import time import sys import os import re curdir = os.path.dirname(__file__) sys.path += [curdir, os.path.dirname(curdir)] import utils from log import log from classes import * from ts6 import TS6Protocol class HybridProtocol(TS6Protocol): def __init__(self, irc): # This protocol module inherits from the TS6 protocol. super().__init__(irc) self.casemapping = 'ascii' self.caps = {} self.hook_map = {'EOB': 'ENDBURST', 'TBURST': 'TOPIC'} def connect(self): """Initializes a connection to a server.""" ts = self.irc.start_ts f = self.irc.send # Valid keywords (from mostly InspIRCd's named modes): # admin allowinvite autoop ban banexception blockcolor # c_registered exemptchanops filter forward flood halfop history invex # inviteonly joinflood key kicknorejoin limit moderated nickflood # noctcp noextmsg nokick noknock nonick nonotice official-join op # operonly opmoderated owner permanent private redirect regonly # regmoderated secret sslonly stripcolor topiclock voice # cmodes = { # TS6 generic modes: 'op': 'o', 'halfop': 'h', 'voice': 'v', 'ban': 'b', 'key': 'k', 'limit': 'l', 'moderated': 'm', 'noextmsg': 'n', 'secret': 's', 'topiclock': 't', # hybrid-specific modes: 'blockcolor': 'c', 'inviteonly': 'i', 'noctcp': 'C', 'regmoderated': 'M', 'operonly': 'O', 'regonly': 'R', 'sslonly': 'S', 'banexception': 'e', 'paranoia': 'p', 'registered': 'r', 'invex': 'I', # Now, map all the ABCD type modes: '*A': 'beI', '*B': 'k', '*C': 'l', '*D': 'cimnprstCMORS' } self.irc.cmodes.update(cmodes) # Same thing with umodes: # bot callerid cloak deaf_commonchan helpop hidechans hideoper invisible oper # regdeaf servprotect showwhois snomask u_registered u_stripcolor wallops umodes = { 'oper': 'o', 'invisible': 'i', 'wallops': 'w', 'chary_locops': 'l', 'cloak': 'x', 'hidechans': 'p', 'regdeaf': 'R', 'deaf': 'D', 'callerid': 'g', 'showadmin': 'a', 'softcallerid': 'G', 'hideops': 'H', 'webirc': 'W', 'client_connections': 'c', 'bad_client_connections': 'u', 'rejected_clients': 'j', 'skill_notices': 'k', 'fullauthblock': 'f', 'remote_client_connections': 'F', 'admin_requests': 'y', 'debug': 'd', 'nickchange_notices': 'n', 'hideidle': 'q', 'registered': 'r', 'smessages': 's', 'ssl': 'S', 'sjoins': 'e', 'botfloods': 'b', # Now, map all the ABCD type modes: '*A': '', '*B': '', '*C': '', '*D': 'oiwlxpRDg' } self.irc.umodes.update(umodes) # halfops is mandatory on Hybrid self.irc.prefixmodes = {'o': '@', 'h': '%', 'v': '+'} # f('PASS %s TS 6 %s' % (self.irc.serverdata["sendpass"], self.irc.sid)) # We request the following capabilities (for hybrid): # ENCAP: message encapsulation for certain commands # EX: Support for ban exemptions (+e) # IE: Support for invite exemptions (+e) # CHW: Allow sending messages to @#channel and the like. # KNOCK: Support for /knock # SVS: Deal with extended NICK/UID messages that contain service IDs/stamps # TBURST: Topic Burst command; we send this in topicServer # DLN: DLINE command # UNDLN: UNDLINE command # KLN: KLINE command # UNKLN: UNKLINE command # HOPS: Supports HALFOPS # CHW: Can do channel wall (@#) # CLUSTER: Supports server clustering # EOB: Supports EOB (end of burst) command f('CAPAB :TBURST DLN KNOCK UNDLN UNKLN KLN ENCAP IE EX HOPS CHW SVS CLUSTER EOB QS') f('SERVER %s 0 :%s' % (self.irc.serverdata["hostname"], self.irc.serverdata.get('serverdesc') or self.irc.botdata['serverdesc'])) # send endburst now self.irc.send(':%s EOB' % (self.irc.sid,)) def spawnClient(self, nick, ident='null', host='null', realhost=None, modes=set(), server=None, ip='', realname=None, ts=None, opertype=None, manipulatable=False): """Spawns a client with nick on the given IRC connection. Note: No nick collision / valid nickname checks are done here; it is up to plugins to make sure they don't introduce anything invalid.""" server = server or self.irc.sid if not self.irc.isInternalServer(server): raise ValueError('Server %r is not a PyLink internal PseudoServer!' % server) # Create an UIDGenerator instance for every SID, so that each gets # distinct values. uid = self.uidgen.setdefault(server, utils.TS6UIDGenerator(server)).next_uid() # EUID: # parameters: nickname, hopcount, nickTS, umodes, username, # visible hostname, IP address, UID, real hostname, account name, gecos ts = ts or int(time.time()) realname = realname or self.irc.botdata['realname'] realhost = realhost or host raw_modes = utils.joinModes(modes) u = self.irc.users[uid] = IrcUser(nick, ts, uid, ident=ident, host=host, realname=realname, realhost=realhost, ip=ip, manipulatable=manipulatable) utils.applyModes(self.irc, uid, modes) self.irc.servers[server].users.add(uid) self._send(server, "UID {nick} 1 {ts} {modes} {ident} {host} {ip} {uid} " "* :{realname}".format(ts=ts, host=host, nick=nick, ident=ident, uid=uid, modes=raw_modes, ip=ip, realname=realname)) return u def updateClient(self, numeric, field, text): """Updates the ident, host, or realname of a PyLink client.""" field = field.upper() if field == 'IDENT': self.irc.users[numeric].ident = text self._send(numeric, 'SETIDENT %s' % text) elif field == 'HOST': self.irc.users[numeric].host = text self._send(numeric, 'SETHOST %s' % text) elif field in ('REALNAME', 'GECOS'): self.irc.users[numeric].realname = text self._send(numeric, 'SETNAME :%s' % text) else: raise NotImplementedError("Changing field %r of a client is unsupported by this protocol." % field) # command handlers def handle_capab(self, numeric, command, args): # We only get a list of keywords here. Hybrid obviously assumes that # we know what modes it supports (indeed, this is a standard list). # <- CAPAB :BAN CHW CLUSTER ENCAP EOPMOD EUID EX IE KLN KNOCK MLOCK QS RSFNC SAVE SERVICES TB UNKLN self.irc.caps = caps = args[0].split() # for required_cap in ('EUID', 'SAVE', 'TB', 'ENCAP', 'QS'): # if required_cap not in caps: # raise ProtocolError('%s not found in TS6 capabilities list; this is required! (got %r)' % (required_cap, caps)) log.debug('(%s) self.irc.connected set!', self.irc.connected.set() def handle_uid(self, numeric, command, args): """Handles incoming UID commands (user introduction).""" # <- :0UY UID dan 1 1451041551 +Facdeiklosuw ~ident localhost 0UYAAAAAB * :realname nick = args[0] ts, modes, ident, host, ip, uid, account, realname = args[2:10] if account == '*': account = None log.debug('(%s) handle_uid got args: nick=%s ts=%s uid=%s ident=%s ' 'host=%s realname=%s ip=%s',, nick, ts, uid, ident, host, realname, ip) self.irc.users[uid] = IrcUser(nick, ts, uid, ident, host, realname, realname, ip) parsedmodes = utils.parseModes(self.irc, uid, [modes]) log.debug('Applying modes %s for %s', parsedmodes, uid) utils.applyModes(self.irc, uid, parsedmodes) self.irc.servers[numeric].users.add(uid) # Call the OPERED UP hook if +o is being added to the mode list. if ('+o', None) in parsedmodes: self.irc.callHooks([uid, 'CLIENT_OPERED', {'text': 'IRC_Operator'}]) # Set the account name if present if account: self.irc.callHooks([uid, 'CLIENT_SERVICES_LOGIN', {'text': account}]) return {'uid': uid, 'ts': ts, 'nick': nick, 'realname': realname, 'host': host, 'ident': ident, 'ip': ip} def handle_tburst(self, numeric, command, args): """Handles incoming topic burst (TBURST) commands.""" # <- :0UY TBURST 1459308205 #testchan 1459309379 dan!~d@localhost :sdf channel = args[1].lower() ts = args[2] setter = args[3] topic = args[-1] self.irc.channels[channel].topic = topic self.irc.channels[channel].topicset = True return {'channel': channel, 'setter': setter, 'ts': ts, 'text': topic} def handle_svstag(self, numeric, command, args): tag = args[2] if tag in ['313']: return raise Exception('COULD NOT PARSE SVSTAG: {} {} {}'.format(numeric, command, args)) def handle_endburst(self, numeric, command, args): log.debug('(%s) end of burst received', return {} Class = HybridProtocol