy().items():
# Server was removed from the config file, disconnect them.
log.debug('(%s) rehash: checking if %r is in new conf still.', irc.name, network)
if network not in new_conf['servers']:
log.debug('(%s) rehash: removing connection to %r (removed from config).', irc.name, network)
# Disable autoconnect first.
ircobj.serverdata['autoconnect'] = -1
del world.networkobjects[network]
ircobj.conf = new_conf
ircobj.serverdata = new_conf['servers'][network]
for network, sdata in new_conf['servers'].items():
# New server was added. Connect them if not already connected.
if network not in world.networkobjects:
proto = utils.getProtoModule(sdata['protocol'])
world.networkobjects[network] = classes.Irc(network, proto, new_conf)
loglevels = {'DEBUG': 10, 'INFO': 20, 'WARNING': 30, 'ERROR': 40, 'CRITICAL': 50}
def loglevel(irc, source, args):
Sets the log level to the given <level>. <level> must be either DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, or CRITICAL.
If no log level is given, shows the current one."""
utils.checkAuthenticated(irc, source, allowOper=False)
level = args[0].upper()
loglevel = loglevels[level]
except KeyError:
irc.reply('Error: Unknown log level "%s".' % level)
except IndexError: