import time import sys import os import re # Import hacks to access utils and classes... curdir = os.path.dirname(__file__) sys.path += [curdir, os.path.dirname(curdir)] import utils from log import log from classes import * from ts6_common import TS6BaseProtocol class TS6Protocol(TS6BaseProtocol): def __init__(self, irc): super(TS6Protocol, self).__init__(irc) self.casemapping = 'rfc1459' self.hook_map = {'SJOIN': 'JOIN', 'TB': 'TOPIC', 'TMODE': 'MODE', 'BMASK': 'MODE'} self.sidgen = utils.TS6SIDGenerator(self.irc.serverdata["sidrange"]) self.uidgen = {} def spawnClient(self, nick, ident='null', host='null', realhost=None, modes=set(), server=None, ip='', realname=None, ts=None, opertype=None): """Spawns a client with nick on the given IRC connection. Note: No nick collision / valid nickname checks are done here; it is up to plugins to make sure they don't introduce anything invalid.""" server = server or self.irc.sid if not utils.isInternalServer(self.irc, server): raise ValueError('Server %r is not a PyLink internal PseudoServer!' % server) # Create an UIDGenerator instance for every SID, so that each gets # distinct values. uid = self.uidgen.setdefault(server, utils.TS6UIDGenerator(server)).next_uid() # EUID: # parameters: nickname, hopcount, nickTS, umodes, username, # visible hostname, IP address, UID, real hostname, account name, gecos ts = ts or int(time.time()) realname = realname or self.irc.botdata['realname'] realhost = realhost or host raw_modes = utils.joinModes(modes) u = self.irc.users[uid] = IrcUser(nick, ts, uid, ident=ident, host=host, realname=realname, realhost=realhost, ip=ip) utils.applyModes(self.irc, uid, modes) self.irc.servers[server].users.add(uid) self._send(server, "EUID {nick} 1 {ts} {modes} {ident} {host} {ip} {uid} " "{realhost} * :{realname}".format(ts=ts, host=host, nick=nick, ident=ident, uid=uid, modes=raw_modes, ip=ip, realname=realname, realhost=realhost)) return u def joinClient(self, client, channel): """Joins a PyLink client to a channel.""" channel = utils.toLower(self.irc, channel) # JOIN: # parameters: channelTS, channel, '+' (a plus sign) if not utils.isInternalClient(self.irc, client): log.error('(%s) Error trying to join client %r to %r (no such pseudoclient exists)',, client, channel) raise LookupError('No such PyLink PseudoClient exists.') self._send(client, "JOIN {ts} {channel} +".format(ts=self.irc.channels[channel].ts, channel=channel)) self.irc.channels[channel].users.add(client) self.irc.users[client].channels.add(channel) def sjoinServer(self, server, channel, users, ts=None): """Sends an SJOIN for a group of users to a channel. The sender should always be a Server ID (SID). TS is optional, and defaults to the one we've stored in the channel state if not given. is a list of (prefix mode, UID) pairs: Example uses: sjoinServer('100', '#test', [('', '100AAABBC'), ('o', 100AAABBB'), ('v', '100AAADDD')]) sjoinServer(self.irc.sid, '#test', [('o', self.irc.pseudoclient.uid)]) """ # # parameters: channelTS, channel, simple modes, opt. mode parameters..., nicklist # Broadcasts a channel creation or bursts a channel. # The nicklist consists of users joining the channel, with status prefixes for # their status ('@+', '@', '+' or ''), for example: # '@+1JJAAAAAB +2JJAAAA4C 1JJAAAADS'. All users must be behind the source server # so it is not possible to use this message to force users to join a channel. channel = utils.toLower(self.irc, channel) server = server or self.irc.sid assert users, "sjoinServer: No users sent?" log.debug('(%s) sjoinServer: got %r for users',, users) if not server: raise LookupError('No such PyLink PseudoClient exists.') orig_ts = self.irc.channels[channel].ts ts = ts or orig_ts if ts < orig_ts: # If the TS we're sending is lower than the one that existing, clear the # mode lists from our channel state and reset the timestamp. log.debug('(%s) sjoinServer: resetting TS of %r from %s to %s (clearing modes)',, channel, orig_ts, ts) self.irc.channels[channel].ts = ts self.irc.channels[channel].modes.clear() for p in self.irc.channels[channel].prefixmodes.values(): p.clear() log.debug("sending SJOIN to %s%s with ts %s (that's %r)", channel,, ts, time.strftime("%c", time.localtime(ts))) modes = [m for m in self.irc.channels[channel].modes if m[0] not in self.irc.cmodes['*A']] changedmodes = [] while users[:10]: uids = [] namelist = [] # We take as a list of (prefixmodes, uid) pairs. for userpair in users[:10]: assert len(userpair) == 2, "Incorrect format of userpair: %r" % userpair prefixes, user = userpair prefixchars = '' for prefix in prefixes: pr = self.irc.prefixmodes.get(prefix) if pr: prefixchars += pr changedmodes.append(('+%s' % prefix, user)) namelist.append(prefixchars+user) uids.append(user) try: self.irc.users[user].channels.add(channel) except KeyError: # Not initialized yet? log.debug("(%s) sjoinServer: KeyError trying to add %r to %r's channel list?",, channel, user) users = users[10:] namelist = ' '.join(namelist) self._send(server, "SJOIN {ts} {channel} {modes} :{users}".format( ts=ts, users=namelist, channel=channel, modes=utils.joinModes(modes))) self.irc.channels[channel].users.update(uids) if ts <= orig_ts: # Only save our prefix modes in the channel state if our TS is lower than or equal to theirs. utils.applyModes(self.irc, channel, changedmodes) def _sendModes(self, numeric, target, modes, ts=None): """Internal function to send mode changes from a PyLink client/server.""" utils.applyModes(self.irc, target, modes) if utils.isChannel(target): ts = ts or self.irc.channels[utils.toLower(self.irc, target)].ts # TMODE: # parameters: channelTS, channel, cmode changes, opt. cmode parameters... # On output, at most ten cmode parameters should be sent; if there are more, # multiple TMODE messages should be sent. while modes[:9]: joinedmodes = utils.joinModes(modes = [m for m in modes[:9] if m[0] not in self.irc.cmodes['*A']]) modes = modes[9:] self._send(numeric, 'TMODE %s %s %s' % (ts, target, joinedmodes)) else: joinedmodes = utils.joinModes(modes) self._send(numeric, 'MODE %s %s' % (target, joinedmodes)) def modeClient(self, numeric, target, modes, ts=None): """ Sends mode changes from a PyLink client. should be a list of (mode, arg) tuples, i.e. the format of utils.parseModes() output. """ if not utils.isInternalClient(self.irc, numeric): raise LookupError('No such PyLink PseudoClient exists.') self._sendModes(numeric, target, modes, ts=ts) def modeServer(self, numeric, target, modes, ts=None): """ Sends mode changes from a PyLink server. should be a list of (mode, arg) tuples, i.e. the format of utils.parseModes() output. """ if not utils.isInternalServer(self.irc, numeric): raise LookupError('No such PyLink PseudoServer exists.') self._sendModes(numeric, target, modes, ts=ts) def killServer(self, numeric, target, reason): """Sends a kill from a PyLink server.""" if not utils.isInternalServer(self.irc, numeric): raise LookupError('No such PyLink PseudoServer exists.') # KILL: # parameters: target user, path # The format of the path parameter is some sort of description of the source of # the kill followed by a space and a parenthesized reason. To avoid overflow, # it is recommended not to add anything to the path. assert target in self.irc.users, "Unknown target %r for killServer!" % target self._send(numeric, 'KILL %s :Killed (%s)' % (target, reason)) removeClient(self.irc, target) def killClient(self, numeric, target, reason): """Sends a kill from a PyLink client.""" if not utils.isInternalClient(self.irc, numeric): raise LookupError('No such PyLink PseudoClient exists.') assert target in self.irc.users, "Unknown target %r for killClient!" % target self._send(numeric, 'KILL %s :Killed (%s)' % (target, reason)) removeClient(self.irc, target) def topicServer(self, numeric, target, text): """Sends a topic change from a PyLink server. This is usally used on burst.""" if not utils.isInternalServer(self.irc, numeric): raise LookupError('No such PyLink PseudoServer exists.') # TB # capab: TB # source: server # propagation: broadcast # parameters: channel, topicTS, opt. topic setter, topic ts = self.irc.channels[target].ts servername = self.irc.servers[numeric].name self._send(numeric, 'TB %s %s %s :%s' % (target, ts, servername, text)) self.irc.channels[target].topic = text self.irc.channels[target].topicset = True def inviteClient(self, numeric, target, channel): """Sends an INVITE from a PyLink client..""" if not utils.isInternalClient(self.irc, numeric): raise LookupError('No such PyLink PseudoClient exists.') self._send(numeric, 'INVITE %s %s %s' % (target, channel, self.irc.channels[channel].ts)) def knockClient(self, numeric, target, text): """Sends a KNOCK from a PyLink client.""" if 'KNOCK' not in self.irc.caps: log.debug('(%s) knockClient: Dropping KNOCK to %r since the IRCd ' 'doesn\'t support it.',, target) return if not utils.isInternalClient(self.irc, numeric): raise LookupError('No such PyLink PseudoClient exists.') # No text value is supported here; drop it. self._send(numeric, 'KNOCK %s' % target) def updateClient(self, numeric, field, text): """Updates the hostname of a PyLink client.""" field = field.upper() if field == 'HOST': self.irc.users[numeric].host = text self._send(self.irc.sid, 'CHGHOST %s :%s' % (numeric, text)) else: raise NotImplementedError("Changing field %r of a client is unsupported by this protocol." % field) def pingServer(self, source=None, target=None): """Sends a PING to a target server. Periodic PINGs are sent to our uplink automatically by the Irc() internals; plugins shouldn't have to use this.""" source = source or self.irc.sid if source is None: return if target is not None: self._send(source, 'PING %s %s' % (source, target)) else: self._send(source, 'PING %s' % source) def numericServer(self, source, numeric, target, text): """Sends raw numerics from a server to a remote client, used for WHOIS replies.""" self._send(source, '%s %s %s' % (numeric, target, text)) def awayClient(self, source, text): """Sends an AWAY message from a PyLink client. can be an empty string to unset AWAY status.""" if text: self._send(source, 'AWAY :%s' % text) else: self._send(source, 'AWAY') def spawnServer(self, name, sid=None, uplink=None, desc=None): """Spawns a server off a PyLink server.""" # -> :0AL SID test.server 1 0XY :some silly pseudoserver uplink = uplink or self.irc.sid name = name.lower() desc = desc or self.irc.serverdata.get('serverdesc') or self.irc.botdata['serverdesc'] if sid is None: # No sid given; generate one! sid = self.sidgen.next_sid() assert len(sid) == 3, "Incorrect SID length" if sid in self.irc.servers: raise ValueError('A server with SID %r already exists!' % sid) for server in self.irc.servers.values(): if name == raise ValueError('A server named %r already exists!' % name) if not utils.isInternalServer(self.irc, uplink): raise ValueError('Server %r is not a PyLink internal PseudoServer!' % uplink) if not utils.isServerName(name): raise ValueError('Invalid server name %r' % name) self._send(uplink, 'SID %s 1 %s :%s' % (name, sid, desc)) self.irc.servers[sid] = IrcServer(uplink, name, internal=True, desc=desc) return sid def squitServer(self, source, target, text='No reason given'): """SQUITs a PyLink server.""" # -> SQUIT 9PZ :blah, blah self.irc.send('SQUIT %s :%s' % (target, text)) self.handle_squit(source, 'SQUIT', [target, text]) def connect(self): """Initializes a connection to a server.""" ts = self.irc.start_ts f = self.irc.send # Valid keywords (from mostly InspIRCd's named modes): # admin allowinvite autoop ban banexception blockcolor # c_registered exemptchanops filter forward flood halfop history invex # inviteonly joinflood key kicknorejoin limit moderated nickflood # noctcp noextmsg nokick noknock nonick nonotice official-join op # operonly opmoderated owner permanent private redirect regonly # regmoderated secret sslonly stripcolor topiclock voice # chary_cmodes = { # TS6 generic modes: # Note: charybdis +p has the effect of being both # noknock AND private. Surprisingly, mapping it twice # works pretty well: setting +p on a charybdis relay # server sets +pK on an InspIRCd network. 'op': 'o', 'voice': 'v', 'ban': 'b', 'key': 'k', 'limit': 'l', 'moderated': 'm', 'noextmsg': 'n', 'noknock': 'p', 'secret': 's', 'topiclock': 't', # charybdis-specific modes: 'quiet': 'q', 'redirect': 'f', 'freetarget': 'F', 'joinflood': 'j', 'largebanlist': 'L', 'permanent': 'P', 'c_noforwards': 'Q', 'stripcolor': 'c', 'allowinvite': 'g', 'opmoderated': 'z', 'noctcp': 'C', # charybdis-specific modes provided by EXTENSIONS 'operonly': 'O', 'adminonly': 'A', 'sslonly': 'S', # Now, map all the ABCD type modes: '*A': 'beIq', '*B': 'k', '*C': 'l', '*D': 'mnprst'} if self.irc.serverdata.get('use_owner'): chary_cmodes['owner'] = 'y' self.irc.prefixmodes['y'] = '~' if self.irc.serverdata.get('use_admin'): chary_cmodes['admin'] = 'a' self.irc.prefixmodes['a'] = '!' if self.irc.serverdata.get('use_halfop'): chary_cmodes['halfop'] = 'h' self.irc.prefixmodes['h'] = '%' self.irc.cmodes.update(chary_cmodes) # Same thing with umodes: # bot callerid cloak deaf_commonchan helpop hidechans hideoper invisible oper regdeaf servprotect showwhois snomask u_registered u_stripcolor wallops chary_umodes = {'deaf': 'D', 'servprotect': 'S', 'u_admin': 'a', 'invisible': 'i', 'oper': 'o', 'wallops': 'w', 'snomask': 's', 'u_noforward': 'Q', 'regdeaf': 'R', 'callerid': 'g', 'chary_operwall': 'z', 'chary_locops': 'l', # Now, map all the ABCD type modes: '*A': '', '*B': '', '*C': '', '*D': 'DSaiowsQRgzl'} self.irc.umodes.update(chary_umodes) # Toggles support of shadowircd/elemental-ircd specific channel modes: # +T (no notice), +u (hidden ban list), +E (no kicks), +J (blocks kickrejoin), # +K (no repeat messages), +d (no nick changes), and user modes: # +B (bot), +C (blocks CTCP), +D (deaf), +V (no invites), +I (hides channel list) if self.irc.serverdata.get('use_elemental_modes'): elemental_cmodes = {'nonotice': 'T', 'hiddenbans': 'u', 'nokick': 'E', 'kicknorejoin': 'J', 'repeat': 'K', 'nonick': 'd'} self.irc.cmodes.update(elemental_cmodes) self.irc.cmodes['*D'] += ''.join(elemental_cmodes.values()) elemental_umodes = {'u_noctcp': 'C', 'deaf': 'D', 'bot': 'B', 'u_noinvite': 'V', 'hidechans': 'I'} self.irc.umodes.update(elemental_umodes) self.irc.umodes['*D'] += ''.join(elemental_umodes.values()) # f('PASS %s TS 6 %s' % (self.irc.serverdata["sendpass"], self.irc.sid)) # We request the following capabilities (for charybdis): # QS: SQUIT doesn't send recursive quits for each users; required # by charybdis (Source: # ENCAP: message encapsulation for certain commands, only because # charybdis requires it to link # EX: Support for ban exemptions (+e) # IE: Support for invite exemptions (+e) # CHW: Allow sending messages to @#channel and the like. # KNOCK: support for /knock # SAVE: support for SAVE (forces user to UID in nick collision) # SERVICES: adds mode +r (only registered users can join a channel) # TB: topic burst command; we send this in topicServer # EUID: extended UID command, which includes real hostname + account data info, # and allows sending CHGHOST without ENCAP. f('CAPAB :QS ENCAP EX CHW IE KNOCK SAVE SERVICES TB EUID') f('SERVER %s 0 :%s' % (self.irc.serverdata["hostname"], self.irc.serverdata.get('serverdesc') or self.irc.botdata['serverdesc'])) def handle_events(self, data): """Generic event handler for the TS6 protocol: does protocol negotation and passes commands to handle_ABCD() functions elsewhere in this module.""" # TS6 messages: # :42X COMMAND arg1 arg2 :final long arg # :42XAAAAAA PRIVMSG #somewhere :hello! args = data.split(" ") if not args: # No data?? return if args[0] == 'PASS': # <- PASS $somepassword TS 6 :42X if args[1] != self.irc.serverdata['recvpass']: # Check if recvpass is correct raise ProtocolError('Error: recvpass from uplink server %s does not match configuration!' % servername) if 'TS 6' not in data: raise ProtocolError("Remote protocol version is too old! Is this even TS6?") # Server name and SID are sent in different messages, grr numeric = data.rsplit(':', 1)[1] log.debug('(%s) Found uplink SID as %r',, numeric) self.irc.servers[numeric] = IrcServer(None, 'unknown') self.irc.uplink = numeric return elif args[0] == 'SERVER': # <- SERVER charybdis.midnight.vpn 1 :charybdis test server sname = args[1].lower() log.debug('(%s) Found uplink server name as %r',, sname) self.irc.servers[self.irc.uplink].name = sname self.irc.servers[self.irc.uplink].desc = ' '.join(args).split(':', 1)[1] # According to the TS6 protocol documentation, we should send SVINFO # when we get our uplink's SERVER command. self.irc.send('SVINFO 6 6 0 :%s' % int(time.time())) elif args[0] == 'SQUIT': # What? Charybdis send this in a different format! # <- SQUIT 00A :Remote host closed the connection split_server = args[1] res = self.handle_squit(split_server, 'SQUIT', [split_server]) self.irc.callHooks([split_server, 'SQUIT', res]) elif args[0] == 'CAPAB': # We only get a list of keywords here. Charybdis obviously assumes that # we know what modes it supports (indeed, this is a standard list). # <- CAPAB :BAN CHW CLUSTER ENCAP EOPMOD EUID EX IE KLN KNOCK MLOCK QS RSFNC SAVE SERVICES TB UNKLN self.irc.caps = caps = data.split(':', 1)[1].split() for required_cap in ('EUID', 'SAVE', 'TB', 'ENCAP', 'QS'): if required_cap not in caps: raise ProtocolError('%s not found in TS6 capabilities list; this is required! (got %r)' % (required_cap, caps)) if 'EX' in caps: self.irc.cmodes['banexception'] = 'e' if 'IE' in caps: self.irc.cmodes['invex'] = 'I' if 'SERVICES' in caps: self.irc.cmodes['regonly'] = 'r' log.debug('(%s) self.irc.connected set!', self.irc.connected.set() # Charybdis doesn't have the idea of an explicit endburst; but some plugins # like relay require it to know that the network's connected. # We'll set a timer to manually call endburst. It's not beautiful, # but it's the best we can do. endburst_timer = threading.Timer(1, self.irc.callHooks, args=([self.irc.uplink, 'ENDBURST', {}],)) log.debug('(%s) Starting delay to send ENDBURST', endburst_timer.start() try: args = self.parseTS6Args(args) numeric = args[0] command = args[1] args = args[2:] except IndexError: return # We will do wildcard command handling here. Unhandled commands are just ignored. try: func = getattr(self, 'handle_'+command.lower()) except AttributeError: # Unhandled command pass else: parsed_args = func(numeric, command, args) if parsed_args is not None: return [numeric, command, parsed_args] def handle_ping(self, source, command, args): """Handles incoming PING commands.""" # PING: # source: any # parameters: origin, opt. destination server # PONG: # source: server # parameters: origin, destination # Sends a PING to the destination server, which will reply with a PONG. If the # destination server parameter is not present, the server receiving the message # must reply. try: destination = args[1] except IndexError: destination = self.irc.sid if utils.isInternalServer(self.irc, destination): self._send(destination, 'PONG %s %s' % (destination, source)) def handle_pong(self, source, command, args): """Handles incoming PONG commands.""" if source == self.irc.uplink: self.irc.lastping = time.time() def handle_sjoin(self, servernumeric, command, args): """Handles incoming SJOIN commands.""" # parameters: channelTS, channel, simple modes, opt. mode parameters..., nicklist channel = utils.toLower(self.irc, args[1]) userlist = args[-1].split() our_ts = self.irc.channels[channel].ts their_ts = int(args[0]) if their_ts < our_ts: # Channel timestamp was reset on burst log.debug('(%s) Setting channel TS of %s to %s from %s',, channel, their_ts, our_ts) self.irc.channels[channel].ts = their_ts self.irc.channels[channel].modes.clear() for p in self.irc.channels[channel].prefixmodes.values(): p.clear() modestring = args[2:-1] or args[2] parsedmodes = utils.parseModes(self.irc, channel, modestring) utils.applyModes(self.irc, channel, parsedmodes) namelist = [] log.debug('(%s) handle_sjoin: got userlist %r for %r',, userlist, channel) for userpair in userlist: # charybdis sends this in the form "@+UID1, +UID2, UID3, @UID4" r ='([^\d]*)(.*)', userpair) user = modeprefix = or '' finalprefix = '' assert user, 'Failed to get the UID from %r; our regex needs updating?' % userpair log.debug('(%s) handle_sjoin: got modeprefix %r for user %r',, modeprefix, user) for m in modeprefix: # Iterate over the mapping of prefix chars to prefixes, and # find the characters that match. for char, prefix in self.irc.prefixmodes.items(): if m == prefix: finalprefix += char namelist.append(user) self.irc.users[user].channels.add(channel) if their_ts <= our_ts: utils.applyModes(self.irc, channel, [('+%s' % mode, user) for mode in finalprefix]) self.irc.channels[channel].users.add(user) return {'channel': channel, 'users': namelist, 'modes': parsedmodes, 'ts': their_ts} def handle_join(self, numeric, command, args): """Handles incoming channel JOINs.""" # parameters: channelTS, channel, '+' (a plus sign) ts = int(args[0]) if args[0] == '0': # /join 0; part the user from all channels oldchans = self.irc.users[numeric].channels.copy() log.debug('(%s) Got /join 0 from %r, channel list is %r',, numeric, oldchans) for channel in oldchans: self.irc.channels[channel].users.discard(numeric) self.irc.users[numeric].channels.discard(channel) return {'channels': oldchans, 'text': 'Left all channels.', 'parse_as': 'PART'} else: channel = utils.toLower(self.irc, args[1]) our_ts = self.irc.channels[channel].ts if ts < our_ts: # Channel timestamp was reset on burst log.debug('(%s) Setting channel TS of %s to %s from %s',, channel, ts, our_ts) self.irc.channels[channel].ts = ts self.irc.channels[channel].users.add(numeric) self.irc.users[numeric].channels.add(channel) # We send users and modes here because SJOIN and JOIN both use one hook, # for simplicity's sake (with plugins). return {'channel': channel, 'users': [numeric], 'modes': self.irc.channels[channel].modes, 'ts': ts} def handle_euid(self, numeric, command, args): """Handles incoming EUID commands (user introduction).""" # <- :42X EUID GL 1 1437505322 +ailoswz ~gl 42XAAAAAB * * :realname nick = args[0] ts, modes, ident, host, ip, uid, realhost = args[2:9] if realhost == '*': realhost = None realname = args[-1] log.debug('(%s) handle_euid got args: nick=%s ts=%s uid=%s ident=%s ' 'host=%s realname=%s realhost=%s ip=%s',, nick, ts, uid, ident, host, realname, realhost, ip) self.irc.users[uid] = IrcUser(nick, ts, uid, ident, host, realname, realhost, ip) parsedmodes = utils.parseModes(self.irc, uid, [modes]) log.debug('Applying modes %s for %s', parsedmodes, uid) utils.applyModes(self.irc, uid, parsedmodes) self.irc.servers[numeric].users.add(uid) # Call the OPERED UP hook if +o is in the mode list. if ('o', None) in parsedmodes: otype = 'Server_Administrator' if ('a', None) in parsedmodes else 'IRC_Operator' self.irc.callHooks([uid, 'PYLINK_CLIENT_OPERED', {'text': otype}]) return {'uid': uid, 'ts': ts, 'nick': nick, 'realhost': realhost, 'host': host, 'ident': ident, 'ip': ip} def handle_uid(self, numeric, command, args): raise ProtocolError("Servers should use EUID instead of UID to send users! " "This IS a required capability after all...") def handle_server(self, numeric, command, args): """Handles incoming SERVER introductions.""" # parameters: server name, hopcount, sid, server description servername = args[0].lower() try: sid = args[2] except IndexError: # It is allowed to send JUPEd servers that exist without a SID. # That's not very fun to handle, though. # XXX: don't just save these by their server names; that's ugly! sid = servername sdesc = args[-1] self.irc.servers[sid] = IrcServer(numeric, servername, desc=sdesc) return {'name': servername, 'sid': sid, 'text': sdesc} handle_sid = handle_server def handle_tmode(self, numeric, command, args): """Handles incoming TMODE commands (channel mode change).""" # <- :42XAAAAAB TMODE 1437450768 #endlessvoid -c+lkC 3 agte4 channel = utils.toLower(self.irc, args[1]) modes = args[2:] changedmodes = utils.parseModes(self.irc, channel, modes) utils.applyModes(self.irc, channel, changedmodes) ts = int(args[0]) return {'target': channel, 'modes': changedmodes, 'ts': ts} def handle_mode(self, numeric, command, args): """Handles incoming user mode changes.""" # <- :70MAAAAAA MODE 70MAAAAAA -i+xc target = args[0] modestrings = args[1:] changedmodes = utils.parseModes(self.irc, numeric, modestrings) utils.applyModes(self.irc, target, changedmodes) # Call the OPERED UP hook if +o is being set. if ('+o', None) in changedmodes: otype = 'Server_Administrator' if ('a', None) in self.irc.users[target].modes else 'IRC_Operator' self.irc.callHooks([target, 'PYLINK_CLIENT_OPERED', {'text': otype}]) return {'target': target, 'modes': changedmodes} def handle_tb(self, numeric, command, args): """Handles incoming topic burst (TB) commands.""" # <- :42X TB 1434510754 #channel GLo|o|! :Some channel topic channel = args[1].lower() ts = args[0] setter = args[2] topic = args[-1] self.irc.channels[channel].topic = topic self.irc.channels[channel].topicset = True return {'channel': channel, 'setter': setter, 'ts': ts, 'topic': topic} def handle_invite(self, numeric, command, args): """Handles incoming INVITEs.""" # <- :70MAAAAAC INVITE 0ALAAAAAA #blah 12345 target = args[0] channel = args[1].lower() try: ts = args[3] except IndexError: ts = int(time.time()) # We don't actually need to process this; it's just something plugins/hooks can use return {'target': target, 'channel': channel} def handle_chghost(self, numeric, command, args): """Handles incoming CHGHOST commands.""" target = args[0] self.irc.users[target].host = newhost = args[1] return {'target': numeric, 'newhost': newhost} def handle_bmask(self, numeric, command, args): """Handles incoming BMASK commands (ban propagation on burst).""" # <- :42X BMASK 1424222769 #dev b :*!test@* *!badident@* # This is used for propagating bans, not TMODE! channel = args[1].lower() mode = args[2] ts = int(args[0]) modes = [] for ban in args[-1].split(): modes.append(('+%s' % mode, ban)) utils.applyModes(self.irc, channel, modes) return {'target': channel, 'modes': modes, 'ts': ts} def handle_whois(self, numeric, command, args): """Handles incoming WHOIS commands. Note: The core of WHOIS handling is done by (IRCd-independent), and not here.""" # <- :42XAAAAAB WHOIS 5PYAAAAAA :pylink-devel return {'target': args[0]} def handle_472(self, numeric, command, args): """Handles the incoming 472 numeric. 472 is sent to us when one of our clients tries to set a mode the uplink server doesn't support. In this case, we'll raise a warning to alert the administrator that certain extensions should be loaded for the best compatibility. """ # <- :charybdis.midnight.vpn 472 GL|devel O :is an unknown mode char to me badmode = args[1] reason = args[-1] setter = args[0] charlist = {'A': 'chm_adminonly', 'O': 'chm_operonly', 'S': 'chm_sslonly'} if badmode in charlist: log.warning('(%s) User %r attempted to set channel mode %r, but the ' 'extension providing it isn\'t loaded! To prevent possible' ' desyncs, try adding the line "loadmodule "extensions/";" to ' 'your IRCd configuration.',, setter, badmode, charlist[badmode]) def handle_away(self, numeric, command, args): """Handles incoming AWAY messages.""" # <- :6ELAAAAAB AWAY :Auto-away try: self.irc.users[numeric].away = text = args[0] except IndexError: # User is unsetting away status self.irc.users[numeric].away = text = '' return {'text': text} Class = TS6Protocol