mirror of
synced 2025-02-12 11:31:33 +01:00
Document the sources of protocols/inspircd & ts6_common
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,32 +4,36 @@ import os
import re
from copy import copy
# Import hacks to access utils and classes...
curdir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
sys.path += [curdir, os.path.dirname(curdir)]
import utils
from log import log
from classes import *
# Some functions are shared with the charybdis module... (ts6_common)
from ts6_common import nickClient, kickServer, kickClient, _sendKick, quitClient, \
removeClient, partClient, messageClient, noticeClient, topicClient, parseTS6Args
from ts6_common import handle_privmsg, handle_kill, handle_kick, handle_error, \
handle_quit, handle_nick, handle_save, handle_squit, handle_mode, handle_topic, \
handle_notice, _send, handle_part
# Set our case mapping (rfc1459 maps "\" and "|" together, for example".
casemapping = 'rfc1459'
# Raw commands sent from servers vary from protocol to protocol. Here, we map
# non-standard names to our hook handlers, so plugins get the information they need.
# non-standard names to our hook handlers, so command handlers' outputs
# are called with the right hooks.
hook_map = {'FJOIN': 'JOIN', 'RSQUIT': 'SQUIT', 'FMODE': 'MODE',
def _send(irc, sid, msg):
irc.send(':%s %s' % (sid, msg))
def spawnClient(irc, nick, ident='null', host='null', realhost=None, modes=set(),
server=None, ip='', realname=None, ts=None, opertype=None):
"""Spawns a client with nick <nick> on the given IRC connection.
Note: No nick collision / valid nickname checks are done here; it is
up to plugins to make sure they don't introduce anything invalid."""
server = server or irc.sid
if not utils.isInternalServer(irc, server):
raise ValueError('Server %r is not a PyLink internal PseudoServer!' % server)
@ -56,9 +60,10 @@ def spawnClient(irc, nick, ident='null', host='null', realhost=None, modes=set()
return u
def joinClient(irc, client, channel):
"""Joins an internal spawned client <client> to a channel."""
# InspIRCd doesn't distinguish between burst joins and regular joins,
# so what we're actually doing here is sending FJOIN from the server,
# on behalf of the clients that call it.
# on behalf of the clients that are joining.
channel = utils.toLower(irc, channel)
server = utils.isInternalClient(irc, client)
if not server:
@ -73,6 +78,16 @@ def joinClient(irc, client, channel):
def sjoinServer(irc, server, channel, users, ts=None):
"""Sends an SJOIN for a group of users to a channel.
The sender should always be a Server ID (SID). TS is optional, and defaults
to the one we've stored in the channel state if not given.
<users> is a list of (prefix mode, UID) pairs:
Example uses:
sjoinServer(irc, '100', '#test', [('', '100AAABBC'), ('qo', 100AAABBB'), ('h', '100AAADDD')])
sjoinServer(irc, irc.sid, '#test', [('o', irc.pseudoclient.uid)])
channel = utils.toLower(irc, channel)
server = server or irc.sid
assert users, "sjoinServer: No users sent?"
@ -92,7 +107,7 @@ def sjoinServer(irc, server, channel, users, ts=None):
log.debug("sending SJOIN to %s%s with ts %s (that's %r)", channel, irc.name, ts,
time.strftime("%c", time.localtime(ts)))
# Strip out list-modes, they shouldn't be ever sent in FJOIN.
# Strip out list-modes, they shouldn't ever be sent in FJOIN (protocol rules).
modes = [m for m in irc.channels[channel].modes if m[0] not in irc.cmodes['*A']]
uids = []
changedmodes = []
@ -119,6 +134,15 @@ def sjoinServer(irc, server, channel, users, ts=None):
def _operUp(irc, target, opertype=None):
"""Opers a client up (internal function specific to InspIRCd).
This should be called whenever user mode +o is set on anyone, because
InspIRCd requires a special command (OPERTYPE) to be sent in order to
recognize ANY non-burst oper ups.
Plugins don't have to call this function themselves, but they can
set the opertype attribute of an IrcUser object (in irc.users),
and the change will be reflected here."""
userobj = irc.users[target]
otype = opertype or userobj.opertype
@ -133,6 +157,7 @@ def _operUp(irc, target, opertype=None):
_send(irc, target, 'OPERTYPE %s' % otype)
def _sendModes(irc, numeric, target, modes, ts=None):
"""Internal function to send modes from a PyLink client/server."""
# -> :9PYAAAAAA FMODE #pylink 1433653951 +os 9PYAAAAAA
log.debug('(%s) inspircd._sendModes: received %r for mode list', irc.name, modes)
@ -150,20 +175,18 @@ def _sendModes(irc, numeric, target, modes, ts=None):
_send(irc, numeric, 'MODE %s %s' % (target, joinedmodes))
def modeClient(irc, numeric, target, modes, ts=None):
"""<irc object> <client numeric> <list of modes>
Sends modes from a PyLink PseudoClient. <list of modes> should be
a list of (mode, arg) tuples, in the format of utils.parseModes() output.
Sends modes from a PyLink client. <modes> should be
a list of (mode, arg) tuples, i.e. the format of utils.parseModes() output.
if not utils.isInternalClient(irc, numeric):
raise LookupError('No such PyLink PseudoClient exists.')
_sendModes(irc, numeric, target, modes, ts=ts)
def modeServer(irc, numeric, target, modes, ts=None):
"""<irc object> <server SID> <list of modes>
Sends modes from a PyLink PseudoServer. <list of modes> should be
a list of (mode, arg) tuples, in the format of utils.parseModes() output.
Sends modes from a PyLink server. <list of modes> should be
a list of (mode, arg) tuples, i.e. the format of utils.parseModes() output.
if not utils.isInternalServer(irc, numeric):
raise LookupError('No such PyLink PseudoServer exists.')
@ -192,6 +215,7 @@ def killClient(irc, numeric, target, reason):
# will send a QUIT from the target if the command succeeds.
def topicServer(irc, numeric, target, text):
"""Sends a burst topic from a PyLink server. This is usally used on burst."""
if not utils.isInternalServer(irc, numeric):
raise LookupError('No such PyLink PseudoServer exists.')
ts = int(time.time())
@ -201,25 +225,19 @@ def topicServer(irc, numeric, target, text):
irc.channels[target].topicset = True
def inviteClient(irc, numeric, target, channel):
"""<irc object> <client numeric> <text>
Invites <target> to <channel> to <text> from PyLink client <client numeric>."""
"""Sends an INVITE from a PyLink client.."""
if not utils.isInternalClient(irc, numeric):
raise LookupError('No such PyLink PseudoClient exists.')
_send(irc, numeric, 'INVITE %s %s' % (target, channel))
def knockClient(irc, numeric, target, text):
"""<irc object> <client numeric> <text>
Knocks on <channel> with <text> from PyLink client <client numeric>."""
"""Sends a KNOCK from a PyLink client."""
if not utils.isInternalClient(irc, numeric):
raise LookupError('No such PyLink PseudoClient exists.')
_send(irc, numeric, 'ENCAP * KNOCK %s :%s' % (target, text))
def updateClient(irc, numeric, field, text):
"""<irc object> <client numeric> <field> <text>
Changes the <field> field of <target> PyLink PseudoClient <client numeric>."""
"""Updates the ident, host, or realname of a PyLink client."""
field = field.upper()
if field == 'IDENT':
irc.users[numeric].ident = text
@ -234,6 +252,8 @@ def updateClient(irc, numeric, field, text):
raise NotImplementedError("Changing field %r of a client is unsupported by this protocol." % field)
def pingServer(irc, source=None, target=None):
"""Sends a PING to a target server. Periodic PINGs are sent to our uplink
automatically by the Irc() internals; plugins shouldn't have to use this."""
source = source or irc.sid
target = target or irc.uplink
if not (target is None or source is None):
@ -246,16 +266,46 @@ def numericServer(irc, source, numeric, text):
"need for PyLink to send numerics directly yet.")
def awayClient(irc, source, text):
"""<irc object> <numeric> <text>
Sends an AWAY message with text <text> from PyLink client <numeric>.
<text> can be an empty string to unset AWAY status."""
"""Sends an AWAY message from a PyLink client. <text> can be an empty string
to unset AWAY status."""
if text:
_send(irc, source, 'AWAY %s :%s' % (int(time.time()), text))
_send(irc, source, 'AWAY')
def spawnServer(irc, name, sid=None, uplink=None, desc=None):
"""Spawns a server off a PyLink server."""
# -> :0AL SERVER test.server * 1 0AM :some silly pseudoserver
uplink = uplink or irc.sid
name = name.lower()
# "desc" defaults to the configured server description.
desc = desc or irc.serverdata.get('serverdesc') or irc.botdata['serverdesc']
if sid is None: # No sid given; generate one!
irc.sidgen = utils.TS6SIDGenerator(irc.serverdata["sidrange"])
sid = irc.sidgen.next_sid()
assert len(sid) == 3, "Incorrect SID length"
if sid in irc.servers:
raise ValueError('A server with SID %r already exists!' % sid)
for server in irc.servers.values():
if name == server.name:
raise ValueError('A server named %r already exists!' % name)
if not utils.isInternalServer(irc, uplink):
raise ValueError('Server %r is not a PyLink internal PseudoServer!' % uplink)
if not utils.isServerName(name):
raise ValueError('Invalid server name %r' % name)
_send(irc, uplink, 'SERVER %s * 1 %s :%s' % (name, sid, desc))
irc.servers[sid] = IrcServer(uplink, name, internal=True)
_send(irc, sid, 'ENDBURST')
return sid
def squitServer(irc, source, target, text='No reason given'):
"""SQUITs a PyLink server."""
# -> :9PY SQUIT 9PZ :blah, blah
_send(irc, source, 'SQUIT %s :%s' % (target, text))
handle_squit(irc, source, 'SQUIT', [target, text])
def connect(irc):
"""Initializes a connection to a server."""
ts = irc.start_ts
f = irc.send
@ -268,84 +318,10 @@ def connect(irc):
f(':%s BURST %s' % (irc.sid, ts))
f(':%s ENDBURST' % (irc.sid))
def handle_ping(irc, source, command, args):
# <- :70M PING 70M 0AL
# -> :0AL PONG 0AL 70M
if utils.isInternalServer(irc, args[1]):
_send(irc, args[1], 'PONG %s %s' % (args[1], source))
def handle_pong(irc, source, command, args):
if source == irc.uplink and args[1] == irc.sid:
irc.lastping = time.time()
def handle_fjoin(irc, servernumeric, command, args):
# :70M FJOIN #chat 1423790411 +AFPfjnt 6:5 7:5 9:5 :o,1SRAABIT4 v,1IOAAF53R <...>
channel = utils.toLower(irc, args[0])
# InspIRCd sends each user's channel data in the form of 'modeprefix(es),UID'
userlist = args[-1].split()
our_ts = irc.channels[channel].ts
their_ts = int(args[1])
if their_ts < our_ts:
# Channel timestamp was reset on burst
log.debug('(%s) Setting channel TS of %s to %s from %s',
irc.name, channel, their_ts, our_ts)
irc.channels[channel].ts = their_ts
for p in irc.channels[channel].prefixmodes.values():
modestring = args[2:-1] or args[2]
parsedmodes = utils.parseModes(irc, channel, modestring)
utils.applyModes(irc, channel, parsedmodes)
namelist = []
for user in userlist:
modeprefix, user = user.split(',', 1)
if their_ts <= our_ts:
utils.applyModes(irc, channel, [('+%s' % mode, user) for mode in modeprefix])
return {'channel': channel, 'users': namelist, 'modes': parsedmodes, 'ts': their_ts}
def handle_uid(irc, numeric, command, args):
# :70M UID 70MAAAAAB 1429934638 GL 0::1 hidden-7j810p.9mdf.lrek.0000.0000.IP gl 0::1 1429934638 +Wioswx +ACGKNOQXacfgklnoqvx :realname
uid, ts, nick, realhost, host, ident, ip = args[0:7]
realname = args[-1]
irc.users[uid] = IrcUser(nick, ts, uid, ident, host, realname, realhost, ip)
parsedmodes = utils.parseModes(irc, uid, [args[8], args[9]])
log.debug('Applying modes %s for %s', parsedmodes, uid)
utils.applyModes(irc, uid, parsedmodes)
return {'uid': uid, 'ts': ts, 'nick': nick, 'realhost': realhost, 'host': host, 'ident': ident, 'ip': ip}
def handle_server(irc, numeric, command, args):
# SERVER is sent by our uplink or any other server to introduce others.
# <- :00A SERVER test.server * 1 00C :testing raw message syntax
# <- :70M SERVER millennium.overdrive.pw * 1 1ML :a relatively long period of time... (Fremont, California)
servername = args[0].lower()
sid = args[3]
sdesc = args[-1]
irc.servers[sid] = IrcServer(numeric, servername)
return {'name': servername, 'sid': args[3], 'text': sdesc}
def handle_fmode(irc, numeric, command, args):
# <- :70MAAAAAA FMODE #chat 1433653462 +hhT 70MAAAAAA 70MAAAAAD
channel = utils.toLower(irc, args[0])
modes = args[2:]
changedmodes = utils.parseModes(irc, channel, modes)
utils.applyModes(irc, channel, changedmodes)
ts = int(args[1])
return {'target': channel, 'modes': changedmodes, 'ts': ts}
def handle_idle(irc, numeric, command, args):
"""Handle the IDLE command, sent between servers in remote WHOIS queries."""
# -> :1MLAAAAIG IDLE 70MAAAAAA 1433036797 319
sourceuser = numeric
targetuser = args[0]
_send(irc, targetuser, 'IDLE %s %s 0' % (sourceuser, irc.users[targetuser].ts))
def handle_events(irc, data):
"""Event handler for the InspIRCd protocol. This passes most commands to
the various handle_ABCD() functions elsewhere in this module, but also
handles commands sent in the initial server linking phase."""
# Each server message looks something like this:
# :70M FJOIN #chat 1423790411 +AFPfjnt 6:5 7:5 9:5 :v,1SRAAESWE
# :<sid> <command> <argument1> <argument2> ... :final multi word argument
@ -425,35 +401,92 @@ def handle_events(irc, data):
if parsed_args is not None:
return [numeric, command, parsed_args]
def spawnServer(irc, name, sid=None, uplink=None, desc=None):
# -> :0AL SERVER test.server * 1 0AM :some silly pseudoserver
uplink = uplink or irc.sid
name = name.lower()
desc = desc or irc.serverdata.get('serverdesc') or irc.botdata['serverdesc']
if sid is None: # No sid given; generate one!
irc.sidgen = utils.TS6SIDGenerator(irc.serverdata["sidrange"])
sid = irc.sidgen.next_sid()
assert len(sid) == 3, "Incorrect SID length"
if sid in irc.servers:
raise ValueError('A server with SID %r already exists!' % sid)
for server in irc.servers.values():
if name == server.name:
raise ValueError('A server named %r already exists!' % name)
if not utils.isInternalServer(irc, uplink):
raise ValueError('Server %r is not a PyLink internal PseudoServer!' % uplink)
if not utils.isServerName(name):
raise ValueError('Invalid server name %r' % name)
_send(irc, uplink, 'SERVER %s * 1 %s :%s' % (name, sid, desc))
irc.servers[sid] = IrcServer(uplink, name, internal=True)
_send(irc, sid, 'ENDBURST')
return sid
def handle_ping(irc, source, command, args):
"""Handles incoming PING commands, so we don't time out."""
# <- :70M PING 70M 0AL
# -> :0AL PONG 0AL 70M
if utils.isInternalServer(irc, args[1]):
_send(irc, args[1], 'PONG %s %s' % (args[1], source))
def squitServer(irc, source, target, text='No reason given'):
# -> :9PY SQUIT 9PZ :blah, blah
_send(irc, source, 'SQUIT %s :%s' % (target, text))
handle_squit(irc, source, 'SQUIT', [target, text])
def handle_pong(irc, source, command, args):
"""Handles incoming PONG commands. This is used to keep track of whether
the uplink is alive by the Irc() internals - a server that fails to reply
to our PINGs eventually times out and is disconnected."""
if source == irc.uplink and args[1] == irc.sid:
irc.lastping = time.time()
def handle_fjoin(irc, servernumeric, command, args):
"""Handles incoming FJOIN commands (InspIRCd equivalent of JOIN/SJOIN)."""
# :70M FJOIN #chat 1423790411 +AFPfjnt 6:5 7:5 9:5 :o,1SRAABIT4 v,1IOAAF53R <...>
channel = utils.toLower(irc, args[0])
# InspIRCd sends each user's channel data in the form of 'modeprefix(es),UID'
userlist = args[-1].split()
our_ts = irc.channels[channel].ts
their_ts = int(args[1])
if their_ts < our_ts:
# Channel timestamp was reset on burst
log.debug('(%s) Setting channel TS of %s to %s from %s',
irc.name, channel, their_ts, our_ts)
irc.channels[channel].ts = their_ts
for p in irc.channels[channel].prefixmodes.values():
modestring = args[2:-1] or args[2]
parsedmodes = utils.parseModes(irc, channel, modestring)
utils.applyModes(irc, channel, parsedmodes)
namelist = []
for user in userlist:
modeprefix, user = user.split(',', 1)
if their_ts <= our_ts:
utils.applyModes(irc, channel, [('+%s' % mode, user) for mode in modeprefix])
return {'channel': channel, 'users': namelist, 'modes': parsedmodes, 'ts': their_ts}
def handle_uid(irc, numeric, command, args):
"""Handles incoming UID commands (user introduction)."""
# :70M UID 70MAAAAAB 1429934638 GL 0::1 hidden-7j810p.9mdf.lrek.0000.0000.IP gl 0::1 1429934638 +Wioswx +ACGKNOQXacfgklnoqvx :realname
uid, ts, nick, realhost, host, ident, ip = args[0:7]
realname = args[-1]
irc.users[uid] = IrcUser(nick, ts, uid, ident, host, realname, realhost, ip)
parsedmodes = utils.parseModes(irc, uid, [args[8], args[9]])
log.debug('Applying modes %s for %s', parsedmodes, uid)
utils.applyModes(irc, uid, parsedmodes)
return {'uid': uid, 'ts': ts, 'nick': nick, 'realhost': realhost, 'host': host, 'ident': ident, 'ip': ip}
def handle_server(irc, numeric, command, args):
"""Handles incoming SERVER commands (introduction of servers)."""
# SERVER is sent by our uplink or any other server to introduce others.
# <- :00A SERVER test.server * 1 00C :testing raw message syntax
# <- :70M SERVER millennium.overdrive.pw * 1 1ML :a relatively long period of time... (Fremont, California)
servername = args[0].lower()
sid = args[3]
sdesc = args[-1]
irc.servers[sid] = IrcServer(numeric, servername)
return {'name': servername, 'sid': args[3], 'text': sdesc}
def handle_fmode(irc, numeric, command, args):
"""Handles the FMODE command, used for channel mode changes."""
# <- :70MAAAAAA FMODE #chat 1433653462 +hhT 70MAAAAAA 70MAAAAAD
channel = utils.toLower(irc, args[0])
modes = args[2:]
changedmodes = utils.parseModes(irc, channel, modes)
utils.applyModes(irc, channel, changedmodes)
ts = int(args[1])
return {'target': channel, 'modes': changedmodes, 'ts': ts}
def handle_idle(irc, numeric, command, args):
"""Handles the IDLE command, sent between servers in remote WHOIS queries."""
# -> :1MLAAAAIG IDLE 70MAAAAAA 1433036797 319
sourceuser = numeric
targetuser = args[0]
_send(irc, targetuser, 'IDLE %s %s 0' % (sourceuser, irc.users[targetuser].ts))
def handle_ftopic(irc, numeric, command, args):
"""Handles incoming FTOPIC (sets topic on burst)."""
# <- :70M FTOPIC #channel 1434510754 GLo|o|!GLolol@escape.the.dreamland.ca :Some channel topic
channel = utils.toLower(irc, args[0])
ts = args[1]
@ -464,13 +497,19 @@ def handle_ftopic(irc, numeric, command, args):
return {'channel': channel, 'setter': setter, 'ts': ts, 'topic': topic}
def handle_invite(irc, numeric, command, args):
"""Handles incoming INVITEs."""
target = args[0]
channel = utils.toLower(irc, args[1])
# We don't actually need to process this; it's just something plugins/hooks can use
# We don't actually need to process this; just send the hook so plugins can use it
return {'target': target, 'channel': channel}
def handle_encap(irc, numeric, command, args):
"""Handles incoming encapsulated commands (ENCAP). Hook arguments
returned by this should have a parse_as field, that sets the correct
hook name for the message.
For InspIRCd, the only ENCAP command we handle right now is KNOCK."""
# <- :70MAAAAAA ENCAP * KNOCK #blah :agsdfas
# From charybdis TS6 docs: https://github.com/grawity/irc-docs/blob/03ba884a54f1cef2193cd62b6a86803d89c1ac41/server/ts6.txt
@ -490,6 +529,10 @@ def handle_encap(irc, numeric, command, args):
'text': text}
def handle_opertype(irc, numeric, command, args):
"""Handles incoming OPERTYPE, which is used to denote an oper up.
This calls the internal hook PYLINK_CLIENT_OPERED, sets the internal
opertype of the client, and assumes setting user mode +o on the caller."""
# This is used by InspIRCd to denote an oper up; there is no MODE
# command sent for it.
# <- :70MAAAAAB OPERTYPE Network_Owner
@ -502,24 +545,29 @@ def handle_opertype(irc, numeric, command, args):
return {'target': numeric, 'modes': omode}
def handle_fident(irc, numeric, command, args):
# :70MAAAAAB FNAME :afdsafasf
"""Handles FIDENT, used for denoting ident changes."""
# <- :70MAAAAAB FIDENT test
irc.users[numeric].ident = newident = args[0]
return {'target': numeric, 'newident': newident}
def handle_fhost(irc, numeric, command, args):
"""Handles FHOST, used for denoting hostname changes."""
# <- :70MAAAAAB FIDENT some.host
irc.users[numeric].host = newhost = args[0]
return {'target': numeric, 'newhost': newhost}
def handle_fname(irc, numeric, command, args):
"""Handles FNAME, used for denoting real name/gecos changes."""
# <- :70MAAAAAB FNAME :afdsafasf
irc.users[numeric].realname = newgecos = args[0]
return {'target': numeric, 'newgecos': newgecos}
def handle_endburst(irc, numeric, command, args):
"""ENDBURST handler; sends a hook with empty contents."""
return {}
def handle_away(irc, numeric, command, args):
"""Handles incoming AWAY messages."""
# <- :1MLAAAAIG AWAY 1439371390 :Auto-away
ts = args[0]
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import utils
from log import log
from classes import *
# Shared with inspircd module because the output is the same.
# Some functions are shared with the InspIRCd module (ts6_common)
from ts6_common import nickClient, kickServer, kickClient, _sendKick, quitClient, \
removeClient, partClient, messageClient, noticeClient, topicClient, parseTS6Args
from ts6_common import handle_privmsg, handle_kill, handle_kick, handle_error, \
@ -7,12 +7,12 @@ import utils
from log import log
from classes import *
def _send(irc, sid, msg):
irc.send(':%s %s' % (sid, msg))
def _send(irc, source, msg):
"""Sends a TS6-style raw command from a source numeric to the IRC connection given."""
irc.send(':%s %s' % (source, msg))
def parseArgs(args):
"""<arg list>
Parses a string of RFC1459-style arguments split into a list, where ":" may
"""Parses a string of RFC1459-style arguments split into a list, where ":" may
be used for multi-word arguments that last until the end of a line.
real_args = []
@ -35,9 +35,7 @@ def parseArgs(args):
return real_args
def parseTS6Args(args):
"""<arg list>
Similar to parseArgs(), but stripping leading colons from the first argument
"""Similar to parseArgs(), but stripping leading colons from the first argument
of a line (usually the sender field)."""
args = parseArgs(args)
args[0] = args[0].split(':', 1)[1]
@ -46,9 +44,7 @@ def parseTS6Args(args):
def _sendKick(irc, numeric, channel, target, reason=None):
"""<irc object> <kicker client numeric>
Sends a kick from a PyLink PseudoClient."""
"""Internal function to send kicks from a PyLink client/server."""
channel = utils.toLower(irc, channel)
if not reason:
reason = 'No reason given'
@ -59,29 +55,26 @@ def _sendKick(irc, numeric, channel, target, reason=None):
handle_part(irc, target, 'KICK', [channel])
def kickClient(irc, numeric, channel, target, reason=None):
"""Sends a kick from a PyLink client."""
if not utils.isInternalClient(irc, numeric):
raise LookupError('No such PyLink PseudoClient exists.')
_sendKick(irc, numeric, channel, target, reason=reason)
def kickServer(irc, numeric, channel, target, reason=None):
"""Sends a kick from a PyLink server."""
if not utils.isInternalServer(irc, numeric):
raise LookupError('No such PyLink PseudoServer exists.')
_sendKick(irc, numeric, channel, target, reason=reason)
def nickClient(irc, numeric, newnick):
"""<irc object> <client numeric> <new nickname>
Changes the nick of a PyLink PseudoClient."""
"""Changes the nick of a PyLink client."""
if not utils.isInternalClient(irc, numeric):
raise LookupError('No such PyLink PseudoClient exists.')
_send(irc, numeric, 'NICK %s %s' % (newnick, int(time.time())))
irc.users[numeric].nick = newnick
def removeClient(irc, numeric):
"""<irc object> <client numeric>
Removes a client from our internal databases, regardless
of whether it's one of our pseudoclients or not."""
"""Internal function to remove a client from our internal state."""
for c, v in irc.channels.copy().items():
# Clear empty non-permanent channels.
@ -95,6 +88,7 @@ def removeClient(irc, numeric):
def partClient(irc, client, channel, reason=None):
"""Sends a part from a PyLink client."""
channel = utils.toLower(irc, channel)
if not utils.isInternalClient(irc, client):
log.error('(%s) Error trying to part client %r to %r (no such pseudoclient exists)', irc.name, client, channel)
@ -106,9 +100,7 @@ def partClient(irc, client, channel, reason=None):
handle_part(irc, client, 'PART', [channel])
def quitClient(irc, numeric, reason):
"""<irc object> <client numeric>
Quits a PyLink PseudoClient."""
"""Quits a PyLink client."""
if utils.isInternalClient(irc, numeric):
_send(irc, numeric, "QUIT :%s" % reason)
removeClient(irc, numeric)
@ -116,22 +108,19 @@ def quitClient(irc, numeric, reason):
raise LookupError("No such PyLink PseudoClient exists.")
def messageClient(irc, numeric, target, text):
"""<irc object> <client numeric> <text>
Sends PRIVMSG <text> from PyLink client <client numeric>."""
"""Sends a PRIVMSG from a PyLink client."""
if not utils.isInternalClient(irc, numeric):
raise LookupError('No such PyLink PseudoClient exists.')
_send(irc, numeric, 'PRIVMSG %s :%s' % (target, text))
def noticeClient(irc, numeric, target, text):
"""<irc object> <client numeric> <text>
Sends NOTICE <text> from PyLink client <client numeric>."""
"""Sends a NOTICE from a PyLink client."""
if not utils.isInternalClient(irc, numeric):
raise LookupError('No such PyLink PseudoClient exists.')
_send(irc, numeric, 'NOTICE %s :%s' % (target, text))
def topicClient(irc, numeric, target, text):
"""Sends a ROPIC from a PyLink client."""
if not utils.isInternalClient(irc, numeric):
raise LookupError('No such PyLink PseudoClient exists.')
_send(irc, numeric, 'TOPIC %s :%s' % (target, text))
@ -141,6 +130,7 @@ def topicClient(irc, numeric, target, text):
def handle_privmsg(irc, source, command, args):
"""Handles incoming PRIVMSG/NOTICE."""
# <- :70MAAAAAA PRIVMSG #dev :afasfsa
target = args[0]
@ -152,13 +142,18 @@ def handle_privmsg(irc, source, command, args):
handle_notice = handle_privmsg
def handle_kill(irc, source, command, args):
"""Handles incoming KILLs."""
killed = args[0]
# Depending on whether the IRCd sends explicit QUIT messages for
# KILLed clients, the user may or may not have automatically been removed.
# If not, we have to assume that KILL = QUIT and remove them ourselves.
data = irc.users.get(killed)
if data:
removeClient(irc, killed)
return {'target': killed, 'text': args[1], 'userdata': data}
def handle_kick(irc, source, command, args):
"""Handles incoming KICKs."""
# :70MAAAAAA KICK #endlessvoid 70MAAAAAA :some reason
channel = utils.toLower(irc, args[0])
kicked = args[1]
@ -166,24 +161,29 @@ def handle_kick(irc, source, command, args):
return {'channel': channel, 'target': kicked, 'text': args[2]}
def handle_error(irc, numeric, command, args):
"""Handles ERROR messages - these mean that our uplink has disconnected us!"""
raise ProtocolError('Received an ERROR, killing!')
raise ProtocolError('Received an ERROR, disconnecting!')
def handle_nick(irc, numeric, command, args):
"""Handles incoming NICK changes."""
# <- :70MAAAAAA NICK GL-devel 1434744242
oldnick = irc.users[numeric].nick
newnick = irc.users[numeric].nick = args[0]
return {'newnick': newnick, 'oldnick': oldnick, 'ts': int(args[1])}
def handle_quit(irc, numeric, command, args):
"""Handles incoming QUITs."""
# <- :1SRAAGB4T QUIT :Quit: quit message goes here
removeClient(irc, numeric)
return {'text': args[0]}
def handle_save(irc, numeric, command, args):
# This is used to handle nick collisions. Here, the client Derp_ already exists,
# so trying to change nick to it will cause a nick collision. On InspIRCd,
# this will simply set the collided user's nick to its UID.
"""Handles incoming SAVE messages, used to handle nick collisions."""
# In this below example, the client Derp_ already exists,
# and trying to change someone's nick to it will cause a nick
# collision. On TS6 IRCds, this will simply set the collided user's
# nick to its UID.
# <- :70MAAAAAA PRIVMSG 0AL000001 :nickclient PyLink Derp_
# -> :0AL000001 NICK Derp_ 1433728673
@ -194,6 +194,7 @@ def handle_save(irc, numeric, command, args):
return {'target': user, 'ts': int(args[1]), 'oldnick': oldnick}
def handle_squit(irc, numeric, command, args):
"""Handles incoming SQUITs (netsplits)."""
# :70M SQUIT 1ML :Server quit by GL!gl@0::1
split_server = args[0]
affected_users = []
@ -214,6 +215,8 @@ def handle_squit(irc, numeric, command, args):
return {'target': split_server, 'users': affected_users}
def handle_mode(irc, numeric, command, args):
"""Handles incoming user mode changes. For channel mode changes,
TMODE (TS6/charybdis) and FMODE (InspIRCd) are used instead."""
# In InspIRCd, MODE is used for setting user modes and
# FMODE is used for channel modes:
# <- :70MAAAAAA MODE 70MAAAAAA -i+xc
@ -224,6 +227,8 @@ def handle_mode(irc, numeric, command, args):
return {'target': target, 'modes': changedmodes}
def handle_topic(irc, numeric, command, args):
"""Handles incoming TOPIC changes from clients. For topic bursts,
TB (TS6/charybdis) and FTOPIC (InspIRCd) are used instead."""
# <- :70MAAAAAA TOPIC #test :test
channel = utils.toLower(irc, args[0])
topic = args[1]
@ -233,6 +238,7 @@ def handle_topic(irc, numeric, command, args):
return {'channel': channel, 'setter': numeric, 'ts': ts, 'topic': topic}
def handle_part(irc, source, command, args):
"""Handles incoming PART commands."""
channels = utils.toLower(irc, args[0]).split(',')
for channel in channels:
# We should only get PART commands for channels that exist, right??
Reference in New Issue
Block a user