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p10.py: P10 protocol module for PyLink, supporting Nefarious IRCu and others.
import base64
import struct
from ipaddress import ip_address
import time
from pylinkirc import utils, structures, conf
from pylinkirc.classes import *
from pylinkirc.log import log
from pylinkirc.protocols.ircs2s_common import *
class P10UIDGenerator(utils.IncrementalUIDGenerator):
"""Implements an incremental P10 UID Generator."""
def __init__(self, sid):
self.allowedchars = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789[]'
self.length = 3
def p10b64encode(num, length=2):
Encodes a given numeric using P10 Base64 numeric nicks, as documented at
# Pack the given number as an unsigned int.
sidbytes = struct.pack('>I', num)[1:]
sid = base64.b64encode(sidbytes, b'[]')[-2:]
return sid.decode() # Return a string, not bytes.
class P10SIDGenerator():
def __init__(self, irc):
self.irc = irc
query = irc.serverdata["sidrange"]
except (KeyError, ValueError):
raise RuntimeError('(%s) "sidrange" is missing from your server configuration block!' % irc.name)
# Query is taken in the format MINNUM-MAXNUM, so we need
# to get the actual number values out of that.
self.minnum, self.maxnum = map(int, query.split('-', 1))
except ValueError:
raise RuntimeError('(%s) Invalid sidrange %r' % (irc.name, query))
# Initialize a counter for the last numeric we've used.
self.currentnum = self.minnum
def next_sid(self):
Returns the next available SID.
if self.currentnum > self.maxnum:
raise ProtocolError("Ran out of valid SIDs! Check your 'sidrange' setting and try again.")
sid = p10b64encode(self.currentnum)
self.currentnum += 1
return sid
class P10Protocol(IRCS2SProtocol):
'AD': 'ADMIN',
'LL': 'ASLL',
'A': 'AWAY',
'B': 'BURST',
'CAP': 'CAP',
'C': 'CREATE',
'DIE': 'DIE',
'DNS': 'DNS',
'EA': 'EOB_ACK',
'Y': 'ERROR',
'GET': 'GET',
'GL': 'GLINE',
'F': 'INFO',
'I': 'INVITE',
'J': 'JOIN',
'JU': 'JUPE',
'K': 'KICK',
'D': 'KILL',
'LI': 'LINKS',
'MAP': 'MAP',
'M': 'MODE',
'MO': 'MOTD',
'E': 'NAMES',
'N': 'NICK',
'O': 'NOTICE',
'L': 'PART',
'PA': 'PASS',
'G': 'PING',
'Z': 'PONG',
'Q': 'QUIT',
'RI': 'RPING',
'RO': 'RPONG',
'S': 'SERVER',
'SET': 'SET',
'SQ': 'SQUIT',
'R': 'STATS',
'TI': 'TIME',
'T': 'TOPIC',
'TR': 'TRACE',
'UP': 'UPING',
'H': 'WHO',
'W': 'WHOIS',
'X': 'WHOWAS',
'FA': 'FAKE'
def __init__(self, irc):
# Dictionary of UID generators (one for each server).
self.uidgen = structures.KeyedDefaultdict(P10UIDGenerator)
# SID generator for P10.
self.sidgen = P10SIDGenerator(irc)
self.hook_map = {'END_OF_BURST': 'ENDBURST', 'OPMODE': 'MODE', 'CLEARMODE': 'MODE', 'BURST': 'JOIN'}
self.protocol_caps |= {'slash-in-hosts', 'underscore-in-hosts'}
def _send(self, source, text, **kwargs):
self.irc.send("%s %s" % (source, text), **kwargs)
def access_sort(key):
Sorts (prefixmode, UID) keys based on the prefix modes given.
prefixes, user = key
# Add the prefixes given for each userpair, giving each one a set value. This ensures
# that 'ohv' > 'oh' > 'ov' > 'o' > 'hv' > 'h' > 'v' > ''
accesses = {'o': 100, 'h': 10, 'v': 1}
num = 0
for prefix in prefixes:
num += accesses.get(prefix, 0)
return num
def decode_p10_ip(ip):
"""Decodes a P10 IP."""
# Many thanks to Jobe @ evilnet for the code on what to do here. :) -GL
if len(ip) == 6: # IPv4
# Pad the characters with two \x00's (represented in P10 B64 as AA)
ip = 'AA' + ip
# Decode it via Base64, dropping the initial padding characters.
ip = base64.b64decode(ip, altchars='[]')[2:]
# Convert the IP to a string.
return socket.inet_ntoa(ip)
elif len(ip) <= 24 or '_' in ip: # IPv6
s = ''
# P10-encoded IPv6 addresses are formed with chunks, where each 16-bit
# portion of the address (each part between :'s) is encoded as 3 B64 chars.
# A single :: is translated into an underscore (_).
# https://github.com/evilnet/nefarious2/blob/master/doc/p10.txt#L723
# Example: 1:2::3 -> AABAAC_AAD
# Treat the part before and after the _ as two separate pieces (head and tail).
head = ip
tail = ''
byteshead = b''
bytestail = b''
if '_' in ip:
head, tail = ip.split('_')
# Each B64-encoded section is 3 characters long. Split them up and
# iterate.
for section in range(0, len(head), 3):
byteshead += base64.b64decode('A' + head[section:section+3], '[]')[1:]
for section in range(0, len(tail), 3):
bytestail += base64.b64decode('A' + tail[section:section+3], '[]')[1:]
ipbytes = byteshead
# Figure out how many 0's the center _ actually represents.
# Subtract 16 (the amount of chunks in a v6 address) by
# the length of the head and tail sections.
pad = 16 - len(byteshead) - len(bytestail)
ipbytes += (b'\x00' * pad) # Pad with zeros.
ipbytes += bytestail
ip = socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6, ipbytes)
if ip.startswith(':'):
# HACK: prevent ::1 from being treated as end-of-line
# when sending to other IRCds.
ip = '0' + ip
return ip
def spawnClient(self, nick, ident='null', host='null', realhost=None, modes=set(),
server=None, ip='', realname=None, ts=None, opertype='IRC Operator',
Spawns a new client with the given options.
Note: No nick collision / valid nickname checks are done here; it is
up to plugins to make sure they don't introduce anything invalid.
# {7N} *** NICK
# 1 <nickname>
# 2 <hops>
# 3 <TS>
# 4 <userid> <-- a.k.a ident
# 5 <host>
# 6 [<+modes>]
# 7+ [<mode parameters>]
# -3 <base64 IP>
# -2 <numeric>
# -1 <fullname>
server = server or self.irc.sid
if not self.irc.isInternalServer(server):
raise ValueError('Server %r is not a PyLink server!' % server)
# Create an UIDGenerator instance for every SID, so that each gets
# distinct values.
uid = self.uidgen.setdefault(server, P10UIDGenerator(server)).next_uid()
# Fill in all the values we need
ts = ts or int(time.time())
realname = realname or conf.conf['bot']['realname']
realhost = realhost or host
raw_modes = self.irc.joinModes(modes)
# Initialize an IrcUser instance
u = self.irc.users[uid] = IrcUser(nick, ts, uid, server, ident=ident, host=host, realname=realname,
realhost=realhost, ip=ip, manipulatable=manipulatable,
# Fill in modes and add it to our users index
self.irc.applyModes(uid, modes)
# Encode IPs when sending
if ip_address(ip).version == 4:
# Thanks to Jobe @ evilnet for the tips here! -GL
ip = b'\x00\x00' + socket.inet_aton(ip)
b64ip = base64.b64encode(ip, b'[]')[2:].decode()
else: # TODO: propagate IPv6 address, but only if uplink supports it
b64ip = 'AAAAAA'
self._send(server, "N {nick} 1 {ts} {ident} {host} {modes} {ip} {uid} "
":{realname}".format(ts=ts, host=host, nick=nick, ident=ident, uid=uid,
modes=raw_modes, ip=b64ip, realname=realname,
return u
def away(self, source, text):
"""Sends an AWAY message from a PyLink client. <text> can be an empty string
to unset AWAY status."""
if not self.irc.isInternalClient(source):
raise LookupError('No such PyLink client exists.')
if text:
self._send(source, 'A :%s' % text)
self._send(source, 'A')
self.irc.users[source].away = text
def invite(self, numeric, target, channel):
"""Sends INVITEs from a PyLink client."""
# Note: we have to send a nick as the target, not a UID.
# <- ABAAA I PyLink-devel #services 1460948992
if not self.irc.isInternalClient(numeric):
raise LookupError('No such PyLink client exists.')
nick = self.irc.users[target].nick
self._send(numeric, 'I %s %s %s' % (nick, channel, self.irc.channels[channel].ts))
def join(self, client, channel):
"""Joins a PyLink client to a channel."""
# <- ABAAB J #test3 1460744371
channel = self.irc.toLower(channel)
ts = self.irc.channels[channel].ts
if not self.irc.isInternalClient(client):
raise LookupError('No such PyLink client exists.')
if not self.irc.channels[channel].users:
# Empty channels should be created with the CREATE command.
self._send(client, "C {channel} {ts}".format(ts=ts, channel=channel))
self._send(client, "J {channel} {ts}".format(ts=ts, channel=channel))
def kick(self, numeric, channel, target, reason=None):
"""Sends kicks from a PyLink client/server."""
if (not self.irc.isInternalClient(numeric)) and \
(not self.irc.isInternalServer(numeric)):
raise LookupError('No such PyLink client/server exists.')
channel = self.irc.toLower(channel)
if not reason:
reason = 'No reason given'
cobj = self.irc.channels[channel]
# HACK: prevent kick bounces by sending our kick through the server if
# the sender isn't op.
if numeric not in self.irc.servers and (not cobj.isOp(numeric)) and (not cobj.isHalfop(numeric)):
reason = '(%s) %s' % (self.irc.getFriendlyName(numeric), reason)
numeric = self.irc.getServer(numeric)
self._send(numeric, 'K %s %s :%s' % (channel, target, reason))
# We can pretend the target left by its own will; all we really care about
# is that the target gets removed from the channel userlist, and calling
# handle_part() does that just fine.
self.handle_part(target, 'KICK', [channel])
if self.irc.isInternalClient(target):
# Send PART in response to acknowledge the KICK, per
# https://github.com/evilnet/nefarious2/blob/ed12d64/doc/p10.txt#L611-L616
self._send(target, 'L %s :%s' % (channel, reason))
def kill(self, numeric, target, reason):
"""Sends a kill from a PyLink client/server."""
# <- ABAAA D AyAAA :nefarious.midnight.vpn!GL (test)
if (not self.irc.isInternalClient(numeric)) and \
(not self.irc.isInternalServer(numeric)):
raise LookupError('No such PyLink client/server exists.')
self._send(numeric, 'D %s :Killed (%s)' % (target, reason))
def knock(self, numeric, target, text):
raise NotImplementedError('KNOCK is not supported on P10.')
def message(self, numeric, target, text):
"""Sends a PRIVMSG from a PyLink client."""
if not self.irc.isInternalClient(numeric):
raise LookupError('No such PyLink client exists.')
self._send(numeric, 'P %s :%s' % (target, text))
def mode(self, numeric, target, modes, ts=None):
"""Sends mode changes from a PyLink client/server."""
# <- ABAAA M GL -w
# <- ABAAA M #test +v ABAAB 1460747615
if (not self.irc.isInternalClient(numeric)) and \
(not self.irc.isInternalServer(numeric)):
raise LookupError('No such PyLink client/server exists.')
modes = list(modes)
# According to the P10 specification:
# https://github.com/evilnet/nefarious2/blob/4e2dcb1/doc/p10.txt#L146
# One line can have a max of 15 parameters. Excluding the target and the first part of the
# modestring, this means we can send a max of 13 modes with arguments per line.
is_cmode = utils.isChannel(target)
if is_cmode:
# Channel mode changes have a trailing TS. User mode changes do not.
cobj = self.irc.channels[self.irc.toLower(target)]
ts = ts or cobj.ts
# HACK: prevent mode bounces by sending our mode through the server if
# the sender isn't op.
if numeric not in self.irc.servers and (not cobj.isOp(numeric)) and (not cobj.isHalfop(numeric)):
numeric = self.irc.getServer(numeric)
# Wrap modes: start with max bufsize and subtract the lengths of the source, target,
# mode command, and whitespace.
bufsize = S2S_BUFSIZE - len(numeric) - 4 - len(target) - len(str(ts))
real_target = target
assert target in self.irc.users, "Unknown mode target %s" % target
# P10 uses nicks in user MODE targets, NOT UIDs. ~GL
real_target = self.irc.users[target].nick
self.irc.applyModes(target, modes)
while modes[:12]:
joinedmodes = self.irc.joinModes([m for m in modes[:12]])
if is_cmode:
for wrapped_modes in self.irc.wrapModes(modes[:12], bufsize):
self._send(numeric, 'M %s %s %s' % (real_target, wrapped_modes, ts))
self._send(numeric, 'M %s %s' % (real_target, joinedmodes))
modes = modes[12:]
def nick(self, numeric, newnick):
"""Changes the nick of a PyLink client."""
# <- ABAAA N GL_ 1460753763
if not self.irc.isInternalClient(numeric):
raise LookupError('No such PyLink client exists.')
self._send(numeric, 'N %s %s' % (newnick, int(time.time())))
self.irc.users[numeric].nick = newnick
# Update the NICK TS.
self.irc.users[numeric].ts = int(time.time())
def numeric(self, source, numeric, target, text):
"""Sends raw numerics from a server to a remote client. This is used for WHOIS
# <- AB 311 AyAAA GL ~gl nefarious.midnight.vpn * :realname
self._send(source, '%s %s %s' % (numeric, target, text))
def notice(self, numeric, target, text):
"""Sends a NOTICE from a PyLink client or server."""
if (not self.irc.isInternalClient(numeric)) and \
(not self.irc.isInternalServer(numeric)):
raise LookupError('No such PyLink client/server exists.')
self._send(numeric, 'O %s :%s' % (target, text))
def part(self, client, channel, reason=None):
"""Sends a part from a PyLink client."""
channel = self.irc.toLower(channel)
if not self.irc.isInternalClient(client):
raise LookupError('No such PyLink client exists.')
msg = "L %s" % channel
if reason:
msg += " :%s" % reason
self._send(client, msg)
self.handle_part(client, 'PART', [channel])
def ping(self, source=None, target=None):
"""Sends a PING to a target server. Periodic PINGs are sent to our uplink
automatically by the Irc() internals; plugins shouldn't have to use this."""
source = source or self.irc.sid
if source is None:
if target is not None:
self._send(source, 'G %s %s' % (source, target))
self._send(source, 'G %s' % source)
def quit(self, numeric, reason):
"""Quits a PyLink client."""
if self.irc.isInternalClient(numeric):
self._send(numeric, "Q :%s" % reason)
raise LookupError("No such PyLink client exists.")
def sjoin(self, server, channel, users, ts=None, modes=set()):
"""Sends an SJOIN for a group of users to a channel.
The sender should always be a Server ID (SID). TS is optional, and defaults
to the one we've stored in the channel state if not given.
<users> is a list of (prefix mode, UID) pairs:
Example uses:
sjoin('100', '#test', [('', '100AAABBC'), ('o', 100AAABBB'), ('v', '100AAADDD')])
sjoin(self.irc.sid, '#test', [('o', self.irc.pseudoclient.uid)])
# <- AB B #test 1460742014 +tnl 10 ABAAB,ABAAA:o :%*!*@other.bad.host ~ *!*@bad.host
channel = self.irc.toLower(channel)
server = server or self.irc.sid
assert users, "sjoin: No users sent?"
log.debug('(%s) sjoin: got %r for users', self.irc.name, users)
if not server:
raise LookupError('No such PyLink client exists.')
# Only send non-list modes in the modes argument BURST. Bans and exempts are formatted differently:
# <- AB B #test 1460742014 +tnl 10 ABAAB,ABAAA:o :%*!*@other.bad.host *!*@bad.host
# <- AB B #test2 1460743539 +l 10 ABAAA:vo :%*!*@bad.host
# <- AB B #test 1460747615 ABAAA:o :% ~ *!*@test.host
modes = modes or self.irc.channels[channel].modes
orig_ts = self.irc.channels[channel].ts
ts = ts or orig_ts
bans = []
exempts = []
regularmodes = []
for mode in modes:
modechar = mode[0][-1]
# Store bans and exempts in separate lists for processing, but don't reset bans that have already been set.
if modechar in self.irc.cmodes['*A']:
if (modechar, mode[1]) not in self.irc.channels[channel].modes:
if modechar == 'b':
elif modechar == 'e':
log.debug('(%s) sjoin: bans: %s, exempts: %s, other modes: %s', self.irc.name, bans, exempts, regularmodes)
changedmodes = set(modes)
changedusers = []
namelist = []
# This is annoying because we have to sort our users by access before sending...
# Joins should look like: A0AAB,A0AAC,ABAAA:v,ABAAB:o,ABAAD,ACAAA:ov
users = sorted(users, key=self.access_sort)
msgprefix = '{sid} B {channel} {ts} '.format(sid=server, channel=channel, ts=ts)
if regularmodes:
msgprefix += '%s ' % self.irc.joinModes(regularmodes)
last_prefixes = ''
for userpair in users:
# We take <users> as a list of (prefixmodes, uid) pairs.
assert len(userpair) == 2, "Incorrect format of userpair: %r" % userpair
prefixes, user = userpair
# Keep track of all the users and modes that are added. namelist is used
# to track what we actually send to the IRCd.
log.debug('(%s) sjoin: adding %s:%s to namelist', self.irc.name, user, prefixes)
if prefixes and prefixes != last_prefixes:
namelist.append('%s:%s' % (user, prefixes))
last_prefixes = prefixes
if prefixes:
for prefix in prefixes:
changedmodes.add(('+%s' % prefix, user))
if namelist:
log.debug('(%s) sjoin: got %r for namelist', self.irc.name, namelist)
# Flip the (prefixmodes, user) pairs in users, and save it as a dict for easy lookup
# later of what modes each target user should have.
names_dict = dict([(uid, prefixes) for prefixes, uid in users])
# Wrap all users and send them to prevent cutoff. Subtract 4 off the maximum
# buf size to account for user prefix data that may be re-added (e.g. ":ohv")
for linenum, wrapped_msg in \
enumerate(utils.wrapArguments(msgprefix, namelist, S2S_BUFSIZE-1-len(self.irc.prefixmodes),
if linenum: # Implies "if linenum > 0"
# XXX: Ugh, this postprocessing sucks, but we have to make sure that mode prefixes are accounted
# for in the burst.
wrapped_args = self.parseArgs(wrapped_msg.split(" "))
wrapped_namelist = wrapped_args[-1].split(',')
log.debug('(%s) sjoin: wrapped args: %s (post-wrap fixing)', self.irc.name,
# If the first UID was supposed to have a prefix mode attached, re-add it here
first_uid = wrapped_namelist[0]
# XXX: I'm not sure why the prefix list has to be reversed for it to match the
# original string...
first_prefix = names_dict.get(first_uid, '')[::-1]
log.debug('(%s) sjoin: prefixes for first user %s: %s (post-wrap fixing)', self.irc.name,
first_uid, first_prefix)
if (':' not in first_uid) and first_prefix:
log.debug('(%s) sjoin: re-adding prefix %s to user %s (post-wrap fixing)', self.irc.name,
first_uid, first_prefix)
wrapped_namelist[0] += ':%s' % prefixes
wrapped_msg = ' '.join(wrapped_args[:-1])
wrapped_msg += ' '
wrapped_msg += ','.join(wrapped_namelist)
# Technically we can send bans together with the above user introductions, but
# it's easier to line wrap them separately.
if bans or exempts:
msgprefix += ':%' # Ban string starts with a % if there is anything
if bans:
for wrapped_msg in utils.wrapArguments(msgprefix, bans, S2S_BUFSIZE):
if exempts:
# Now add exempts, which are separated from the ban list by a single argument "~".
msgprefix += ' ~ '
for wrapped_msg in utils.wrapArguments(msgprefix, exempts, S2S_BUFSIZE):
self.updateTS(server, channel, ts, changedmodes)
def spawnServer(self, name, sid=None, uplink=None, desc=None, endburst_delay=0):
Spawns a server off a PyLink server. desc (server description)
defaults to the one in the config. uplink defaults to the main PyLink
server, and sid (the server ID) is automatically generated if not
Note: TS6 doesn't use a specific ENDBURST command, so the endburst_delay
option will be ignored if given.
# <- SERVER nefarious.midnight.vpn 1 1460673022 1460673239 J10 ABP]] +h6 :Nefarious2 test server
uplink = uplink or self.irc.sid
name = name.lower()
desc = desc or self.irc.serverdata.get('serverdesc') or conf.conf['bot']['serverdesc']
if sid is None: # No sid given; generate one!
sid = self.sidgen.next_sid()
assert len(sid) == 2, "Incorrect SID length"
if sid in self.irc.servers:
raise ValueError('A server with SID %r already exists!' % sid)
for server in self.irc.servers.values():
if name == server.name:
raise ValueError('A server named %r already exists!' % name)
if not self.irc.isInternalServer(uplink):
raise ValueError('Server %r is not a PyLink server!' % uplink)
if not utils.isServerName(name):
raise ValueError('Invalid server name %r' % name)
self._send(uplink, 'SERVER %s 1 %s %s P10 %s]]] +h6 :%s' % \
(name, self.irc.start_ts, int(time.time()), sid, desc))
self.irc.servers[sid] = IrcServer(uplink, name, internal=True, desc=desc)
return sid
def squit(self, source, target, text='No reason given'):
"""SQUITs a PyLink server."""
# <- ABAAE SQ nefarious.midnight.vpn 0 :test
targetname = self.irc.servers[target].name
self._send(source, 'SQ %s 0 :%s' % (targetname, text))
self.handle_squit(source, 'SQUIT', [target, text])
def topic(self, numeric, target, text):
"""Sends a TOPIC change from a PyLink client."""
# <- ABAAA T #test GL!~gl@nefarious.midnight.vpn 1460852591 1460855795 :blah
# First timestamp is channel creation time, second is current time,
if not self.irc.isInternalClient(numeric):
raise LookupError('No such PyLink client exists.')
sendername = self.irc.getHostmask(numeric)
creationts = self.irc.channels[target].ts
self._send(numeric, 'T %s %s %s %s :%s' % (target, sendername, creationts,
int(time.time()), text))
self.irc.channels[target].topic = text
self.irc.channels[target].topicset = True
def topicBurst(self, numeric, target, text):
"""Sends a TOPIC change from a PyLink server."""
# <- AB T #test GL!~gl@nefarious.midnight.vpn 1460852591 1460855795 :blah
if not self.irc.isInternalServer(numeric):
raise LookupError('No such PyLink server exists.')
sendername = self.irc.servers[numeric].name
creationts = self.irc.channels[target].ts
self._send(numeric, 'T %s %s %s %s :%s' % (target, sendername, creationts,
int(time.time()), text))
self.irc.channels[target].topic = text
self.irc.channels[target].topicset = True
def updateClient(self, target, field, text):
"""Updates the ident or host of any connected client."""
uobj = self.irc.users[target]
ircd = self.irc.serverdata.get('p10_ircd', 'nefarious').lower()
if self.irc.isInternalClient(target):
# Host changing via SETHOST is only supported on nefarious and snircd.
if ircd not in ('nefarious', 'snircd'):
raise NotImplementedError("Host changing for internal clients (via SETHOST) is only "
"available on nefarious and snircd, and we're using p10_ircd=%r" % ircd)
# Use SETHOST (umode +h) for internal clients.
if field == 'HOST':
# Set umode +x, and +h with the given vHost as argument.
# Note: setter of the mode should be the target itself.
self.mode(target, target, [('+x', None), ('+h', '%s@%s' % (uobj.ident, text))])
elif field == 'IDENT':
# HACK: because we can't seem to update the ident only without updating the host,
# unset +h first before setting the new ident@host.
self.mode(target, target, [('-h', None)])
self.mode(target, target, [('+x', None), ('+h', '%s@%s' % (text, uobj.host))])
raise NotImplementedError("Changing field %r of a client is "
"unsupported by this protocol." % field)
elif field == 'HOST':
# Host changing via FAKE is only supported on nefarious.
if ircd != 'nefarious':
raise NotImplementedError("vHost changing for non-PyLink clients (via FAKE) is "
"only available on nefarious, and we're using p10_ircd=%r" % ircd)
# Use FAKE (FA) for external clients.
self._send(self.irc.sid, 'FA %s %s' % (target, text))
# Save the host change as a user mode (this is what P10 does on bursts),
# so further host checks work.
self.irc.applyModes(target, [('+f', text)])
self.mode(self.irc.sid, target, [('+x', None)])
raise NotImplementedError("Changing field %r of a client is "
"unsupported by this protocol." % field)
# P10 cloaks aren't as simple as just replacing the displayed host with the one we're
# sending. Check for cloak changes properly.
# Note: we don't need to send any hooks here, check_cloak_change does that for us.
def connect(self):
"""Initializes a connection to a server."""
ts = self.irc.start_ts
self.irc.send("PASS :%s" % self.irc.serverdata["sendpass"])
# {7S} *** SERVER
# 1 <name of new server>
# 2 <hops>
# 3 <boot TS>
# 4 <link TS>
# 5 <protocol>
# 6 <numeric of new server><max client numeric>
# 7 <flags> <-- Mark ourselves as a service with IPv6 support (+s & +6) -GLolol
# -1 <description of new server>
name = self.irc.serverdata["hostname"]
# Encode our SID using P10 Base64.
self.irc.sid = sid = p10b64encode(self.irc.serverdata["sid"])
desc = self.irc.serverdata.get('serverdesc') or conf.conf['bot']['serverdesc']
# Enumerate modes, from https://github.com/evilnet/nefarious2/blob/master/doc/modes.txt
p10_ircd = self.irc.serverdata.get('p10_ircd', 'nefarious').lower()
if p10_ircd == 'nefarious':
cmodes = {'delayjoin': 'D', 'registered': 'R', 'key': 'k', 'banexception': 'e',
'redirect': 'L', 'oplevel_apass': 'A', 'oplevel_upass': 'U',
'adminonly': 'a', 'operonly': 'O', 'regmoderated': 'M', 'nonotice': 'N',
'permanent': 'z', 'hidequits': 'Q', 'noctcp': 'C', 'noamsg': 'T', 'blockcolor': 'c',
'stripcolor': 'S', 'had_delayjoin': 'd', 'regonly': 'r',
'*A': 'be', '*B': 'AUk', '*C': 'Ll', '*D': 'psmtinrDRaOMNzQCTcSd'}
self.irc.umodes.update({'servprotect': 'k', 'sno_debug': 'g', 'cloak': 'x', 'privdeaf': 'D',
'hidechans': 'n', 'deaf_commonchan': 'q', 'bot': 'B', 'deaf': 'd',
'hideoper': 'H', 'hideidle': 'I', 'regdeaf': 'R', 'showwhois': 'W',
'admin': 'a', 'override': 'X', 'noforward': 'L', 'ssl': 'z',
'registered': 'r', 'cloak_sethost': 'h', 'cloak_fakehost': 'f',
'cloak_hashedhost': 'C', 'cloak_hashedip': 'c', 'locop': 'O',
'*A': '', '*B': '', '*C': 'fCcrh', '*D': 'oOiwskgxnqBdDHIRWaXLz'})
elif p10_ircd == 'snircd':
# snircd has +u instead of +Q for hidequits, and fewer chanel modes.
cmodes = {'oplevel_apass': 'A', 'oplevel_upass': 'U', 'delayjoin': 'D', 'regonly': 'r',
'had_delayjoin': 'd', 'hidequits': 'u', 'regmoderated': 'M', 'blockcolor': 'c',
'noctcp': 'C', 'nonotice': 'N', 'noamsg': 'T',
'*A': 'b', '*B': 'AUk', '*C': 'l', '*D': 'imnpstrDducCMNT'}
# From https://www.quakenet.org/help/general/what-user-modes-are-available-on-quakenet
# plus my own testing.
self.irc.umodes.update({'servprotect': 'k', 'sno_debug': 'g', 'cloak': 'x',
'hidechans': 'n', 'deaf': 'd', 'hideidle': 'I', 'regdeaf': 'R',
'override': 'X', 'registered': 'r', 'cloak_sethost': 'h', 'locop': 'O',
'*A': '', '*B': '', '*C': 'h', '*D': 'imnpstrkgxndIRXO'})
elif p10_ircd == 'ircu':
# ircu proper has even fewer modes.
cmodes = {'oplevel_apass': 'A', 'oplevel_upass': 'U', 'delayjoin': 'D', 'regonly': 'r',
'had_delayjoin': 'd', 'blockcolor': 'c', 'noctcp': 'C', 'registered': 'R',
'*A': 'b', '*B': 'AUk', '*C': 'l', '*D': 'imnpstrDdRcC'}
self.irc.umodes.update({'servprotect': 'k', 'sno_debug': 'g', 'cloak': 'x',
'deaf': 'd', 'registered': 'r', 'locop': 'O',
'*A': '', '*B': '', '*C': '', '*D': 'imnpstrkgxdO'})
if self.irc.serverdata.get('use_halfop'):
cmodes['halfop'] = 'h'
self.irc.prefixmodes['h'] = '%'
self.irc.send('SERVER %s 1 %s %s J10 %s]]] +s6 :%s' % (name, ts, ts, sid, desc))
self._send(sid, "EB")
def handle_server(self, source, command, args):
"""Handles incoming server introductions."""
# <- SERVER nefarious.midnight.vpn 1 1460673022 1460673239 J10 ABP]] +h6 :Nefarious2 test server
servername = args[0].lower()
sid = args[5][:2]
sdesc = args[-1]
self.irc.servers[sid] = IrcServer(source, servername, desc=sdesc)
if self.irc.uplink is None:
# If we haven't already found our uplink, this is probably it.
self.irc.uplink = sid
return {'name': servername, 'sid': sid, 'text': sdesc}
def handle_nick(self, source, command, args):
"""Handles the NICK command, used for user introductions and nick changes."""
if len(args) > 2:
# <- AB N GL 1 1460673049 ~gl nefarious.midnight.vpn +iw B]AAAB ABAAA :realname
nick = args[0]
ts, ident, host = args[2:5]
realhost = host
ip = args[-3]
ip = self.decode_p10_ip(ip)
uid = args[-2]
realname = args[-1]
log.debug('(%s) handle_nick got args: nick=%s ts=%s uid=%s ident=%s '
'host=%s realname=%s realhost=%s ip=%s', self.irc.name, nick, ts, uid,
ident, host, realname, realhost, ip)
uobj = self.irc.users[uid] = IrcUser(nick, ts, uid, source, ident, host, realname, realhost, ip)
# https://github.com/evilnet/nefarious2/blob/master/doc/p10.txt#L708
# Mode list is optional, and can be detected if the 6th argument starts with a +.
# This list can last until the 3rd LAST argument in the line, should there be mode
# parameters attached.
if args[5].startswith('+'):
modes = args[5:-3]
parsedmodes = self.irc.parseModes(uid, modes)
self.irc.applyModes(uid, parsedmodes)
for modepair in parsedmodes:
if modepair[0][-1] == 'r':
# Parse account registrations, sent as usermode "+r accountname:TS"
accountname = modepair[1].split(':', 1)[0]
self.irc.callHooks([uid, 'CLIENT_SERVICES_LOGIN', {'text': accountname}])
# Call the OPERED UP hook if +o is being added to the mode list.
if ('+o', None) in parsedmodes:
self.irc.callHooks([uid, 'CLIENT_OPERED', {'text': 'IRC Operator'}])
return {'uid': uid, 'ts': ts, 'nick': nick, 'realhost': realhost, 'host': host, 'ident': ident, 'ip': ip}
# <- ABAAA N GL_ 1460753763
oldnick = self.irc.users[source].nick
newnick = self.irc.users[source].nick = args[0]
self.irc.users[source].ts = ts = int(args[1])
# Update the nick TS.
return {'newnick': newnick, 'oldnick': oldnick, 'ts': ts}
def check_cloak_change(self, uid):
"""Checks for cloak changes (ident and host) on the given UID."""
uobj = self.irc.users[uid]
ident = uobj.ident
modes = dict(uobj.modes)
log.debug('(%s) check_cloak_change: modes of %s are %s', self.irc.name, uid, modes)
if 'x' not in modes: # +x isn't set, so cloaking is disabled.
newhost = uobj.realhost
if 'h' in modes:
# +h is used by SETHOST/spoofhost blocks, or by /sethost when freeform is enabled.
# It takes the form umode +h ident@some.host, though only the host is
# actually settable in /sethost.
ident, newhost = modes['h'].split('@')
elif 'f' in modes:
# +f represents another way of setting vHosts, via a command called FAKE.
# Atheme uses this for vHosts, afaik.
newhost = modes['f']
elif uobj.services_account and self.irc.serverdata.get('use_account_cloaks'):
# The user is registered. However, if account cloaks are enabled, we have to figure
# out their new cloaked host. There can be oper cloaks and user cloaks, each with
# a different suffix. Account cloaks take the format of <accountname>.<suffix>.
# e.g. someone logged in as "person1" might get cloak "person1.users.somenet.org"
# someone opered and logged in as "person2" might get cloak "person.opers.somenet.org"
# This is a lot of extra configuration on the services' side, but there's nothing else
# we can do about it.
if self.irc.serverdata.get('use_oper_account_cloaks') and 'o' in modes:
# These errors should be fatal.
suffix = self.irc.serverdata['oper_cloak_suffix']
except KeyError:
raise ProtocolError("(%s) use_oper_account_cloaks was enabled, but "
"oper_cloak_suffix was not defined!" % self.irc.name)
suffix = self.irc.serverdata['cloak_suffix']
except KeyError:
raise ProtocolError("(%s) use_account_cloaks was enabled, but "
"cloak_suffix was not defined!" % self.irc.name)
accountname = uobj.services_account
newhost = "%s.%s" % (accountname, suffix)
elif 'C' in modes and self.irc.serverdata.get('use_account_cloaks'):
# +C propagates hashed IP cloaks, similar to UnrealIRCd. (thank god we don't
# need to generate these ourselves)
newhost = modes['C']
# No cloaking mechanism matched, fall back to the real host.
newhost = uobj.realhost
# Propagate a hostname update to plugins, but only if the changed host is different.
if newhost != uobj.host:
self.irc.callHooks([uid, 'CHGHOST', {'target': uid, 'newhost': newhost}])
if ident != uobj.ident:
self.irc.callHooks([uid, 'CHGIDENT', {'target': uid, 'newident': ident}])
uobj.host = newhost
uobj.ident = ident
return newhost
def handle_ping(self, source, command, args):
"""Handles incoming PING requests."""
# Snippet from Jobe @ evilnet, thanks! AFAIK, the P10 docs are out of date and don't
# show the right PING/PONG syntax used by nefarious.
# <- IA G !1460745823.89510 Channels.CollectiveIRC.Net 1460745823.89510
# -> X3 Z Channels.CollectiveIRC.Net 1460745823.89510 0 1460745823.089840
# Arguments of a PONG: our server hostname, the original TS of PING,
# difference between PING and PONG in seconds, the current TS.
# Why is this the way it is? I don't know... -GL
target = args[1]
sid = self._getSid(target)
orig_pingtime = args[0][1:] # Strip the !, used to denote a TS instead of a server name.
currtime = time.time()
timediff = int(time.time() - float(orig_pingtime))
if self.irc.isInternalServer(sid):
# Only respond if the target server is ours. No forwarding is needed because
# no IRCds can ever connect behind us...
self._send(self.irc.sid, 'Z %s %s %s %s' % (target, orig_pingtime, timediff, currtime), queue=False)
def handle_pass(self, source, command, args):
"""Handles authentication with our uplink."""
# <- PASS :testpass
if args[0] != self.irc.serverdata['recvpass']:
raise ProtocolError("Error: RECVPASS from uplink does not match configuration!")
def handle_burst(self, source, command, args):
"""Handles the BURST command, used for bursting channels on link.
This is equivalent to SJOIN on most IRCds."""
# Oh no, we have to figure out which parameter is which...
# <- AB B #test 1460742014 ABAAB,ABAAA:o
# <- AB B #services 1460742014 ABAAA:o
# <- AB B #test 1460742014 +tnlk 10 testkey ABAAB,ABAAA:o :%*!*@bad.host
# <- AB B #test 1460742014 +tnl 10 ABAAB,ABAAA:o :%*!*@other.bad.host *!*@bad.host
# <- AB B #test2 1460743539 +l 10 ABAAA:vo :%*!*@bad.host
# <- AB B #test 1460747615 ABAAA:o :% ~ *!*@test.host
# 1 <channel>
# 2 <timestamp>
# 3+ [<modes> [<mode extra parameters>]] [<users>] [<bans>]
if len(args) < 3:
# No useful data was sent, ignore.
channel = self.irc.toLower(args[0])
chandata = self.irc.channels[channel].deepcopy()
bans = []
if args[-1].startswith('%'):
# Ban lists start with a %. However, if one argument is "~",
# parse everything after it as an ban exempt (+e).
exempts = False
for host in args[-1][1:].split(' '):
if not host:
# Space between % and ~; ignore.
elif host == '~':
exempts = True
if exempts:
bans.append(('+e', host))
bans.append(('+b', host))
# Remove this argument from the args list.
args = args[:-1]
# Then, we can make the modestring just encompass all the text until the end of the string.
# If no modes are given, this will simply be empty.
modestring = args[2:-1]
if modestring:
parsedmodes = self.irc.parseModes(channel, modestring)
parsedmodes = []
changedmodes = set(parsedmodes + bans)
namelist = []
prefixes = ''
userlist = args[-1].split(',')
log.debug('(%s) handle_burst: got userlist %r for %r', self.irc.name, userlist, channel)
if args[-1] != args[1]: # Make sure the user list is the right argument (not the TS).
for userpair in userlist:
# This is given in the form UID1,UID2:prefixes. However, when one userpair is given
# with a certain prefix, it implicitly applies to all other following UIDs, until
# another userpair is given with a list of prefix modes. For example,
# "UID1,UID3:o,UID4,UID5" would assume that UID1 has no prefixes, but that UIDs 3-5
# all have op.
user, prefixes = userpair.split(':')
except ValueError:
user = userpair
log.debug('(%s) handle_burst: got mode prefixes %r for user %r', self.irc.name, prefixes, user)
# Don't crash when we get an invalid UID.
if user not in self.irc.users:
log.warning('(%s) handle_burst: tried to introduce user %s not in our user list, ignoring...',
self.irc.name, user)
# Only save mode changes if the remote has lower TS than us.
changedmodes |= {('+%s' % mode, user) for mode in prefixes}
# Statekeeping with timestamps
their_ts = int(args[1])
our_ts = self.irc.channels[channel].ts
self.updateTS(source, channel, their_ts, changedmodes)
return {'channel': channel, 'users': namelist, 'modes': parsedmodes, 'ts': their_ts,
'channeldata': chandata}
def handle_join(self, source, command, args):
"""Handles incoming JOINs and channel creations."""
# <- ABAAA C #test3 1460744371
# <- ABAAB J #test3 1460744371
# <- ABAAB J #test3
# TS is optional
ts = int(args[1])
except IndexError:
ts = None
if args[0] == '0' and command == 'JOIN':
# /join 0; part the user from all channels
oldchans = self.irc.users[source].channels.copy()
log.debug('(%s) Got /join 0 from %r, channel list is %r',
self.irc.name, source, oldchans)
for channel in oldchans:
return {'channels': oldchans, 'text': 'Left all channels.', 'parse_as': 'PART'}
channel = self.irc.toLower(args[0])
if ts: # Only update TS if one was sent.
self.updateTS(source, channel, ts)
return {'channel': channel, 'users': [source], 'modes':
self.irc.channels[channel].modes, 'ts': ts or int(time.time())}
handle_create = handle_join
def handle_end_of_burst(self, source, command, args):
"""Handles end of burst from our uplink."""
# Send EOB acknowledgement; this is required by the P10 specification,
# and needed if we want to be able to receive channel messages, etc.
if source == self.irc.uplink:
self._send(self.irc.sid, 'EA')
return {}
def handle_mode(self, source, command, args):
"""Handles mode changes."""
# <- ABAAA M GL -w
# <- ABAAA M #test +v ABAAB 1460747615
# <- ABAAA OM #test +h ABAAA
target = self._getUid(args[0])
if utils.isChannel(target):
target = self.irc.toLower(target)
modestrings = args[1:]
changedmodes = self.irc.parseModes(target, modestrings)
self.irc.applyModes(target, changedmodes)
# Call the CLIENT_OPERED hook if +o is being set.
if ('+o', None) in changedmodes and target in self.irc.users:
self.irc.callHooks([target, 'CLIENT_OPERED', {'text': 'IRC Operator'}])
if target in self.irc.users:
# Target was a user. Check for any cloak changes.
return {'target': target, 'modes': changedmodes}
# OPMODE is like SAMODE on other IRCds, and it follows the same modesetting syntax.
handle_opmode = handle_mode
def handle_part(self, source, command, args):
"""Handles user parts."""
# <- ABAAA L #test,#test2
# <- ABAAA L #test :test
channels = self.irc.toLower(args[0]).split(',')
for channel in channels:
# We should only get PART commands for channels that exist, right??
except KeyError:
log.debug("(%s) handle_part: KeyError trying to remove %r from %r's channel list?",
self.irc.name, channel, source)
reason = args[1]
except IndexError:
reason = ''
# Clear empty non-permanent channels.
if not self.irc.channels[channel].users:
del self.irc.channels[channel]
return {'channels': channels, 'text': reason}
def handle_kick(self, source, command, args):
"""Handles incoming KICKs."""
# <- ABAAA K #TEST AyAAA :PyLink-devel
channel = self.irc.toLower(args[0])
kicked = args[1]
self.handle_part(kicked, 'KICK', [channel, args[2]])
# Send PART in response to acknowledge the KICK, per
# https://github.com/evilnet/nefarious2/blob/ed12d64/doc/p10.txt#L611-L616
self._send(kicked, 'L %s :%s' % (channel, args[2]))
return {'channel': channel, 'target': kicked, 'text': args[2]}
def handle_topic(self, source, command, args):
"""Handles TOPIC changes."""
# <- ABAAA T #test GL!~gl@nefarious.midnight.vpn 1460852591 1460855795 :blah
channel = self.irc.toLower(args[0])
topic = args[-1]
oldtopic = self.irc.channels[channel].topic
self.irc.channels[channel].topic = topic
self.irc.channels[channel].topicset = True
return {'channel': channel, 'setter': args[1], 'text': topic,
'oldtopic': oldtopic}
def handle_invite(self, source, command, args):
"""Handles incoming INVITEs."""
# From P10 docs:
# 1 <target nick>
# 2 <channel>
# - note that the target is a nickname, not a numeric.
# <- ABAAA I PyLink-devel #services 1460948992
target = self._getUid(args[0])
channel = self.irc.toLower(args[1])
return {'target': target, 'channel': channel}
def handle_clearmode(self, numeric, command, args):
"""Handles CLEARMODE, which is used to clear a channel's modes."""
# <- ABAAA CM #test ovpsmikbl
channel = self.irc.toLower(args[0])
modes = args[1]
# Enumerate a list of our existing modes, including prefix modes.
existing = list(self.irc.channels[channel].modes)
for pmode, userlist in self.irc.channels[channel].prefixmodes.items():
# Expand the prefix modes lists to individual ('o', 'UID') mode pairs.
modechar = self.irc.cmodes.get(pmode)
existing += [(modechar, user) for user in userlist]
# Back up the channel state.
oldobj = self.irc.channels[channel].deepcopy()
changedmodes = []
# Iterate over all the modes we have for this channel.
for modepair in existing:
modechar, data = modepair
# Check if each mode matches any that we're unsetting.
if modechar in modes:
if modechar in (self.irc.cmodes['*A']+self.irc.cmodes['*B']+''.join(self.irc.prefixmodes.keys())):
# Mode is a list mode, prefix mode, or one that always takes a parameter when unsetting.
changedmodes.append(('-%s' % modechar, data))
# Mode does not take an argument when unsetting.
changedmodes.append(('-%s' % modechar, None))
self.irc.applyModes(channel, changedmodes)
return {'target': channel, 'modes': changedmodes, 'channeldata': oldobj}
def handle_account(self, numeric, command, args):
"""Handles services account changes."""
# ACCOUNT has two possible syntaxes in P10, one with extended accounts
# and one without.
target = args[0]
if self.irc.serverdata.get('use_extended_accounts'):
# Registration: <- AA AC ABAAA R GL 1459019072
# Logout: <- AA AC ABAAA U
# 1 <target user numeric>
# 2 <subcommand>
# 3+ [<subcommand parameters>]
# Any other subcommands listed at https://github.com/evilnet/nefarious2/blob/master/doc/p10.txt#L354
# shouldn't apply to us.
if args[1] in ('R', 'M'):
accountname = args[2]
elif args[1] == 'U':
accountname = '' # logout
# ircu or nefarious with F:EXTENDED_ACCOUNTS = FALSE
# 1 <target user numeric>
# 2 <account name>
# 3 [<account timestamp>]
accountname = args[1]
# Call this manually because we need the UID to be the sender.
self.irc.callHooks([target, 'CLIENT_SERVICES_LOGIN', {'text': accountname}])
# Check for any cloak changes now.
def handle_fake(self, numeric, command, args):
"""Handles incoming FAKE hostmask changes."""
target = args[0]
text = args[1]
# Assume a usermode +f change, and then update the cloak checking.
self.irc.applyModes(target, [('+f', text)])
# We don't need to send any hooks here, check_cloak_change does that for us.
def handle_svsnick(self, source, command, args):
"""Handles SVSNICK (forced nickname change attempts)."""
# From Nefarious docs at https://github.com/evilnet/nefarious2/blob/7bd3ac4/doc/p10.txt#L1057
# {7SN} *** SVSNICK (non undernet)
# 1 <target numeric>
# 2 <new nick>
return {'target': args[0], 'newnick': args[1]}
Class = P10Protocol