""" games.py: Create a bot that provides game functionality (dice, 8ball, etc). """ import sys import os sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))) import random import utils from log import log import world gameclient = utils.registerService("Games") reply = gameclient.reply # TODO find a better syntax for ServiceBot.reply() # commands def dice(irc, source, args): """d Rolls a die with sides times. """ if not args: reply(irc, "No string given.") return try: # Split num and sides and convert them to int. num, sides = map(int, args[0].split('d', 1)) except ValueError: # Invalid syntax. Show the command help. gameclient.help(irc, source, ['dice']) return assert 1 < sides <= 100, "Invalid side count (must be 2-100)." assert 1 <= num <= 100, "Cannot roll more than 100 dice at once." results = [] for _ in range(num): results.append(random.randint(1, sides)) # Convert results to strings, join them, format, and reply. s = 'You rolled %s: %s (total: %s)' % (args[0], ' '.join([str(x) for x in results]), sum(results)) reply(irc, s) gameclient.add_cmd(dice, 'd') gameclient.add_cmd(dice) # loading def main(irc=None): """Main function, called during plugin loading at start.""" # seed the random random.seed() def die(irc): utils.unregisterService('games')