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# This is a sample configuration file for PyLink. You'll likely want to rename it to pylink.yml
# and begin your configuration there.
# Note: lines starting with a "#" are comments and will be ignored.
# Note 2: Use SPACES, NOT tabs to indent, or you will get parser errors on start!
# Defines general settings for the PyLink server. Prior to PyLink 1.2, this configuration block
# was named "bot:".
# Sets nick, user/ident, and real name.
nick: PyLink
ident: pylink
realname: PyLink Service Client
# Server description (shown in /links, /whois, etc.)
serverdesc: PyLink Server
# Sets the fantasy command prefix for the main PyLink bot. To configure fantasy prefixes for
# other service bots, add or modify the "prefix:" option in the configuration section of each
# plugin. (see the "games:" block for an example)
# Note: prior to PyLink 1.2, defining a prefix here made it global for all service bots. This
# was removed because it called all bots in a channel at once (even if they have conflicting
# commands), which usually leads to one successful reply and a string of "Command not found"
# errors.
# Note 2: this option REPLACES the deprecated "prefixes:" option from PyLink 1.1 and earlier.
prefix: "&"
# Determines whether PyLink service bots will respond to commands prefixed with their nick
# (requires the fantasy plugin). Prior to PyLink 1.2, this option was named "respondtonick";
# it was renamed for consistency. This defaults to false.
#respond_to_nick: true
# Determines whether PyLink service clients should protect themselves from
# kicks, kills, etc. using IRCd-side servprotect modes. For this to work
# properly, this usually requires that PyLink be U-Lined. This defaults to
# False.
#protect_services: false
# Determines whether services should default to sending command responses as private notices,
# even if the command was called in a channel. This defaults to False.
#prefer_private_replies: false
# Determines whether spawning additional services for bots (e.g. Automode, Games) should be
# enabled. This defaults to True, unless a network's protocol module doesn't support spawning
# extra service bots. If this is set to false, the other plugins' commands and channels will
# be merged into that of the main PyLink service bot.
#spawn_services: true
# Determines the default ban style that PyLink should use for setting bans (e.g. in Antispam)
# $ident, $host, $realhost, $ip, and $nick are among the supported substitutions here.
# This defaults to "*!*@$host" if not set.
# You should take extra caution that 1) the resulting mask is a valid nick!user@host
# 2) generated bans actually match the target user
#ban_style: "*!*@$host"
#ban_style: "*!$ident@$host" # A possible alternative
# Defines extra directories to look up plugins and protocol modules in.
# Environment variables (e.g. $HOME) and home folders (~) are expanded here, in that order.
#plugin_dirs: ["~/my-plugins", "~/pylink-contrib-modules/plugins"]
#protocol_dirs: ["~/pylink-contrib-modules/protocols"]
# Determines whether service bots should return unknown command errors. Defaults to true if not
# speciifed.
#show_unknown_commands: true
# Determines whether hideoper modes should be respected in WHOIS replies.
# Defaults to true if not specified.
#whois_use_hideoper: true
# Determines whether extended WHOIS replies should be sent to users marked as a
# bot (usually with umode +B). For better security (i.e. with bots that track services
# accounts for authentication), it is recommended to leave this off.
#whois_show_extensions_to_bots: false
# Determines whether PyLink should return its time of initial connection when replying to WHOIS
# for service bots. This defaults to true if not set.
#whois_show_startup_time: true
# Determines how long plugins should wait (in seconds) before flushing their
# databases to disk. Defaults to 300 seconds. Changes here require a reload
# of all database-enabled plugins to take effect.
#save_delay: 300
# Determines whether that service bots should join preconfigured channels even if they are empty.
# This can also be overriden per-network via the "join_empty_channels" variable.
# This defaults to False if not set.
#join_empty_channels: false
# NOTE: for users migrating from PyLink < 1.1, the old login:user/login:password settings
# have been deprecated. We strongly recommend migrating to the new "accounts:" block below, as
# it supports multiple accounts, hashed passwords, and allows more flexibility (accounts no
# longer imply admin access).
# IMPORTANT: If you're switching from login:user/login:password, you MUST ADD YOURSELF to a
# "permissions:" block like the one below, or you will lose IRC administration access to your
# PyLink daemon!
# Creates an account with username "user1". You can define other usernames at the
# same level here (key name is user name).
# Defines the password for the user. You can encrypt passwords using the
# 'mkpasswd' command or the 'pylink-mkpasswd' utility included with PyLink.
password: "$6$rounds=81447$WlVlZYCgbnjPmVqy$28Tu/Zl0xNpePqimax2wABKn5GCoWomYEI1Pu5jqYyQNULazR4BxQmscZ0MgBHqBCCke.3u5eOtBSZwL3WwVf0"
# Determines whether the password given is encrypted. Defaults to false
# (plain text) for backwards compatibility.
encrypted: true
# Optional: allows limiting this login to users from certain networks only (case sensitive).
#networks: ["network1", "network2"]
# Optional: allows limiting this login to opered users
#require_oper: false
# Optional: requires the user to match any of the following hosts. Extended targets
# are supported here as well.
#hosts: ["*!*@localhost", "*!*@trusted.isp"]
# Permissions blocks in PyLink are define as a mapping of PyLink targets (i.e. hostmasks or
# exttargets) to lists of permission nodes. You can find a list of permissions that PyLink and
# its plugins define in docs/permissions-reference.md. Exttargets (extended targets) are
# documented further in docs/exttargets.md
# Permissions blocks look something like this:
# - "permission.node.1"
# - "permission.node.2"
# - "someplugin.*" # Wildcards are also supported in names
# Replace ABC123 with your PyLink account name (configured above in order to give yourself admin
# access. As of PyLink 2.0, specifying a bare account name is synonymous with
# "$pylinkirc:<accountname>" (i.e. the "$pylinkirc:" prefix is implied).
- "*"
# This option determines whether plugin-determined default permissions should be enabled.
# You should generally only disable this if you need to configure permissions in a specific way,
# because it WILL break features people expect to work (e.g. access to Relay commands) unless you
# configure that in.
# See docs/permissions-reference.md for a list of permissions defined by PyLink's stock plugins.
# This defaults to true if not set.
#permissions_merge_defaults: true
# Please note: these are only EXAMPLE link blocks. You should edit them and
# remove ones that you don't need in your config.
# Short name for the network. This is used for relay's nick suffixes, the
# network plugin's (dis)connect commands, and various other places internally.
# CHANGE THIS to some abbreviation representing your network; usually
# something 3-5 characters should be good.
# Server IP, port, and passwords. The ip: field also supports resolving
# hostnames.
port: 7000
recvpass: "abcd"
sendpass: "abcd"
# Set the bind host, useful for multi-homed hosts.
# The full network name, used by plugins.
netname: "Change this"
# Hostname we will use to connect to the remote server
hostname: "pylink.yournet.local"
# Sets the server ID (SID) that the main PyLink server should use.
# For TS6-like servers (InspIRCd, Charybdis, UnrealIRCd, etc.), this
# must be three characters: the first char must be a digit [0-9], and
# the remaining two may be either uppercase letters [A-Z] or digits.
sid: "0PY"
# Server ID range: this specifies the range of server IDs that PyLink
# may use for subservers such as relay. On TS6, this should be a
# combination of digits, letters, and #'s. Each # denotes a range (0-9A-Z)
# of characters that can be used by PyLink to generate appropriate SIDs.
# You will want to make sure no other servers are using this range.
# There must be at least one # in this entry.
sidrange: "8##"
# Sets the protocol module to use for this network - see the README for a
# list of supported IRCds.
protocol: "inspircd"
# Sets the max nick length for the network. It is important that this is
# set correctly, or PyLink might introduce a nick that is too long and
# cause netsplits! This defaults to 30 if not set.
maxnicklen: 30
# Toggles SSL for this network - you should seriously consider using TLS in all your links
# for optimal security. Defaults to False if not specified.
ssl: true
# Optional SSL cert/key to pass to the uplink server.
#ssl_certfile: pylink-cert.pem
#ssl_keyfile: pylink-key.pem
# New in 2.0: Determines whether the target server's TLS certificate hostnames should be
# checked against the hostname we're set to connect to. This defaults to true for Clientbot
# networks and others linked to via a hostname. It depends on ssl_accept_invalid_certs being
# *disabled* to take effect.
#ssl_validate_hostname: true
# New in 2.0: When enabled, this disables TLS certificate validation on the target network.
# This defaults to false (bad certs are rejected) on Clientbot and true for server protocols
# (where bad certs are accepted). This disables the ssl_validate_hostname option,
# effectively forcing it to be false.
#ssl_accept_invalid_certs: false
# Optionally, you can set this option to verify the SSL certificate fingerprint of your
# uplink. This check works regardless of whether ssl_validate_hostname and
# ssl_accept_invalid_certs are enabled.
#ssl_fingerprint: "e0fee1adf795c84eec4735f039503eb18d9c35cc"
# This sets the hash type for the fingerprint (md5, sha1, sha256, etc.)
# Valid values include md5 and sha1-sha512, though others may be
# supported depending on your system: see
# https://docs.python.org/3/library/hashlib.html
# This setting defaults to sha256.
#ssl_fingerprint_type: sha256
# Sets autoconnect delay - comment this out or set the value below 1 to
# disable autoconnect entirely.
autoconnect: 10
# Optional autoconnect settings:
# Defines whether we should multiply the autoconnect delay by a certain value every time
# a connection fails. This defaults to 2 if not set (30 secs becomes 60 secs, 120 secs, etc.)
#autoconnect_multiplier: 2
# Defines what the maximum autoconnect time will be (defaults to 1800 secs).
#autoconnect_max: 1800
# Autojoin channels. The "channels" option affects all service bots, but you can also
# configure channels per service using keys in the name of "<servicename>_channels"
# Comment out or remove these keys if you don't want service bots# to join any channels by
# default.
#channels: ["#pylink"]
#pylink_channels: ["#services"]
#automode_channels: ["#chat"]
# Encoding: allows you to override the network's encoding. This can be useful for networks
# using m_nationalchars or something similar. Encoding defaults to utf-8 if not set, and
# should be one of the standard encodings defined at
# https://docs.python.org/3/library/codecs.html#standard-encodings
# Changing this setting requires a disconnect and reconnect of the corresponding network
# to apply.
# This setting is EXPERIMENTAL as of PyLink 1.2.x.
#encoding: utf-8
# Sets the ping frequency in seconds (i.e. how long we should wait between
# sending pings to our uplink). When more than two consecutive pings are missed,
# PyLink will disconnect with a ping timeout. This defaults to 90 if not set.
#pingfreq: 90
# If relay nick tagging is disabled, this option specifies a list of nick globs to always
# tag when introducing remote users *onto* this network.
#relay_forcetag_nicks: ["someuser", "Guest*"]
# Sets the suffix that relay subservers on this network should use.
# If not specified per network, this falls back to the value at
# relay::server_suffix, or "relay" if that is also not set.
#relay_server_suffix: "relay.yournet.net"
# Determines whether relay will tag nicks on this network. This overrides the relay::tag_nicks
# option on a per network-basis.
#relay_tag_nicks: true
# Determines the maximum size of the network's outgoing data queue (sendq), in message lines.
# This defaults to 4096 if not set.
#maxsendq: 4096
# Defines a list of "U-lined" servers that should be given special treatment when overriding
# modes. Relay uses this as a list of servers to IGNORE some mode changes from on a claimed
# channel (versus bouncing the mode back, which may be floody).
#ulines: ["services.example.conf"]
# InspIRCd specific option: determines whether we should display WHOIS extensions by overriding
# InspIRCd's default WHOIS formatting. This defaults to true for consistency with PyLink 1.x.
#force_whois_extensions: true
ip: ::1
port: 8067
# Determines whether IPv6 should be used for this connection. Should the ip:
# above be a hostname instead of an IP, this will also affect whether A records
# (IPv4) or AAAA records (IPv6) will be used in resolving it.
# As of PyLink 2.0-beta1, you can leave this unset for direct connections to IP addresses;
# the address type will be automatically detected.
#ipv6: yes
# Received and sent passwords. For passwordless links using SSL fingerprints, simply set
# these two fields to "*" and enable SSL with a cert and key file.
recvpass: "coffee"
sendpass: "tea"
ssl: true
#ssl_certfile: mycert.pem
#ssl_keyfile: mycert.pem
hostname: "pylink.example.com"
sid: "2PY"
sidrange: "8##"
protocol: "unreal"
autoconnect: 10
# Sets the full network name, used for display purposes.
netname: "Network name"
# You can also define network-specific nicks, idents, and hosts for various service
# bots, using the configuration options "servicename_nick", etc.
#pylink_nick: MagicServ
#pylink_ident: magicserv
#pylink_host: magicserv.mynet.net
#pylink_realname: Magic Link Service
#games_nick: MagicGames
#games_ident: magicgames
#games_host: games.mynet.net
#games_realname: Magic Games Service
ip: somenet.ddns.local
port: 45454
# When the IP field is set to a hostname, the "ipv6" option determines whether IPv4 or IPv6
# addresses should be used when resolving it. You can leave this field blank and use an
# explicit bindhost instead, which will let the the address type be automatically detected.
#ipv6: false
#bindhost: 1111:2222:3333:4444
# Note: if you are actually using dynamic DNS for an IRC link, consider enabling
# TLS/SSL certificate checking (new in 2.0). These checks are disabled by default for
# server links because self-signed certificates are still quite common.
ssl: true
#ssl_accept_invalid_certs: false
#ssl_validate_hostname: true
recvpass: "PASS123"
sendpass: "PASS321"
hostname: "pylink.somenet.ddns.local"
# For P10, the SID and SID range options correspond to P10 server numerics. The PyLink
# "sid" should be the numeric of the main server, and "sidrange" should be a range of
# numerics that subservers (e.g. for relay) can use.
# Make sure no other servers are in the numeric range you're reserving for PyLink, or you
# may get conflicts.
sid: 50
sidrange: "100-150"
#channels: ["#lounge"]
protocol: p10
autoconnect: 10
netname: "Network name"
# Configures the relay separator. Note: /'s in nicks are automatically translated to |
# for IRCds other than Unreal and InspIRCd, since they are not supported in nicks.
#separator: "|"
### The following options are specific to P10 servers:
# Determines whether extended accounts should be used for this network.
# For Nefarious, this **MUST** match the EXTENDED_ACCOUNTS setting in your IRCd configuration.
# For other P10 IRCds, this should be set to FALSE.
use_extended_accounts: true
# Sets the IRCd type. The following options are supported here: 'nefarious', 'snircd', 'ircu',
# and 'generic'. This defaults to 'nefarious'.
# With this key set to 'nefarious', FAKE (external vHost changing) and SETHOST (host changing
# for PyLink / relay clients) are enabled, along with a set of modes tailored to Nefarious.
# With this key set to 'snircd', SETHOST and a set of modes tailored to snircd are enabled.
# Host changing for other users (e.g. via the changehost plugin) is not supported.
# With this key set to 'ircu', a set of modes tailored to IRCu is enabled.
# Host changing is not supported.
# With this key set to 'generic', neither of these host changing features are enabled
# and a baseline RFC1459 mode set is used. This configuration is not officially supported.
# (This option was previously named "p10_ircd" in PyLink 1.2, and that option name is
# deprecated as of 2.0).
ircd: nefarious
# Determines whether account-based cloaks should be used (someone.users.yournet.org
# format). This setting MUST match your IRCd configuration.
# On Nefarious, ENABLE this if HOST_HIDING_STYLE is set to either 1 or 3.
# On other P10 IRCds, ENABLE this if HOST_HIDING is set to TRUE.
use_account_cloaks: false
# The cloak suffix to be used for account-based cloaks. This MUST match your
# IRCd configuration if use_account_cloaks is enabled.
cloak_suffix: "users.yournet.org"
### The following options are specific to Nefarious and should be disabled unless
# you're using another P10 variant explicitly supporting them:
# Halfop is optional in Nefarious. This setting should match your IRCd configuration.
use_halfop: false
# Determines whether account-based cloaks should be used for opers
# (someone.opers.yournet.org format). If use_account_cloaks is disabled,
# this will have no effect. This setting MUST match your IRCd configuration.
use_oper_account_cloaks: false
# The cloak suffix to be used for IRCop account-based cloaks. This MUST match your
# IRCd configuration if use_oper_account_cloaks is enabled.
oper_cloak_suffix: "staff.yournet.org"
# Determines whether UnrealIRCd-style hashed-host cloaks will be used.
# This setting should match your IRCd configuration.
# ENABLE this if HOST_HIDING_STYLE is set to either 2 or 3.
use_hashed_cloaks: false
port: 7000
ssl: true
recvpass: "abcd"
sendpass: "abcd"
hostname: "pylink.example.com"
sid: "8PY"
netname: "Network name"
sidrange: "8##"
protocol: "ts6"
autoconnect: 10
### The following options are specific to TS6 servers:
# Toggles owner (+y), admin (+a), and halfop (+h) support for
# shadowircd/elemental-ircd/chatircd. These default to off for the best compatibility.
#use_owner: false
#use_admin: false
#use_halfop: false
# Sets the IRCd (channel/user mode set) to target - currently supported values include
# 'chatircd', 'charybdis', and 'elemental' (elemental-ircd). This option defaults to
# 'charybdis' if not set, and replaces the "use_elemental_modes" option from PyLink 1.2
# and earlier.
#ircd: charybdis
# Sample Clientbot configuration, if you want to connect PyLink as a bot to relay somewhere
# (or do other bot things).
ip: irc.somenet.local
port: 6697
# Optional server password.
#sendpass: "wastedbytes103"
netname: "Network name"
#channels: ["#this-works-as-usual"]
protocol: "clientbot"
# You can set the PyLink bot nick and ident using the "pylink_nick" and "pylink_ident" options.
#pylink_nick: pybot
#pylink_ident: pybot
# You can also define alternate fallback nicks on Clientbot. These will be used in order
# if successive nicks are unavailable, falling back to the default nick plus an increasing
# number of underscores.
#pylink_altnicks: ["pybot`", "pybot-"]
# TLS/SSL options. Certfile and keyfile are optional, but can be used for CertFP/SASL external
# where supported.
ssl: true
#ssl_certfile: mycert.pem
#ssl_keyfile: mycert.pem
# New in 2.0: Determines whether the target server's TLS certificate hostnames should be
# checked against the hostname we're set to connect to. This defaults to true for Clientbot
# networks and others linked to via a hostname. It depends on ssl_accept_invalid_certs being
# *disabled* to take effect.
#ssl_validate_hostname: true
# New in 2.0: When enabled, this disables TLS certificate validation on the target network.
# This defaults to false (bad certs are rejected) on Clientbot and true for server protocols
# (where bad certs are accepted). This disables the ssl_validate_hostname option,
# effectively forcing it to be false.
#ssl_accept_invalid_certs: false
# Autoconnect options work the same as on a regular network.
autoconnect: 30
#autoconnect_multiplier: 1.5
#autoconnect_max: 1800
# Message throttling: when set to a non-zero value, only one message will be sent every X
# seconds. If your bot is constantly running into Excess Flood errors, raising this to
# something like 0.5 or 1.0 should help. Since PyLink 2.0.2, this defaults to 0 if not set.
throttle_time: 0.3
# Determines whether messages from unknown clients (servers, clients not sharing in a -n
# channel, etc.) should be forwarded via the PyLink server. If this is disabled, these
# messages will be silently dropped. This overrides the "accept_weird_senders" option in the
# "relay:" configuration block, and defaults to True for consistency with older releases.
#relay_weird_senders: false
### The following options are specific to Clientbot servers:
# SASL login: for mechanisms, only EXTERNAL (SSL cert) and PLAIN (username and password)
# are supported so far.
# SASL PLAIN requires the sasl_username and sasl_password options to be set, while
# SASL EXTERNAL requires ssl, ssl_certfile, and ssl_keyfile to work.
#sasl_mechanism: "PLAIN"
#sasl_username: "abc"
#sasl_password: "somestrangepassword"
# Defines the SASL timeout - this defaults to 15 seconds.
#sasl_timeout: 15
# If this option is enabled, the bot will attempt SASL authentication even after it's
# connected, as services become available throughout netsplits and reconnects.
# Note: This requires an IRC server capable of IRCv3.2 cap-notify and sasl:
# InspIRCd 3.x and charybdis 4+ are some compatible IRCds as of 2016-12-19.
# This defaults to false.
#sasl_reauth: true
# Raw IRC messages to send on connect. As of 2.0-alpha2, expansions such as $nick, $ident,
# and $host are also supported via Python template strings:
# (https://docs.python.org/3/library/string.html#template-strings)
# - "MODE $nick +B"
# - "NOTICE somebody :hello, i've connected"
# Determines whether oper statuses should be tracked on this Clientbot network. This
# defaults to False for the best security, since oper status may allow more access to the
# entire PyLink service than what's desired, even when PyLink is only connected as a bot.
# This defaults to false if not specified.
#track_oper_statuses: false
# Determines whether the bot should enumerate ban/banexception/invex modes when joining channels.
# This is required for relay mode sync to work properly, because the bot will otherwise refuse to
# relay unbans (Clientbot only removes modes that it knows are set).
# This defaults to False because it causes extra MODE messages to be sent on connect, which can
# drastically slow down startup if the bot joins a lot of channels.
#fetch_ban_lists: true
# Plugins to load (omit the .py extension)
# Commands plugin: Provides simple commands to check login status, show info on users and
# channels, etc.
- commands
# Networks plugin: Allows you to manage connections to networks while PyLink is running.
- networks
# Ctcp plugin: handles basic CTCP replies (VERSION, etc) towards service bots.
- ctcp
# Relay plugin: Transparent server-side relay between channels (like Janus). See
# the relay: block below for configuration.
#- relay
# Relay Clientbot plugin: this allows channel messages and events like
# JOIN, PART, KICK, etc. to relay over networks using Clientbot. You will
# want this loaded if you're using PyLink as a relay bot.
#- relay_clientbot
# Fantasy plugin: Allows you to trigger commands in channels by prefixing them
# with the PyLink service's nick or configurable prefix characters.
#- fantasy
# Oper commands plugin: Provides a handful of network management commands. (KILL, JUPE, etc.)
#- opercmds
# Automode plugin: allows assigning channel access to specific hostmasks or
# exttargets. See docs/automode.md
# for a usage guide.
#- automode
# Changehost plugin: Automatically changes the hostmask (i.e. sets vHosts) on
# matching users as they connect. This requires the changehost: block to be
# configured correctly below.
#- changehost
# Antispam plugin: catches and punishes spammers locally and across relays as necessary.
# You *will need* to configure it via the "antispam:" configuration block below.
#- antispam
# Servprotect plugin: disconnects from networks if too many kills or nick collisions to
# PyLink clients are received.
#- servprotect
# Global plugin: Janus-style global plugin; announces messages to all channels the PyLink
# client is in.
#- global
# Bots plugin: Allows you to manipulate PyLink service bots on networks.
#- bots
# Servermaps plugin: displays network /map's from the PyLink server's perspective.
#- servermaps
# Raw plugin: Provides a 'raw' command for sending raw text to IRC.
# Not supported outside Clientbot networks!
#- raw
# This configuration block defines targets that PyLink should log commands,
# errors, etc., to.
# This sets the level for console logging, which is always enabled. Valid
# settings include DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, and CRITICAL: see
# https://docs.python.org/3/library/logging.html#logging-levels for details.
# Prior to PyLink 1.2, this option was erroneously named 'log:stdout', even though the actual
# logging output goes to stderr. That option name (log:stdout) is now *deprecated*.
console: INFO
# Logs to channels on the specified networks.
# Make sure that the main PyLink client is also configured to join your
# log channel in the "channels:" block for the relevant networks.
# Note: Log messages are forwarded over relay, so you will get duplicate
# messages if you add log blocks for more than one channel in one
# relay.
# Note 2: DEBUG logging is not supported here: any log level settings
# below INFO be automatically raised to INFO.
loglevel: INFO
loglevel: WARNING
loglevel: INFO
# Logs to file targets. These will be placed in the log/ folder in the
# PyLink directory, with a filename based on the current instance name
# and the target name: instancename-targetname.log
# When running with ./pylink, this will create log/pylink-errors.log
# When running with ./pylink someconf.yml, this will create log/someconf-errors.log
loglevel: ERROR
# Ditto above. When running with ./pylink, it will use log/pylink-commands.log
# When running with ./pylink someconf.yml, this will create log/someconf-commands.log
loglevel: INFO
# Uncomment this to enable debug logging. This is only needed if you're developing for
# PyLink or are requested to enable this when reporting a bug.
# loglevel: DEBUG
# Configures optional log file rotation. When enabled, PyLink will create rotate files
# in the format pylink-commands.log, pylink-commands.log.1, pylink-commands.log.2, etc.
# If either max_bytes or backup_count is 0, log rotation will be disabled.
# Max amount of bytes per file before rotation is done. Defaults to 20 MiB (20971520 bytes).
#max_bytes: 20971520
# Amount of backups to make. Defaults to 5.
#backup_count: 5
# This block configures the Changehost plugin. You don't need this if you
# aren't using it.
# Sets the networks where Changehost should be enabled. Please note: changehost does NOT support
# arbitrarily cloaking clients introduced by PyLink (e.g. relay clients), as doing so would make
# ban matching impossible. In these cases, it is the remote admin's job to turn on cloaking on
# their IRCd!
- inspnet
- ts6net
# Sets the networks where Changehost hosts should be enforced: that is, any attempts
# by the user or other services to overwrite a host will be reverted.
# - inspnet
# Sets the masks that Changehost enforcement should ignore: these can be users with certain
# hosts, exttargets, etc.
- "*!*@yournet/staff/*"
#- "$account"
# Determines whether Changehost rules should also match the host portion of a mask by IP and
# real hosts. These default to false.
#match_ip: false
#match_realhosts: false
# This sets the hostmasks that Changehost should look for. Whenever someone
# with a matching nick!user@host connects, their host will be set to the
# text defined. The following substitutions are available here:
# $uid, $ts (time of connection), $nick, $realhost, $ident, and $ip.
# Invalid characters in hosts are replaced with a "-".
# Also, make sure you quote each entry so the YAML parser treats them as
# raw strings.
# Here are some examples. Note that to keep your users' details
# private, you should probably refrain from using $ip or $realhost,
# in these hostmasks, unless cloaking is already disabled.
"*!yourname@*.yournet.com": "$nick.opers.yournet.com"
"*!*@localhost": "some-server.hostname"
# Freenode-style masks are possible with this (though without the
# hashing)
"*!*@bnc-server.yournet.com": "yournet/bnc-users/$ident"
"*!*@ircip?.mibbit.com": "$ident.$realhost"
"WebchatUser*!*@*": "webchat/users/$ident"
# This block defines various options for the Relay plugin. You don't need this
# if you aren't using it.
# Determines whether all opers should be able to create, link, delink, destroy, and adjust
# claim settings & channel descriptions on relay channels. You can disable this if you want to
# configure Relay permissions in a more fine grained way, e.g. by granting each network admin
# their own PyLink account.
# This defaults to True if not set, for consistency with older (< 2.0) PyLink versions.
# Changing this setting requires a rehash and reload of the Relay plugin to apply.
allow_free_oper_links: true
# Determines whether all relay users' nicks will be tagged with their network, instead of only
# when a nick collision occurs. It is recommended that you either leave this on or maintain a
# list of nicks in "forcetag_nicks", so that your users don't complain about "nick in use"
# errors. This option defaults to True if not specified.
tag_nicks: true
# If tag_nicks is False, this specifies a list of NICK globs that network tags should be added
# for anyways (e.g. network services).
# There is also a per-network version of this option: see 'relay_forcetag_nicks'.
- "*Serv"
# Sets the suffix that relay subservers should use. Defaults to "relay" (as in net1.relay,
# net2.relay, etc.) if not specified. This can also be specified per network via the
# 'relay_server_suffix' option in a server block.
#server_suffix: "relay.yournet.net"
# Sets the default Relay separator. Defaults to / if not specified. The "separator"
# option in server blocks override this if specified.
separator: "/"
# This option defines lists of networks to relay user IPs between (instead of
# masking them as If a network is in a pool (case-SENSITIVE), their
# opers will see the IPs from users in the rest of the pool, and the rest of
# the pool will receive IPs from that network too.
# You should generally have a consensus among your linked networks as to which
# network should be in which pool. A network can be part of one pool, multiple
# pools, or none at all.
# This option replaces the "relay::show_ips" and network-specific "relay_no_ips"
# options, which are DEPRECATED as of 2.0-beta1.
# - ["net1", "net2", "net3"]
# - ["net1", "meganet"]
# This option defines lists of networks that kills should be relayed between.
# If a network is in a pool (case-SENSITIVE), they will be able to kill users
# on other networks in the pool, and will also receive kills from other networks
# in the pool.
# You should generally have a consensus among your linked networks as to which
# network should be in which pool.
# When a kill is sent to a target not sharing any kill pool with the sender's network,
# the kill is relayed as a kick on the target to all shared channels where the sender
# has CLAIM access.
# - ["net1", "net2", "net3"]
# This determines whether private messages & notices will be forwarded over Clientbot relay,
# and whether the 'rpm' command will be allowed from Clientbot networks. This defaults to
# False.
allow_clientbot_pms: false
# Sets whether Clientbot mode sync will be enabled. Valid options:
# "full" - Sync bans, ban/invite exceptions, prefix modes, and all RFC1459-standard modes. The
# bot will need op in the Clientbot channel for this to work both ways.
# "half" - Sync only bans, ban/invite exceptions, and prefix modes. The bot will need op in the
# Clientbot channel for this to work both ways.
# "none" - Turns off mode sync. This is the default.
# Note: when mode sync is enabled and the bot is opped, CLAIM protection will be enforced across
# Clientbot links as well. This means that the bot will try to revert any mode changes by non-ops
# or services not in the channel. The workaround is to add all Clientbot networks to the CLAIM
# list of any affected channels.
#clientbot_modesync: none
# Determines whether remote opers will have user mode +H (hideoper) set on
# them. This has the benefit of lowering the oper count in /lusers and
# /stats (P|p), but only on IRCds that support it. This defaults to true
# if not set.
hideoper: true
# Determines whether the servers disconnecting in a netsplit should be shown when
# relaying quits due to a netsplit. Defaults to False.
show_netsplits: false
# Determines whether LINKACL should use whitelist or blacklist mode by default for newly
# created channels. This defaults to false, and can also be specified per network via the
# 'relay_linkacl_use_whitelist' option in a server block.
#linkacl_use_whitelist: false
# Determines whether CLAIM should be enabled by default for newly created channels.
# This defaults to true, and can also be specified per network via the 'relay_enable_default_claim'
# option in a server block.
#enable_default_claim: true
# Optionally defines a message that should be sent to all leaf channels that a network owns, when
# it disconnects. This uses a template string as documented at
# https://docs.python.org/3/library/string.html#template-strings, with the following substitutions:
# $network: the name of the network that this message is being announced to
# $channel: the channel that this message is being announced to
# $homenetwork: the name of the network that disconnected
# $homechannel: the original name of the channel this message is being announced to
# If this option is empty or not set, no announcement is made.
#disconnect_announcement: >-
# Network $homenetwork has disconnected: $channel will remain open as the link is
# re-established, but new links will be disabled.
# Determines whether messages from unknown clients (servers, clients not sharing in a -n channel,
# etc.) should be forwarded via the PyLink server. If this is disabled, these messages will be
# silently dropped. This defaults to True for consistency with older releases.
#accept_weird_senders: false
# Determines whether NickServ login info should be shown in the /whois output for
# relay users.
# Valid options include "all" (show this to everyone), "opers" (show only to
# opers), and "none" (disabled). Defaults to none if not specified.
whois_show_accounts: all
# Determines whether the origin server should be shown in the /whois output for
# relay users.
# Valid options include "all" (show this to everyone), "opers" (show only to
# opers), and "none" (disabled). Defaults to none if not specified.
whois_show_server: opers
# This block configures the servprotect plugin; you don't need this if you aren't using it.
# length: How many KILL/SAVE's before a disconnect?
#length: 5
# age: Determines how much time (in seconds) should pass before the servprotect cache is reset.
# Note: updates to this option require a reload of the servprotect plugin, which automatically
# resets the cache.
#age: 10
# The following options in this block are common to all plugins that spawn service bots (games,
# automode, etc.):
# Sets the nick of the Automode service, if you're using it. If not defined, this defaults to
# the service name ("automode" in this case).
nick: Automode
#ident: Automode
# For each service, you can also specify what prefix modes you want the service bot to join channels with.
# Setting this to op (+o) for Automode makes it appear more like a standard IRC service, and lessens
# the risk of mode overrides being dropped.
joinmodes: 'o'
# Determines whether a separate service bot should be spawned for this plugin. This defaults to
# True, unless a network's protocol module doesn't support spawning extra service bots.
# This option overrides the global "spawn_services" option defined in "pylink:".
# If this is set to False, this plugin's commands and channels will be merged into that of the
# main PyLink service bot.
#spawn_service: true
# Defines a fantasy prefix for the Automode bot (requires spawn_services to be set and the
# fantasy plugin to be loaded). This overrides the "prefix" option in the "pylink:" config
# block.
prefix: "@"
# Determines whether this bot should respond to its nick (requires spawn_services to be set and the
# fantasy plugin to be loaded). This overrides the "respond_to_nick" option in the "pylink:" config
# block.
#respond_to_nick: true
# Determines whether we should show unknown command errors for this service bot. Defaults to True.
# This overrides the "show_unknown_commands" option in the "pylink:" config block.
#show_unknown_commands: true
# Sets the nick of the Games service, if you're using it. This defaults to "games" if not defined.
nick: Games
# Ident, host, and realname can also be specified here, but they may be overriden per-network.
#ident: games
#host: play.games
#realname: Games Service
# Defines a fantasy prefix for the Games bot.
prefix: "./"
# Determines the time format that the Stats plugin should use for showing dates + times.
# Defaults to "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000" (the RFC 2812 standard) if not specified.
time_format: "%c"
# Sets the text format for the global plugin, if it is loaded. This uses a template string as
# documented at https://docs.python.org/3/library/string.html#template-strings, with the
# following substitutions:
# $sender: the nick of the sender
# $network: the short network name of the origin network
# $fullnetwork: the full network name of the origin network
# $current_channel: the channel we're broadcasting on
# $current_network: the network we're currently broadcasting on
# $current_fullnetwork: the full name of the network we're currently broadcasting on
# $text: the global text
#format: "[$sender@$fullnetwork] $text"
# Configures a set of channel globs to exempt from announcements. You can also add to
# this per network via: servers::<server name>::global_exempt_channels,
# the contents of which will be merged into this list.
# - "#*staff*"
# This block configures the antispam plugin; you don't need this if you aren't using it.
# Antispam is automatically enabled in all channels that it's in, and you can configure
# its presence (like with all service bots) by setting 'antispam_channels' on the applicable
# networks.
# Antispam also integrates with relay by punishing users locally (so that bans, kills, etc.
# are not bounced by relay) and not relaying messages marked as spam.
# Determines the minimum level of channel access needed to be exempt from Antispam.
# Note: opers are automatically exempt.
# Valid values are "voice", "halfop", and "op". This defaults to "halfop" if not set.
#exempt_level: halfop
# Determines whether Antispam should strip formatting before applying filter checks.
# Defaults to true if not set.
#strip_formatting: true
# This block configures options for antispam's mass highlight blocking. It can also be
# overridden (as an entire block) per-network by copying its options under
# servers::<server name>::antispam_masshighlight
# Determines whether mass highlight prevention should be enabled. Defaults to false if not
# set.
#enabled: true
# Sets the punishment that Antispam should use against mass highlighters.
# Valid values include "kill", "kick", "ban", "quiet", "block", and combinations of these
# strung together with "+" (e.g. "kick+ban"). Defaults to "kick+ban" if not set.
#punishment: kick+ban
# Sets the kick / kill message used when mass highlight prevention is triggered.
#reason: "Mass highlight spam is prohibited"
# Sets the minimum message length and amount of nicks needed in a message for
# mass highlight prevention to trigger.
#min_length: 50
#min_nicks: 5
# This block configures options for antispam's text spamfilters. It can also be overridden
# (as an entire block) per-network by copying its options under
# servers::<server name>::antispam_textfilter
# Determines whether text spamfilters should be enabled. Defaults to false if not set.
#enabled: true
# Sets the punishment that Antispam's text spamfilter should use.
# Valid values include "kill", "kick", "ban", "quiet", and combinations of these strung
# together with "+" (e.g. "kick+ban"). Defaults to "kick+ban+block" if not set.
# If you want to use Antispam with PM monitoring (see the "watch_pms" option below), you
# will want to include at least one punishment that is not channel-specific
# ("kill" or "block").
# Punishments not supported in a context or network (e.g. kicking for PM spam or "quiet"
# on a network that doesn't support it) will be silently dropped if others succeed.
# If no punishments succeed, then a warning will be logged.
#punishment: kick+ban+block
# Sets the kick / kill message used when the text spamfilter is triggered.
#reason: "Spam is prohibited"
# Determines whether PMs to PyLink clients should also be tracked to prevent spam.
# Valid values include false (the boolean value), 'services', and 'all':
# - If this is set to false, PMs are ignored by text filtering.
# - If this is set to 'services', only PMs sent to services are checked for spam (this allows
# them to effectively act as PM spam traps)
# - If this is set to 'all', all PyLink clients (including relay users) have incoming PMs
# checked for spam.
# This defaults to false if not set.
#watch_pms: false
# Configures an (ASCII case-insensitive) list of bad strings to block in messages (PRIVMSG, NOTICE).
# Globs are supported; use them to your advantage here.
# You can also define server specific lists of bad strings by defining
# servers::<server name>::antispam_textfilters_globs
# the contents of which will be *merged* into the global list of bad strings specified below.
# - "*very bad don't say this*"
# - "TWFkZSB5b3UgbG9vayE="