import time import threading from pylinkirc import utils, conf from pylinkirc.log import log from pylinkirc.classes import Protocol, IrcUser, IrcServer FALLBACK_REALNAME = 'PyLink Relay Mirror Client' COMMON_PREFIXMODES = [('h', 'halfop'), ('a', 'admin'), ('q', 'owner'), ('y', 'owner')] IRCV3_CAPABILITIES = {'multi-prefix'} class ClientbotWrapperProtocol(Protocol): def __init__(self, irc): super().__init__(irc) self.has_eob = False # Remove conf key checks for those not needed for Clientbot. self.conf_keys -= {'recvpass', 'sendpass', 'sid', 'sidrange', 'hostname'} # This is just a fallback. Actual casemapping is fetched by handle_005() self.casemapping = 'ascii' self.caps = {} self.ircv3_caps = set() # Initialize counter-based pseudo UID generators self.uidgen = utils.PUIDGenerator('PUID') self.sidgen = utils.PUIDGenerator('PSID') # Tracks the users sent in a list of /who replies, so that users can be bursted all at once # when ENDOFWHO is received. self.who_received = set() # This stores channel->Timer object mappings for users that we're waiting for a kick # acknowledgement for. The timer is set to send a NAMES request to the uplink to prevent # things like failed KICK attempts from desyncing plugins like relay. self.kick_queue = {} # Aliases: 463 (ERR_NOPERMFORHOST), 464 (ERR_PASSWDMISMATCH), and 465 (ERR_YOUREBANNEDCREEP) # are essentially all fatal errors for connections. self.handle_463 = self.handle_464 = self.handle_465 = self.handle_error def _expandPUID(self, uid): """ Returns the real nick for the given PUID. """ if uid in self.irc.users: nick = self.irc.users[uid].nick log.debug('(%s) Mangling target PUID %s to nick %s',, uid, nick) return nick return uid def connect(self): """Initializes a connection to a server.""" self.has_eob = False ts = self.irc.start_ts f = self.irc.send # Enumerate our own server self.irc.sid = self.sidgen.next_sid() # Clear states from last connect self.who_received.clear() self.kick_queue.clear() self.caps.clear() self.ircv3_caps.clear() f('CAP LS 302') f('CAP REQ :%s' % ' '.join(IRCV3_CAPABILITIES)) f('CAP END') sendpass = self.irc.serverdata.get("sendpass") if sendpass: f('PASS %s' % sendpass) # This is a really gross hack to get the defined NICK/IDENT/HOST/GECOS. # But this connection stuff is done before any of the spawnClient stuff in # services_support fires. self.conf_nick = self.irc.serverdata.get('pylink_nick') or conf.conf["bot"].get("nick", "PyLink") f('NICK %s' % (self.conf_nick)) ident = self.irc.serverdata.get('pylink_ident') or conf.conf["bot"].get("ident", "pylink") f('USER %s 8 * :%s' % (ident, # TODO: per net realnames or hostnames aren't implemented yet. conf.conf["bot"].get("realname", "PyLink Clientbot"))) # Note: clientbot clients are initialized with umode +i by default def spawnClient(self, nick, ident='unknown', host='', realhost=None, modes={('i', None)}, server=None, ip='', realname='', ts=None, opertype=None, manipulatable=False): """ STUB: Pretends to spawn a new client with a subset of the given options. """ server = server or self.irc.sid uid = self.uidgen.next_uid() ts = ts or int(time.time()) log.debug('(%s) spawnClient stub called, saving nick %s as PUID %s',, nick, uid) u = self.irc.users[uid] = IrcUser(nick, ts, uid, server, ident=ident, host=host, realname=realname, manipulatable=manipulatable, realhost=realhost, ip=ip) self.irc.servers[server].users.add(uid) self.irc.applyModes(uid, modes) return u def spawnServer(self, name, sid=None, uplink=None, desc=None, endburst_delay=0, internal=True): """ STUB: Pretends to spawn a new server with a subset of the given options. """ name = name.lower() sid = self.sidgen.next_sid() self.irc.servers[sid] = IrcServer(uplink, name, internal=internal) return sid def away(self, source, text): """STUB: sets away messages for clients internally.""" log.debug('(%s) away: target is %s, internal client? %s',, source, self.irc.isInternalClient(source)) if self.irc.users[source].away != text: if not self.irc.isInternalClient(source): log.debug('(%s) away: sending AWAY hook from %s with text %r',, source, text) self.irc.callHooks([source, 'AWAY', {'text': text}]) self.irc.users[source].away = text def invite(self, client, target, channel): """Invites a user to a channel.""" self.irc.send('INVITE %s %s' % (self.irc.getFriendlyName(target), channel)) def join(self, client, channel): """STUB: Joins a user to a channel.""" channel = self.irc.toLower(channel) # Only joins for the main PyLink client are actually forwarded. Others are ignored. # Note: we do not automatically add our main client to the channel state, as we # rely on the /NAMES reply to sync it up properly. if self.irc.pseudoclient and client == self.irc.pseudoclient.uid: self.irc.send('JOIN %s' % channel) # Send a /who request right after self.irc.send('WHO %s' % channel) else: self.irc.channels[channel].users.add(client) self.irc.users[client].channels.add(channel) log.debug('(%s) join: faking JOIN of client %s/%s to %s',, client, self.irc.getFriendlyName(client), channel) self.irc.callHooks([client, 'CLIENTBOT_JOIN', {'channel': channel}]) def kick(self, source, channel, target, reason=''): """Sends channel kicks.""" log.debug('(%s) kick: checking if target %s (nick: %s) is an internal client? %s',, target, self.irc.getFriendlyName(target), self.irc.isInternalClient(target)) if self.irc.isInternalClient(target): # Target was one of our virtual clients. Just remove them from the state. self.handle_part(target, 'KICK', [channel, reason]) # Send a KICK hook for message formatting. self.irc.callHooks([source, 'CLIENTBOT_KICK', {'channel': channel, 'target': target, 'text': reason}]) return self.irc.send('KICK %s %s :<%s> %s' % (channel, self._expandPUID(target), self.irc.getFriendlyName(source), reason)) # Don't update our state here: wait for the IRCd to send an acknowledgement instead. # There is essentially a 3 second wait to do this, as we send NAMES with a delay # to resync any users lost due to kicks being blocked, etc. if (channel not in self.kick_queue) or (not self.kick_queue[channel][1].is_alive()): # However, only do this if there isn't a NAMES request scheduled already. t = threading.Timer(3, lambda: self.irc.send('NAMES %s' % channel)) log.debug('(%s) kick: setting NAMES timer for %s on %s',, target, channel) # Store the channel, target UID, and timer object in the internal kick queue. self.kick_queue[channel] = ({target}, t) t.start() else: log.debug('(%s) kick: adding %s to kick queue for channel %s',, target, channel) self.kick_queue[channel][0].add(target) def message(self, source, target, text, notice=False): """Sends messages to the target.""" command = 'NOTICE' if notice else 'PRIVMSG' if self.irc.pseudoclient and self.irc.pseudoclient.uid == source: self.irc.send('%s %s :%s' % (command, self._expandPUID(target), text)) else: self.irc.callHooks([source, 'CLIENTBOT_MESSAGE', {'target': target, 'is_notice': notice, 'text': text}]) def mode(self, source, channel, modes, ts=None): """Sends channel MODE changes.""" if utils.isChannel(channel): extmodes = [] # Re-parse all channel modes locally to eliminate anything invalid, such as unbanning # things that were never banned. This prevents the bot from getting caught in a loop # with IRCd MODE acknowledgements. # FIXME: More related safety checks should be added for this. log.debug('(%s) mode: re-parsing modes %s',, modes) joined_modes = self.irc.joinModes(modes) for modepair in self.irc.parseModes(channel, joined_modes): log.debug('(%s) mode: checking if %s a prefix mode: %s',, modepair, self.irc.prefixmodes) if modepair[0][-1] in self.irc.prefixmodes: if self.irc.isInternalClient(modepair[1]): # Ignore prefix modes for virtual internal clients. log.debug('(%s) mode: skipping virtual client prefixmode change %s',, modepair) continue else: # For other clients, change the mode argument to nick instead of PUID. nick = self.irc.getFriendlyName(modepair[1]) log.debug('(%s) mode: coersing mode %s argument to %s',, modepair, nick) modepair = (modepair[0], nick) extmodes.append(modepair) log.debug('(%s) mode: filtered modes for %s: %s',, channel, extmodes) if extmodes: self.irc.send('MODE %s %s' % (channel, self.irc.joinModes(extmodes))) # Don't update the state here: the IRCd sill respond with a MODE reply if successful. def nick(self, source, newnick): """STUB: Sends NICK changes.""" if self.irc.pseudoclient and source == self.irc.pseudoclient.uid: self.irc.send('NICK :%s' % newnick) # No state update here: the IRCd will respond with a NICK acknowledgement if the change succeeds. else: self.irc.callHooks([source, 'CLIENTBOT_NICK', {'newnick': newnick}]) self.irc.users[source].nick = newnick def notice(self, source, target, text): """Sends notices to the target.""" # Wrap around message(), which does all the text formatting for us. self.message(source, target, text, notice=True) def ping(self, source=None, target=None): """ Sends PING to the uplink. """ if self.irc.uplink: self.irc.send('PING %s' % self.irc.getFriendlyName(self.irc.uplink)) # Poll WHO periodically to figure out any ident/host/away status changes. for channel in self.irc.pseudoclient.channels: self.irc.send('WHO %s' % channel) def part(self, source, channel, reason=''): """STUB: Parts a user from a channel.""" self.irc.channels[channel].removeuser(source) self.irc.users[source].channels.discard(channel) # Only parts for the main PyLink client are actually forwarded. Others are ignored. if self.irc.pseudoclient and source == self.irc.pseudoclient.uid: self.irc.send('PART %s :%s' % (channel, reason)) else: self.irc.callHooks([source, 'CLIENTBOT_PART', {'channel': channel, 'text': reason}]) def quit(self, source, reason): """STUB: Quits a client.""" userdata = self.irc.users[source] self.removeClient(source) self.irc.callHooks([source, 'CLIENTBOT_QUIT', {'text': reason, 'userdata': userdata}]) def sjoin(self, server, channel, users, ts=None, modes=set()): """STUB: bursts joins from a server.""" # This stub only updates the state internally with the users # given. modes and TS are currently ignored. puids = {u[-1] for u in users} for user in puids: if self.irc.pseudoclient and self.irc.pseudoclient.uid == user: # If the SJOIN affects our main client, forward it as a regular JOIN. self.join(user, channel) else: # Otherwise, track the state for our virtual clients. self.irc.users[user].channels.add(channel) self.irc.channels[channel].users |= puids nicks = {self.irc.getFriendlyName(u) for u in puids} self.irc.callHooks([server, 'CLIENTBOT_SJOIN', {'channel': channel, 'nicks': nicks}]) def squit(self, source, target, text): """STUB: SQUITs a server.""" # What this actually does is just handle the SQUIT internally: i.e. # Removing pseudoclients and pseudoservers. squit_data = self._squit(source, 'CLIENTBOT_VIRTUAL_SQUIT', [target, text]) if squit_data.get('nicks'): self.irc.callHooks([source, 'CLIENTBOT_SQUIT', squit_data]) def _stub(self, *args): """Stub outgoing command function (does nothing).""" return kill = topic = topicBurst = knock = numeric = _stub def updateClient(self, target, field, text): """Updates the known ident, host, or realname of a client.""" if target not in self.irc.users: log.warning("(%s) Unknown target %s for updateClient()",, target) return u = self.irc.users[target] if field == 'IDENT' and u.ident != text: u.ident = text if not self.irc.isInternalClient(target): # We're updating the host of an external client in our state, so send the appropriate # hook payloads. self.irc.callHooks([self.irc.sid, 'CHGIDENT', {'target': target, 'newident': text}]) elif field == 'HOST' and != text: = text if not self.irc.isInternalClient(target): self.irc.callHooks([self.irc.sid, 'CHGHOST', {'target': target, 'newhost': text}]) elif field in ('REALNAME', 'GECOS') and u.realname != text: u.realname = text if not self.irc.isInternalClient(target): self.irc.callHooks([self.irc.sid, 'CHGNAME', {'target': target, 'newgecos': text}]) else: return # Nothing changed def _getUid(self, nick, ident='unknown', host=''): """ Fetches the UID for the given nick, creating one if it does not already exist. Limited (internal) nick collision checking is done here to prevent Clientbot users from being confused with virtual clients, and vice versa.""" # If this sender isn't known or it is one of our virtual clients, spawn a new one. # spawnClient() will take care of any nick collisions caused by new, Clientbot users # taking the same nick as one of our virtual clients. idsource = self.irc.nickToUid(nick) is_internal = self.irc.isInternalClient(idsource) if (not idsource) or (is_internal and self.irc.pseudoclient and idsource != self.irc.pseudoclient.uid): if idsource: log.debug('(%s) Nick-colliding virtual client %s/%s',, idsource, nick) self.irc.callHooks([self.irc.sid, 'CLIENTBOT_NICKCOLLIDE', {'target': idsource, 'parse_as': 'SAVE'}]) idsource = self.spawnClient(nick, ident, host, server=self.irc.uplink, realname=FALLBACK_REALNAME).uid return idsource @staticmethod def parseMessageTags(data): """ Parses a message with IRC v3.2 message tags, as described at """ # Example query: # @aaa=bbb;ccc; :nick! PRIVMSG me :Hello if data[0].startswith('@'): tagdata = data[0].lstrip('@').split(';') for tag in tagdata: tag = tag.replace(r'\s', ' ') tag = tag.replace(r'\\', '\\') tag = tag.replace(r'\r', '\r') tag = tag.replace(r'\n', '\n') tag = tag.replace(r'\:', ';') results = self.parseCapabilities(tagdata, fallback=None) log.debug('(%s) parsed message tags %s',, results) return results return {} def handle_events(self, data): """Event handler for the RFC1459/2812 (clientbot) protocol.""" data = data.split(" ") tags = self.parseMessageTags(data) if tags: # If we have tags, split off the first argument. data = data[1:] try: args = self.parsePrefixedArgs(data) sender = args[0] command = args[1] args = args[2:] except IndexError: # Raw command without an explicit sender; assume it's being sent by our uplink. args = self.parseArgs(data) idsource = sender = self.irc.uplink command = args[0] args = args[1:] else: # PyLink as a services framework expects UIDs and SIDs for everything. Since we connect # as a bot here, there's no explicit user introduction, so we're going to generate # pseudo-uids and pseudo-sids as we see prefixes. if '!' not in sender: # Sender is a server name. idsource = self._getSid(sender) if idsource not in self.irc.servers: idsource = self.spawnServer(sender, internal=False) else: # Sender is a nick!user@host prefix. Split it into its relevant parts. nick, ident, host = utils.splitHostmask(sender) idsource = self._getUid(nick, ident, host) try: func = getattr(self, 'handle_'+command.lower()) except AttributeError: # unhandled command pass else: parsed_args = func(idsource, command, args) if parsed_args is not None: parsed_args['tags'] = tags # Add message tags to this dict. return [idsource, command, parsed_args] def handle_cap(self, source, command, args): """ Handles IRCv3 capabilities transmission. """ subcmd = args[1] if subcmd == 'LS': # Server: CAP * LS * :multi-prefix extended-join account-notify batch invite-notify tls # Server: CAP * LS * :cap-notify server-time # Server: CAP * LS :userhost-in-names sasl=EXTERNAL,DH-AES,DH-BLOWFISH,ECDSA-NIST256P-CHALLENGE,PLAIN caps = args[-1].split('=') elif subcmd == 'ACK': # Server: CAP * ACK :multi-prefix sasl newcaps = set(args[-1].split()) log.debug('(%s) Received ACK for capabilities %s',, newcaps) self.ircv3_caps |= newcaps def handle_001(self, source, command, args): """ Handles 001 / RPL_WELCOME. """ # enumerate our uplink self.irc.uplink = source def handle_005(self, source, command, args): """ Handles 005 / RPL_ISUPPORT. """ self.caps.update(self.parseCapabilities(args[1:-1])) log.debug('(%s) handle_005: self.caps is %s',, self.caps) if 'CHANMODES' in self.caps: self.irc.cmodes['*A'], self.irc.cmodes['*B'], self.irc.cmodes['*C'], self.irc.cmodes['*D'] = \ self.caps['CHANMODES'].split(',') log.debug('(%s) handle_005: cmodes: %s',, self.irc.cmodes) if 'USERMODES' in self.caps: self.irc.umodes['*A'], self.irc.umodes['*B'], self.irc.umodes['*C'], self.irc.umodes['*D'] = \ self.caps['USERMODES'].split(',') log.debug('(%s) handle_005: umodes: %s',, self.irc.umodes) self.casemapping = self.caps.get('CASEMAPPING', self.casemapping) log.debug('(%s) handle_005: casemapping set to %s',, self.casemapping) if 'PREFIX' in self.caps: self.irc.prefixmodes = prefixmodes = self.parsePrefixes(self.caps['PREFIX']) log.debug('(%s) handle_005: prefix modes set to %s',, self.irc.prefixmodes) # Autodetect common prefix mode names. for char, modename in COMMON_PREFIXMODES: # Don't overwrite existing named mode definitions. if char in self.irc.prefixmodes and modename not in self.irc.cmodes: self.irc.cmodes[modename] = char log.debug('(%s) handle_005: autodetecting mode %s (%s) as %s',, char, self.irc.prefixmodes[char], modename) self.irc.connected.set() def handle_376(self, source, command, args): """ Handles end of MOTD numerics, used to start things like autoperform. """ # Run autoperform commands. for line in self.irc.serverdata.get("autoperform", []): self.irc.send(line) # Virtual endburst hook. if not self.has_eob: self.has_eob = True return {'parse_as': 'ENDBURST'} handle_422 = handle_376 def handle_353(self, source, command, args): """ Handles 353 / RPL_NAMREPLY. """ # <- :charybdis.midnight.vpn 353 ice = #test :ice @GL # Mark "@"-type channels as secret automatically, per RFC2812. channel = self.irc.toLower(args[2]) if args[1] == '@': self.irc.applyModes(channel, [('+s', None)]) names = set() modes = set() prefix_to_mode = {v:k for k, v in self.irc.prefixmodes.items()} prefixes = ''.join(self.irc.prefixmodes.values()) for name in args[-1].split(): nick = name.lstrip(prefixes) # Get the PUID for the given nick. If one doesn't exist, spawn # a new virtual user. TODO: wait for WHO responses for each nick before # spawning in order to get a real ident/host. idsource = self._getUid(nick) # Queue these virtual users to be joined if they're not already in the channel, # or we're waiting for a kick acknowledgment for them. if (idsource not in self.irc.channels[channel].users) or (idsource in \ self.kick_queue.get(channel, ([],))[0]): names.add(idsource) self.irc.users[idsource].channels.add(channel) # Process prefix modes for char in name: if char in self.irc.prefixmodes.values(): modes.add(('+' + prefix_to_mode[char], idsource)) else: break # Statekeeping: make sure the channel's user list is updated! self.irc.channels[channel].users |= names self.irc.applyModes(channel, modes) log.debug('(%s) handle_353: adding users %s to %s',, names, channel) log.debug('(%s) handle_353: adding modes %s to %s',, modes, channel) # Unless /WHO has already been received for the given channel, we generally send the hook # for JOIN after /who data is received, to enumerate the ident, host, and real names of # users. if names and hasattr(self.irc.channels[channel], 'who_received'): # /WHO *HAS* already been received. Send JOIN hooks here because we use this to keep # track of any failed KICK attempts sent by the relay bot. log.debug('(%s) handle_353: sending JOIN hook because /WHO was already received for %s',, channel) return {'channel': channel, 'users': names, 'modes': self.irc.channels[channel].modes, 'parse_as': "JOIN"} def handle_352(self, source, command, args): """ Handles 352 / RPL_WHOREPLY. """ # parameter count: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 # <- :charybdis.midnight.vpn 352 ice #test ~pylink charybdis.midnight.vpn ice H+ :0 PyLink # <- :charybdis.midnight.vpn 352 ice #test ~gl charybdis.midnight.vpn GL H*@ :0 realname ident = args[2] host = args[3] nick = args[5] status = args[6] # Hopcount and realname field are together. We only care about the latter. realname = args[-1].split(' ', 1)[-1] uid = self.irc.nickToUid(nick) if uid is None: log.debug("(%s) Ignoring extraneous /WHO info for %s",, nick) return self.updateClient(uid, 'IDENT', ident) self.updateClient(uid, 'HOST', host) self.updateClient(uid, 'GECOS', realname) # The status given uses the following letters: [*][@|+] # H means here (not marked /away) # G means away is set (we'll have to fake a message because it's not given) # * means IRCop. # The rest are prefix modes. Multiple can be given by the IRCd if multiple are set log.debug('(%s) handle_352: status string on user %s: %s',, nick, status) if status[0] == 'G': log.debug('(%s) handle_352: calling away() with argument', self.away(uid, 'Away') elif status[0] == 'H': log.debug('(%s) handle_352: calling away() without argument', self.away(uid, '') # Unmark away status else: log.warning('(%s) handle_352: got wrong string %s for away status',, status[0]) if self.irc.serverdata.get('track_oper_statuses'): if '*' in status: # Track IRCop status if not self.irc.isOper(uid, allowAuthed=False): # Don't send duplicate oper ups if the target is already oper. self.irc.applyModes(uid, [('+o', None)]) self.irc.callHooks([uid, 'MODE', {'target': uid, 'modes': {('+o', None)}}]) self.irc.callHooks([uid, 'CLIENT_OPERED', {'text': 'IRC Operator'}]) elif self.irc.isOper(uid, allowAuthed=False) and not self.irc.isInternalClient(uid): # Track deopers self.irc.applyModes(uid, [('-o', None)]) self.irc.callHooks([uid, 'MODE', {'target': uid, 'modes': {('-o', None)}}]) self.who_received.add(uid) def handle_315(self, source, command, args): """ Handles 315 / RPL_ENDOFWHO. """ # <- :charybdis.midnight.vpn 315 ice #test :End of /WHO list. # Join all the users in which the last batch of /who requests were received. users = self.who_received.copy() self.who_received.clear() channel = self.irc.toLower(args[1]) c = self.irc.channels[channel] c.who_received = True modes = set(c.modes) for user in users: # Fill in prefix modes of everyone when doing mock SJOIN. for mode in c.getPrefixModes(user): modechar = self.irc.cmodes.get(mode) log.debug('(%s) handle_315: adding mode %s +%s %s',, mode, modechar, user) if modechar: modes.add((modechar, user)) return {'channel': channel, 'users': users, 'modes': modes, 'parse_as': "JOIN"} def handle_433(self, source, command, args): # <- 433 * ice :Nickname is already in use. # HACK: I don't like modifying the config entries raw, but this is difficult because # irc.pseudoclient doesn't exist as an attribute until we get run the ENDBURST stuff # in service_support (this is mapped to 005 here). self.conf_nick += '_' self.irc.serverdata['pylink_nick'] = self.conf_nick self.irc.send('NICK %s' % self.conf_nick) handle_432 = handle_437 = handle_433 def handle_join(self, source, command, args): """ Handles incoming JOINs. """ # <- :GL|!~GL@ JOIN #whatever channel = self.irc.toLower(args[0]) self.join(source, channel) return {'channel': channel, 'users': [source], 'modes': self.irc.channels[channel].modes} def handle_kick(self, source, command, args): """ Handles incoming KICKs. """ # <- :GL!~gl@ KICK #whatever GL| :xd channel = self.irc.toLower(args[0]) target = self.irc.nickToUid(args[1]) try: reason = args[2] except IndexError: reason = '' if channel in self.kick_queue: # Remove this client from the kick queue if present there. log.debug('(%s) kick: removing %s from kick queue for channel %s',, target, channel) self.kick_queue[channel][0].discard(target) if not self.kick_queue[channel][0]: log.debug('(%s) kick: cancelling kick timer for channel %s (all kicks accounted for)',, channel) # There aren't any kicks that failed to be acknowledged. We can remove the timer now self.kick_queue[channel][1].cancel() del self.kick_queue[channel] # Statekeeping: remove the target from the channel they were previously in. self.irc.channels[channel].removeuser(target) try: self.irc.users[target].channels.remove(channel) except KeyError: pass self.irc.callHooks([source, 'KICK', {'channel': channel, 'target': target, 'text': reason}]) # Delete channels that we were kicked from, for better state keeping. if self.irc.pseudoclient and target == self.irc.pseudoclient.uid: del self.irc.channels[channel] def handle_mode(self, source, command, args): """Handles MODE changes.""" # <- :GL!~gl@ MODE #dev +v ice # <- :ice MODE ice :+Zi target = args[0] if utils.isChannel(target): target = self.irc.toLower(target) oldobj = self.irc.channels[target].deepcopy() else: target = self.irc.nickToUid(target) oldobj = None modes = args[1:] changedmodes = self.irc.parseModes(target, modes) self.irc.applyModes(target, changedmodes) if self.irc.isInternalClient(target): log.debug('(%s) Suppressing MODE change hook for internal client %s',, target) return if changedmodes: # Prevent infinite loops: don't send MODE hooks if the sender is US. # Note: this is not the only check in Clientbot to prevent mode loops: if our nick # somehow gets desynced, this may not catch everything it's supposed to. if (self.irc.pseudoclient and source != self.irc.pseudoclient.uid) or not self.irc.pseudoclient: return {'target': target, 'modes': changedmodes, 'channeldata': oldobj} def handle_nick(self, source, command, args): """Handles NICK changes.""" # <- :GL|!~GL@ NICK :GL_ if not self.irc.pseudoclient: # We haven't properly logged on yet, so any initial NICK should be treated as a forced # nick change for US. For example, this clause is used to handle forced nick changes # sent by ZNC, when the login nick and the actual IRC nick of the bouncer differ. # HACK: change the nick config entry so services_support knows what our main # pseudoclient is called. oldnick = self.irc.serverdata['pylink_nick'] self.irc.serverdata['pylink_nick'] = self.conf_nick = args[0] log.debug('(%s) Pre-auth FNC: Forcing configured nick to %s from %s',, args[0], oldnick) return oldnick = self.irc.users[source].nick self.irc.users[source].nick = args[0] return {'newnick': args[0], 'oldnick': oldnick} def handle_part(self, source, command, args): """ Handles incoming PARTs. """ # <- :GL|!~GL@ PART #whatever channels = list(map(self.irc.toLower, args[0].split(','))) try: reason = args[1] except IndexError: reason = '' for channel in channels: self.irc.channels[channel].removeuser(source) self.irc.users[source].channels -= set(channels) self.irc.callHooks([source, 'PART', {'channels': channels, 'text': reason}]) # Clear channels that are empty, or that we're parting. for channel in channels: if (self.irc.pseudoclient and source == self.irc.pseudoclient.uid) or not self.irc.channels[channel].users: del self.irc.channels[channel] def handle_ping(self, source, command, args): """ Handles incoming PING requests. """ self.irc.send('PONG :%s' % args[0]) def handle_pong(self, source, command, args): """ Handles incoming PONG. """ if source == self.irc.uplink: self.irc.lastping = time.time() def handle_privmsg(self, source, command, args): """Handles incoming PRIVMSG/NOTICE.""" # <- :sender PRIVMSG #dev :afasfsa # <- :sender NOTICE somenick :afasfsa target = args[0] # We use lowercase channels internally. if utils.isChannel(target): target = self.irc.toLower(target) else: target = self.irc.nickToUid(target) if target: return {'target': target, 'text': args[1]} def handle_quit(self, source, command, args): """Handles incoming QUITs.""" self.quit(source, args[0]) return {'text': args[0]} handle_notice = handle_privmsg Class = ClientbotWrapperProtocol