""" opercmds.py: Provides a subset of network management commands. """ import sys import os # Add the base PyLink folder to path, so we can import utils and log. sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))) import utils from log import log @utils.add_cmd def jupe(irc, source, args): """ [] Oper-only, jupes the given server.""" # Check that the caller is either opered or logged in as admin. utils.checkAuthenticated(irc, source) try: servername = args[0] reason = ' '.join(args[1:]) or "No reason given" desc = "Juped by %s: [%s]" % (utils.getHostmask(irc, source), reason) except IndexError: irc.reply('Error: Not enough arguments. Needs 1-2: servername, reason (optional).') return if not utils.isServerName(servername): irc.reply("Error: Invalid server name '%s'." % servername) return sid = irc.proto.spawnServer(servername, desc=desc) irc.callHooks([irc.pseudoclient.uid, 'OPERCMDS_SPAWNSERVER', {'name': servername, 'sid': sid, 'text': desc}]) irc.reply("Done.") @utils.add_cmd def kick(irc, source, args): """ [] Admin only. Kicks from via , where is either the nick of a PyLink client or the SID of a PyLink server.""" utils.checkAuthenticated(irc, source, allowOper=False) try: sourcenick = args[0] channel = args[1] target = args[2] reason = ' '.join(args[3:]) except IndexError: irc.reply("Error: Not enough arguments. Needs 3-4: source nick, channel, target, reason (optional).") return # Convert the source and target nicks to UIDs. u = irc.nickToUid(sourcenick) or sourcenick targetu = irc.nickToUid(target) if channel not in irc.channels: # KICK only works on channels that exist. irc.reply("Error: Unknown channel %r." % channel) return if irc.isInternalServer(u): # Send kick from server if the given kicker is a SID irc.proto.kickServer(u, channel, targetu, reason) elif u not in irc.users: # Whatever we were told to send the kick from wasn't valid; try to be # somewhat user friendly in the error. message irc.reply("Error: No such PyLink client '%s'. The first argument to " "KICK should be the name of a PyLink client (e.g. '%s'; see " "'help kick' for details." % (sourcenick, irc.pseudoclient.nick)) return elif targetu not in irc.users: # Whatever we were told to kick doesn't exist! irc.reply("Error: No such nick '%s'." % target) return else: irc.proto.kickClient(u, channel, targetu, reason) irc.callHooks([u, 'CHANCMDS_KICK', {'channel': channel, 'target': targetu, 'text': reason, 'parse_as': 'KICK'}]) @utils.add_cmd def mode(irc, source, args): """ Oper-only, sets modes on the target channel.""" # Check that the caller is either opered or logged in as admin. utils.checkAuthenticated(irc, source) try: target, modes = args[0], args[1:] except IndexError: irc.reply('Error: Not enough arguments. Needs 2: target, modes to set.') return if target not in irc.channels: irc.reply("Error: Unknown channel '%s'." % target) return elif not modes: # No modes were given before parsing (i.e. mode list was blank). irc.reply("Error: No valid modes were given.") return parsedmodes = utils.parseModes(irc, target, modes) if not parsedmodes: # Modes were given but they failed to parse into anything meaningful. # For example, "mode #somechan +o" would be erroneous because +o # requires an argument! irc.reply("Error: No valid modes were given.") return irc.proto.modeClient(irc.pseudoclient.uid, target, parsedmodes) # Call the appropriate hooks for plugins like relay. irc.callHooks([irc.pseudoclient.uid, 'OPERCMDS_MODEOVERRIDE', {'target': target, 'modes': parsedmodes, 'parse_as': 'MODE'}]) irc.reply("Done.") @utils.add_cmd def topic(irc, source, args): """ Admin only. Updates the topic in a channel.""" utils.checkAuthenticated(irc, source, allowOper=False) try: channel = args[0] topic = ' '.join(args[1:]) except IndexError: irc.reply("Error: Not enough arguments. Needs 2: channel, topic.") return if channel not in irc.channels: irc.reply("Error: Unknown channel %r." % channel) return irc.proto.topicClient(irc.pseudoclient.uid, channel, topic) irc.callHooks([irc.pseudoclient.uid, 'CHANCMDS_TOPIC', {'channel': channel, 'text': topic, 'setter': source, 'parse_as': 'TOPIC'}])