mirror of https://github.com/jlu5/PyLink.git synced 2025-02-17 14:01:03 +01:00

games: rewrite everything using the new ServiceBot API

This commit is contained in:
James Lu 2016-05-14 14:52:47 -07:00
parent 522b7b8b33
commit 523ef714a0

View File

@ -6,314 +6,45 @@ import sys
import os
import random
import threading
from datetime import timedelta
import structures
import utils
from log import log
import world
# commands
class Command:
def __init__(self, name, args, sender, sender_nick, target, from_to):
self.name = name
self.args = args
self.sender = sender
self.sender_nick = sender_nick
self.target = target
# from_to represents the channel if sent to a channel, and the sender
# if sent to the user directly. stops commands from having to worry
# about and handle sender vs target themselves for responses that can
# be public, but can also be sent privately for privmsgs
self.from_to = from_to
class CommandHandler:
def __init__(self, default_help_cmd=True, default_request_cmds=True):
self.public_command_prefix = '.'
self.commands = {}
self.command_help = None
# default commands
if default_help_cmd:
self.add('help', self.help_cmd)
if default_request_cmds:
self.add('request', self.request_cmd)
self.add('remove', self.remove_cmd)
def add(self, name, handler):
self.commands[name.casefold()] = handler
self.command_help = None
def help_cmd(self, bot, irc, user, command):
"[command] -- Help for the given commands"
if command.args.strip() == '':
# regenerate command help if required
if self.command_help is None:
help = ['== Help ==']
for name, handler in sorted(self.commands.items()):
if hasattr(handler, '__doc__'):
help.append(' {}{} {}'.format(self.public_command_prefix, name, handler.__doc__))
self.command_help = help
# print out
for line in self.command_help:
irc.proto.notice(user.uid, command.sender, line)
cmd = command.args.strip().split(' ', 1)[0].casefold()
if cmd.startswith(self.public_command_prefix):
cmd = cmd[len(self.public_command_prefix):]
handler = self.commands.get(cmd)
if handler:
irc.proto.notice(user.uid, command.sender, 'Help: {}{} {}'.format(self.public_command_prefix, cmd, handler.__doc__))
irc.proto.notice(user.uid, command.sender, 'Help: command not found')
def request_cmd(self, bot, irc, user, command):
"<channel> -- Make this bot join your channel!"
channel = command.args.split(' ', 1)[0]
if channel is None:
# TODO: casefold this as per irc net
channame = channel.lower()
# make sure they're an op in there
channel = irc.channels.get(channame)
if channel is None or not channel.isOpPlus(command.sender):
irc.proto.notice(user.uid, command.sender, "You are not an op in that channel")
# check if we're already joined to the channel
joinedkey = 'channels.joined_to {} {}'.format(irc.name, channame)
joined_to_chan = bot.db.get(joinedkey, default=False)
if joined_to_chan:
irc.proto.notice(user.uid, command.sender, "I'm already joined to that channel!")
# join the channel
irc.proto.notice(user.uid, command.sender, "Joining channel ".format(channame))
bot.db.put(joinedkey, True)
irc.proto.join(user.uid, channame)
def remove_cmd(self, bot, irc, user, command):
"<channel> -- Make this bot leave your channel!"
channel = command.args.split(' ', 1)[0]
if channel is None:
# TODO: casefold this as per irc net
channame = channel.lower()
# make sure they're an op in there
channel = irc.channels.get(channame)
if channel is None or not channel.isOpPlus(command.sender):
irc.proto.notice(user.uid, command.sender, "You are not an op in that channel")
# check if we're already joined to the channel
joinedkey = 'channels.joined_to {} {}'.format(irc.name, channame)
joined_to_chan = bot.db.get(joinedkey, default=False)
if not joined_to_chan:
irc.proto.notice(user.uid, command.sender, "I'm not in that channel!")
# join the channel
irc.proto.notice(user.uid, command.sender, "Leaving channel ".format(channame))
irc.proto.part(user.uid, channame)
def handle_messages(self, bot, user, irc, numeric, command, args):
notice = (command in ('NOTICE', 'PYLINK_SELF_NOTICE'))
target = args['target']
text = args['text']
# check sender
if target != user.uid:
# message not targeted at us
elif numeric not in irc.users:
# sender isn't a user.
log.debug('(%s) games.handle_messages: Unknown message sender %s.', irc.name, numeric)
# HACK: Don't break on sending to @#channel or similar.
prefix, target = target.split('#', 1)
except ValueError:
prefix = ''
target = '#' + target
log.debug('(%s) games.handle_messages: prefix is %r, target is %r', irc.name, prefix, target)
# check public command prefixes
from_to = numeric
if utils.isChannel(target):
from_to = target
if text.startswith(self.public_command.prefix):
text = text[len(self.public_command.prefix) - 1:]
# not a command for us
# handle commands
if ' ' in text:
command_name, command_args = text.split(' ', 1)
command_name = text
command_args = ''
command_name = command_name.casefold()
command = Command(command_name, command_args, numeric, irc.users[numeric].nick, target, from_to)
# check for matching handler and dispatch
handler = self.commands.get(command_name)
if handler:
handler(self, bot, irc, user, command)
# bot clients
class BotClient:
def __init__(self, name, cmd_handler=None, process_self_messages=False):
self.name = name
self.db = None
# cmd_handler
if cmd_handler is None:
cmd_handler = CommandHandler()
self.cmds = cmd_handler
# events
utils.add_hook(self.handle_endburst, 'ENDBURST')
for cmd in ('PRIVMSG', 'NOTICE'):
utils.add_hook(self.handle_messages, cmd)
if process_self_messages:
utils.add_hook(self.handle_messages, cmd)
def handle_endburst(self, irc, numeric, command, args):
# TODO(dan): name/user/hostname to be configurable, just passed in with __init__?
# possible status channel?
user = irc.proto.spawnClient(self.name, self.name, irc.serverdata["hostname"])
irc.bot_clients[self.name] = user
# join required channels
for key in self.db.list_keys(prefix='channels.joined_to {}'.format(irc.name)):
channel = key.rsplit(' ', 1)[-1]
irc.proto.join(user.uid, channel)
def handle_messages(self, irc, numeric, command, args):
# make sure we're spawned
user = irc.bot_clients.get(self.name)
if user is None:
self.cmds.handle_messages(self, user, irc, numeric, command, args)
gameclient = BotClient('games')
gameclient = utils.registerService("Games")
reply = gameclient.reply # TODO find a better syntax for ServiceBot.reply()
# commands
def dice_cmd(command_handler, irc, user, command):
"<dice string> -- Roll the dice!"
def dice(irc, source, args):
Rolls a die with <sides> sides <num> times.
if not args:
reply(irc, "No string given.")
iline = command.args
# Split num and sides and convert them to int.
num, sides = map(int, args[0].split('d', 1))
except ValueError:
# Invalid syntax. Show the command help.
if iline == '':
raise Exception
assert 1 < sides <= 100, "Invalid side count (must be 2-100)."
assert 1 <= num <= 100, "Cannot roll more than 100 dice at once."
if iline[0] == '-':
iline = '0' + iline # fixes negatives
oline = []
idice = []
odice = []
out_dice_line = ''
results = []
for _ in range(num):
results.append(random.randint(1, sides))
# split line into seperate parts
for split in iline.split('+'):
oline = oline + split.split('-')
for line in oline:
if('d' in line):
if line.split('d')[0].isdigit():
if (len(str(line.split('d')[1])) > 6 or
len(str(line.split('d')[0])) > 10):
raise Exception
idice.append(['1', line.split('d')[1]])
# negatives
i = 1
for char in iline:
if char == '+':
i += 1
if char == '-':
if(len(idice[i]) == 2):
idice[i][1] = str(-int(idice[i][1]))
idice[i][0] = str(-int(idice[i][0]))
i += 1
# run and construct random numbers
i = 0
for split in idice:
dice = []
if(len(split) == 2):
for i in range(int(split[0])):
if(int(split[1]) > 0):
result = random.randint(1, int(split[1]))
out_dice_line += str(result) + ', '
result = random.randint(int(split[1]), -1)
out_dice_line += str(result) + ', '
i += 1
if i > 10000:
raise Exception
dice += split
# use calculated numbers to form result
result = 0
for li1 in odice:
for li2 in li1:
result += int(li2)
output = command.sender_nick + ': '
output += iline + ' = ' + str(result)
if len(out_dice_line.split(',')) < 13:
output += ' = ' + out_dice_line[:-2]
irc.proto.message(user.uid, command.from_to, output)
except Exception:
output_lines = ['DICE SYNTAX: {}d <dice>'.format(command_handler.public_command_prefix),
' <dice> is a string like d12+4d8-13',
' or any other permutation of rpg dice and numbers',]
for i in range(0, len(output_lines)):
output = output_lines[i]
irc.proto.message(user.uid, command.from_to, output)
gameclient.cmds.add('d', dice_cmd)
gameclient.cmds.add('dice', dice_cmd)
# Convert results to strings, join them, format, and reply.
s = 'You rolled %s: %s (total: %s)' % (args[0], ' '.join([str(x) for x in results]), sum(results))
reply(irc, s)
gameclient.add_cmd(dice, 'd')
# loading
def main(irc=None):
@ -322,14 +53,5 @@ def main(irc=None):
# seed the random
# Load the games database.
db_filename = utils.getDatabaseName('pylinkgames')
# TODO: make db save frequency adjustable, pass in here
db = structures.DataStore('games', db_filename)
gameclient.db = db
# Schedule periodic exports of the games database.
def die(irc):