""" corecommands.py - Implements core PyLink commands. """ import gc import importlib import sys from pylinkirc import conf, utils, world from pylinkirc.log import log from . import control, login, permissions # Essential, core commands go here so that the "commands" plugin with less-important, # but still generic functions can be reloaded. @utils.add_cmd def shutdown(irc, source, args): """takes no arguments. Exits PyLink by disconnecting all networks.""" permissions.check_permissions(irc, source, ['core.shutdown']) log.info('(%s) SHUTDOWN requested by %s, exiting...', irc.name, irc.get_hostmask(source)) control.shutdown(irc=irc) @utils.add_cmd def load(irc, source, args): """. Loads a plugin from the plugin folder.""" # Note: reload capability is acceptable here, because all it actually does is call # load after unload. permissions.check_permissions(irc, source, ['core.load', 'core.reload']) try: name = args[0] except IndexError: irc.reply("Error: Not enough arguments. Needs 1: plugin name.") return if name in world.plugins: irc.reply("Error: %r is already loaded." % name) return log.info('(%s) Loading plugin %r for %s', irc.name, name, irc.get_hostmask(source)) try: world.plugins[name] = pl = utils._load_plugin(name) except ImportError as e: if str(e) == ('No module named %r' % name): log.exception('Failed to load plugin %r: The plugin could not be found.', name) else: log.exception('Failed to load plugin %r: ImportError.', name) raise else: if hasattr(pl, 'main'): log.debug('Calling main() function of plugin %r', pl) pl.main(irc=irc) irc.reply("Loaded plugin %r." % name) @utils.add_cmd def unload(irc, source, args): """. Unloads a currently loaded plugin.""" permissions.check_permissions(irc, source, ['core.unload', 'core.reload']) try: name = args[0] except IndexError: irc.reply("Error: Not enough arguments. Needs 1: plugin name.") return # Since we're using absolute imports in 0.9.x+, the module name differs from the actual plugin # name. modulename = utils.PLUGIN_PREFIX + name if name in world.plugins: log.info('(%s) Unloading plugin %r for %s', irc.name, name, irc.get_hostmask(source)) pl = world.plugins[name] log.debug('sys.getrefcount of plugin %s is %s', pl, sys.getrefcount(pl)) # Remove any command functions defined by the plugin. for cmdname, cmdfuncs in world.services['pylink'].commands.copy().items(): log.debug('cmdname=%s, cmdfuncs=%s', cmdname, cmdfuncs) for cmdfunc in cmdfuncs: log.debug('__module__ of cmdfunc %s is %s', cmdfunc, cmdfunc.__module__) if cmdfunc.__module__ == modulename: log.debug("Removing %s from world.services['pylink'].commands[%s]", cmdfunc, cmdname) world.services['pylink'].commands[cmdname].remove(cmdfunc) # If the cmdfunc list is empty, remove it. if not cmdfuncs: log.debug("Removing world.services['pylink'].commands[%s] (it's empty now)", cmdname) del world.services['pylink'].commands[cmdname] # Remove any command hooks set by the plugin. for hookname, hookpairs in world.hooks.copy().items(): for hookpair in hookpairs: hookfunc = hookpair[1] if hookfunc.__module__ == modulename: log.debug('Trying to remove hook func %s (%s) from plugin %s', hookfunc, hookname, modulename) world.hooks[hookname].remove(hookpair) # If the hookfuncs list is empty, remove it. if not hookpairs: del world.hooks[hookname] # Call the die() function in the plugin, if present. if hasattr(pl, 'die'): try: pl.die(irc=irc) except: # But don't allow it to crash the server. log.exception('(%s) Error occurred in die() of plugin %s, skipping...', irc.name, pl) # Delete it from memory (hopefully). del world.plugins[name] for n in (name, modulename): if n in sys.modules: del sys.modules[n] if n in globals(): del globals()[n] # Garbage collect. gc.collect() irc.reply("Unloaded plugin %r." % name) return True # We succeeded, make it clear (this status is used by reload() below) else: irc.reply("Unknown plugin %r." % name) @utils.add_cmd def reload(irc, source, args): """. Loads a plugin from the plugin folder.""" try: name = args[0] except IndexError: irc.reply("Error: Not enough arguments. Needs 1: plugin name.") return # Note: these functions do permission checks, so there are none needed here. if unload(irc, source, args): load(irc, source, args) @utils.add_cmd def rehash(irc, source, args): """takes no arguments. Reloads the configuration file for PyLink, (dis)connecting added/removed networks. Note: plugins must be manually reloaded.""" permissions.check_permissions(irc, source, ['core.rehash']) try: control.rehash() except Exception as e: # Something went wrong, abort. irc.reply("Error loading configuration file: %s: %s" % (type(e).__name__, e)) return else: irc.reply("Done.") @utils.add_cmd def clearqueue(irc, source, args): """takes no arguments. Clears the outgoing text queue for the current connection.""" permissions.check_permissions(irc, source, ['core.clearqueue']) irc._queue.queue.clear()