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login.py - Implement core login abstraction.
from pylinkirc import conf, utils, world
from pylinkirc.log import log
from passlib.context import CryptContext
except ImportError:
CryptContext = None
log.warning("Hashed passwords are disabled because passlib is not installed. Please install "
"it (pip3 install passlib) and restart for this feature to work.")
pwd_context = None
if CryptContext:
pwd_context = CryptContext(["sha512_crypt", "sha256_crypt"],
def _get_account(accountname):
Returns the login data block for the given account name (case-insensitive), or False if none
accounts = {k.lower(): v for k, v in
conf.conf['login'].get('accounts', {}).items()}
return accounts[accountname.lower()]
except KeyError:
return False
def check_login(user, password):
"""Checks whether the given user and password is a valid combination."""
account = _get_account(user)
if account:
passhash = account.get('password')
if not passhash:
# No password given, return. XXX: we should allow plugins to override
# this in the future.
return False
# Hashing in account passwords is optional.
if account.get('encrypted', False):
return verify_hash(password, passhash)
return password == passhash
2016-11-20 01:29:53 +01:00
return False
def verify_hash(password, passhash):
2016-11-20 01:29:53 +01:00
"""Checks whether the password given matches the hash."""
if password:
if not pwd_context:
raise utils.NotAuthorizedError("Cannot log in to an account with a hashed password "
"because passlib is not installed.")
2016-11-20 01:29:53 +01:00
return pwd_context.verify(password, passhash)
return False # No password given!
def _irc_try_login(irc, source, username, skip_checks=False):
"""Internal function to process logins via IRC."""
if irc.is_internal_client(source):
irc.error("Cannot use 'identify' via a command proxy.")
if not skip_checks:
logindata = _get_account(username)
network_filter = logindata.get('networks')
require_oper = logindata.get('require_oper', False)
hosts_filter = logindata.get('hosts', [])
if network_filter and irc.name not in network_filter:
log.warning("(%s) Failed login to %r from %s (wrong network: networks filter says %r but we got %r)",
irc.name, username, irc.get_hostmask(source), ', '.join(network_filter), irc.name)
raise utils.NotAuthorizedError("Account is not authorized to login on this network.")
elif require_oper and not irc.is_oper(source):
log.warning("(%s) Failed login to %r from %s (needs oper)", irc.name, username, irc.get_hostmask(source))
raise utils.NotAuthorizedError("You must be opered.")
elif hosts_filter and not any(irc.match_host(host, source) for host in hosts_filter):
log.warning("(%s) Failed login to %r from %s (hostname mismatch)", irc.name, username, irc.get_hostmask(source))
raise utils.NotAuthorizedError("Hostname mismatch.")
irc.users[source].account = username
irc.reply('Successfully logged in as %s.' % username)
log.info("(%s) Successful login to %r by %s",
irc.name, username, irc.get_hostmask(source))
return True
def identify(irc, source, args):
"""<username> <password>
Logs in to PyLink using the configured administrator account."""
if irc.is_channel(irc.called_in):
irc.reply('Error: This command must be sent in private. '
'(Would you really type a password inside a channel?)')
username, password = args[0], args[1]
except IndexError:
irc.reply('Error: Not enough arguments.')
# Process new-style accounts.
if check_login(username, password):
_irc_try_login(irc, source, username)
# Process legacy logins (login:user).
if username.lower() == conf.conf['login'].get('user', '').lower() and password == conf.conf['login'].get('password'):
realuser = conf.conf['login']['user']
_irc_try_login(irc, source, realuser, skip_checks=True)
# Username not found or password incorrect.
log.warning("(%s) Failed login to %r from %s", irc.name, username, irc.get_hostmask(source))
raise utils.NotAuthorizedError('Bad username or password.')
utils.add_cmd(identify, aliases=('login', 'id'))