""" Changehost plugin - automatically changes the hostname of matching users. """ from pylinkirc import utils, world, conf from pylinkirc.log import log from pylinkirc.coremods import permissions import string # ircmatch library from https://github.com/mammon-ircd/ircmatch # (pip install ircmatch) import ircmatch # Characters allowed in a hostname. allowed_chars = string.ascii_letters + '-./:' + string.digits def _changehost(irc, target, args): changehost_conf = conf.conf.get("changehost") if target not in irc.users: return elif irc.is_internal_client(target): log.debug('(%s) Skipping changehost on internal client %s', irc.name, target) return if not changehost_conf: log.warning("(%s) Missing 'changehost:' configuration block; " "Changehost will not function correctly!", irc.name) return elif irc.name not in changehost_conf.get('enabled_nets'): # We're not enabled on the network, break. return match_ip = changehost_conf.get('match_ip', False) match_realhosts = changehost_conf.get('match_realhosts', False) changehost_hosts = changehost_conf.get('hosts') if not changehost_hosts: log.warning("(%s) No hosts were defined in changehost::hosts; " "Changehost will not function correctly!", irc.name) return args = args.copy() if not changehost_conf.get('force_host_expansion'): del args['host'] log.debug('(%s) Changehost args: %s', irc.name, args) for host_glob, host_template in changehost_hosts.items(): log.debug('(%s) Changehost: checking mask %s', irc.name, host_glob) if irc.match_host(host_glob, target, ip=match_ip, realhost=match_realhosts): log.debug('(%s) Changehost matched mask %s', irc.name, host_glob) # This uses template strings for simple substitution: # https://docs.python.org/3/library/string.html#template-strings template = string.Template(host_template) # Substitute using the fields provided the hook data. This means # that the following variables are available for substitution: # $uid, $ts, $nick, $realhost, $ident, and $ip. # $host is explicitly forbidden by default because it can cause # recursive loops when IP or real host masks are used to match a # target. vHost updates do not affect these fields, so any further # execution of 'applyhosts' will cause $host to expand again to # the user's new host, causing the vHost to grow rapidly in size. # That said, it is possible to get away with this expansion if # you're careful with what you're doing, and that is why this # hidden option exists. -GLolol try: new_host = template.substitute(args) except KeyError as e: log.warning('(%s) Bad expansion %s in template %s' % (irc.name, e, host_template)) continue # Replace characters that are not allowed in hosts with "-". for char in new_host: if char not in allowed_chars: new_host = new_host.replace(char, '-') irc.update_client(target, 'HOST', new_host) # Only operate on the first match. break def handle_uid(irc, sender, command, args): """ Changehost listener for new connections. """ target = args['uid'] _changehost(irc, target, args) utils.add_hook(handle_uid, 'UID') def handle_chghost(irc, sender, command, args): """ Handles incoming CHGHOST requests for optional host-change enforcement. """ changehost_conf = conf.conf.get("changehost") if not changehost_conf: return target = args['target'] if (not irc.is_internal_client(sender)) and (not irc.is_internal_server(sender)): if irc.name in changehost_conf.get('enforced_nets', []): log.debug('(%s) Enforce for network is on, re-checking host for target %s/%s', irc.name, target, irc.get_friendly_name(target)) for ex in changehost_conf.get("enforce_exceptions", []): if irc.match_host(ex, target): log.debug('(%s) Skipping host change for target %s; they are exempted by mask %s', irc.name, target, ex) return userobj = irc.users.get(target) if userobj: _changehost(irc, target, userobj.get_fields()) utils.add_hook(handle_chghost, 'CHGHOST') @utils.add_cmd def applyhosts(irc, sender, args): """[] Applies all configured hosts for users on the given network, or the current network if none is specified.""" permissions.check_permissions(irc, sender, ['changehost.applyhosts']) try: # Try to get network from the command line. network = world.networkobjects[args[0]] except IndexError: # No network was given network = irc except KeyError: # Unknown network irc.error("Unknown network '%s'." % network) return for user, userdata in network.users.copy().items(): _changehost(network, user, userdata.__dict__) irc.reply("Done.")