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handlers.py - Implements miscellaneous IRC command handlers (WHOIS, services login, etc.)
import time
from pylinkirc import utils, conf
from pylinkirc.log import log
def handle_whois(irc, source, command, args):
"""Handle WHOIS queries."""
target = args['target']
user = irc.users.get(target)
f = lambda num, source, text: irc.numeric(irc.sid, num, source, text)
# Get the server that the target is on.
server = irc.get_server(target)
if user is None: # User doesn't exist
# <- :42X 401 7PYAAAAAB GL- :No such nick/channel
nick = target
f(401, source, "%s :No such nick/channel" % nick)
nick = user.nick
source_is_oper = ('o', None) in irc.users[source].modes
source_is_bot = (irc.umodes.get('bot'), None) in irc.users[source].modes
# Get the full network name.
netname = irc.serverdata.get('netname', irc.name)
# https://www.alien.net.au/irc/irc2numerics.html
# 311: sends nick!user@host information
f(311, source, "%s %s %s * :%s" % (nick, user.ident, user.host, user.realname))
# 319: RPL_WHOISCHANNELS; Show public channels of the target, respecting
# hidechans umodes for non-oper callers.
isHideChans = (irc.umodes.get('hidechans'), None) in user.modes
if (not isHideChans) or (isHideChans and source_is_oper):
public_chans = []
for chan in user.channels:
c = irc.channels[chan]
# Here, we'll want to hide secret/private channels from non-opers
# who are not in them.
if ((irc.cmodes.get('secret'), None) in c.modes or \
(irc.cmodes.get('private'), None) in c.modes) \
and not (source_is_oper or source in c.users):
# Show the highest prefix mode like a regular IRCd does, if there are any.
prefixes = c.get_prefix_modes(target)
if prefixes:
highest = prefixes[-1]
# Fetch the prefix mode letter from the named mode.
modechar = irc.cmodes[highest]
# Fetch and prepend the prefix character (@, +, etc.), given the mode letter.
chan = irc.prefixmodes[modechar] + chan
if public_chans: # Only send the line if the person is in any visible channels...
f(319, source, '%s :%s' % (nick, ' '.join(public_chans)))
# 312: sends the server the target is on, and its server description.
f(312, source, "%s %s :%s" % (nick, irc.servers[server].name,
# 313: sends a string denoting the target's operator privilege if applicable.
if ('o', None) in user.modes:
# Check hideoper status. Require that either:
# 1) +H is not set
# 2) +H is set, but the caller is oper
# 3) +H is set, but whois_use_hideoper is disabled in config
isHideOper = (irc.umodes.get('hideoper'), None) in user.modes
if (not isHideOper) or (isHideOper and source_is_oper) or \
(isHideOper and not conf.conf['pylink'].get('whois_use_hideoper', True)):
opertype = user.opertype
# Let's be gramatically correct. (If the opertype starts with a vowel,
# write "an Operator" instead of "a Operator")
n = 'n' if opertype[0].lower() in 'aeiou' else ''
# Remove the "(on $network)" bit in relay oper types if the target network is the
# same - this prevents duplicate text such as "GL/ovd is a Network Administrator
# (on OVERdrive-IRC) on OVERdrive-IRC" from showing.
# XXX: does this post-processing really belong here?
opertype = opertype.replace(' (on %s)' % irc.get_full_network_name(), '')
f(313, source, "%s :is a%s %s" % (nick, n, opertype))
# 379: RPL_WHOISMODES, used by UnrealIRCd and InspIRCd to show user modes.
# Only show this to opers!
if source_is_oper:
f(378, source, "%s :is connecting from %s@%s %s" % (nick, user.ident, user.realhost, user.ip))
f(379, source, '%s :is using modes %s' % (nick, irc.join_modes(user.modes, sort=True)))
# 301: used to show away information if present
away_text = user.away
log.debug('(%s) coremods.handlers.handle_whois: away_text for %s is %r', irc.name, target, away_text)
if away_text:
f(301, source, '%s :%s' % (nick, away_text))
if (irc.umodes.get('bot'), None) in user.modes:
# Show botmode info in WHOIS.
f(335, source, "%s :is a bot" % nick)
# :charybdis.midnight.vpn 317 GL GL 1946 1499867833 :seconds idle, signon time
if irc.get_service_bot(target) and conf.conf['pylink'].get('whois_show_startup_time', True):
f(317, source, "%s 0 %s :seconds idle (placeholder), signon time" % (nick, irc.start_ts))
# Call custom WHOIS handlers via the PYLINK_CUSTOM_WHOIS hook, unless the
# caller is marked a bot and the whois_show_extensions_to_bots option is False
if (source_is_bot and conf.conf['pylink'].get('whois_show_extensions_to_bots')) or (not source_is_bot):
irc.call_hooks([source, 'PYLINK_CUSTOM_WHOIS', {'target': target, 'server': server}])
log.debug('(%s) coremods.handlers.handle_whois: skipping custom whois handlers because '
'caller %s is marked as a bot', irc.name, source)
# 318: End of WHOIS.
f(318, source, "%s :End of /WHOIS list" % nick)
utils.add_hook(handle_whois, 'WHOIS')
def handle_mode(irc, source, command, args):
"""Protect against forced deoper attempts."""
target = args['target']
modes = args['modes']
# If the sender is not a PyLink client, and the target IS a protected
# client, revert any forced deoper attempts.
if irc.is_internal_client(target) and not irc.is_internal_client(source):
if ('-o', None) in modes and (target == irc.pseudoclient.uid or not irc.is_manipulatable_client(target)):
irc.mode(irc.sid, target, {('+o', None)})
utils.add_hook(handle_mode, 'MODE')
def handle_operup(irc, source, command, args):
"""Logs successful oper-ups on networks."""
otype = args.get('text', 'IRC Operator')
log.debug("(%s) Successful oper-up (opertype %r) from %s", irc.name, otype, irc.get_hostmask(source))
irc.users[source].opertype = otype
utils.add_hook(handle_operup, 'CLIENT_OPERED')
def handle_services_login(irc, source, command, args):
"""Sets services login status for users."""
irc.users[source].services_account = args['text']
except KeyError: # User doesn't exist
log.debug("(%s) Ignoring early account name setting for %s (UID hasn't been sent yet)", irc.name, source)
utils.add_hook(handle_services_login, 'CLIENT_SERVICES_LOGIN')
def handle_version(irc, source, command, args):
"""Handles requests for the PyLink server version."""
# 351 syntax is usually "<server version>. <server hostname> :<anything else you want to add>
fullversion = irc.version()
irc.numeric(irc.sid, 351, source, fullversion)
utils.add_hook(handle_version, 'VERSION')
def handle_time(irc, source, command, args):
"""Handles requests for the PyLink server time."""
timestring = time.ctime()
irc.numeric(irc.sid, 391, source, '%s :%s' % (irc.hostname(), timestring))
utils.add_hook(handle_time, 'TIME')