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# relay.py: PyLink Relay plugin
import sys
import os
import pickle
import sched
import threading
import time
import string
2015-07-12 23:28:54 -07:00
from collections import defaultdict
import utils
from log import log
dbname = "pylinkrelay.db"
2015-07-12 23:28:54 -07:00
relayusers = defaultdict(dict)
def normalizeNick(irc, netname, nick, separator=None):
# Block until we know the IRC network's nick length (after capabilities
# are sent)
log.debug('(%s) normalizeNick: waiting for irc.connected', irc.name)
2015-07-17 16:20:41 -07:00
separator = separator or irc.serverdata.get('separator') or "/"
log.debug('(%s) normalizeNick: using %r as separator.', irc.name, separator)
2015-07-12 14:02:17 -07:00
orig_nick = nick
protoname = irc.proto.__name__
maxnicklen = irc.maxnicklen
if not protoname.startswith(('insp', 'unreal')):
2015-07-12 14:02:17 -07:00
# Charybdis doesn't allow / in usernames, and will quit with
# a protocol violation if there is one.
separator = separator.replace('/', '|')
nick = nick.replace('/', '|')
if nick.startswith(tuple(string.digits)):
# On TS6 IRCd-s, nicks that start with 0-9 are only allowed if
# they match the UID of the originating server. Otherwise, you'll
# get nasty protocol violations!
nick = '_' + nick
2015-07-12 14:02:17 -07:00
tagnicks = True
suffix = separator + netname
nick = nick[:maxnicklen]
# Maximum allowed length of a nickname.
allowedlength = maxnicklen - len(suffix)
# If a nick is too long, the real nick portion must be cut off, but the
# /network suffix must remain the same.
nick = nick[:allowedlength]
nick += suffix
# FIXME: factorize
while utils.nickToUid(irc, nick) and not utils.isInternalClient(irc, utils.nickToUid(irc, nick)):
# The nick we want exists? Darn, create another one then, but only if
# the target isn't an internal client!
2015-07-12 14:02:17 -07:00
# Increase the separator length by 1 if the user was already tagged,
# but couldn't be created due to a nick conflict.
# This can happen when someone steals a relay user's nick.
new_sep = separator + separator[-1]
log.debug('(%s) normalizeNick: using %r as new_sep.', irc.name, separator)
2015-07-12 23:28:54 -07:00
nick = normalizeNick(irc, netname, orig_nick, separator=new_sep)
2015-07-12 14:02:17 -07:00
finalLength = len(nick)
assert finalLength <= maxnicklen, "Normalized nick %r went over max " \
"nick length (got: %s, allowed: %s!" % (nick, finalLength, maxnicklen)
return nick
def loadDB():
global db
with open(dbname, "rb") as f:
db = pickle.load(f)
except (ValueError, IOError):
log.exception("Relay: failed to load links database %s"
", creating a new one in memory...", dbname)
db = {}
def exportDB(reschedule=False):
scheduler = utils.schedulers.get('relaydb')
if reschedule and scheduler:
scheduler.enter(30, 1, exportDB, argument=(True,))
log.debug("Relay: exporting links database to %s", dbname)
with open(dbname, 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(db, f, protocol=4)
def save(irc, source, args):
"""takes no arguments.
Saves the relay database to disk."""
if irc.users[source].identified:
utils.msg(irc, source, 'Done.')
utils.msg(irc, source, 'Error: you are not authenticated!')
def getPrefixModes(irc, remoteirc, channel, user):
modes = ''
for pmode in ('owner', 'admin', 'op', 'halfop', 'voice'):
if pmode not in remoteirc.cmodes: # Mode not supported by IRCd
if user in irc.channels[channel].prefixmodes[pmode+'s']:
modes += remoteirc.cmodes[pmode]
return modes
def getRemoteUser(irc, remoteirc, user, spawnIfMissing=True):
# If the user (stored here as {('netname', 'UID'):
# {'network1': 'UID1', 'network2': 'UID2'}}) exists, don't spawn it
# again!
if user == remoteirc.pseudoclient.uid:
return irc.pseudoclient.uid
if user == irc.pseudoclient.uid:
return remoteirc.pseudoclient.uid
except AttributeError: # Network hasn't been initialized yet?
u = relayusers[(irc.name, user)][remoteirc.name]
except KeyError:
userobj = irc.users.get(user)
if userobj is None or (not spawnIfMissing) or (not remoteirc.connected):
# The query wasn't actually a valid user, or the network hasn't
# been connected yet... Oh well!
nick = normalizeNick(remoteirc, irc.name, userobj.nick)
ident = userobj.ident
host = userobj.host
realname = userobj.realname
modes = getSupportedUmodes(irc, remoteirc, userobj.modes)
u = remoteirc.proto.spawnClient(remoteirc, nick, ident=ident,
host=host, realname=realname,
remoteirc.users[u].remote = irc.name
relayusers[(irc.name, user)][remoteirc.name] = u
remoteirc.users[u].remote = irc.name
return u
def getLocalUser(irc, user):
# Our target is an internal client, which means someone
# is kicking a remote user over the relay.
# We have to find the real target for the KICK. This is like
# findRemoteUser, but in reverse.
# First, iterate over everyone!
for k, v in relayusers.items():
log.debug('(%s) getLocalUser: processing %s, %s in relayusers', irc.name, k, v)
if k[0] == irc.name:
# We don't need to do anything if the target users is on
# the same network as us.
log.debug('(%s) getLocalUser: skipping %s since the target network matches the source network.', irc.name, k)
if v.get(irc.name) == user:
# If the stored pseudoclient UID for the kicked user on
# this network matches the target we have, set that user
# as the one we're kicking! It's a handful, but remember
# we're mapping (home network, UID) pairs to their
# respective relay pseudoclients on other networks.
remoteuser = k
log.debug('(%s) getLocalUser: found %s to correspond to %s.', irc.name, v, k)
return remoteuser
2015-07-12 23:28:54 -07:00
def findRelay(chanpair):
if chanpair in db: # This chanpair is a shared channel; others link to it
return chanpair
# This chanpair is linked *to* a remote channel
for name, dbentry in db.items():
if chanpair in dbentry['links']:
return name
def findRemoteChan(irc, remoteirc, channel):
query = (irc.name, channel)
remotenetname = remoteirc.name
chanpair = findRelay(query)
if chanpair is None:
if chanpair[0] == remotenetname:
return chanpair[1]
for link in db[chanpair]['links']:
if link[0] == remotenetname:
return link[1]
2015-07-13 00:01:04 -07:00
def initializeChannel(irc, channel):
# We're initializing a relay that already exists. This can be done at
# ENDBURST, or on the LINK command.
2015-07-13 00:01:04 -07:00
c = irc.channels[channel]
relay = findRelay((irc.name, channel))
log.debug('(%s) initializeChannel being called on %s', irc.name, channel)
log.debug('(%s) initializeChannel: relay pair found to be %s', irc.name, relay)
queued_users = []
if relay:
irc.proto.joinClient(irc, irc.pseudoclient.uid, channel)
all_links = db[relay]['links'].copy()
log.debug('(%s) initializeChannel: all_links: %s', irc.name, all_links)
for link in all_links:
modes = []
2015-07-13 00:01:04 -07:00
remotenet, remotechan = link
if remotenet == irc.name:
remoteirc = utils.networkobjects[remotenet]
rc = remoteirc.channels[remotechan]
if not (remoteirc.connected and findRemoteChan(remoteirc, irc, remotechan)):
continue # They aren't connected, don't bother!
for user in remoteirc.channels[remotechan].users:
# Don't spawn our pseudoclients again.
if not utils.isInternalClient(remoteirc, user):
log.debug('(%s) initializeChannel: should be joining %s/%s to %s', irc.name, user, remotenet, channel)
remoteuser = getRemoteUser(remoteirc, irc, user)
userpair = (getPrefixModes(remoteirc, irc, remotechan, user), remoteuser)
log.debug('(%s) initializeChannel: adding %s to queued_users for %s', irc.name, userpair, channel)
if queued_users:
irc.proto.sjoinServer(irc, irc.sid, channel, queued_users, ts=rc.ts)
relayModes(remoteirc, irc, remoteirc.sid, remotechan)
relayModes(irc, remoteirc, irc.sid, channel)
topic = remoteirc.channels[relay[1]].topic
# Only update the topic if it's different from what we already have,
# and topic bursting is complete.
if remoteirc.channels[channel].topicset and topic != irc.channels[channel].topic:
irc.proto.topicServer(irc, irc.sid, channel, topic)
log.debug('(%s) initializeChannel: joining our users: %s', irc.name, c.users)
relayJoins(irc, channel, c.users, c.ts, c.modes)
2015-07-12 23:28:54 -07:00
def handle_join(irc, numeric, command, args):
channel = args['channel']
if not findRelay((irc.name, channel)):
# No relay here, return.
modes = args['modes']
ts = args['ts']
users = set(args['users'])
2015-07-13 00:01:04 -07:00
# users.update(irc.channels[channel].users)
relayJoins(irc, channel, users, ts, modes)
utils.add_hook(handle_join, 'JOIN')
def handle_quit(irc, numeric, command, args):
ouruser = numeric
for netname, user in relayusers[(irc.name, numeric)].items():
remoteirc = utils.networkobjects[netname]
remoteirc.proto.quitClient(remoteirc, user, args['text'])
del relayusers[(irc.name, ouruser)]
utils.add_hook(handle_quit, 'QUIT')
def handle_squit(irc, numeric, command, args):
users = args['users']
for user in users:
log.debug('(%s) relay handle_squit: sending handle_quit on %s', irc.name, user)
handle_quit(irc, user, command, {'text': '*.net *.split'})
utils.add_hook(handle_squit, 'SQUIT')
def handle_nick(irc, numeric, command, args):
for netname, user in relayusers[(irc.name, numeric)].items():
remoteirc = utils.networkobjects[netname]
newnick = normalizeNick(remoteirc, irc.name, args['newnick'])
if remoteirc.users[user].nick != newnick:
remoteirc.proto.nickClient(remoteirc, user, newnick)
utils.add_hook(handle_nick, 'NICK')
def handle_part(irc, numeric, command, args):
channels = args['channels']
text = args['text']
for channel in channels:
for netname, user in relayusers[(irc.name, numeric)].copy().items():
remoteirc = utils.networkobjects[netname]
remotechan = findRemoteChan(irc, remoteirc, channel)
remoteirc.proto.partClient(remoteirc, user, remotechan, text)
if not remoteirc.users[user].channels:
remoteirc.proto.quitClient(remoteirc, user, 'Left all shared channels.')
del relayusers[(irc.name, numeric)][remoteirc.name]
utils.add_hook(handle_part, 'PART')
def handle_privmsg(irc, numeric, command, args):
notice = (command == 'NOTICE')
target = args['target']
text = args['text']
if target == irc.pseudoclient.uid:
for netname, user in relayusers[(irc.name, numeric)].items():
remoteirc = utils.networkobjects[netname]
# HACK: Don't break on sending to @#channel or similar.
prefix, target = target.split('#', 1)
except ValueError:
prefix = ''
target = '#' + target
if utils.isChannel(target):
log.debug('(%s) relay privmsg: prefix is %r, target is %r', irc.name, prefix, target)
real_target = findRemoteChan(irc, remoteirc, target)
if not real_target:
real_target = prefix + real_target
remoteuser = getLocalUser(irc, target)
if remoteuser is None:
real_target = remoteuser[1]
if notice:
remoteirc.proto.noticeClient(remoteirc, user, real_target, text)
remoteirc.proto.messageClient(remoteirc, user, real_target, text)
# We must be on a common channel with the target. Otherwise, the sender
# doesn't have a client representing them on the remote network,
# and we won't have anywhere to send our messages from.
# In this case, we've iterated over all networks where the sender
# has pseudoclients, and found no suitable targets to send to.
if target in irc.users:
target_s = 'a common channel with %r' % irc.users[target].nick
target_s = repr(target)
utils.msg(irc, numeric, 'Error: You must be in %s in order to send messages.' % \
target_s, notice=True)
utils.add_hook(handle_privmsg, 'PRIVMSG')
utils.add_hook(handle_privmsg, 'NOTICE')
def handle_kick(irc, source, command, args):
channel = args['channel']
target = args['target']
text = args['text']
kicker = source
kicker_modes = getPrefixModes(irc, irc, channel, kicker)
relay = findRelay((irc.name, channel))
if relay is None:
for name, remoteirc in utils.networkobjects.items():
if irc.name == name:
remotechan = findRemoteChan(irc, remoteirc, channel)
log.debug('(%s) Relay kick: remotechan for %s on %s is %s', irc.name, channel, name, remotechan)
if remotechan is None:
real_kicker = getRemoteUser(irc, remoteirc, kicker, spawnIfMissing=False)
log.debug('(%s) Relay kick: real kicker for %s on %s is %s', irc.name, kicker, name, real_kicker)
if not utils.isInternalClient(irc, target):
log.debug('(%s) Relay kick: target %s is NOT an internal client', irc.name, target)
# Both the target and kicker are external clients; i.e.
# they originate from the same network. We won't have
# to filter this; the uplink IRCd will handle it appropriately,
# and we'll just follow.
real_target = getRemoteUser(irc, remoteirc, target)
log.debug('(%s) Relay kick: real target for %s is %s', irc.name, target, real_target)
log.debug('(%s) Relay kick: target %s is an internal client, going to look up the real user', irc.name, target)
real_target = getLocalUser(irc, target)[1]
log.debug('(%s) Relay kick: kicker_modes are %r', irc.name, kicker_modes)
if irc.name not in db[relay]['claim'] and not \
any([mode in kicker_modes for mode in ('q', 'a', 'o', 'h')]):
log.debug('(%s) Relay kick: kicker %s is not opped... We should rejoin the target user %s', irc.name, kicker, real_target)
# Home network is not in the channel's claim AND the kicker is not
# opped. We won't propograte the kick then.
# TODO: make the check slightly more advanced: i.e. halfops can't
# kick ops, admins can't kick owners, etc.
modes = getPrefixModes(remoteirc, irc, remotechan, real_target)
# Join the kicked client back with its respective modes.
irc.proto.sjoinServer(irc, irc.sid, remotechan, [(modes, target)])
utils.msg(irc, kicker, "This channel is claimed; your kick has "
"to %s been blocked because you are not "
"(half)opped." % channel, notice=True)
# Propogate the kick!
if real_kicker:
log.debug('(%s) Relay kick: Kicking %s from channel %s via %s on behalf of %s/%s', irc.name, real_target, remotechan,real_kicker, kicker, irc.name)
remoteirc.proto.kickClient(remoteirc, real_kicker,
remotechan, real_target, text)
# Kick originated from a server, or the kicker isn't in any
# common channels with the target relay network.
log.debug('(%s) Relay kick: Kicking %s from channel %s via %s on behalf of %s/%s', irc.name, real_target, remotechan,remoteirc.sid, kicker, irc.name)
if kicker in irc.servers:
kname = irc.servers[kicker].name
kname = irc.users.get(kicker).nick
text = "(%s/%s) %s" % (kname, irc.name, text)
except AttributeError:
text = "(<unknown kicker>@%s) %s" % (irc.name, text)
remoteirc.proto.kickServer(remoteirc, remoteirc.sid,
remotechan, real_target, text)
utils.add_hook(handle_kick, 'KICK')
def handle_chgclient(irc, source, command, args):
target = args['target']
if args.get('newhost'):
field = 'HOST'
text = args['newhost']
elif args.get('newident'):
field = 'IDENT'
text = args['newident']
elif args.get('newgecos'):
field = 'GECOS'
text = args['newgecos']
if field:
for netname, user in relayusers[(irc.name, target)].items():
remoteirc = utils.networkobjects[netname]
remoteirc.proto.updateClient(remoteirc, user, field, text)
except ValueError: # IRCd doesn't support changing the field we want
logging.debug('(%s) Error raised changing field %r of %s on %s (for %s/%s)', irc.name, field, user, target, remotenet, irc.name)
for c in ('CHGHOST', 'CHGNAME', 'CHGIDENT'):
utils.add_hook(handle_chgclient, c)
whitelisted_cmodes = {'admin', 'allowinvite', 'autoop', 'ban', 'banexception',
'blockcolor', 'halfop', 'invex', 'inviteonly', 'key',
'limit', 'moderated', 'noctcp', 'noextmsg', 'nokick',
'noknock', 'nonick', 'nonotice', 'op', 'operonly',
'opmoderated', 'owner', 'private', 'regonly',
'regmoderated', 'secret', 'sslonly',
'stripcolor', 'topiclock', 'voice'}
whitelisted_umodes = {'bot', 'hidechans', 'hideoper', 'invisible', 'oper',
'regdeaf', 'u_stripcolor', 'servprotect', 'u_noctcp'}
def relayModes(irc, remoteirc, sender, channel, modes=None):
remotechan = findRemoteChan(irc, remoteirc, channel)
log.debug('(%s) Relay mode: remotechan for %s on %s is %s', irc.name, channel, irc.name, remotechan)
if remotechan is None:
if modes is None:
modes = irc.channels[channel].modes
log.debug('(%s) Relay mode: channel data for %s%s: %s', irc.name, remoteirc.name, remotechan, remoteirc.channels[remotechan])
supported_modes = []
log.debug('(%s) Relay mode: initial modelist for %s is %s', irc.name, channel, modes)
for modepair in modes:
prefix, modechar = modepair[0]
except ValueError:
modechar = modepair[0]
prefix = '+'
arg = modepair[1]
# Iterate over every mode see whether the remote IRCd supports
# this mode, and what its mode char for it is (if it is different).
for name, m in irc.cmodes.items():
supported_char = None
if modechar == m:
if name not in whitelisted_cmodes:
log.debug("(%s) Relay mode: skipping mode (%r, %r) because "
"it isn't a whitelisted (safe) mode for relay.",
irc.name, modechar, arg)
if modechar in irc.prefixmodes:
# This is a prefix mode (e.g. +o). We must coerse the argument
# so that the target exists on the remote relay network.
arg = getLocalUser(irc, arg)[1]
except TypeError:
# getLocalUser returns None, raises None when trying to
# get [1] from it.
arg = getRemoteUser(irc, remoteirc, arg)
supported_char = remoteirc.cmodes.get(name)
if supported_char:
if name in ('ban', 'banexception', 'invex') and not utils.isHostmask(arg):
# Don't add bans that don't match n!u@h syntax!
log.debug("(%s) Relay mode: skipping mode (%r, %r) because it doesn't match nick!user@host syntax.",
irc.name, modechar, arg)
supported_modes.append((prefix+supported_char, arg))
log.debug("(%s) Relay mode: skipping mode (%r, %r) because "
"the remote network (%s)'s IRCd (%s) doesn't support it.",
irc.name, modechar, arg, remoteirc.name, irc.proto.__name__)
log.debug('(%s) Relay mode: final modelist (sending to %s%s) is %s', irc.name, remoteirc.name, remotechan, supported_modes)
# Don't send anything if there are no supported modes left after filtering.
if supported_modes:
# Check if the sender is a user; remember servers are allowed to set modes too.
if sender in irc.users:
u = getRemoteUser(irc, remoteirc, sender)
remoteirc.proto.modeClient(remoteirc, u, remotechan, supported_modes)
remoteirc.proto.modeServer(remoteirc, remoteirc.sid, remotechan, supported_modes)
def getSupportedUmodes(irc, remoteirc, modes):
supported_modes = []
for modepair in modes:
prefix, modechar = modepair[0]
except ValueError:
modechar = modepair[0]
prefix = '+'
arg = modepair[1]
for name, m in irc.umodes.items():
supported_char = None
if modechar == m:
if name not in whitelisted_umodes:
log.debug("(%s) getSupportedUmodes: skipping mode (%r, %r) because "
"it isn't a whitelisted (safe) mode for relay.",
irc.name, modechar, arg)
supported_char = remoteirc.umodes.get(name)
if supported_char:
supported_modes.append((prefix+supported_char, arg))
log.debug("(%s) getSupportedUmodes: skipping mode (%r, %r) because "
"the remote network (%s)'s IRCd (%s) doesn't support it.",
irc.name, modechar, arg, remoteirc.name, irc.proto.__name__)
return supported_modes
def handle_mode(irc, numeric, command, args):
target = args['target']
modes = args['modes']
for name, remoteirc in utils.networkobjects.items():
if irc.name == name:
if utils.isChannel(target):
relayModes(irc, remoteirc, numeric, target, modes)
modes = getSupportedUmodes(irc, remoteirc, modes)
remoteuser = getRemoteUser(irc, remoteirc, target, spawnIfMissing=False)
if remoteuser is None:
remoteirc.proto.modeClient(remoteirc, remoteuser, remoteuser, modes)
utils.add_hook(handle_mode, 'MODE')
def handle_topic(irc, numeric, command, args):
channel = args['channel']
topic = args['topic']
for name, remoteirc in utils.networkobjects.items():
if irc.name == name:
remotechan = findRemoteChan(irc, remoteirc, channel)
# Don't send if the remote topic is the same as ours.
if remotechan is None or topic == remoteirc.channels[remotechan].topic:
# This might originate from a server too.
remoteuser = getRemoteUser(irc, remoteirc, numeric, spawnIfMissing=False)
if remoteuser:
remoteirc.proto.topicClient(remoteirc, remoteuser, remotechan, topic)
remoteirc.proto.topicServer(remoteirc, remoteirc.sid, remotechan, topic)
utils.add_hook(handle_topic, 'TOPIC')
def handle_kill(irc, numeric, command, args):
target = args['target']
userdata = args['userdata']
# We don't allow killing over the relay, so we must spawn the client.
# all over again and rejoin it to its channels.
realuser = getLocalUser(irc, target)
del relayusers[realuser][irc.name]
remoteirc = utils.networkobjects[realuser[0]]
for channel in remoteirc.channels:
remotechan = findRemoteChan(remoteirc, irc, channel)
if remotechan:
modes = getPrefixModes(remoteirc, irc, remotechan, realuser[1])
log.debug('(%s) handle_kill: userpair: %s, %s', irc.name, modes, realuser)
client = getRemoteUser(remoteirc, irc, realuser[1])
irc.proto.sjoinServer(irc, irc.sid, remotechan, [(modes, client)])
utils.msg(irc, numeric, "Your kill has to %s been blocked "
"because PyLink does not allow killing"
" users over the relay at this time." % \
userdata.nick, notice=True)
utils.add_hook(handle_kill, 'KILL')
2015-07-13 00:01:04 -07:00
def relayJoins(irc, channel, users, ts, modes):
queued_users = []
for user in users.copy():
2015-07-12 23:28:54 -07:00
if irc.users[user].remote:
# Is the .remote attribute set? If so, don't relay already
2015-07-12 23:28:54 -07:00
# relayed clients; that'll trigger an endless loop!
except AttributeError: # Nope, it isn't.
if user == irc.pseudoclient.uid:
# We don't need to clone the PyLink pseudoclient... That's
# meaningless.
log.debug('Okay, spawning %s/%s everywhere', user, irc.name)
for name, remoteirc in utils.networkobjects.items():
if name == irc.name:
# Don't relay things to their source network...
remotechan = findRemoteChan(irc, remoteirc, channel)
if remotechan is None:
# If there is no link on our network for the user, don't
# bother spawning it.
u = getRemoteUser(irc, remoteirc, user)
if u is None:
ts = irc.channels[channel].ts
# TODO: join users in batches with SJOIN, not one by one.
prefixes = getPrefixModes(irc, remoteirc, channel, user)
userpair = (prefixes, u)
log.debug('(%s) relayJoin: joining %s to %s%s', irc.name, userpair, remoteirc.name, remotechan)
remoteirc.proto.sjoinServer(remoteirc, remoteirc.sid, remotechan, [userpair], ts=ts)
relayModes(irc, remoteirc, irc.sid, channel, modes)
2015-07-12 23:28:54 -07:00
2015-07-13 23:29:20 -07:00
def relayPart(irc, channel, user):
for name, remoteirc in utils.networkobjects.items():
if name == irc.name:
# Don't relay things to their source network...
remotechan = findRemoteChan(irc, remoteirc, channel)
2015-07-13 23:29:20 -07:00
log.debug('(%s) relayPart: looking for %s/%s on %s', irc.name, user, irc.name, remoteirc.name)
log.debug('(%s) relayPart: remotechan found as %s', irc.name, remotechan)
remoteuser = getRemoteUser(irc, remoteirc, user, spawnIfMissing=False)
2015-07-13 23:29:20 -07:00
log.debug('(%s) relayPart: remoteuser for %s/%s found as %s', irc.name, user, irc.name, remoteuser)
if remotechan is None or remoteuser is None:
2015-07-13 23:29:20 -07:00
remoteirc.proto.partClient(remoteirc, remoteuser, remotechan, 'Channel delinked.')
if not remoteirc.users[remoteuser].channels:
remoteirc.proto.quitClient(remoteirc, remoteuser, 'Left all shared channels.')
del relayusers[(irc.name, user)][remoteirc.name]
2015-07-13 23:29:20 -07:00
2015-07-12 23:28:54 -07:00
def removeChannel(irc, channel):
if channel not in map(str.lower, irc.serverdata['channels']):
irc.proto.partClient(irc, irc.pseudoclient.uid, channel)
2015-07-13 23:29:20 -07:00
relay = findRelay((irc.name, channel))
if relay:
all_links = db[relay]['links'].copy()
log.debug('(%s) removeChannel: all_links: %s', irc.name, all_links)
for user in irc.channels[channel].users:
if not utils.isInternalClient(irc, user):
relayPart(irc, channel, user)
for link in all_links:
if link[0] == irc.name:
# Don't relay things to their source network...
remotenet, remotechan = link
remoteirc = utils.networkobjects[remotenet]
rc = remoteirc.channels[remotechan]
for user in remoteirc.channels[remotechan].users.copy():
log.debug('(%s) removeChannel: part user %s/%s from %s', irc.name, user, remotenet, remotechan)
if not utils.isInternalClient(remoteirc, user):
relayPart(remoteirc, remotechan, user)
def create(irc, source, args):
Creates the channel <channel> over the relay."""
channel = args[0].lower()
except IndexError:
utils.msg(irc, source, "Error: not enough arguments. Needs 1: channel.")
if not utils.isChannel(channel):
utils.msg(irc, source, 'Error: invalid channel %r.' % channel)
if source not in irc.channels[channel].users:
utils.msg(irc, source, 'Error: you must be in %r to complete this operation.' % channel)
if not utils.isOper(irc, source):
utils.msg(irc, source, 'Error: you must be opered in order to complete this operation.')
db[(irc.name, channel)] = {'claim': [irc.name], 'links': set(), 'blocked_nets': set()}
2015-07-12 23:28:54 -07:00
initializeChannel(irc, channel)
utils.msg(irc, source, 'Done.')
def destroy(irc, source, args):
Removes <channel> from the relay, delinking all networks linked to it."""
channel = args[0].lower()
except IndexError:
utils.msg(irc, source, "Error: not enough arguments. Needs 1: channel.")
if not utils.isChannel(channel):
utils.msg(irc, source, 'Error: invalid channel %r.' % channel)
if not utils.isOper(irc, source):
utils.msg(irc, source, 'Error: you must be opered in order to complete this operation.')
2015-07-13 23:29:20 -07:00
entry = (irc.name, channel)
if entry in db:
for link in db[entry]['links']:
removeChannel(utils.networkobjects[link[0]], link[1])
2015-07-12 23:28:54 -07:00
removeChannel(irc, channel)
2015-07-13 23:29:20 -07:00
del db[entry]
utils.msg(irc, source, 'Done.')
utils.msg(irc, source, 'Error: no such relay %r exists.' % channel)
def link(irc, source, args):
"""<remotenet> <channel> <local channel>
Links channel <channel> on <remotenet> over the relay to <local channel>.
If <local channel> is not specified, it defaults to the same name as <channel>."""
channel = args[1].lower()
remotenet = args[0].lower()
except IndexError:
utils.msg(irc, source, "Error: not enough arguments. Needs 2-3: remote netname, channel, local channel name (optional).")
localchan = args[2].lower()
except IndexError:
localchan = channel
for c in (channel, localchan):
if not utils.isChannel(c):
utils.msg(irc, source, 'Error: invalid channel %r.' % c)
if source not in irc.channels[localchan].users:
utils.msg(irc, source, 'Error: you must be in %r to complete this operation.' % localchan)
if not utils.isOper(irc, source):
utils.msg(irc, source, 'Error: you must be opered in order to complete this operation.')
if remotenet not in utils.networkobjects:
utils.msg(irc, source, 'Error: no network named %r exists.' % remotenet)
localentry = findRelay((irc.name, localchan))
if localentry:
utils.msg(irc, source, 'Error: channel %r is already part of a relay.' % localchan)
entry = db[(remotenet, channel)]
except KeyError:
utils.msg(irc, source, 'Error: no such relay %r exists.' % channel)
for link in entry['links']:
if link[0] == irc.name:
utils.msg(irc, source, "Error: remote channel '%s%s' is already"
" linked here as %r." % (remotenet,
channel, link[1]))
entry['links'].add((irc.name, localchan))
2015-07-12 23:28:54 -07:00
initializeChannel(irc, localchan)
utils.msg(irc, source, 'Done.')
def delink(irc, source, args):
"""<local channel> [<network>]
Delinks channel <local channel>. <network> must and can only be specified if you are on the host network for <local channel>, and allows you to pick which network to delink.
To remove a relay entirely, use the 'destroy' command instead."""
channel = args[0].lower()
except IndexError:
utils.msg(irc, source, "Error: not enough arguments. Needs 1-2: channel, remote netname (optional).")
remotenet = args[1].lower()
except IndexError:
remotenet = None
if not utils.isOper(irc, source):
utils.msg(irc, source, 'Error: you must be opered in order to complete this operation.')
if not utils.isChannel(channel):
utils.msg(irc, source, 'Error: invalid channel %r.' % channel)
entry = findRelay((irc.name, channel))
if entry:
if entry[0] == irc.name: # We own this channel.
if remotenet is None:
utils.msg(irc, source, "Error: you must select a network to delink, or use the 'destroy' command no remove this relay entirely.")
for link in db[entry]['links'].copy():
if link[0] == remotenet:
removeChannel(utils.networkobjects[remotenet], link[1])
removeChannel(irc, channel)
2015-07-13 23:29:20 -07:00
db[entry]['links'].remove((irc.name, channel))
utils.msg(irc, source, 'Done.')
utils.msg(irc, source, 'Error: no such relay %r.' % channel)
2015-07-13 00:01:04 -07:00
def initializeAll(irc):
log.debug('(%s) initializeAll: waiting for utils.started', irc.name)
2015-07-13 00:01:04 -07:00
for chanpair, entrydata in db.items():
network, channel = chanpair
initializeChannel(irc, channel)
for link in entrydata['links']:
network, channel = link
initializeChannel(irc, channel)
2015-07-12 23:28:54 -07:00
def main():
2015-07-12 23:28:54 -07:00
utils.schedulers['relaydb'] = scheduler = sched.scheduler()
scheduler.enter(30, 1, exportDB, argument=(True,))
2015-07-12 23:28:54 -07:00
# Thread this because exportDB() queues itself as part of its
# execution, in order to get a repeating loop.
thread = threading.Thread(target=scheduler.run)
thread.daemon = True
def handle_endburst(irc, numeric, command, args):
utils.add_hook(handle_endburst, "ENDBURST")
def handle_disconnect(irc, numeric, command, args):
for k, v in relayusers.copy().items():
if irc.name in v:
del relayusers[k][irc.name]
if k[0] == irc.name:
handle_quit(irc, k[1], 'PYLINK_DISCONNECT', {'text': 'Home network lost connection.'})
utils.add_hook(handle_disconnect, "PYLINK_DISCONNECT")
def handle_save(irc, numeric, command, args):
# Nick collision! Try to change our nick to the next available normalized
# nick.
target = args['target']
if utils.isInternalClient(irc, target):
realuser = getLocalUser(irc, target)
if realuser is None:
remotenet, remoteuser = realuser
remoteirc = utils.networkobjects[remotenet]
nick = remoteirc.users[remoteuser].nick
newnick = normalizeNick(irc, remotenet, nick)
irc.proto.nickClient(irc, target, newnick)
utils.add_hook(handle_save, "SAVE")
def linked(irc, source, args):
"""takes no arguments.
Returns a list of channels shared across the relay."""
networks = list(utils.networkobjects.keys())
s = 'Connected networks: \x02%s\x02 %s' % (irc.name, ' '.join(networks))
utils.msg(irc, source, s)
# Sort relay DB by channel name, and then sort.
for k, v in sorted(db.items(), key=lambda channel: channel[0][1]):
s = '\x02%s%s\x02 ' % k
if v['links']:
s += ' '.join([''.join(link) for link in v['links']])
s += '(no relays yet)'
utils.msg(irc, source, s)