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classes.py - Base classes for PyLink IRC Services.
This module contains the base classes used by PyLink, including threaded IRC
connections and objects used to represent IRC servers, users, and channels.
Here be dragons.
2015-07-17 22:52:55 -07:00
import threading
import time
import socket
import ssl
import hashlib
import inspect
import ipaddress
import queue
import functools
2017-08-06 19:21:55 -07:00
import string
import re
import collections
import collections.abc
import ircmatch
except ImportError:
raise ImportError("PyLink requires ircmatch to function; please install it and try again.")
from . import world, utils, structures, conf, __version__, selectdriver
from .log import *
from .utils import ProtocolError # Compatibility with PyLink 1.x
### Internal classes (users, servers, channels)
class ChannelState(structures.IRCCaseInsensitiveDict):
A dictionary storing channels case insensitively. Channel objects are initialized on access.
def __getitem__(self, key):
key = self._keymangle(key)
if key not in self._data:
log.debug('(%s) ChannelState: creating new channel %s in memory', self._irc.name, key)
self._data[key] = newchan = Channel(self._irc, key)
return newchan
return self._data[key]
class User():
"""PyLink IRC user class."""
def __init__(self, irc, nick, ts, uid, server, ident='null', host='null',
realname='PyLink dummy client', realhost='null',
ip='', manipulatable=False, opertype='IRC Operator'):
self._nick = nick
self.lower_nick = irc.to_lower(nick)
self.ts = ts
self.uid = uid
self.ident = ident
self.host = host
self.realhost = realhost
self.ip = ip
self.realname = realname
self.modes = set() # Tracks user modes
self.server = server
self._irc = irc
# Tracks PyLink identification status
self.account = ''
# Tracks oper type (for display only)
self.opertype = opertype
# Tracks external services identification status
self.services_account = ''
# Tracks channels the user is in
self.channels = structures.IRCCaseInsensitiveSet(self._irc)
# Tracks away message status
self.away = ''
# This sets whether the client should be marked as manipulatable.
# Plugins like bots.py's commands should take caution against
# manipulating these "protected" clients, to prevent desyncs and such.
# For "serious" service clients, this should always be False.
self.manipulatable = manipulatable
# Cloaked host for IRCds that use it
self.cloaked_host = None
# Stores service bot name if applicable
self.service = None
def nick(self):
return self._nick
def nick(self, newnick):
oldnick = self.lower_nick
self._nick = newnick
self.lower_nick = self._irc.to_lower(newnick)
# Update the irc.users bynick index:
if oldnick in self._irc.users.bynick:
# Remove existing value -> key mappings.
# Remove now-empty keys as well.
if not self._irc.users.bynick[oldnick]:
del self._irc.users.bynick[oldnick]
# Update the new nick.
self._irc.users.bynick.setdefault(self.lower_nick, []).append(self.uid)
def __repr__(self):
return 'User(%s/%s)' % (self.uid, self.nick)
IrcUser = User
# Bidirectional dict based off https://stackoverflow.com/a/21894086
class UserMapping(collections.abc.MutableMapping, structures.CopyWrapper):
A mapping storing User objects by UID, as well as UIDs by nick via
the 'bynick' attribute
def __init__(self, *, data=None):
if data is not None:
assert isinstance(data, dict)
self._data = data
self._data = {}
self.bynick = collections.defaultdict(list)
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self._data[key]
def __setitem__(self, key, userobj):
assert hasattr(userobj, 'lower_nick'), "Cannot add object without lower_nick attribute to UserMapping"
if key in self._data:
log.warning('(%s) Attempting to replace User object for %r: %r -> %r', self.name,
key, self._data.get(key), userobj)
self._data[key] = userobj
self.bynick.setdefault(userobj.lower_nick, []).append(key)
def __delitem__(self, key):
# Remove this entry from the bynick index
if self[key].lower_nick in self.bynick:
if not self.bynick[self[key].lower_nick]:
del self.bynick[self[key].lower_nick]
del self._data[key]
# Generic container methods. XXX: consider abstracting this out in structures?
def __repr__(self):
return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, self._data)
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self._data)
def __len__(self):
return len(self._data)
def __contains__(self, key):
return self._data.__contains__(key)
def __copy__(self):
return self.__class__(data=self._data.copy())
class PyLinkNetworkCore(structures.CamelCaseToSnakeCase):
"""Base IRC object for PyLink."""
def __init__(self, netname):
self.loghandlers = []
self.name = netname
self.conf = conf.conf
self.sid = None
self.serverdata = conf.conf['servers'][netname]
self.botdata = conf.conf['pylink']
self.protoname = self.__class__.__module__.split('.')[-1] # Remove leading pylinkirc.protocols.
self.proto = self.irc = self # Backwards compat
# Protocol stuff
self.casemapping = 'rfc1459'
self.hook_map = {}
# Lists required conf keys for the server block.
self.conf_keys = {'ip', 'port', 'hostname', 'sid', 'sidrange', 'protocol', 'sendpass',
# Defines a set of PyLink protocol capabilities
self.protocol_caps = set()
# These options depend on self.serverdata from above to be set.
self.encoding = None
self.connected = threading.Event()
self._aborted = threading.Event()
self._aborted_send = threading.Event()
self._reply_lock = threading.RLock()
# Sets the multiplier for autoconnect delay (grows with time).
self.autoconnect_active_multiplier = 1
self.was_successful = False
2017-06-02 23:17:14 -07:00
def log_setup(self):
Initializes any channel loggers defined for the current network.
channels = conf.conf['logging']['channels'][self.name]
except (KeyError, TypeError): # Not set up; just ignore.
log.debug('(%s) Setting up channel logging to channels %r', self.name,
# Only create handlers if they haven't already been set up.
if not self.loghandlers:
if not isinstance(channels, dict):
log.warning('(%s) Got invalid channel logging configuration %r; are your indentation '
'and block commenting consistent?', self.name, channels)
for channel, chandata in channels.items():
# Fetch the log level for this channel block.
level = None
if isinstance(chandata, dict):
level = chandata.get('loglevel')
log.warning('(%s) Got invalid channel logging pair %r: %r; are your indentation '
'and block commenting consistent?', self.name, filename, config)
handler = PyLinkChannelLogger(self, channel, level=level)
def _init_vars(self):
(Re)sets an IRC object to its default state. This should be called when
an IRC object is first created, and on every reconnection to a network.
self.encoding = self.serverdata.get('encoding') or 'utf-8'
# Tracks the main PyLink client's UID.
self.pseudoclient = None
# Internal variable to set the place and caller of the last command (in PM
# or in a channel), used by fantasy command support.
self.called_by = None
self.called_in = None
# Intialize the server, channel, and user indexes to be populated by
# our protocol module.
self.servers = {}
self.users = UserMapping()
# Two versions of the channels index exist in PyLink 2.0, and they are joined together
# - irc._channels which implicitly creates channels on access (mostly used
# in protocol modules)
# - irc.channels which does not (recommended for use by plugins)
self._channels = ChannelState(self)
self.channels = structures.IRCCaseInsensitiveDict(self, data=self._channels._data)
# This sets the list of supported channel and user modes: the default
# RFC1459 modes are implied. Named modes are used here to make
# protocol-independent code easier to write, as mode chars vary by
# IRCd.
# Protocol modules should add to and/or replace this with what their
# protocol supports. This can be a hardcoded list or something
# negotiated on connect, depending on the nature of their protocol.
self.cmodes = {'op': 'o', 'secret': 's', 'private': 'p',
'noextmsg': 'n', 'moderated': 'm', 'inviteonly': 'i',
'topiclock': 't', 'limit': 'l', 'ban': 'b',
'voice': 'v', 'key': 'k',
# This fills in the type of mode each mode character is.
# A-type modes are list modes (i.e. bans, ban exceptions, etc.),
# B-type modes require an argument to both set and unset,
# but there can only be one value at a time
# (i.e. cmode +k).
# C-type modes require an argument to set but not to unset
# (one sets "+l limit" and # "-l"),
# and D-type modes take no arguments at all.
'*A': 'b',
'*B': 'k',
'*C': 'l',
'*D': 'imnpst'}
self.umodes = {'invisible': 'i', 'snomask': 's', 'wallops': 'w',
'oper': 'o',
'*A': '', '*B': '', '*C': '', '*D': 'iosw'}
# Acting extbans such as +b m:n!u@h on InspIRCd
self.extbans_acting = {}
# Matching extbans such as R:account on InspIRCd and $a:account on TS6.
self.extbans_matching = {}
# This max nick length starts off as the config value, but may be
# overwritten later by the protocol module if such information is
# received. It defaults to 30.
self.maxnicklen = self.serverdata.get('maxnicklen', 30)
# Defines a list of supported prefix modes.
self.prefixmodes = {'o': '@', 'v': '+'}
# Defines the uplink SID (to be filled in by protocol module).
self.uplink = None
self.start_ts = int(time.time())
# Set up channel logging for the network
2017-06-02 23:17:14 -07:00
def __repr__(self):
return "<%s object for network %r>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.name)
## Stubs
def validate_server_conf(self):
def connect(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def disconnect(self):
raise NotImplementedError
## General utility functions
def call_hooks(self, hook_args):
"""Calls a hook function with the given hook args."""
numeric, command, parsed_args = hook_args
# Always make sure TS is sent.
if 'ts' not in parsed_args:
parsed_args['ts'] = int(time.time())
hook_cmd = command
hook_map = self.hook_map
# If the hook name is present in the protocol module's hook_map, then we
# should set the hook name to the name that points to instead.
# For example, plugins will read SETHOST as CHGHOST, EOS (end of sync)
# as ENDBURST, etc.
if command in hook_map:
hook_cmd = hook_map[command]
# However, individual handlers can also return a 'parse_as' key to send
# their payload to a different hook. An example of this is "/join 0"
# being interpreted as leaving all channels (PART).
hook_cmd = parsed_args.get('parse_as') or hook_cmd
log.debug('(%s) Raw hook data: [%r, %r, %r] received from %s handler '
'(calling hook %s)', self.name, numeric, hook_cmd, parsed_args,
command, hook_cmd)
# Iterate over registered hook functions, catching errors accordingly.
for hook_pair in world.hooks[hook_cmd].copy():
hook_func = hook_pair[1]
log.debug('(%s) Calling hook function %s from plugin "%s"', self.name,
hook_func, hook_func.__module__)
retcode = hook_func(self, numeric, command, parsed_args)
if retcode is False:
log.debug('(%s) Stopping hook loop for %r (command=%r)', self.name,
hook_func, command)
except Exception:
# We don't want plugins to crash our servers...
log.exception('(%s) Unhandled exception caught in hook %r from plugin "%s"',
self.name, hook_func, hook_func.__module__)
log.error('(%s) The offending hook data was: %s', self.name,
def call_command(self, source, text):
Calls a PyLink bot command. source is the caller's UID, and text is the
full, unparsed text of the message.
world.services['pylink'].call_cmd(self, source, text)
def msg(self, target, text, notice=None, source=None, loopback=True):
"""Handy function to send messages/notices to clients. Source
is optional, and defaults to the main PyLink client if not specified."""
if not text:
if not (source or self.pseudoclient):
# No explicit source set and our main client wasn't available; abort.
source = source or self.pseudoclient.uid
if notice:
self.notice(source, target, text)
self.message(source, target, text)
if loopback:
# Determines whether we should send a hook for this msg(), to relay things like services
# replies across relay.
self.call_hooks([source, cmd, {'target': target, 'text': text}])
def _reply(self, text, notice=None, source=None, private=None, force_privmsg_in_private=False,
Core of the reply() function - replies to the last caller in the right context
(channel or PM).
if private is None:
# Allow using private replies as the default, if no explicit setting was given.
private = conf.conf['pylink'].get("prefer_private_replies")
# Private reply is enabled, or the caller was originally a PM
if private or (self.called_in in self.users):
if not force_privmsg_in_private:
# For private replies, the default is to override the notice=True/False argument,
# and send replies as notices regardless. This is standard behaviour for most
# IRC services, but can be disabled if force_privmsg_in_private is given.
notice = True
target = self.called_by
target = self.called_in
self.msg(target, text, notice=notice, source=source, loopback=loopback)
def reply(self, *args, **kwargs):
Replies to the last caller in the right context (channel or PM).
This function wraps around _reply() and can be monkey-patched in a thread-safe manner
to temporarily redirect plugin output to another target.
with self._reply_lock:
self._reply(*args, **kwargs)
def error(self, text, **kwargs):
"""Replies with an error to the last caller in the right context (channel or PM)."""
# This is a stub to alias error to reply
self.reply("Error: %s" % text, **kwargs)
## Configuration-based lookup functions.
def version(self):
Returns a detailed version string including the PyLink daemon version,
the protocol module in use, and the server hostname.
fullversion = 'PyLink-%s. %s :[protocol:%s, encoding:%s]' % (__version__, self.hostname(), self.protoname, self.encoding)
return fullversion
def hostname(self):
Returns the server hostname used by PyLink on the given server.
return self.serverdata.get('hostname', world.fallback_hostname)
def get_full_network_name(self):
Returns the full network name (as defined by the "netname" option), or the
short network name if that isn't defined.
return self.serverdata.get('netname', self.name)
def get_service_option(self, servicename, option, default=None, global_option=None):
Returns the value of the requested service bot option on the current network, or the
global value if it is not set for this network. This function queries and returns:
1) If present, the value of the config option servers::<NETNAME>::<SERVICENAME>_<OPTION>
2) If present, the value of the config option <SERVICENAME>::<GLOBAL_OPTION>, where
<GLOBAL_OPTION> is either the 'global_option' keyword argument or <OPTION>.
3) The default value given in the 'keyword' argument.
While service bot and config option names can technically be uppercase or mixed case,
the convention is to define them in all lowercase characters.
netopt = self.serverdata.get('%s_%s' % (servicename, option))
if netopt is not None:
return netopt
if global_option is not None:
option = global_option
globalopt = conf.conf.get(servicename, {}).get(option)
if globalopt is not None:
return globalopt
return default
def has_cap(self, capab):
Returns whether this protocol module instance has the requested capability.
return capab.lower() in self.protocol_caps
## Shared helper functions
def _pre_connect(self):
Implements triggers called before a network connects.
except Exception as e:
log.error("(%s) Configuration error: %s", self.name, e)
def _run_autoconnect(self):
"""Blocks for the autoconnect time and returns True if autoconnect is enabled."""
if world.shutting_down.is_set():
log.debug('(%s) _run_autoconnect: aborting autoconnect attempt since we are shutting down.', self.name)
autoconnect = self.serverdata.get('autoconnect')
# Sets the autoconnect growth multiplier (e.g. a value of 2 multiplies the autoconnect
# time by 2 on every failure, etc.)
autoconnect_multiplier = self.serverdata.get('autoconnect_multiplier', 2)
autoconnect_max = self.serverdata.get('autoconnect_max', 1800)
# These values must at least be 1.
autoconnect_multiplier = max(autoconnect_multiplier, 1)
autoconnect_max = max(autoconnect_max, 1)
log.debug('(%s) _run_autoconnect: Autoconnect delay set to %s seconds.', self.name, autoconnect)
if autoconnect is not None and autoconnect >= 1:
log.debug('(%s) _run_autoconnect: Multiplying autoconnect delay %s by %s.', self.name, autoconnect, self.autoconnect_active_multiplier)
autoconnect *= self.autoconnect_active_multiplier
# Add a cap on the max. autoconnect delay, so that we don't go on forever...
autoconnect = min(autoconnect, autoconnect_max)
log.info('(%s) _run_autoconnect: Going to auto-reconnect in %s seconds.', self.name, autoconnect)
# Continue when either self._aborted is set or the autoconnect time passes.
# Compared to time.sleep(), this allows us to stop connections quicker if we
# break while while for autoconnect.
# Store in the local state what the autoconnect multiplier currently is.
self.autoconnect_active_multiplier *= autoconnect_multiplier
if self not in world.networkobjects.values():
log.debug('(%s) _run_autoconnect: Stopping stale connect loop', self.name)
return True
log.debug('(%s) _run_autoconnect: Stopping connect loop (autoconnect value %r is < 1).', self.name, autoconnect)
def _pre_disconnect(self):
Implements triggers called before a network disconnects.
self.was_successful = self.connected.is_set()
log.debug('(%s) _pre_disconnect: got %s for was_successful state', self.name, self.was_successful)
log.debug('(%s) _pre_disconnect: Clearing self.connected state.', self.name)
log.debug('(%s) _pre_disconnect: Removing channel logging handlers due to disconnect.', self.name)
while self.loghandlers:
def _post_disconnect(self):
Implements triggers called after a network disconnects.
# Internal hook signifying that a network has disconnected.
self.call_hooks([None, 'PYLINK_DISCONNECT', {'was_successful': self.was_successful}])
2018-03-22 22:03:08 -07:00
# Clear the to_lower cache.
def _remove_client(self, numeric):
"""Internal function to remove a client from our internal state."""
for c, v in self.channels.copy().items():
# Clear empty non-permanent channels.
if not (self.channels[c].users or ((self.cmodes.get('permanent'), None) in self.channels[c].modes)):
del self.channels[c]
sid = self.get_server(numeric)
log.debug('(%s) Removing client %s from users index', self.name, numeric)
del self.users[numeric]
except KeyError:
log.warning('(%s) Failed to remove %r from users index - possible desync or timing issue? (stray QUIT after KILL)',
self.name, numeric, exc_info=True)
## State checking functions
def nick_to_uid(self, nick):
"""Looks up the UID of a user with the given nick, if one is present."""
nick = self.to_lower(nick)
uids = self.users.bynick.get(nick, [])
if len(uids) > 1:
log.warning('(%s) Multiple UIDs found for nick %r: %r', self.name, nick, uids)
return uids[0]
except IndexError:
return None
def is_internal_client(self, numeric):
Returns whether the given client numeric (UID) is a PyLink client.
sid = self.get_server(numeric)
if sid and self.servers[sid].internal:
return True
return False
def is_internal_server(self, sid):
"""Returns whether the given SID is an internal PyLink server."""
return (sid in self.servers and self.servers[sid].internal)
def get_server(self, numeric):
"""Finds the SID of the server a user is on."""
if numeric in self.servers: # We got a server already (lazy hack)
return numeric
userobj = self.users.get(numeric)
if userobj:
return userobj.server
def is_manipulatable_client(self, uid):
Returns whether the given user is marked as an internal, manipulatable
client. Usually, automatically spawned services clients should have this
set True to prevent interactions with opers (like mode changes) from
causing desyncs.
return self.is_internal_client(uid) and self.users[uid].manipulatable
def get_service_bot(self, uid):
Checks whether the given UID is a registered service bot. If True,
returns the cooresponding ServiceBot object.
userobj = self.users.get(uid)
if not userobj:
return False
# Look for the "service" attribute in the User object,sname = userobj.service
# Warn if the service name we fetched isn't a registered service.
sname = userobj.service
if sname is not None and sname not in world.services.keys():
log.warning("(%s) User %s / %s had a service bot record to a service that doesn't "
"exist (%s)!", self.name, uid, userobj.nick, sname)
return world.services.get(sname)
class PyLinkNetworkCoreWithUtils(PyLinkNetworkCore):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# Lock for updateTS to make sure only one thread can change the channel TS at one time.
self._ts_lock = threading.Lock()
2018-03-22 22:03:08 -07:00
def to_lower(self, text):
if not text:
return text
2018-03-22 22:03:08 -07:00
if self.casemapping == 'rfc1459':
text = text.replace('{', '[')
text = text.replace('}', ']')
text = text.replace('|', '\\')
text = text.replace('~', '^')
# Encode the text as bytes first, and then lowercase it so that only ASCII characters are
# changed. Unicode in channel names, etc. *is* case sensitive!
return text.encode().lower().decode()
_NICK_REGEX = r'^[A-Za-z\|\\_\[\]\{\}\^\`][A-Z0-9a-z\-\|\\_\[\]\{\}\^\`]*$'
def is_nick(cls, s, nicklen=None):
"""Returns whether the string given is a valid IRC nick."""
if nicklen and len(s) > nicklen:
return False
return bool(re.match(cls._NICK_REGEX, s))
def is_channel(s):
"""Returns whether the string given is a valid IRC channel name."""
return str(s).startswith('#')
def _isASCII(s):
"""Returns whether the given string only contains non-whitespace ASCII characters."""
chars = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + string.punctuation
return all(char in chars for char in s)
def is_server_name(cls, s):
"""Returns whether the string given is a valid IRC server name."""
return cls._isASCII(s) and '.' in s and not s.startswith('.')
_HOSTMASK_RE = re.compile(r'^\S+!\S+@\S+$')
def is_hostmask(cls, text):
"""Returns whether the given text is a valid IRC hostmask (nick!user@host)."""
# Band-aid patch here to prevent bad bans set by Janus forwarding people into invalid channels.
return bool(cls._HOSTMASK_RE.match(text) and '#' not in text)
def _parse_modes(self, args, existing, supported_modes, is_channel=False, prefixmodes=None):
parse_modes() core.
args: A mode string or a mode string split by space (type list)
existing: A set or iterable of existing modes
supported_modes: a dict of PyLink supported modes (mode names mapping
to mode chars, with *ABCD keys)
prefixmodes: a dict of prefix modes (irc.prefixmodes style)
prefix = ''
if isinstance(args, str):
# If the modestring was given as a string, split it into a list.
args = args.split()
assert args, 'No valid modes were supplied!'
modestring = args[0]
args = args[1:]
existing = set(existing)
res = []
for mode in modestring:
if mode in '+-':
prefix = mode
if not prefix:
prefix = '+'
arg = None
log.debug('Current mode: %s%s; args left: %s', prefix, mode, args)
if prefixmodes and mode in self.prefixmodes:
# We're setting a prefix mode on someone (e.g. +o user1)
log.debug('Mode %s: This mode is a prefix mode.', mode)
arg = args.pop(0)
# Convert nicks to UIDs implicitly
arg = self.nick_to_uid(arg) or arg
if arg not in self.users: # Target doesn't exist, skip it.
log.debug('(%s) Skipping setting mode "%s %s"; the '
'target doesn\'t seem to exist!', self.name,
mode, arg)
elif mode in (supported_modes['*A'] + supported_modes['*B']):
# Must have parameter.
log.debug('Mode %s: This mode must have parameter.', mode)
arg = args.pop(0)
if prefix == '-':
if mode in supported_modes['*B'] and arg == '*':
# Charybdis allows unsetting +k without actually
# knowing the key by faking the argument when unsetting
# as a single "*".
# We'd need to know the real argument of +k for us to
# be able to unset the mode.
oldarg = dict(existing).get(mode)
if oldarg:
# Set the arg to the old one on the channel.
arg = oldarg
log.debug("Mode %s: coersing argument of '*' to %r.", mode, arg)
log.debug('(%s) parse_modes: checking if +%s %s is in old modes list: %s', self.name, mode, arg, existing)
if (mode, arg) not in existing:
# Ignore attempts to unset bans that don't exist.
log.debug("(%s) parse_modes(): ignoring removal of non-existent list mode +%s %s", self.name, mode, arg)
elif prefix == '+' and mode in supported_modes['*C']:
# Only has parameter when setting.
log.debug('Mode %s: Only has parameter when setting.', mode)
arg = args.pop(0)
except IndexError:
log.warning('(%s) Error while parsing mode %r: mode requires an '
'argument but none was found. (modestring: %r)',
self.name, mode, modestring)
continue # Skip this mode; don't error out completely.
newmode = (prefix + mode, arg)
# Tentatively apply the new mode to the "existing" mode list.
existing = self._apply_modes(existing, [newmode], is_channel=is_channel)
return res
def parse_modes(self, target, args):
"""Parses a modestring list into a list of (mode, argument) tuples.
['+mitl-o', '3', 'person'] => [('+m', None), ('+i', None), ('+t', None), ('+l', '3'), ('-o', 'person')]
# http://www.irc.org/tech_docs/005.html
# A = Mode that adds or removes a nick or address to a list. Always has a parameter.
# B = Mode that changes a setting and always has a parameter.
# C = Mode that changes a setting and only has a parameter when set.
# D = Mode that changes a setting and never has a parameter.
is_channel = self.is_channel(target)
if not is_channel:
log.debug('(%s) Using self.umodes for this query: %s', self.name, self.umodes)
if target not in self.users:
log.debug('(%s) Possible desync! Mode target %s is not in the users index.', self.name, target)
return [] # Return an empty mode list
supported_modes = self.umodes
oldmodes = self.users[target].modes
prefixmodes = None
log.debug('(%s) Using self.cmodes for this query: %s', self.name, self.cmodes)
supported_modes = self.cmodes
oldmodes = self._channels[target].modes
prefixmodes = self._channels[target].prefixmodes
return self._parse_modes(args, oldmodes, supported_modes, is_channel=is_channel,
def _apply_modes(self, old_modelist, changedmodes, is_channel=False,
Takes a list of parsed IRC modes, and applies them onto the given target mode list.
modelist = set(old_modelist)
if is_channel:
supported_modes = self.cmodes
supported_modes = self.umodes
for mode in changedmodes:
# Chop off the +/- part that parse_modes gives; it's meaningless for a mode list.
real_mode = (mode[0][1], mode[1])
except IndexError:
real_mode = mode
if is_channel:
if prefixmodes is not None:
# We only handle +qaohv for now. Iterate over every supported mode:
# if the IRCd supports this mode and it is the one being set, add/remove
# the person from the corresponding prefix mode list (e.g. c.prefixmodes['op']
# for ops).
for pmode, pmodelist in prefixmodes.items():
if pmode in supported_modes and real_mode[0] == supported_modes[pmode]:
log.debug('(%s) Initial prefixmodes list (%s): %s', self.name, pmode, pmodelist)
if mode[0][0] == '+':
log.debug('(%s) Final prefixmodes list (%s): %s', self.name, pmode, pmodelist)
if real_mode[0] in self.prefixmodes:
# Don't add prefix modes to Channel.modes; they belong in the
# prefixmodes mapping handled above.
log.debug('(%s) Not adding mode %s to Channel.modes because '
'it\'s a prefix mode.', self.name, str(mode))
if mode[0][0] != '-':
log.debug('(%s) Adding mode %r on %s', self.name, real_mode, modelist)
# We're adding a mode
existing = [m for m in modelist if m[0] == real_mode[0] and m[1] != real_mode[1]]
if existing and real_mode[1] and real_mode[0] not in supported_modes['*A']:
# The mode we're setting takes a parameter, but is not a list mode (like +beI).
# Therefore, only one version of it can exist at a time, and we must remove
# any old modepairs using the same letter. Otherwise, we'll get duplicates when,
# for example, someone sets mode "+l 30" on a channel already set "+l 25".
log.debug('(%s) Old modes for mode %r exist in %s, removing them: %s',
self.name, real_mode, modelist, str(existing))
[modelist.discard(oldmode) for oldmode in existing]
log.debug('(%s) Removing mode %r from %s', self.name, real_mode, modelist)
# We're removing a mode
if real_mode[1] is None:
# We're removing a mode that only takes arguments when setting.
# Remove all mode entries that use the same letter as the one
# we're unsetting.
for oldmode in modelist.copy():
if oldmode[0] == real_mode[0]:
log.debug('(%s) Final modelist: %s', self.name, modelist)
return modelist
def apply_modes(self, target, changedmodes):
"""Takes a list of parsed IRC modes, and applies them on the given target.
The target can be either a channel or a user; this is handled automatically."""
is_channel = self.is_channel(target)
prefixmodes = None
if is_channel:
c = self._channels[target]
old_modelist = c.modes
prefixmodes = c.prefixmodes
old_modelist = self.users[target].modes
except KeyError:
log.warning('(%s) Possible desync? Mode target %s is unknown.', self.name, target)
modelist = self._apply_modes(old_modelist, changedmodes, is_channel=is_channel,
if is_channel:
self._channels[target].modes = modelist
self.users[target].modes = modelist
except KeyError:
log.warning("(%s) Invalid MODE target %s (is_channel=%s)", self.name, target, is_channel)
def _flip(mode):
"""Flips a mode character."""
# Make it a list first; strings don't support item assignment
mode = list(mode)
if mode[0] == '-': # Query is something like "-n"
mode[0] = '+' # Change it to "+n"
elif mode[0] == '+':
mode[0] = '-'
else: # No prefix given, assume +
mode.insert(0, '-')
return ''.join(mode)
def reverse_modes(self, target, modes, oldobj=None):
"""Reverses/inverts the mode string or mode list given.
Optionally, an oldobj argument can be given to look at an earlier state of
a channel/user object, e.g. for checking the op status of a mode setter
before their modes are processed and added to the channel state.
This function allows both mode strings or mode lists. Example uses:
"+mi-lk test => "-mi+lk test"
"mi-k test => "-mi+k test"
[('+m', None), ('+r', None), ('+l', '3'), ('-o', 'person')
=> {('-m', None), ('-r', None), ('-l', None), ('+o', 'person')})
{('s', None), ('+o', 'whoever') => {('-s', None), ('-o', 'whoever')})
origstring = isinstance(modes, str)
# If the query is a string, we have to parse it first.
if origstring:
modes = self.parse_modes(target, modes.split(" "))
# Get the current mode list first.
2017-08-28 20:13:25 -07:00
if self.is_channel(target):
c = oldobj or self._channels[target]
oldmodes = c.modes.copy()
possible_modes = self.cmodes.copy()
# For channels, this also includes the list of prefix modes.
possible_modes['*A'] += ''.join(self.prefixmodes)
for name, userlist in c.prefixmodes.items():
oldmodes.update([(self.cmodes[name], u) for u in userlist])
except KeyError:
oldmodes = self.users[target].modes
possible_modes = self.umodes
newmodes = []
log.debug('(%s) reverse_modes: old/current mode list for %s is: %s', self.name,
target, oldmodes)
for char, arg in modes:
# Mode types:
# A = Mode that adds or removes a nick or address to a list. Always has a parameter.
# B = Mode that changes a setting and always has a parameter.
# C = Mode that changes a setting and only has a parameter when set.
# D = Mode that changes a setting and never has a parameter.
mchar = char[-1]
if mchar in possible_modes['*B'] + possible_modes['*C']:
# We need to look at the current mode list to reset modes that take arguments
# For example, trying to bounce +l 30 on a channel that had +l 50 set should
# give "+l 50" and not "-l".
oldarg = [m for m in oldmodes if m[0] == mchar]
if oldarg: # Old mode argument for this mode existed, use that.
oldarg = oldarg[0]
mpair = ('+%s' % oldarg[0], oldarg[1])
else: # Not found, flip the mode then.
# Mode takes no arguments when unsetting.
if mchar in possible_modes['*C'] and char[0] != '-':
arg = None
mpair = (self._flip(char), arg)
mpair = (self._flip(char), arg)
if char[0] != '-' and (mchar, arg) in oldmodes:
# Mode is already set.
log.debug("(%s) reverse_modes: skipping reversing '%s %s' with %s since we're "
"setting a mode that's already set.", self.name, char, arg, mpair)
elif char[0] == '-' and (mchar, arg) not in oldmodes and mchar in possible_modes['*A']:
# We're unsetting a prefix mode that was never set - don't set it in response!
# TS6 IRCds lacks server-side verification for this and can cause annoying mode floods.
log.debug("(%s) reverse_modes: skipping reversing '%s %s' with %s since it "
"wasn't previously set.", self.name, char, arg, mpair)
log.debug('(%s) reverse_modes: new modes: %s', self.name, newmodes)
if origstring:
# If the original query is a string, send it back as a string.
return self.join_modes(newmodes)
return set(newmodes)
def join_modes(modes, sort=False):
"""Takes a list of (mode, arg) tuples in parse_modes() format, and
joins them into a string.
See testJoinModes in tests/test_utils.py for some examples."""
prefix = '+' # Assume we're adding modes unless told otherwise
modelist = ''
args = []
# Sort modes alphabetically like a conventional IRCd.
if sort:
modes = sorted(modes)
for modepair in modes:
mode, arg = modepair
assert len(mode) in (1, 2), "Incorrect length of a mode (received %r)" % mode
# If the mode has a prefix, use that.
curr_prefix, mode = mode
except ValueError:
# If not, the current prefix stays the same as the last mode pair; move on
# to the next one.
# Only when the prefix of this mode isn't the same as the last one do we add
# the prefix to the mode string. This prevents '+nt-lk' from turning
# into '+n+t-l-k' or '+ntlk'.
if prefix != curr_prefix:
modelist += curr_prefix
prefix = curr_prefix
modelist += mode
if arg is not None:
if not modelist.startswith(('+', '-')):
# Our starting mode didn't have a prefix with it. Assume '+'.
modelist = '+' + modelist
if args:
# Add the args if there are any.
modelist += ' %s' % ' '.join(args)
return modelist
def wrap_modes(cls, modes, limit, max_modes_per_msg=0):
Takes a list of modes and wraps it across multiple lines.
strings = []
# This process is slightly trickier than just wrapping arguments, because modes create
# positional arguments that can't be separated from its character.
queued_modes = []
total_length = 0
last_prefix = '+'
orig_modes = modes.copy()
modes = list(modes)
while modes:
# PyLink mode lists come in the form [('+t', None), ('-b', '*!*@someone'), ('+l', 3)]
# The +/- part is optional and is treated as the prefix of the last mode if not given,
# or + (adding modes) if it is the first mode in the list.
next_mode = modes.pop(0)
modechar, arg = next_mode
prefix = modechar[0]
if prefix not in '+-':
prefix = last_prefix
# Explicitly add the prefix to the mode character to prevent
# ambiguity when passing it to e.g. join_modes().
modechar = prefix + modechar
# XXX: because tuples are immutable, we have to replace the entire modepair...
next_mode = (modechar, arg)
# Figure out the length that the next mode will add to the buffer. If we're changing
# from + to - (setting to removing modes) or vice versa, we'll need two characters:
# the "+" or "-" as well as the actual mode char.
next_length = 1
if prefix != last_prefix:
next_length += 1
# Replace the last mode prefix with the current one for the next iteration.
last_prefix = prefix
if arg:
# This mode has an argument, so add the length of that and a space.
next_length += 1
next_length += len(arg)
assert next_length <= limit, \
"wrap_modes: Mode %s is too long for the given length %s" % (next_mode, limit)
# Check both message length and max. modes per msg if enabled.
if (next_length + total_length) <= limit and ((not max_modes_per_msg) or len(queued_modes) < max_modes_per_msg):
# We can fit this mode in the next message; add it.
total_length += next_length
log.debug('wrap_modes: Adding mode %s to queued modes', str(next_mode))
log.debug('wrap_modes: queued modes: %s', queued_modes)
# Otherwise, create a new message by joining the previous queued modes into a message.
# Then, create a new message with our current mode.
log.debug('wrap_modes: cleared queue (length %s) and now adding %s', limit, str(next_mode))
total_length = next_length
# Everything fit in one line, so just use that.
log.debug('wrap_modes: returning %s for %s', strings, orig_modes)
return strings
def get_hostmask(self, user, realhost=False, ip=False):
Returns the hostmask of the given user, if present. If the realhost option
is given, return the real host of the user instead of the displayed host.
If the ip option is given, return the IP address of the user (this overrides
userobj = self.users.get(user)
nick = userobj.nick
except AttributeError:
nick = '<unknown-nick>'
ident = userobj.ident
except AttributeError:
ident = '<unknown-ident>'
if ip:
host = userobj.ip
elif realhost:
host = userobj.realhost
host = userobj.host
except AttributeError:
host = '<unknown-host>'
return '%s!%s@%s' % (nick, ident, host)
def get_friendly_name(self, entityid):
Returns the friendly name of a SID or UID (server name for SIDs, nick for UID).
if entityid in self.servers:
return self.servers[entityid].name
elif entityid in self.users:
return self.users[entityid].nick
raise KeyError("Unknown UID/SID %s" % entityid)
def is_oper(self, uid, allowAuthed=True, allowOper=True):
Returns whether the given user has operator status on PyLink. This can be achieved
by either identifying to PyLink as admin (if allowAuthed is True),
or having user mode +o set (if allowOper is True). At least one of
allowAuthed or allowOper must be True for this to give any meaningful
if uid in self.users:
if allowOper and ("o", None) in self.users[uid].modes:
return True
elif allowAuthed and self.users[uid].account:
return True
return False
2016-04-30 16:57:38 -07:00
def check_authenticated(self, uid, allowAuthed=True, allowOper=True):
Checks whether the given user has operator status on PyLink, raising
NotAuthorizedError and logging the access denial if not.
log.warning("(%s) check_authenticated() is deprecated as of PyLink 1.2 and may be "
"removed in a future relase. Consider migrating to the PyLink Permissions API.",
lastfunc = inspect.stack()[1][3]
if not self.is_oper(uid, allowAuthed=allowAuthed, allowOper=allowOper):
log.warning('(%s) Access denied for %s calling %r', self.name,
self.get_hostmask(uid), lastfunc)
raise utils.NotAuthorizedError("You are not authenticated!")
return True
def match_host(self, glob, target, ip=True, realhost=True):
Checks whether the given host, or given UID's hostmask matches the given nick!user@host
If the target given is a UID, and the 'ip' or 'realhost' options are True, this will also
match against the target's IP address and real host, respectively.
This function respects IRC casemappings (rfc1459 and ascii). If the given target is a UID,
and the 'ip' option is enabled, the host portion of the glob is also matched as a CIDR
# Get the corresponding casemapping value used by ircmatch.
if self.casemapping == 'rfc1459':
casemapping = 0
casemapping = 1
# Try to convert target into a UID. If this fails, it's probably a hostname.
target = self.nick_to_uid(target) or target
# Allow queries like !$exttarget to invert the given match.
invert = glob.startswith('!')
if invert:
glob = glob.lstrip('!')
def match_host_core():
Core processor for match_host(), minus the inversion check.
# Work with variables in the match_host() scope, from
# http://stackoverflow.com/a/8178808
nonlocal glob
# Prepare a list of hosts to check against.
if target in self.users:
2017-08-28 20:13:25 -07:00
if not self.is_hostmask(glob):
for specialchar in '$:()':
# XXX: we should probably add proper rules on what's a valid account name
if specialchar in glob:
# Implicitly convert matches for *sane* account names to "$pylinkacc:accountname".
log.debug('(%s) Using target $pylinkacc:%s instead of raw string %r', self.name, glob, glob)
glob = '$pylinkacc:' + glob
if glob.startswith('$'):
# Exttargets start with $. Skip regular ban matching and find the matching ban handler.
glob = glob.lstrip('$')
exttargetname = glob.split(':', 1)[0]
handler = world.exttarget_handlers.get(exttargetname)
if handler:
# Handler exists. Return what it finds.
result = handler(self, glob, target)
log.debug('(%s) Got %s from exttarget %s in match_host() glob $%s for target %s',
self.name, result, exttargetname, glob, target)
return result
log.debug('(%s) Unknown exttarget %s in match_host() glob $%s', self.name,
exttargetname, glob)
return False
hosts = {self.get_hostmask(target)}
if ip:
hosts.add(self.get_hostmask(target, ip=True))
# HACK: support CIDR hosts in the hosts portion
header, cidrtarget = glob.split('@', 1)
# Try to parse the host portion as a CIDR range
network = ipaddress.ip_network(cidrtarget)
real_ip = self.users[target].ip
if ipaddress.ip_address(real_ip) in network:
# If the CIDR matches, hack around the host matcher by pretending that
# the lookup target was the IP and not the CIDR range!
glob = '@'.join((header, real_ip))
log.debug('(%s) Found matching CIDR %s for %s, replacing target glob with IP %s', self.name,
cidrtarget, target, real_ip)
except ValueError:
if realhost:
hosts.add(self.get_hostmask(target, realhost=True))
else: # We were given a host, use that.
hosts = [target]
# Iterate over the hosts to match using ircmatch.
for host in hosts:
if ircmatch.match(casemapping, glob, host):
return True
return False
result = match_host_core()
if invert:
result = not result
return result
def match_all(self, banmask, channel=None):
Returns all users matching the target hostmask/exttarget. Users can also be filtered by channel.
if channel:
banmask = "$and:(%s+$channel:%s)" % (banmask, channel)
for uid, userobj in self.users.copy().items():
if self.match_host(banmask, uid) and uid in self.users:
yield uid
def match_all_re(self, re_mask, channel=None):
Returns all users whose "nick!user@host [gecos]" mask matches the given regular expression. Users can also be filtered by channel.
regexp = re.compile(re_mask)
for uid, userobj in self.users.copy().items():
target = '%s [%s]' % (self.get_hostmask(uid), userobj.realname)
if regexp.fullmatch(target) and ((not channel) or channel in userobj.channels):
yield uid
2017-08-06 19:21:55 -07:00
def make_channel_ban(self, uid, ban_type='ban'):
"""Creates a hostmask-based ban for the given user.
Ban exceptions, invite exceptions quiets, and extbans are also supported by setting ban_type
to the appropriate PyLink named mode (e.g. "ban", "banexception", "invex", "quiet", "ban_nonick")."""
assert uid in self.users, "Unknown user %s" % uid
# FIXME: verify that this is a valid mask.
# XXX: support slicing hosts so things like *!ident@*.isp.net are possible. This is actually
# more annoying to do than it appears because of vHosts using /, IPv6 addresses
# (cloaked and uncloaked), etc.
ban_style = self.serverdata.get('ban_style') or conf.conf['pylink'].get('ban_style') or \
template = string.Template(ban_style)
banhost = template.safe_substitute(ban_style, **self.users[uid].__dict__)
2017-08-28 20:13:25 -07:00
assert self.is_hostmask(banhost), "Ban mask %r is not a valid hostmask!" % banhost
2017-08-06 19:21:55 -07:00
if ban_type in self.cmodes:
return ('+%s' % self.cmodes[ban_type], banhost)
elif ban_type in self.extbans_acting: # Handle extbans, which are generally "+b prefix:banmask"
return ('+%s' % self.cmodes['ban'], self.extbans_acting[ban_type]+banhost)
raise ValueError("ban_type %r is not available on IRCd %r" % (ban_type, self.protoname))
def updateTS(self, sender, channel, their_ts, modes=None):
Merges modes of a channel given the remote TS and a list of modes.
# Okay, so the situation is that we have 6 possible TS/sender combinations:
# | our TS lower | TS equal | their TS lower
# mode origin is us | OVERWRITE | MERGE | IGNORE
# mode origin is uplink | IGNORE | MERGE | OVERWRITE
if modes is None:
modes = []
def _clear():
log.debug("(%s) Clearing local modes from channel %s due to TS change", self.name,
for p in self._channels[channel].prefixmodes.values():
for user in p.copy():
if not self.is_internal_client(user):
def _apply():
if modes:
log.debug("(%s) Applying modes on channel %s (TS ok)", self.name,
self.apply_modes(channel, modes)
# Use a lock so only one thread can change a channel's TS at once: this prevents race
# conditions that would otherwise desync channel modes.
with self._ts_lock:
our_ts = self._channels[channel].ts
assert isinstance(our_ts, int), "Wrong type for our_ts (expected int, got %s)" % type(our_ts)
assert isinstance(their_ts, int), "Wrong type for their_ts (expected int, got %s)" % type(their_ts)
# Check if we're the mode sender based on the UID / SID given.
our_mode = self.is_internal_client(sender) or self.is_internal_server(sender)
log.debug("(%s/%s) our_ts: %s; their_ts: %s; is the mode origin us? %s", self.name,
channel, our_ts, their_ts, our_mode)
if their_ts == our_ts:
log.debug("(%s/%s) remote TS of %s is equal to our %s; mode query %s",
self.name, channel, their_ts, our_ts, modes)
# Their TS is equal to ours. Merge modes.
elif (their_ts < our_ts):
if their_ts < 750000:
log.warning('(%s) Possible desync? Not setting bogus TS %s on channel %s', self.name, their_ts, channel)
log.debug('(%s) Resetting channel TS of %s from %s to %s (remote has lower TS)',
self.name, channel, our_ts, their_ts)
self._channels[channel].ts = their_ts
# Remote TS was lower and we're receiving modes. Clear the modelist and apply theirs.
def _check_nick_collision(self, nick):
Nick collision checker.
uid = self.nick_to_uid(nick)
# If there is a nick collision, we simply alert plugins. Relay will purposely try to
# lose fights and tag nicks instead, while other plugins can choose how to handle this.
if uid:
log.info('(%s) Nick collision on %s/%s, forwarding this to plugins', self.name,
uid, nick)
self.call_hooks([self.sid, 'SAVE', {'target': uid}])
def _expandPUID(self, uid):
Returns the nick or server name for the given UID/SID. This method helps support protocol
modules that use PUIDs internally, as they must convert them to talk with the uplink.
log.debug('(%s) _expandPUID: got uid %s', self.name, uid)
# TODO: stop hardcoding @ as separator
if uid and '@' in uid:
if uid in self.users:
# UID exists and has a @ in it, meaning it's a PUID (orignick@counter style).
# Return this user's nick accordingly.
nick = self.users[uid].nick
log.debug('(%s) Mangling target PUID %s to nick %s', self.name, uid, nick)
return nick
elif uid in self.servers:
# Ditto for servers
sname = self.servers[uid].name
log.debug('(%s) Mangling target PSID %s to server name %s', self.name, uid, sname)
return sname
return uid # Regular UID, no change
utils._proto_utils_class = PyLinkNetworkCoreWithUtils # Used by compatibility wrappers
class IRCNetwork(PyLinkNetworkCoreWithUtils):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._queue = None
self._ping_timer = None
self._socket = None
self._selector_key = None
self._buffer = b''
self._reconnect_thread = None
self._queue_thread = None
def _init_vars(self, *args, **kwargs):
super()._init_vars(*args, **kwargs)
# Set IRC specific variables for ping checking and queuing
self.lastping = time.time()
self.pingfreq = self.serverdata.get('pingfreq') or 90
self.pingtimeout = self.pingfreq * 3
self.maxsendq = self.serverdata.get('maxsendq', 4096)
self._queue = queue.Queue(self.maxsendq)
def _schedule_ping(self):
"""Schedules periodic pings in a loop."""
if self._aborted.is_set():
self._ping_timer = threading.Timer(self.pingfreq, self._schedule_ping)
self._ping_timer.daemon = True
self._ping_timer.name = 'Ping timer loop for %s' % self.name
log.debug('(%s) Ping scheduled at %s', self.name, time.time())
def _log_connection_error(self, *args, **kwargs):
# Log connection errors to ERROR unless were shutting down (in which case,
# the given text goes to DEBUG).
if self._aborted.is_set() or world.shutting_down.is_set():
log.debug(*args, **kwargs)
log.error(*args, **kwargs)
def _connect(self):
Connects to the network.
2017-01-02 12:08:22 -08:00
ip = self.serverdata["ip"]
port = self.serverdata["port"]
checks_ok = True
# Set the socket type (IPv6 or IPv4).
stype = socket.AF_INET6 if self.serverdata.get("ipv6") else socket.AF_INET
# Creat the socket.
self._socket = socket.socket(stype)
# Set the socket bind if applicable.
if 'bindhost' in self.serverdata:
self._socket.bind((self.serverdata['bindhost'], 0))
# Resolve hostnames if it's not an IP address already.
old_ip = ip
ip = socket.getaddrinfo(ip, port, stype)[0][-1][0]
log.debug('(%s) Resolving address %s to %s', self.name, old_ip, ip)
# Enable SSL if set to do so.
self.ssl = self.serverdata.get('ssl')
if self.ssl:
log.info('(%s) Attempting SSL for this connection...', self.name)
certfile = self.serverdata.get('ssl_certfile')
keyfile = self.serverdata.get('ssl_keyfile')
context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23)
# Disable SSLv2 and SSLv3 - these are insecure
context.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2
context.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3
# Cert and key files are optional, load them if specified.
if certfile and keyfile:
context.load_cert_chain(certfile, keyfile)
except OSError:
log.exception('(%s) Caught OSError trying to '
'initialize the SSL connection; '
'are "ssl_certfile" and '
'"ssl_keyfile" set correctly?',
checks_ok = False
self._socket = context.wrap_socket(self._socket)
log.info("Connecting to network %r on %s:%s", self.name, ip, port)
# Use a lower timeout for the initial connect.
self._socket.connect((ip, port))
except (ssl.SSLError, OSError):
if world.shutting_down.is_set():
log.exception('Unable to connect to network %r', self.name)
if self not in world.networkobjects.values():
log.debug("(%s) _connect: disconnecting socket %s as the network was removed",
self.name, self._socket)
# Make sure future reads never block, since select doesn't always guarantee this.
self._selector_key = selectdriver.register(self)
# If SSL was enabled, optionally verify the certificate
# fingerprint for some added security. I don't bother to check
# the entire certificate for validity, since most IRC networks
# self-sign their certificates anyways.
if self.ssl and checks_ok:
peercert = self._socket.getpeercert(binary_form=True)
# Hash type is configurable using the ssl_fingerprint_type
# value, and defaults to sha256.
hashtype = self.serverdata.get('ssl_fingerprint_type', 'sha256').lower()
hashfunc = getattr(hashlib, hashtype)
except AttributeError:
log.error('(%s) Unsupported SSL certificate fingerprint type %r given, disconnecting...',
self.name, hashtype)
checks_ok = False
fp = hashfunc(peercert).hexdigest()
expected_fp = self.serverdata.get('ssl_fingerprint')
if expected_fp and checks_ok:
if fp != expected_fp:
# SSL Fingerprint doesn't match; break.
log.error('(%s) Uplink\'s SSL certificate '
'fingerprint (%s) does not match the '
'one configured: expected %r, got %r; '
'disconnecting...', self.name, hashtype,
expected_fp, fp)
checks_ok = False
log.info('(%s) Uplink SSL certificate fingerprint '
'(%s) verified: %r', self.name, hashtype,
log.info('(%s) Uplink\'s SSL certificate fingerprint (%s) '
'is %r. You can enhance the security of your '
'link by specifying this in a "ssl_fingerprint"'
' option in your server block.', self.name,
hashtype, fp)
if checks_ok:
self._queue_thread = threading.Thread(name="Queue thread for %s" % self.name,
target=self._process_queue, daemon=True)
self.sid = self.serverdata.get("sid")
# All our checks passed, get the protocol module to connect and run the listen
# loop. This also updates any SID values should the protocol module do so.
log.info('(%s) Enumerating our own SID %s', self.name, self.sid)
host = self.hostname()
self.servers[self.sid] = Server(self, None, host, internal=True,
or conf.conf['pylink']['serverdesc'])
log.info('(%s) Starting ping schedulers....', self.name)
log.info('(%s) Server ready; listening for data.', self.name)
self.autoconnect_active_multiplier = 1 # Reset any extra autoconnect delays
else: # Configuration error :(
log.error('(%s) A configuration error was encountered '
'trying to set up this connection. Please check'
' your configuration file and try again.',
# _run_irc() or the protocol module it called raised an exception, meaning we've disconnected!
# Note: socket.error, ConnectionError, IOError, etc. are included in OSError since Python 3.3,
# so we don't need to explicitly catch them here.
# We also catch SystemExit here as a way to abort out connection threads properly, and stop the
# IRC connection from freezing instead.
except (OSError, RuntimeError, SystemExit) as e:
self._log_connection_error('(%s) Disconnected from IRC:', self.name, exc_info=True)
if not self._aborted.is_set():
def connect(self):
Starts a thread to connect the network.
connect_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._connect, daemon=True,
name="Connect thread for %s" %
def disconnect(self):
"""Handle disconnects from the remote server."""
if self._aborted.is_set():
# Stop the queue thread.
if self._queue is not None:
# XXX: queue.Queue.queue isn't actually documented, so this is probably not reliable in the long run.
with self._queue.mutex:
self._queue.queue[0] = None
except IndexError:
if self._socket is not None:
except KeyError:
log.debug('(%s) disconnect: shutting down read half of socket %s', self.name, self._socket)
log.debug('(%s) Error on socket shutdown:', self.name, exc_info=True)
log.debug('(%s) disconnect: waiting for write half of socket %s to shutdown', self.name, self._socket)
# Wait for the write half to shut down when applicable.
if self._queue_thread is None or self._aborted_send.wait(10):
log.debug('(%s) disconnect: closing socket %s', self.name, self._socket)
# Stop the ping timer.
if self._ping_timer:
log.debug('(%s) Canceling pingTimer at %s due to disconnect() call', self.name, time.time())
self._buffer = b''
# Clear old sockets.
self._socket = None
def _start_reconnect(self):
"""Schedules a reconnection to the network."""
def _reconnect():
# _run_autoconnect() will block and return True after the autoconnect
# delay has passed, if autoconnect is disabled. We do not want it to
# block whatever is calling disconnect() though, so we run it in a new
# thread.
if self._run_autoconnect():
if self not in world.networkobjects.values():
log.debug('(%s) _start_reconnect: Stopping reconnect timer as the network was removed', self.name)
elif self._reconnect_thread is None or not self._reconnect_thread.is_alive():
self._reconnect_thread = threading.Thread(target=_reconnect, name="Reconnecting network %s" % self.name)
log.debug('(%s) Ignoring attempt to reschedule reconnect as one is in progress.', self.name)
def handle_events(self, line):
raise NotImplementedError
def parse_irc_command(self, line):
"""Sends a command to the protocol module."""
log.debug("(%s) <- %s", self.name, line)
hook_args = self.handle_events(line)
except Exception:
log.exception('(%s) Caught error in handle_events, disconnecting!', self.name)
log.error('(%s) The offending line was: <- %s', self.name, line)
# Only call our hooks if there's data to process. Handlers that support
# hooks will return a dict of parsed arguments, which can be passed on
# to plugins and the like. For example, the JOIN handler will return
# something like: {'channel': '#whatever', 'users': ['UID1', 'UID2',
# 'UID3']}, etc.
if hook_args is not None:
return hook_args
def _run_irc(self):
Message handler, called when select() has data to read.
data = b''
data = self._socket.recv(2048)
except (BlockingIOError, ssl.SSLWantReadError, ssl.SSLWantWriteError):
log.debug('(%s) No data to read, trying again later...', self.name, exc_info=True)
except OSError:
# Suppress socket read warnings from lingering recv() calls if
# we've been told to shutdown.
if self._aborted.is_set():
self._buffer += data
if not data:
self._log_connection_error('(%s) Connection lost, disconnecting.', self.name)
elif (time.time() - self.lastping) > self.pingtimeout:
self._log_connection_error('(%s) Connection timed out.', self.name)
while b'\n' in self._buffer:
line, self._buffer = self._buffer.split(b'\n', 1)
line = line.strip(b'\r')
line = line.decode(self.encoding, "replace")
def _send(self, data):
"""Sends raw text to the uplink server."""
if self._aborted.is_set():
log.debug("(%s) Not sending message %r since the connection is dead", self.name, data)
# Safeguard against newlines in input!! Otherwise, each line gets
# treated as a separate command, which is particularly nasty.
data = data.replace('\n', ' ')
encoded_data = data.encode(self.encoding, 'replace')
if self.S2S_BUFSIZE > 0: # Apply message cutoff as needed
encoded_data = encoded_data[:self.S2S_BUFSIZE]
encoded_data += b"\r\n"
log.debug("(%s) -> %s", self.name, data)
log.exception("(%s) Failed to send message %r; aborting!", self.name, data)
def send(self, data, queue=True):
"""send() wrapper with optional queueing support."""
if self._aborted.is_set():
log.debug('(%s) refusing to queue data %r as self._aborted is set', self.name, data)
if queue:
# XXX: we don't really know how to handle blocking queues yet, so
# it's better to not expose that yet.
def _process_queue(self):
"""Loop to process outgoing queue data."""
while True:
throttle_time = self.serverdata.get('throttle_time', 0.005)
if not self._aborted.wait(throttle_time):
data = self._queue.get()
if data is None:
log.debug('(%s) Stopping queue thread due to getting None as item', self.name)
elif self not in world.networkobjects.values():
log.debug('(%s) Stopping stale queue thread; no longer matches world.networkobjects', self.name)
elif self._aborted.is_set():
# The _aborted flag may have changed while we were waiting for an item,
# so check for it again.
log.debug('(%s) Stopping queue thread since the connection is dead', self.name)
elif data:
# Once we're done here, shut down the write part of the socket.
if self._socket:
log.debug('(%s) _process_queue: shutting down write half of socket %s', self.name, self._socket)
Irc = IRCNetwork
class Server():
"""PyLink IRC server class.
irc: the protocol/network object this Server instance is attached to.
uplink: The SID of this Server instance's uplink. This is set to None
for **both** the main PyLink server and our uplink.
name: The name of the server.
internal: Boolean, whether the server is an internal PyLink server.
desc: Sets the server description if relevant.
def __init__(self, irc, uplink, name, internal=False, desc="(None given)"):
self.uplink = uplink
self.users = set()
self.internal = internal
self.name = name.lower()
self.desc = desc
self._irc = irc
2017-09-23 22:35:55 -07:00
assert uplink is None or uplink in self._irc.servers, "Unknown uplink %s" % uplink
if uplink is None:
self.hopcount = 1
self.hopcount = self._irc.servers[uplink].hopcount + 1
# Has the server finished bursting yet?
self.has_eob = False
def __repr__(self):
return 'Server(%s)' % self.name
IrcServer = Server
class Channel(structures.CamelCaseToSnakeCase, structures.CopyWrapper):
"""PyLink IRC channel class."""
2017-06-30 21:34:08 -07:00
def __init__(self, irc, name=None):
# Initialize variables, such as the topic, user list, TS, who's opped, etc.
self.users = set()
self.modes = set()
self.topic = ''
self.ts = int(time.time())
self.prefixmodes = {'op': set(), 'halfop': set(), 'voice': set(),
'owner': set(), 'admin': set()}
self._irc = irc
# Determines whether a topic has been set here or not. Protocol modules
# should set this.
self.topicset = False
# Saves the channel name (may be useful to plugins, etc.)
self.name = name
def __repr__(self):
return 'Channel(%s)' % self.name
2017-06-30 21:34:08 -07:00
def remove_user(self, target):
"""Removes a user from a channel."""
for s in self.prefixmodes.values():
2017-06-30 21:34:08 -07:00
removeuser = remove_user
2017-06-30 21:34:08 -07:00
def is_voice(self, uid):
"""Returns whether the given user is voice in the channel."""
return uid in self.prefixmodes['voice']
2017-06-30 21:34:08 -07:00
def is_halfop(self, uid):
"""Returns whether the given user is halfop in the channel."""
return uid in self.prefixmodes['halfop']
2017-06-30 21:34:08 -07:00
def is_op(self, uid):
"""Returns whether the given user is op in the channel."""
return uid in self.prefixmodes['op']
2017-06-30 21:34:08 -07:00
def is_admin(self, uid):
"""Returns whether the given user is admin (&) in the channel."""
return uid in self.prefixmodes['admin']
2017-06-30 21:34:08 -07:00
def is_owner(self, uid):
"""Returns whether the given user is owner (~) in the channel."""
return uid in self.prefixmodes['owner']
2017-06-30 21:34:08 -07:00
def is_voice_plus(self, uid):
"""Returns whether the given user is voice or above in the channel."""
# If the user has any prefix mode, it has to be voice or greater.
return bool(self.getPrefixModes(uid))
2017-06-30 21:34:08 -07:00
def is_halfop_plus(self, uid):
"""Returns whether the given user is halfop or above in the channel."""
for mode in ('halfop', 'op', 'admin', 'owner'):
if uid in self.prefixmodes[mode]:
return True
return False
2017-06-30 21:34:08 -07:00
def is_op_plus(self, uid):
"""Returns whether the given user is op or above in the channel."""
for mode in ('op', 'admin', 'owner'):
if uid in self.prefixmodes[mode]:
return True
return False
2017-06-30 21:34:08 -07:00
def sort_prefixes(key):
Returns a numeric value for a named prefix mode: higher ranks have lower values
(sorted first), and lower ranks have higher values (sorted last).
This function essentially implements a sorted() key function for named prefix modes.
values = {'owner': 0, 'admin': 100, 'op': 200, 'halfop': 300, 'voice': 500}
# Default to highest value (1000) for unknown modes, should they appear.
return values.get(key, 1000)
2017-06-30 21:34:08 -07:00
def get_prefix_modes(self, uid, prefixmodes=None):
Returns a list of all named prefix modes the user has in the channel, in
decreasing order from owner to voice.
Optionally, a prefixmodes argument can be given to look at an earlier state of
the channel's prefix modes mapping, e.g. for checking the op status of a mode
setter before their modes are processed and added to the channel state.
if uid not in self.users:
raise KeyError("User %s does not exist or is not in the channel" % uid)
result = []
prefixmodes = prefixmodes or self.prefixmodes
for mode, modelist in prefixmodes.items():
if uid in modelist:
return sorted(result, key=self.sort_prefixes)
IrcChannel = Channel
class PUIDGenerator():
Pseudo UID Generator module, using a prefix and a simple counter.
def __init__(self, prefix, start=0):
self.prefix = prefix
self.counter = start
def next_uid(self, prefix=''):
Generates the next PUID.
uid = '%s@%s' % (prefix or self.prefix, self.counter)
self.counter += 1
return uid
next_sid = next_uid