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synced 2025-02-09 02:54:14 +01:00
273 lines
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273 lines
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import time
import sys
import os
import time
import ipaddress
curdir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
sys.path += [curdir, os.path.dirname(curdir)]
import utils
from log import log
from classes import *
from ts6_common import TS6BaseProtocol
class UnrealProtocol(TS6BaseProtocol):
def __init__(self, irc):
super(UnrealProtocol, self).__init__(irc)
# Set our case mapping (rfc1459 maps "\" and "|" together, for example".
self.casemapping = 'ascii'
self.proto_ver = 2351
self.hook_map = {}
self.uidgen = {}
self.caps = {}
self._unrealCmodes = {'l': 'limit', 'c': 'blockcolor', 'G': 'censor',
'D': 'delayjoin', 'n': 'noextmsg', 's': 'secret',
'T': 'nonotice', 'z': 'sslonly', 'b': 'ban', 'V': 'noinvite',
'Z': 'issecure', 'r': 'registered', 'N': 'nonick',
'e': 'banexception', 'R': 'regonly', 'M': 'regmoderated',
'p': 'private', 'Q': 'nokick', 'P': 'permanent', 'k': 'key',
'C': 'noctcp', 'O': 'operonly', 'S': 'stripcolor',
'm': 'moderated', 'K': 'noknock', 'o': 'op', 'v': 'voice',
'I': 'invex', 't': 'topiclock'}
self._neededCaps = ["VL", "SID", "CHANMODES", "NOQUIT", "SJ3"]
def spawnClient(self, nick, ident='null', host='null', realhost=None, modes=set(),
server=None, ip='', realname=None, ts=None, opertype=None):
server = server or self.irc.sid
if not utils.isInternalServer(self.irc, server):
raise ValueError('Server %r is not a PyLink internal PseudoServer!' % server)
# Unreal 3.4 uses TS6-style UIDs. They don't start from AAAAAA like other IRCd's
# do, but we can do that fine...
uid = self.uidgen.setdefault(server, utils.TS6UIDGenerator(server)).next_uid()
ts = ts or int(time.time())
realname = realname or self.irc.botdata['realname']
realhost = realhost or host
raw_modes = utils.joinModes(modes)
u = self.irc.users[uid] = IrcUser(nick, ts, uid, ident=ident, host=host, realname=realname,
realhost=realhost, ip=ip)
utils.applyModes(self.irc, uid, modes)
# <- :001 UID GL 0 1441306929 gl localhost 0018S7901 0 +iowx * midnight-1C620195 fwAAAQ== :realname
self._send(server, "UID {nick} 0 {ts} {ident} {realhost} {uid} 0 {modes} "
"* {host} * :{realname}".format(ts=ts, host=host,
nick=nick, ident=ident, uid=uid,
modes=raw_modes, realname=realname,
return u
def joinClient(self, client, channel):
def pingServer(self, source=None, target=None):
source = source or self.irc.sid
target = target or self.irc.uplink
if not (target is None or source is None):
self._send(source, 'PING %s %s' % (self.irc.servers[source].name, self.irc.servers[target].name))
def connect(self):
ts = self.irc.start_ts
self.irc.prefixmodes = {'q': '~', 'a': '&', 'o': '@', 'h': '%', 'v': '+'}
### XXX: fill out self.irc.umodes
f = self.irc.send
host = self.irc.serverdata["hostname"]
f('PASS :%s' % self.irc.serverdata["sendpass"])
# https://github.com/unrealself.ircd/unrealself.ircd/blob/2f8cb55e/doc/technical/protoctl.txt
# We support the following protocol features:
# SJ3 - extended SJOIN
# NOQUIT - QUIT messages aren't sent for all users in a netsplit
# NICKv2 - Extended NICK command, sending MODE and CHGHOST info with it
# SID - Use UIDs and SIDs (unreal 3.4)
# VL - Sends version string in below SERVER message
# UMODE2 - used for users setting modes on themselves (one less argument needed)
# EAUTH - Early auth? (Unreal 3.4 linking protocol)
# ~~NICKIP - sends the IP in the NICK/UID command~~ Doesn't work with SID/UID support
f('PROTOCTL SJ3 NOQUIT NICKv2 VL UMODE2 PROTOCTL EAUTH=%s SID=%s' % (self.irc.serverdata["hostname"], self.irc.sid))
sdesc = self.irc.serverdata.get('serverdesc') or self.irc.botdata['serverdesc']
f('SERVER %s 1 U%s-h6e-%s :%s' % (host, self.proto_ver, self.irc.sid, sdesc))
# Now, we wait until remote sends its NETINFO command (handle_netinfo),
# so we can find and use a matching netname, preventing netname mismatch
# errors.
def handle_netinfo(self, numeric, command, args):
# <- NETINFO maxglobal currenttime protocolversion cloakhash 0 0 0 :networkname
# "maxglobal" is the amount of maximum global users we've seen so far.
# We'll just set it to 1 (the PyLink client), since this is completely
# arbitrary.
self.irc.send('NETINFO 1 %s %s * 0 0 0 :%s' % (self.irc.start_ts, self.proto_ver, args[-1]))
self._send(self.irc.sid, 'EOS')
def handle_uid(self, numeric, command, args):
# <- :001 UID GL 0 1441306929 gl localhost 0018S7901 0 +iowx * midnight-1C620195 fwAAAQ== :realname
# <- :001 UID GL| 0 1441389007 gl 001ZO8F03 0 +iwx * 391A9CB9.26A16454.D9847B69.IP CngABg== :realname
# arguments: nick, number???, ts, ident, real-host, UID, number???, modes,
# star???, hidden host, some base64 thing???, and realname
# TODO: find out what all the "???" fields mean.
nick = args[0]
ts, ident, realhost, uid = args[2:6]
modestring = args[7]
host = args[9]
ip = ipaddress.ip_address(host)
except ValueError: # Invalid for IP
# XXX: find a way of getting the real IP of the user (protocol-wise)
# without looking up every hostname ourselves (that's expensive!)
# NICKIP doesn't seem to work for the UID command...
ip = ""
realname = args[-1]
self.irc.users[uid] = IrcUser(nick, ts, uid, ident, host, realname, realhost, ip)
parsedmodes = utils.parseModes(self.irc, uid, [modestring])
utils.applyModes(self.irc, uid, parsedmodes)
return {'uid': uid, 'ts': ts, 'nick': nick, 'realhost': realhost, 'host': host, 'ident': ident, 'ip': ip}
def handle_pass(self, numeric, command, args):
# <- PASS :abcdefg
if args[0] != self.irc.serverdata['recvpass']:
raise ProtocolError("Error: RECVPASS from uplink does not match configuration!")
def handle_ping(self, numeric, command, args):
if numeric == self.irc.uplink:
self.irc.send('PONG %s :%s' % (self.irc.serverdata['hostname'], args[-1]))
def handle_pong(self, source, command, args):
log.debug('(%s) Ping received from %s for %s.', self.irc.name, source, args[-1])
if source in (self.irc.uplink, self.irc.servers[self.irc.uplink].name) and args[-1] == self.irc.serverdata['hostname']:
log.debug('(%s) Set self.irc.lastping.', self.irc.name)
self.irc.lastping = time.time()
def handle_server(self, numeric, command, args):
# <- SERVER unreal.midnight.vpn 1 :U2351-Fhin6OoEM UnrealIRCd test server
sname = args[0]
# TODO: handle introductions for other servers
if numeric == self.irc.uplink:
for cap in self._neededCaps:
if cap not in self.caps:
raise ProtocolError("Not all required capabilities were met "
"by the remote server. Your version of UnrealIRCd "
"is probably too old! (Got: %s, needed: %s)" %
sdesc = args[-1].split(" ")
# Get our protocol version :)
vline = sdesc[0].split('-', 1)
protover = int(vline[0].strip('U'))
except ValueError:
raise ProtocolError("Protocol version too old! (needs at least 2351 "
"(Unreal 3.4-beta1/2), got something invalid; "
"is VL being sent?)")
sdesc = args[-1][1:]
if protover < 2351:
raise ProtocolError("Protocol version too old! (needs at least 2351 "
"(Unreal 3.4-beta1/2), got %s)" % protover)
self.irc.servers[numeric] = IrcServer(None, sname)
raise NotImplementedError
def handle_protoctl(self, numeric, command, args):
for cap in args:
if cap.startswith('SID'):
self.irc.uplink = cap.split('=', 1)[1]
self.caps['SID'] = True
elif cap.startswith('CHANMODES'):
cmodes = cap.split('=', 1)[1]
self.irc.cmodes['*A'], self.irc.cmodes['*B'], self.irc.cmodes['*C'], self.irc.cmodes['*D'] = cmodes.split(',')
for m in cmodes:
if m in self._unrealCmodes:
self.irc.cmodes[self._unrealCmodes[m]] = m
self.caps['CHANMODES'] = True
# Because more than one PROTOCTL line is sent, we have to delay the
# check to see whether our needed capabilities are all there...
# That's done by handle_server(), which comes right after PROTOCTL.
elif cap == 'VL':
self.caps['VL'] = True
elif cap == 'NOQUIT':
self.caps['NOQUIT'] = True
elif cap == 'SJ3':
self.caps['SJ3'] = True
def _sidToServer(self, sname):
"""<self.irc object> <server name>
Returns the SID of a server named <server name>, if present."""
nick = sname.lower()
for k, v in self.irc.servers.items():
if v.name.lower() == nick:
return k
def _convertNick(self, target):
target = utils.nickToUid(self.irc, target) or target
if target not in self.irc.users:
log.warning("(%s) Possible desync? Got command target %s, who "
"isn't in our user list!")
return target
def handle_events(self, data):
# Unreal's protocol has three styles of commands, @servernumeric, :user, and plain commands.
# e.g. NICK introduction looks like:
# <- NICK nick hopcount timestamp username hostname server service-identifier-token +usermodes virtualhost :realname
# while PRIVMSG looks like:
# <- :source ! target :message
# and SJOIN looks like:
# <- @servernumeric SJOIN <ts> <chname> [<modes>] [<mode para> ...] :<[[*~@%+]member] [&"ban/except] ...>
# Same deal as TS6 with :'s indicating a long argument lasting to the
# end of the line.
args = self.parseArgs(data.split(" "))
# Message starts with a SID/UID prefix.
if args[0][0] in ':@':
sender = args[0].lstrip(':@')
command = args[1]
args = args[2:]
# If the sender isn't in UID format, try to convert it automatically.
# Unreal's protocol isn't quite consistent with this yet!
numeric = self._sidToServer(sender) or utils.nickToUid(self.irc, sender) or \
# Raw command without an explicit sender; assume it's being sent by our uplink.
numeric = self.irc.uplink
command = args[0]
args = args[1:]
func = getattr(self, 'handle_'+command.lower())
except AttributeError: # unhandled command
parsed_args = func(numeric, command, args)
if parsed_args is not None:
return [numeric, command, parsed_args]
def handle_privmsg(self, source, command, args):
# Convert nicks to UIDs, where they exist.
target = self._convertNick(args[0])
# We use lowercase channels internally, but uppercase UIDs.
if utils.isChannel(target):
target = utils.toLower(self.irc, target)
return {'target': target, 'text': args[1]}
handle_notice = handle_privmsg
def handle_join(self, numeric, command, args):
# <- GL JOIN #pylink,#test
for channel in args[0].split(','):
c = self.irc.channels[channel]
if args[0] == '0':
# /join 0; part the user from all channels
oldchans = self.irc.users[numeric].channels.copy()
log.debug('(%s) Got /join 0 from %r, channel list is %r',
self.irc.name, numeric, oldchans)
for ch in oldchans:
return {'channels': oldchans, 'text': 'Left all channels.', 'parse_as': 'PART'}
# Call hooks manually, because one JOIN command can have multiple channels...
self.irc.callHooks([numeric, command, {'channel': channel, 'users': [numeric], 'modes':
c.modes, 'ts': c.ts}])
Class = UnrealProtocol