# commands.py: base PyLink commands import sys import os from time import ctime import itertools import gc sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))) import utils from conf import conf from log import log import world @utils.add_cmd def status(irc, source, args): """takes no arguments. Returns your current PyLink login status.""" identified = irc.users[source].identified if identified: irc.msg(irc.called_by, 'You are identified as \x02%s\x02.' % identified) else: irc.msg(irc.called_by, 'You are not identified as anyone.') irc.msg(irc.called_by, 'Operator access: \x02%s\x02' % bool(utils.isOper(irc, source))) @utils.add_cmd def identify(irc, source, args): """ Logs in to PyLink using the configured administrator account.""" if utils.isChannel(irc.called_by): irc.msg(irc.called_by, 'Error: This command must be sent in private. ' '(Would you really type a password inside a public channel?)') try: username, password = args[0], args[1] except IndexError: irc.msg(source, 'Error: Not enough arguments.') return # Usernames are case-insensitive, passwords are NOT. if username.lower() == conf['login']['user'].lower() and password == conf['login']['password']: realuser = conf['login']['user'] irc.users[source].identified = realuser irc.msg(source, 'Successfully logged in as %s.' % realuser) log.info("(%s) Successful login to %r by %s.", irc.name, username, utils.getHostmask(irc, source)) else: irc.msg(source, 'Error: Incorrect credentials.') u = irc.users[source] log.warning("(%s) Failed login to %r from %s.", irc.name, username, utils.getHostmask(irc, source)) def listcommands(irc, source, args): """takes no arguments. Returns a list of available commands PyLink has to offer.""" cmds = list(world.commands.keys()) cmds.sort() for idx, cmd in enumerate(cmds): nfuncs = len(world.commands[cmd]) if nfuncs > 1: cmds[idx] = '%s(x%s)' % (cmd, nfuncs) irc.msg(irc.called_by, 'Available commands include: %s' % ', '.join(cmds)) irc.msg(irc.called_by, 'To see help on a specific command, type \x02help \x02.') utils.add_cmd(listcommands, 'list') @utils.add_cmd def help(irc, source, args): """ Gives help for , if it is available.""" try: command = args[0].lower() except IndexError: # No argument given, just return 'list' output listcommands(irc, source, args) return if command not in world.commands: irc.msg(source, 'Error: Unknown command %r.' % command) return else: funcs = world.commands[command] if len(funcs) > 1: irc.msg(irc.called_by, 'The following \x02%s\x02 plugins bind to the \x02%s\x02 command: %s' % (len(funcs), command, ', '.join([func.__module__ for func in funcs]))) for func in funcs: doc = func.__doc__ mod = func.__module__ if doc: lines = doc.split('\n') # Bold the first line, which usually just tells you what # arguments the command takes. lines[0] = '\x02%s %s\x02 (plugin: %r)' % (command, lines[0], mod) for line in lines: irc.msg(irc.called_by, line.strip()) else: irc.msg(source, "Error: Command %r (from plugin %r) " "doesn't offer any help." % (command, mod)) return @utils.add_cmd def showuser(irc, source, args): """ Shows information about .""" try: target = args[0] except IndexError: irc.msg(irc.called_by, "Error: Not enough arguments. Needs 1: nick.") return u = utils.nickToUid(irc, target) or target # Only show private info if the person is calling 'showuser' on themselves, # or is an oper. verbose = utils.isOper(irc, source) or u == source if u not in irc.users: irc.msg(irc.called_by, 'Error: Unknown user %r.' % target) return f = lambda s: irc.msg(source, s) userobj = irc.users[u] f('Information on user \x02%s\x02 (%s@%s): %s' % (userobj.nick, userobj.ident, userobj.host, userobj.realname)) sid = utils.clientToServer(irc, u) serverobj = irc.servers[sid] ts = userobj.ts f('\x02Home server\x02: %s (%s); \x02Signon time:\x02 %s (%s)' % \ (serverobj.name, sid, ctime(float(ts)), ts)) if verbose: f('\x02Protocol UID\x02: %s; \x02PyLink identification\x02: %s' % \ (u, userobj.identified)) f('\x02User modes\x02: %s' % utils.joinModes(userobj.modes)) f('\x02Real host\x02: %s; \x02IP\x02: %s; \x02Away status\x02: %s' % \ (userobj.realhost, userobj.ip, userobj.away or '\x1D(not set)\x1D')) f('\x02Channels\x02: %s' % (' '.join(userobj.channels).strip() or '\x1D(none)\x1D')) @utils.add_cmd def showchan(irc, source, args): """ Shows information about .""" try: channel = utils.toLower(irc, args[0]) except IndexError: irc.msg(irc.called_by, "Error: Not enough arguments. Needs 1: channel.") return if channel not in irc.channels: irc.msg(irc.called_by, 'Error: Unknown channel %r.' % channel) return f = lambda s: irc.msg(source, s) c = irc.channels[channel] # Only show verbose info if caller is oper or is in the target channel. verbose = source in c.users or utils.isOper(irc, source) secret = ('s', None) in c.modes if secret and not verbose: # Hide secret channels from normal users. irc.msg(source, 'Error: Unknown channel %r.' % channel) return nicks = [irc.users[u].nick for u in c.users] pmodes = ('owner', 'admin', 'op', 'halfop', 'voice') f('Information on channel \x02%s\x02:' % channel) f('\x02Channel topic\x02: %s' % c.topic) f('\x02Channel creation time\x02: %s (%s)' % (ctime(c.ts), c.ts)) # Show only modes that aren't list-style modes. modes = utils.joinModes([m for m in c.modes if m[0] not in irc.cmodes['*A']]) f('\x02Channel modes\x02: %s' % modes) if verbose: nicklist = [] # Iterate over the user list, sorted by nick. for user, nick in sorted(zip(c.users, nicks), key=lambda userpair: userpair[1].lower()): prefixmodes = [irc.prefixmodes.get(irc.cmodes.get(pmode, ''), '') for pmode in pmodes if user in c.prefixmodes[pmode+'s']] nicklist.append(''.join(prefixmodes) + nick) while nicklist[:20]: # 20 nicks per line to prevent message cutoff. f('\x02User list\x02: %s' % ' '.join(nicklist[:20])) nicklist = nicklist[20:] @utils.add_cmd def shutdown(irc, source, args): """takes no arguments. Exits PyLink by disconnecting all networks.""" utils.checkAuthenticated(irc, source, allowOper=False) u = irc.users[source] log.info('(%s) SHUTDOWN requested by "%s!%s@%s", exiting...', irc.name, u.nick, u.ident, u.host) for ircobj in world.networkobjects.values(): # Disable auto-connect first by setting the time to negative. ircobj.serverdata['autoconnect'] = -1 ircobj.aborted.set() @utils.add_cmd def version(irc, source, args): """takes no arguments. Returns the version of the currently running PyLink instance.""" irc.msg(irc.called_by, "PyLink version \x02%s\x02, released under the Mozilla Public License version 2.0." % world.version) irc.msg(irc.called_by, "The source of this program is available at \x02%s\x02." % world.source) @utils.add_cmd def echo(irc, source, args): """ Echoes the text given.""" irc.msg(irc.called_by, ' '.join(args)) def load(irc, source, args): """. Loads a plugin from the plugin folder.""" utils.checkAuthenticated(irc, source, allowOper=False) try: name = args[0] except IndexError: irc.msg(irc.called_by, "Error: Not enough arguments. Needs 1: plugin name.") return try: world.plugins[name] = pl = __import__(name) except ImportError as e: if str(e) == ('No module named %r' % name): log.exception('Failed to load plugin %r: The plugin could not be found.', name) else: log.exception('Failed to load plugin %r: ImportError.', name) raise else: if hasattr(pl, 'main'): log.debug('Calling main() function of plugin %r', pl) pl.main(irc) irc.msg(irc.called_by, "Loaded plugin %r." % name) utils.add_cmd(load) def unload(irc, source, args): """. Unloads a currently loaded plugin.""" utils.checkAuthenticated(irc, source, allowOper=False) try: name = args[0] except IndexError: irc.msg(irc.called_by, "Error: Not enough arguments. Needs 1: plugin name.") return if name == 'commands': irc.msg(irc.called_by, "Error: Cannot unload the commands plugin!") return elif name in world.plugins: pl = world.plugins[name] log.debug('sys.getrefcount of plugin %s is %s', pl, sys.getrefcount(pl)) # Remove any command functions set by the plugin. for cmdname, cmdfuncs in world.commands.copy().items(): log.debug('cmdname=%s, cmdfuncs=%s', cmdname, cmdfuncs) for cmdfunc in cmdfuncs: log.debug('__module__ of cmdfunc %s is %s', cmdfunc, cmdfunc.__module__) if cmdfunc.__module__ == name: log.debug('Removing %s from world.commands[%s]', cmdfunc, cmdname) world.commands[cmdname].remove(cmdfunc) # If the cmdfunc list is empty, remove it. if not cmdfuncs: log.debug("Removing world.commands[%s] (it's empty now)", cmdname) del world.commands[cmdname] # Remove any command hooks set by the plugin. for hookname, hookfuncs in world.hooks.copy().items(): for hookfunc in hookfuncs: if hookfunc.__module__ == name: world.hooks[hookname].remove(hookfunc) # If the hookfuncs list is empty, remove it. if not hookfuncs: del world.hooks[hookname] # Remove whois handlers too. for f in world.whois_handlers: if f.__module__ == name: world.whois_handlers.remove(f) # Call the die() function in the plugin, if present. if hasattr(pl, 'die'): try: pl.die(irc) except: # But don't allow it to crash the server. log.exception('(%s) Error occurred in die() of plugin %s, skipping...', irc.name, pl) # Delete it from memory (hopefully). del world.plugins[name] if name in sys.modules: del sys.modules[name] if name in globals(): del globals()[name] # Garbage collect. gc.collect() irc.msg(irc.called_by, "Unloaded plugin %r." % name) return True # We succeeded, make it clear (this status is used by reload() below) else: irc.msg(irc.called_by, "Unknown plugin %r." % name) utils.add_cmd(unload) @utils.add_cmd def reload(irc, source, args): """. Loads a plugin from the plugin folder.""" try: name = args[0] except IndexError: irc.msg(irc.called_by, "Error: Not enough arguments. Needs 1: plugin name.") return if unload(irc, source, args): load(irc, source, args)