mirror of https://github.com/jlu5/PyLink.git synced 2025-02-17 14:01:03 +01:00

docs: update channel-modes

Include lists for Nefarious and update those for the rest.
This commit is contained in:
James Lu 2016-05-11 21:51:49 -07:00
parent ad428b55bc
commit 6b40c97a75

View File

@ -1,52 +1,59 @@
Channel Mode / IRCd,InspIRCd,charybdis,Elemental-IRCd,UnrealIRCd,IRCd-Hybrid Channel Mode / IRCd,InspIRCd,charybdis,Elemental-IRCd,UnrealIRCd,IRCd-Hybrid,Nefarious IRCu
admin,+a (m_customprefix/m_chanprotect),,+a (when enabled),+a, admin,+a (m_customprefix/m_chanprotect),,+a (when enabled),+a,,
adminonly,,+A (extensions/chm_adminonly),+A (extensions/chm_adminonly),, adminonly,,+A (extensions/chm_adminonly),+A (extensions/chm_adminonly.c),,,+a
allowinvite,+A (m_allowinvite),+g,+g,, allowinvite,+A (m_allowinvite),+g,+g,,,
autoop,+w (m_autoop),,,, autoop,+w (m_autoop),,,,,
ban,+b,+b,+b,+b,+b ban,+b,+b,+b,+b,+b,+b
banexception,+e (m_banexception),+e,+e,+e,+e banexception,+e (m_banexception),+e,+e,+e,+e,+e
blockcolor,+c (m_blockcolor),,,+c,+c blockcaps,+B (m_blockcaps),,+G (extensions/chm_nocaps.c),,,
c_noforwards,,+Q,+Q,, blockcolor,+c (m_blockcolor),,,+c,+c,+c
exemptchanops,+X (m_exemptchanops),,,, c_noforwards,,+Q,+Q,,,
filter,+g (m_filter),,,, delayjoin,,,,,,+D
flood,+f (m_messageflood),,,, exemptchanops,+X (m_exemptchanops),,,,,
flood_unreal,,,,+f, filter,+g (m_filter),,,,,
freetarget,,+F,+F,, flood,+f (m_messageflood),,,,,
halfop,+h (m_customprefix/m_halfop),,+h (when enabled),+h,+h flood_unreal,,,,+f,,
hiddenbans,,,+u,, freetarget,,+F,+F,,,
history,+H (m_chanhistory),,,, had_delayjoins,,,,,,+d
invex,+I (m_inviteexception),+I,+I,+I,+I halfop,+h (m_customprefix/m_halfop),,+h (when enabled),+h,+h,
inviteonly,+i,,,+i,+i hiddenbans,,,+u,,,
issecure,,,,+Z, hidequits,,,,,,+Q
joinflood,+j (m_joinflood),+j,+j,, history,+H (m_chanhistory),,,,,
key,+k,+k,+k,+k,+k invex,+I (m_inviteexception),+I,+I,+I,+I,
kicknorejoin,+J (m_kicknorejoin),,+J,, inviteonly,+i,+i,+i,+i,+i,+i
largebanlist,,+L,+L,, issecure,,,,+Z,,
limit,+l,+l,+l,+l,+l joinflood,+j (m_joinflood),+j,+j,,,
moderated,+m,+m,+m,+m,+m key,+k,+k,+k,+k,+k,+k
nickflood,+F (m_nickflood),,,, kicknorejoin,+J (m_kicknorejoin),,+J,,,
noctcp,+C (m_noctcp),+C,+C,+C,+C largebanlist,,+L,+L,,,
noextmsg,+n,+n,+n,+n,+n limit,+l,+l,+l,+l,+l,+l
noinvite,,,,, moderated,+m,+m,+m,+m,+m,+m
nokick,+Q (m_nokicks),,+E,+Q, nickflood,+F (m_nickflood),,,,,
noknock,+K (m_knock),+p,,+K,+p noamsg,,,,,,+T
nonick,+N (m_nonicks),,+d,+N, noctcp,+C (m_noctcp),+C,+C,+C,+C,+C
nonotice,+T (m_nonotice),+T,+T,+T, noextmsg,+n,+n,+n,+n,+n,+n
official-join,+Y (m_ojoin),,,, noinvite,,,,,,
op,+o,+o,+o,+o,+o nokick,+Q (m_nokicks),,+E,+Q,,
operonly,+O (m_operchans),+O (extensions/chm_operonly),+O (extensions/chm_operonly),+O,+O noknock,+K (m_knock),+p,,+K,+p,
opmoderated,+U (extras/m_opmoderated),+z,+z,, nonick,+N (m_nonicks),,+d,+N,,
owner,+q (m_customprefix/m_chanprotect),,+y (when enabled),+q, nonotice,+T (m_nonotice),+T (extensions/chm_nonotice),+T,+T,,+N
permanent,+P (m_permchannels),+P,+P,+P, official-join,+Y (m_ojoin),,,,,
private,+p,+p,+p,+p, op,+o,+o,+o,+o,+o,+o
quiet,,+q,+q,, operonly,+O (m_operchans),+O (extensions/chm_operonly),+O (extensions/chm_operonly.c),+O,+O,+O
redirect,+L (m_redirect),+f,+f,+L, oplevel_apass,,,,,,+A
registered,+r (m_services_account),,,+r,+r oplevel_upass,,,,,,+U
regmoderated,+M (m_services_account),,,+M,+M opmoderated,+U (extras/m_opmoderated),+z,+z,,,
regonly,+R (m_services_account),+r,+r,+R,+R owner,+q (m_customprefix/m_chanprotect),,+y (when enabled),+q,,
repeat,+E (m_repeat),,+K,, permanent,+P (m_permchannels),+P,+P,+P,,+z
secret,+s,+s,+s,+s,+s private,+p,+p,+p,+p,,+p
sslonly,+z (m_sslmodes),+S (extensions/chm_sslonly),+S (extensions/chm_sslonly),+z,+S quiet,,+q,+q,,,
stripcolor,+S (m_stripcolor),+c,+c,+S, redirect,+L (m_redirect),+f,+f,+L,,+L
topiclock,+t,+t,+t,+t,+t registered,+r (m_services_account),,,+r,+r,+R
voice,+v,+v,+v,+v,+v regmoderated,+M (m_services_account),,,+M,+M,+M
regonly,+R (m_services_account),+r,+r,+R,+R,+r
repeat,+E (m_repeat),,+K (extensions/chm_norepeat.c),,,
sslonly,+z (m_sslmodes),+S (extensions/chm_sslonly),+S (extensions/chm_sslonly.c),+z,+S,
stripcolor,+S (m_stripcolor),+c,+c,+S,,+S

1 Channel Mode / IRCd InspIRCd charybdis Elemental-IRCd UnrealIRCd IRCd-Hybrid Nefarious IRCu
2 admin +a (m_customprefix/m_chanprotect) +a (when enabled) +a
3 adminonly +A (extensions/chm_adminonly) +A (extensions/chm_adminonly) +A (extensions/chm_adminonly.c) +a
4 allowinvite +A (m_allowinvite) +g +g
5 autoop +w (m_autoop)
6 ban +b +b +b +b +b +b
7 banexception +e (m_banexception) +e +e +e +e +e
8 blockcolor blockcaps +c (m_blockcolor) +B (m_blockcaps) +G (extensions/chm_nocaps.c) +c +c
9 c_noforwards blockcolor +c (m_blockcolor) +Q +Q +c +c +c
10 exemptchanops c_noforwards +X (m_exemptchanops) +Q +Q
11 filter delayjoin +g (m_filter) +D
12 flood exemptchanops +f (m_messageflood) +X (m_exemptchanops)
13 flood_unreal filter +g (m_filter) +f
14 freetarget flood +f (m_messageflood) +F +F
15 halfop flood_unreal +h (m_customprefix/m_halfop) +h (when enabled) +h +f +h
16 hiddenbans freetarget +F +u +F
17 history had_delayjoins +H (m_chanhistory) +d
18 invex halfop +I (m_inviteexception) +h (m_customprefix/m_halfop) +I +I +h (when enabled) +I +h +I +h
19 inviteonly hiddenbans +i +u +i +i
20 issecure hidequits +Z +Q
21 joinflood history +j (m_joinflood) +H (m_chanhistory) +j +j
22 key invex +k +I (m_inviteexception) +k +I +k +I +k +I +k +I
23 kicknorejoin inviteonly +J (m_kicknorejoin) +i +i +J +i +i +i +i
24 largebanlist issecure +L +L +Z
25 limit joinflood +l +j (m_joinflood) +l +j +l +j +l +l
26 moderated key +m +k +m +k +m +k +m +k +m +k +k
27 nickflood kicknorejoin +F (m_nickflood) +J (m_kicknorejoin) +J
28 noctcp largebanlist +C (m_noctcp) +C +L +C +L +C +C
29 noextmsg limit +n +l +n +l +n +l +n +l +n +l +l
30 noinvite moderated +m +m +m +m +m +m
31 nokick nickflood +Q (m_nokicks) +F (m_nickflood) +E +Q
32 noknock noamsg +K (m_knock) +p +K +p +T
33 nonick noctcp +N (m_nonicks) +C (m_noctcp) +C +d +C +N +C +C +C
34 nonotice noextmsg +T (m_nonotice) +n +T +n +T +n +T +n +n +n
35 official-join noinvite +Y (m_ojoin)
36 op nokick +o +Q (m_nokicks) +o +o +E +o +Q +o
37 operonly noknock +O (m_operchans) +K (m_knock) +O (extensions/chm_operonly) +p +O (extensions/chm_operonly) +O +K +O +p
38 opmoderated nonick +U (extras/m_opmoderated) +N (m_nonicks) +z +z +d +N
39 owner nonotice +q (m_customprefix/m_chanprotect) +T (m_nonotice) +T (extensions/chm_nonotice) +y (when enabled) +T +q +T +N
40 permanent official-join +P (m_permchannels) +Y (m_ojoin) +P +P +P
41 private op +p +o +p +o +p +o +p +o +o +o
42 quiet operonly +O (m_operchans) +q +O (extensions/chm_operonly) +q +O (extensions/chm_operonly.c) +O +O +O
43 redirect oplevel_apass +L (m_redirect) +f +f +L +A
44 registered oplevel_upass +r (m_services_account) +r +r +U
45 regmoderated opmoderated +M (m_services_account) +U (extras/m_opmoderated) +z +z +M +M
46 regonly owner +R (m_services_account) +q (m_customprefix/m_chanprotect) +r +r +y (when enabled) +R +q +R
47 repeat permanent +E (m_repeat) +P (m_permchannels) +P +K +P +P +z
48 secret private +s +p +s +p +s +p +s +p +s +p
49 sslonly quiet +z (m_sslmodes) +S (extensions/chm_sslonly) +q +S (extensions/chm_sslonly) +q +z +S
50 stripcolor redirect +S (m_stripcolor) +L (m_redirect) +c +f +c +f +S +L +L
51 topiclock registered +t +r (m_services_account) +t +t +t +r +t +r +R
52 voice regmoderated +v +M (m_services_account) +v +v +v +M +v +M +M
53 regonly +R (m_services_account) +r +r +R +R +r
54 repeat +E (m_repeat) +K (extensions/chm_norepeat.c)
55 secret +s +s +s +s +s +s
56 sslonly +z (m_sslmodes) +S (extensions/chm_sslonly) +S (extensions/chm_sslonly.c) +z +S
57 stripcolor +S (m_stripcolor) +c +c +S +S
58 topiclock +t +t +t +t +t +t
59 voice +v +v +v +v +v +v