# antispam.py: Basic services-side spamfilters for IRC import ircmatch from pylinkirc import utils, world, conf from pylinkirc.log import log mydesc = ("Provides anti-spam functionality.") sbot = utils.register_service("antispam", default_nick="AntiSpam", desc=mydesc) def die(irc=None): utils.unregister_service("antispam") PUNISH_OPTIONS = ['kill', 'ban', 'quiet', 'kick'] EXEMPT_OPTIONS = ['voice', 'halfop', 'op'] DEFAULT_EXEMPT_OPTION = 'halfop' def _punish(irc, target, channel, punishment, reason): """Punishes the target user. This function returns True if the user was successfully punished.""" if target not in irc.users: log.warning("(%s) antispam: got target %r that isn't a user?", irc.name, target) return False elif irc.is_oper(target, allowAuthed=False): log.debug("(%s) antispam: refusing to punish oper %s/%s", irc.name, target, irc.get_friendly_name(target)) return False target_nick = irc.get_friendly_name(target) if channel: c = irc.channels[channel] exempt_level = irc.get_service_option('antispam', 'exempt_level', DEFAULT_EXEMPT_OPTION).lower() if exempt_level not in EXEMPT_OPTIONS: log.error('(%s) Antispam exempt %r is not a valid setting, ' 'falling back to defaults; accepted settings include: %s', irc.name, exempt_level, ', '.join(EXEMPT_OPTIONS)) exempt_level = DEFAULT_EXEMPT_OPTION if exempt_level == 'voice' and c.is_voice_plus(target): log.debug("(%s) antispam: refusing to punish voiced and above %s/%s", irc.name, target, target_nick) return False elif exempt_level == 'halfop' and c.is_halfop_plus(target): log.debug("(%s) antispam: refusing to punish halfop and above %s/%s", irc.name, target, target_nick) return False elif exempt_level == 'op' and c.is_op_plus(target): log.debug("(%s) antispam: refusing to punish op and above %s/%s", irc.name, target, target_nick) return False my_uid = sbot.uids.get(irc.name) # XXX workaround for single-bot protocols like Clientbot if irc.pseudoclient and not irc.has_cap('can-spawn-clients'): my_uid = irc.pseudoclient.uid bans = set() log.debug('(%s) antispam: got %r as punishment for %s/%s', irc.name, punishment, target, irc.get_friendly_name(target)) def _ban(): bans.add(irc.make_channel_ban(target)) def _quiet(): bans.add(irc.make_channel_ban(target, ban_type='quiet')) def _kick(): irc.kick(my_uid, channel, target, reason) irc.call_hooks([my_uid, 'ANTISPAM_KICK', {'channel': channel, 'text': reason, 'target': target, 'parse_as': 'KICK'}]) def _kill(): if target not in irc.users: log.debug('(%s) antispam: not killing %s/%s; they already left', irc.name, target, irc.get_friendly_name(target)) return userdata = irc.users[target] irc.kill(my_uid, target, reason) irc.call_hooks([my_uid, 'ANTISPAM_KILL', {'target': target, 'text': reason, 'userdata': userdata, 'parse_as': 'KILL'}]) kill = False successful_punishments = 0 for action in set(punishment.split('+')): if action not in PUNISH_OPTIONS: log.error('(%s) Antispam punishment %r is not a valid setting; ' 'accepted settings include: %s OR any combination of ' 'these joined together with a "+".', irc.name, punishment, ', '.join(PUNISH_OPTIONS)) return elif action == 'kill': kill = True # Delay kills so that the user data doesn't disappear. # XXX factorize these blocks elif action == 'kick' and channel: try: _kick() except NotImplementedError: log.warning("(%s) antispam: Kicks are not supported on this network, skipping; " "target was %s/%s", irc.name, target_nick, channel) else: successful_punishments += 1 elif action == 'ban' and channel: try: _ban() except (ValueError, NotImplementedError): log.warning("(%s) antispam: Bans are not supported on this network, skipping; " "target was %s/%s", irc.name, target_nick, channel) else: successful_punishments += 1 elif action == 'quiet' and channel: try: _quiet() except (ValueError, NotImplementedError): log.warning("(%s) antispam: Quiet is not supported on this network, skipping; " "target was %s/%s", irc.name, target_nick, channel) else: successful_punishments += 1 if bans: # Set all bans at once to prevent spam irc.mode(my_uid, channel, bans) irc.call_hooks([my_uid, 'ANTISPAM_BAN', {'target': channel, 'modes': bans, 'parse_as': 'MODE'}]) if kill: try: _kill() except NotImplementedError: log.warning("(%s) antispam: Kills are not supported on this network, skipping; " "target was %s/%s", irc.name, target_nick, channel) else: successful_punishments += 1 return bool(successful_punishments) MASSHIGHLIGHT_DEFAULTS = { 'min_length': 50, 'min_nicks': 5, 'reason': "Mass highlight spam is prohibited", 'punishment': 'kick+ban', 'enabled': False } def handle_masshighlight(irc, source, command, args): """Handles mass highlight attacks.""" channel = args['target'] text = args['text'] mhl_settings = irc.get_service_option('antispam', 'masshighlight', MASSHIGHLIGHT_DEFAULTS) if not mhl_settings.get('enabled', False): return my_uid = sbot.uids.get(irc.name) # XXX workaround for single-bot protocols like Clientbot if irc.pseudoclient and not irc.has_cap('can-spawn-clients'): my_uid = irc.pseudoclient.uid if (not irc.connected.is_set()) or (not my_uid): # Break if the network isn't ready. log.debug("(%s) antispam: skipping processing; network isn't ready", irc.name) return elif not irc.is_channel(channel): # Not a channel. log.debug("(%s) antispam: skipping processing; %r is not a channel", irc.name, channel) return elif irc.is_internal_client(source): # Ignore messages from our own clients. log.debug("(%s) antispam: skipping processing message from internal client %s", irc.name, source) return elif channel not in irc.channels or my_uid not in irc.channels[channel].users: # We're not monitoring this channel. log.debug("(%s) antispam: skipping processing message from channel %r we're not in", irc.name, channel) return elif len(text) < mhl_settings.get('min_length', MASSHIGHLIGHT_DEFAULTS['min_length']): log.debug("(%s) antispam: skipping processing message %r; it's too short", irc.name, text) return # Strip :, from potential nicks words = [word.rstrip(':,') for word in text.split()] userlist = [irc.users[uid].nick for uid in irc.channels[channel].users.copy()] min_nicks = mhl_settings.get('min_nicks', MASSHIGHLIGHT_DEFAULTS['min_nicks']) # Don't allow repeating the same nick to trigger punishment nicks_caught = set() punished = False for word in words: if word in userlist: nicks_caught.add(word) if len(nicks_caught) >= min_nicks: # Get the punishment and reason. punishment = mhl_settings.get('punishment', MASSHIGHLIGHT_DEFAULTS['punishment']).lower() reason = mhl_settings.get('reason', MASSHIGHLIGHT_DEFAULTS['reason']) log.info("(%s) antispam: punishing %s => %s for mass highlight spam", irc.name, irc.get_friendly_name(source), channel) punished = _punish(irc, source, channel, punishment, reason) break log.debug('(%s) antispam.masshighlight: got %s/%s nicks on message to %r', irc.name, len(nicks_caught), min_nicks, channel) return not punished # Filter this message from relay, etc. if it triggered protection utils.add_hook(handle_masshighlight, 'PRIVMSG', priority=1000) utils.add_hook(handle_masshighlight, 'NOTICE', priority=1000) TEXTFILTER_DEFAULTS = { 'reason': "Spam is prohibited", 'punishment': 'kick+ban', 'watch_pms': 'false', 'enabled': False } def handle_textfilter(irc, source, command, args): """Antispam text filter handler.""" target = args['target'] text = args['text'] txf_settings = irc.get_service_option('antispam', 'textfilter', TEXTFILTER_DEFAULTS) if not txf_settings.get('enabled', False): return my_uid = sbot.uids.get(irc.name) # XXX workaround for single-bot protocols like Clientbot if irc.pseudoclient and not irc.has_cap('can-spawn-clients'): my_uid = irc.pseudoclient.uid if (not irc.connected.is_set()) or (not my_uid): # Break if the network isn't ready. log.debug("(%s) antispam.textfilters: skipping processing; network isn't ready", irc.name) return elif irc.is_internal_client(source): # Ignore messages from our own clients. log.debug("(%s) antispam.textfilters: skipping processing message from internal client %s", irc.name, source) return elif source not in irc.users: log.debug("(%s) antispam.textfilters: ignoring message from non-user %s", irc.name, source) return if irc.is_channel(target): channel_or_none = target if target not in irc.channels or my_uid not in irc.channels[target].users: # We're not monitoring this channel. log.debug("(%s) antispam.textfilters: skipping processing message from channel %r we're not in", irc.name, target) return else: channel_or_none = None watch_pms = txf_settings.get('watch_pms', TEXTFILTER_DEFAULTS['watch_pms']) if watch_pms == 'services': if not irc.get_service_bot(target): log.debug("(%s) antispam.textfilters: skipping processing; %r is not a service bot (watch_pms='services')", irc.name, target) return elif watch_pms == 'all': log.debug("(%s) antispam.textfilters: checking all PMs (watch_pms='all')", irc.name) pass else: # Not a channel. log.debug("(%s) antispam.textfilters: skipping processing; %r is not a channel and watch_pms is disabled", irc.name, target) return # Merge together global and local textfilter lists. txf_globs = set(conf.conf.get('antispam', {}).get('textfilter_globs', [])) | \ set(irc.serverdata.get('antispam_textfilter_globs', [])) punishment = txf_settings.get('punishment', TEXTFILTER_DEFAULTS['punishment']).lower() reason = txf_settings.get('reason', TEXTFILTER_DEFAULTS['reason']) punished = False for filterglob in txf_globs: if ircmatch.match(1, filterglob, text): log.info("(%s) antispam: punishing %s => %s for text filter %r", irc.name, irc.get_friendly_name(source), irc.get_friendly_name(target), filterglob) punished = _punish(irc, source, channel_or_none, punishment, reason) break return not punished # Filter this message from relay, etc. if it triggered protection utils.add_hook(handle_textfilter, 'PRIVMSG', priority=999) utils.add_hook(handle_textfilter, 'NOTICE', priority=999)