mirror of https://github.com/jlu5/PyLink.git synced 2025-03-04 21:40:51 +01:00

commands: add a "showchan" command

This commit is contained in:
James Lu 2015-09-14 18:43:19 -07:00
parent 7ced47e9b3
commit b531a180dc

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@ -126,6 +126,52 @@ def showuser(irc, source, args):
(userobj.realhost, userobj.ip, userobj.away or '\x1D(not set)\x1D'))
f('\x02Channels\x02: %s' % (' '.join(userobj.channels).strip() or '\x1D(none)\x1D'))
def showchan(irc, source, args):
Shows information about <channel>."""
channel = utils.toLower(irc, args[0])
except IndexError:
irc.msg(source, "Error: Not enough arguments. Needs 1: channel.")
if channel not in irc.channels:
irc.msg(source, 'Error: Unknown channel %r.' % channel)
f = lambda s: irc.msg(source, s)
c = irc.channels[channel]
# Only show verbose info if caller is oper or is in the target channel.
verbose = source in c.users or utils.isOper(irc, source)
secret = ('s', None) in c.modes
if secret and not verbose:
# Hide secret channels from normal users.
irc.msg(source, 'Error: Unknown channel %r.' % channel)
nicks = [irc.users[u].nick for u in c.users]
pmodes = ('owner', 'admin', 'op', 'halfop', 'voice')
f('Information on channel \x02%s\x02:' % channel)
f('\x02Channel topic\x02: %s' % c.topic)
f('\x02Channel creation time\x02: %s (%s)' % (ctime(c.ts), c.ts))
# Show only modes that aren't list-style modes.
modes = utils.joinModes([m for m in c.modes if m[0] not in irc.cmodes['*A']])
f('\x02Channel modes\x02: %s' % modes)
if verbose:
nicklist = []
# Iterate over the user list, sorted by nick.
for user, nick in sorted(zip(c.users, nicks),
key=lambda userpair: userpair[1].lower()):
prefixmodes = [irc.prefixmodes.get(irc.cmodes.get(pmode, ''), '')
for pmode in pmodes if user in c.prefixmodes[pmode+'s']]
nicklist.append(''.join(prefixmodes) + nick)
while nicklist[:20]: # 20 nicks per line to prevent message cutoff.
f('\x02User list\x02: %s' % ' '.join(nicklist[:20]))
nicklist = nicklist[20:]
def shutdown(irc, source, args):
"""takes no arguments.