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synced 2025-02-09 11:04:08 +01:00
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Closes #48. This fixes the edge case where, if a person with a long, cut-off nick changes to another long nick, and the resulting normalized nick is the same, normalizeNick will start incrementing the separator anyway. The correct behavior is to NOT send any nick changes if the old (normalized) nick and the new nick match.
658 lines
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658 lines
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# relay.py: PyLink Relay plugin
import sys
import os
import pickle
import sched
import threading
import time
import string
from collections import defaultdict
import utils
from log import log
dbname = "pylinkrelay.db"
relayusers = defaultdict(dict)
def normalizeNick(irc, netname, nick, separator="/"):
# Block until we know the IRC network's nick length (after capabilities
# are sent)
orig_nick = nick
protoname = irc.proto.__name__
maxnicklen = irc.maxnicklen
if protoname == 'charybdis':
# Charybdis doesn't allow / in usernames, and will quit with
# a protocol violation if there is one.
separator = separator.replace('/', '|')
nick = nick.replace('/', '|')
if nick.startswith(tuple(string.digits)):
# On TS6 IRCd-s, nicks that start with 0-9 are only allowed if
# they match the UID of the originating server. Otherwise, you'll
# get nasty protocol violations!
nick = '_' + nick
tagnicks = True
suffix = separator + netname
nick = nick[:maxnicklen]
# Maximum allowed length of a nickname.
allowedlength = maxnicklen - len(suffix)
# If a nick is too long, the real nick portion must be cut off, but the
# /network suffix must remain the same.
nick = nick[:allowedlength]
nick += suffix
# TODO: factorize
while utils.nickToUid(irc, nick) and not utils.isInternalClient(irc, utils.nickToUid(irc, nick)):
# The nick we want exists? Darn, create another one then, but only if
# the target isn't an internal client!
# Increase the separator length by 1 if the user was already tagged,
# but couldn't be created due to a nick conflict.
# This can happen when someone steals a relay user's nick.
new_sep = separator + separator[-1]
nick = normalizeNick(irc, netname, orig_nick, separator=new_sep)
finalLength = len(nick)
assert finalLength <= maxnicklen, "Normalized nick %r went over max " \
"nick length (got: %s, allowed: %s!" % (nick, finalLength, maxnicklen)
return nick
def loadDB():
global db
with open(dbname, "rb") as f:
db = pickle.load(f)
except (ValueError, IOError):
log.exception("Relay: failed to load links database %s"
", creating a new one in memory...", dbname)
db = {}
def exportDB(scheduler):
scheduler.enter(30, 1, exportDB, argument=(scheduler,))
log.debug("Relay: exporting links database to %s", dbname)
with open(dbname, 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(db, f, protocol=4)
def getPrefixModes(irc, remoteirc, channel, user):
modes = ''
for pmode in ('owner', 'admin', 'op', 'halfop', 'voice'):
if pmode not in remoteirc.cmodes: # Mode not supported by IRCd
if user in irc.channels[channel].prefixmodes[pmode+'s']:
modes += remoteirc.cmodes[pmode]
return modes
def getRemoteUser(irc, remoteirc, user):
# If the user (stored here as {(netname, UID):
# {network1: UID1, network2: UID2}}) exists, don't spawn it
# again!
u = relayusers[(irc.name, user)][remoteirc.name]
except KeyError:
userobj = irc.users.get(user)
if userobj is None or not remoteirc.connected:
# The query wasn't actually a valid user, or the network hasn't
# been connected yet... Oh well!
nick = normalizeNick(remoteirc, irc.name, userobj.nick)
ident = userobj.ident
host = userobj.host
realname = userobj.realname
u = remoteirc.proto.spawnClient(remoteirc, nick, ident=ident,
host=host, realname=realname).uid
remoteirc.users[u].remote = irc.name
relayusers[(irc.name, user)][remoteirc.name] = u
remoteirc.users[u].remote = irc.name
return u
def getLocalUser(irc, user):
# Our target is an internal client, which means someone
# is kicking a remote user over the relay.
# We have to find the real target for the KICK. This is like
# findRemoteUser, but in reverse.
# First, iterate over everyone!
for k, v in relayusers.items():
log.debug('(%s) getLocalUser: processing %s, %s in relayusers', irc.name, k, v)
if k[0] == irc.name:
# We don't need to do anything if the target users is on
# the same network as us.
log.debug('(%s) getLocalUser: skipping %s since the target network matches the source network.', irc.name, k)
if v.get(irc.name) == user:
# If the stored pseudoclient UID for the kicked user on
# this network matches the target we have, set that user
# as the one we're kicking! It's a handful, but remember
# we're mapping (home network, UID) pairs to their
# respective relay pseudoclients on other networks.
remoteuser = k
log.debug('(%s) getLocalUser: found %s to correspond to %s.', irc.name, v, k)
return remoteuser
def findRelay(chanpair):
if chanpair in db: # This chanpair is a shared channel; others link to it
return chanpair
# This chanpair is linked *to* a remote channel
for name, dbentry in db.items():
if chanpair in dbentry['links']:
return name
def findRemoteChan(irc, remoteirc, channel):
query = (irc.name, channel)
remotenetname = remoteirc.name
chanpair = findRelay(query)
if chanpair is None:
if chanpair[0] == remotenetname:
return chanpair[1]
for link in db[chanpair]['links']:
if link[0] == remotenetname:
return link[1]
def initializeChannel(irc, channel):
# We're initializing a relay that already exists. This can be done at
# ENDBURST, or on the LINK command.
irc.proto.joinClient(irc, irc.pseudoclient.uid, channel)
c = irc.channels[channel]
relay = findRelay((irc.name, channel))
log.debug('(%s) initializeChannel being called on %s', irc.name, channel)
log.debug('(%s) initializeChannel: relay pair found to be %s', irc.name, relay)
queued_users = []
if relay:
all_links = db[relay]['links'].copy()
log.debug('(%s) initializeChannel: all_links: %s', irc.name, all_links)
for link in all_links:
modes = []
remotenet, remotechan = link
if remotenet == irc.name:
remoteirc = utils.networkobjects[remotenet]
if not remoteirc.connected:
continue # They aren't connected, don't bother!
rc = remoteirc.channels[remotechan]
for user in remoteirc.channels[remotechan].users:
# Don't spawn our pseudoclients again.
if not utils.isInternalClient(remoteirc, user):
log.debug('(%s) initializeChannel: should be joining %s/%s to %s', irc.name, user, remotenet, channel)
remoteuser = getRemoteUser(remoteirc, irc, user)
userpair = (getPrefixModes(remoteirc, irc, remotechan, user), remoteuser)
log.debug('(%s) initializeChannel: adding %s to queued_users for %s', irc.name, userpair, channel)
if queued_users:
irc.proto.sjoinServer(irc, irc.sid, channel, queued_users, ts=rc.ts)
relayModes(remoteirc, irc, remoteirc.sid, remotechan)
relayModes(irc, remoteirc, irc.sid, channel)
log.debug('(%s) initializeChannel: joining our users: %s', irc.name, c.users)
relayJoins(irc, channel, c.users, c.ts, c.modes)
remoteirc = utils.networkobjects[relay[0]]
topic = remoteirc.channels[relay[1]].topic
# XXX: find a more elegant way to do this
# Only update the topic if it's different from what we already have.
if topic and topic != irc.channels[channel].topic:
irc.proto.topicServer(irc, irc.sid, channel, topic)
def handle_join(irc, numeric, command, args):
channel = args['channel']
if not findRelay((irc.name, channel)):
# No relay here, return.
modes = args['modes']
ts = args['ts']
users = set(args['users'])
# users.update(irc.channels[channel].users)
relayJoins(irc, channel, users, ts, modes)
utils.add_hook(handle_join, 'JOIN')
def handle_quit(irc, numeric, command, args):
ouruser = numeric
for netname, user in relayusers[(irc.name, numeric)].items():
remoteirc = utils.networkobjects[netname]
remoteirc.proto.quitClient(remoteirc, user, args['text'])
del relayusers[(irc.name, ouruser)]
utils.add_hook(handle_quit, 'QUIT')
def handle_nick(irc, numeric, command, args):
for netname, user in relayusers[(irc.name, numeric)].items():
remoteirc = utils.networkobjects[netname]
newnick = normalizeNick(remoteirc, irc.name, args['newnick'])
if remoteirc.users[user].nick != newnick:
remoteirc.proto.nickClient(remoteirc, user, newnick)
utils.add_hook(handle_nick, 'NICK')
def handle_part(irc, numeric, command, args):
channel = args['channel']
text = args['text']
for netname, user in relayusers[(irc.name, numeric)].items():
remoteirc = utils.networkobjects[netname]
remotechan = findRemoteChan(irc, remoteirc, channel)
remoteirc.proto.partClient(remoteirc, user, remotechan, text)
utils.add_hook(handle_part, 'PART')
def handle_privmsg(irc, numeric, command, args):
notice = (command == 'NOTICE')
target = args['target']
text = args['text']
for netname, user in relayusers[(irc.name, numeric)].items():
remoteirc = utils.networkobjects[netname]
if utils.isChannel(target):
real_target = findRemoteChan(irc, remoteirc, target)
if not real_target:
real_target = getLocalUser(irc, target)[1]
except TypeError:
real_target = getRemoteUser(irc, remoteirc, target)
if notice:
remoteirc.proto.noticeClient(remoteirc, user, real_target, text)
remoteirc.proto.messageClient(remoteirc, user, real_target, text)
utils.add_hook(handle_privmsg, 'PRIVMSG')
utils.add_hook(handle_privmsg, 'NOTICE')
def handle_kick(irc, source, command, args):
channel = args['channel']
target = args['target']
text = args['text']
kicker = source
kicker_modes = getPrefixModes(irc, irc, channel, kicker)
relay = findRelay((irc.name, channel))
if relay is None:
for name, remoteirc in utils.networkobjects.items():
if irc.name == name:
remotechan = findRemoteChan(irc, remoteirc, channel)
log.debug('(%s) Relay kick: remotechan for %s on %s is %s', irc.name, channel, name, remotechan)
if remotechan is None:
real_kicker = getRemoteUser(irc, remoteirc, kicker)
log.debug('(%s) Relay kick: real kicker for %s on %s is %s', irc.name, kicker, name, real_kicker)
if real_kicker is None or not utils.isInternalClient(irc, target):
log.debug('(%s) Relay kick: target %s is NOT an internal client', irc.name, target)
# Both the target and kicker are external clients; i.e.
# they originate from the same network. We shouldn't have
# to process this any further, because the uplink IRCd
# will handle this appropriately, and we'll just follow.
real_target = getRemoteUser(irc, remoteirc, target)
log.debug('(%s) Relay kick: real target for %s is %s', irc.name, target, real_target)
if real_kicker:
remoteirc.proto.kickClient(remoteirc, real_kicker,
remotechan, real_target, text)
else: # Kick originated from a server, not a client.
text = "(%s@%s) %s" % (irc.servers[kicker].name, irc.name, text)
except (KeyError, AttributeError):
text = "(<unknown server>@%s) %s" % (irc.name, text)
remoteirc.proto.kickServer(remoteirc, remoteirc.sid,
remotechan, real_target, text)
log.debug('(%s) Relay kick: target %s is an internal client, going to look up the real user', irc.name, target)
real_target = getLocalUser(irc, target)[1]
log.debug('(%s) Relay kick: kicker_modes are %r', irc.name, kicker_modes)
if irc.name not in db[relay]['claim'] and not \
any([mode in kicker_modes for mode in ('q', 'a', 'o', 'h')]):
log.debug('(%s) Relay kick: kicker %s is not opped... We should rejoin the target user %s', irc.name, kicker, real_target)
# Home network is not in the channel's claim AND the kicker is not
# opped. We won't propograte the kick then.
# TODO: make the check slightly more advanced: i.e. halfops can't
# kick ops, admins can't kick owners, etc.
modes = getPrefixModes(remoteirc, irc, remotechan, real_target)
# Join the kicked client back with its respective modes.
irc.proto.sjoinServer(irc, irc.sid, remotechan, [(modes, target)])
utils.msg(irc, kicker, "This channel is claimed; your kick has "
"to %s been blocked because you are not "
"(half)opped." % channel, notice=True)
# Propogate the kick!
log.debug('(%s) Relay kick: Kicking %s from channel %s via %s on behalf of %s/%s', irc.name, real_target, remotechan, real_kicker, kicker, irc.name)
remoteirc.proto.kickClient(remoteirc, real_kicker,
remotechan, real_target, args['text'])
utils.add_hook(handle_kick, 'KICK')
def relayModes(irc, remoteirc, sender, channel, modes=None):
remotechan = findRemoteChan(irc, remoteirc, channel)
log.debug('(%s) Relay mode: remotechan for %s on %s is %s', irc.name, channel, irc.name, remotechan)
if remotechan is None:
if modes is None:
modes = remoteirc.channels[remotechan].modes
log.debug('(%s) Relay mode: channel data for %s%s: %s', irc.name, remoteirc.name, remotechan, remoteirc.channels[remotechan])
supported_modes = []
log.debug('(%s) Relay mode: initial modelist for %s is %s', irc.name, channel, modes)
for modepair in modes:
prefix, modechar = modepair[0]
except ValueError:
modechar = modepair[0]
prefix = '+'
arg = modepair[1]
# Iterate over every mode see whether the remote IRCd supports
# this mode, and what its mode char for it is (if it is different).
for name, m in irc.cmodes.items():
supported_char = None
if modechar == m:
if modechar in irc.prefixmodes:
# This is a prefix mode (e.g. +o). We must coerse the argument
# so that the target exists on the remote relay network.
arg = getLocalUser(irc, arg)[1]
except TypeError:
# getLocalUser returns None, raises None when trying to
# get [1] from it.
arg = getRemoteUser(irc, remoteirc, arg)
supported_char = remoteirc.cmodes.get(name)
if supported_char:
supported_modes.append((prefix+supported_char, arg))
log.debug('(%s) Relay mode: final modelist (sending to %s%s) is %s', irc.name, remoteirc.name, remotechan, supported_modes)
# Check if the sender is a user; remember servers are allowed to set modes too.
if sender in irc.users:
u = getRemoteUser(irc, remoteirc, sender)
remoteirc.proto.modeClient(remoteirc, u, channel, supported_modes)
remoteirc.proto.modeServer(remoteirc, remoteirc.sid, channel, supported_modes)
def handle_mode(irc, numeric, command, args):
target = args['target']
if not utils.isChannel(target):
### TODO: handle user mode changes too
modes = args['modes']
for name, remoteirc in utils.networkobjects.items():
if irc.name == name:
relayModes(irc, remoteirc, numeric, target, modes)
utils.add_hook(handle_mode, 'MODE')
def handle_topic(irc, numeric, command, args):
channel = args['channel']
topic = args['topic']
# XXX: find a more elegant way to do this
# Topics with content take precedence over empty topics.
# This prevents us from overwriting topics on channels with
# emptiness just because a leaf network hasn't received it yet.
if topic:
for name, remoteirc in utils.networkobjects.items():
if irc.name == name:
remotechan = findRemoteChan(irc, remoteirc, channel)
# Don't send if the remote topic is the same as ours.
if remotechan is None or topic == remoteirc.channels[remotechan].topic:
# This might originate from a server too.
remoteuser = getRemoteUser(irc, remoteirc, numeric)
if remoteuser:
remoteirc.proto.topicClient(remoteirc, remoteuser, remotechan, topic)
remoteirc.proto.topicServer(remoteirc, remoteirc.sid, remotechan, topic)
utils.add_hook(handle_topic, 'TOPIC')
def handle_kill(irc, numeric, command, args):
target = args['target']
userdata = args['userdata']
# We don't allow killing over the relay, so we must spawn the client.
# all over again and rejoin it to its channels.
realuser = getLocalUser(irc, target)
del relayusers[realuser][irc.name]
remoteirc = utils.networkobjects[realuser[0]]
for channel in remoteirc.channels:
remotechan = findRemoteChan(remoteirc, irc, channel)
if remotechan:
modes = getPrefixModes(remoteirc, irc, remotechan, realuser[1])
log.debug('(%s) handle_kill: userpair: %s, %s', irc.name, modes, realuser)
client = getRemoteUser(remoteirc, irc, realuser[1])
irc.proto.sjoinServer(irc, irc.sid, remotechan, [(modes, client)])
utils.msg(irc, numeric, "Your kill has to %s been blocked "
"because PyLink does not allow killing"
" users over the relay at this time." % \
userdata.nick, notice=True)
utils.add_hook(handle_kill, 'KILL')
def relayJoins(irc, channel, users, ts, modes):
queued_users = []
for user in users.copy():
if irc.users[user].remote:
# Is the .remote attribute set? If so, don't relay already
# relayed clients; that'll trigger an endless loop!
except AttributeError: # Nope, it isn't.
if user == irc.pseudoclient.uid:
# We don't need to clone the PyLink pseudoclient... That's
# meaningless.
log.debug('Okay, spawning %s/%s everywhere', user, irc.name)
for name, remoteirc in utils.networkobjects.items():
if name == irc.name:
# Don't relay things to their source network...
u = getRemoteUser(irc, remoteirc, user)
remotechan = findRemoteChan(irc, remoteirc, channel)
if remotechan is None or u is None:
ts = irc.channels[channel].ts
# TODO: join users in batches with SJOIN, not one by one.
prefixes = getPrefixModes(irc, remoteirc, channel, user)
userpair = (prefixes, u)
log.debug('(%s) relayJoin: joining %s to %s%s', irc.name, userpair, remoteirc.name, remotechan)
remoteirc.proto.sjoinServer(remoteirc, remoteirc.sid, remotechan, [userpair], ts=ts)
relayModes(irc, remoteirc, irc.sid, channel, modes)
def relayPart(irc, channel, user):
for name, remoteirc in utils.networkobjects.items():
if name == irc.name:
# Don't relay things to their source network...
remotechan = findRemoteChan(irc, remoteirc, channel)
log.debug('(%s) relayPart: looking for %s/%s on %s', irc.name, user, irc.name, remoteirc.name)
log.debug('(%s) relayPart: remotechan found as %s', irc.name, remotechan)
remoteuser = getRemoteUser(irc, remoteirc, user)
log.debug('(%s) relayPart: remoteuser for %s/%s found as %s', irc.name, user, irc.name, remoteuser)
if remotechan is None:
remoteirc.proto.partClient(remoteirc, remoteuser, remotechan, 'Channel delinked.')
def removeChannel(irc, channel):
if channel not in map(str.lower, irc.serverdata['channels']):
irc.proto.partClient(irc, irc.pseudoclient.uid, channel)
relay = findRelay((irc.name, channel))
if relay:
all_links = db[relay]['links'].copy()
log.debug('(%s) removeChannel: all_links: %s', irc.name, all_links)
for user in irc.channels[channel].users:
if not utils.isInternalClient(irc, user):
relayPart(irc, channel, user)
for link in all_links:
if link[0] == irc.name:
# Don't relay things to their source network...
remotenet, remotechan = link
remoteirc = utils.networkobjects[remotenet]
rc = remoteirc.channels[remotechan]
for user in remoteirc.channels[remotechan].users.copy():
log.debug('(%s) removeChannel: part user %s/%s from %s', irc.name, user, remotenet, remotechan)
if not utils.isInternalClient(remoteirc, user):
relayPart(remoteirc, remotechan, user)
def create(irc, source, args):
Creates the channel <channel> over the relay."""
channel = args[0].lower()
except IndexError:
utils.msg(irc, source, "Error: not enough arguments. Needs 1: channel.")
if not utils.isChannel(channel):
utils.msg(irc, source, 'Error: invalid channel %r.' % channel)
if source not in irc.channels[channel].users:
utils.msg(irc, source, 'Error: you must be in %r to complete this operation.' % channel)
if not utils.isOper(irc, source):
utils.msg(irc, source, 'Error: you must be opered in order to complete this operation.')
db[(irc.name, channel)] = {'claim': [irc.name], 'links': set(), 'blocked_nets': set()}
initializeChannel(irc, channel)
utils.msg(irc, source, 'Done.')
def destroy(irc, source, args):
Destroys the channel <channel> over the relay."""
channel = args[0].lower()
except IndexError:
utils.msg(irc, source, "Error: not enough arguments. Needs 1: channel.")
if not utils.isChannel(channel):
utils.msg(irc, source, 'Error: invalid channel %r.' % channel)
if not utils.isOper(irc, source):
utils.msg(irc, source, 'Error: you must be opered in order to complete this operation.')
entry = (irc.name, channel)
if entry in db:
for link in db[entry]['links']:
removeChannel(utils.networkobjects[link[0]], link[1])
removeChannel(irc, channel)
del db[entry]
utils.msg(irc, source, 'Done.')
utils.msg(irc, source, 'Error: no such relay %r exists.' % channel)
def link(irc, source, args):
"""<remotenet> <channel> <local channel>
Links channel <channel> on <remotenet> over the relay to <local channel>.
If <local channel> is not specified, it defaults to the same name as
channel = args[1].lower()
remotenet = args[0].lower()
except IndexError:
utils.msg(irc, source, "Error: not enough arguments. Needs 2-3: remote netname, channel, local channel name (optional).")
localchan = args[2].lower()
except IndexError:
localchan = channel
for c in (channel, localchan):
if not utils.isChannel(c):
utils.msg(irc, source, 'Error: invalid channel %r.' % c)
if source not in irc.channels[localchan].users:
utils.msg(irc, source, 'Error: you must be in %r to complete this operation.' % localchan)
if not utils.isOper(irc, source):
utils.msg(irc, source, 'Error: you must be opered in order to complete this operation.')
if remotenet not in utils.networkobjects:
utils.msg(irc, source, 'Error: no network named %r exists.' % remotenet)
localentry = findRelay((irc.name, localchan))
if localentry:
utils.msg(irc, source, 'Error: channel %r is already part of a relay.' % localchan)
entry = db[(remotenet, channel)]
except KeyError:
utils.msg(irc, source, 'Error: no such relay %r exists.' % channel)
for link in entry['links']:
if link[0] == irc.name:
utils.msg(irc, source, "Error: remote channel '%s%s' is already"
" linked here as %r." % (remotenet,
channel, link[1]))
entry['links'].add((irc.name, localchan))
initializeChannel(irc, localchan)
utils.msg(irc, source, 'Done.')
def delink(irc, source, args):
"""<local channel> [<network>]
Delinks channel <local channel>. <network> must and can only be specified
if you are on the host network for <local channel>, and allows you to
pick which network to delink. To remove all networks from a relay, use the
'destroy' command instead."""
channel = args[0].lower()
except IndexError:
utils.msg(irc, source, "Error: not enough arguments. Needs 1-2: channel, remote netname (optional).")
remotenet = args[1].lower()
except IndexError:
remotenet = None
if not utils.isOper(irc, source):
utils.msg(irc, source, 'Error: you must be opered in order to complete this operation.')
if not utils.isChannel(channel):
utils.msg(irc, source, 'Error: invalid channel %r.' % channel)
entry = findRelay((irc.name, channel))
if entry:
if entry[0] == irc.name: # We own this channel.
if remotenet is None:
utils.msg(irc, source, "Error: you must select a network to delink, or use the 'destroy' command no remove this relay entirely.")
for link in db[entry]['links'].copy():
if link[0] == remotenet:
removeChannel(utils.networkobjects[remotenet], link[1])
removeChannel(irc, channel)
db[entry]['links'].remove((irc.name, channel))
utils.msg(irc, source, 'Done.')
utils.msg(irc, source, 'Error: no such relay %r.' % channel)
def initializeAll(irc):
for chanpair, entrydata in db.items():
network, channel = chanpair
initializeChannel(irc, channel)
for link in entrydata['links']:
network, channel = link
initializeChannel(irc, channel)
def main():
utils.schedulers['relaydb'] = scheduler = sched.scheduler()
scheduler.enter(30, 1, exportDB, argument=(scheduler,))
# Thread this because exportDB() queues itself as part of its
# execution, in order to get a repeating loop.
thread = threading.Thread(target=scheduler.run)
thread.daemon = True
for ircobj in utils.networkobjects.values():
# Same goes for all the other initialization stuff; we only
# want it to happen once.
for network, ircobj in utils.networkobjects.items():
if ircobj.name != irc.name:
irc.proto.spawnServer(irc, '%s.relay' % network)
def handle_endburst(irc, numeric, command, args):
thread = threading.Thread(target=initializeAll, args=(irc,))
utils.add_hook(handle_endburst, "ENDBURST")