""" ratbox.py: ircd-ratbox protocol module for PyLink. """ import time from pylinkirc import utils, conf from pylinkirc.log import log from pylinkirc.classes import * from pylinkirc.protocols.ts6 import * class RatboxProtocol(TS6Protocol): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Don't require EUID for Ratbox self.required_caps.discard('EUID') self.hook_map['LOGIN'] = 'CLIENT_SERVICES_LOGIN' self.protocol_caps -= {'slash-in-hosts'} def post_connect(self): """Initializes a connection to a server.""" super().post_connect() # Note: +r, +e, and +I support will be negotiated on link self.cmodes = {'op': 'o', 'secret': 's', 'private': 'p', 'noextmsg': 'n', 'moderated': 'm', 'inviteonly': 'i', 'topiclock': 't', 'limit': 'l', 'ban': 'b', 'voice': 'v', 'key': 'k', 'sslonly': 'S', '*A': 'beI', '*B': 'k', '*C': 'l', '*D': 'imnpstrS'} self.umodes = { 'invisible': 'i', 'callerid': 'g', 'oper': 'o', 'admin': 'a', 'sno_botfloods': 'b', 'sno_clientconnections': 'c', 'sno_extclientconnections': 'C', 'sno_debug': 'd', 'sno_fullauthblock': 'f', 'sno_skill': 'k', 'locops': 'l', 'sno_rejectedclients': 'r', 'snomask': 's', 'sno_badclientconnections': 'u', 'wallops': 'w', 'sno_serverconnects': 'x', 'sno_stats': 'y', 'operwall': 'z', 'sno_operspy': 'Z', 'deaf': 'D', 'servprotect': 'S', # Now, map all the ABCD type modes: '*A': '', '*B': '', '*C': '', '*D': 'igoabcCdfklrsuwxyzZD' } def spawn_client(self, nick, ident='null', host='null', realhost=None, modes=set(), server=None, ip='', realname=None, ts=None, opertype=None, manipulatable=False): """ Spawns a new client with the given options. Note: No nick collision / valid nickname checks are done here; it is up to plugins to make sure they don't introduce anything invalid. """ # parameters: nickname, hopcount, nickTS, umodes, username, visible hostname, IP address, # UID, gecos server = server or self.sid if not self.is_internal_server(server): raise ValueError('Server %r is not a PyLink server!' % server) uid = self.uidgen[server].next_uid() ts = ts or int(time.time()) realname = realname or conf.conf['bot']['realname'] raw_modes = self.join_modes(modes) orig_realhost = realhost realhost = realhost or host u = self.users[uid] = User(nick, ts, uid, server, ident=ident, host=host, realname=realname, realhost=realhost, ip=ip, manipulatable=manipulatable) self.apply_modes(uid, modes) self.servers[server].users.add(uid) self._send_with_prefix(server, "UID {nick} 1 {ts} {modes} {ident} {host} {ip} {uid} " ":{realname}".format(ts=ts, host=host, nick=nick, ident=ident, uid=uid, modes=raw_modes, ip=ip, realname=realname)) if orig_realhost: # If real host is specified, send it using ENCAP REALHOST self._send_with_prefix(uid, "ENCAP * REALHOST %s" % orig_realhost) return u def update_client(self, target, field, text): """update_client() stub for ratbox.""" raise NotImplementedError("User data changing is not supported on ircd-ratbox.") Class = RatboxProtocol