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# relay.py: PyLink Relay plugin
import sys
import os
import pickle
import sched
import threading
import string
2015-07-12 23:28:54 -07:00
from collections import defaultdict
from expiringdict import ExpiringDict
import utils
from log import log
from conf import confname
import world
dbname = "pylinkrelay"
if confname != 'pylink':
dbname += '-%s' % confname
dbname += '.db'
2015-07-12 23:28:54 -07:00
relayusers = defaultdict(dict)
relayservers = defaultdict(dict)
spawnlocks = defaultdict(threading.RLock)
savecache = ExpiringDict(max_len=5, max_age_seconds=10)
killcache = ExpiringDict(max_len=5, max_age_seconds=10)
def initializeAll(irc):
"""Initializes all relay channels for the given IRC object."""
for chanpair, entrydata in db.items():
network, channel = chanpair
initializeChannel(irc, channel)
for link in entrydata['links']:
network, channel = link
initializeChannel(irc, channel)
def main():
"""Main function, called during plugin loading at start."""
world.schedulers['relaydb'] = scheduler = sched.scheduler()
scheduler.enter(30, 1, exportDB, argument=(True,))
# Thread this because exportDB() queues itself as part of its
# execution, in order to get a repeating loop.
thread = threading.Thread(target=scheduler.run)
thread.daemon = True
def normalizeNick(irc, netname, nick, separator=None, uid=''):
"""Creates a normalized nickname for the given nick suitable for
introduction to a remote network (as a relay client)."""
separator = separator or irc.serverdata.get('separator') or "/"
log.debug('(%s) normalizeNick: using %r as separator.', irc.name, separator)
2015-07-12 14:02:17 -07:00
orig_nick = nick
protoname = irc.protoname
2015-07-12 14:02:17 -07:00
maxnicklen = irc.maxnicklen
if '/' not in separator or not protoname.startswith(('insp', 'unreal')):
# Charybdis doesn't allow / in usernames, and will SQUIT with
# a protocol violation if it sees one.
2015-07-12 14:02:17 -07:00
separator = separator.replace('/', '|')
nick = nick.replace('/', '|')
if nick.startswith(tuple(string.digits)):
# On TS6 IRCds, nicks that start with 0-9 are only allowed if
# they match the UID of the originating server. Otherwise, you'll
# get nasty protocol violation SQUITs!
nick = '_' + nick
2015-07-12 14:02:17 -07:00
tagnicks = True
suffix = separator + netname
nick = nick[:maxnicklen]
# Maximum allowed length of a nickname, minus the obligatory /network tag.
2015-07-12 14:02:17 -07:00
allowedlength = maxnicklen - len(suffix)
# If a nick is too long, the real nick portion will be cut off, but the
# /network suffix MUST remain the same.
2015-07-12 14:02:17 -07:00
nick = nick[:allowedlength]
nick += suffix
# The nick we want exists? Darn, create another one then.
# Increase the separator length by 1 if the user was already tagged,
# but couldn't be created due to a nick conflict.
# This can happen when someone steals a relay user's nick.
# However, if the user is changing from, say, a long, cut-off nick to another long,
# cut-off nick, we don't need to check for duplicates and tag the nick twice.
# somecutoffnick/net would otherwise be erroneous NICK'ed to somecutoffnic//net,
# even though there would be no collision because the old and new nicks are from
# the same client.
while utils.nickToUid(irc, nick) and utils.nickToUid(irc, nick) != uid:
2015-07-12 14:02:17 -07:00
new_sep = separator + separator[-1]
log.debug('(%s) normalizeNick: nick %r is in use; using %r as new_sep.', irc.name, nick, new_sep)
2015-07-12 23:28:54 -07:00
nick = normalizeNick(irc, netname, orig_nick, separator=new_sep)
2015-07-12 14:02:17 -07:00
finalLength = len(nick)
assert finalLength <= maxnicklen, "Normalized nick %r went over max " \
2015-09-09 20:53:04 -07:00
"nick length (got: %s, allowed: %s!)" % (nick, finalLength, maxnicklen)
2015-07-12 14:02:17 -07:00
return nick
def loadDB():
"""Loads the relay database, creating a new one if this fails."""
global db
with open(dbname, "rb") as f:
db = pickle.load(f)
except (ValueError, IOError):
log.exception("Relay: failed to load links database %s"
", creating a new one in memory...", dbname)
db = {}
def exportDB(reschedule=False):
"""Exports the relay database, optionally creating a loop to do this
scheduler = world.schedulers.get('relaydb')
if reschedule and scheduler:
scheduler.enter(30, 1, exportDB, argument=(True,))
log.debug("Relay: exporting links database to %s", dbname)
with open(dbname, 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(db, f, protocol=4)
def getPrefixModes(irc, remoteirc, channel, user, mlist=None):
Fetches all prefix modes for a user in a channel that are supported by the
remote IRC network given.
Optionally, an mlist argument can be given to look at an earlier state of
the channel, e.g. for checking the op status of a mode setter before their
modes are processed and added to the channel state.
modes = ''
mlist = mlist or irc.channels[channel].prefixmodes
for pmode in ('owner', 'admin', 'op', 'halfop', 'voice'):
if pmode in remoteirc.cmodes: # Mode supported by IRCd
userlist = mlist[pmode+'s']
2015-08-12 01:20:32 -07:00
log.debug('(%s) getPrefixModes: checking if %r is in %s list: %r',
irc.name, user, pmode, userlist)
if user in userlist:
modes += remoteirc.cmodes[pmode]
return modes
def getRemoteSid(irc, remoteirc):
"""Gets the remote server SID representing remoteirc on irc, spawning
it if it doesn't exist."""
with spawnlocks[irc.name]:
sid = relayservers[irc.name][remoteirc.name]
except KeyError:
sid = irc.proto.spawnServer('%s.relay' % remoteirc.name,
desc="PyLink Relay network - %s" %
or remoteirc.name))
except ValueError: # Network not initialized yet.
log.exception('(%s) Failed to spawn server for %r:',
irc.name, remoteirc.name)
relayservers[irc.name][remoteirc.name] = sid
return sid
def getRemoteUser(irc, remoteirc, user, spawnIfMissing=True):
"""Gets the UID of the relay client for the given IRC network/user pair,
spawning one if it doesn't exist and spawnIfMissing is True."""
# If the user (stored here as {('netname', 'UID'):
# {'network1': 'UID1', 'network2': 'UID2'}}) exists, don't spawn it
# again!
if user == irc.pseudoclient.uid:
return remoteirc.pseudoclient.uid
except AttributeError: # Network hasn't been initialized yet?
with spawnlocks[irc.name]:
u = relayusers[(irc.name, user)][remoteirc.name]
except KeyError:
userobj = irc.users.get(user)
if userobj is None or (not spawnIfMissing) or (not remoteirc.connected.is_set()):
# The query wasn't actually a valid user, or the network hasn't
# been connected yet... Oh well!
nick = normalizeNick(remoteirc, irc.name, userobj.nick)
# Truncate idents at 10 characters, because TS6 won't like them otherwise!
ident = userobj.ident[:10]
# Ditto hostname at 64 chars.
host = userobj.host[:64]
realname = userobj.realname
modes = getSupportedUmodes(irc, remoteirc, userobj.modes)
2015-08-31 14:52:56 -07:00
opertype = ''
if ('o', None) in userobj.modes:
if hasattr(userobj, 'opertype'):
# InspIRCd's special OPERTYPE command; this is mandatory
# and setting of umode +/-o will fail unless this
# is used instead. This also sets an oper type for
# the user, which is used in WHOIS, etc.
# If an opertype exists for the user, add " (remote)"
# for the relayed clone, so that it shows in whois.
# Janus does this too. :)
log.debug('(%s) relay.getRemoteUser: setting OPERTYPE of client for %r to %s',
irc.name, user, userobj.opertype)
opertype = userobj.opertype + ' (remote)'
2015-08-31 14:52:56 -07:00
opertype = 'IRC Operator (remote)'
# Set hideoper on remote opers, to prevent inflating
# /lusers and various /stats
hideoper_mode = remoteirc.umodes.get('hideoper')
use_hideoper = irc.conf['relay']['hideoper']
except KeyError:
use_hideoper = True
if hideoper_mode and use_hideoper:
modes.append((hideoper_mode, None))
rsid = getRemoteSid(remoteirc, irc)
showRealIP = irc.conf['relay']['show_ips']
except KeyError:
showRealIP = False
if showRealIP:
ip = userobj.ip
realhost = userobj.realhost
realhost = None
ip = ''
u = remoteirc.proto.spawnClient(nick, ident=ident,
host=host, realname=realname,
modes=modes, ts=userobj.ts,
opertype=opertype, server=rsid,
ip=ip, realhost=realhost).uid
except ValueError:
log.exception('(%s) Failed to spawn relay user %s on %s.', irc.name,
nick, remoteirc.name)
remoteirc.users[u].remote = (irc.name, user)
2015-08-31 14:52:56 -07:00
remoteirc.users[u].opertype = opertype
away = userobj.away
if away:
remoteirc.proto.awayClient(u, away)
relayusers[(irc.name, user)][remoteirc.name] = u
return u
def getOrigUser(irc, user, targetirc=None):
Given the UID of a relay client, returns a tuple of the home network name
and original UID of the user it was spawned for.
If targetirc is given, getRemoteUser() is called to get the relay client
representing the original user on that target network."""
# First, iterate over everyone!
remoteuser = irc.users[user].remote
except (AttributeError, KeyError):
remoteuser = None
log.debug('(%s) getOrigUser: remoteuser set to %r (looking up %s/%s).',
irc.name, remoteuser, user, irc.name)
if remoteuser:
# If targetirc is given, we'll return simply the UID of the user on the
# target network, if it exists. Otherwise, we'll return a tuple
# with the home network name and the original user's UID.
sourceobj = world.networkobjects.get(remoteuser[0])
if targetirc and sourceobj:
if remoteuser[0] == targetirc.name:
# The user we found's home network happens to be the one being
# requested; just return the UID then.
return remoteuser[1]
# Otherwise, use getRemoteUser to find our UID.
res = getRemoteUser(sourceobj, targetirc, remoteuser[1],
log.debug('(%s) getOrigUser: targetirc found, getting %r as '
'remoteuser for %r (looking up %s/%s).', irc.name, res,
remoteuser[1], user, irc.name)
return res
return remoteuser
def getRelay(chanpair):
"""Finds the matching relay entry name for the given (network name, channel)
pair, if one exists."""
2015-07-12 23:28:54 -07:00
if chanpair in db: # This chanpair is a shared channel; others link to it
return chanpair
# This chanpair is linked *to* a remote channel
for name, dbentry in db.items():
if chanpair in dbentry['links']:
return name
def getRemoteChan(irc, remoteirc, channel):
"""Returns the linked channel name for the given channel on remoteirc,
if one exists."""
query = (irc.name, channel)
remotenetname = remoteirc.name
chanpair = getRelay(query)
if chanpair is None:
if chanpair[0] == remotenetname:
return chanpair[1]
for link in db[chanpair]['links']:
if link[0] == remotenetname:
return link[1]
2015-07-13 00:01:04 -07:00
def initializeChannel(irc, channel):
"""Initializes a relay channel (merge local/remote users, set modes, etc.)."""
# We're initializing a relay that already exists. This can be done at
# ENDBURST, or on the LINK command.
relay = getRelay((irc.name, channel))
log.debug('(%s) initializeChannel being called on %s', irc.name, channel)
log.debug('(%s) initializeChannel: relay pair found to be %s', irc.name, relay)
queued_users = []
if relay:
all_links = db[relay]['links'].copy()
log.debug('(%s) initializeChannel: all_links: %s', irc.name, all_links)
# Iterate over all the remote channels linked in this relay.
for link in all_links:
2015-07-13 00:01:04 -07:00
remotenet, remotechan = link
if remotenet == irc.name:
remoteirc = world.networkobjects.get(remotenet)
2015-07-20 23:36:26 -07:00
if remoteirc is None:
rc = remoteirc.channels[remotechan]
if not (remoteirc.connected.is_set() and getRemoteChan(remoteirc, irc, remotechan)):
continue # They aren't connected, don't bother!
# Join their (remote) users and set their modes.
relayJoins(remoteirc, remotechan, rc.users, rc.ts)
topic = remoteirc.channels[remotechan].topic
# Only update the topic if it's different from what we already have,
# and topic bursting is complete.
if remoteirc.channels[remotechan].topicset and topic != irc.channels[channel].topic:
irc.proto.topicServer(getRemoteSid(irc, remoteirc), channel, topic)
# Send our users and channel modes to the other nets
log.debug('(%s) initializeChannel: joining our (%s) users: %s', irc.name, remotenet, irc.channels[channel].users)
relayJoins(irc, channel, irc.channels[channel].users, irc.channels[channel].ts)
irc.proto.joinClient(irc.pseudoclient.uid, channel)
def removeChannel(irc, channel):
"""Destroys a relay channel by parting all of its users."""
if irc is None:
if channel not in map(str.lower, irc.serverdata['channels']):
irc.proto.partClient(irc.pseudoclient.uid, channel, 'Channel delinked.')
relay = getRelay((irc.name, channel))
if relay:
for user in irc.channels[channel].users.copy():
if not isRelayClient(irc, user):
relayPart(irc, channel, user)
# Don't ever part the main client from any of its autojoin channels.
if user == irc.pseudoclient.uid and channel in \
irc.proto.partClient(user, channel, 'Channel delinked.')
# Don't ever quit it either...
if user != irc.pseudoclient.uid and not irc.users[user].channels:
remoteuser = getOrigUser(irc, user)
del relayusers[remoteuser][irc.name]
irc.proto.quitClient(user, 'Left all shared channels.')
def checkClaim(irc, channel, sender, chanobj=None):
Checks whether the sender of a kick/mode change passes CLAIM checks for
a given channel. This returns True if any of the following criteria are met:
1) No relay exists for the channel in question.
2) The originating network is the one that created the relay.
3) The CLAIM list for the relay in question is empty.
4) The originating network is in the CLAIM list for the relay in question.
5) The sender is halfop or above in the channel.
6) The sender is a PyLink client/server (checks are suppressed in this case).
relay = getRelay((irc.name, channel))
mlist = chanobj.prefixmodes
except AttributeError:
mlist = None
sender_modes = getPrefixModes(irc, irc, channel, sender, mlist=mlist)
log.debug('(%s) relay.checkClaim: sender modes (%s/%s) are %s (mlist=%s)', irc.name,
sender, channel, sender_modes, mlist)
return (not relay) or irc.name == relay[0] or not db[relay]['claim'] or \
irc.name in db[relay]['claim'] or \
any([mode in sender_modes for mode in ('y', 'q', 'a', 'o', 'h')]) \
or utils.isInternalClient(irc, sender) or \
utils.isInternalServer(irc, sender)
def getSupportedUmodes(irc, remoteirc, modes):
"""Given a list of user modes, filters out all of those not supported by the
remote network."""
supported_modes = []
for modepair in modes:
prefix, modechar = modepair[0]
except ValueError:
modechar = modepair[0]
prefix = '+'
arg = modepair[1]
for name, m in irc.umodes.items():
supported_char = None
if modechar == m:
if name not in whitelisted_umodes:
log.debug("(%s) getSupportedUmodes: skipping mode (%r, %r) because "
"it isn't a whitelisted (safe) mode for relay.",
irc.name, modechar, arg)
supported_char = remoteirc.umodes.get(name)
if supported_char:
supported_modes.append((prefix+supported_char, arg))
log.debug("(%s) getSupportedUmodes: skipping mode (%r, %r) because "
"the remote network (%s)'s IRCd (%s) doesn't support it.",
irc.name, modechar, arg, remoteirc.name,
return supported_modes
def isRelayClient(irc, user):
"""Returns whether the given user is a relay client."""
if irc.users[user].remote:
# Is the .remote attribute set? If so, don't relay already
# relayed clients; that'll trigger an endless loop!
return True
except AttributeError: # Nope, it isn't.
except KeyError: # The user doesn't exist?!?
return True
return False
def relayJoins(irc, channel, users, ts, burst=True):
for name, remoteirc in world.networkobjects.items():
queued_users = []
if name == irc.name or not remoteirc.connected.is_set():
# Don't relay things to their source network...
remotechan = getRemoteChan(irc, remoteirc, channel)
if remotechan is None:
# If there is no link on our network for the user, don't
# bother spawning it.
log.debug('(%s) relayJoins: got %r for users', irc.name, users)
for user in users.copy():
if isRelayClient(irc, user):
# Don't clone relay clients; that'll cause some bad, bad
# things to happen.
log.debug('Okay, spawning %s/%s everywhere', user, irc.name)
assert user in irc.users, "(%s) How is this possible? %r isn't in our user database." % (irc.name, user)
u = getRemoteUser(irc, remoteirc, user)
# Only join users if they aren't already joined. This prevents op floods
# on charybdis from all the SJOINing.
if u not in remoteirc.channels[remotechan].users:
ts = irc.channels[channel].ts
prefixes = getPrefixModes(irc, remoteirc, channel, user)
userpair = (prefixes, u)
log.debug('(%s) relayJoins: joining %s to %s%s', irc.name, userpair, remoteirc.name, remotechan)
log.debug('(%s) relayJoins: not joining %s to %s%s; they\'re already there!', irc.name,
u, remoteirc.name, remotechan)
if queued_users:
# Burst was explicitly given, or we're trying to join multiple
# users/someone with a prefix.
if burst or len(queued_users) > 1 or queued_users[0][0]:
rsid = getRemoteSid(remoteirc, irc)
remoteirc.proto.sjoinServer(rsid, remotechan, queued_users, ts=ts)
relayModes(irc, remoteirc, getRemoteSid(irc, remoteirc), channel, irc.channels[channel].modes)
remoteirc.proto.joinClient(queued_users[0][1], remotechan)
def relayPart(irc, channel, user):
for name, remoteirc in world.networkobjects.items():
if name == irc.name or not remoteirc.connected.is_set():
# Don't relay things to their source network...
remotechan = getRemoteChan(irc, remoteirc, channel)
log.debug('(%s) relayPart: looking for %s/%s on %s', irc.name, user, irc.name, remoteirc.name)
log.debug('(%s) relayPart: remotechan found as %s', irc.name, remotechan)
remoteuser = getRemoteUser(irc, remoteirc, user, spawnIfMissing=False)
log.debug('(%s) relayPart: remoteuser for %s/%s found as %s', irc.name, user, irc.name, remoteuser)
if remotechan is None or remoteuser is None:
remoteirc.proto.partClient(remoteuser, remotechan, 'Channel delinked.')
if isRelayClient(remoteirc, remoteuser) and not remoteirc.users[remoteuser].channels:
remoteirc.proto.quitClient(remoteuser, 'Left all shared channels.')
del relayusers[(irc.name, user)][remoteirc.name]
whitelisted_cmodes = {'admin', 'allowinvite', 'autoop', 'ban', 'banexception',
'blockcolor', 'halfop', 'invex', 'inviteonly', 'key',
'limit', 'moderated', 'noctcp', 'noextmsg', 'nokick',
'noknock', 'nonick', 'nonotice', 'op', 'operonly',
'opmoderated', 'owner', 'private', 'regonly',
'regmoderated', 'secret', 'sslonly', 'adminonly',
'stripcolor', 'topiclock', 'voice'}
whitelisted_umodes = {'bot', 'hidechans', 'hideoper', 'invisible', 'oper',
'regdeaf', 'u_stripcolor', 'u_noctcp', 'wallops'}
def relayModes(irc, remoteirc, sender, channel, modes=None):
remotechan = getRemoteChan(irc, remoteirc, channel)
log.debug('(%s) Relay mode: remotechan for %s on %s is %s', irc.name, channel, irc.name, remotechan)
if remotechan is None:
if modes is None:
modes = irc.channels[channel].modes
log.debug('(%s) Relay mode: channel data for %s%s: %s', irc.name, remoteirc.name, remotechan, remoteirc.channels[remotechan])
supported_modes = []
log.debug('(%s) Relay mode: initial modelist for %s is %s', irc.name, channel, modes)
for modepair in modes:
prefix, modechar = modepair[0]
except ValueError:
modechar = modepair[0]
prefix = '+'
arg = modepair[1]
# Iterate over every mode see whether the remote IRCd supports
# this mode, and what its mode char for it is (if it is different).
for name, m in irc.cmodes.items():
supported_char = None
if modechar == m:
supported_char = remoteirc.cmodes.get(name)
if supported_char is None:
if name not in whitelisted_cmodes:
log.debug("(%s) Relay mode: skipping mode (%r, %r) because "
"it isn't a whitelisted (safe) mode for relay.",
irc.name, modechar, arg)
if modechar in irc.prefixmodes:
# This is a prefix mode (e.g. +o). We must coerse the argument
# so that the target exists on the remote relay network.
log.debug("(%s) Relay mode: coersing argument of (%r, %r) "
"for network %r.",
irc.name, modechar, arg, remoteirc.name)
# If the target is a remote user, get the real target
# (original user).
arg = getOrigUser(irc, arg, targetirc=remoteirc) or \
getRemoteUser(irc, remoteirc, arg, spawnIfMissing=False)
log.debug("(%s) Relay mode: argument found as (%r, %r) "
"for network %r.",
irc.name, modechar, arg, remoteirc.name)
oplist = remoteirc.channels[remotechan].prefixmodes[name+'s']
log.debug("(%s) Relay mode: list of %ss on %r is: %s",
irc.name, name, remotechan, oplist)
if prefix == '+' and arg in oplist:
# Don't set prefix modes that are already set.
log.debug("(%s) Relay mode: skipping setting %s on %s/%s because it appears to be already set.",
irc.name, name, arg, remoteirc.name)
supported_char = remoteirc.cmodes.get(name)
if supported_char:
final_modepair = (prefix+supported_char, arg)
if name in ('ban', 'banexception', 'invex') and not utils.isHostmask(arg):
# Don't add bans that don't match n!u@h syntax!
log.debug("(%s) Relay mode: skipping mode (%r, %r) because it doesn't match nick!user@host syntax.",
irc.name, modechar, arg)
# Don't set modes that are already set, to prevent floods on TS6
# where the same mode can be set infinite times.
if prefix == '+' and final_modepair in remoteirc.channels[remotechan].modes:
log.debug("(%s) Relay mode: skipping setting mode (%r, %r) on %s%s because it appears to be already set.",
irc.name, supported_char, arg, remoteirc.name, remotechan)
log.debug('(%s) Relay mode: final modelist (sending to %s%s) is %s', irc.name, remoteirc.name, remotechan, supported_modes)
# Don't send anything if there are no supported modes left after filtering.
if supported_modes:
# Check if the sender is a user; remember servers are allowed to set modes too.
u = getRemoteUser(irc, remoteirc, sender, spawnIfMissing=False)
if u:
remoteirc.proto.modeClient(u, remotechan, supported_modes)
rsid = getRemoteSid(remoteirc, irc)
remoteirc.proto.modeServer(rsid, remotechan, supported_modes)
def relayWhoisHandler(irc, target):
user = irc.users[target]
orig = getOrigUser(irc, target)
if orig:
network, remoteuid = orig
remotenick = world.networkobjects[network].users[remoteuid].nick
return [320, "%s :is a remote user connected via PyLink Relay. Home "
"network: %s; Home nick: %s" % (user.nick, network,
def handle_operup(irc, numeric, command, args):
newtype = args['text'] + '_(remote)'
for netname, user in relayusers[(irc.name, numeric)].items():
log.debug('(%s) relay.handle_opertype: setting OPERTYPE of %s/%s to %s',
irc.name, user, netname, newtype)
remoteirc = world.networkobjects[netname]
remoteirc.users[user].opertype = newtype
utils.add_hook(handle_operup, 'PYLINK_CLIENT_OPERED')
def handle_join(irc, numeric, command, args):
channel = args['channel']
if not getRelay((irc.name, channel)):
# No relay here, return.
ts = args['ts']
users = set(args['users'])
relayJoins(irc, channel, users, ts, burst=False)
utils.add_hook(handle_join, 'JOIN')
def handle_quit(irc, numeric, command, args):
for netname, user in relayusers[(irc.name, numeric)].copy().items():
remoteirc = world.networkobjects[netname]
remoteirc.proto.quitClient(user, args['text'])
del relayusers[(irc.name, numeric)]
utils.add_hook(handle_quit, 'QUIT')
def handle_squit(irc, numeric, command, args):
users = args['users']
target = args['target']
# Someone /SQUIT one of our relay subservers. Bad! Rejoin them!
if target in relayservers[irc.name].values():
sname = args['name']
remotenet = sname.split('.', 1)[0]
del relayservers[irc.name][remotenet]
for userpair in relayusers:
if userpair[0] == remotenet and irc.name in relayusers[userpair]:
del relayusers[userpair][irc.name]
remoteirc = world.networkobjects[remotenet]
# Some other netsplit happened on the network, we'll have to fake
# some *.net *.split quits for that.
for user in users:
log.debug('(%s) relay handle_squit: sending handle_quit on %s', irc.name, user)
handle_quit(irc, user, command, {'text': '*.net *.split'})
utils.add_hook(handle_squit, 'SQUIT')
def handle_nick(irc, numeric, command, args):
for netname, user in relayusers[(irc.name, numeric)].items():
remoteirc = world.networkobjects[netname]
newnick = normalizeNick(remoteirc, irc.name, args['newnick'], uid=user)
if remoteirc.users[user].nick != newnick:
remoteirc.proto.nickClient(user, newnick)
utils.add_hook(handle_nick, 'NICK')
def handle_part(irc, numeric, command, args):
channels = args['channels']
text = args['text']
# Don't allow the PyLink client PARTing to be relayed.
if numeric == irc.pseudoclient.uid:
for channel in channels:
for netname, user in relayusers[(irc.name, numeric)].copy().items():
remoteirc = world.networkobjects[netname]
remotechan = getRemoteChan(irc, remoteirc, channel)
if remotechan is None:
remoteirc.proto.partClient(user, remotechan, text)
if not remoteirc.users[user].channels:
remoteirc.proto.quitClient(user, 'Left all shared channels.')
del relayusers[(irc.name, numeric)][remoteirc.name]
utils.add_hook(handle_part, 'PART')
def handle_privmsg(irc, numeric, command, args):
notice = (command == 'NOTICE')
target = args['target']
text = args['text']
if target == irc.pseudoclient.uid:
relay = getRelay((irc.name, target))
remoteusers = relayusers[(irc.name, numeric)]
# HACK: Don't break on sending to @#channel or similar.
prefix, target = target.split('#', 1)
except ValueError:
prefix = ''
target = '#' + target
log.debug('(%s) relay privmsg: prefix is %r, target is %r', irc.name, prefix, target)
if utils.isChannel(target) and relay and numeric not in irc.channels[target].users:
# The sender must be in the target channel to send messages over the relay;
# it's the only way we can make sure they have a spawned client on ALL
# of the linked networks. This affects -n channels too; see
# https://github.com/GLolol/PyLink/issues/91 for an explanation of why.
irc.msg(numeric, 'Error: You must be in %r in order to send '
'messages over the relay.' % target, notice=True)
if utils.isChannel(target):
for netname, user in relayusers[(irc.name, numeric)].items():
remoteirc = world.networkobjects[netname]
real_target = getRemoteChan(irc, remoteirc, target)
if not real_target:
real_target = prefix + real_target
if notice:
remoteirc.proto.noticeClient(user, real_target, text)
remoteirc.proto.messageClient(user, real_target, text)
remoteuser = getOrigUser(irc, target)
if remoteuser is None:
homenet, real_target = remoteuser
# For PMs, we must be on a common channel with the target.
# Otherwise, the sender doesn't have a client representing them
# on the remote network, and we won't have anything to send our
# messages from.
if homenet not in remoteusers.keys():
irc.msg(numeric, 'Error: You must be in a common channel '
'with %r in order to send messages.' % \
irc.users[target].nick, notice=True)
remoteirc = world.networkobjects[homenet]
user = getRemoteUser(irc, remoteirc, numeric, spawnIfMissing=False)
if notice:
remoteirc.proto.noticeClient(user, real_target, text)
remoteirc.proto.messageClient(user, real_target, text)
utils.add_hook(handle_privmsg, 'PRIVMSG')
utils.add_hook(handle_privmsg, 'NOTICE')
def handle_kick(irc, source, command, args):
channel = args['channel']
target = args['target']
text = args['text']
kicker = source
relay = getRelay((irc.name, channel))
# Don't allow kicks to the PyLink client to be relayed.
if relay is None or target == irc.pseudoclient.uid:
origuser = getOrigUser(irc, target)
for name, remoteirc in world.networkobjects.items():
if irc.name == name or not remoteirc.connected.is_set():
remotechan = getRemoteChan(irc, remoteirc, channel)
log.debug('(%s) Relay kick: remotechan for %s on %s is %s', irc.name, channel, name, remotechan)
if remotechan is None:
real_kicker = getRemoteUser(irc, remoteirc, kicker, spawnIfMissing=False)
log.debug('(%s) Relay kick: real kicker for %s on %s is %s', irc.name, kicker, name, real_kicker)
if not isRelayClient(irc, target):
log.debug('(%s) Relay kick: target %s is NOT an internal client', irc.name, target)
# Both the target and kicker are external clients; i.e.
# they originate from the same network. We won't have
# to filter this; the uplink IRCd will handle it appropriately,
# and we'll just follow.
real_target = getRemoteUser(irc, remoteirc, target, spawnIfMissing=False)
log.debug('(%s) Relay kick: real target for %s is %s', irc.name, target, real_target)
log.debug('(%s) Relay kick: target %s is an internal client, going to look up the real user', irc.name, target)
real_target = getOrigUser(irc, target, targetirc=remoteirc)
if not checkClaim(irc, channel, kicker):
log.debug('(%s) Relay kick: kicker %s is not opped... We should rejoin the target user %s', irc.name, kicker, real_target)
# Home network is not in the channel's claim AND the kicker is not
# opped. We won't propograte the kick then.
# TODO: make the check slightly more advanced: i.e. halfops can't
# kick ops, admins can't kick owners, etc.
modes = getPrefixModes(remoteirc, irc, remotechan, real_target)
# Join the kicked client back with its respective modes.
irc.proto.sjoinServer(irc.sid, channel, [(modes, target)])
if kicker in irc.users:
log.info('(%s) Relay claim: Blocked KICK (reason %r) from %s to relay client %s on %s.',
irc.name, args['text'], irc.users[source].nick,
remoteirc.users[real_target].nick, channel)
irc.msg(kicker, "This channel is claimed; your kick to "
"%s has been blocked because you are not "
"(half)opped." % channel, notice=True)
log.info('(%s) Relay claim: Blocked KICK (reason %r) from server %s to relay client %s/%s on %s.',
irc.name, args['text'], irc.servers[source].name,
remoteirc.users[real_target].nick, remoteirc.name, channel)
if not real_target:
# Propogate the kick!
if real_kicker:
log.debug('(%s) Relay kick: Kicking %s from channel %s via %s on behalf of %s/%s', irc.name, real_target, remotechan,real_kicker, kicker, irc.name)
remotechan, real_target, text)
# Kick originated from a server, or the kicker isn't in any
# common channels with the target relay network.
rsid = getRemoteSid(remoteirc, irc)
log.debug('(%s) Relay kick: Kicking %s from channel %s via %s on behalf of %s/%s', irc.name, real_target, remotechan, rsid, kicker, irc.name)
if kicker in irc.servers:
kname = irc.servers[kicker].name
kname = irc.users.get(kicker).nick
text = "(%s/%s) %s" % (kname, irc.name, text)
except AttributeError:
text = "(<unknown kicker>@%s) %s" % (irc.name, text)
remoteirc.proto.kickServer(rsid, remotechan, real_target, text)
# If the target isn't on any channels, quit them.
if origuser and origuser[0] != remoteirc.name and not remoteirc.users[real_target].channels:
del relayusers[origuser][remoteirc.name]
remoteirc.proto.quitClient(real_target, 'Left all shared channels.')
if origuser and not irc.users[target].channels:
del relayusers[origuser][irc.name]
irc.proto.quitClient(target, 'Left all shared channels.')
utils.add_hook(handle_kick, 'KICK')
def handle_chgclient(irc, source, command, args):
target = args['target']
if args.get('newhost'):
field = 'HOST'
text = args['newhost']
elif args.get('newident'):
field = 'IDENT'
text = args['newident']
elif args.get('newgecos'):
field = 'GECOS'
text = args['newgecos']
if field:
for netname, user in relayusers[(irc.name, target)].items():
remoteirc = world.networkobjects[netname]
remoteirc.proto.updateClient(user, field, text)
except NotImplementedError: # IRCd doesn't support changing the field we want
log.debug('(%s) Ignoring changing field %r of %s on %s (for %s/%s);'
' remote IRCd doesn\'t support it', irc.name, field,
user, target, netname, irc.name)
for c in ('CHGHOST', 'CHGNAME', 'CHGIDENT'):
utils.add_hook(handle_chgclient, c)
def handle_mode(irc, numeric, command, args):
target = args['target']
modes = args['modes']
for name, remoteirc in world.networkobjects.items():
if irc.name == name or not remoteirc.connected.is_set():
if utils.isChannel(target):
oldchan = args.get('oldchan')
if checkClaim(irc, target, numeric, chanobj=oldchan):
relayModes(irc, remoteirc, numeric, target, modes)
else: # Mode change blocked by CLAIM.
reversed_modes = utils.reverseModes(irc, target, modes, oldobj=oldchan)
log.debug('(%s) Reversing mode changes of %r with %r (CLAIM).',
irc.name, modes, reversed_modes)
irc.proto.modeClient(irc.pseudoclient.uid, target, reversed_modes)
# Set hideoper on remote opers, to prevent inflating
# /lusers and various /stats
hideoper_mode = remoteirc.umodes.get('hideoper')
modes = getSupportedUmodes(irc, remoteirc, modes)
if hideoper_mode:
if ('+o', None) in modes:
modes.append(('+%s' % hideoper_mode, None))
elif ('-o', None) in modes:
modes.append(('-%s' % hideoper_mode, None))
remoteuser = getRemoteUser(irc, remoteirc, target, spawnIfMissing=False)
if remoteuser and modes:
remoteirc.proto.modeClient(remoteuser, remoteuser, modes)
utils.add_hook(handle_mode, 'MODE')
def handle_topic(irc, numeric, command, args):
channel = args['channel']
oldtopic = args.get('oldtopic')
topic = args['topic']
if checkClaim(irc, channel, numeric):
for name, remoteirc in world.networkobjects.items():
if irc.name == name or not remoteirc.connected.is_set():
remotechan = getRemoteChan(irc, remoteirc, channel)
# Don't send if the remote topic is the same as ours.
if remotechan is None or topic == remoteirc.channels[remotechan].topic:
# This might originate from a server too.
remoteuser = getRemoteUser(irc, remoteirc, numeric, spawnIfMissing=False)
if remoteuser:
remoteirc.proto.topicClient(remoteuser, remotechan, topic)
rsid = getRemoteSid(remoteirc, irc)
remoteirc.proto.topicServer(rsid, remotechan, topic)
elif oldtopic: # Topic change blocked by claim.
irc.proto.topicClient(irc.pseudoclient.uid, channel, oldtopic)
utils.add_hook(handle_topic, 'TOPIC')
def handle_kill(irc, numeric, command, args):
target = args['target']
userdata = args['userdata']
realuser = getOrigUser(irc, target) or userdata.__dict__.get('remote')
log.debug('(%s) relay handle_kill: realuser is %r', irc.name, realuser)
# Target user was remote:
if realuser and realuser[0] != irc.name:
# We don't allow killing over the relay, so we must respawn the affected
# client and rejoin it to its channels.
del relayusers[realuser][irc.name]
if killcache.setdefault(irc.name, 0) <= 5:
remoteirc = world.networkobjects[realuser[0]]
for remotechan in remoteirc.users[realuser[1]].channels:
localchan = getRemoteChan(remoteirc, irc, remotechan)
if localchan:
2015-09-17 19:31:30 -07:00
modes = getPrefixModes(remoteirc, irc, remotechan, realuser[1])
log.debug('(%s) relay handle_kill: userpair: %s, %s', irc.name, modes, realuser)
client = getRemoteUser(remoteirc, irc, realuser[1])
irc.proto.sjoinServer(getRemoteSid(irc, remoteirc), localchan, [(modes, client)])
if userdata and numeric in irc.users:
log.info('(%s) Relay claim: Blocked KILL (reason %r) from %s to relay client %s/%s.',
irc.name, args['text'], irc.users[numeric].nick,
remoteirc.users[realuser[1]].nick, realuser[0])
irc.msg(numeric, "Your kill to %s has been blocked "
"because PyLink does not allow killing"
" users over the relay at this time." % \
userdata.nick, notice=True)
log.info('(%s) Relay claim: Blocked KILL (reason %r) from server %s to relay client %s/%s.',
irc.name, args['text'], irc.servers[numeric].name,
remoteirc.users[realuser[1]].nick, realuser[0])
log.error('(%s) Too many kills received for target %s, aborting!',
irc.name, userdata.nick)
killcache[irc.name] += 1
# Target user was local.
# IMPORTANT: some IRCds (charybdis) don't send explicit QUIT messages
# for locally killed clients, while others (inspircd) do!
# If we receive a user object in 'userdata' instead of None, it means
# that the KILL hasn't been handled by a preceding QUIT message.
if userdata:
handle_quit(irc, target, 'KILL', {'text': args['text']})
utils.add_hook(handle_kill, 'KILL')
def handle_away(irc, numeric, command, args):
for netname, user in relayusers[(irc.name, numeric)].items():
remoteirc = world.networkobjects[netname]
remoteirc.proto.awayClient(user, args['text'])
utils.add_hook(handle_away, 'AWAY')
def handle_spawnmain(irc, numeric, command, args):
if args['olduser']:
# Kills to the main PyLink client force reinitialization; this makes sure
# it joins all the relay channels like it's supposed to.
utils.add_hook(handle_spawnmain, 'PYLINK_SPAWNMAIN')
def handle_invite(irc, source, command, args):
target = args['target']
channel = args['channel']
if isRelayClient(irc, target):
remotenet, remoteuser = getOrigUser(irc, target)
remoteirc = world.networkobjects[remotenet]
remotechan = getRemoteChan(irc, remoteirc, channel)
remotesource = getRemoteUser(irc, remoteirc, source, spawnIfMissing=False)
if remotesource is None:
irc.msg(source, 'Error: You must be in a common channel '
'with %s to invite them to channels.' % \
elif remotechan is None:
irc.msg(source, 'Error: You cannot invite someone to a '
'channel not on their network!',
remoteirc.proto.inviteClient(remotesource, remoteuser,
utils.add_hook(handle_invite, 'INVITE')
def handle_endburst(irc, numeric, command, args):
if numeric == irc.uplink:
utils.add_hook(handle_endburst, "ENDBURST")
def handle_disconnect(irc, numeric, command, args):
for k, v in relayusers.copy().items():
if irc.name in v:
del relayusers[k][irc.name]
if k[0] == irc.name:
del relayusers[k]
for name, ircobj in world.networkobjects.items():
if name != irc.name:
rsid = getRemoteSid(ircobj, irc)
# Let's be super extra careful here...
if rsid and name in relayservers and irc.name in relayservers[name]:
ircobj.proto.squitServer(ircobj.sid, rsid, text='Home network lost connection.')
del relayservers[name][irc.name]
del relayservers[irc.name]
except KeyError:
utils.add_hook(handle_disconnect, "PYLINK_DISCONNECT")
2015-07-12 23:28:54 -07:00
def handle_save(irc, numeric, command, args):
target = args['target']
realuser = getOrigUser(irc, target)
log.debug('(%s) relay handle_save: %r got in a nick collision! Real user: %r',
irc.name, target, realuser)
if isRelayClient(irc, target) and realuser:
# Nick collision!
# It's one of our relay clients; try to fix our nick to the next
# available normalized nick.
remotenet, remoteuser = realuser
remoteirc = world.networkobjects[remotenet]
nick = remoteirc.users[remoteuser].nick
# Limit how many times we can attempt to fix our nick, to prevent
# floods and such.
if savecache.setdefault(irc.name, 0) <= 5:
newnick = normalizeNick(irc, remotenet, nick)
log.info('(%s) SAVE received for relay client %r (%s), fixing nick to %s',
irc.name, target, nick, newnick)
irc.proto.nickClient(target, newnick)
log.warning('(%s) SAVE received for relay client %r (%s), not '
'fixing nick again due to 5 failed attempts in '
'the last 10 seconds!', irc.name, target, nick)
savecache[irc.name] += 1
# Somebody else on the network (not a PyLink client) had a nick collision;
# relay this as a nick change appropriately.
handle_nick(irc, target, 'SAVE', {'oldnick': None, 'newnick': target})
2015-07-13 23:29:20 -07:00
utils.add_hook(handle_save, "SAVE")
def create(irc, source, args):
Creates the channel <channel> over the relay."""
channel = utils.toLower(irc, args[0])
except IndexError:
irc.msg(source, "Error: Not enough arguments. Needs 1: channel.")
if not utils.isChannel(channel):
irc.msg(source, 'Error: Invalid channel %r.' % channel)
if source not in irc.channels[channel].users:
irc.msg(source, 'Error: You must be in %r to complete this operation.' % channel)
utils.checkAuthenticated(irc, source)
2015-09-17 19:25:51 -07:00
localentry = getRelay((irc.name, channel))
if localentry:
2015-09-17 19:25:51 -07:00
irc.msg(source, 'Error: Channel %r is already part of a relay.' % channel)
db[(irc.name, channel)] = {'claim': [irc.name], 'links': set(), 'blocked_nets': set()}
2015-07-12 23:28:54 -07:00
initializeChannel(irc, channel)
irc.msg(source, 'Done.')
def destroy(irc, source, args):
Removes <channel> from the relay, delinking all networks linked to it."""
channel = utils.toLower(irc, args[0])
except IndexError:
irc.msg(source, "Error: Not enough arguments. Needs 1: channel.")
if not utils.isChannel(channel):
irc.msg(source, 'Error: Invalid channel %r.' % channel)
utils.checkAuthenticated(irc, source)
2015-07-13 23:29:20 -07:00
entry = (irc.name, channel)
if entry in db:
for link in db[entry]['links']:
removeChannel(world.networkobjects.get(link[0]), link[1])
2015-07-12 23:28:54 -07:00
removeChannel(irc, channel)
2015-07-13 23:29:20 -07:00
del db[entry]
irc.msg(source, 'Done.')
irc.msg(source, 'Error: No such relay %r exists.' % channel)
def link(irc, source, args):
"""<remotenet> <channel> <local channel>
Links channel <channel> on <remotenet> over the relay to <local channel>.
If <local channel> is not specified, it defaults to the same name as <channel>."""
channel = utils.toLower(irc, args[1])
remotenet = args[0].lower()
except IndexError:
irc.msg(source, "Error: Not enough arguments. Needs 2-3: remote netname, channel, local channel name (optional).")
localchan = utils.toLower(irc, args[2])
except IndexError:
localchan = channel
for c in (channel, localchan):
if not utils.isChannel(c):
irc.msg(source, 'Error: Invalid channel %r.' % c)
if source not in irc.channels[localchan].users:
irc.msg(source, 'Error: You must be in %r to complete this operation.' % localchan)
utils.checkAuthenticated(irc, source)
if remotenet not in world.networkobjects:
irc.msg(source, 'Error: No network named %r exists.' % remotenet)
localentry = getRelay((irc.name, localchan))
if localentry:
irc.msg(source, 'Error: Channel %r is already part of a relay.' % localchan)
entry = db[(remotenet, channel)]
except KeyError:
irc.msg(source, 'Error: No such relay %r exists.' % channel)
2015-08-25 20:18:14 -07:00
if irc.name in entry['blocked_nets']:
irc.msg(source, 'Error: Access denied (network is banned from linking to this channel).')
2015-08-25 20:18:14 -07:00
for link in entry['links']:
if link[0] == irc.name:
irc.msg(source, "Error: Remote channel '%s%s' is already"
" linked here as %r." % (remotenet,
channel, link[1]))
entry['links'].add((irc.name, localchan))
2015-07-12 23:28:54 -07:00
initializeChannel(irc, localchan)
irc.msg(source, 'Done.')
def delink(irc, source, args):
"""<local channel> [<network>]
Delinks channel <local channel>. <network> must and can only be specified if you are on the host network for <local channel>, and allows you to pick which network to delink.
To remove a relay entirely, use the 'destroy' command instead."""
channel = utils.toLower(irc, args[0])
except IndexError:
irc.msg(source, "Error: Not enough arguments. Needs 1-2: channel, remote netname (optional).")
remotenet = args[1].lower()
except IndexError:
remotenet = None
utils.checkAuthenticated(irc, source)
if not utils.isChannel(channel):
irc.msg(source, 'Error: Invalid channel %r.' % channel)
entry = getRelay((irc.name, channel))
if entry:
if entry[0] == irc.name: # We own this channel.
if not remotenet:
irc.msg(source, "Error: You must select a network to "
"delink, or use the 'destroy' command to remove "
"this relay entirely (it was created on the current "
for link in db[entry]['links'].copy():
if link[0] == remotenet:
removeChannel(world.networkobjects.get(remotenet), link[1])
removeChannel(irc, channel)
2015-07-13 23:29:20 -07:00
db[entry]['links'].remove((irc.name, channel))
irc.msg(source, 'Done.')
irc.msg(source, 'Error: No such relay %r.' % channel)
def linked(irc, source, args):
"""takes no arguments.
Returns a list of channels shared across the relay."""
networks = list(world.networkobjects.keys())
s = 'Connected networks: \x02%s\x02 %s' % (irc.name, ' '.join(networks))
irc.msg(source, s)
# Sort relay DB by channel name, and then sort.
for k, v in sorted(db.items(), key=lambda channel: channel[0][1]):
s = '\x02%s%s\x02 ' % k
remoteirc = world.networkobjects.get(k[0])
channel = k[1]
if remoteirc and channel in remoteirc.channels:
c = remoteirc.channels[channel]
if ('s', None) in c.modes or ('p', None) in c.modes:
# Only show hidden channels to opers.
if utils.isOper(irc, source):
s += '\x02[secret]\x02 '
if v['links']:
s += ' '.join([''.join(link) for link in v['links']])
s += '(no relays yet)'
irc.msg(source, s)
2015-08-12 04:18:20 -07:00
2015-08-25 20:18:14 -07:00
def linkacl(irc, source, args):
"""ALLOW|DENY|LIST <channel> <remotenet>
Allows blocking / unblocking certain networks from linking to a relay, based on a blacklist.
LINKACL LIST returns a list of blocked networks for a channel, while the ALLOW and DENY subcommands allow manipulating this blacklist."""
missingargs = "Error: Not enough arguments. Needs 2-3: subcommand (ALLOW/DENY/LIST), channel, remote network (for ALLOW/DENY)."
utils.checkAuthenticated(irc, source)
2015-08-25 20:18:14 -07:00
cmd = args[0].lower()
channel = utils.toLower(irc, args[1])
2015-08-25 20:18:14 -07:00
except IndexError:
irc.msg(source, missingargs)
2015-08-25 20:18:14 -07:00
if not utils.isChannel(channel):
irc.msg(source, 'Error: Invalid channel %r.' % channel)
2015-08-25 20:18:14 -07:00
relay = getRelay((irc.name, channel))
2015-08-25 20:18:14 -07:00
if not relay:
irc.msg(source, 'Error: No such relay %r exists.' % channel)
2015-08-25 20:18:14 -07:00
if cmd == 'list':
s = 'Blocked networks for \x02%s\x02: \x02%s\x02' % (channel, ', '.join(db[relay]['blocked_nets']) or '(empty)')
irc.msg(source, s)
2015-08-25 20:18:14 -07:00
remotenet = args[2]
except IndexError:
irc.msg(source, missingargs)
2015-08-25 20:18:14 -07:00
if cmd == 'deny':
irc.msg(source, 'Done.')
2015-08-25 20:18:14 -07:00
elif cmd == 'allow':
except KeyError:
irc.msg(source, 'Error: Network %r is not on the blacklist for %r.' % (remotenet, channel))
2015-08-25 20:18:14 -07:00
irc.msg(source, 'Done.')
2015-08-25 20:18:14 -07:00
irc.msg(source, 'Error: Unknown subcommand %r: valid ones are ALLOW, DENY, and LIST.' % cmd)
def showuser(irc, source, args):
Shows relay data about user <user>. This supplements the 'showuser' command in the 'commands' plugin, which provides more general information."""
target = args[0]
except IndexError:
# No errors here; showuser from the commands plugin already does this
# for us.
u = utils.nickToUid(irc, target)
if u:
userpair = getOrigUser(irc, u) or (irc.name, u)
remoteusers = relayusers[userpair].items()
except KeyError:
nicks = []
if remoteusers:
2015-09-12 16:03:59 -07:00
nicks.append('%s:\x02%s\x02' % (userpair[0],
for r in remoteusers:
remotenet, remoteuser = r
remoteirc = world.networkobjects[remotenet]
2015-09-12 16:03:59 -07:00
nicks.append('%s:\x02%s\x02' % (remotenet, remoteirc.users[remoteuser].nick))
irc.msg(source, "\x02Relay nicks\x02: %s" % ', '.join(nicks))
relaychannels = []
for ch in irc.users[u].channels:
relay = getRelay((irc.name, ch))
if relay:
if relaychannels and (utils.isOper(irc, source) or u == source):
irc.msg(source, "\x02Relay channels\x02: %s" % ' '.join(relaychannels))
def save(irc, source, args):
"""takes no arguments.
Saves the relay database to disk."""
utils.checkAuthenticated(irc, source)
irc.msg(source, 'Done.')
2015-09-16 20:59:32 -07:00
def claim(irc, source, args):
"""<channel> [<comma separated list of networks>]
Sets the CLAIM for a channel to a case-sensitive list of networks. If no list of networks is given, shows which networks have claim over the channel. A single hyphen (-) can also be given as a list of networks to remove claim from the channel entirely.
CLAIM is a way of enforcing network ownership for a channel, similarly to Janus. Unless the list is empty, only networks on the CLAIM list for a channel (plus the creating network) are allowed to override kicks, mode changes, and topic changes in it - attempts from other networks' opers to do this are simply blocked or reverted."""
utils.checkAuthenticated(irc, source)
channel = utils.toLower(irc, args[0])
except IndexError:
irc.msg(source, "Error: Not enough arguments. Needs 1-2: channel, list of networks (optional).")
# We override getRelay() here to limit the search to the current network.
relay = (irc.name, channel)
if relay not in db:
irc.msg(source, 'Error: No such relay %r exists.' % channel)
claimed = db[relay]["claim"]
nets = args[1].strip()
except IndexError: # No networks given.
irc.msg(source, 'Channel \x02%s\x02 is claimed by: %s' %
(channel, ', '.join(claimed) or '\x1D(none)\x1D'))
if nets == '-' or not nets:
claimed = set()
claimed = set(nets.split(','))
db[relay]["claim"] = claimed
irc.msg(source, 'CLAIM for channel \x02%s\x02 set to: %s' %
(channel, ', '.join(claimed) or '\x1D(none)\x1D'))