bots.py: Spawn virtual users/bots on a PyLink server and make them interact
with things.
from pylinkirc import utils
from pylinkirc.log import log
from pylinkirc.coremods import permissions

def spawnclient(irc, source, args):
    """<nick> <ident> <host>

    Admin-only. Spawns the specified client on the PyLink server.
    Note: this doesn't check the validity of any fields you give it!"""
    permissions.checkPermissions(irc, source, ['bots.spawnclient'])
        nick, ident, host = args[:3]
    except ValueError:
        irc.error("Not enough arguments. Needs 3: nick, user, host.")
    irc.proto.spawnClient(nick, ident, host, manipulatable=True)

def quit(irc, source, args):
    """<target> [<reason>]

    Admin-only. Quits the PyLink client with nick <target>, if one exists."""
    permissions.checkPermissions(irc, source, ['bots.quit'])

        nick = args[0]
    except IndexError:
        irc.error("Not enough arguments. Needs 1-2: nick, reason (optional).")
    if irc.pseudoclient.uid == irc.nickToUid(nick):
        irc.error("Cannot quit the main PyLink client!")

    u = irc.nickToUid(nick)

    quitmsg =  ' '.join(args[1:]) or 'Client Quit'

    if not irc.isManipulatableClient(u):
        irc.error("Cannot force quit a protected PyLink services client.")

    irc.proto.quit(u, quitmsg)
    irc.callHooks([u, 'PYLINK_BOTSPLUGIN_QUIT', {'text': quitmsg, 'parse_as': 'QUIT'}])

def joinclient(irc, source, args):
    """[<target>] <channel1>[,<channel2>,<channel3>,...]

    Admin-only. Joins <target>, the nick of a PyLink client, to a comma-separated list of channels.
    If <target> is not given, it defaults to the main PyLink client.

    For the channel arguments, prefixes can also be specified to join the given client with
    (e.g. @#channel will join the client with op, while ~@#channel will join it with +qo.
    permissions.checkPermissions(irc, source, ['bots.joinclient'])

        # Check if the first argument is an existing PyLink client. If it is not,
        # then assume that the first argument was actually the channels being joined.
        u = irc.nickToUid(args[0])

        if not irc.isInternalClient(u):  # First argument isn't one of our clients
            raise IndexError

        clist = args[1]
    except IndexError:  # No nick was given; shift arguments one to the left.
        u = irc.pseudoclient.uid
            clist = args[0]
        except IndexError:
            irc.error("Not enough arguments. Needs 1-2: nick (optional), comma separated list of channels.")

    clist = clist.split(',')
    if not clist:
        irc.error("No valid channels given.")

    if not (irc.isManipulatableClient(u) or irc.getServiceBot(u)):
        irc.error("Cannot force join a protected PyLink services client.")

    prefix_to_mode = {v: k for k, v in irc.prefixmodes.items()}
    for channel in clist:
        real_channel = channel.lstrip(''.join(prefix_to_mode))
        # XXX we need a better way to do this, but only the other option I can think of is regex...
        prefixes = channel[:len(channel)-len(real_channel)]
        joinmodes = ''.join(prefix_to_mode[prefix] for prefix in prefixes)

        if not utils.isChannel(real_channel):
            irc.error("Invalid channel name %r." % real_channel)

        # join() doesn't support prefixes.
        if prefixes:
            irc.proto.sjoin(irc.sid, real_channel, [(joinmodes, u)])
            irc.proto.join(u, real_channel)

        # Call a join hook manually so other plugins like relay can understand it.
        irc.callHooks([u, 'PYLINK_BOTSPLUGIN_JOIN', {'channel': real_channel, 'users': [u],
                                                     'modes': irc.channels[real_channel].modes,
                                                     'parse_as': 'JOIN'}])
utils.add_cmd(joinclient, name='join')

def nick(irc, source, args):
    """[<target>] <newnick>

    Admin-only. Changes the nick of <target>, a PyLink client, to <newnick>. If <target> is not given, it defaults to the main PyLink client."""

    permissions.checkPermissions(irc, source, ['bots.nick'])

        nick = args[0]
        newnick = args[1]
    except IndexError:
            nick = irc.pseudoclient.nick
            newnick = args[0]
        except IndexError:
            irc.error("Not enough arguments. Needs 1-2: nick (optional), newnick.")
    u = irc.nickToUid(nick)

    if newnick in ('0', u):  # Allow /nick 0 to work
        newnick = u

    elif not utils.isNick(newnick):
        irc.error('Invalid nickname %r.' % newnick)

    elif not (irc.isManipulatableClient(u) or irc.getServiceBot(u)):
        irc.error("Cannot force nick changes for a protected PyLink services client.")

    irc.proto.nick(u, newnick)
    # Ditto above: manually send a NICK change hook payload to other plugins.
    irc.callHooks([u, 'PYLINK_BOTSPLUGIN_NICK', {'newnick': newnick, 'oldnick': nick, 'parse_as': 'NICK'}])

def part(irc, source, args):
    """[<target>] <channel1>,[<channel2>],... [<reason>]

    Admin-only. Parts <target>, the nick of a PyLink client, from a comma-separated list of channels. If <target> is not given, it defaults to the main PyLink client."""
    permissions.checkPermissions(irc, source, ['bots.part'])

        nick = args[0]
        clist = args[1]
        # For the part message, join all remaining arguments into one text string
        reason = ' '.join(args[2:])

        # First, check if the first argument is an existing PyLink client. If it is not,
        # then assume that the first argument was actually the channels being parted.
        u = irc.nickToUid(nick)
        if not irc.isInternalClient(u):  # First argument isn't one of our clients
            raise IndexError

    except IndexError:  # No nick was given; shift arguments one to the left.
        u = irc.pseudoclient.uid

            clist = args[0]
        except IndexError:
            irc.error("Not enough arguments. Needs 1-2: nick (optional), comma separated list of channels.")
        reason = ' '.join(args[1:])

    clist = clist.split(',')
    if not clist:
        irc.error("No valid channels given.")

    if not (irc.isManipulatableClient(u) or irc.getServiceBot(u)):
        irc.error("Cannot force part a protected PyLink services client.")

    for channel in clist:
        if not utils.isChannel(channel):
            irc.error("Invalid channel name %r." % channel)
        irc.proto.part(u, channel, reason)

    irc.callHooks([u, 'PYLINK_BOTSPLUGIN_PART', {'channels': clist, 'text': reason, 'parse_as': 'PART'}])

def msg(irc, source, args):
    """[<source>] <target> <text>

    Admin-only. Sends message <text> from <source>, where <source> is the nick of a PyLink client. If <source> is not given, it defaults to the main PyLink client."""
    permissions.checkPermissions(irc, source, ['bots.msg'])

    # Because we want the source nick to be optional, this argument parsing gets a bit tricky.
        msgsource = args[0]
        target = args[1]
        text = ' '.join(args[2:])

        # First, check if the first argument is an existing PyLink client. If it is not,
        # then assume that the first argument was actually the message TARGET.
        sourceuid = irc.nickToUid(msgsource)
        if not irc.isInternalClient(sourceuid):  # First argument isn't one of our clients
            raise IndexError

        if not text:
            raise IndexError
    except IndexError:
            sourceuid = irc.pseudoclient.uid
            target = args[0]
            text = ' '.join(args[1:])
        except IndexError:
            irc.error('Not enough arguments. Needs 2-3: source nick (optional), target, text.')

    if not text:
        irc.error('No text given.')

    if not utils.isChannel(target):
        # Convert nick of the message target to a UID, if the target isn't a channel
        real_target = irc.nickToUid(target)
        if real_target is None:  # Unknown target user, if target isn't a valid channel name
            irc.error('Unknown user %r.' % target)
        real_target = target

    irc.proto.message(sourceuid, real_target, text)
    irc.callHooks([sourceuid, 'PYLINK_BOTSPLUGIN_MSG', {'target': real_target, 'text': text, 'parse_as': 'PRIVMSG'}])
utils.add_cmd(msg, 'say')