import threading import socket import time import re import string # Ugh... damn you, Python imports! from os import sys, path sys.path.append(path.dirname(path.dirname(path.abspath(__file__)))) from main import IrcUser # From chars = string.digits + string.ascii_uppercase iters = [iter(chars) for _ in range(6)] a = [next(i) for i in iters] def next_uid(sid, level=-1): try: a[level] = next(iters[level]) return sid + ''.join(a) except StopIteration: return UID(level-1) def connect(irc): ts = int(time.time()) u = IrcUser('PyLink', ts)['uid'] = our_uid = next_uid(irc.sid) irc.users['PyLink'] = u f = irc.send f('CAPAB START 1202') f('CAPAB CAPABILITIES :NICKMAX=32 HALFOP=0 CHANMAX=65 MAXMODES=20 IDENTMAX=12 MAXQUIT=255 PROTOCOL=1203') f('CAPAB END') f('SERVER %s %s 0 %s :PyLink Service' % (irc.serverdata["hostname"], irc.serverdata["sendpass"], irc.sid)) f(':%s BURST %s' % (irc.sid, ts)) # :751 UID 751AAAAAA 1220196319 Brain brain 1220196324 +Siosw +ACKNOQcdfgklnoqtx :Craig Edwards f(":{sid} UID {uid} {ts} PyLink {host} {host} pylink {ts} +o + :PyLink Client".format(sid=irc.sid, ts=ts, host=irc.serverdata["hostname"], uid=our_uid)) f(':%s ENDBURST' % (irc.sid)) # :7NU PING 7NU 0AL def handle_ping(irc, servernumeric, command, args): if args[3] == irc.sid: irc.send(':%s PONG %s' % (irc.sid, args[2])) def handle_privmsg(irc, numeric, command, args): irc.send(':0ALAAAAAA PRIVMSG %s :hello!' % numeric) def handle_error(irc, numeric, command, args): print('Received an ERROR, killing!') irc.restart() def handle_events(irc, data): try: args = data.split() real_args = [] for arg in args: real_args.append(arg) if arg.startswith(':') and args.index(arg) != 0: # : indicates that the argument has multiple words, and lasts until the remainder of the line index = args.index(arg) arg = ' '.join(args[index:])[1:] real_args = args[:index] real_args.append(arg) break real_args[0] = real_args[0].split(':', 1)[1] args = real_args # Strip leading : numeric = args[0] command = args[1] print(args) except IndexError: return try: func = globals()['handle_'+command.lower()] func(irc, numeric, command, args) except KeyError: # unhandled event pass